Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Jul 14, 2005


This chapter is a little different than all the rest. Luke and Dane both are going through things that they have experienced so they will flashback occasionally. So, try and keep up, guys.

Luke walked downstairs to the kitchen hoping to get a pop tart before he headed out for school. His mom stood at the counter pouring some Oj.

"Hey Mom," Luke said kissing her cheek. She smiled at her son.

"Hey honey," she said happily. "You got in late last night? What happened?"

"I...uh...Had to work on a project with my friend," He said quickly. "Sorry, I will call the next time."

"I will overlook it this time just try not to make a habit out of it," She said in her motherly ton. "Oh, your friend Scott called last night." Luke froze and the color drained from his face. His mother noticed. "Something wrong?"

"No," Luke said recovering quickly. "If he calls again just tell him not to call back ever again." He rushed out of the kitchen before his mom could ask questions.

"Dane," Anthony called out as I walked towards my locker. I pretended like did not hear him. "Dane." He pushed passed people and grabbed me.

"What is it, Squillini?" I asked coldly.

" I am sorry for acting like a jerk," he said trying not to let my icy glare bother him. I turned and walked. He followed after me as I headed to the bathroom.

"You do not have to follow me around, dude," I said to him as I went over to a urinal and took a piss. "It is kinda pathetic and would be contradicting what you told me to do last night. I zipped up and flushed.

"Dane, if you want cuss me out, go right ahead," he said as I pushed passed him to wash my hands. "I will do whatever it takes to make you feel better." I turned and smiled.

"Oh Anthony," I said with the same smile. He noticed a look in my eyes and took a step back. I stepped forward and punched him in the stomach. "Never felt better."


Luke ran down the hallways of Malibu High. He was almost late and could not afford a day in detention. He bumped into another guy.

"Sorry," The guy muttered. He bent down to grab his books as Luke bent to help.

"No problem," Luke said handing the books back. He noticed that the guy was very attractive. He had brown black hair and looked like he could be an Abercrombie model. Luke knew everyone that mattered at Malibu so he was shocked to realize he did not recognized the guy standing in front of him. "Are you new?"

"Yeah, I am from San Francisco," The guy said taking out a schedule. "I am looking for Ms. pope, who teaches physical science."

"I am heading there now," Luke said excited to know the guy was going to be in his class. "Follow me. Oh...I'm Luke by the way." He stuck his hand out. The guy reached for it.

"Matt," he said flashing Luke a smile.

I stood in the bathroom. I need to splash my face to keep me from thinking about what happened one year ago today. My thoughts were broken as a face I did not want to see walked in.

"Luke," I said with contempt. He could not see me down. "What happened to you the other night? You just left."

"I had stuff to do," he said walking to the urinal. "Who won?"

"Nobody," I said feeling lightheaded. "No one finished the stunts."

"Waste of a great night," Luke said washing his hands. I stumbled over the door. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," I said weakly. Everything was spinning. The thoughts I was trying to keep out were seeping back in. It was August 10th. The day my father...

"Dane," Luke said grabbing me as I stumbled backwards.

"Let go of me," I said trying to pull away. "I'm fine. I need to sit...." Everything went black.

"Dane," Luke said worriedly. "Somebody help."


"Dane, I want to talk to you," Dad said as I sat watching TV. I sighed loudly to show irritation.

"I am watching the Simpsons," I said to him. "Can we talk in twenty." He shook his head and cut the TV off.

"I want to go camping with you this weekend," He said excitedly. I looked at him dumbly.

"Camping? As in sleeping in a tent, eating smores, and telling ghost stories?" I asked him. He nodded. "Yeah...about that...not interested. Thanks anyway."

"Dane, come on we need to do this," Dad said grabbing my hand. "I remember when you were nine and we went to the zoo together. Your sister was sick so she stayed with your mom." I smiled at him as I remembered.

"Yeah, let's just say me and snakes have a nice relationship," I said making him laugh. I had snuck away from him while he was on the phone and he found me playing with a small snake in the reptile exhibit.

"I swear I wanted to wring you're little neck," he said giving me a noogie. "But...I remember all these little trips and thing we did together. They all stopped once you reached high school. That's why I want to this."

"I don't know, Dad," I said softly. I knew I would eventually give in and go.

"Just think about it, Dane," He said smiling warmly at me.

"What are we doing in here?" Nicole asked no one in particular. She, Julieanne, Aaron, Mikey, and Anthony had been called to the principal's office.

