Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Jul 1, 2005


I know that I said the story was going to be posted on Tuesday or Wednesday but I went out to party. Sorry. I also changed the name of the chapter because Sin City sounds sexier to me. By the way, it would be nice to get some much-appreciated feedback for my story. It is my first attempt so give me credit. Anyways, after reading this let me know what you think of my story.

Luke and me scraped gum from under a desk. "Shit, there has to be laws for this," he said with a sigh. Ms. Clarke had left us for a while. He got up and went up to her desk.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He smiled mischievously.

"Just trying to see what the answers for tomorrow's quiz is," he said opening her drawer. "Go stand lookout."

"Hell no," I said looking at him crazily. "I do not cheat and I don't help cheaters cheat."

"Don't be a faggot about it," he said shutting the drawer. I stood up and walked over to him.

"What did you call me?" I demanded. "A...Faggot," he said itching for a fight. Ms. Clarke walked back in the classroom.

"What's going on?" She asked us looking from me to him and him to me.

"Umm...nothing," Luke said eyes not leaving mine. "We were having a staring contest."

"Sure," she said looking at us suspiciously. "Well, you boys can go home now."

"We'll finish this later, " he muttered and grabbed his bag on the way out. So much for getting along.......

Julieanne walked up the stairs to Mary's house and knocked. Mary answered the door.

"Jules, come on in," she said excitedly. She stepped out of the way to allow her to come in.

"Hey, Mary," Julieanne said walking in. "Hey guys." She took a seat beside Mikey and across from Anthony and Julieanne. Nicole smiled and Anthony nodded. Mikey touched her leg.

"Where are Aaron and Dane?" Mikey asked irritably. "I am ready to see what you planned tonight."

"Trust me you will be surprised," She said as the doorbell rang. "Anthony, can you get that while I go get some stuff upstairs. Come on, girls." The three girls headed upstairs while Anthony answered the door.

"Whoa," he said as Luke stood there.

"Is this Mary's place?" he asked him.

"Uh..yeah," Anthony said trying not to sound shocked. Luke flashed him a wary glance.

"You gonna let me in?" he asked Anthony.

"Oh...yeah," he said allowing him inside the house. "I am Anthony Squillini by the way. From Clarke's third block class."

"Luke Futreal," he said shaking his hand. "God, she's a bitch."

"Yeah, I guess," Anthony said noticing Mikey flash him a whose that look. "Um...Luke that is my friend, Mikey Jusino."

"Hey," Mikey said shaking his hand. Luke smiled.

"Sup," he said taking a seat. The doorbell rung again as Mary and the girls walked downstairs.

"Hey, Luke," she said as she walked to the door. Anthony had a sick feeling in his stomach as he knew who it was.

"Hey Mary," Luke said as she opened the door.

"Sorry, we are late," Aaron said as we walked in. "Dane, here had detention." I froze when I saw Luke.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked him. Julieanne just realized who Luke was.

"Oh, now I know who you are," Mikey said to Luke. "You are the kid that almost got into a fight with Dane the other day."

"That's me," Luke said smugly. I sat and stared at him. Mary cleared her throat.

"Well, now that we all here and ready to fight let's get the teams together," she said. "I originally had Luke with Dane...."

"I am not working with him," Luke and I said in unison. Mary sighed.

"I said originally, dumbasses," She said rolling her eyes. "Luke you are gonna be with Mikey."

"Alright Dude," Mikey said holding his hand up for a high five.

"It's game time," Luke said flashing me with a glare.

"Jules and Nicole are together," She continued. Nicole looked up.

"Why can't I be with Anthony?" She asked her. "After all it was half my idea to do this. Well, a third of yours, a third of mine, and a third of one tree hill."

"It was also your idea to let me choose teams so let me do my job," Mary said irritably.

"Whatever," She said getting up and walking over to Mikey and Luke with Julieanne. "Who knew she'd suck at something this simple."

"Heard that," Mary said. "Aaron you are with me."

"Sweet," he said with a smile.

"I know," She said with a wink. "I mean with my brains and your lack of brains we should be a perfect match."

"Bite me," he retorted.

"Where at?" She countered. "So Dane and Anthony are together." Our eyes met when she said "together" and smiled.

"Nice," he said as we walked over to the others. I smiled harder in spite of myself.

"Here are the rules," Mary stated as we walked outside. "Have fun and complete each stunt no matter how bad it is." She handed each pair in the envelope . "The envelope contains stunts you will be doing and you will need to take pictures with the camera phones you have for proof because you know I don't trust you. Meet back here when you finished or eight because lost comes on.

