Father of The Bride

By Desert Rat

Published on Oct 17, 2022



Warning - The following story contains graphic sex between consenting (more or less) gay (more or less) males (definitely) and is not to be read by minors.

Thanks for all the messages offering support and story ideas. Your comments are always welcome.

As always guys, continue to play safe.

"Father of the Bride"

I am certain everyone knows a story about a guy whose first sex with another man is his father-in-law, right? Well, my story isn't a whole lot different except not only was my first M2M sex with my father-in-law but also it was on my wedding night and I got my cherry popped!

Here's the story.

Sherry and I agreed that we weren't going to get married until we graduated from college. I would be 23 and she would be 22. We thought being out of school would get us over at least that rough spot and with two incomes, we would be able to live okay and not have to scrimp too much. As it was, we were living together and having sex on a regular basis, making it official was just a formality but it got her mom off our backs. Her mom feared Sherry would get pregnant and have to drop out of school. And she made no bones about the fact that Sherry's dad had abandoned them when Sherry was a baby.

I came up a little short with my credits and didn't graduate until the Winter quarter and then Sherry hit on the idea that she wanted to have a Christmas wedding. So, we set December 24th as our wedding day. Then, a week before our wedding, the bomb of all times was dropped. Sherry's mom called to inform us that Sherry's long lost father had shown up! This dismayed me since it was as if the man had never existed. Len, her adopted father, had stepped in within a year of their abandonment and had provided them with a warm loving home every since. Len was giving the bride away.

So with this new wrinkle, we didn't know what was going to happen. Francie assured us it would be strictly up to Sherry if she wanted to meet the guy. I had kind of thought that Sherry would tell the jerk to fuck off but to my surprise, Sherry agreed to have lunch with the guy. To my further surprise, she came back gushing over the man. AND I was floored when she told me the guy was coming to dinner that night.

So, I met the other of my future fathers-in-law. I didn't like the guy the moment I set eyes on him. Well, dislike is probably too strong a word for it. I was uncomfortable around him and I didn't know why. He was a great looking guy in a "pushing forty" way. He had only been 17 when Sherry was born. He had good looks in that rugged sort of way. Sherry's mom had already told me that much when we shared a fifth of Jack one night. His black hair was graying pretty quickly at the temples and he had one of those haircuts that was crew cut on top but long in the back. I guess some guys like them but since I play rugby, close cropped is the only way to go. Anyway, he was really lanky and I suppose you could say he was muscular but he wasn't bulky. He was pretty tan also for whatever that is worth.

So I got through the night okay but I would catch Max (his name) looking at me kinda oddly. You know, not really looking at me but like he was looking through me. And he would have kind of a faraway look on his face. He also was a toucher and probably gripped my shoulder, slapped my back, punched my chest, squeezed my biceps at least 20 times. He and I did the dishes and he would kind of lean into me to reach for something or put something away. But physical contact didn't bother me. Several of my guy friends and I touched. It was just a male bonding thing. Jason, my best friend and I had even been known to hold hands. Well, not palm to palm like I do with Sherry, more like his palm holding the back of my hand. You know: a guy thing.

So after Max left, good ol' Sherry dropped yet another bomb on me. Not only was she moving back to her folk's house until after the wedding, she had invited Max to stay at our apartment. Because of the holidays, he could only get a hotel room for a couple of nights. Tonight was the last night. Tomorrow night, I was getting a new roommate. Needless to say with the prospect of no sex for almost a week, we went a couple of rounds and then turned in.

As you can guess, I wasn't looking forward to this guy being around but Sherry said it would give us a chance to get to know each other. God if she only knew what she had predicted! So, with a suitcase in her hand, I kissed her good bye just as Max was pulling in. Max and I talked a while over a few beers and he told me some of his past. The topic of why he had walked out on Sherry and Francie was never brought up and it was just as well, it probably would have got me going. He had lead an interesting life and seemed to be pretty much a nomad moving from city to city with no more possessions than he could throw in his Jeep.

Finally, having nothing more to say, I gave him some sheets, pillow and a blanket to make a bed on the couch. After all, it was a small newly weds apartment and he for sure wasn't going to sleep with me!

The next morning, I got up and padded into the kitchen in my underwear sporting my usual morning hard on. I was making coffee when I realized I was being watched. To be honest, I guess I had forgotten Max was there or else I would have put some trunks on. Anyway, he was leaning up against the doorframe just watching me. He only had his Levi's on and they weren't buttoned, just pulled up so his bush showed through the flaps. It was also evident he woke up with a hard on because it was pretty obvious. We exchanged good mornings but he didn't try to talk. I was too embarrassed to go put some clothes on and too stubborn to let him know he had bested me so I just continued until the coffee was brewing and was going to start getting ready for class. But Max's eyes were on me all the way to the door and I know he saw my hard on. It isn't hard to miss; I mean it is 7" and pretty thick. Also I carry around two good-sized nuts and that makes it even more obvious. I guess you could say I'm self-conscious about it. On the odd occasions when I do wear something like Lycra shorts, I always wear gym trunks over them. Otherwise, it is too embarrassingly noticeable; it looks like I have softball in my jock. So, I knew Max got an eye full. I must be pretty dumb because I didn't know he was gay yet.

I guess he and Sherry spent part of that day together. Francie was having some problems with him being there. I don't know what Len was thinking. So, in an attempt to mend some fences, we had them all over for dinner. Sherry spent the afternoon cooking while I was at work after classes. Surprisingly, it went well. Francie and Max at least silently agreed to be cordial until after the wedding. Len seemed to genuinely like Max (I think this rankled Francie) and I got to at least do some heavy kissing with Sherry, I mean some REAL heavy kissing. I had a major hard on when everyone left. I tried to coax Sherry into the bedroom for a quickie but she wouldn't. As hot as I was, it would have been a quickie all right. So even by the time Max and I had a couple of beers after everyone left, I was still pretty keyed up. It seemed like a year until the wedding and I wondered if my balls would survive I thought as I turned in. I don't know how long it took me to finally fall to sleep but I woke up after a while, I guess the beers needed to be freed so I went into the bathroom. There is a door into the bathroom from our bedroom and another one from the hall next to the kitchen. I had left that door open for Max if he needed it in the night. Sitting down, (I piss sitting down at night because I don't like turning the light on and maybe waking Sherry, also it guarantees I hit the bowl something that is not guaranteed if I stand there half asleep.) I noticed a light was on in the living room. I figured Max had gone to sleep with it on. I was going to turn it off and moved towards the other door.

I never thought of myself as a prude but I was surprised to see Max was jerking off. I think what was the most unsettling was that he wasn't the least bit self conscious about it. At least he could do it under the covers but no, he had to do it with the light ON (!) and the covers completely thrown off. Well, maybe the most disturbing thing really was that I couldn't take my eyes off it. I didn't think men had cocks that big. I know mine ain't no puny thing but he had to have at least 9" if not 10" and you could tell it was really thick. But he had a slow easy style about how he stroked it. Like he wasn't in any hurry and he knew it was going to pop eventually. Kinda like he was enjoying it too much to be done too soon. I knew I shouldn't be watching him but I couldn't tear myself away. Fortunately, he was facing away from me and couldn't see me staring. I wasn't certain how long he had been at it but I could tell by the way his movements were kind of jerky that he had to be getting close.

