
By redwheels

Published on Mar 13, 2002



Falling for Andre

Written by "redwheels" (formerly ultf113)

Spring 2002

o o o o o

Why not tell him? I've fallen in love with him, another boy... So strange and wonderful and wrong and right to say it to myself... Andre, how I need your touch--to feel your warm skin all night... To share your soft bed, holding your firm, graceful body so tight to mine... Oh Andre, my cherished One, my best friend and very first Love...

I held my pillow, thinking upon Andre, closing my eyes knowing how perfect we could be... together. Oh Andre, hear me. Hear my thoughts tonight. I want to be yours... I am yours already. Take me.

o o o o o

Summer was here. Sophomore year was over. No more ancient teachers imprisoning us with their mind-dulling lessons. Andre and I met up, as usual, at the town fountain. The square was sunny and filling with tourists.

Andre approached. To everyone else, he looked like a regular local teen. But to me, especially in these last few weeks, he was a delightful vision. His soft brown hair suddenly backlit as he emerged from the shadow of St. Matthew's.

"Hey man," I said.

"Morning, Emile," he said with a smile.

I took a breath of the cool hilltop air. "So what's up for today?"

"Mmm. I've got some ideas."

"The beach again?"

"Yeah, probably. Listen, my older brother is in the city with Teresa's parents for a month. He told me I--we could use his Vespa if I fixed it up."

"Really." This sounded good. "I'll help you." Bike riding in these hills was too hard for us now that our bodies had grown.

"I hope it's something easy. Knowing how hard Giorgio rode it, it's probably more than belts and spark plugs."

"How old is it?"

"8 years." He smiled. I almost melted from the rising enthusiasm in his eyes. "Still want to give it a try?"

"If it works...", I said, "Think how cool it would be." We smiled.

"Yeah. Well, let's go."

How I wanted to reach over and hold Andre's hand as we walked the narrow alleys to his home. It would be so nice to spend time with him doing something real instead of lazing the summer away again.

o o o o o

What a piece of crap! There it was, the front tire flat, in Andre's dark shed. You could barely see the scratched blue body under the coats of greasy dust.

"Ain't she a beaut?", said Andre.

"Oh yeah, a real dream machine", I said. I loved how Andre made any situation feel better with humor and irony.

He rolled the motor scooter out to the brick-paved courtyard. His mother appeared at the ornamented iron balcony.

"Andre, put down a dropcloth before you take that apart." Her voice was stern, but filled with guiding love for her youngest baby. She smiled down to us.

"Good morning Emile. And how are your parents today?"

"Good. Papa says the tourists like using Euros. Should be the best summer yet." It still sounded weird to say Euro in place of real money.

"I hope it lasts," she said. "Well, I hope you two can get that thing working. Or at least clean it up."

"I hope so too," said Andre, returning from the shed and spreading out the dropcloth.

Andre's mom returned inside. We tilted the scooter down. And looked at it again. Ugly.

"Emile, get the red toolbox," said Andre. "Please." His smile again. Those eyes. We were just wearing shorts and t-shirts. He turned and walked into the shadows of his house. I walked away thinking I had to hide any... "excitement" if he kept being this nice all day.

Andre returned with his boom box and plugged it in. The only station worth hearing played pop and modern love songs.

The rest were news, opera, and tourist announcements in 25 languages. I hoped they'd play "our song" from last year. "Love me hold me hot all night" running through my mind when I almost kissed him on the way home from Stephen's end-of-summer drinking party. How I wished...

"Tell you what," Andre said looking down, thinking where to begin. He knelt down and unscrewed the front tire's bolts. "Have a look at this tire and see how much damage there is. Ever fixed one of these before?"

"No. But how hard can it be?"

"There's the attitude." He worked the axle off and handed it up to me with a smile.

I got to work taking the dusty wheel apart. It wasn't hard, and the metal parts were in good shape. The newest pop princess was singing "you know my desire." I hosed off the wheel, making it look glossy black. The old patch inside was deteriorated. No big problem.