"Can we get in trouble for the dare night?" Julieanne asked nervously.

"I hope not," Mikey said. Aaron noticed a calendar on the desk. He gasped at the date.

"Jules," He said color draining from his face. "It's August 10th."

"Oh my god," Julieanne said covering her mouth. Mikey looked at them both.

"What is wrong with you two?" He asked. Before either could answer Principal Wilkes walked in.

"Okay, I have something to tell you kids," She said taking a seat at her desk. "Are you all friends with a Dane Martinez?" Everyone except Nicole said yes.

"He is more like an associate," She replied. "Haven't known him long enough to call him a friend."

"Dane fainted this morning in the bathroom," Wilkes said.

"Oh my god," Nicole said. "That is my friend. What happened?"

"He was talking to Luke Futreal in the bathroom and just collapsed," Wilkes explained. "The thing is...That when someone faints it's for a little while. Dane is not awake now after 30 minutes."

"What are you saying?" Mikey asked her.

"Dane is unconscious right now," She said sadly.

"We have to go to him," Anthony said standing up. "Where is he?"

"You can't go down to the hospital," Wilkes said appalled at the idea. "You are in school right now."

"Lady, I so don't give a fuck about school right now," Aaron said leaning down in front of her face. "Where is Dane?"

"He is at the Harmony memorial hospital," Wilkes said. "But...if you leave this campus, I will write you all up for skipping."

"You have doing that," Aaron said following Mikey and Anthony out the door.

"Jules," Nicole said grabbing her arm. "I would go...it's just that I don't want to get kicked off the squad."

"Who would expect you to care about someone else besides yourself, Nicole?" Julieanne asked her. Nicole looked down on the ground.

"Ms. Greer, if you leave this campus you will jeopardize your college future," Wilkes said from her desk.

"He is my best friend, Ms. Wilkes," Julieanne said tears coming.

"He will be ok," Mrs. Wilkes said. "He just fainted. It was probably just stress or something."

"Today is the day that his father was killed," Julieanne said to her. Mrs. Wilkes eyes widened. Nicole shook her head silently.

"I did not know," she said sadly.

"That's apparent," Julieanne said rudely. Nicole placed her hand on Jules shoulder.

"Come on," She said. "Let's go to the hospital."

"Okay, do we have everything we need for this wonderful camping trip?" I asked my mom as we stood in the kitchen packing food.

She sighed softly. "Can you do this for your father?" She asked grabbing my hand. "He really wants to spend time with you."

"Why doesn't he take Salina?" I asked her. Salina is my little sister.

"Because she is spending the weekend at a friends," Mom said fixing a sandwich. "Besides, Dane, he wants you."

"I love you both," I said with a sigh. "But camping? I hate outdoors."

"You hate anyplace without a TV.," She teased as she kissed my check.

"Lipstick mom," I said wiping it off. She smiled.

`Sorry sweetie," She said hugging me. "You just have some cushy cheeks. Who can't help but kissed them? now get your stuff so you and your father want have to lug all that stuff down later."

Julieanne and Nicole made it to the hospital waiting room to find Anthony, Aaron, Mikey, and Salina sitting.

"Do we know what is wrong with Dane?" Julieanne asked.

"No change," Mikey said with a sigh. Aaron jumped up.

"I can't believe I forgot this was the day that Dane's father died," he said pacing the floor.

"Aaron, I forgot too," Julieanne said sadly. "We are bad friends."

"Guys, you are not bad friends," Salina said quietly. "I should be ashamed because I forgot what today was."

"Oh sweetie," Julieanne said going to hug her. "Where is your mom?"

"She went on a trip with her boyfriend and her damn cell is off while my brother is lying in the room unconscious," she said bitterly. "Thank god that Dane's doctor is a friend or we could not let them examine him."

"Well, what the fuck is wrong with Dane anyway?" Mikey asked.

"Mikey," Anthony scolded.

"I want to know," Mikey said looking from each face. "What the hell is going on with Dane to cause him to faint?"

"I can answer that," Dr. Bryant said as he walked out into the waiting area. "Dane suffered s traumatic event on this day, right?"

"Yes," Julieanne and Aaron said.

"Well, there is nothing physically wrong with Dane," Dr. Bryant said. "But mentally....I am not sure."

"Dane never forgave himself for what happened with Dad," Salina explained. "IS is it possible that he is reliving the day because he feels guilty about it?"