"It's Game time," Aaron said excitedly. Luke stared at me.

"I am gonna have so much fun whooping your ass," He said challenging me. I looked at him and smiled.

"Bring it on, bitch," I said to him. We shook on it.

Anthony and I walked down the street in silence. I was nervous to start a conversation with him.

"You really want to beat that dude, don't you?" He asked me. "I saw the fire in your eyes."

"It is something about him that irks me," I said angrily. "He is so cocky and self-righteous and it pisses me off."

"Yea, looks like that is a gift of his," Anthony said making me laugh. I laughed a little to hard at his joke that he gave me a weird look.

"Hey... we are walking aimlessly and we don't even know what the stunt is," I said to him. He blushed.

"I have been so busy talking with you I forgot to look," He said opening the envelope and pulled a card out. He read it and laughed.

"What so funny?" I asked him. He handed the card to me. "Head down to a confessional and tell your sexiest desire." I burst out laughing. "That is some funny stuff there."

"Well come on we better head onto the church and confess a sin," he said leading the way.

"Oh, hell, no," Mikey said as he read the stunt on his card. "Aint no way in hell I am doing this stunt."

"What is it?" Luke asked him. Mikey growled loudly.

"We have to go to gay bar," he said quietly. Luke gave him a look.

"There is more, isn't there?" He asked with a nervous feeling. Mikey nodded sadly.

"In drag, bro," He said. Luke stared at him opened mouth. "We better head on down to Weird Al's as the direction say and get fagged up." Luke had a weird feeling in his heart as he followed Mikey.

"So why are you here , Ms. Greer?" Dr. Rames asked her. Jules shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Nicole flashed her a do it now look.

"I think that I have... an STD," She replied nervously. Dr. Rames nodded softly.

"Why do you think this?" He asked her.

"Um...Because my...."

"Her vagina burns and itches," Nicole interrupted. "And she might have genital herpes."

"I forgot who you were," Dr. Rames said irritably. Nicole smiled brightly at him.

"Aniston," She lied. "Jennifer Aniston." Julieanne shook her head embarrassed.

"Right," Dr. Rames said wheeling around back to Julieanne. "Um...I will go get the nurse and we will prep for the examination."

"Ok," Julieanne whispered. Nicole pulled her camera out.

"Smile Doctor," She said snapping both Dr. Rames and Julieanne. "Wow, you could pass for 40."

"I am forty," Dr. Rames said. Nicole blushed.

"Did I say forty?" She asked him. "I meant 35." Dr. Rames walked out the office.

"Come on let's get the hell out of here," Julieanne said getting up.

"I wanna see what they do in the examination," Nicole said as she followed her. They walked outside to see Dr. Rames with a razor sharp object in his hands. "You know what? It's nothing to see really." She and Jules ran out the office.

"Forgive me father for I have sinned," I said in the confessional. "I have been having inappropriate thoughts about my...dog."

"Excuse me, son?" He asked me. I cleared my throat and repeated what I said. "Oh...Well, it's only natural to have certain thoughts about things but it is not of god."

"I know that but it's like his penis is really...um, huge," I said uncomfortable. This was so not right and yet here I was lying and sinning.

"We can help you get on the right path to purity," The priest said. I pulled my phone out and took a picture of myself.

"I actually got to go," I said grabbing my stuff to leave.

Anthony stood outside waiting for me. An odd man grabbed him.

"What the hell?" Anthony asked him.

"I can smell sin come frome you," the man said. Anthony realized the man was blind. "Cleanse yourself of your impurity." Anthony did not know how to respond but I answered for him.

"Run," I said running past him. HE pulled from the man and after me.

"You will pay," The man yelled out to Anthony.

"Would you like to dance?" A guy asked Mikey. Mikey glanced over at Luke who wore a black skirt and purpled tube top. "I'm Marco."

"Fine," Mikey said getting off the stool he was on. "But I swear if you even so much as pinch my ass, I will make you eat your own dick."

"Sounds appetizing," Marco said pulling him to the dance floor. Luke smiled and laughed.

"Luke Futreal," A voice said from behind him. He turned to see a face he hoped to never see again.

"Matt...Matt," he said nervously. "What are you doing here?"

"This is a gay club," Matt said sarcastically. "I like to suck dick. Or don't you remember?"

"Shut up," Luke said hoping Mikey was not looking over here. Mikey was fussing with Marco.

"Hey, I am a straight masculine male," he said as the guy spun him. "I should be the one leading."

"You think you are a straight masculine male and you are wearing a wedding dress?" Marco asked as he dipped and twirled Mikey.

"This was all they had at the store," Mikey said irritably.

