Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Aug 15, 2005


Julieanne paced around her bedroom. She was nervous about what to wear. She never snuck out and lied to her parents. Something inside her was telling her that something was going to happen. "I am just being silly," She said to herself. A knock on her door took her out of thoughts. "Come in." Nicole and Mary walked in carrying bags. "No need to pace around," Nicole said emptying the bags on Jules' bed. "We brought some cut outfits to wear." "Guys, I don't think I wanna go," She said to her friends. Mary sighed and walked over to her friend and slapped her. "OW! What the hell was that for?" "Jules, you are so boring sometimes," She said with a smile. "Sorry I slapped you I just want you to have fun." "I wanna have fun to but I just can't shake the feeling that something bad is gonna happen," She said nervously. Nicole shook her head. "Nothing bad is going to happen," She said looking up from the clothes. "Stop trying to bring us down with your talk about impending doom." "I'm sorry," Julieanne said with a weak smile. "Maybe I am overreacting." "Maybe?" Nicole asked her friend. Julieanne flipped her off. "So you will go?" Mary asked her anxiously. Julieanne sighed knowing that even if she said no that the two would drag her there kicking in screaming. "Yes," She said causing Mary to hug her. "Good," Nicole said showing the two a top. "Now I am thinking something that shows some goodies." Mikey sat talking to Aaron on the phone. "Can I catch a ride with you, Man? Anthony told me he was picking up Dane." "Why the hell is he picking Dane up?" Aaron asked. "He lives clear across town." "He said he wants to make sure things are cool between them," Mikey said with a sigh. "I still don't know what happened there," Aaron said confused. "You aint the only one," Mikey said. "Anyway, Guess what I found out today while I was talking to my ex at Harmony." "What?" Aaron asked curiously. "Evans is going to be there at the power party," Mikey said. A power party is a mix of urban and rave. "I should have figured," Aaron said with a growl. "Most of everyone will be there. God, I hate him." "I do too," Mikey said. "Hey, you know that Tijuana will be flocking with chicks." "Hell yeah," Aaron said suddenly forgetting Chris. "I wanna check out the Asian Cheerleaders." "Not if I get to them first," Mikey countered. Aaron and he began their usual banter. "Can we get this over with," I said as I sat playing with my spaghetti. "It's Friday and I have plans." "Dane, I hope I am not holding you up," Terry said trying to smile despite the fact that my harshness affected him. "Well, you are," I said harshly. MY sister shook her head. "Dane." My mother scolded. I sighed. I better bite my tongue if I wanted to go out. "Sorry," I muttered softly. "So...Where are you headed to Dane? Terry asked trying again. I sighed. "I am spending the night with my friends," I said sipping my Pepsi. "You didn't let me know," Mom said looking at me. "Well, you know now," I said tersely. Mom shot me an angry look and was about to respond but Salina interrupted. "What was this important thing you had to tell us?" She asked the two. "Well, you know that I love your mom deeply and..." "Oh my god," I muttered but received dirty looks from Salina and My mom. Terry continued. "And I wanna let you know how much I love her. I asked her to marry me two days ago and I wanted to get your blessings." "I am sorry what?" I asked hoping I did not hear what I heard. "I propose to your mom, Dane." He said to me. "I need a drink," I said getting up. "Dane sit," Mom said to me sternly. "I rather stand," I said to her holding her glare. "If you want to go anywhere you will sit and talk with us," She said authoritatively. "Or what? You'll ground me?" I asked her. "Mom, you should know by now I am not on that follows rules." I walked outside to stand on the back porch. "Let me go talk to him," Mom said starting to stand up. Terry stood up. "Let me try to reach him," He said kissing her softly. Salina looked at the two with a smile. "Mom, let's talk about wedding plans," She said excitedly. "You can't just have any old wedding." "OK," Mom said softly as she sat back down. Terry walked outside. "Dane," He said hesitantly. Suddenly, he regretted this decision. "What is it Terry?" I asked him without turning to him. "I wanna talk to you and want you to listen, OK?" He asked me. I turned around. "Let me tell you how this is gonna go down," I said to him. "I wanna enjoy myself so I am gonna forget this for the time being. I do not like you. I do not wanna talk to you and I definitely do not want to be around you, Terry. So this conversation is over." I began walking but he blocked my way. "Move." "Dane, you are hurting your mother and your sister by trying to push me away," He said to me. "I just want the best for your mom, sister and yourself. Just talk to me, please." "Terry, I am gonna say this one more time," I said looking straight at him. "Move before I move you." He looked at me for a moment before moving aside. "Why do you hate me so much, Dane?" He asked me as I stood at the door. "Because I know you have a hidden agenda," I said to him. I walked inside with him following. My mom noticed my cold stare and Terry's disappointed look. "I'm sorry," He said to her and she ran over to hug her Fiancee' "Dane, why are you being so stupid?" Salina thought as she sat looking. *************************************************************** Seth looked in the Mirror trying to get ready for the annual Power Party in Tijuana. Somebody knocked on his door. HE looked up from gelling his hair to see who it was. It was Matt. "Hey man," Matt said pushing aside Seth. He stood bewildered.