Three hours later, the Vespa's parts were scattered over the courtyard. I had the wheel cleaned and back together and was starting on getting the body clean. Hopefully my patch job saved us the 40 Euros plus who knows how much tax a new tire costed.

"I hope I'm right," said Andre wiping sweat from his forehead, "and it's just the starter. Everything else is old, but nothing looks broken. Why didn't Giorgio just bring this fucker in to the shop every three months?"

Since I was cleaner, Andre sent me into town for a new starter. Everyone was raised to be polite and helpful to tourists, but I was getting tired of having our hometown overrun each summer. Couldn't these people save their money, stay home, and build their own towns nice? All you could do was sigh, live with it, and make money off 'em.

At sunset, the chassis was back together. Time to test the motor. Nothing at first. Andre tightened a wire connector.

It was weak, but it started with a cloud of blue exhaust. We smiled at our triumph.

"I don't like that coolant hose," he said. "But that can wait 'til tomorrow. Thanks for all your help, Emile."

We cleaned up and had a great dinner with his family. Andre's father was happy to see the Vespa in good order again.

"Giorgio never did take care of his things," he said. "Who knew there was anything shiny under all that grime?"

"Thank Emile for that, papa," said Andre. "I wouldn't have been that careful for such an old machine."

"To Emile," Andre's father said, raising his wine glass.

Everyone toasted me, making me feel pleasantly self-conscious and embarrassed. Andre's friendly face looked so lovely in the candlelight.

o o o o o

The sun had barely risen. I shivered a little in the shade.

I wore sandals, my shortest black shorts, a sea green polo shirt, and a bleached white jockstrap, still warm and tight from the dryer. I secretly hoped to use it somehow with him today, if I had the courage to make a move.

"Ready to go?", asked Andre. Birds were cheerfully singing from the row of trees in front of his light gold house.

I was sitting inches behind him. Not knowing if I should squeeze my legs tighter or press closer to his ass. My heart was beating fast.

"Okay," I said. Off we went. The Vespa lurched to one side as Andre accelerated. I instinctively held on to his waist, touching the thin fabric of his bright blue tank top, rippling in the wind.

I had ridden and driven scooters before. But never with someone I... loved. Having to be close to ride with Andre was such a sweet feeling. I reveled in the situation. Every time he sped up or went into a turn, I inched forward and held on tighter. We made it down the hill's curving road. I kept my hands locked at his navel all through the main road traffic light. Obviously I was hard for him, gliding, curving, and feeling us press together at every stop.

The light changed and we took off, curving onto the main highway. I squeezed my bare legs tightly around Andre's. I closed my eyes even though my tiny black sunglasses protected them from the wind. Holding Andre at last. Gently rocking side to side as we passed agricultural traffic.

"Engine sounds good, doesn't it?" yelled Andre in the wind.

"Yeah. Amazing!"

Andre had made no move indicating discomfort with how I held him. We were just test riding the Vespa, seeing how good our work was. The broken white lines and speckled grey road blurred under us.

"She's not overheating either. Looks like I was right about the starter."

"Mmm hmm."

The next light was coming up. We coasted as it turned red.



A pause. The relaxed engine steadily toned down.

"I don't know if I should say this."

"What?" I asked.

"Emile... I like. I really like how you've been holding me."

We crawled to a stop behind a white Mercedes. Wow. Should I tell him now?

I hugged him. Close. Let my actions speak for me.

"Like that?" I asked.

Andrea breathed out with a smile. "Yeah, like that."

We had established something. Simple and pure, but a nice start. The light changed. I held Andre tight through the U-turn. He really raced us back to the village.

"This thing's in great shape!", he yelled. Trees and guardrails whipped past. "None of the gauges are redlining!"

Oh. Riding so fast on our machine. Giorgio would beat this thing into the ground when he got back and knew how well it worked. But it was ours for now.

o o o o o

He didn't mention our "embrace" as we checked over the scooter back in the courtyard. Maybe he only meant he liked it while we were riding. I felt strange standing still on the hard ground after moving so fast. It was hard to believe this old neglected thing had so much power.