With one mighty spasm, his whole body jumped and with a muffled grunt, a solid ribbon of cum flew from his cock head all the way to his shoulder. With the additional spasms, the other streamers landed at different angles and distances all over his torso clinging to the surface of his thick body hair. When I saw his whole body go limp, I knew I had to get out of there before he got up. Assuming he would clean himself up and not be a rude guest who allowed his jiz to be smeared all over his hosts' sheets and blankets.

I made tracks back into the bedroom, closed the door quietly and hastened to the bed. I don't know why I thought he might come in here but I did. I flipped over on my belly and to my dismay, I not only had a raging hard on but I was dripping buckets! I lay very still while I heard Max in the bathroom. He didn't turn the light on so I was certain, he wouldn't notice the toilet not being flushed. I was just hoping he didn't wipe his cum on my towel. With Sherry being gone and all the preparations, I knew laundry would be a low priority.

When there was finally silence and I could tell the light was off, I flipped back over. My cock was wet and throbbing. My shorts were a mess and I knew I should change them but what good would it do if I were to just continue to drip. Also, I was too keyed up to sleep and obviously, my prick was not going to soften. Well, of course I was hard! Sherry and I had the wild kissing session, that was enough to make anyone hard and we hadn't had sex in 48 hours. This was natural. Pealing my underwear off, I started stroking myself. This is something I hadn't done since Sherry moved in with me two years ago. We both had very strong sex drives, 48 hours between sex was the maximum, and I usually was good for two rounds and sometimes even a third. Sherry had jerked me off but not by my own fist. Oh, to be honest, before Sherry, I used to jerk off. I am not knocking it either. It was just something I didn't have to do.

So as I lay there stroking myself and doing my best to think about Sherry but Max kept drifting into my thoughts. That was not the first time I had seen a guy jerk off. For the two years that Jason and I were dorm mates, I saw him jerk off a couple of dozen times at least. Not intentionally mind you, but you know how you wake up at night and know something was going on so you lay real still until you can identify it? Well, that usually was Jason jerking off. I didn't want to roll over and maybe make him think I was embarrassed so I would just lie there and pretend I was sleeping. When I wanted to do it, which was usually after I saw him doing it, I used to wait until I knew he was asleep or early in the morning if he went out for a run before I got up. So anyway, just seeing a guy jerk off wasn't enough to give me a mega boner like this one. So picking up my pace to get it over with, I squirted on my chest and a little on the pillow. Getting caught up on the laundry was going to be a bitch. Rather than add to the load, I used my still wet shorts to clean myself up with. That was one nice thing about having a smooth chest, the cum didn't mat your chest hair down like it did Jason's. If I didn't actually witness it, I could always tell the next morning if Jason had "given it a pull", as he liked to call it.

The next morning I pulled my gym trunks on before going to make the coffee. It was still obvious but just less so. Max was already up and I guess I blushed when I saw him. For good reason: his chest hair was pretty badly matted but he didn't seem to mind or pay any attention to it. I noticed he was looking at me a little oddly and then he gave me a big wide grin. It wasn't until I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth that I realized I had cum smeared all over the side of my head and my hair was matted flat just like his chest hair. Oh well, I guess he got a good laugh at my expense.

That night was my bachelor party. Sherry called me at work and really got me pretty upset. Today was to be my last day working at the part time job I took to get me through college and I was really way behind in what I had hoped to have done. I didn't have a lot of time to talk and I guess I was pretty gruff with her so we had a bit of a disagreement. And, as you probably could guess, it was over Max.

I was going to meet Jason and the guys at Jason's apartment and then crash there for the night. Man, we even hired a limo for this event and to be honest, I was really looking forward to not having Max around even if it was just for one night. Well, Sherry got pissed because I hadn't invited Max! Just exactly what I needed! My second from last day as a single guy and I get saddled with my future father-in-law! I was really looking forward to some serious drinking and male bonding with my buddies. Well, there was no sense arguing with her. Even though it was my party, she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

I got home from work and was running late but I still needed to shower and change. Since I couldn't very well tell Max he was going to have to go back to the apartment by himself, I knew I was going to have to return so I made him drive to Jason's. This was my night and if any one of us had go easy on the drink, it would be him.

When we arrived at Jason's the guys had already started to party. No one had met Max yet and rather than look like his being there wasn't my idea, I introduced him all around with enthusiasm I didn't really feel. The guys didn't seem put off by him at all. In fact, before the night was over, he was practically the center of attention and even I had to admit, he told some pretty outrageous stories that had us all laughing.

After a solemn toast by Jason, the six of us downed a couple of bottles of champagne. Soon, the limo arrived and we piled in. Now our small town wasn't of Denver sophistication but we did have one strip bar that had some pretty hot women. We saved that for last, hitting some of our old college days haunts first. Maybe it was a way to say good-bye to it all. The drinks flowed freely and we got pretty ripped.

Finally, about mid-night, we decided to hit the "Bushwhacker". Max had been feeling us out about how we felt about drugs and since we were all recreational users, we shared some fat ones made of some stuff Max had from Africa. That shit was killer! The five-minute drive seemed to take five hours but we were all so euphoric, noting bothered us. There was a lot of physical contact in the limo, including some crotch grabbing but we were all so toasted, nothing shocked us. As we got out, Max got between Jason and I and put an arm around each of our shoulders and we wrapped an arm each around his waist. He was holding me tightly and I assumed from the pressure I could feel Jason returning he was doing the same to him. At this point, even I liked him.

Maybe it was the weed but the women seemed more beautiful than ever and I think we all had boners. As our bodies processed the beer we were gulping down, trips to the toilet were frequent. Every time a guy would get up to go, Max would go along to 'make sure no one got in any trouble'. This made perfect sense, he even went with me the two times I went and fished his own boner out to try to drain it. Seeing it up close, I was positive I was hallucinating, that fucker seemed larger now than it did before. I wasn't the only one who noticed it, most of the other guys commented on it too!

When it became evident that the night was over and we were all wasted, we went out to the parking lot and in spite of the cold, I hugged and kissed, on the lips, all my buddies. The warmth of there bodies in the cold morning air made something in me stir. I dismissed it as being probably just too drunk and too stoned.

It was a short ride to drop the three guys off and then it was just Jason, Max and me. Jason lived not far from me but we were out of town a bit in a newer section. The road was dark and there was no moon so it was real dark in the limo. I didn't care to try to talk any more. It seemed as if the night air had made me drunker and I knew I was on the verge of passing out. Max moved over toward Jason and lifted my feet up to the seat next to him. I sat there in the dark, eyes almost closed. I could almost make out sounds the music was almost drowning out and see motion in the dark but nothing registered. I passed out.

The next thing I knew, Max and Jason where tugging me out of the limo. Jason was holding me up with a bear hug while Max paid the driver. I felt his still hard prick poking me in my crotch. I reached down and gave it a squeeze. "Hey dude, you've still got a boner from those chicks!" I laughed. He couldn't pull my hand away because he was holding me so I continued teasing it with firm squeezes.

"You make me cum in my pants and you're going to lick it up," he said threateningly. I let go when Max came up.

Together, they put me in Max's Jeep. Max got in, started the engine, and then buckled my set belt. I know I didn't imagine it, his hand was on my crotch when he fastened the belt and I wasn't so drunk I didn't know that wasn't necessary. Max hesitated a moment and said he was going to make sure Jason got in okay and to take a leak. He told me to relax and go to sleep, he would only be a few minutes. I passed out again, probably because of the warmth from the heater. The next thing I know, the Jeep is bumping down the road. I kinda glanced at the clock and was pretty surprised to see it was 3:30AM and we left the "'Whacker" before it closed. I decided the clock must be set for some other time zone and passed out again.

