Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Mar 3, 2023


Episode 15: Bienvenido A Mi Vida (Season Finale pt.1)

"You're asking me to take a pregnancy test?" Nicole asked him as they stood outside the hospital room.

"I just need to know are you really pregnant," Anthony said to her. Nicole was really nervous.

"I can't believe this," Nicole said trying to think of something. "Nicole, if you really are pregnant then you shouldn't have a problem taking this test," Anthony said to her. Nicole looked up at him. "If I am you're girlfriend then I should have to take this test," Nicole said to him. "But...I will take it. When I feel like it."

"Sometime in the next day or two would be nice," Anthony said as she snatched out his hand. "That's all I need," She said to herself. Chris, Luke, Matt, and I all walked out the room. "Julieanne fell asleep," I said to them both. "We just decided to leave and get ready for our trips?" "Trips?" Anthony asked us. "Where are you all going?" "Matt and I are gonna go hang in Malibu for the weekend," Luke said. "And I invited Dane to come see my part of town in harmony," Chris said. Anthony looked at me and then back at Chris. "That's not a good idea," He said to me. Chris laughed. "And why not?" He asked her. "I think I can protect Dane from a few idiots." "How you gonna protect Dane from a few idiots when you gonna have to protect yourself from a few idiots?" Anthony asked him. "I thought everyone hated you." "Anthony shut up," I scolded. Anthony shrugged. "Let me worry about that," Chris said flashing him a venomous look. "Anyway, Dane we should go pack for like four days or so. We might skip school a couple of Days." "Dane, I think..." Anthony began put Luke stopped him. "If I know Dane, it will piss him off and make him rebel even more," Luke said to him. "He will be okay." "Let's hope so," Anthony said turning to see Nicole had walked off. "She went that way," Matt said pointing behind Anthony who took off running. "That is one of the oddest couples," Luke said laughing with Matt. ****************************************************************** "So Doc is it good news or bad news?" Julieanne asked as she sat in the room with her parents and Aaron. "The baby is gonna be okay," The doctor said. "Maybe it is time for you to start thinking about quitting the squad." "I got it planned, Doc," She said to him. "Thanks for your help." "No problem," He said walking out the room. Julieanne's mom hugged her. "I am gonna be a grandmother," She said with a squeal. "I hope it is a girl so I can spoil her rotten. Although, a boy I can spoil to." "Yeah, spoil him and he will be a fruit like Dane and Anthony," Aaron thought to himself. "Is this boy a Mexican?" Mr. Greer asked Julieanne. She sighed. "He's Puerto Rican, Daddy," She said irritated. "What's the difference?" He asked not getting it. "We are gonna have a bastard grandchild who is part Mexican or Puerto Rican as you called it. Hooray! Let's through a party for the mixed baby." "James," Mrs. Greer scolded. Julieanne sighed. "This is why I wish I could have kept this baby to myself for as long as I could," Julieanne said yelling. "To you it's bad enough I am pregnant at 16 but I am pregnant at 16 by a Puerto Rican. I might as well have became a lesbian just to piss you off." "I would prefer that than to have you sitting here pregnant by an illegal immigrant," He retorted. "He is not an illegal immigrant daddy," She said. "He is Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans are considered American Citizens. That's like saying Dane is an immigrant because he is black." "Don't get me started on that Nigger," James Greer said. "James, it is politically incorrect to call them that during black history month," Julie Greer said. "Why do we have to dedicate a whole month to them?" James asked her. Aaron had almost forgot how racist Julieanne's parents were. While Julie was usually a sneaky racist, James let his racism be known. He hated Mexicans or any Hispanics. He hated blacks. He hated anyone who wasn't American. It's a wonder Jules didn't turn out racist. "Daddy, you do know that at least one of your ancestors was not American?" Julieanne asked him. "And maybe even black or Mexican?" "Don't say stuff like that Julieanne," He said and Julieanne looked