"Well Emile, the... only thing I can find wrong is this side panel. A couple drops of screw-lock will stop the rattle. Man. To think this nice bike was one day away from working all those months."

"When can we ride again?"

"I don't know," he said with a laugh. "I didn't think we'd get it working so soon."

"Let's just go the other way on the main road. Isn't it just 8 kilometers to the next town?"

"Yes. Hm. Mama?", he called.

"Yes Andre?", she answered from inside.

"You need anything from Silone?"

She came to the balcony with a big smile.

"You just want to help your mama, eh? You two can just go and have fun--It's time you two stopped staying in town all the time anyway. Just don't break any girls' hearts."

"We promise," Andre said with a laugh. "Be back tonight."

"Be good."

"We will, mama."

We stepped to the Vespa. I got on the back half of the seat.

"You can drive this time," Andre told me. Hm. I slid forward. Andre got on and I kicked the stand back.

I started her up. I wanted to take her slow and get comfortable controlling her for a while. Andre's hands were on my shoulders. It felt nice for him to touch me.

We went down into the first curve. As soon as we tilted, Andre immediately reached his arms around my waist. Not too tight. How could I keep my mind on the road when my cock was hardening again?

I took us faster down the shady, tree-lined road. It was hot and sunny as we reached the base of the hill. Andre held me all through the traffic light stop.

"I like it too," I whispered back to him.

His legs squeezed against mine. We took off south. I wanted to close my eyes, feeling so good in his riding embrace. We were up to highway speed in 25 seconds. This little machine was fantastic! I was glad I put a second patch on the tire's other side to balance the first one's weight. The wheel didn't wobble at all.

The open countryside was so fresh and green. Massive lines of rolling sprinklers sent white sprays of water into the fields. The 200-generator-strong wind farm looked so cool as we sped past together. I loved being with Andre. My mind was fully in the moment, recording crystal clear memories of... maybe our first day as more than friends.

o o o o o

Silone was not a tourist town. Just factories, offices, stores, and homes. It was five times bigger than our village. We decided to just ride around the streets and see if anything was happening. Andre held me close. Was there an undercurrent of attraction?

We were the only ones on a long smooth road between the forest and a long loading dock. I eased off and swayed the bike in long esses. It felt so good to tilt my weight with Andre's cooperative embrace.

"Mmmm," he said.

I smiled and exhaled. "I really love how you hold me." I couldn't believe I said "love" out loud. But I felt so easy and comfortable with him. God. Now he knew.

"You're my best friend... Emile." The way he said my name was so gentle. Andre didn't hold back any natural impulse as he pressed his body to mine.

I eased down on the gas. We coasted and curved to a stop next to one of the loading ramps. Business must not have been good, as only four trucks were parked in the 80 spaces.

I put my feet down to hold the bike steady. Andre kept holding me, but looser now.

"Andre, there's something... Something I've got to tell you." I paused.

"I didn't know this could happen. Especially to me. But I... I've been falling in... love with you for a long time."

Andre was silent, but he didn't let go. I continued.

"If... you don't feel the same, I understand. It's just I've been feeling this way for at least two years. And I have never felt this... special magic way for any girl. And I don't want to destroy our friendship, or pressure you into anything you don't want. Just know, Andre. I have fallen in love with you. I am yours if you'll have me."

I let silence fall again. I exhaled. Had I just gone too far?

"Emile... I--I know you love me. You told me before..."

"When?" I thought to myself.

"I snuck you back into your house after Stephen's party last year. Now I know you don't remember. You told me, kissed me, and went right to sleep. In vino veritas."

"And you never told me?" I asked.

"I kept waiting... I mean, I'm not, ah... totally gay or anything. But how could I say no to your love? I was a little scared of where it might lead if I said something to lead you on. I thought you knew more what you wanted."

"So," I said, "where does that leave us? Still friends?"

"Of course! And... since that night... I seriously started thinking about what it would feel like to, you know, be together with you. And I never found a reason to think it was bad. Or to stop being best friends."

"You're still holding me."

"You know, Emile, as long as we can keep it discrete... I'll go to bed with you. I think it would make us both very happy."