Max got me into the apartment but practically had to carry me in. He got me into the bedroom and started to undress me. I was feeling pretty woozy so I wasn't able to resist much. He laid me down on the bed and just stood there looking at me. All I had on was my underwear. That was when it started setting in that Max was gay.

"You're just too pretty for words. My little girl has good taste in men."

"Like her daddy," I mumbled but he just smiled and leaned over me.

"You kissed everyone good night except me," he said pressing his lips to mine. I couldn't struggle; he had his hand pressed into my chest. The shocking thing was not the kiss but I could smell cum on his breath. Look, the smell of cum is something every guy knows. It isn't like you memorize it but you just know the smell. It's like the smell of beer; you just know it when you smell it.

I was trying to comprehend what this meant when I felt him tugging my shorts down. I tried pushing him away but he just chuckled and said, "No, I'm not through with you yet." I felt something wet on my cock and it started to stiffen. Then I passed out.

The next morning I woke up about noon and went looking for Max. Sober now, I was going to kick his queer ass. But the chicken shit was not there. No, note, but his duffel bag was still there so I knew he would be back. Sherry or no Sherry, no one was going to do that to me.

I called Sherry and talked to her for a while more than anything else to try to find out where Max was. They were all busy with the flowers and last minute preparation so she wouldn't talk long. The rehearsal and dinner at Francie and Len's house wasn't until 5:00. Deciding I needed to keep busy and knowing I still had to pack for our honeymoon, I decided to do some laundry. Not really, my favorite thing on earth to do but it needed doing. Grabbing the laundry basket, I gathered up the stuff that was thrown around. I decided maybe I needed to soak those shorts I had wiped my cum up with so they would come clean. I have a tendency of cuming buckets. The shorts were not there. That made me shiver. I searched everywhere. I remember putting them in the basket. Then I got this cold feeling again. I went into the living room and checked Max's bag. He had found them and had them stuffed in one of the pouch pockets of his bag. Now what was I supposed to do? To take them would let him know I had searched his bag. To leave them would let him keep them and God only knows do what with them. I put them back.

I needed to think so I popped a beer and sat down a while. Beer always seemed to make things clearer for me. I had to face a few facts. Max was obviously gay. That explained why he had followed us all into the toilet, he was checking out the meat market. Okay, he probably screwed around with me but that didn't really bother me since I was passed out. I knew he hadn't fucked me. That was one thing I was positive of. That fucking log of his in anyone's ass would leave a remembrance. The cum could have only came from one place and that was Jason. That explained why it had taken so long for him to come back to the Jeep. Well, shit Jason was probably horny and Max offered a blowjob. That's hardly any reason to condemn poor Jason. He never really had much luck with women and I guess the guy just gave up 'cause after I hooked up with Sherry, he stopped dating all together. I have to admit I didn't understand why he wasn't luckier. He was a great looking guy and at 6'2" of solid muscle, he would make a good catch for any girl. Well, I shouldn't mention this but he is also hung. I know guys don't admit that about other guys but I did see him hard and then there was that one time...

I jumped up and knew what I had to do. Abandoning the laundry, I dressed fast and raced to the truck. I had to warn Jason. Yeah, maybe being drunk he gave in and let Max suck him but I didn't trust the guy. It normally only takes a few minutes to get to Jason's but it was starting to snow pretty hard and the streets weren't cleared yet. When I finally got to Jason's apartment building, parked on the street was Max's Jeep. No doubt about it, California license plate and all. Oh, great, he was trying to hit on Jason again! I'd just sit here and wait until Max came out a bloody mess. I sat there for a half-hour before leaving.

My stomach felt like a lead weight was in it. I drove on over to Sherry's folks house and helped out there. Just about everyone saw I looked like shit and just dismissed it as being a bad hang over. I got through the rehearsal with Jason there. He was to be my best man. We were boyhood friends and like my folks always said, we were joined at the hip from age ten on. But know I knew I didn't really know him. Max didn't show up until the dinner. I heard Sherry ask what he had done today and he had said he had looked up some old buddies. Max didn't try to talk to me and kept his distance. I wondered if he realized I hadn't blacked out and remember everything.

I didn't want to ask Jason what he had done during the day but I finally did and he said he had slept most of the day. Now, looking at the two of them when they didn't know I was looking, I could see things like a glance followed by a smile. Occasionally, they would touch each other. Jason was too preoccupied with Max to spend any time with me. I realized I was jealous that some fag was taking my best friend away from me. I thought I would throw up.

Finally, it was time to leave. I heard Max tell Sherry he felt like going out for a while. Sherry tried to get me to go with him but Max said I needed my sleep. I hung around to help clean up. I wanted to spend the night but I knew I had to go back to the apartment. My tux was there as was the ring. And I wouldn't have time to go get them in the morning before the ceremony. I didn't know what I was going to say to Max when and if he showed up. Kicking the shit out of him suddenly became out of the question. Seeing the adoring looks Sherry gave him meant that if I blew the whistle, I would be the bad guy. Also, Francie was having some major problems particularly since the day before when Len and Sherry asked Max if he would like to jointly give the bride away with Len. This whole situation had gotten out of hand. I was going to be glad when it was over and Max was gone.

When I finally left, I told myself I wasn't going by Jason's but I did. When I saw the Jeep, I told myself I wasn't going to the door. When I got to the door, I could see through a gap in the drapes covering the living room window. A naked Max was sitting on the couch with his legs spread wide, Jason, also naked, was on his knees in front of him sucking Max's cock and stroking his own cock. There was no reason to knock. The truth had been confirmed.

Back at the apartment, I showered and then got drunk. I knew Max wasn't coming back, there was nothing to worry about there. What I didn't understand was why I was jerking my cock and thinking about seeing my best friend suck my soon to be father-in-law's 10" cock. Further more, why was I wondering what it would taste like and why did I lick the cum off my hand when I was done. Probably just drunk.

Okay, I guess this is as good a spot as any to admit something. Once when Jason and I were still dorm-mates, we kinda had sex one night. I guess I had buried it pretty deeply but seeing Jason with his mouth on Max reminded me.

We had been to a party at a fraternity and a guy there had some hashish from Afghanistan. He asked us if we wanted to smoke some. We were okay with it and went out back with the guy. Well, this shit almost made you comatose. I was so fucked up, my lips were numb. The experience was pretty intense and I kept feeling higher and higher. I guess I got a little hyper because I made Jason uncomfortable and he wanted to take me back to the dorm. Rather than argue, I gave in. We got back to the dorm and stripped as usual. We mainly just hung out in our jockey shorts. I was on my bed floating along. Jason turned the light off and got on the bed with me. Now, there was nothing strange about this; many times when we were drunk, one of us wound up in bed with the other. We would usually just talk the usual bullshit. A long time ago, we started expressing our undying love for each other, in a guy sort of way. One of us would always tell the other the extremes he would go to show his love. Then the other would always have to think up something more extreme. Sex had never been part of this game. Anyway, we were on the bed and he started rubbing my chest. To be honest it felt good and my cock started stirring. So, I started rubbing his chest also. In case I didn't mention it, he has a very hairy chest. Well, I had always liked the way it felt. I had for some time particularly when we wrestled or were horsing around. I always dismissed that as just being envy since I am so totally smooth. And that is no joke about my being smooth. I got a respectable amount of hair on my legs and forearms but my ass and torso are as smooth as a baby's ass. Well, except for my pits, there is a whole lot there. Maybe that is where the chest hair went! But even my bush is pretty pathetic. It is just this little crescent of blond hair at the base of my cock. It can't even be an inch high and my balls don't have a hair on them. Sherry always said if it weren't for all my muscles and the big cock and balls, I would look like a 15 year old.