"That is a great idea Salina," Dr. Bryant said with a warm smile. "You can have a career in medical studies because I was thinking the same thing. I have never seen a case like this one with Dane."

"When will he wake up?" Anthony asked as he stood in a corner.

"I am thinking he will wake up once he comes to terms with his father," Dr. Bryant said. "So basically...It is really up to Dane."

"Can we see him?" Julieanne asked him. Dr. Bryant shook his head.

"We don't want to overload him right now as his mind is sorting through this," Dr. Bryant said. "I will call Salina and let her know of any change with him. But like I said he is in no immediate danger. He seems fine."

"Thank you," Aaron said shaking the doctor's hand. "Salina. Jules. I will take you two home." The three said their goodbyes and left.

"Come on Boys," Nicole said to Anthony and Mikey. Anthony did not want to leave but he really did not know why that was.

"Can I ask you a question?" Mikey asked the doctor who nodded. "Have you had sex with any hot nurses."

"Come on," Nicole said pulling him by his ear. Anthony followed after them but stopped and turned.

"What happened to the boy who found Dane?" He asked Dr. Bryant.

"He rode to the hospital with Dane but he left when I came to asked him some questions,' Dr. Bryant said.

"OK,' Anthony said with a smile. "Thanks."


Luke and Matt were sitting outside on a bench during their lunch break.

"Damn can you believe we have been friends for four months now?" Luke asked Matt.

"Yeah," he said deflated. Luke looked sideways at his friend.

"What's wrong Dude?" He asked concerned. Matt sighed.

"I am glad that we became friends but have you noticed that no one else wants to be friends with me," Matt said not looking at Luke.

"My friends love you," Luke said surprised at this revelation coming from Matt.

"They only talk to me when you around and even then you can tell the conversations is forced," Matt said getting up. "I saw Seth in the hallway this morning and said hey. You know what he did? He acts like he didn't know me."

"Seth is just one person," Luke said. "I will talk to Seth later today. But why do you think that no one wants to be friends with you?:

"Luke you heard the rumors," Matt said exasperated.

"They are rumors, MAtty," Luke said with a sigh.

"No," Matt said shaking his head. "They are not rumors."

"What?" Luke asked confused. "What do you mean they are not rumors?"

"You know the rumor where I had sex with a teacher for a better grade?" Matt asked him. Luke nodded. "It's true." Luke stared at him.

"That would mean that you are..."

"GAy?" Matt finished. "I am."

"You're not gay," Luke said with a unsure feeling.

"Yes I am," Matt said firmly. "If I wasn't gay would I do this?" Matt grabbed Luke and kissed him. Luke did not push him away. Matt broke the kiss.

"Why did you do that, Matt?" He asked confused. Matt grabbed his hands.

"Because I love you," he said looking straight in his eyes. "All those times we did sleepovers, I wanted to jump in the bed with you and just be with you. And I think you want me too." Luke looked at Matt but then he grabbed him into a Kiss. Matt allowed him to enter his mouth and their tongues fought for dominance.

"What the fuck?" A voice asked from behind them. They turned and Saw Seth standing there. Luke's heartbeat sped up. He would feel bad about what he was about to do.

"Get the fuck off me you faggot," Luke said to Matt, shoving him. Matt looked shocked. Luke punched him dead in the jaw.

"Whoa dude," Seth said with a sigh. "For a minute there I thought you went fag on me."

"Hell no," Luke said looking at Matt who laid pathetically on the ground. His heart told him to grab his love up and kiss apologies all over but he knew he could never do that. He grabbed Matt by his beautiful hair. "I am gonna make you regret this you cock-sucking-aids-carrying-get-fucked-up-the-ass-faggot." He spit in his face and kicked him hard in his side and walked off with Seth without looking back.

Aaron walked into his home. His father was here and he was so not looking forward to talking to him.

"Hey Dad," he said faintly to his father who sat watching one of Aaron's old basketball games.

"Hey sin," His father said looking up. `You make varsity?" Aaron sighed inward.

"Yea," he lied as he headed towards the staircase.

"You're lying," Mr. Lamphere said to him. Aaron froze.

"Excuse me sir?" He asked nervously.

"Your Coach called me today," he said getting out of his chair. "Why would you lie to me son?"

"Shit," Aaron thought to himself. "I'm sorry dad."

"You made Jv?" He asked standing in front of his son. At 6'6 he towered over his 6-foot son.

"Yes sir," Aaron said meekly. Mr. Lamphere shook his head.

