Finding Family

By Jeff Allen

Published on Jun 5, 2008


Finding Family 15

This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males.  If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

Note: Thanks to Dick for feedback on the draft chapters. I owe special thanks to Robb and Rock for doing the final proofreading and catching all those silly little errors I missed.

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Finding Family

by Jeff Allen



I'd just told the entire soccer team that I was gay! Man, I would have been shaking in my boots, if I'd been wearing boots. As it was I was standing barefoot in the middle of the locker room facing the rest of the soccer team. Fortunately I wasn't alone. TJ and Isaac were standing with me. They'd just outed themselves too.

I hadn't planned on doing it.

I just got upset when some of the guys ganged up on Tyrone Jackson for giving Ryan O'Herron a blowjob.  If you ask me, O'Herron was a bigger closet case than anyone else on the team. I'd caught him checking out the guys in the showers, and his little attaboy team spirit pats on the butt were always more than just a quick tap. 

My uncle, the coach, had just told us to solve the problem among ourselves, and then he and Coach May had left.

The four of us stood there looking at the rest of the team. My hand was resting on Tyrone's shoulder. He reached up and squeezed it.

It was TJ's brother, Ryan, who broke everything open. He walked over to us and gave TJ a big hug. He turned around to face the rest of the team. "This is my brother, and I love him. These other guys up here are my friends, and they're the best darn players on the team. We can't win the next match or do anything in the tournament without them, and they can't win without you. Who's going to stand with the team?"

Bobby Whittaker moved over to our group. He punched TJ and me in the arm and winked at Isaac. "I'm with these guys."

"Me too."  It was Elijah Baker. He moved to stand next to Bobby.

One by one the guys came over to stand with us until only Ryan O'Herron remained. He kept his head down.

Bobby walked halfway over to him. "Ryan, you've got to make a choice, man."

He looked up with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I should have kept my mouth shut. You guys must hate me now."

Bobby took another step toward Ryan. "We need you on the team, man."

I nudged Tyrone.  He got the message. He went over to Ryan, hugged him, and whispered something in his ear. Ryan turned the brightest shade of red I've ever seen, and then he broke out in a laugh mixed with tears.

We all rushed over and surrounded Ryan and Tyrone in a team hug.

Someone asked Tyrone what he'd said to Ryan.

"I told him that if he could keep his mouth shut I might open mine for him again."

Everyone roared with laughter.


Joe and I hadn't been in the office more than three or four tension-filled seemed much longer...before we heard the roar of laughter from the locker room.

"Well, Parker, I think we have a team again. Congratulations, Coach."

He gave me a hug followed by a pat on the butt. "You'd better go out and see about the team."

When we walked out into the locker room we were mobbed by the team. Someone yelled, "Showers!" Joe and I were bodily pulled into the shower room and held under one of the shower heads until we as well as the guys holding us were soaked to the skin.

Everyone pulled off their wet gear which ended up in a large pile by the door. Guys shared showerheads and washed each other's backs. Ryan O'Herron and Tyrone Jackson shared one showerhead and talked quietly with each other.

It was a magic moment for the team, and it carried us to victory through our final match and all the way to the regional finals in the tournament.


On Wednesday evening after our regional finals loss to a big powerhouse team from Charlotte, the guys - Trey, Isaac, and TJ - announced at dinner that they'd been asked by Tyrone Jackson to spend Saturday night at his house.

Tyrone had spent more time around my guys since they had supported him (and outed themselves) in the locker room meeting. I was glad to see Tyrone finally making some friends in Carterville.

The dinner conversation continued along normal lines for a few minutes before TJ said, "Coach, would it be okay for Ryan to stay out here with you on Saturday. I know the rest of us are going to be over at Tyrone's, but if he doesn't stay here then he'll have to spend the weekend at home with `Angela the Terrible'."

"He spends most weekends out here anyway."

"I know, but I'm always here. This would be different.  We won't be here. It would be a chance for you to go out and kick up your heels a little. You know, maybe get yourself laid. After all, it's still a long time until Christmas when Karl comes home for a visit."

I almost inhaled my meatloaf. With mock indignity I said, "First of all, TJ, I'm shocked, absolutely shocked, that you would say such things to me. While your assumption that an old man of 24 like me is as horny as you seventeen-year-olds is true, I've tried the bar scene, and it doesn't hold anything for me any more.  Second, I think it's very loving of you to think about your younger brother. Third, I'd be happy to have him for company. Tell him he's welcome."