Luke stood uncomfortably with Matt. "Your friend is hot," Matt said looking at Mikey fight to lead. "You think he would like a handie? I know you would have before you moved away. But..." Matt moved closer to Luke until they were inches apart. "We can make up for lost time." He licked his lips and smiled. Luke shoved him away.

"You get away from me you stupid faggot," he said blushing deeply. Matt chuckled to himself.

"You weren't saying that when I blew you in your car," Matt said testing Luke. Luke snapped and punched Matt across the face. The attention of everyone shifted to Luke and Matt. Luke took the picture of Mikey and Marco.

"Let's get the fuck out of here," he said running out the door.

"Well, gotta go," Mikey said pulling away from Marco. "Nice dancing with you." Mikey headed to the door after Luke.

"Wait," Matt said getting off the ground. Mikey turned around. "I know I am a sexy beast," he said flexing. Matt shook his head. "Tell your friend he can't escape what he is," He said to a confused Mikey. Mikey headed outside to find Luke nowhere in sight.

"Aaron, we are not doing pare rock scissors to figure out who will do this stunt," Mary said. Aaron sighed loudly. He and Mary stood in an empty alley debating their second stunt.

"You want me to run down the street naked," He asked her. "You didn't do the first stunt."

"Because I have nothing that could go into a jockstrap, moron," Mary retorted. "Plus I think you made that old ladies day by making out with her."

"Her breath stunk," Aaron whined. "She even had dentures." Mary busted out laughing.

"Look like you were enjoying it buddy boy," she teased. "I could've sworn you used tongue." She said and laughed as he turned a deep shade of red.

"It was like kissing my grandmother," He said highly embarrassed at the stunt he did.

"And you French kiss your nana?" Mary asked and doubled over with laughter.

"Shut up," he said as he begin to strip his clothes off. He pulled his pants down to reveal his lengthy manhood.

"I love my dick, Mr. Wanky," He said looking down and smiling at his penis.

"You have a name for your small dick?" Mary asked him. "A gay name at that?"

"Kiss my ass," he said as he looked around the corner. It was a crowded street so hopefully he could camouflage himself in the mass amounts of people. "Here we go." He ran out and headed through the crowds of disgusted, intrigued, and downright nasty people as they stared at him.

"Go Aaron," Mary yelled to her partner. Aaron smacked right dead into a cop.

"Where are you going? The officer asked. Aaron shifted cautiously. "Naked at that."

"To buy some clothes," Aaron said covering hid his raging hard on.

"No, you're going to jail," The cop took some handcuffs out. Aaron did something he hoped he would never do again. He shoved the cop into a trashcan and ran.

"HAUL ASS," He said to Mary who asked no questions. She ran to her car and they sped off. Suddenly, Dare Night became not so important.

Luke sat on Mary's steps with Mikey. Mikey found Luke half a block from the club. They had already decided to forfeit the night. Mikey looked over at Luke who cringed when he expected him to start calling him a faggot.

"Man, you punched that faggot hard," Mikey said laughing. Luke smiled small. "Did you know him?"

"No," he lied quickly. Then he said it a little calmer. "No."

"He acted like he knew you," Mikey said. "He said you can't escape yourself. What the fuck was he talking about.?" Luke swallowed hard.

"Probably some stupid fag talk," Luke said nervously. Mikey seemed to buy that but Luke had a problem presented itself that he had to fix before it was to late. But then a thought came to him. "I have to go to do some damage control. You wanna come?" Mikey looked at Luke who had an odd look on his face>

"No....I am fine," Mikey said looking at the strange look at his face. "I will head down to my bud's house and..." Luke headed to his car and climbed in. He drove off.

"Put a spider down your shirt," Julieanne said as she read the Dare card. Nicole opened her mouth to protest but Jules shut her down. "You're doing it." Jules and her broke into the spider exhibition at the local fair.

Nicole sighed. "You are really a wimp," She said with a dark look on her face. She grabbed the spider and let it climb down her shirt as Jules snapped the picture.

"Oh," She said as the spider moved around. "That feels kinda good." Julieanne scowled.

"Nasty," She said looking at the dare card.

"Well, what can I say?" Nicole said placing the spider back in its case. "I like kinky stuff."

"Well, we can do the next stunt easily," Julieanne said allowing Nicole to read the card. "Make out with your partner. W did that last year at your birthday party."

"This is my stunt I came up with," Nicole said excitedly. "I did it because I thought Anthony and I would be together. But you will do." Jules heard a strange noise.

"What the hell is that noise?" She asked Nicole. Nicole's face turned white. Julianne looked up to see the fair's huge anaconda at the doorway. "How did he get out?"