"Damn it, Aaron," he said angrily. "You did not make Varsity I can't believe it."

"I am so sorry, Dad," Aaron said. "I don't know why I did not make the team."

"I do," Mr. Lamphere said sternly. "You have been spending too much time with those friends of yours to worry about sports."

"It is not their fault," Aaron said.

"I know," his father said. "It's your own damn fault. You know we want you to try and get a scholarship for college."

"I will focus more on this," Aaron said shifting his backpack.

"Damn right," Mr. Lamphere said. "Because you're grounded. Two weeks. No hanging out. I want you home after practice."

"But Dane..."

"Will see you in two weeks," Mr. Lamphere said in his final tone. "Got to your room."

Anthony sat in his room. Thinking. Wondering. Hoping.

"What the hell was I thinking?" He asked himself out loud. "I was fucking stupid to push him away. Why the hell did I do that?" His cell phone vibrated. "Hello."

"I am fucking grounded," Aaron growled.

"Dad found out about the tryouts, I see," Anthony replied sympathetically.

"I wish I never became so interested in sports because that is all he sees for me," Aaron said sadly. "I can't do anything right. Oh yea, except for, soccer, hockey, football, and basketball. Except I suck at Basketball now. My dad is just trying to live his dream through me." Aaron continues to rave as his father listened thought the door.


"I'm hungry," I said to my dad as we drove down the roads of California.

"Dane, why didn't you eat before we left home?" He asked me.

"Wasn't hungry then but I am now so let's get some grub before Start trying to swallow my tongue," I said sarcastically.

"Dane, we are in the back alley of California," He said with a sigh.

"What's your point?" I asked not getting it.

"There are no restaurants here," He said.

"Then let's get back on the highway and find a McDonald's or something because I am hungry," I said irritably.

"I can't," He said faintly. "I think we are lost."

"Lost? I hope by lost you're joking because I don't do well lost, Dad," I said looking around. "Well, did you bring the cell phones because we can use the gps tracking system."

"I left them on the table," he said causing me to scream.

"Great," I said with a laugh. "Great. First, I agree to go along on this crappy trip even though I hate Camping. Then, we are lost. Now, I discover that you left the cell phones. I swear, id I am this dense at 36, kill me now."

"Dane, stop speaking to me like I am dumb," Dad demanded. "There was a reason I wanted to do this trip with you."

"You mean besides getting us lost in god knows where," I said glancing at a sign. "Did that say Compton? Are we heading to Compton?"

"Dane, I have been having this dream," He said making me laugh.

"Who are you Martin Luther King?" I asked him. "The `I have a dream' line is pretty old, Dad."

"Dane, in this dream...I was dead," he said causing me to free up.

"Dad, I am sure it's nothing to worry about," I said unnerved by his statement.

"I have been having this same dream for a week," he said causing my blood to chill.

"Okay, lookie here," I said looking at him. "You're freaking me out here with this death talk. So let's cut it because I am trying to figure out whether or not we are headed to Compton or not. If you wanna talk about something else, that's fine but if not then I rather talk at all."

"Guess we won't be talking at all," he said sadly.

"Guess not," I said looking at the sign we passed. "Did that say Nevada?"

Luke walked into his house just as the phone began to ring. He walked over to it and picked it up

"Hello," he said tired.

"Luke, it's MAtty," Matt said hopefully. "Please don't hang up."

"Oops," Luke said hanging the phone up. The phone rang back and Luke let the answering machine answer.

"I will tell Dane your secret and when I do I hope you feel the pain I felt," Matt said evilly. Luke walked over to the couch and sat.

"I have go to do something about him," he said shaking his head. "But what?"


Matt hit the ground hard. Seth had just jumped him and was beating the shit out of him.

"So you're a stupid faggot, huh?" He asked Matt. Huh?" He kicked Matt in the stomach.

"Yes,' Matt said weakly. Seth grunted in frustration.

"How can you say yes even as I kick your ass?" Seth asked him. "Why do you keep saying yes?"

"Because I am not ashamed of who I am," Matt said defiantly.

"You should be," Seth said regaining his composure. "Because when I get through with you your own mother won't recognize you, dude." He began to pound Matt.

"What the fuck are you doing, Seth?" Luke asked as he walked toward the brutal beating. "Is this what you wanted me to meet you at the park for?"

"I need you to answer my questions," Seth said looking at Luke. "Don' t you dare lie to me."

"Okay," Luke said refusing to look at the boy one the ground who he fell in love with against his wishes.