"How the hell did you get in?" Seth asked him. "You're hide-a-key," Matt said with a shrug. "By the way, stop hiding that key in the flower pot. Any freak can walk in." "One just did," Seth muttered. Matt laughed to himself. "What the fuck is so funny?" "I was just thinking of me last year," Matt answered. "I was so scared of you last year but now I don't fear you." "Well, know that I can still kick your ass," Seth said resuming what he was doing with his hair. "Yeah, but I am not worried," Matt said getting up. "You need me to get to Luke." He stood behind Seth. "Your hair looks hot like that." Seth whirled around. "I aint into the fag shit," Seth said quickly blushing. "Why is that?" Matt asked seductively. "I like the fag shit as you called it. It's fun." He bit his bottom lip. "I am fun." "Matt...what are you doing?" Seth asked him nervously. Seth knew what was going on but the usually cocky boy was gone. "Just confirming my suspicions," Matt said kissing Seth. Though it was a small peck on the lips, Seth knew that he was trapped. He then reinforced the kiss. *************************************************************** I stood in my bedroom. There was a knock on the door. "I don't want to talk to anyone," I said irritably. The door opened. "Not even me," Anthony said walking in. I smiled. "Your mom let me in on her way out with her boyfriend." "Fiancee'." I corrected. "Oh, well that is great," He said smiling at me. He looked around my room. "Wow! You love Destiny's Child don't you?" "They are hot," I said slightly embarrassed by all the posters. Anthony just smiled. "What are you doing here?" "I was coming to pick you up," He said still smiling. He looked me up and down. "You look great Dane." I wore a tight-fitting Abercrombie shirt that fit my swimmer's build and a pair of South Pole jeans. "You too," I said looking at him trying not get to excited. He wore white ecko shirt and black jeans. "You ready to go?" "Yeah," He said opening my door. "After you."

