Finally Dressed

By moc.loa@441ngisreiF

Published on Jul 21, 2013


Cheryl hailed a cab outside the club, and we all squeezed in the back seat,

me the meat in the sandwich. I found out her friend was named Monique. On the ride to their neighborhood

home I was fondled and kissed more than once, I was beginning to feel like a boy toy. I was actually quite under control as we rode, I would never have envisioned myself with two woman, much less two men in drag. I have to say I felt quite safe and very, very turned on. Their slightly husky voices should have bothered me but their conversation was sexy and erotic. At one point I placed my hand on Cheryl's breast and was surprised to find a realistic breast there, this just upgraded my excitement. Monique seemed to like penises, she was massaging mine most of the trip home, not like I needed it to maintain an erection. Inside we were one giant sex unit, Sheryl attacking my upper body and Monique my lower. I was just flat out turned on to the tenth degree.We somehow ended in the bed, Monique giving me yet another blow job and Sheryl working my cloths off and kissing anything in the upper half .I felt like the king of the prom with two queens. Eventually I came again, not that I wanted to because Monique had my penis covered in red lipstick and I wanted to feel her excellent work forever .Cheryl sighed and went on kissing me, we frenched for what felt like hours, Monique swallowed my cum and slid up in the bed to kiss me, I got the faint taste of my own semen as we kissed .Cheryl took a short break to make us all drinks and Monique went to the Bathroom to freshen up I suppose. Cheryl returned in a nightie,with a pitcher of Mojito's well iced and some highball glasses. Monique returned with fresh makeup and in her slip. Now you may remember my hot button is a slip, I had a full on erection yet again.The girls just laughed and I was beyond embarrassment, I was in a sexual frenzy. We sat up in bed having a toast to new friends and sipping this Cuban concoction I had never heard of. Cheryl sat her glass down and took my hair and held it up on my head, she pulled the skin back on my face with both hands and then looked at Monique. "Do you still have that short blonde wig? Monique smiled with wild eyes and left the room. "Honey you would be such a dish as a sassy blonde, can we make you up?" Monique returned with the hair piece and they both admired me for a moment while they had it in place on my head. I was past embarrassment or caring, my cock was full of blood and these girls could do as they pleased. Cheryl refilled our glasses and took my hand and sat me on the toilet in the bathroom, Monique followed, she was a bit late arriving because Cheryl had already begun dabbing on makeup on my face. When Monique arrived she had a plethora of cloths slung over her arm, she promptly laid them on the counter next to the sink. They both fawned over me, making funny comments and each time I seemed the least bit fidgety, they handed me my Mojito and I would calm down. I would guess I sat there feeling like the belle of the ball for twenty minutes before Cheryl stood back and said "Viola!" Monique moved in smiling and fitted the wig to my head, she fussed with it for a little time and then stood back. Both girls seemed pleased with their work. I started to look in the mirror and they both chided me, wait, let us dress you for the full effect. Monique took out a razor and began to shave my body hair, my arm pits, my neck and shoulders and my chest and back. After she was finished, they both took a bottle of skin cream and covered my body with copious quantities, rubbing it in. I almost lost a load right then. Monique looked at Cheryl and they kissed, lots of tongue, they were obviously very close and also very turned on with their work on me. Before they would let me look, Monique helped me slip on a pair of mauve panties, not tiny but low cut and then a bra. She had breast forms she fitted in the bra cups. I was about to die to see myself and Cheryl just filled my glass and held it to my lips, removing the tension. They helped me slide a slip over my head and smoothed it down, my penis was

sticking out like a pole. When the silky slip hit my smoothe skin, I came all over my new wardrobe. I

was embarrassed beyond belief but Monique just dropped to her knees and cleaned up all she could with her mouth. I decided to turn to the mirror and they once again stopped me. A woman needs her own scent. Monique left and reappeared with some sample perfumes she had stashed in her room, they tried each one on my wrists, smelling and debating. Finally they decided Paco Rabin was my scent and they dabbed it on my neck, wrist and my genital area. "Ok are you ready? Cheryl asked, Monique was wearing a Cheshire grin. I turned to the mirror and was stunned to see a very lovely young woman staring back at me. I was enchanted and surprised. The girls had performed a miracle. We all left the bathroom and had another fill up from the pitcher, before they led me back to the bedroom. I felt so sexy I can not tell you. Here we were three lesbian sisters in drag, high as kites, giggling and kissing and in a triangle of pleasure. Having cum three times already, I had my male libido somewhat under control, so when we landed on the bed, I kissed my Cheryl and then kissed my way down toward her panties. I felt Monique starting to work on my penis again, the girl was insatiable. I gradually pulled Cheryls panties aside and found a nice stiff cock waiting for me, I hesitated a micro second before remembering my regret so many years ago that I did not try a blow job back then. This was the real thing. A blood enraged penis smelling of perfume, a mere few inches from my lips.I opened my lips and let it slip inside. The head was much softer than I expected and the shaft was stiff as a rail. I felt the head bend as it hit the roof of my mouth, and the shaft probed inward. Cheryl moaned with anticipation .I did my best impression of a female blow job, the kind I had ,had along the years and Cheryl seemed fine with it,Eventually her hands grabbed my head and held it to her penis and she came in my mouth, not a little but a lot, she moaned so sexily, I just felt so happy and satisfied, I swallowed the cum and got my second taste of cum that night. Cheryl laid there in a state of contentment and I went for the double play, I turned Monique away from my penis and went straight for hers. She wiggled and fussed as I did and we ended up in a sixty nine. My cock so hard I was bursting and hers was as well.We kissed and sucked and caressed each other until as God is my witness we came at the same time. She swallowed my cum and I hers. We all laid there quiet for some time and Cheryl and Monique drifted off to

sleep. I got up to use the bathroom and after I finished, I saw myself in the mirror in a slip and made up, I stood there staring at my sexy image and jerked off, amazed I still had any cum left.

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