Sorry, got of f the track. So, Jason and I were rubbing each other's chest and I was getting harder and harder. Suddenly, Jason starts to pull me into his arms. Well, I kind of panicked because of having a hard on so I try to pull back but being stoned, I guess I wasn't strong enough. Then Jason says "I know you're hard, so am I." And I guess it surprise me enough to where I let him pull me into his arms. Well, sure enough, he was hard and I was getting harder and wetter. I don't know whose idea it was to take our shorts off but suddenly we're naked and grinding our hips together. Then Jason whispers in my ear that he loved me so much he would suck me off. Well, I thought he was playing the game so I had to counter by telling him I loved him so much I'd let him fuck me in the ass. I guess that was the wrong thing to say because he pulled my mouth to his and started kissing me, tongue and all! And you know what, it made my cock even harder. So, we're lying there kissing and grinding our cocks together really hard. I was getting into the feel of his chest hair on my bare chest so he backs his hips off and reaches down and starts stroking my pole. Well, I had to do the same to him. That was when I realized he was hung a little better than me. Probably about an 8 incher, maybe 81/2 and somewhat thicker. Well we stroked a while and I thought we were probably just going to pop even though in this position, the cum was going to be all over my bed.

Well, once again, Jason goes and surprises me. He broke the kiss, pushed me on my back and before I can even say anything, he has my cock in his mouth. Man, that was the best sensation I had ever felt. I was so stoned, I felt like I didn't have a body just a cock. As good as my sex life was, it couldn't hold a candle to what I was feeling. I was just about to pop when I remember what we had said about me cuming in his mouth and him fucking me. That put the skids on the whole thing. No way I was taking that up my ass! So, I pull him off me before I could cum and again he must have thought I wanted to kiss because without missing a second, he had his tongue in my mouth again. But I guess I was feeling guilty about him sucking me so I knew I had to do him and it didn't bother me. I mean it wasn't like he was a stranger. So I pushed him over on his back and took him in my mouth like he had done to me. He was leaking pretty badly but so do I and I had enough women (and one man!) taste my juice to where I knew it wasn't toxic or going to make me sick. Actually, what was the most surprising thing was that it really tasted pretty good. Kinda sweet like. I guess I should also admit, I was experiencing something else, like the hash was having an even stronger effect on me. I was getting higher. That was when I discovered that not only had the hash heightened the sensitivity of my cock but also my tingling lips and tongue were really sensitive. I never realized a man's cock had so many textures to it. I mean, the head is so soft and velvety but the shaft is hard and smooth. I was also surprise at how course and full his bush was. All of this was making me suck him real intensely. And the sounds of his moans told me I was making him feel good and that is what buddies should do, right?

I trusted Jason not to cum in my mouth and he didn't. He pulled me off him, we continued kissing and stroking each other until the last second, and then we rolled on our back when we shot. I came with enough intensity to where I almost blacked out. I was aware of Jason getting off the bed and then I felt something warm and wet wiping the cum off my chest and then off my cock. That was why I loved that guy, thoughtful enough to get a wash rag and clean me up rather than let me sleep with cum all over me.

We never spoke about what had happened but sometimes when I would wake up with my morning hard on and swing out of bed with it trying to escape my underwear, I would catch Jason looking at it and sighing deeply. At the time, I had just thought it was just something like a yawn, now, I am not so certain what it was.

Just as I predicted, Max did not show up that night. I left the apartment as soon as I got cleaned up and drove to the church. I was supposed to meet Jason at his place but wasn't going to do it. I didn't care if it upset anyone or not. He knew where the church was. I had to sit out in my truck for over an hour before Len and Francie showed up. They dismissed my distraction as being nerves and went about their business of seeing to the last minute details. It was still two hours until the ceremony.

Len found me and told me I was to call Jason, he was waiting for me at his place. Let him wait, I thought. Wait until hell freezes over as far as I was concerned. Jason and Max arrived together, no shame for those two, that was for sure. Jason looked around and seeing me, I could see a hurt look on his face that made me feel like shit. I mean it wasn't his fault he was gay, I knew that. I guess you're thinking I must be pretty red necked to feel this way but I felt like he had betrayed our friendship by not telling me. And then to have sex with that fucking douche bag Max was expecting too much from me.

I don't know how I managed it but I got through the whole wedding with not saying more than a half dozen words to Jason and nothing at all to Max. Len obviously knew something was up because he and I became inseparable. Francie pulled Jason aside and spoke to him probably telling him I was just nervous. He wisely didn't try to press conversation on me. I avoided those photographs they take of the groom and best man shaking hands or toasting each other. I'll regret that for the rest of my life.

It didn't take long for me to get into the reception, it was snowing real hard by then and a lot of the guests decided to only stay long enough for the receiving line and then discretely left while the roads were still open. We had enough food and champagne for three times the number of people hardy enough to stay. I got pretty ripped, as did Francie. Max and Jason were never more than a few feet apart.

After the meal, the best man gave the toast. I have to admit Jason did a good job and I got pretty choked up and misty eyed. I even heard his voice catch a few times and I wanted to get up and hug him when he finished but suddenly Francie was wailing away about how Max and me were stealing her baby. Max went over to her to try to quiet her but good ol' Francie picked up a knife and was going to kill him. Well, you know what that did to the reception, it ended it.

It was decided that Sherry would take our truck, go home with her folks, and help get Francie calmed down and then come back to our place. Max was going to give me a ride back to the apartment. Len didn't think it would be a good idea if Max or I were around Francie until she sobered up a bit. Sherry would arrive later and we would go to the airport. Our flight wasn't until almost midnight

On the drive back the apartment, I turned the radio on so I wouldn't have to talk to Max. I heard on the news that the storm was now a blizzard and the airport was closed. Well, so much for that. This was shaping up nicely. It took a lot longer than we had expected to maneuver the roads. The snow was already drifting and the only thing that was getting us through was the Jeep's 4-wheel drive and Max's concentration, which was luckily making conversation impossible. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that Sherry was not going to be able to come back to the apartment. Even so, I knew Max would high tail it to Jason's to do what ever they do besides suck. To my surprise, the thought of that made my dick stir.

Back at the apartment, the snow was banked and the whole area was white. We must have looked like a couple of god damned penguins dashing to the apartment in the deep snow. Max asked me if I wanted a beer and I ignored him.

"What the fuck is your problem," he shouted at me.

"Oh, I am sure you have no idea!" I sounded as sarcastic as I possible could.

"Look, I was wrong, I should not have done that. I knew it even then but I was out of control and gave in. I am sorry if it caused you any harm but just for the record, all I did was give you a taste and then put your shorts back on. I swear that is true. You don't have to like me, I know I don't deserve it but I am not going to be out of Sherry's life again so you had better get used to it." With that, he stalked off to the kitchen.

