Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Nov 19, 2005


"Put your hands up before I blow a hole in your head." Those were the words swimming through my mind as Seth and I were left inside a classroom. "What the hell is going on?" Seth asked me. He was genuinely fearful. "Just another day at Falcon Eyes," I said sarcastically. "Oh, so I guess you guys get Columbine shit here all the time, huh?" He asked with a hint of anger. "Okay, so it's not another day at Falcon Eyes," I said with a shrug. "How can you make a joke at a time like this?" Seth asked in shock. "I mean we were just held up at gunpoint and now we are in a classroom." "I'm Scared, that's why," I yelled out. "This is the only way I can deal with this. I am still in shock." "Well, on a different note," Seth said. "Did you like the kiss?" I looked at him in shock. "Okay, answer that later." ********************************************************** "Oh my god," Matt said beside Luke. He was watching Larry. "Calm down," Luke commanded. He knew that he had to protect Matt no matter their history. It's how it all worked. "Here's how this is gonna go down," Larry said. "I don't want everyone in this school. I only want a select few." "Tell me this isn't happening," Nicole said as she hugged Anthony. No matter what problems they were having she wanted her boyfriend to protect her. "It's happening babe," He said. Anthony didn't want to admit it but he was more than a little nervous. He recognized Larry from freshman year. He knew that Mikey should too. They had done something awful back then. "Could Anthony Squillini, Nicole Yeager, Aaron Lamphere, Michael Jusino, Mary Porter, and Julieanne Greer please come down to the front please?" Larry asked calmly. They slowly made their way down to the front. Julieanne was visibly shaken and clutching Mikey for dear life. The guy who had Seth and I held captive shoved us into the gym. "Oh my god," Matt and Luke said at the same time. We stood in line with the others. "The rest of the students may go but leave in a calm and collected manner or I may be force to shoot you in the back of your heads," Larry said. He was calm but his voice and words struck fear in our hearts. We watched as our fellow Falcons flew the coup slowly but quickly at the same time. Luke flashed me a helpless glance. I smiled at him. Larry looked at Seth. "Who the hell are you?" "I'm Seth Jones," Seth said firmly. He refused to let Larry see he was afraid. The others heads whirled around. "I don't know you so get the hell out of here," He said to him. Seth wasted no time leaving but I had the eyes of all my friends and Nicole (I really didn't wanna call her a friend of mine) on me. "This one refuses to leave," A girl spoke up. I looked to see that she had Rusty by the arm. "What are you gonna do them?" He demanded of Larry. Larry smiled. "Are you gonna kill them?" "Maybe, Maybe not," He said. "Since you wanna know what happens, join us." Rusty walked over beside me. I was afraid of what was gonna happen. I didn't know these kids. Why did they choose me out of all the people in school? Why did they choose my friends? "So should we separate them?"  Bruce asked Larry in a whisper. "In a few," Larry replied. He turned to us. "We are bout to have some fun guys. Lighten up." He flashed an evil smile. *************************************************************** "I thought you were dead," Matt said as he saw Seth coming out the building. "I'm fine," Seth said following Matt to the crowd of Students and now worried parents. "What were you doing with Dane?" Matt asked. Seth shook his head. "No, tell me." "I was trying to get close to him," Seth said simply. "Did you succeed?" Matt asked curiously. "That and more," Seth said smiling mischievously. "Wha...?" Matt asked but Seth stopped him. "All apart of the plan," He said. "A plan that may be ruin if Dane is killed inside of that gym," Matt said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Good point," Seth said thoughtfully. "Boy we really walked into something here, huh?" "You can say that again," Matt said nervously.