TJ beamed from ear to ear. "Thanks, Coach. You're the best."

After dinner, TJ and Isaac were doing the dishes; Trey was upstairs starting on his homework; and I was working on some papers on the kitchen table when the phone rang.  I didn't even make a move. With the boys in the house, the phone was rarely for me.

Trey yelled down from upstairs, "Uncle Parker, it's for you."


"Mr. Arnold, this is Robert Marquez."

"Good evening, Mr. Marquez, what can I do for you?"

"Tyrone tells me that your nephew, foster son, and TJ Ladd are going to be spending Saturday night with him. I wanted to let you know that I'm aware of their plans, and I'll be here the entire evening."

"Thank you.  I assumed that you would be there, but I want you to know that I would trust the boys to stay by themselves if that were the case."

"Yes. They seem to be mature young men. Tyrone told me what you and the boys did for him, Mr. Arnold. I'm very appreciative and so is Tyrone. It has been hard for him here, but I think he now feels that he has some friends."

"I'm glad he feels that way."

"And so am I.  Ah...Mr. Arnold, I wondered if you would be able to join us for dinner on Saturday. I want to express my thanks for what you've done for my son."

"Thanks for the invitation, but I'm having company here on Saturday."

"Forgive me, I should have assumed you would take the opportunity to entertain when your nephew and foster son were gone. Perhaps some other time."

I laughed, "Well, I don't think it's the kind of entertaining you're thinking of. My `guest' will be Ryan Ladd, TJ's brother. He and TJ stay out here on a regular basis over the weekends."

His laugh was low and warm. "I shouldn't have made the assumption. Some other time, then.  I think my son wants to speak to Trey again. I'll turn the phone over to him. Good night, Coach."

"Good night, Mr. Marquez. I'll get Trey on the line."

I laid the phone down and called upstairs for Trey. When he got back on the phone I hung up the kitchen extension and returned to marking my papers.

TJ and Isaac finished the dishes and disappeared upstairs. About half an hour later, I was almost finished grading the papers when Trey came into the kitchen, picked up the phone, and handed it to me.  I was puzzled; I hadn't heard it ring.


I heard Marquez's soft laughter. "Hello again, Coach.  Tyrone and your boys have it worked out. Ryan Ladd will come and stay over on Saturday with the other boys. That means you're free for dinner, and the invitation is still open."

"Never argue with a mob of teenage boys, especially where food is concerned. What time?"

"Would six be okay for you?"

"That's fine.  I know where you live."

"Oh? Then you've seen the gate. Use the phone at the gate, and one of us will open it. See you at six. We're very casual here, Coach."

"I'll wear my best blue jeans."

Marquez laughed again. "Blue jeans it is. We'll see all of you on Saturday. Good night."


Promptly at six o'clock that Saturday we arrived at the gate to the Marquez place in two cars: Trey's old Volvo wagon with the four boys, and me in the Explorer. Trey pulled up to the gate and picked up the phone. After a minute or so the gate began to swing open. Trey drove through, and I started to follow. I had to push the gas a little to get through as the gate started to close again as soon as Trey's car cleared the opening. I thought for a second that I might be leaving the back bumper of my SUV in the middle of Roberto Marquez's driveway.

The drive made a couple of turns through the woods and then emerged in front of a magnificent contemporary house. Marquez and Tyrone stood in the doorway to greet us. The boys greeted each other with hugs and fist bumps while Marquez and I shook hands.  Tyrone introduced each of the guys to Marquez and then led them off to another part of the house.

The first time I'd seen Marquez he was seated in his SUV. Standing in the door, I realized just how big a man he really was. I'm six foot tall, and I only came to his chin. Without the sunglasses I could see that his eyes were a warm chocolate brown with small hints of gold near the pupils. He was dressed in jeans and a pullover, but it was clear that the clothes cost several times what I'd paid for my Levis and A-F shirt. Moving with an almost feline grace that was surprising for such a tall man he ushered me through the stone and wood foyer into a spacious living area. He went over to a well stocked bar at the other end of the living room where it opened out to an extensive veranda. Being mid November it was already dark so I couldn't see the view of the mountains from the veranda. I knew it had to be breath taking. Everything else about the home was.

"Would you like something to drink, Mr. Arnold? My Aunt Elena is finishing dinner, and then she will be joining us."

"I'll take some scotch, if that's alright."