The phone rang and it was Sherry telling me how the main highway was closed and she was doubtful we would be able to get back together. She said to stay put and she would call the following morning. Depressed by all the events of the past few days, I went into the kitchen to tell Max the news

He had poured a healthy shot of brandy into a tumbler and was swigging it down. "Want a shot?" he asked gesturing to the bottle.

"Sure, why not? Nothing is going well anyway. Okay, look, you didn't do any harm to me but I can't forgive you for what you did to Jason."

"What about Jason?" he asked with a startled look.

"You know!"

"Steve, I'm not going to play games with you. I don't know what you think you know but no one has said anything about anyone. Okay, you know I'm gay. I'm admitting it but I am not speaking for Jason. Maybe you should ask him."

"Not likely!" I mumbled.

"Steve, buddy, he is still the same guy you've been friends with for so long. Don't write him off because he has needs too. Have you ever told him that you would only be friends with him if he shaved his hair off or only wore red shoes?"

"Of, course not! I've never put conditions on our friendship. He was always just my friend Jason!"

"So who is he now? How would you feel if he rejected you because you because of who you are?" With that he put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"Man, you're tight! You think you might want a rub down? I do a great full body massage."

"Yeah, I'll just bet you do. Uh, no, maybe some other time, I'm a little too drunk and this is supposed to be my honeymoon, not yours." I was surprised that got a laugh out of him.

"We gonna declare a truce?" he said holding his hand out. "Steve, I really am sorry I molested you. I normally wouldn't have some something like that. You know, I can be a great guy if you give me a chance. Sure I'm going to look and lust but I do know my place and I give you my word I'll never do anything without an invitation first."

I laughed and shook his hand.

"Hey, how about we smoke a joint to seal the agreement?" he asked hopefully.

Yeah, I thought you're gonna stick a joint in my mouth in hopes I stick my joint in your mouth. "Sure, why not?" I said. The shit he had was more of the stuff we had had the night of my party. I knew it was good stuff and I wasn't too certain of my ability to resist much coaxing on his part but he did give me his word. I just hoped his definition of "invitation" matched mine.

Sitting now with him and being a little, no, a lot, stoned I could see how Jason could fall for him. Like me, he had jettisoned the coat and tie. The pleated shirt was unbuttoned down to below his chest, the thick, course black hair on his deeply tanned chest was a marked contrast to the stark white of the shirt. He was good looking and there was something about the tux and his gray temples and his build that even made me tingle a little.

The joint had the effect he had hoped for, soon I was unwound big time and the shirt kept having one more button at a time undone. Max was sitting next to me, his shirt was now completely unbuttoned and the tails out. His whole chest and belly visible. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I had an intense need to know what kind of sex he and Jason had. Of course, I knew they sucked. I saw Jason suck Max and from the scent of cum on Max's breath, he obviously sucked also. Did they fuck, I wondered? If so, who got to fuck who? Hard to tell. Both men were so masculine, I couldn't see either on his belly with his butt in the air. (Didn't I have a lot to learn!?!)

As more of the stuff "soaked in", I slid down, my head resting on the arm of the couch. My eyes were closed and as if my body had no mass, the music seemed to pick me up off the couch and I was drifting in the air in time to the music. I heard Max ask me a question. His voice was coming from far away. I didn't answer him and he asked it again. I remember nodding my head in agreement. I didn't seem surprised when Max's hand slid into my shirt and cupped my pec, squeezing it gently. I opened my eyes and saw his face as he rubbed my chest. He had an intense hungry look to him. With growing urgency, I felt the need to touch him also but my hands could not move.

Max's hand had worked its way down to my lower rib cage. He unbuttoned more of my shirt. Another question was asked. I nodded my agreement feeling it was too difficult to try to understand what he was saying. I felt his hand on my inner thigh start rubbing me. He wasn't shy about it. He was rubbing all the way into my balls. And then his hand was on my balls rubbing and squeezing at the same time. He spoke again, this time the words reverberated through my brain. "I want you Steve," was all he said. I opened my eyes and Max was now leaning over me, gazing into my eyes. His steel gray eyes were so vivid they sparkled. I nodded my agreement again as his hand started getting response from my prick.

"No, this time you have to say it."

My brain cleared a little. "What?"

"Tell me what you want me to do."

"The same thing you do with Jason." Since I didn't have any idea what I wanted him to do, this seemed safe.

"I suck him, he sucks me and I fuck him. Is that what you want?"

I was surprised at his directness. "No, I can't do that stuff," I said. "Maybe you could jerk me off."

"Sorry Steve, as you know from watching me the other night, I don't mind jerking my own meat if that is as good as it's going to get but when I've got a stud like you naked, jerking his cock is the last thing on my mind."

That startled me, "How did you know I watched you?"

Max laughed and gestured to the mirror on the opposite wall. Even from where I lay, which was almost the same spot Max had lain, I could see the reflection of the doorway where I had been standing. "Uh," was all I could get out before the room started spinning. I felt my eyes flicker and roll back in my head. I remember the last thought that went through my mind before passing out was Max being able to do anything he wanted to me but not really caring. Not knowing what was going on was the same as it not happening.

I don't know what time it was when I woke up. It can't have been long; my head still swam and I was buzzing so badly I felt like my whole body vibrated. The stereo was still on, the green lights adding a tint to the room that was darkened with the only light coming in from the gaps from the closed blinds on the windows. My clothes were still intact but he could have put them back on me. Max had moved my feet up and I was lying on the couch. I assumed after I passed out, he had gone over to Jason's and they were doing what ever it was that they did with each other. I couldn't tell you why but the thought of them together, naked excited me. I started rubbing my cock wondering if Max was sucking Jason or the other way around. Maybe they sixty nined and came in each other's mouths. Did they kiss like Jason and I had? I thought of Jason's tongue in my mouth and felt my cock start to expand rapidly. I started manipulating it harder and soon it was stiff. I undid my pants and tossed them aside and then my shirt. Naked now, I stroked my cock, tugging on my balls and pinching my nipples to add some extra stimulation to the whole process. I started getting into it more than I had ever done before. A simple JO seemed impossible; I wanted this to last the whole night. My best friend, who I had know for the past 15 years was at his apartment with my father-in-law's cock down his throat or up his ass. A short while ago, this had upset me. Now, it excited me. I stroked myself some more and got the first of my pre-cum flowing. I closed my eyes and rubbed the slick juice on my nipples, they stiffened and sent a shock through my body. I suddenly regretted rejecting Max's advances. "Ah Max, why aren't you sucking my cock?" I said to the room.

"Is that an invitation?"

My body jerked and I must have jumped a foot off the couch. Max was kneeling next to me. Even in the dim light, I could see he was as naked as I was. The only answer I gave was placing my hand behind his head and nudging him down to my crotch. I felt his warm mouth surround my knob and his tongue sliding over the surface. I moaned softly and felt my self stiffen more. Max took me in to the hilt. I pushed back with my hips and felt his face pressed into me. He slid back up to the knob and gave it a hard swipe with his tongue. I moaned again, reached out to his shoulders and rubbed the firm muscled surface. Max seemed to respond to my rubbing. I rubbed further down his back while he sucked. There was no question, the man knew what he was doing. I had never had a blowjob like this one. My hand couldn't reach any further down his back. I was several inches from his ass. I moved my hand to his chest. The course hair stimulated my fingertips. I rubbed his nipples and he let out a grunt that was muffled by my cock in his mouth. I reached lower to his firm belly and then into his bush. I encountered his hand; he had been stroking himself while he sucked me. He took my hand and placed it on his shaft. It was warm to the touch and still dry. I gripped it firmly and started pumping it. The size was phenomenal, my hand scarcely reached around it. I shuddered to think of this having been in Jason's ass but Max had confirmed they had fucked.