over at Aaron. "I wonder if I was to smother myself with a pillow can they somehow save my little egg?" She asked sarcastically. Aaron laughed at how she looked so miserable. ****************************************************************** "So what do we need for this trip?" I asked Chris as we walked down the aisles of the store. "I want something chocolate," Chris said glancing at the Chocolate chip cookies. I punched him in the arms. "Hey, you have me," I said seductively. He smiled at me as he grabbed the pack. "Anyway, I am so craving a Pepsi so I am gonna go get me one. Or three." "Okay, I will meet you at the aisle in a sec," He said as we went out separate ways. I turned down the soda aisle and gasped. I sat my mom, Salina, and dad. Wait. Dad? He was dead. Terry turned around and I wanted to kick myself for still wishing he were here. "Dane," He said to me. They cautiously approached me. "Hey," I said not wanting to be here. My mom looked at me but couldn't figure out what to say. "Dane..." She began but I held my hand up. "I'm sorry," I said with a sigh. "Terry...no matter what I think about you I should have never punched you and embarrassed you in front of your family. So for that I am sorry." "Thank you," He said to me. I still didn't trust him but I was wrong. "I know that was hard big bro," Salina said to me. I smiled. "Dane, I would like for you to come home," Mom said to me. I shook my head. "I can't," I said to her. She looked at Terry. "Wha...Why?" She asked me. I stepped to the side to allow a customer to get past us. "Because I need to be away from you guys for awhile," I said to her. "I still miss my father. And that is affecting my relationship with you mom. I am still wary of this whole wedding thing and I need time to sort things out." "Where are you staying?" Mom asked as Chris walked up. "With friends," I said with a look at Chris. "Um...Mom this is Chris." "The guy that you were caught..." She began but trailed off. I nodded. "Yep," I said nervously. We really hadn't talked much about this. "So are you two involved sexually?" She asked not sure if she wanted the answer. I shook my head no. "We are just in the dating phase right now," Chris said. "But in a couple of weeks, who knows? Keep your fingers crossed." "Oh god," I said with a stern look at Chris. "You two look cute together," Salina said. We smiled. "Well, I think we should be going," Terry said. "We don't want to be late getting back with the food for mom." "Oh yeah," Mom said. She reached into her purse. "Here is an invite to the wedding if...you wanna come." "Okay," I said looking down at it. She hugged me. "I know we have butted heads this past year but I wish...I hope we can move pass our past and become a happy family. The four of us." "Maybe," I said not sure if I was doing the right thing by even considering attending the wedding." ****************************************************************** "Luke, I know you aren't being completely up front with me," Matt said as they drove towards Malibu. Luke looked over at him. "What do you mean?" Luke asked me. Matt sighed. "This trip is about Seth," He said. "Isn't it?" "Matt, I want to see if I can find out where he is," Luke said. "Maybe we can convince him to stop this mess so we won't have to involve the police. We were all once friends so I hope maybe we can end this." "So this has nothing to do with you wanting to help Dane?" Matt asked him. Luke sighed. "Matt, you of all people shouldn't be complaining about me wanting to help Dane," Luke said irritably. "You're an accessory to his rapes." "Rape," Matt corrected. "He was raped once and was almost raped." "Either way you better be glad that he didn't go to the cops about it," Luke said. Matt looked at him. "Are you taking his side?" Matt asked. "Are you trying to say that you hold him over me. I am your boyfriend." "And I love Dane," Luke blurted out. They both were in silence. "So the truth is out," Matt said quietly. Luke didn't know what to say. "I...I don't know what to do," Luke said deeply confused. "I don't want to love Dane and I wanna love you but..." "You still love Dane," Matt said looking out the window. They drove in silence for ten minutes. "Matt say something," Luke said bothered by the silence. "When we get to Harmony we will