Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Apr 1, 2023


(Season 2 Premier)

Episode Seventeen: The Band-Aid covers the gunshot wound Blood was everywhere. I punched my way out of the coffin and begun to dig myself out of my own grave. I made my way out of the hole and I could feel air around me. I was out of the grave but it was far from over. I couldn't walk and I had no energy to crawl. I was dying. I closed my eyes and waited for it to over take me. "I can't be Dane anymore," I thought to myself. "Dane is always in trouble." I thought about the accident with my dad. I thought about the night I got attacked by the dudes in the graveyard on dare night. The night Seth raped me. Being trapped in avalanche. Being put in a coma. Being shot and buried alive. What I would give to be not to be me anymore *********************************************** "Where the fuck is he?" Anthony asked as he, Aaron, Mikey, and Rusty tore through the forest. "Ant, we are gonna find him," Mikey said trying to calm his friend, Anthony stopped and look around. "How?" Anthony asked. "How do you expect to find him in this goddamn jungle. It's huge." "I don't think we should've let Luke and Chris with those thugs," Rusty said and Anthony glared at him, "I don't think we should be worried about that," He said sarcastically. "I think we should be worried about the fact that Dane is somewhere bleeding to death not about the secrets those two are hiding." "Shut up," Aaron said to Anthony who gave him a sideways look. "Do you hear that?" "Hear what?" Anthony asked irritably. "Moans," Mikey said and they all walked in the direction they were coming from. They walked towards where I was laying. "Dane," Anthony said grabbing me. I was still breathing but I was unconscious. "Dane can you hear me?" "Anthony, we gotta get him to a hospital," Rusty said and Anthony took his shirt off. "Before we do we gotta try and stop the bleeding," Anthony said remembering some stuff he learned in first aid. He tied the shirt tightly around the wounds. "That should by us some time." "Come on," Aaron said as Anthony lifted me in his arms and tried to walk towards the city. "Can we make it there on foot?" Mikey asked as they were walking as fast as they could. "We better," Anthony said looking down at me. ****************************************** Luke sat besides the same guy who just had the guy he was in love with shot and buried alive. He was crying. "It hurts doesn't?" Seth asked him. "Knowing he is dead and that they can't find him," "Shut up," Luke said but his heart was aching. "You know, you could've prevented all this from happening, right?" Seth asked him. Luke looked over at him. "Are you fucking serious?" He asked exasperated. "I don't think I could have prevented your sociopath way of life. That must be inevitable." "If you would have never left Malibu, Matt and I would have never had to come to Harmony and meet Dane," Seth said. "You would have never met Dane and add drama to his life. He may still be alive." "Maybe," Luke said feeling some guilt. "But this is more about your sexual obsession with him." "Oh it wasn't sexual," Seth said. "Not in the way that you are thinking. I liked the fact that I did something to Dane. That turned me on that I got the reaction I did from him. Not the sex." "You are really sad," Luke said sniffling. "And psycho." "But you're in a truck with me?" Seth asked him. "Why?" "Dane's gone," Luke said emptily. "There is no need for me to stay in Harmony. I might as well get back to my old life." "Hmm," Seth said. "I kinda feel bad for Chris." "What are they gonna do him?" Luke asked Seth who didn't answer him. "Seth, what are they gonna do him?" "I don't know, Luke," Seth said to him. "This was about Dane for me. I needed their help to pull off this and it's over for me. I don't know what they are gonna do." *********************************************** Chris opened his eyes to see SOS staring back at him. It had been a rough couple of hours. They had beaten the crap out of him and he closed his eyes to get away from it all, if only for a few minutes. There were twelve people who stood in front of Chris. "What do you want with me?" Chris asked them. Brent just laughed. "We are the new order here in Harmony," Brent said with an authoritative tone. "We got rid of a bunch of Jews in North Carolina, Blacks in Tennessee, and Mexicans in Texas. Now it's onto the fags of California." "How do you know I am gay?" Chris asked them. Brent laughed again. "Because we researched your life Chris," Brent said. "We know all your dark little secrets. We know about your fears. Your accomplishments and failures. So why wouldn't we know you were gay? Besides you are the brother of the boy we were supposed to kill." "Trey?" Chris asked. "He is just a kid." "A Kid who know what the hell he was getting into when he joined our crew," Brent said. "You don't leave SOS unless we tell you to. He knew that and tried it anyway. Now he is in the hospital and he is going to die." "You bastard," Chris said to him. "I will make you pay. All of you." "No, you won't," Brent said. "Because you won't have the chance. You should get comfortable