"You two were inside of the school when the shooters came into the gym?" A police officer asked Chris and Trey. "Yes, sir," Chris said. "My name is Chris Evans and this is my brother Trey Evans." "What is your age and grade?" The officer asked. "I'm 16 and I am in tenth grade," Trey said. "I'm 17 and in the 11th," Chris replied. "Tell me all that happened while you were inside the school," The police officer said. Trey knew Chris was worried about me so he answered. "A group of kids came inside the gym with guns and they started shooting," He answered. "Then they told us that they didn't want all the students. They only wanted a select few." 'How many is a group, son?" The officer asked. "More than 10, sir," Trey answered. The police officer paled. "Shit," He cursed. "Um..Okay, I am gonna need the names of the students that are being held hostage and if you know the shooters names that will be helpful." "Yes sir," Chris said following the officer. *************************************************************** "So what's your name?" Larry asked me. "D-Dane," I stammered. "Dane Martinez." "Yeah, you play basketball, right?" Larry asked me. I nodded. "Well, sit back and enjoy the nice little talk," He said patting me on my head as if I were a dog. "What do you want with us?" Aaron asked. He was fiddling with his thumbs a key sign that he was nervous. "I want you all to remember what you did to me," Larry said. "To us all." He looked at Anthony. "Especially you." He walked over to his group of "thugs" and they whispered to themselves. "Are you Okay?" Rusty asked me as he sat beside me. I smiled. "Aside from the fact that I have a bunch of people with guns holding me hostage, I'm good," I said with a laugh. "You got me to protect you," He whispered. It was funny. I felt a connection with a kid that only just met. Go figure. "Dane...Was Seth the same guy that tried to...?" Julieanne began. "Shut up," I hissed. "Dane..." She said hurt. "Um...Excuse me," I called out to Larry. "Could I be moved cause I rather not sit here beside...her." Mikey flashed me an ugly glare that I returned. "No need to move," Larry said. "We are splitting you all up." "What?" Mikey asked. "We are splitting you up," Larry said slowly. "God, I didn't know Mexicans were deaf." "I'm Puerto Rican," Mikey muttered. Bruce walked over and grabbed Nicole. "You're with me, sexy," He said as she struggled to break free. "Let go of me," She said anxiously. "Get off of her," Anthony said jumping up. Larry pointed the gun at him.

"You know I will do it," He said finger on the trigger. I realized that I wasn't breathing and I let my breath out. Anthony slowly sat back down. "Have some fun with her." Nicole screamed as Bruce drug her out of the gym. I almost felt bad for her. Almost. "Mel," Larry said to a girl. She stepped up beside him. She looked nervous. Like she almost regretted this. Julieanne was nervous now and gripped both Mikey and Aaron's hand. "Get up," Melanie commanded. Julieanne slowly got up. "Please..." Julieanne said softly but Melanie held her hand up. "Get up," She said again to Aaron. Aaron was slightly ruffled as a girl was ordering him around. "Walk." She pushed Aaron and he led them out of the gym. "Go with her," Larry said to two other gunmen. "Nothing like a woman scorned." Mikey looked on helplessly after his girlfriend. "I have to pee," I said to him. I was not so much nervous now. I was mad. How the hell did I get chosen for something like this? "Hold it," Larry said. "Now you four.... You guys are with me." Mikey, Anthony, Rusty, and I all looked at one another. ***************************************************************

"Dane! Dane!" Mom said as she pushed through the crowd. "Where is my son? WHERE THE HELL IS MY GODDAMN SON!"

"Ms. Martinez?" Luke said cautiously approaching my mom. Salina and Terry caught up to mom. "Luke?" She asked. She barely remembered him. They had only met twice. "Yes Ma'am," He said offering a smile. "I am so sorry." "What is going on?" She asked him. "I heard there were terrorist at the school." "Not exactly terrorist," Luke said although they could be classified as such. "Some students took the school under siege." "Oh my god," Mom said shaking her head. She looked around. "Well...Where is Dane?" "I'm sorry," Luke said looking down. Mom knew something was up. "He is inside isn't he," She said softly. Luke nodded. "I am so sorry," He said as she pulled him into a hug. She grabbed my sister who was crying softly. "It's gonna be okay," She said with a sigh. She had to be strong. "Everything is gonna be okay." Terry smiled to himself. "With Dane out of the way, I can marry her and not worry about him meddling in my plans for her," Terry thought to himself.