"Are you a faggot?" Seth asked him. Luke glanced at MAtty who flashed him a pleading look.

"No," Luke said sadly. Seth nodded.

"And that kiss I saw was him kissing you, right?" He asked him. Luke nodded.

"Yes," He said feeling terrible.

"Good," Seth said unbuckling his belt." Now as much as I would like to beat the shit out of this piece of shit I think you should. After all, he had me doubting if you were a pussy lover or not so here." Seth handed Luke the belt. "Have it." Luke walked in front of Matt.

"Luke, don't," Matt pleaded.

"Shut up," Luke said weakly. Matt grabbed his legs.

"I love you Luke," Matt said pathetically.

"I said shut the fuck up," Luke said hitting him with the belt. Matt cried out in pain. Luke hit him repetitively. He knew that whatever he loved about Matt was not what he wanted.

Anthony walked into my room. He had snuck in because it was after visiting hours. He looked at me as I laid in the bed being hurt by my memories.

"Dane, I am so sorry," he said taking a seat by the bed. "I did not mean to hurt you. I just...I am going through some stuff right now and you are complicating things. But I want to make you see how sorry I am. Just wake up. Please. Wake up." He grabbed my hand and began to cry.


"Son, talk to me," Dad said as we drove. down the road. We had finally figured out where we need to go after two hours of mindless driving.

"Talk to who? My dad or the guy who think he is seeing his death?" I asked sarcastically.

"Dane, why are you being cold and callous?" He asked hurt. "This is god's way of letting me know that before I go I need to spend time with you."

"Okay, we are not talking about this, dad," I yelled.

"Yes, we are, Dane," he demanded. "I am your father."

"Who were you then when you were having the affair with the hot secretary?" I asked him.

"I thought your forgave me," he said hurt.

"I thought so too," I said looking out the window. "Apparently not. Bottom line is that you are nothing but a pathetic man who was caught banging his secretary by his fifteen-year-old son."

"How dare you? He bellowed. He looked at me with a look of pure anger. "Your mother was the one who was having sex with my brother."

"What?" I asked him.

"You're Mother was having an affair with your Uncle Tommy," Dad said with a sigh. "That is why I was having the affair. To get back at her."

"You're lying," I said not believing it. I looked down not wanting him to see my cry. "You bastard. You go to hell."

"Don't speak to me like that," he said grabbing my hand. "Dane, I love you and I would never lie to you."

"Fuck you," I said fighting the tears. "I hope you die." He looked at me hurt by my words. I looked up to see a deer in front of us. "Dad." He swerved out the way causing the car to flip over three times.

"Daddy," I said in my hospital room. Anthony looked at me.

"Dane," He said worried. He grabbed my hand. "Dane? Wake up. Please wake up."

"Don't leave me," I said in a hoarse whisper. "Don't leave me, please." Anthony thought I was talking about him.

"I'll never leave you," he said trying not to cry. "I just need you to come back to me." He kissed me softly on the lips as Luke watched stood watching through my window.


"Martinez family," Dr. Fisher said as my mom and sister stood up. "I have some good news and some bad news."

"Just please tell us," Mom said holding my crying sister.

"Dane is fine," he said with a sigh. "Just a few broken ribs but he will be fine. Your husband..."

"What? What is it?" Mom demanded.

Dr fisher sighed heavily and with a grave look he said, "He didn't make it. We did all we could."

"No," Salina said breaking down. My mom grabbed her hand.

"Take us to Dane," She said to the doctor. He nodded and led them to my room. My mom burst in. "Dane."

"I already know," I said voice without emotion. "He's dead. He told me he was having dreams of his death and he figured the camping trip would be his last thing we could to together."

"Sweetie," She said walking over to me. I held my hand up to stop her.

"Mom, did you let Uncle Tommy fuck you?" I asked bluntly. Salina gasped.

"Did your father tell you this?" She asked me. "He's is telling you..."

"Don't you dare talk about him like that," I said word feeling with venom. "You are a whore and I want you to leave."

"Dane," Salina said shocked. I looked at her with contempt.

"You can leave with her too, little sis," I said bitterly. "You don't like it? Leave."

"Don't be like this," Mom pleaded. "We can talk this out."

"We have nothing to talk about," I said closing my eyes. "Leave before I have you escorted out." She looked at me for a moment. She headed to the door and turned back around.

"I love you," she said to me. I smiled with my eyes closed.