Chris and his younger brother Trey walked into the warehouse where the party would be held. People were already dancing to what was an usher dance mix. "Wow, this is gonna be some kinda fun," Trey said looking around the warehouse. It was starting to get jammed pack in there. "Trey, you better not drink anything besides water or soda," Chris warned. "Come on, man lighten up," Trey said punching him lightly. "I am almost 16 and it is time for fun." "I'm serious," Chris said. "I told mom that you would be fine but you can't get drunk." "I don't need a baby-sitter," Trey said angrily storming off. Chris sighed and headed to get a soda. ************************************************************** Outside, Julieanne, Mikey, Nicole, Mary, Luke, and Aaron all stood waiting for Anthony and I to arrive. "I so can not wait to get drunk," Mikey said excitedly. Aaron and he did their head butt thing they do when they are thinking of the same thing. "Guys, come on you can't drink," Julieanne said nervously. "We are in Tijuana." "Exactly," Nicole said to her friend. "We are not in Harmony. We are here to have fun." "Okay, Nicole you are the driver," Julieanne continued. "I can't drive because I do not have a license and Mary's driving sucks." "Hey," Mary said pinching her. "I am not that bad." "Please you almost ran down that old lady walking down the street a couple of months ago," Aaron said and everyone busted out laughing. "Hey, is that them?" Luke asked pointing ahead. Everyone looked as Anthony's black ford escape drove towards them all. "What the fuck took so long?" Aaron joked. "We have been here for an hour." "Oh, well," Anthony joked. He walked over and hit knuckles with Mikey and Aaron then kissed Nicole. "You look nice, Dane," Luke said to me. "Thanks," I said appreciatively. "You too." "Well, let's go ahead and get this party started," Mary said as they split into pairs. Anthony with Nicole. Aaron with Mary. Mikey with Julieanne. Luke looked at me. "Looks like we are a couple," Luke said. I figured he was kidding. "Okay," I said going along with it. "But you are the girl." "Dane, I will be anything you want me to be," Luke thought to himself as we followed the others. *************************************************************** My mom and Terry sat in his apartment. She had been crying. "I just don't understand," She said to him. "Why is he being like this? Maybe we should call this off." "No," Terry said a little more loudly than he meant. "I am sorry but you deserve to be happy, Sandy. I want to make you happy." "I know you do and I want it too but he's my son and me and him have never really been the closet and I do not want him resenting me for the rest of my life," Mom said getting up. "Look, I know that Dane is holding a lot of resentment for his father's death," Terry said. "I mean isn't that the reason why he collapsed?" "Terry, what can I do?" Mom asked him. "If I marry you, I risk pushing my son away and losing him." "Haven't you already lost him?" He asked her. She looked away from him because she already knew the answer. "Sandy, Dane may be a lost cause. You deserve to be happy. After all you been through, you deserve to be happy." "I know," Mom said hugging him. "I just don't know how he will react to this once he finds out I am going through with it." "Don't worry about it now, babe," He said stroking her hair. Then thought to himself, "If Dane wants to interfere in our relationship then he won't won't be a problem I can't handle." *************************************************************** "God, we suck," I said to Luke as we sat in some chairs. Everyone was partnered up. "We have no one." "Is it us that sucks or them?" He asked me. "I mean, Aaron over there just hooked up with his fourth girl in the 45 minutes we been here." I looked over to the corner where Aaron stood making out. "I hate couples like Anthony and Nicole who have to publicly display their affection everywhere they go." I noticed that he was making out with her as they sat in a sofa. "They make me sick," I said taking my third shot. Luke looked over at me. "Dane, chill out on the tequila," He said grabbing my hand. "Let's dance." He started to pull me to the dance floor. "Luke, wait a second," I said slightly dazed from the alcohol. "Won't we look...gay dancing together." "Please we can cop it out to being drunk," He said leading me to dance floor. We began to dance to Black Eyed Peas "Diddly Dum". ***************************************************************

Anthony finally broke away from Nicole. "That was great baby," She said with a smile. "You have learned some new tricks with your tongue." "Well, I still have some other tricks I have yet to show you," He said to his girlfriend. He went in for another kiss but froze as he saw Luke and I dancing. Nicole followed his eyes. Luke and me were dancing heavily to the song. "Wow, they must be wasted," Nicole said with a laugh. She noticed Anthony staring intently. "Anthony?' He didn't answer. "Anthony?" "What the fuck is it?" He asked harshly. He realized what he said. "Nic, I am so sorry." "Forget it," She said getting up and walking away. Anthony knew he should be going after her but he couldn't get over what he was watching. Anthony wasn't the only one staring. Chris sat in his corner staring at the two of us Dancing. Luke's hand went down my back and lay on my ass. Our dancing entranced both. Anthony didn't noticed Nicole watching him and Chris didn't notice Trey watching him. *************************************************************** Julieanne and Mikey sat outside with a group of kids who went to harmony. "Aaron will kill us if he saw us hanging out with them," She whispered in his ear. "Please, he is to busy getting head to worry about who we are hanging with," Mikey said as a guy passed him a shot of tequila. "Thanks man." The guy handed a shot of tequila to Jules. "I don't drink," She said to him. Mikey gave her a weird look. "Julie, come on," He said already starting to get affected by what was his sixth shot. "We are in Tijuana. Have some fun." She took the glass from the guy. "Come on," The guy said to her. "You can't be a prude forever." She downed the drink." "Keep em coming bitches," She said excited that she just drunken alcohol. *************************************************************** Trey noticed Nicole sitting by herself at a table. She seemed to be lost in thought. "Hey sexy lady," He said to her. She looked up. "Who are you?" She asked him. "Trey Evans," He said sticking his hand out. She shook it and smiled. "Nicole Yeager," She said to him. "I noticed you and that guy you were making out with kinda had a disagreement? Is he your boyfriend or fuck buddy?" "Boyfriend," She said blushing slightly. "Then why is he staring at them?" Nicole didn't have an answer for that. She had her suspicions but was too afraid to admit them. "Trey, you wanna have some fun tonight?" She asked him. She needed an outlet to her thoughts. ***************************************************************