Oh my God. This was amazing. I kicked the bike stand down and got off. Faced Andre. He looked away shyly smiling.

"I can keep secrets," I said.

"So," I continued, "you're not totally gay? How gay are you?"

Andre laughed. "Emile, let's... let's not overanalyze this. If I want to go to bed naked with another boy, that pretty much means I'm gay enough." What a way to state the truth.

I felt more confident. At peace with Andre and myself. So glad things were moving in the right direction.

"You are my first love," I said. His honest face was so full of true friendship.

"You're the first one to proclaim Love to me." Andre smiled and looked straight into my eyes. Our souls made the first hesitant steps to a deeper connection.

"If you had any idea how much I've thought about you, Andre..."

"I can imagine. Look, Emile, I've known all my life you were different from the other boys in town. You weren't pretending to be extra manly. I always liked how you were always... just you. Now that we both are... 'gay' together..." He said "gay" like it was only a huge issue to other people.

"...I just hope we can always stay friends. I'll even stand up for you in town, Emile."

He would do that for me? All I wanted was his love. To complete my silly teenage infatuation. He would put himself on the line to defend me? I felt so good about myself, so... worthy in his eyes. The stale clouds of shame and secrecy that accompanied my homosexuality were blown away. Leaving, and I know this is a total cliche, a sparkling rainbow of new hope.

o o o o o

We traded places on the shiny Vespa and sped back through Silone to the main road. I noticed every couple, native and tourist, wondering how they handled their first moments together.

Even though I had what I wanted, I felt even more vulnerable and nervous about this second level of love. I held Andre's waist tightly the whole way home. Gave him a first kiss on the cheek.

Now that this was Real, I was feeling unsure again. How could situations work out this well in real life? Would our love last? Was Andre just naive about the implications of homosexuality? Or was I wasting energy overanalyzing something perfectly natural?

"How you doin' back there, Emile?"

"Oh, fine." We couldn't really talk at this speed. Everything... Everything was different now. Now that we were kind of... lovers... I was scared someone might recognize us riding together. It felt like the complications that came with being gay were doubled now. I didn't know if I could handle it.

We ascended the hill roads. I had to hold on to feel safe. The motor purred. Andre handled the bike gracefully. We pulled into his courtyard. I disentangled myself from him after one last gentle squeeze.

Andre brushed his hand back through his hair. He wanted to say something, but his mom would hear. I didn't press.

We went in the house. A note on the counter.

"At Maria's for dinner. Love, Mama."

"Looks like we can talk here," he said. "Papa's over there too. And... You know how late dinners at Maria's can last." A silent pause.

"Emile...", he said.


"You--we took a big step today. Um. I... Maybe we should take some time to realize what we said."

"I'm so glad you said that!", I quickly said. The tension and expectations pressing down on me were lifted away. I could only imagine what he was feeling.

"I was having second thoughts too" I said. "I mean, before... it was a fantasy. Based on real feelings... But still. Now that we're--talking about it..."

"We both don't know," he said, "if it will be as good as we think."

"Right. Right. I--this is all brand new stuff to deal with--"

"For both of us."

"Yeah. I'm just so glad you didn't get mad at me for... feeling gay for you."

He exhaled. "So."

"So," I replied, smiling.

"It's only 4:30. You want to... take a shower? You won't... tell anyone will you?" Andre smiled. Now that we weren't rushing things, we could rush things.

I didn't search my mind or feelings. "A shower sounds good." I was grinning from ear to ear. Yes.

He led me by the hand upstairs. I was his now.

'Me, with a guy,' I thought. My dick began pressing against my jock as I watched Andre's buns move side to side ascending the curving stone steps.

Into his bedroom. Pulled down the shade. He took off his tank top. I mirrored him. Without words, we undressed to... our jocks.

There are moments when complex sensations beyond words rush into the mind all at once. Seeing how beautiful he was, pulling down his shorts to reveal that he liked jockstraps too, and how white ours were against our tanned bodies... His silhouetted body in the dim room. His light brown nipples right there. Good lord.

"Andre, you are so beautiful."