go our separate ways," Matt said and Luke sighed defeated. ****************************************************************** Seth sat on the phone talking with a boy named Brent. "...So you get out today?" He asked the boy. Brent yawned. "Yeah and it's about time too," Brent said. "I have never been this long without pussy. It almost makes a guy wanna go fag. Almost." "Well, if you do then it would be hypocritical for you to help me kill some faggots, wouldn't it?" Seth asked him. Brent laughed. "So tell me about this harmony place," Brent said. "Basically, I need you and the group to head down to the town," Seth said. "I need you to kill all Dane's friends except for Luke, Anthony, and Matt. I got something in store for the three of them." "What about this Dane Kid?" Brent asked him. "What can we do with him?" "I am gonna let you and your boys have some fun with him," Seth said as someone tapped Brent on the shoulder. Brent turned to see Mikey standing there waiting to use the phone. "One second," Brent said turning back around. "I think to pull something like this off we are gonna need some more guys." "Get as many guys as you need," Seth said. "I am footing the bill after all. So take what you need and get who you need." "10-4," Brent said hanging up. Mikey walked up but Brent stood there. "Hey, you wanna get out?" "Get out?" Mikey asked him. "What do you mean?" "Get out of here," Brent said. "Doesn't your girlfriend live in Harmony?" "Yeah but how do you propose that we break out of here?" Mikey asked confused. Brent smiled a devilish smile. "Let me worry about that," Brent said stepping to the side for Mikey to use the phone. "I don't think so but thanks anyway," Mikey said dialing Julieanne's number. He spoke with her mom and learned Julieanne was in the hospital. "Shit." He hung up and then looked back to See Brent standing talking to some dudes. He walked over to them. "Yeah?" Brent asked him. Mikey sighed. "I'm in," Mikey said. "So count me in to whatever you got planned." "If I bust you out, I will need you to help me out," Brent said. "Deal?" "Deal," Mikey said not realizing exactly what he was agreeing to. ****************************************************************** Aaron knocked on Rusty's door. Rusty answered the door shocked to see Aaron. "Hey man," He said a little taken aback. "What brings you here?" "I needed someone to talk to," Aaron said with a sigh. He had been wrestling with what to do about Trey and Nicole. "We'll have to sit outside because my place is a little messy right now," Rusty said stepping outside. They sat on the steps. "So what's up?" "Well, Dane and I are not talking because I found out he was gay," Aaron said. "I also learned that Anthony is gay as well." "Wow," Rusty said. Aaron sighed. "Yeah, I just don't get the whole gay thing," He said. "I am afraid I might catch it or something." "Aaron, I don't think it is a contagious disease or something," Rusty said with a laugh. "Anyway, I was at the hospital visiting Julieanne. I was on my way to the parking lot to leave when I noticed that Nicole and Trey were down there kissing. They have been cheating behind Anthony's back. Well, Nicole anyway. "Damn," Rusty said. He was not getting what he was supposed to be even getting. "So...What exactly are you telling me?" "I don't know if I should tell him or not because I really don't..." "Want to talk to a gay guy?" Rusty offered him. "Look, I don't know what your deal is with gay dudes. That's your prerogative. But Dane and Anthony are supposed to be your friends. Gay or not you should stick by them. Talk to them about it." "But why couldn't they have told me?" Aaron asked him. "I mean if we are suppose to be friends and all how come they couldn't tell me they were fudge packers." "Probably afraid that you would act the way you are now," Rusty said. For a minute there, Aaron felt bad about shunning his friends. But that changed and he cleared his throat. "I think I should let Anthony found out for himself," He said standing up to leave. "Thanks." "For nothing," Rusty said walking back into the house. ****************************************************************** Mikey stood with Brent and the others by the exit. He was nervous. "So how exactly do we break out of here?" Mikey asked him as they waited.