because you are gonna be here for a while." *********************************************** "Sixteen year old black male with two gunshot wounds to the lower back," The doctor said. "Also may have oxygen deprivation due to being buried alive." "Two gunshot victims in two days?" Another doctor asked and they wheeled me. My friends were right behind them. "What the hell is going on in this town?" "Take him into the ER and prep him," Doctor Carver said. He turned to face the others. "I gotta go in there with him," Anthony said trying to get past him Aaron and Mikey held him back. "Let me go! I said let me go." "Anthony, calm down," Rusty said. "Let him do his job." "Thank you," Carver said. "Now Dane has been in and out of this hospital in the past seven months. What is going on? Who shot him?" "SOS," Anthony muttered. "They shot Dane and buried him alive." "SOS?" Carver asked growing alarmed. He heard the stories of SOS. "What's wrong?" Aaron asked him. Carver sighed. "I think you boys need to tell an officer this," Carver said. "Because Dane and others are in serious danger." "Why are they in Danger?" Rusty asked him. "He need to get in there with Dane," Anthony interrupted. Carver nodded. "Here is my key to my office at the end of the hall," Carver said. "Look in my files and look for a folder labeled SOS. It has all you need to know." "I will stay here," Anthony said taking a seat in the lobby. The others headed to his office while Carver headed into the ER. Anthony placed his head in his hand. "Chris?" A voice asked him. HE looked up to see a nurse standing in front of him. "Huh?" He asked her confused. "I saw you come in with Trey earlier and I thought you might be his brother, Chris," She said with a small smile. "No," Anthony said but noticed a look on his face. "Is...Something wrong?" "Well, he awoke for a little while but he went into shock when he was talking to that girl you came in with," She explained. "We were able to help him but the girl got scared and left. Now he is awake and he is scared. He need somebody." Anthony closed his eyes for a second. "This guy slept with my girlfriend," He thought to himself. "Why am I giving him a second thought? Why do I want to see him?" "Would you like to see him?" She asked him. Anthony nodded. "Yes," He said with a sigh. ****************************************** "Found it," Mikey said taking the folder out the cabinet. Aaron and Rusty stood beside him to look at it. "Check it out," Rusty said looking at a flyer. "Saints over Sinners. We promote a life without sin. Join us in our fight to exterminate all sinners." "Damn," Mikey said grabbing out more sheets. "They say this gang is worse than Bloods, Crips and even MS-13." "Wait a second," Aaron said picking up a paper. "This is a sheet of every member of SOS." "Why would he have a sheet with member names?" Rusty asked. "Isn't Dane's stepfathers name Terry Evans?" Mikey asked. Aaron nodded. "Why?" He asked him. Mikey pointed at a name on the sheet. "Because we just found one of the big bosses and his possible aliases." Mikey said and sighed even heavier. "And look whose names is under his." "Carver? Cameron Carver?" Rusty asked. "Cameron Carver senior," Mikey said. "Isn't Dane's doctors name Cameron Carver?" Aaron asked. They all looked at each other. "What the hell is happening here?" Rusty asked confused. ****************************************** "Trey?" Anthony asked as he walked inside. He was nervous as hell. But he had to see him. "Anthony...What are you doing here?" Trey asked confused. "I am to week to fight you now." "I'm not here to fight," He said with a small smile. "I just wanted to visit you." "Where is Chris?" Trey asked him. "Um...a lot has happened since you been in here for the past day or so," Anthony said not sure how to break the news to him. "For starters, SOS shot you." "I got that already," Trey said. He looked like he was barely hanging on. "Where is Chris?" "Well, Chris is with SOS now," Anthony said and Trey started to breath heavily. "Trey, hey calm down." "Wha...How did they get him?" Trey asked him. "They used Dane as leverage," Anthony said. "Then they shot Dane and buried him alive." "Oh my god," Trey said. "Is he..." "Don't know," Anthony said. "But they allowed us to go and Luke and Chris had to stay back." Trey looked at Anthony. "What?" "Nothing," Trey said. He sighed. "Anthony, man I almost died. I was shot. I just wanted to say..." "Don't," Anthony said. "I don't wanna get all sentimental with the guy who was doing my girlfriend behind my back." "Oh," Trey said sadly. Anthony smiled. "It was a joke," He said with a laugh. "Look, I don't hold it against you because I was basically cheating on Nicole in a way. Like you said you almost died. But the plus side is, the person you love will still be there. Dane...Might not make it." "Don't think like that," Trey said. "I believe that if an asshole like me can make it then I bet a saint like Dane can." "Thanks," Anthony said. "I better go see how things are going with Dane." "Let me know if you hear anything about Chris," Trey said with a smile. "10-4," Anthony said returning it. ******************************************