Chris and Trey sat down on the ground. They weren't leaving. Nobody planned to leave. "I don't think we are in Kansas anymore, ToTo," Chris quipped. "Far from it," Trey muttered. He was worried about Nicole. She wasn't his girlfriend but he really liked her. "She is gonna be okay, you know," Chris said reading his brother's mind. "How do you do that?" Trey asked amazed. Chris smiled. "I'm psychic," Chris said with a shrug. "Telepathic," Trey offered. "That's what I said," Chris said pushing his brother. "Dane's gonna be okay too, you know?"  He asked his brother. "How did you..." "I see how you look at him," Trey said. "You care a lot about him." "I do," Chris admitted. "He just is so innocent. He is pure. He saw me for me and didn't get caught up in that whole school rivalry shit. I just never thought I would be this way." "In love with a guy?" Trey asked. Chris gave him a funny look. "No...I don't mean it like that. I have no problem with the way you are. I am just saying what you are thinking." "Does that mean I am sick for liking a guy?" Chris asked. "No more sicker than me for liking a girl," Trey said. "A girl with a boyfriend at that." "If it's meant to be then it will be, Trey," Chris said. "However, Dane and I, I don't think are meant to be." "Why do you say that?" Trey asked confused. "I think he may love someone else," Chris said sadly. He got up and walked away. Trey knew his brother was sad. Trey also suspected that I liked Anthony. "Don't worry, bro," He said to himself. "If it is meant to be then it will be." *************************************************************** Melanie sat looking at Aaron and Julieanne. Julieanne shot Melanie a dirty look. "You are really sick you know that," She said shaking her head. "I am also the one with the gun," Melanie retorted tiredly. She knew that she was in trouble. "Melanie why are you doing this?" Aaron asked softly. "This isn't like you." "You don't even know me," She said bitterly. "You are too busy banging some slut to even notice me." Suddenly, Julieanne had a revelation. "You like him don't you?" She asked her. Aaron and Melanie both gasped in shock. Melanie chose not to answer. "Just sit there and shut up while I think of what I am gonna do," She said. *************************************************************** "You have such pretty skin," Bruce said to Nicole as they sat in the music room. "How did you get to be so beautiful." "I didn't talk to weirdoes like you," She said sarcastically. Bruce chuckled. "That would be funny if I weren't holding the gun," He countered. "What do you want with me?" She asked him. "Why did you choose me?" "I want you, Nicole," he said walking over to her. "Would you be my girlfriend?" "Girlfriend?" She said as she tried to choke her laugh. "I have a wonderful boyfriend named Anthony. He is a star basketball player." "Wonderful isn't a word I was used to describe him," Bruce said with a scoff. "Maybe cold and heartless. But not wonderful. After all, Anthony is the reason why Larry is doing this." "What are you talking about?" Nicole asked confused. "You really don't know do you?" He asked her amazed. "Know what?" She demanded. "What's to know?" Bruce smiled. "What I am about to tell you is gonna shatter your perception of your wonderful boyfriend," He said and Nicole had a feeling that something very bad was to come. *************************************************************** "Your gay?" Mikey asked me as me and him sat on one side of the gym. "Lower your damn voice," I hissed out. Anthony and Rusty were on the other side but I still feared they might hear him. "They can't hear me," Mikey said. "I can't believe this." "What do you have a problem with?" I asked him directly. I really didn't wanna discuss this. I was more concerned with the fact that I may die in here. "The fact that I am gay or the fact that I didn't tell you. Huh Mikey?" "Both," He said and that hurt me. I always viewed him as a pretty cool guy to be around. "I don't think I can hang around a gay guy. You might try something or look at me." That really set me off. "You know once in the shower I did look at you but it really isn't that big so I don't think you have to worry about me trying anything with you," I said bitterly. He blushed. "Let's hope that you have other ways of pleasing your lady or Jules is in trouble." "You fucking..." "I guess since you are short why should anything else on you be any bigger," I said cutting him off at the knees. He fumed in anger.