"Well, I happen to know for a fact that when the guys come here to deliver the food for us they never lock the gate," Brent said. "Seeing how I am leaving anyway the rest of you guys will make a break for it where me and my ride will pick you up." "Wait, have you thought this through?" Mikey asked him. "I mean what if we get caught." "Then you are looking at leaving here when you are twenty," Brent said walking across the field to the exit to meet his ride. "Just think of Julieanne." "Julieanne," Mikey said to himself. "Come on man get ready," Alex said from behind him. Alex, Cameron, Ryan, Josh, and Mikey all watched as the gates open to allow the truck inside. As soon as the bus went in, they noticed the gates start to close. "I thought that they weren't closing?" Mikey asked him. Alex and the others took off running. "Move," Daniel said pushing Mikey ahead. Apparently, he was in on it too. Mikey slid through but the doors closed on his leg. "Oh my god," Daniel said as Mikey screamed in Pain. Alex looked back. "Shit, hold up," he said running back. The others followed him. Alex and Daniel pulled the doors apart allowing the others to help Mikey up. "Haul ass," Brent said as he drove up in the van. Mikey climbed into the back speeding away to Harmony. ****************************************************************** Chris and I walked into the parking lot. A group of boys sped through the parking lot. "Faggots," They yelled out. Chris growled in anger. "They're just idiots," I said as we made our way to the car. "Forget about them." "I just want to get back to my town and see my friends and get some stuff straight," Chris said. He dropped the bag on the ground when he saw the car. "What the hell?" I asked. The windows were bashed in and the tires were slashed. "Who...Who did this?" Chris asked unable to move. "Those boys," I said to him. Chris screamed out in anger. "Fuck!" He yelled out. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" "Chris baby calm down," I said trying to get his anger under control. "Dane?" A voice asked from behind us. We turned around. "Mom," I said to her. I was afraid. Someone just vandalized my boyfriend's car. Because we are gay. "What is this?" She asked rushing to hug me. I heard that some boys were out here vandalizing a car but I had no idea it was your car." "This is unbelievable," Chris said throwing his hands in the air. Others stood looking at us. Terry walked over to the car. "Do you know what SOS is?" He asked us. I shook my head no. "Why do you ask that?" Chris asked him. "It's says on the back here 'We are coming to get you fags and watch your blood run.'" He read. We walked over to the car. There spray painted in white spray paint stated what he had red. Signed by SOS "Who the hell is SOS" I asked Chris. He was looking shocked. "No," He said stepping away from me. "No! It can't be them." "Who Chris?" I asked him. His face contorted in fear in pain. "They killed my brother," Chris said tears running down his face. I looked at my mom and sister. "They killed Trey?" I asked confused. He shook his head no. "My brother Dawson," He said full on sobbing. I felt helpless. I had no idea about this Dawson character. I never knew he had another brother. "Chris...maybe we should go somewhere and talk about this," I said stepping to him. He pulled away. "I...I gotta find Trey," He said running off. "CHRIS!"I yelled out but he didn't turn around. ****************************************************************** "What the hell do you want?" Anthony demanded of Aaron. Aaron had called him to the park to talk. "I thought you wanted to be rid of me and all my fagness." "Look, I don't want to talk about that right now," Aaron said. "I really just want to talk about something I discovered earlier." "What? You discovered that you're an ass with no sense of honor like your friend Mikey?" Anthony asked him. "I Saw Nicole and Trey kissing," Aaron blurted out. Anthony looked confused. "Wait...What?" He asked bewildered. Aaron sighed. "I was about to leave the hospital when I saw the two kissing in the parking lot," He explained. "I really didn't want to tell you but even though I hate you...I thought you deserve to know. So you are welcome." "Welcome?" Anthony echoed. He refused to believe his girlfriend would cheat on him. With Trey Evans of all people. "Dude, you are fucking lying." "What? No I am not," Aaron said. "I really saw the two kissing." "I can't believe you would fucking stoop this motherfucking low to ruin me," Anthony yelled out. He continued cussing but Aaron looked past him. A boy placed something under Anthony's car. "Anthony," Aaron said with a gasp. "...You are nothing but a fucking bitch..." "Anthony, shut the fuck up and look at your car," Aaron yelled out. Anthony whirled around. "What the hell am I suppose to be looking at?" He demanded. Just as soon as he asked, the