"I bet," I said ;laughing to myself. "Did you love dad when Tommy fucked you?" She pulled my sister along with her and I let the tears flow. I heard the words , "Come back to me."

I opened my eyes to see Anthony looking down at me. He smiled when he saw I was awake.

"Where am I?" I asked hoarsely.

"The hospital," He said pouring me a cup of water. "You have been unconscious for almost twelve hours."

"Why are you here?" I asked him drinking the water.

"I was worried about you," He said sitting back in his chair. I looked at him. My heart wanted to be friends with him again but my other part......

"I am gonna tell you like I told my mother one year ago today," I said firmly. "I want you to leave or I will have you escorted out."


"Go," I said with a menacing look. He looked hurt as he walked to the door.

"I miss you," he said to me .

" I bet," I said closing my eyes. "Did you miss me when you told me to stay away?" He looked down at the ground. "Let the nurse know I am awake and leave please."


Luke sat in a booth with Matt. Matt had called him to meet so they could talk.

"Why did you call me here?" Luke asked as he ate some fries. "It took forty-five minutes to get here and I am missing some valuable masturbating time."

"Luke, I know you love me," Matt said rubbing his eye. It was swollen shut and turned an ugly yellow.

"I do," Luke said as if it did not matter.

"So why can't we be together?" Matt said reaching for Luke's hand. Luke didn't pull away.

"I don't want to love you," Luke said with a break in his voice. "I can't be with you but....I can promise you that I will never beat you like I did. I will just forget about you."

"Forget about me?" Matt asked him. He was crying. They got up and headed outside. Matt was hurt but he was angry. "HOW? WHY? HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU JUST WALK AWAY FROM THE ONE GUY YOU LOVE."

"Like this," Luke said getting into the car. "I hope you move on because I am already starting to."

Aaron walked downstairs to get something to drink. His father sat at the table.

"I'm sorry son," He said looking down. Aaron sat down at the table.

"For what?" Aaron asked him.

" I heard you talking to your friend," He said looking up. Aaron started to say something but he stopped him. "Don't. You're right. I am living my dreams through you. I was never able to play ball because my father didn't allow it. I guess I push you so hard because I wish on some level was me playing in those games."

"Dad," Aaron said embarrassed.

" I am proud of you, Aaron," Mr. Lamphere said. "You are a great kid. I love you and I see you more as a sports player. I see you as a man."

"Thanks dad," Aaron said with a smile. "So am I still grounded?"

"NO, you can hang out all you want," Mr. Lamphere said opening his arms for a hug. Lamphere men were not big on emotions and stuff but, the two hugged.

Luke walked down the streets of Harmony. He had just seen Anthony kiss me. What does it mean? Does Anthony want me?

"God, why does life suck?" He yelled out loud. He noticed a prostitute standing on the corner. "Maybe it doesn't suck." He walked over to the guy.

That night as I slept, I had a visitor in my dreams.

"Hey Dad," I said to him as we walked through a beautiful park.

"Hello Son," He said to me. He hugged me tightly. "I want to talk to you, ok?"

"Ok," I said looking into his face.

"It's been a year since I have died," He said to me. "I need you to let me go and be happy."

"What do you mean?" I asked him. He smiled at me.

"I know you felt guilty about our last words but I know how you feel in your heart," he said. "Those words were your hurt and I don't blame you for what you said. I just love you and I need you to let me go. When you just collapsed today, I thought that you were leaving earth to soon. You left your body briefly today because you were reliving a terrible day in your life. Your guilt and stress over my death are keeping you from being happy. I know how you feel about Anthony. I hope you can let him know how you feel and be happy. That 's all I want. "

"Anthony makes me sick," I said even though I really didn't feel that way.

"You're just hurt Dane," Dad said rubbing my back. "I just want you to know that I love you."

" I love you too, dad," I said hugging him. I smiled and I felt free than I ever had since my Dad died.

I had to take some time to write this story because I wanted to explore my dramatic side because for the other three chapters I have been a little to comedic. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter because I enjoyed writing it. I

In the next episode, Dane and Anthony are still at odds, Aaron decides to try out a performance-enhancing drug, and Dane wants to thank Luke.

As for Anthony, I am not sure exactly what I want that kiss to mean. Dane doesn't know but Luke does. Luke has some skeletons in his closet that he needs to deal with so for all you Luke friends, you have yourself a storyline. I hope the wait was worth it.

You want more stories by me? join my group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FalconEyes/

Next: Chapter 5

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