"Why do I get the feeling you don't like me?" Rusty asked Anthony as they sat together. "Because I don't," Anthony said simply. Rusty looked at him. "I have been here a day," He said in shock. "What the hell did I do?" "You are talking to the person that I..." Anthony caught himself. "That you what?" Rusty demanded. "Forget it," Anthony said putting his guard back up. Rusty was about to say something but one of the shooters walked back up to them. "Get up and go have a seat on the bleachers," He commanded. They followed suit and sat beside Mikey and I. Mikey and Rusty had some unspoken communication and chose to swap places with the other so Mikey wouldn't have to sit beside me and Rusty near Anthony. "Dane and Rusty I know you would love to know why you two are here. Am I right?" Larry asked us. We both nodded. "Well, I want you to learn the truth about your friends Mikey and Anthony." "He's not my friend," Rusty and I said in unison as we sat looking over to our new enemy. Mikey gasped. "Oh my god!" He said aloud. He knew what this was about. "Oh, it's dawning on you now, huh?" Larry asked with venom in his voice. "I should shoot you both now but I want these two fine students here to know the truth." "And what is the truth?" I asked him. He looked over at me. "Anthony why don't you tell him what happened to make me hate you and Michael," He said a smile creeping on his face. "To make me hold you and the people you hold close hostage. And make it good or I will blow a hole in your head." Anthony took a deep breath. "It started in freshman year," He said taking a deep breath. *************************************************************** Flashback "I am not gay," Larry said tears running down his face. Anthony, at the time 15, and Mikey, at the time 14, stood with a bunch of jocks in the woods behind Falcon with Larry in the circle. "You were looking at my dick in the locker room," Anthony said angrily. "I...I don't know why I was looking," Larry said fearful. "I just was. But I am not gay. I swear." And that was the truth. He may have never had a girlfriend or anything but he knew he was gay. He liked Julieanne. "You are not gay and you were looking at his dick but you don't know why?" Mikey asked as the group of guys laughed. "Something is not making sense here, Larry, dude." "You are a faggot," Anthony said stepping towards Larry. "And we don't like Faggots here in Harmony." "What are you going to do to me?" Larry asked. They had beaten him up. "Kill me?" "We aren't murders," Anthony said looking at Mikey. They really didn't want to do this. But they had appearances to keep up. "But when we get through with you, you'll wish that you were a dead faggot." "I'm sorry," Larry said fearful. "Shh!" Mikey said as the boys closed in around the pathetic boy. "Let's not make this harder than it has to be." *************************************************************** "Oh my god," I said hand covering my mouth. "Oh my god." It beared repeating. "Dane," Anthony said trying to grab me but I pulled away. Mikey looked down ashamed. "Don't touch me," I said to him. "You are pathetic. Sick." "That was two years ago," He said to me. "I made a mistake." "You beat the shit out of a kid because you thought he was gay," Rusty said disgusted. "How was that a mistake?" "I wasn't fucking talking to you!" Anthony said trying to keep his cool. "Dane! Please believe me." "Why do you care if I believe you?" I asked him quietly. "Because I...You're my friend," He said to me. "I was," I said turning away. I went and stood by Rusty. "Larry, I am sorry for what Anthony and Mikey did too you." "No need to apologize, Dane," Larry said with a smile. "I just wanted you to hear what happened to me. Now I want my vengeance." He pointed the gun at Anthony. "What are you doing?" He asked him. "You may not be a killer but I can be one," He said finger on the trigger. "Dane. Rusty. You two are free to go unless you wanna stay and watch." "Come on," Rusty said pulling on my arm. "Good-bye Anthony," Larry said. "No," I said tackling Larry. I shocked everyone including Anthony. Mikey knocked the gun out of one of the guardsmen hand while another guard grabbed me. I pushed him off me and Rusty knocked him out with a punch. "Why?" Larry asked in tears. "Why couldn't you let me have my revenge." "Two wrongs don't make a right," I said to him. "What they did to you was wrong but it doesn't constitute you holding us hostage just to kill them." "He's right," Rusty said to Larry. "Now call off your guys so we can get this over with." "I can't," Larry said. "What?" I asked him. "You're the ringleader. What do you mean you can't?" "This may have been my idea but they are all driven by their pain and anger," Larry said. And then a psychotic smile appeared on his face. "This is far from over." He pulled a remote out of his hand. "Shit!" Rusty said. We all knew what it was. "In 15 minutes the school goes kaboom!" He said laughing.  The other boys laughed too. "We're fucked," I said looking at the other three. *************************************************************** "Don't shoot her," Aaron said as Melanie held the gun to Julieanne's head. The other guards held Him. "If I do this, we can be together," She said. "You want be dating her anymore and you can date me." "You think that I am dating her?" He asked Melanie. He started laughing. "What is so funny?" Julieanne demanded. "She is about to kill me and you are laughing." "I don't see anything funny," Melanie said upset that Aaron was laughing at her. "You will...when...I expl...explain it to you," He said trying to get his laugh under control. "See you...You think....You think that....Oh my god this is funny." Julieanne caught on. "I am not dating Aaron," She said as Aaron continued laughing. "What?" Melanie asked. "I date Mikey Jusino," Julieanne said. "You know him? He is kinda short but he is a hot Puerto Rican guy. And a sweetheart at that." "So you never Dated Aaron?" Melanie asked confused. Julieanne shook her head. "Nope," She said and Melanie stepped back. "I feel so stupid," She said looking down and blushing. "You should," Aaron said as he stopped laughing. "She still has a gun, dumbass," Julieanne said. She looked over at Melanie. "Sure you wanna like a guy as dumb as him?" She saw a smile appear on Mel's face. "Can I have the gun?" Melanie handed her the gun. The guards let Aaron go. "Yeah back up off me," He said shooting them glares. One of the guards took what look like a remote that was flashing red. "Oh he didn't," Melanie said with a gasp. "Afraid so," The guy said. "Eight minutes to detonation." ************************************************************** "We have gotta find Nicole," Anthony said as we rushed out of the gym. Rusty and Mikey were watching the Larry and the others. "Nobody cares about her right now," I said angrily. "Dane..." He said grabbing my arm. "I wanted to say thanks." "You don't need to thank me," I said and he thought I wasn't mad at him. "I couldn't let him become a murderer because of your shit. " I pushed passed him. I walked right into the path of two boys. "Hey," One of them said. It was the same one who caught Seth and me. "Please," I said putting my hands up. "I know that this is your revenge but Larry detonated the bomb. Help us. Please." They looked at one another. "Come on," He said leading me towards where I hoped the bomb was. I looked back to see Anthony heading to find Nicole. It hurt me that he could do something like that to Larry but even more that he left me alone. "I hate him," I said to myself. I would make myself hate him. ******************************************************** "Get off of me," Nicole said as Bruce tried to force himself on her. "Come one just a little kiss," He said driven by lust. Nicole pushed him off of her. "No!" She said forcefully. "I love my boyfriend." "Even after what he did to Larry?" He asked her. Nicole nodded. "Yes," She said. That proved to her that Anthony couldn't be gay. "Well if I can't have you," Bruce said pointing the gun at her. "No one can." Nicole gasped. Bruce pulled the trigger just as Anthony barged in and tackled him. The bullet grazed her arm. "Anthony! She cried out. She held her arm but she was concerned with her boyfriend. Anthony struggled to get the gun away from Bruce but Bruce was bigger and stronger. "Bang," Bruce said pointing the gun at Anthony. Nicole slammed him across the head with a chair. He hit the ground. "Anthony," She said hugging him. He noticed her arm was bleeding. "Are you okay?" He asked her. "It's just a scratch," She said looking down. "I'm okay as long as you are." Anthony smiled. He knew he screwed things up with me. He decided to focus completely on his girlfriend. "I love you, Nic," He said and kissed her. *************************************************************** "Dane!" Julieanne said hugging me as we made it to a chemistry class where the bomb was. "I'm okay," I said pushing her away. I was still mad more so because of Mikey even though it wasn't her fault. "Can you defuse it, Allen?" Melanie asked the boy. He looked unsure. "I hope so in a minute and a half," He said as he looked through the wires. "Maybe we should get out of here," Aaron said. Julieanne shook her head. "Mikey and Nicole are still here," Julieanne said. "We have to find them." "In a 51 seconds?" I asked her in disbelief. "God, Julieanne shut up." "Dane," Aaron said confused. "She's gonna blow," I said with a glance on the clock. 15 seconds....8 seconds...5 seconds. "I think I got it," Allen said cutting a wire. On one second left, the bomb stopped. "It's over," Melanie said. "Thank god," I said with a sigh. *************************************************************** Life in Harmony changed after the shooting. Two weeks after, we were allowed back in school but there were metal detectors everywhere. A more dramatic change came apart in my life. I had begun to start having sex with Seth on a regular. I stopped hanging around Anthony, Nicole, Mikey, and Julieanne. Luke seemed to have a problem with Seth and his friend Matt. My life at Falcon Eyes was slowly spiraling out of control and I couldn't stop it. ***************************************************************