We continued for several minutes when he suddenly stopped. "Let's go in the bedroom so we can stretch out and do this right." He stood up. I could barely see his huge meat struggling to stand up right. Because of its length and mass, it was angled about 45 degrees from his body. There was a vague shape of his massive balls hanging down low. He reached down and helped me to my feet. I swayed and he grabbed me pulling me into his arms to keep me from falling. Our bodies were now pressed together. I was acutely aware of his cock being pressed into mine. He held me tight but moved his face to mine. Our lips touched and his tongue slid into my mouth. I kissed back. The room continued to swim and my body floated in space but his mouth was real to me.

After a short while Max held me and guided me into the bedroom. The bed was still unmade from my haste that morning. Max sat me down and pulled the covers all the way off. I stretched out on the bed. Max went to the bathroom and turned the light on but closed the door most of the way so there was only a soft light in the room. The music from the living room drifted in. Now, Max was standing over me. In this position, his cock and balls seemed incredibly huge. I reached up and took hold of his prick. I felt drawn to it. I raised myself up. My mouth was only inches from his knob. My mouth opened and he was in me. I ran my tongue over the velvety surface of the knob. Max's body jerked slightly and he reached down, gripping my shaft and stroking it slowly. I was only able to get a few inches of him in my mouth. I pressed my lips down firmly and drew back, sliding my tongue over the shaft as I went. I felt the crown slide past and ran my tongue over the underside. Max moaned slightly. A new taste was added as he started dripping. My own cock was dripping steadily in Max's hand. I pulled back until the knob slid out of my mouth. Max was patient and allowed me this slow exploration of his prick. I kissed the knob and opened my mouth for more. I started working my mouth lower and then back up. Reaching around, I rubbed his thigh and then his ass with my free hand.

Max only allowed me a minute more of sucking him. He pulled out of my mouth and pushed me down on the bed. I assumed he was going to suck me. Instead, he lay on top of me grinding his cock into mine and started humping me. Our mouths found each other and we kissed hungrily for a minute until he pulled of and started licking my throat. He moved down to my chest and sucked my nipples. The sensation I had felt earlier was intensified and I groaned loudly. I could feel his cock on my thigh and mine pressed into his belly. Max slid further down licking and kissing as he went. Finally, he was at my crotch. He devoured my meager bush. Then moving to the junction between thigh and hip, he licked and sucked each side. Moving on, he nuzzled my balls before he started sucking them. He was driving me crazy and I anxiously wanted his mouth on my prick. I knew I couldn't last long. Finally, he started sucking me but my worked up state left me on the edge in a few short minutes. He pulled off, returned to my arms, and kissed me. I nudged him over on his back. I duplicated the maneuvers he had done to me. This seemed safe. I found the texture of his body hair erotic on my tongue and I enjoyed licking his chest. I sucked his nipples and was disappointed when his response wasn't as noticeable as when my fingers were rubbing them. Working my way down I was excited at the thought of having him in my mouth again. Anxious to have my appetite satisfied, I skipped sucking his balls as he had done to me and moved directly to his cock. I started sucking with more enthusiasm than I thought possible. Max responded by rubbing my shoulders. In spite of my heavy desire, I wasn't able to get more than half of him in my mouth. I didn't think it would be possible for anyone to swallow that entire monster meat of his.

"Oh baby, that is so good," he groaned. He started moving his hips back and forth, fucking my mouth but being careful not to go too deep. After a while he pulled me around to where we could suck each other. My head was still swimming probably as much from adrenaline than the weed we had smoked. The sensation of being sucked while I was sucking him had me worked up to where I knew I was going to pop soon. Max apparently was having the same problem. "Baby, I'm getting close." he whispered. "I want to cum in your mouth." I knew that was going to happen with out his having said it. I wanted it too. I sucked harder and felt his body stiffen. He grunted and I knew he was about to shoot. He pulled back and I tongued his knob hard. His body jerked and I felt the first jet enter my mouth. It was tart and although I had only tasted my own cum once before, I found it was a taste I could probably get used to just as I knew sucking him was something I wanted to do again. I swallowed as much of his load as I could and when the last of his spasms had subsided, I licked the stray rivulets up.

Max rose up and smiled at me. "Thanks Steve." was all he said before pushing me over on my back and attacking my meat. For a man who had just cum, he was working me over with a gusto that said he really liked what he was doing. I only lasted a minute more when I shot. My body jerked driving my cock further down his throat. He struggled to get back up a bit and continued lapping at me. I fell back, exhausted. Max withdrew from my cock and lay on my thigh a few seconds before coming up to the pillow with me. He seemed hesitant but I pulled him into my arms. I was exhilarated. I had just had sex with my father-in-law and had thoroughly enjoyed it. We kissed a while. My cock was still stiff but his had softened almost completely. I started rubbing him.

"Whoa, baby, I'm an old man compared to you! I need a bit of a rest before we can continue."

"Old man my ass! You're still a hot stud and now I regret getting married." I saw his jaw clinch.

"Steve, I've caused Sherry enough heart ache by not being there for her as she grew up. I don't intend on causing more now. You've discovered something about yourself that you'll just have to live with and still be a happily married man."

"Yeah, I guess I can try."

"Good." He pulled me into his arms and we kissed. Shortly, our passions had been rekindled and Max stiffened. We stroked each other as we kissed. I went down on him again as he did me. We knew this time would last longer and we weren't in any hurry. We were kissing with Max on top of me when He started kissing my neck. "I want you Steve," he said. "I want to be in you."

I pretty much knew what he had in mind but was uncertain of my ability to take him. Frankly, it made me uncomfortable just thinking about it. He seemed to read my thoughts and whispered in my ear, "I won't lie to you and tell you it won't hurt but it will only be for a short while. Just give it a try and if you can't take it, I'll stop. But please try." He returned to my mouth and kissed me. I felt his hard cock pressed into mine and I wanted to please him.

"Okay, I'll try it." With that, he got up off the bed and went into the bathroom returning with a bottle of hand cream.