He stepped over to me. Put his hands on my wide elastic belt. Dug his thumbs in, and slooowly pulled down. I was totally under his control. We tilted our heads and drew together for our first kiss on the lips. Mmmmm. Oh Andre, how I had dreamed of kissing you!

My jock slipped down my legs. His soft hands touched, caressed, then squeezed my ass. We kissed. I held his waist and explored him. I loved him in the jockstrap so much. The tight white fabric perfectly matching his curves.

My fingertips lovingly slipping into his perfect crack.

Andre pulled back from our kiss and gulped for air.

"Oh, Emile! You are making me so horny! I've never needed it so bad."

"No doubt about it, you're totally gay now," I said with a warm smile. My hands moved to his waist and slipped under his belt. The word "gay" was the most wonderful thing for us now. Totally cool.

Andre smiled, knowing how wonderful we both felt. He kissed me again. I couldn't believe we were doing this. All the hesistance and pressure from before were gone. I inched my hands down into his belt. Touched his ass. Lifted my wrists away. We kissed. My cock stood straight up, touching totally between us and drawing the tip down him when we backed off.

I slipped my hands back out of his jock, leaving the erotic gear there for more caressing. I held his torso tightly, hugging him, wanting him to know how much I truly loved him.

"Oh hell, do I have to do everything?" he asked with a playful tone. Off came his jock. Dear God. His beautiful, long, tan penis stood free from his full black bush. I started to drool. He stood there to let me admire him, completely naked.

"Come on Emile."

He led me to the spacious bathroom. We saw ourselves, our "all grown up" teenage chests in the mirror. It felt SO great to be naked with him. Our bare skin looked lovely under the diffused skylight. The large mirror doubled our nudity.

Andre clicked open the clear glass shower door. Gracefully held it open for me. Touched the small of my back to gently guide me in over the ledge. He joined me in the space. The two of us, so gay, so ready for anything.

He approached, put his hands on my waist, and pressed me to the wall opposite the shower head. I felt my skin touch the cool marble tile. Andre and I shared a long look into each other's eyes. He held me against the wall and kissed me all over my face. I was in heaven.

His thick red cock swung in circles as he moved down, kissing my entire body every four inches. To see him from this angle, his strong shoulders, his back, as he finished kissing my feet... The exquisite way his spine, back, and waist perfectly tapered to his deliciously perfect ass... Oh Andre...

We turned the water on. The initial cold shocked my body. It warmed up fast. Andre's father was the town's plumber, and this shower was the best I'd ever seen in our old, "if it's good enough, why fix it?" country.

There we were, showered in soft drops, lathering up with a fresh bar of scented light blue soap. We soaped and rubbed each other in the mist. I kissed his back when I turned him around to rinse. Hugged him from behind to lather up his abs. Andre's head moved back to my shoulder as I went lower and grasped onto his slippery penis. I squeezed and stroked him up and down. Harder and softer. Went back to lathering up his abs and dark pubic hair.

I felt so so good to be there, together with him. Knowing he accepted me. Knowing I was desirable and lovable. Discovering just how natural it was to go gay. Loving him... loving how I felt about myself, going full steam ahead with my magic desires.

We were totally cleaned and rinsed. Andre turned off the gleaming brass shower. We stood there, then kissed again. His flat, dripping hair looked so great. To feel his naked back with my hands... Knowing he was still just as hard as our cocks touched... Oh, I had to have him! What "level" of love was this? I inwardly laughed at myself, playfully analyzing at a time like this.

Andre took a clear bottle of baby oil from the top rail of the shower door. Oh yes. Yes a thousand times!

He squirted the fragrant oil on my chest. Taking about 25 seconds to totally cover me, I was converted into a slippery state of complete sensual joy.

He gave the bottle to me, and I happily went to work on his sculpted bod. I let the lines of oil drip down his chest as I attended to his arms. He moved himself to me, knowing which areas needed oiling. To feel him like this... a body oil dance on our first day! Not the slightest trace of doubt about our Love.

"I love you so much, Andre man."

"I fell in love with you going up the stairs today, Emile.