"When you were playing with that frog I had hit the cage and it opened but I thought I closed it," Nicole said as the snake moved near them. It had to be a good 16 ft. and Julieanne knew Anacondas were quick and deadly.

"Apparently not," Julieanne said scared. "Because now we are trapped."

"Are you ok?" I asked Anthony as we made our way through the cemterary.

"What?" He asked me. "Uh..Yeah, just thinking about Nicole. You know my girlfriend." I did not like how he said that last part. It was almost as if he was trying to be smart.

"I met her a few times," I said sarcastically. "You were talkative earlier and ever since we left the church you said little of nothing." Anthony who had been in the lead a little spun around.

"Just shut the fuck up and let's finish the last stunt," he said angrily. I was so shocked at his out burst.

"Anthony, did I do something wrong?" I asked him a little hurt.

"Yea, you kinda did," he said snatching the card out my hand. "I wish I would have never had to do this damn night with you because you really are starting to..." He stopped when he saw what I saw. Three grave robbers stood in front of us and two more circled around us.

"What are you boys doing here tonight?" A man who appeared to be the leader said to us both. He walked to us and I was scared. Not just of him but this area. I was never big on cemetery. I always had a fear of being buried alive.

"Minding our fucking business," Anthony said trying to start a confrontation. The five chuckled.

"You're funny," the man said standing in front of us now. He looked at me and reached to touch my face. "Such pretty skin." I was frozen with fear. We could not take on five guys. Five buff guys at that.

"Don't touch him," Anthony said shoving the guy. Two thugs grabbed him.

"Anthony," I said as the other two grabbed me.

"Snake. Onyx. Take the pretty boy and tie him up in the mausoleum," The man said to the ones holding me. "Pit bull and Cross hold him while I show him what we do people push Phantom." Anthony prepared himself for what was a but to come. A blow to the stomach. He cried in pain even as he tried to hold it in.

"Anthony," I said trying to break free. They drug me to the mausoleum. I did not think they would kill him. They wanted to rough him up. I on the other hand feared being in that mausoleum.

"Ok, distract it while I run to get help," Nicole said to Julieanne.

"Are=re you really that dumb or is that an act?" Julieanne asked her. "You think I am gonna sacrifice myself for you?"

"Yeah, because you are a great friend." Nicole said with a smile. The snake slid closer but they had nowhere to back up to as they were against a wall.

"I have an idea," Julieanne said grabbing a nutri-grain bar out of her purse. She opened it and threw it at the snake. The snake diverted his attention to the bar. Nic and Jules made a move but the snake reeled around back on them. "I thought it would work."

"What the hell?" a zookeeper said as he walked in with a metal rod. He used it to wrangle the snake. "What are you girls doing here?" Julieanne broke.

"My friends were doing this stupid dare night thing and quilted me into doing it," She said on the verge of tears.

Nicole scoffed. "Suck it up, big baby," She said as the snake broke loose. She grabbed Jules and they both started crying.

"Just get the hell out of here," The man said wrestling the snake. They ran past the two and out the exhibit.

I breathe hard as I sat tied to a pole in the mausoleum. I thinking I was hyperventilating. While the two were in her they laughed as I struggled to get out the ropes. I could not her any yells coming from outside but I assumed Anthony was alive. My question was answered when the door opened and he winced in pain as he walked over.

"Calm down," he said and h with little effort managed to get me out the ropes. He muttered, "Boy Scout." I could not stop breathing hard so he hugged me. I calm down. It seemed like his hugs gad a way of doing that.

"Who knew Harmony had grave robbers," I said to him as he broke the hug. He looked uncomfortable. "Anthony, what did I do too get this asshole attitude from you?"

"I...Just stay away from me," he said to me. "After tonight, I need you to stay away from me." He walked out the mausoleum while I stood there in shock. I followed dejectedly behind him and I could hear my heart breaking as I fought to keep the tears away. He wasn't going to see me in pain. I had no idea what I did to him but he was not going to phase me anymore because as of tonight I was over Anthony Squillini.

"No one finished the stunts?" Mary asked as everyone but Luke stood outside.

"We got into something with some grave robbers," I said still hurt over Anthony.

"We almost got ate up by a snake," Nicole said hugging Anthony tightly. He held onto her as if he was to let her go he would lose something.

"Luke punched some kid in a club and then ran off somewhere," Mikey said.

"Well, Aaron and I spent an hour hoping we weren't Harmony's Most Wanted," Mary said. "I guess tonight was just a night of danger."

"I am tired," I said to Aaron. "Can you take me home."