Aaron opened the door to the bathroom only to find Chris standing there. "Oh joy," He said to Chris pushing him aside. Chris followed after him. "I heard you are gonna fuck that Latina chick," He said to him. "I would warn you about her but you looked like you have some experience with Stds so why bother?" Aaron turned around. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Aaron asked him. Chris smiled evilly at him. "Well, last time I checked this was an open party and I don't answer to you," He said smartly. "I so wanna wipe that smile off your face," Aaron said pissed at the fact that he was letting Chris get to him. "Is that so?" Chris asked walking towards him. "Well, do something about it." Aaron threw a right jab at Chris who blocked it and tossed Aaron into a door. He crashed right through it. "Come on, Lamphere fight back." Chris kicked Aaron in his stomach. He leapt on him and started punching him in his face. Aaron blacked out. "That was fun." *************************************************************** "Okay, you can dance your ass off," Luke said to me as we sat down back at the bar area. "I know," I said with a smile. "You aren't to bad yourself, Futreal." "Not as good as you, Dane," He said blushing. I looked at him sideways. "Tell me this isn't your first party?" I asked him. He looked down. "Because if it is, It is mine too." "I was popular back in Malibu but I really didn't party that much," He explained. He looked back up. "How is this your first party and you are hanging out with jock central. You are apart of jock central." "In all the time I have been going to Falcon, I have never thought to be involved in school," I said feeling slightly embarrassed. I downed another drink. "That all changed this year. I just discovered a lot about myself and I decided this was the year I would make a difference in my life." "That's deep," He said to me. "So tell me more about you," I said to him. He sighed and looked at me. "Dane, if I could tell you more I would but I can't," He said to me. "Not right now." I saw something in his eyes. "Don't worry about it," I said to him.

Matt pointed towards us. "There is Luke," He said to Seth. Seth, who was still thinking of his actions earlier, looked up. "I don't know who that guy is he is talking to." "Think its Dane?" Seth asked him. Matt shrugged. "Okay, you take Luke and I will take the black guy." "What are you gonna do?" Matt asked him. Seth pulled out a bag of purple pills. "What the hell are those?" "Some treats I picked up while I was in Brazil over the summer," Seth said with a cold smile. "You are gonna drug him?" Matt asked him. "What if that isn't Dane?" "I have a feeling it is," Seth said. "Why are you so jumpy? I thought you wanted to punish Luke." "I do but..." "But nothing," He said as "Lose Control" started playing. Luke and I headed back out to the floor. "He is not thinking of you." Matt felt his fire being lit again. "Do your thing," He said to his ally. *************************************************************** Julieanne flashed some kids who were walking past her and Mikey. "I love being drunk," She said to him. "I gotta do this more often." "I like this new you," Mikey said slurring his words. "It's a lot more fun." "I know," She said kissing him. She pulled back. "You like that? Because I did." She kissed him again. "Jules...what are you doing?" He asked her. Even in his drunken state, he was a little shocked at her forwardness.