"Of course."  He took a bottle that I recognized as an expensive single malt scotch and poured some into two crystal glasses.  "Ice? Water? Soda?"

"Neat, please."

"Ah, the only way to enjoy scotch whiskey. Have a seat. I understand you use your middle name. May I call you Parker?"

I settled into a comfortable chair. "Yes, and would you prefer that I call you Robert, Roberto, or Berto?"

He appeared to study his long fingers as they curled around his glass for a moment before answering, "I prefer Robert. Berto Marquez the professional basketball player no longer exists. Roberto was the scared little boy from Cuba who washed ashore in Florida after our boat sank. This is a new beginning for me, and for Tyrone. I think it's fitting to start with a new name.

"I want to thank you again for what you and your boys have done for Tyrone. My son and I have few secrets, Parker. He told me two years ago that he's gay. It has been hard for Tyrone to deal with his mother's death and leaving Miami to live here. I know he's had some trouble adjusting, and I know that he had a serious lapse in judgment in the bathroom at school that day. I think what you and your boys did for him, and for the team, that day was a very brave thing. It let Tyrone know that he truly has friends here, and I think it taught your team a lesson in tolerance."

"Thank you, Robert.  I'm sure you know from your experience that you can't have a true team unless there's mutual respect among all members of the team. What I did was a gamble to try to keep the soccer team together. I think Trey, TJ, and Isaac are the brave ones. I certainly didn't expect that they would come out to the entire team, but it worked."

"I think the leadership of the team, in the form of the coach, had a lot to do with that.  Unfortunately, the NBA isn't as enlightened about alternate lifestyles as you appear to be here in Carterville.  You can believe me when I tell you that there are a lot of gay players in the NBA, but none of them dares to come out. If they did, their career would be ruined."

"Would it be impolite for me to ask why you left the Bulls? As I remember the announcement of your retirement caused quite a stir."

"There are a number of reasons why I left. The main one is Tyrone. He needs a full-time father. I couldn't do that and maintain the travel schedule of a professional basketball player. Even if Tyrone's mother hadn't died, I think I would have left in a few years. The travel schedule, the interpersonal tensions, the strain, the press, and the fans were all getting to me. I love the game, Parker, but I hated the life style that was forced on me."

"It looks as if you may have gone to the other extreme. You seem to be almost a recluse here."

He laughed that soft, low rumble again. "Perhaps. I tell myself that it's for Tyrone's protection. He needs to develop friends who like him for himself, not because he has a father who was a well-known sports figure. I've also seen the way the press works. Tyrone may be open about being gay, but I don't think he's ready for the press to announce it to the entire world."

"Why did you choose to come to Carterville?"

"I lived the first eleven years of my life in a small town in the mountains of southeastern Cuba, near Guantánamo. These mountains remind me of my homeland, and I did not want to raise my son in a large city.  He was exposed to many things in Miami that did not make me happy. Also, there aren't as many prying reporters here in Carterville." The last sentence was accompanied by a wry smile.

"I think you could be a little more open than you have been. Yes, many people in town are going to recognize you, and it will draw attention, but only for a little while. Wouldn't you like to see one of Tyrone's soccer matches close up instead of from the front seat of your car?"

He laughed again.  "Yes, I would like to very much. Tyrone is thinking of playing basketball this winter. I would like to see him play, but I don't want to take attention away from him or the team."

"And I think the people will be more interested in watching the basketball game or the soccer match to care too much about who you are."

"Well said, Mr. Arnold." The voice came from the attractive silver-haired woman I'd seen picking up Tyrone after practice.  I hadn't seen her enter the room.

I stood as she came over and extended her hand. "I'm Elena Castro, Berto's aunt."

"Pleased to meet you, Ms. Castro."

"Call me Elena, please."

"Thank you, and I'm Parker."

"I am so glad you could come. You and your boys are the first guests we've had here. The dinner is ready. I've already told the boys to wash their hands. I hope you will like my cooking."

"I'm sure it will be delicious."

And it was! 

After dinner, the boys excused themselves and disappeared toward Tyrone's area of the house.  Elena served coffee, and the three of us talked for a while before she went into the kitchen to wash the dishes and prepare snacks for the guys for later in the evening.