"I normally don't use lubricants but I think you'll need some." He knelt on the bed between my legs and raised my legs to his shoulders. He lifted my hips and lowered his head to my ass. I had no idea what he was going to do. He separated my cheeks and started tonguing my hole. This both shocked and excited me. I had heard of this being done but had never had the nerve to ask any of the women I had been with to do it to me. I knew I could never do it to anyone. The effect was electrifying. I soon was looking forward to the assault on my hole. Interspersed with his oral activity, he was rubbing my hole with his fingertips. Then I felt a digit slide in a bit. He rotated it and pulled it out. The next time, it was lubricated with the cream and slid in easily. I rotated my hips on the finger increasing my sensations. Max smiled. "Yeah, feel how good that is? Soon, it will feel even better." He added more lube and then a second finger. Although slightly uncomfortable, it still was sending shivers up and down my spine. His fingers worked deeper and deeper until I felt the knuckle pressed to my hole. He started working them in and out. Then a third finger was added with no discomfort this time. Max applied some of the cream to his pole and I knew it was about to happen. He shifted his weight pushing my knees into my chest. "Just concentrate on relaxing your muscles," he said before moving his mouth to mine and kissed me. I felt the bluntness of his knob pressed into me. He kissed deeper and I felt myself being forced open. I gasped at the pain and he backed off. He applied more lubricant. I was having my doubts this was going to work. Again, I felt the pressure as he positioned himself. He slid in again. The pain was intense but manageable. He slid in slowly but the pain was not lessening. I was about to call the whole thing off when I felt the pressure of his hips, he had bottomed out. He rotated his hips and stroked my cock while he kissed me. Slowly, the pain subsided and was replaced with pleasure. Max backed off and slid in again. I groaned. Satisfied it would work, Max started fucking me slowly. The sensation was indescribable. I squirmed on the bed and Max increased his pace a bit. I groaned loudly and clutched at his hips urging him to go deeper. He increased his pace further and was firmly stroking my meat. As I neared my orgasm much too soon, I had to stop his stroking me. He moved his hand down to my ass and started squeezing my cheeks. "God you're tight," Max gasped out as his hips pistoned in and out of my hole. I started clawing at his chest and pinching his nipples, he shouted and slammed his cock in harder and harder. In a panic, I realized I was going to cum with no stimulation other than the friction of his prick sliding in and out of my ass. I felt the first spasm hit me as Max drove his shaft in to the hilt, threw his head back and shouted again. I was certain I could feel his cum jetting into my hole. Lacking guiding direction from a fist, my own cum spewed all over me and the bed.

We lay there gasping for breath. Sweat from Max's chest was dripping down on me. "I'm going to pull out now," he said. The withdrawal was easier than getting it in had been. Max winced as his knob slide through my tightening muscle. He lay on top of me smearing my cum on both of us. I wrapped my legs around his waist. "The next time will be easier," he said with confidence.

"Will there be a next time?" I asked.

"What do you think?" he grinned. We lay there a few minutes before getting up to clean ourselves up. Max licked some of my cum off me as I did off of him. Yeah, this was something I could do again.

Clean now, we snuggled under covers in the bed exploring each other's bodies. I was as fascinated with Max's hairy torso as he seemed to be with my smooth one. I drifted off to sleep in Max's arms.

I woke with a start in the morning. It seemed like the events of the night had been a dream. I was sober but the dull ache in my ass told me it hadn't been a dream. Max was sleeping beside me. The apartment was too warm and he had thrown the cover off. His prick was stiff and standing off his belly. I looked at the clock. It was 5:30 and still dark outside. Sherry would still be sleeping. She was not a morning person. I was confident that the roads would be cleared but we still had a few hours before she would show up. I looked over at his prick that had delivered a load of cum down my throat and another up my ass. I wanted him now. I slid a little towards him and touched his knob. He twitched slightly. I leaned over and took it in my mouth mindless of where it had been last night.

"I was hoping you would still want to do that this morning," Max said with a sleepy voice. I sunk my teeth in slightly. "Ouch" he giggled and pulled me up in his arms. We kissed a while before sucking each other off. I was able to take a little more of him in my mouth but the elusive goal of all of it was still unattainable. I expressed this frustration to Max who assured me no one had ever managed to take all of it. "Not even Jason," he added. I winced at the mention of his name and my avoidance of the issue got a deep sigh out of Max.

I had predicted correctly and Max's fucking me had been more comfortable than the previous night but we didn't manage to cum together this time. Max finished me off with his mouth after he had filled me up with his cream. Then he surprised me by kissing me with my load still in his mouth. My cum ran back into my mouth. I swallowed it. We lay there a short while. Max nervously glancing at the clock fearful Sherry might, for once, be early. I tried to assure Max that wasn't possible but he observed that prior to last evening, what had transpired between us wasn't possible either. That was a good point and we got cleaned up. Max stripped the bed of the cum stained shits and put on fresh ones.

Sherry arrived a little past nine but we had filed the time by kissing in the kitchen where we would hear the front door and not be seen. We also did a mutual jerk off just a little in advance of her getting there.

I hadn't really thought about what this new discovery about myself would do to our sex life. Thinking about it on the airplane with Sherry at my side, I decided I did not prefer men to women. Sex with each had its place. I also did not think I would ever go out looking for a man to fuck me. Not as long as I had Max. Max and I knew we would have to be careful and grab what we could, when we could do it. I never thought that perhaps Max and Jason might establish a more intimate relationship that didn't include Max being free for casual sex with me. I also never thought of the possibility that Jason could be jealous of me. In fact, I did my best not to think about Jason at all. I know you're now probably thinking I am huge hypocrite to still hold a grudge at Jason. You're probably right and I won't argue it. Max and I did enough arguing about it as it was.

The honeymoon went well. Sherry and I had sex and I found I wanted her as much as ever but when I was alone or late at night when Sherry was sleeping, I thought of Max. I even once jerked off in the bathroom after waking up from an especially erotic dream about him. I would be lying if I said I wasn't glad to get home. Within 24 hours, I was with Max in his new apartment. He chose one half way between Jason's and ours. I used the excuse of needing to run off some of the pounds I had gained during the honeymoon to get out for a while. Sherry went to her folk's house. Max fucked me soundly, twice.

For the next few months, I lead this double life. My sex life with my wife was still good but my fantasies were about Max. My time with him was mainly in the evening on my way home from work. Sherry knew I was trying to get into my new job and spent longer hours than usual. Our fucking was reserved for the weekend when I knew Sherry would be at her folk's house on Saturday doing laundry while she visited. The times when we had Max over for dinner were torture for me. I was very paranoid I would let my guard down and touch him wrong or worse yet, in the wrong place!

I knew Max was still seeing Jason. He made no pretext of not doing it and he seemed to bring the topic up as often as possible. He told me he had not told Jason about our involvement. I trusted him to keep this confidence. Jason had graduated the quarter before me and was going into law enforcement as a career. He had finished his training but was still spending a lot of time at the academy, which was three hours away. He often spent the night rooming with a guy he had met there. Because of the sensitivity of Colorado's bias against gays, he kept a low profile and was not ready to live with Max. That seemed to suit Max as well. It certainly suited me. Max's life as a nomad seemed over and roots seemed to have become a concern of his. He got a job in construction like he always did and had made it known he was there to stay. He and Sherry had definitely gotten closer. I refused to think about what would happen if Sherry started speculating about why a guy still as young as Max wouldn't think about marriage and settling down. I think Francie already knew.

Part of Max's sending out roots included Sherry meeting her other grandparents who lived in Denver. The two of them planned a long weekend to do it. They got some time off from work and took our truck. I had not wanted to go since I had just started my new job. They left late Friday and I was on my own for the weekend. Thursday night I had been with Max. We had our first major disagreement. Over Jason of course. Max had suggested I go see Jason while he and Sherry were gone and heal our wounds. I evaded his questions and remarks like I always did. Max got mad.

"Why don't you open your eyes you stupid asshole! The man has been in love with you since you were boys. There wasn't one time my cock wasn't in his mouth or up his ass that he wasn't fantasizing it was you he was with. I knew that. He was rebounding and I caught him. It's been killing him loosing you in stages. First when you met Sherry and moved away and then with you getting married. Now you've rejected him. He knew he couldn't hold you forever but you could have at least gone a little easier on him. You know, it's not like he had any choice in this."