"Yea," Aaron said. I flashed Anthony a dirty look that gave him an odd feeling in his heart. He broke from Nicole he looked at him weird.

"Dane...I..I am sorry," he said to me. The others looked at us trying to figure what was going on. "I just..." I held my hand to shut him up.

"Save it," I said to him. "You are just some pathetic dude who has issues that he needs to deal with. Whatever they are, deal with them. I don't have time to be bothered with you so you like you said...Stay the hell away from me."

"Dane..." He said to me but I looked passed him.

"Jules? Aaron? Let's go," I Said not giving Anthony a second look. I felt angry but I good because I was moving on from him. "Nicole, Mikey, and Mary see you guys later." I walked to the car and waited for Aaron and Jules. When the three of us were in the car, Jules turned to me.

"Anything, you wanna talk about?" She asked me. I shook my head.

"Nope," I said to her with a smile to. "Drive." Aaron pulled off and Anthony looked on realizing he lost something. Question was...What?

Matt answered his door and was surprised to see Luke Standing there.

"Luke," he said looking at him wary. "What are you doing here? Came to beat me up. You know it would be a hate crime, if you weren't actually..."

"Came to give you what you want, Matt," he interrupted. He couldn't hear that word. He couldn't let those three letters describe him. Ever again. "Your mom home?" He pushed his way in.

"Nope," Matt said smiling lustfully. "We have the house to ourselves."

"Good," Luke said as he headed upstairs and went into the room he had been into so many times before. "No interruptions." Matt closed the door behind him. Luke unbuckled his pants.

"Before we start," Matt said stepping in front of Luke. "I need you to tell me something."

"What?" Luke asked irritably. As much as he wanted to get this over with, he also did not want him to ruin his mood.

"Why did you hurt me like you did when you left Malibu?" Matt asked. As much as he wanted to destroy Luke, he still... he wouldn't think about that. This was purely physical. "Never mind."

Matt took Luke by surprise as he pushed Luke down onto the bed and kissed him. Matt grinded his hips into Luke's crotch. They ripped the clothes off one another and Matt pulled Luke's shorts off. He ripped the boxers off and used his up and down motions to suck Luke off. He knew exactly how Luke liked it. Luke moaned softly. As Matt did this he stuck two fingers into Luke's hole and pulled out. Luke was shock because he always topped when they were doing this before.

"Do it again," Luke muttered. Matt was happy at his work. He pushed the fingers back in and continued to suck Luke off. He tired not to think about it but the thoughts kept seeping back in.

"He took my virginity," Matt thought. "I loved him and he loved me. But he turned on e the minute everyone..." Luke interrupted Matt's thinking as he decided to switch roles . He pushed Matt onto the bed and went to work on his cock.

"Oh," Matt moaned. This was what he need. For Luke to fuck him like before. When times were good. "Oh yes. Suck it harder."

"You like that don't you, Dane," Luke said caught up in lust. HE caught his slipup and let Matt go.

"Oh my god," Luke said the color draining out of his face. "Oh shit." He begin to dress himself. Matt got up.

"Who the hell is Dane?" He demanded. Luke struggled to get his pants on and lose the hard on he had from thinking about...

"No one," he said as he tried tying his shoes. His hands were shaking and he couldn't tie them. "Fuck it." He grabbed his shirt and headed to the door. Matt blocked him.

"You come to my house to fuck me and you get off on some other guy?" He asked him. Matt just wanted this night and he would let Luke go. He wanted to be with him one last night and let him go forever. "Who the fuck is Dane?" Luke felt as if he was going to faint. "OH MY GOD! YOU ARE INTO THIS DUDE?"

"No, he just....it was a slipup," Luke said hoarsely.

"I doubt that," Matt said pinning Luke on the door. Luke could have broken free but at the moment he was weak. "I saw the look you had in your eyes when you said his name. You may have been fucking me physically but you were fucking him in your mind and I swear I will find out who he is and tell him. You will rue the day you hurt me. I won't let you do this to this guy." He grabbed a camera. "Smile." He snapped a picture and smiled evilly.

Luke pushed him and ran out the room all the while Matt stood laughing. He made it outside and jumped into his car and drove off. He stopped after he got a good little ways away from Matt and cried.

"What did I do?" He asked himself.

Whoa! What is going on with Luke and Matt? They had some history together. What about Anthony and Dane? Will they ever be friends again? In the next chapter entitled "Diary", Luke flashbacks to his time in Malibu, Aaron deals with his father over basketball, and an important day place Dane in a dangerous position. By the way let me know what you think and join my yahoo group at

Next: Chapter 4

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