We were all oiled, our bodies glistening in the skylight's glare. I knew I had sexual fantasies and interests before, but finally experiencing this mutual excitement with another boy was an intense moment of totally unexpected ecstasy. We were literally in another world. A higher plane of delight.

I didn't know if my heart could take being charged up so high.

"Who goes first?" asked Andre. I laughed, not knowing the answer.

"How about shortest dick?" It sounded like a fair idea. With the fun of measuring.

Andre leaned his head back and smiled. He looked into my eyes with such wild joy, discovering I could come up with off the wall ideas so fast.

We stood next to each other, lining up. It was obvious.

"My turn first." I was sliiightly smaller than Andre.

I led Andre down to his hands and knees. I kneeled down behind him. He curved his back down and fully... presented himself to me.

"Wait..." Andre got up and took the fluffy snow white towel down.

"My knees were starting to hurt there." He folded the towel so we could both kneel comfortably on the shower floor. I saw his back cuuurve down again. Oh.

I poured out a good three tablespoons of baby oil on his crack. I spread it down over his pink, wrinkly anus, then, feeling so excited about this, put my left ring finger to his rosy center. He opened up, let me in, and clenched as I lubed his rectum and squeezed his ass with the rest of my fingers. Oh Andre, I thank you so much for choosing me.

"Ready, my love?", he asked, just as I was about to ask him. I took a breath, gathering energy for my first boyfuck.

"Yes," I replied clearly. My dick was already oiled, so I got into mounting position. Andre's shoulders, back, ass, and legs were so gorgeous in the light. I held my cock. Touched myself to his crack. His buns squeezed. My God! How much more high could we get?

I lowered my full-mast cock to point straight to his opening gateway. I swallowed and nervously pressed. He opened wider. I fffffucked on inside him. Oh God. My cockhead was fully embraced in his hot ass. I saw myself sliding in, deeper, inch by inch.

I was... what good are words? I was fully united with my true love... So tight and soft around me. I felt flushed with heat and started sweating all over my... our... fully oiled body.

How I fucked Andre... He was so great, rocking with me back and forth, sitting up on my thighs from time to time, letting me hug him, arching his back, sliding up and down on my sensitive, sensitive penis.

This was so totally natural. We found our sync. Faster and faster, fucking and squeezing, lovers having the time of our lives. Oh. I had to catch the next wave. mmmmmMMMmmMMMMMMMM! Yes!

"Oh God! Oooh! Aaaah! Oh...." My orgasm built and built up to a blinding light inside. I shot out come hard, feeling obliterated from head to toe. Thrusting into Andre, feeling my hands slip around to his nipples... shooting more and more come into him.

Oh. Yes. My cock squeezing out, so hot inside him... Fully drained, legs feeling totally hollow. Burned to a crisp. My orgasmic joy glowed and faded down slowly. I breathed to recover from my wonderful boyfuck, a joy I never knew could feel this transcendent. Absolutely Satisfied. Oh Andre.

I collapsed back, sliding out, burning Andre's ass.

"Oh my Andre. That was... that was the best. I love you!"

I sat on my heels and recovered my breath. Andre sat up. I held him. He held and caressed my arms.


"Emile, you were wonderful. I love you, totally and completely."

My breathing wasn't back to normal yet. But I was ready for his turn with me. I kissed his ear and whispered,

"Fuck me. Fuck me hard, Andre."

I had never felt so good or so weak. I crawled slowly around as Andre got ready. Down to my elbows. Spreading my legs. Presenting. I closed my eyes, knowing Andre would take me. Gay me.

Time was warped for me now. I was reliving our incredible sex again. Holding him on the Vespa today. Our song. Holding my pillow back in my room. Seeing him only in his jock...

Andre poured out the oil. We must have used half the bottle by now...

Mmmm. I loved feeling his hands massage me. I tightened and drew in whenever he came near my asshole. He circled and circled. I relaxed. His finger entered, all in one fast sliding move. My toes curled as I realized again how wild this was.

"Emile, your body is so perfect. I will love you forever."

I felt the first anal touch of Andre's hot cock. Oh yes. Fuck me now!