Luke and Seth climbed out of the truck. They were back at their favorite spot. An old lot where they would sit and look at the sky. "What are we doing here?" Luke asked him. He really didn't want to open old wounds. "Just a trip down memory lane," Seth said. "Remember that time we got jumped by those sophomores?" Luke couldn't help but smile. "Yea we had just seen the Matrix and thought we could be like Neo," He said with a small laugh. "Turns out we got our ass beat." "Bad," Seth said with a laugh. "Hey, I still got that cast from when I fell and sprained my wrist at home." "Me too," Luke said smiling but then he remembered who he was smiling with. "Seth, why are you doing this? What are you trying to accomplish?" "I just wanted to think about the good times," Seth said. "A time when my life was normal." "Seth, talk to me," Luke said. Seth shook his head. "Seth Jones you fucking talk to me. This is not the guy I was a friend with for so long. You are not the guy who I considered a brother. Seth...No matter what you have done...I can...Forgive you. You are like the brother I never had, homicidal and sociopath traits aside, and I wanna help you. Just tell me who the hell you are because I don't know you." "I can't Luke," Seth said. "It hurts way to much to talk about. You left me when I needed you so why the fuck should I open up now." "Because I won't leave you this time," Luke said sincerely. "When you left...I felt alone," Seth said. "Then my mom died leaving me with my dad. You know he drunk a lot before but he started drinking more. Mom died a couple of days after you left and I didn't think I had the strength to go on. I thought about suicide but I was too much of a pussy to do it. At the funeral my dad beat my ass because he blamed me for her death. She died from a heart attack. He may have been right. He then went out and got drunk again for the last time. On the way home, he crashed into a guardrail and went off into the embankment. I was all alone." "Seth, I am so sorry," Luke said realizing that he did somehow cause this change. Seth shook his head. "I emancipated myself and then all hell broke loose," Seth said. "I needed to hurt the one person who I felt caused me the most pain. The one person who was still alive for me to hurt." "Me," Luke said sadly. "So I got Matt involved in a plot to hurt you and then I uncovered the thing about you and Dane and...Well, we know what happened next." "Seth...I..." "Who I was hates who I've become," Seth said sadly. ****************************************** I opened my eyes crying. Remembering. Feeling. The Pain. The Hurt. I was in a hospital bed. The pain in my heart and soul hurt worse than the gunshot wound. "Dane," Anthony said jumping up and rushing to my side. "Anthony it hurts," I said to him. "It hurts so bad." "Dane, they gave you as much painkillers as they could," He said grabbing my hand. "Not the gunshots," I said not being able to control my tears. "Me. I'm hurting. I didn't want to wake up. I didn't want to make it. I wanted to die. Death would be better than waking up to this hell that I am in. There is nothing for me here." "Yeah, there is, Dane," Anthony said rubbing my hand. "What? Pain? Hurt?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Me," He said sadly. "Let me be your painkiller. Let me be the one to take you away from it all." "Anthony..." I begun he leaned down and kissed me. "I'm here Dane because I love you," He said. "I'm here. Always and forever." "I'm not," I said ominously. He looked at me confused. "What?" He asked me. I sighed. "Anthony, what do you love about me?" I asked him. "What do I love about you?" He echoed. "Your smile. Your energy. Your pure. You're everything to me and I am nothing without you. Dane you are a breath a fresh air and I want to be with you." "Anthony...When I was shot and buried alive," I said to him. "I felt something die inside of me." "What do you mean?" He asked me. "That boy you fell in love with is gone," I said to him. "I don't want to be him anymore. I'm tired of feeling pain. It's time that others felt my pain." ****************************************** This marks episode one for Season 2 of Falcon Eyes entitled "Dark Angel." As we gathered from the end of the episode, Dane is alive but Dane is not the same. In this Season, Dane is a lot wilder and revenge and pain drive him. There will be some new characters as well as new trials for our favorite group of frenemies in Harmony. In the next episode, Dane decides not to go to his mom's wedding until he figures out Terry's connection to his abduction leading to a showdown. He also must go to therapy when he is thought to be suicidal. A robber changes a life. Chris manages to escape from SOS. Luke discovers that Dane is alive and faces an obligation to Seth and an obligation to Dane. Aaron, Trey, and Julieanne try to prevent Nicole from running away. Mikey seeks forgiveness from Anthony.

Next: Chapter 20

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