Robert asked if I would like to see the rest of the house. It was amazing. Elena had her own apartment off the restaurant-quality kitchen. Robert's bedroom, office and a guest bedroom were in one wing off the main living room. Tyrone's room plus three other guest bedrooms and another living area in which the fours guys were engaged in some computer game took up the opposite wing of the house.  On the lower level was a fully equipped home gym, locker room, steam room, sauna, and hot tub. An enclosed swimming pool extended from behind the garage. I was awed.

I asked how they managed such a large place.

"We have a cleaning service that comes in twice a week. They do a great job. I wish I could say as much about the lawn service I hired. I'm going to be looking for another service in the spring."

"Think about using TJ. I'm sure he'd be glad to give you and estimate on the job."

"Thank you.  I'll remember that."

Robert and I walked back through the locker room where the boys were in the process of stripping off their clothes.

"Hey, Dad, we're going to sit in the hot tub for a while and then use the pool. Why don't you and Coach join us?"

Robert looked at me.  "Is that all right with you? Tyrone and I often sit in the tub after dinner in the evening. As you can see, we do this without swimsuits. Elena never comes into this part of the house so there is no worry."

"I think it's an excellent idea. I've got a hot tub at home, and I enjoy a relaxing soak."

"Use one of those lockers for your clothes." He pointed to a row of six gym lockers near where the boys had just completed disrobing.

I climbed out of my clothes, stored them in one of the lockers, and then turned around to face a naked Robert Marquez holding out a towel for me. I tried not to, but my eyes did a quick once over of the magnificent male form in front of me. Marquez had the defined musculature of someone who was serious about keeping his body in top shape. His chest was covered with black silky looking hair that swirled around his nipples and then plunged down to his navel where it spread out again before blending into his thick black mass of pubic hair. His dick was uncircumcised and of proportionate size for someone of his height. That meant that it was hanging down a good six inches over a pair of large balls in a hair-covered sac!

As I took the towel our hands met briefly. I felt my penis twitch in response. `Down, boy!'

Robert led the way into the glass ceiling of the hot tub room. I watched the hairy globes of his ass as he walked gracefully in front of me. `Whoa, get a grip, Parker!'

We settled into the tub which was large enough for all seven without any crowding. The boys talked back and forth for a couple of minutes before Ryan turned to Robert and asked, "Could I have your autograph before we go home tomorrow?"

Robert looked sharply at his son.

"I didn't say anything, Dad. Honest."

Ryan quickly came to Tyrone's rescue. "Tyrone didn't say anything, Mr. Marquez. TJ and I watch a lot of basketball, and I recognized you right away even with your beard.  I told TJ and Trey who you were, but Tyrone asked us not to say anything to anyone else about it. He said you didn't want anyone in town to know that you used to play basketball. I guess you're concerned that folks will make a big fuss over you and all.  That's the way I felt when I realized who you are, but then after a few minutes I realized that you're just a regular person. I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, Ryan. I think I have been a little over zealous in trying to keep out of sight here. I'll be sure to give you an autograph before you leave tomorrow."

"Ah...could you make that three autographs, Sir? And we won't say anything until you're ready to come out of the closet." TJ piped in.

Robert roared with laughter. "Yes. Three it is. I guess I have been trying to stay in a closet. Perhaps it is time to `come out' as you say. If my son, you, Isaac, and Trey have the guts to come out to the entire soccer team, I should have the guts to be open about being a former professional ball player."

The boys didn't stay in the hot tub very long before they left to go splash around in the pool.  Robert and I lay back in the warm water and looked at the stars through the glass above us.

"Would you like a beer?"

"That would be wonderful."

"Stay here.  There's a refrigerator in the locker room. I'll be right back."

Robert pulled his long form out of the water. The warm water had relaxed his cock and balls which were hanging even lower than before.

He returned, handed me a can, and settled back into the tub with his beer.

"May I ask you a personal question, Parker."


"How did Trey come to live with you?"

"Trey's parents, were killed in one of those California landslides two summers ago. Trey and I are all that's left of the Arnold Family."

"I'm sorry to hear about your family. That explains something Tyrone said a few weeks ago. He said that Trey understood what he was going through. I wondered then if he was talking about losing a parent or about being gay. Perhaps he was talking about both.

"Can I ask another question?"


"How did Isaac come to live with you?"

"Isaac's parents were both killed in a fire. He has an aunt and uncle here in town, but they couldn't take him so I did." I didn't go into detail about the circumstances surrounding the fire.

"Both Trey and Isaac seem well adjusted for having experienced such heavy losses. They also seem very comfortable with being gay."

