Falling and Getting Up

By moc.loa@87317JK

Published on Mar 20, 2007




Falling and Getting Up

"Josh, I know it is quick but,I think I love you."

"Brody baby, I know I love you."

We shared a passionate kiss. No urgency, just tenderness and love.


When Josh and Brody woke up the next morning there was such a sense of euphoria. They were both beaming. To imagine things could move so quickly.

"Josh, do you have any regrets about last night? I mean do you think it was kinda fast to be where we are?"

"No. Cupid did his little arrow in the ass thing and here we are." Josh said kinda laughing. "But, all I know is what my heart tells me. I have learned to listen to my heart. There is nothing more pure."

"Well, I am glad you feel that way. I feel just the same. You'll hear a lot of people say they don't believe in love at first sight. But, I fell in love that first night. I hope you never leave me."

"I won't. Not in a way that will leave you in pain. I mean I do have to go home and to work. But, as far as my feelings go, they will never go away."

"I have lost so much, I don't know that I could bear to lose anymore."

"Not to worry sweetness, I will be here forever more."

Josh and Brody just cuddled and snuggled with the occasional peck on the lips until it was time for Josh to go to work.

"Babe, I hate to leave but I have to go to work. I am gonna leave you my cell number though in case you need to talk."

"Thank you. Here's my number too."

Josh got ready and left after a long drawn out kiss at the front door.

Brody went back to his room. He got together his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower and start anew. He has a new life. He has someone to call his own. He was just bouncing around like a waiting to open his presents christmas morning.

In the bathroom he looked in the mirror. All the signs of wear and dispair were gone. No black circles around his eyes. His skin looked better. Something else was extremely different too. He just couldn't figure out what it was.

"HOT DAMN!!!! I know why I look so different, I am actually smiling." He said to himself. The he started blushing when he realized he was talking to himself. But, he didn't care he was happy.

When he got done in the shower, he went in the kitchen to make some coffee. He grabbed a magazine and was reading it on the way into the living room when all of the sudden he ran into something. "What the hell?" It was the crate Josh had delivered yesterday. He had completey for got about it. "I wonder who it's from" he wondered. He looked on the crate and all that was there was his address. For some reason there wasn't even a packing slip. He picked up the phone and called the UPS office.

"UPS Lumberton distribution office. How may I help you?"

"Yes ma'am. There was a crate delivered to my house yesterday. But, but there was no return address or even a packing slip. Is there any way you could back track it for me?"

"What is your address sir?"

"256 Hiawatha Rd. Lumberton NC 28358"

"One moment please while I access this on the computer"


Brody was nervous. He couldn't imagine where it came from. Let alone who it came from.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but it's just showing here that it was just dropped off at the office and paid in full to be delivered. There is no other information available."

"Are you sure? Isn't it a bit unusal to deliver something like that?"

"Highly. But, unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it. Would you like to file a complaint?"

"No. Thank you for your time. Have a good one."

"You to sir, and thank you for calling UPS."

He disconnected with the lady at the UPS office and just sat there staring at this crate. Do I dare open it. I don't even have the foggiest idea what it is. He thinks to himself. He picks up Josh's number and dials it.


"Josh, it's Brody."

"Hey baby, that didn't take long. Did you miss me that much?"

"No. I mean yes, but thats not why I am calling. Is there anyway you can pull up any info on that crate you delivered yesterday?"

"Hold on while I pull it up on the computer. Nope nothing here but the address to be delivered it to. Hve you opened it yet?"

"No. I am kinda afraid to. With not knowing who it's from or where it's from."

"Well, you can't just leave it sitting in the middle of the living room."

"I know. Are you coming over after work?"

"Is a cactus, the world biggest sticker?

"Ok, I'll take that as a yes your goof. Well when you get herre you and I will open it together."

"Sounds like a plan to me. Do you have a prybar or anything to get the lid off?"

"There should be somethingout in the garage. I'll just have to dig through my dads tools and see what I come up with." Brody said with a sniffle. Knowing he would have to go into his dads work area.

"Alright. well, I should be there around 4 o'clock. I have an very light load tonight."

"Well, be careful and I love you and will see you tonight then."

"Love you to.See you later."

Brody decided that he was going to make tonight special. He got in his car and went to the store. He was going to make Chicken Parmigiana with some angel hair pasta, a salad and some garlic bread. As he wasn't 21 yet, he got some sparkilng grape juice. He also got some roses and some candles.

When he got home he put the groceries away and decided to pick up the house a bit. Not that there was much to do. Up to this point he was either lifting weights or in the bed. When all was done, it was about 1:30. He decided to hit the weights for just a little bit. He would then wash and start dinner. He worked those weights like a man possesed. he felt beeter than he had in a long time when he ws done. It was 3:45 when he quit and went to take his shower. He put on his best sunday clothes, which consisted of a black suit, and a collarless white shirt. He thought it needed some color so he took a pair of red silk boxershorts out of his drawer and cut a small red square out and stuck it in his jacket pocket. He looked good. He took his jacket off and went into the kitchen to find an apron. Soon dinner was well on it's way. All that was left nowwas to set the table. He looked at his mothers china hutch. It brought back happy memories that even saddened him a bit. His mothers china didn't get used a lot. Just on special holidays, or when he got his end of the year report card. The china symbolized, to him, the impotant role he played in his parents life. To be ranked up there with the most special of holidays, meant a lot.