I stalked out not even brushing my teeth in hopes of masking the scent of cum on my breath. He was right of course but the issue was not Jason being gay as he suspected. To be honest, I didn't know what the issue was. The whole situation seemed to be rolling along on momentum. I had avoided seeing Jason and even Sherry knew something was up. She had stopped asking about inviting him over for dinner. Before our marriage, he had been over two or three times a week and we ran together every chance we got. Now, I wouldn't even mention his name. I didn't think that perhaps this could lead to other problems for all of us if people started speculating about Max, Jason and I. Fortunately, I fixed it before it got too far out of hand.

I was cleaning out some papers Saturday morning when I found a photo Sherry had taken of Jason and I. We were at the lake. It was hot and we were both shirtless. We had our arms around each other. We were probably both drunk. I was grinning at the camera but Jason had looked away at the last second. His head was turned slightly and he was looking at my face. He had a faint smile on his face but you could see adoration in his eyes. I hadn't realized it at the time but now I could see it. I felt tears forming in my eyes.

Without thinking, I was in Max's Jeep and heading to Jason's. I knocked on the door. The look on Jason's face when he opened the door made my stomach hurt. He looked like he was about to burst into tears. He opened the door and let me in. "Beer?" he asked. I nodded and followed him into the kitchen. He handed me the beer and opened one for himself. We had a tradition that we always toasted each other on the first beer but Jason took a swig without the formality. I felt another pang at how I nearly allowed myself to loose him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

Jason opened his mouth but only a choked noise came out. He was quite for a moment composing himself. Then he cleared his throat and continued with a shaky voice. "I didn't want to risk you rejecting me. I cared too much for you."

"I wouldn't have..."

He cut me off, "But you did!" he said raising his voice but choking back tears. He suddenly gave up and I could see them streaming down his face. I felt like shit and took him in my arms. He buried his face in my shoulder and sobbed. I could feel tears in my own eyes. I held him until the sobbing stopped.

"Buddy, I am so sorry," I said wiping the tears off his cheeks. We continued holding on to each other. His body was pressed into mine. The thought of sex had not entered my mind but I became very aware of the feel of his body. I got hard in seconds and I knew he knew I was. He responded and I could feel his cock filling out also. I looked him in the eye and pulled our mouths together. He whimpered as my tongue slid in his mouth. I could feel his cock stiffen. I took his hand and put it on my prick. He groaned. I slid my hand in his gym trunks and took hold of his cock. His whole body trembled. I couldn't tell you how we managed it but soon, we were both naked with our hands sliding up and down each other's back and ass. I knew I was only doing this out of guilt. My thoughts kept going back to what Max had said about his being in love with me. Maybe having sex with him would make up for the way I had treated him. I didn't know what he thought my motives where but he wasn't so proud he didn't accept what I was offering.

I broke our kiss and lead him into the bedroom. As I could have predicted, Jason's bed was neatly made. I had always thought that even if a fire broke out in the middle of the night, he would make his bed before he left the building. He must have loved me a lot to put up with me being such a slob. I started to remove the quilt but he pulled me down on the bed with it still on. Our kisses resumed in intensity as we stroked each other's cocks. Jason broke the kiss and dove down on my meat as if he was afraid I'd change my mind.

"Whoa buddy, slow down! I'm not going anywhere!" I chuckled. He returned a smile and slowed his pace down. Since Max had been his first, and probably only man, I figured Max had taught Jason how to give great head, just as he had done with me. Max liked being sucked and had no problems teaching a guy exactly how it should be done. I lay there savoring the sensation and the look on Jason's face. I reached down and massaged his shoulders. My only experiences had been with Max also and he did that to me when I was sucking him. As soon as I started getting close, I pulled him up in my arms. I was heightened sexually and Jason's body felt great pressed into mine. I pushed him over on his back and lay on top of him. I knew I was going to suck him eventually but decided work up to it by licking my way down to his prick. By this time, he had to have some idea that my introduction to gay sex had to be a recent occurance but I wasn't certain how far he expected me to go. As I neared his crotch, he pulled me off of him.

"You don't have to do that," he said softly.

"Buddy, there is nothing I would rather do," and I slid the rest of the way down. Now, his cock only inches from my mouth, I realized he was almost as well hung as Max. Probably a little less thick and maybe an inch or so less in length but I thought he had the better looking piece of meat. Max's was okay but Jason's looked better or at least it did to me. I opened my mouth and took as much of him in as I could. I still had the same problem with not being able to take all of it but I thought I probably could work my way up to it with Jason. I wasn't on him long before he realized this had been done before. He propped himself up on his elbows and watched me sucking him.

When he finally pulled me up in his arms as I had done with him. He looked as if he was going to ask a question. I smiled at him and I knew he had put two and two together. We made out a while longer and then sixty nined until we came. He tried to pull out of my mouth but I held him tight and made in cum in my mouth. He was embarrassed afterward but I assured him it was what I had wanted.

Before this had started, I hadn't thought that perhaps he could be hurt knowing I had sex with Max but rejected him for the same reason. Jason was good to not ask the question but I was certain he knew. I told him the truth, and apologized for my rejecting him. He accepted my apology but was dumbfounded that Max had scored with me. We talked about it for over an hour as we played with and explored each other's naked body. Soon, we were both ready for another round. Remember again what Max had said, I wondered if Jason would want me to fuck him. I had never fucked a man. Max let me know that first night he was strictly active when it came to fucking. I had no problems with that. Apparently, neither did Jason. The thought intrigued me and I could see us doing it. I started moving in that direction by rubbing his hole and then probing it with my fingertips while we sucked each other. I also did that one thing I never thought I could; I reamed Jason's asshole. Jason responded enthusiastically and was soon on his back with his legs on my shoulders. I had to draw on what I had seen Max do with me as far as the preparation and penetration. Jason retrieved some lubricant from his nightstand and applied it to both of us. I slid in easily getting a loud moan out of Jason. I got into fucking him more than I thought I could when I saw the look on his face. His eyes never left mine as I pumped his ass and stroked his cock for him. I realized that sex for us meant more than sex with Max; Jason and I were not fucking, we were making love. We managed to cum together and I did something else I had never thought I would do, I licked his cum off his hairy chest.

Once we had recovered and cleaned up. I called Sherry and Max to tell them where I was in case Sherry tried to call. I didn't want her to worry or be suspicious. I said I was spending the night so we could catch up. Sherry was genuinely pleased. I think Max knew what happened but couldn't say anything. We spent the rest of the day naked and toying with each other's bodies. At the end of the day, lying in bed together, a goodnight kiss was held too long and soon, we were at it again. It was early morning before we were both so satisfied and too exhausted to continue. We slept in each other's arms.

I woke up the following morning and Jason was propped up on one elbow watching me sleep. I thought that was sweet of him.

"Any regrets?" he asked

I pulled the covers back revealing my stiff prick. "What do you think?" and I nudged his head down to it. I let him suck me slowly for a while before pulling him up in my arms. We kissed and then I gave Jason the same gift he had given me; I asked him to fuck me. Like me, he had always been fucked but had never fucked anyone. I think I came harder than usual knowing it was him in me.

So, Jason and I made up. Or I should say I made up with Jason. If there was ever any hard feelings over how I had treated him, nothing was ever said.

Well, that's my story. Years have passed. Max and Jason are still "involved" but living apart. Neither seems to mind it. My secret sex life seems to still be secret. I get with Jason and Max individually and about once a month, the three of us get together for a guy's weekend away. The three-way sex is hotter than hot. Sherry is pleased Max, Jason and I are such good friends. If she only knew!

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