"All four of the boys are quite remarkable. Trey and Isaac have seen a counselor. She really helped. TJ and Ryan are both great kids. They're half brothers really. Their father had a serious bout with cancer. He's in remission now, but that caused some family stress. TJ and his step mother don't get along very well, and Ryan has some problems with her as well."

"Are Trey and TJ boyfriends?"

I chuckled.  "No. They're all just good friends. I'm pretty sure that Trey, Isaac, and TJ play around with one another, but they're not `boyfriends'. Ryan's straight."

I smiled at Robert.  "Now it's my turn. How about you and Tyrone?"

He rested his head back against the side of the tub and sighed. "Tyrone's mother and I were high school sweet hearts who weren't careful enough. We were only seventeen when he was born. I was already thinking about the NBA draft, and Charmaine's family wouldn't allow us to get married or stay together. As you've probably guessed, Tyrone's mother was African-American. The family wasn't too happy when they found out that she was pregnant by a Cuban refugee even if I did have a pretty good earning potential for the future. They never really accepted Tyrone after he was born so Charmaine moved out on her own and went to college with Tyrone in tow. I supported them while she was in school, but when she graduated and got a job, she wouldn't take any more money from me. We weren't really friends, but we were cordial to one another, and she allowed me to be a part of Tyrone's life. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer two years ago. By last spring it was clear she was terminal, that's when I made the decision to retire from basketball. I knew I would be raising Tyrone, and the travel schedule of an NBA player doesn't mix with being a full-time father. She died last summer."

"I'm sorry.  I know it's been an adjustment for both of you."

"There have been some difficult times, but I have no regrets. As I said, I don't miss the travel and the pressure of the NBA.  My investments and business interests have grown. Fortunately I can take care of most of them over the phone or Internet. I have enjoyed being a full-time father and the quieter life here."

Our conversation moved away from personal matters to local politics and gossip, the mercurial weather in the North Carolina Mountains, and sports. During the conversation we each had two more beers.

Robert glanced at the clock on opposite wall. I followed his gaze. It was nearly 11:30!

"Well, Parker, I think we have been soaking long enough. If we stay in the tub much longer we may begin to grow gills. Let's go into the shower. It's late, and you've had several beers. Why don't you stay here tonight?"

I hesitated at first, but as I stood up from the hot tub I suddenly felt the full effects of the warm heat and the alcohol. "I think staying here would be a good idea."

We went back into the locker room area, showered, pulled on our clothes, and headed back to the main part of the house. Robert showed me into the guest bedroom in his wing of the house, said good night, and adjourned to his bedroom. I stripped down and climbed into the bed. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The next morning Robert, Elena, and I had a simple breakfast in the kitchen. The boys were still asleep. I left right after breakfast to go back home to take care of Mutt.


The next week was Thanksgiving. We had a full house and a full dinner on Thanksgiving Day. TJ and Ryan were with us because their parents were taking a vacation over the long weekend.

It seems like Thanksgiving always rushes into Christmas. Tyrone joined the junior varsity basketball team, and Robert started attending the games. Several people recognized him as Berto Marquez, but as we had predicted the excitement soon dissipated, and he became just one of the fathers of one of the players on the team.


The week before Christmas Break, I stopped at the bank to take care of some business.  I waited a few minutes for Andy Hatcher to finish with another customer and then completed my business with him.  As I was getting ready to leave he told me that he had been transferred to Evanston, Illinois, effective at the First of the Year.   He said he had enjoyed working with me. He also said that he was keeping his house in Carterville and hoped that he would see me on his trips back to town. I wished him well and told him I was sorry to see him leave. And I truly was sorry. Not only had he been easy to work with at the bank, but he was also great to look at. Seeing his handsome face had always made a trip to the bank a pleasant experience.


Break arrived.  Once again TJ and Ryan stayed with us as John and Angela Ladd took another trip...this one to Aruba.

The day after Christmas Karl Henson came out to the house for dinner. The boys had been eagerly awaiting his visit, but not as eagerly as I. Karl hadn't said anything, but I'd hoped he would spend the night with me.

It had been nearly six months since his last visit home. He was as handsome as ever. He entertained us with stories of West Point all the way through dinner. Afterwards, the boys cleaned up the kitchen while Karl and I went into the living room.

We settled on the couch. I moved to put my arm around him, but he leaned away.

"Parker, I need to talk to you."

`Oh oh, this can't be good!'

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 8

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