Well now it was time to show someone how important he was. Brody got the White silk table cloth out anfd spread it on the table. Then it was time for the dishes. He ever so gently set them on the table. He was so afraid of breaking something. Other than eating on them, this was the first time he touched them without his mothers permission.

He placed the champagne flutes on the table and then the crystal candle holders. He rummaged through the bottom for the silverware finally coming across a box that had "Open in case of emergency" His curiosty piqued, he opened it. There was a picture of him and his mother with a set of gold silverware sitting in front of them. He flipped the picture over and the back read "To my dearest, this silverware is to commemorate our son when he has become a strong and happy man. My you keep this in highest regards, and cherish it untill the time comes." He read these words with tears in his eyes.

"Well then. I think it is time to use it. I am finally a happy man." He said to himself. He placed it on the table and knowing that this was something he would probably not share with anybody anytime soon. Dinner was finally ready and on the table. Everything looked perfect to Brody. He went and turned on the radio to some easy listening. Just as he sat down and started to relax for a minute the doorbell rang. Ding Dong. It startled him a bit. He got up anf answered the door. There stood Josh. Smiling and holding a bouqet of flowers.

He stuck them out and said "For my man. I love you so much."

"Thank you Josh. their beautiful. Why didn't you just come in though."

"Silly, I don't have a key and the door was locked." Josh said laughing

"Well, get in here. Dinner is ready. and I am hungry."

"Whooee, what a spread. Whats the occasion?"

"I don't need one. But if I had to make it one, I would say it is the first day of of the rest of our lives together."

"How sweet. You don't go getting to mushy on me. I like my food to have flavor. Not b all watered down from tears."

"Alright, alright. Let's eat."

"Before we sit down, I just want to tell you how wonderful you look. You really don't look like the guy I met yesterday, or even the guy I took out last night."

Brody stood there blushing. He knew it too. He saw that this morning when he went to take his shower.

"I have never felt better Josh. And I have you to thank for that." He walked up to Josh, threw his arms aoround his neck and gave him a big kiss.

They broke their embrace and sat down to eat. They chattered away all through dinner. How Josh's day was, how Brody's day was. When dinner was over Brody excused himself for a minute. When he came back out he hadon old clothes and had a crowbar in his hand.

"Time to open this puppy and see what it is."

"Go ahead Brody. Get the crowbar unde there and I will pullup on the lid."

Brody did as instructed. Finally they had the lid off. Inside was a white sheet covering the contents of the crate. On top of the sheet was a envelope adressed to Brody Maynor. He recognized the handwriting. It was his mothers. He turned the envelope over and where the flap came to a point there was a kiss in his mothers lipstick. He opened the letter.

It read,

"Our beloved Brody,

In the event tht you are reading this, you father and I are no longer around. Let me begin by telling you how proud of you we are and how much

we love you. You were and always will be the one thing in this world we cherished most. But, since we can no longer be with you, we give you this

crate full of things we hope and wish for you. Pull back the sheet and look. The is a sum of $50,000. We know of how hard you worked at being

a good son and a good person. You make us so proud of who you have become. We want youto take this money and spend it anyway you want.

No guilt. we know that you are being taken care of by the money in the bank set there for you. Buy a car, a boat, anything you want and enjoy it.

There is also a box of pictures in there. Pictures of me and you, you and your father and all three of us. These pictures included are the ones that

meant the most to you father and I. We hope they will mean as much to you as they did us. The rest of the the items in the crate are mementos of your

childhood and mementos our lifes together. May the memories and pictures keep you warm on the coldest of nights, and company on the lonliest

nights. But with all our hopes and dreams, we hope you arn't alone and that you have found that one special man. Yes Brody, we knew you were

gay. But, it doesnt matter. We are still proud of our boy. We love you and will always love you. If you have met that special man and he is reading

this with you, this is for you special one,

"Please take care of our boy and treat him right. Be kind to him and love him with all of your might. Hold him and keep in in the

dark of the night, see what we saw a beautiful sight."

Brody again, we just want you to know that we love you and are so very, very proud of you. Take care our baby boy.

Love always, Mom and Dad."

Brody sat down, shaking and tears streaming down his face. Josh sat next to him and just held him. They sat that way for an hour before Brody could start composing himself.

"It's like they knew something was going to happen. And how did they know I was gay? I wasn't even sure myself"

"Maybe they didn't know anything was going to happen. But, just wanted to make sure you knew what they saw and how special you were to them. Just like you are to me. As for being gay, well a parent knows. Whether or not they say something is another issue. But, they just wanted you to be taken care of and loved. Buddy boy I intend to do both."

"Josh, I love you. I want you here with me all the time. Please tell me you'll stay beside me no matter what?"

"I told you already babe that I'm not going anywhere. Except home and work."

"No. I want you to move in with me here, and you don't need to work. There is enough money to take care of both of us."

"Let me tell you something. I will never quit working. Might just be a part time job, but I have to work. And yes, I will live here with you if you really want me to."

"I do, I do, I do. You make me so happy I just don't know what to do with myself."

"Why don't we go upstairs, crawl into bed and just hold each other tight and fininsh the first night of the rest of our lives together?"

"I love you Josh Scott"

"I love you too Brody Maynor."

But we are happy and still very much in love....

When I fell he helped me get up.

The End.

Well, there it is guys u wanted to know what was in the crate. So there it is. Hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing it. Teared up a bit writing the letter to Brody from Mom and Dad. But I did enjoy it.

All comments, questions, and contsructive criticsim are welcum. kj71378@aol.com

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