"Mikey, you know you want to," She said leaning against someone's car. "Do you want to?" He asked nervously. She pulled him to her. "Come and I will show you," She said kissing him. ********************************************************* Aaron awoke to find some girl looking down at him. "What happened?" He asked her. "Some guy punched you out, cute," She said to him. "I think his name is Chris or something." "Goddamn it," He said embarrassed. "I have to go kick his ass." "No," She said stopping him from leaving. "I have been watching you all night and I like what I saw." "Crap," Aaron thought. "She wants to do it and I am preoccupied." "You are a very handsome guy," She said leaning a little further down to his face. Aaron sighed inwardly then looked up into her eyes.

"Okay, fifteen minutes,"  He said kissing her and switching positions. ********************************************************** Luke and I sat laughing. He looked up to see Matt walking oast him. "Shit," He said suddenly. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned. He looked at me.

"Dane, I am sorry," He said getting up. "I need to take care of something but I will be back, okay man?" Before I could answer he got up and went towards an exit.

"And I am all alone," I said to myself. "Not really," A voice said behind me. I looked to see a blonde haired boy standing there. "I can keep you company."

"I don't even know who you are," I said with a slightly drunken laugh. "I'm Seth," He said handing me a drink. "For you." "Thanks," I said sipping on the drink. "I'm Dane by the way." "Nice to meet you Dane," He said with a cunning smile. **********************************************************

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Luke asked Matt. He finally trailed him to a disclosed place behind the warehouse where no one appeared to be. "I am here to party, Luke," He replied dancing to Britney Spears "Outrageous". "I bet you came to see if I would be here," Luke said folding his arms. "After all, you probably knew seeing how I am always at some big party." "Luke, why are you out here?" Matt asked him still dancing or rather swaying to the song. "Because I know you are up to something," Luke said defiantly. "You shouldn't be worried about me," Matt said to him. "What is that suppose to mean?" Luke asked confused. "Seth is here," Matt said darkly. Luke gasped. "He is?" He asked him. "What the fuck?" "Tell me was that Dane you were talking to at the bar?" Matt asked him. "Yeah, why do you wanna know?" Luke asked him. "Has he been drinking tonight?" Matt asked curiously. "A lot?" "Yeah. Why?" Luke asked growing slightly worried. "Well, let's just say Seth may be having some fun worth your boyfriend," Matt said walking off. Luke was frozen in place out of fear. "I can't face Seth," He thought. "But I can't let him hurt Dane, can I?" ********************************************************** "That was so much fun," Mikey said as he and Julieanne sat in the back seat of somebody's car. "Wow! Are you sure it was your first time?" "Shut up," She said embarrassed. "I can't believe we just did that." She climbed out of the car. "Jules, are you okay?" He asked her. He touched her arm but she pushed him away. "Jules talk to me." "That was my first time, Mikey," She said tears forming. "I always pictured my first time would be more meaningful. Not some drunk fucking in the back seat of someone's car."

"Come on," Mikey said trying to make a joke. "I wasn't that bad."