car went up in flames with a kaboom. "Die Faggot," A boy yelled jumping in his car. "What the fuck is going on here?" Anthony asked shocked. ****************************************************************** Luke and Matt sat in the dinner. Their friend Tyler was supposed to meet them there. "He's fifteen minutes late," Luke said looking at his watch. "Where the hell is he?" "He will be here," Matt said as Tyler walked through the door. "See." "Ty, where the hell you been man?" Luke asked him as he sat down in the booth across from the two. "Sorry man, I saw this babe and I had to get her number," Tyler said. "Good old, Tyler," Matt said. "Always going for that T& A." "What can I say, I am a breast and an ass man," Tyler said and the three laughed. "So what brings you two back to Malibu? Luke, I found out you ran away to Harmony a couple of months ago and Matt I heard that you headed there with Seth." "Yeah, I was running away from somethings," Luke said with a glance at Matt. "That's putting it mildly," Matt said with contempt. "Actually, we wanted to know would you happen to know where Dear old Seth is?" "Yeah," Tyler said. "He was heading back to Harmony yesterday to see some kid. I think the name was Zane or Kane. Maybe Lane." "Dane," Luke offered with a sick feeling in his stomach. "Yeah, that's it," Tyler said. Luke jumped up out the booth. "What's up man?" "Ty, thanks for your help. Matt, we have to go now," Luke said heading to the door. He stopped when he didn't see Matt behind him. "Matt?" "I told you that we were going our separate ways," Matt said. "So go get the one you love." Luke didn't hesitate. He had to find me before Seth did. "What's up with you two?" Tyler asked confused. Matt smiled. "I'll start from the beginning," He said clearing his throat. ****************************************************************** Julieanne opened the door to her bedroom to find her boyfriend lying on the bed. "Mikey?" She asked him. He smiled. "I climbed in through your open bedroom window baby," He said to her. He got up to kiss her. "You really should keep that closed." "I know," Julieanne said throwing her jacket down. "Did they let you out early or something?" "No," He said sitting on the bed. "I heard you were in the hospital so I decided to stow away and come back to see you. I broke out baby." "Mikey..." Julieanne said shocked and excited he was out. No matter how. "Let's not talk about that right now," He said kissing her neck... "Actually, we need to talk," Julieanne said. He continued kissing her neck. "I'm listening," He said sucking on her neck. Julieanne needed to stay focus and present this in a simple way. "I'm pregnant," she said and Mikey jumped up. "Oh no," Mikey said looking at her. She nodded. "Oh yes," She said to him. He looked at her. "Wow, I...I forgot that...Yeah, I will see you later," He said climbing back out the window. "Mikey!" She yelled out the window. She growled in frustration and took her phone out to call me. ****************************************************************** "I can't believe he busted out," I said as I walked up the steps to get to the apartment. I turned and waved at my mom. "Yeah, and I can't believe he ran out on me," She said angrily. "I mean this is baby too. As much trouble as I have had so far being pregnant, this just makes me madder." "I'm sorry kid," I said unlocking my door. "But guess what?" "What?" She asked me as I pushed open the door. I turned on the light to see Seth and Two other guys sitting in the living room. "Dane, are you gonna tell me?" "Hello Dane," Seth said to me. I stood looking at him. I was frozen with fear. I thought he was gone. But he was back. With reinforcements. "How...How did you get in here?" I asked him. He held up a key. "I used to live here remember," He said to me. "Why don't you give me that phone?" "Dane are you okay?" Julieanne asked me. I handed him the phone and he placed it to his ear. "Dane, will have to talk with you later," He said closing the phone. He looked at me with lust filled eyes. But I sensed something else. What it was I couldn't say. "What do you want?" I asked him. He stepped towards me. "Let me hear you scream," He said punching me across the face. All I saw was black... ****************************************************************** The return of Seth. This is the season finale part one. In Episode 16, Luke rushes back to Harmony to reason with Seth. Julieanne and Mikey argue over the baby but Mikey places Julieanne in a dangerous position. Anthony learns the truth about Trey and Nicole. Chris and Trey reveal the story of SOS to the others. Dane is in the hand of the SOS where he discovers their interest in him and his friends and he also becomes an unwilling participant in the "Shadow Games" where he must fend for his life.

Next: Chapter 18

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