This brings the end of the Shooting two-parter. If you have any thoughts of harming yourself or others, then please do not act on these thoughts. Get help from somebody. Help is there so just take it. In episode ten, Anthony and Nicole attempts to get back on track are hindered by Trey. Luke notices a change in Matt that centers on Dane and Seth. Julieanne tries to get Dane to forgive her. Mikey doesn't want Julieanne to learn about his past actions concerning Larry.  Meanwhile, Seth and Dane's relationship drives him to the wild side and leads to repercussions. Feedback for this story is greatly appreciated.

Episode Ten: Like Kings

"Dane!" Aaron called out as I was walking down the hallway with Matt and Seth. I turned around. "Yeah?" I asked irritably. Seth pushed Matt and they continued walking. "Why are you hanging with that guy?" He asked me. "He did rape you after all." "Tried to," I corrected. "Besides, I am over that and I don't care anymore. Is there a reason why you are wasting my time or am I just that unlucky?" "Dane, what the fuck is your problem?" He asked me. "Is this because of the shooting? Do you need to talk to someone?" "No, I don't Aaron," I yelled. "What is it?" "I wanted to see if you wanted to hang with us today at the coffee shop," He said with a sigh. "Would I consist of the slut Nicole, the homophobe Anthony. Traitor Julieanne, and the midget Mikey?" I asked him.

"Dane, they are your friends," Aaron said in disbelief. "Were," I said with a firm tone. "I outgrew them." "So what am I now?" He asked me. I sighed. "I don't know," I said looking down. True was, I really wasn't mad at Aaron. "So come hang with us and maybe we can talk," Aaron said hopefully. "I don't know," I repeated. "Maybe. I need to catch up with Matt and Seth so I will see you later." I walked off. "What the hell is going on with you, Dane?" He asked himself. ***************************************************************

Next: Chapter 11

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