"Andre yes," I said with a breathy voice.

He entered me. I relaxed, totally aware of my entire body while focused and centered on my anal region. HMmmmhh yeah.

Playfully, Andre slid in, stayed, withdrew... Touched again... Pulled away as I squeezed myself tighter than I ever thought possible.

He was in me again. Oh yes. I needed him deeper. Oh, oh. Oh God! He's too much! Yes. Oh. Still deeper, so fucking hot... Slipping back out again... I exhaled and breathed hard, my fucking ass feeling hotter and looser... Thank you for making a woman of me Andre.

Aaaahhh. My jaw trembled with his next move. A fast plunge.

"Oh!" I chirped in pain. Blissful pain.

Andre's long searing hot dick reamed me out. I had never felt this full on the toilet. Oh. I never wanted him to leave me.

I realized I hadn't squeezed down on him yet. Being filled was enough for me. I clenched, weakly at first. Then stronger. I felt Andre's body convulse. He caught a breath.

"Oh Emile! Fuck me now!"

I let go for a second and squeezed hard again. Oh my God! My slippery ass felt so great with his hard, curving cock up inside. We naturally began rocking. Andre went in and out, 1 or two inches per thrust. My ring was burning with friction. I pictured how red hot and beautiful we looked, joined together cock to ass. Mmmm.

Andre's hands were all over me, slipping over my oiled back and sides. I had to breathe hard and hold my breath from time to time to handle getting fucked up the ass. There was this funny brown pleasure zone at the base of my own dick that he was touching from inside me... Oh Andre... Boyfuck me and never stop!

We were really rocking. Both breathing hard. Moaning with how fucking amazing we felt together. Oh, the ride of a lifetime! I closed my eyes tightly, committing every queer sensation to memory. Andre fucked me hard, just like I wanted.

I was totally loose. Andre's dick easily filled me from base to tip. The thought of his red penis head so far inside me, our love strong enough to go this far... Oh yeah. Do me right baby. Keep it going, Andre.

I totally understood when Andre sped up. I had always wondered if fucking could be as fast as jacking off. Yes. I was shaking as Andre buttfucked me. Me.

"Oh God!" said Andre. "Emile! Oh! aaaAAAaaAAAhaaaAAAAH!

Oh! Oh! Yes!"

I closed my eyes, feeling his pulsing penis' hot blasts of come. I squeezed him hard.

"Oh God yes, Emile!" he said, out of breath.

"Oh!" I said in a high voice. My boyfriend was fucking and coming inside me! My summer forever boyfriend...

Andre slowed down. I could tell he was smiling as he weakly kept pumping. I twitched my buns and squeezed his softening dick. We were so united in the perfect light...

Gently, the way I would do it from now on, he withdrew. Grabbed me up in a big hug.

"I love you! You're mine Emile!"

I leaned my head back and laughed. My hot fucked ass felt so good. I loved having his thick white come inside me. Mmmmm, his embrace.

We held each other for about ten minutes, marveling at what we had just done. How high we had flown. What it all meant.


"Yes, Emile?" It was such a turn on to hear my name spoken by my boyfriend.

"That went... well." I exhaled at my joking understatement.

"Mmmm," he said. "I am so in love with you."


o o o o o

We showered off again, and took a long time drying off, combing our hair, and getting dressed. We threw a pizza in the oven for dinner. We didn't need to talk. Our lovemaking took us beyond the primitive perception-cage of language.

I had vaguely thought love and sex would make me happy, but now I knew for real. Alone with Andre, totally unashamed of who I was. So lucky he was open minded enough to consider loving me. Mmmm. Everything was different again. I had been to the mountaintop. Whatever the world threw at me, I could live and die satisfied in the bond of passion Andre and I shared. Love.

o o o o o

Author's note: The idea of totally oiling up and having gay teen sex in sunlight came from the brilliant nifty camping story "coming-of-age" (September 1996). I credit and thank the anonymous author of that beautiful, landmark work of art. _____________________________________________________________________ // free anonymous email || forums \ subZINE || anonymous browsing

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