"Take me home, Mikey," She said to him. "Jules, I wanna stay awhile longer," He said pouting. "Please," She pleaded. Mikey sighed. "Come on," He said as they began to walk. ********************************************************** "Trey, wake up," Nicole said to him. They laid in the woods somewhere after having a hot affair. For a sophomore, he had some experience on him. "I am sleepy," He said to her. She sighed. Typical sophomore. She got up but heard someone coming. Panicking she hid behind a bush. "Trey," The voice hissed. It was Chris. "What is it?" Trey asked sleepily. "I told mom I would watch you and then I lost you," Chris replied. "Well, if mom asks just tell her that I was having sex," Trey said getting up and folding the blanket he and Nicole had slept on. "Mother?" Nicole asked herself. "Shit! They are brothers." "Sex? With who?" Chris asked. "I don't remember," trey said. "It was with some chick that goes to our school." "Oh shit," Nicole thought to herself. "Please don't remember." "She has a boyfriend," He said as they started walking. "I think he may not be into her as much as she thinks." Nicole didn't hear anything else after that. ********************************************************** Luke found Aaron and Anthony chatting at the bar about the girl Aaron had sex with. "Her body made my knees weak," Aaron said to his friend. "Too bad you are with Nic. She had some girls for you." "Shut up man," Anthony said with a laugh. "Guys," Luke said out of breath. "What is it?" Aaron asked him. "I need you to help me find Dane," Luke said trying to catch his breath. "He is in trouble." "Why his mom knows he is probably wasted," Anthony joked. Aaron and he shared a laugh. "I think someone is trying to drug him," Luke said causing their laughter to stop. "We gotta find him," Aaron said getting up. "Split up," Anthony said nervously. ********************************************************** "Seth...What are you doing?" I asked dazed. My head was swimming. His tongue lightly touched my earlobe. "I am gonna make you feel good, baby," He said kissing me roughly. He was naked and I was down to my underwear. "Seth...stop please," I said trying to keep the spinning to stop. "Dane, you like it baby," He said biting my neck. "Stop it," I said the tears forming. I couldn't fight back. I felt useless. "Don't tell me to stop, bitch," He said striking me across the face. I could feel blood coming from my nose. "You took my best friend away from me. That hurt me so much and I am gonna show you pain you have never felt before." He ripped my underwear off. "No," I screamed aloud. He covered my face with a pillow. "Dane," Chris said running into the room. Anthony, Luke and Aaron followed him. "Get the fuck off him," Anthony said throwing Seth off me. Seth scrambled on his feet and headed off stark naked. Aaron made a move to get him but Luke stopped him. "Let me," He said running after the guy who was his best friends. "Dane, it's okay," Chris said reaching to hug me. I punched him across the face. I was delirious. "Stay the hell away from me," I said getting up. Aaron stepped in front of me. "Dane, it's Aaron," He said sticking his hand out. I kicked him straight in the balls. "You wanna rape me, you faggot?" I asked him. "Try raping me after I beat you to a bloody pulp." Everywhere I looked I saw Seth. "Stop," Anthony said putting me into a sleeper hold. I felt it wash over me as I slid down to the floor. The tears were still running. "Please, don't hurt me," I said as I lost consciousness. ********************************************************** "What the fuck is your problem?" Luke asked Seth and Matt. "You tried to rape him." "So," Seth said with a shrug. "So? Is that all you can say?" Luke asked him. "What you did was wrong on many levels, Seth." "It's not like he will remember much about it after tonight," Matt said. "You did this just so you can hurt me?" Luke asked them both. "Congratulations, you did. Are you done now?" "I want be done until I see you suffer, Joshua Luke Futreal," Matt said evilly. "This is where the fun really begins," Seth said. Luke walked closer to him.

"Hurt Dane ever again and I will show you what fun really is," Luke said walking off. ********************************************************** Anthony and Aaron laid me in the back seat of Aaron's car. "This was one weird fucking night," Aaron said shutting the door. "Do you think we should tell his mom?" Anthony asked. "His mom already pisses him off enough and I don't wanna be on his bad side," Aaron said. "We will worry about that later. Can you drop him off?" "No problemo," Anthony said looking back into the car. "God, who would wanna hurt Dane like that?" Aaron asked him. "Sick people," Anthony answered. ********************************************************** Chris walked up behind my house. I sat in my old tire swing I used to play in. "Dane...man, how are you feeling?" He asked me. It was the next morning. "I am tired of hearing people ask me that," I said irritably. "It's getting on my fucking nerves." "Maybe I should leave," He said turning to go. "Chris, I am sorry," I called out. "Please stay." "Are you sure?" He asked me. "Yes," I said flashing a weak smile. "To answer your question. I am doing fine. Now get the hell over here and push me." Chris chuckled and walked over to me. **********************************************************

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. What is going on with Terry? He seems shady. Is Dane really going to be okay? What else do Seth and Matt have planned? Is Nicole gonna get found out.

In episode seven, Dane is trying to convince his friends he is okay but freaks out in school. Anthony and Nicole's anniversary comes up but Anthony wants to try to help Dane. Luke visits Malibu once again to investigate Seth and Matt. Julieanne is still upset with her actions. Dane's mom forces him to spend time with Terry who gives him an ultimatum.

Next: Chapter 7

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