Finding My Beloved

By moc.loa@a1epop

Published on Nov 21, 2008


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is merely a coincidence. If you are not allowed by law to view this material, please do not do so. If you are under 18 years of age, please leave now.

Chapter 1: Exodus

"Yes" I said looking at the mail.

"The letters finally came," I whispered to myself or at least I thought.

"Its still a shot in the dark" a voice said from behind me. I turned my head to see it was Sam.

"Huh, I know"

"He's right though; it sounds so Silas," he added

That was a name, a face, a figure I never wanted to see or hear again. And I snarled at Sam uncontrollably for using it. "And those things too" he said pointing at my eyes.

"Ok I get it my eyes but I cant control that this week that this week nor do I want to, but what else are you getting at?" I said pondering his thoughts. "Your anger" he said pushing me into the house. Complying with him I said, "But you took the conversation by saying Sii..."

"Silas" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Yes" I said in a low growl

"Ok, well I'll give you that you do hate the guy, but going to school in Virginia a boarding school at that its odd" Sam said

"Touch‚ but I just want to get away for a little bit and its only a couple hours away" I replied

"Well try it if that's what you want it's worth a shot" he said confidently

"Thanks, and no Jamey's not on to our family secret" I replied with a smile.

"God are you always in peoples mind" he said

"Not all the time but it gets worse when I'm bored" I said laughing

"You smell nervous, don't be he's not gonna kill you" he said rubbing my back. I grabbed the phone and took a couple deep breaths and dialed. Hoping to God he wouldn't pick-up. He did on the first ring too. Phone Call_____ "Hello" a ringing voice said "Hey, Pops" I said stuttering "What's wrong Troy," he said "Nuthin' at all the scholarships came in today" I replied "Oh really" he said questioningly "Yeah have you given it more thought," I asked "I have but give me reasons why we should let you go" he replied "I just honestly want to branch out for the last couple years of high school" I said "That's understandable," he said "And it's a great school," I replied "Touch‚, your gonna hate this but it sounds so Silas" The words kept echoing in my ear and I snarled loudly over the phone. "Not you too, that was over 80 years ago I've recovered, I haven't killed or eaten a human in that time span. I mean, I eat human food regularly and I hunt at nights," I said pleading my case. "Touch‚ again and please don't think you're a liability to us, so I'll make you a deal I'll let you go if you can find away around those shimmering eyes of yours," he said "Ok thanks for at least considering it," I said knowing there was no way out of it. "No problem and I know you can find away around it," he said trying to keep me optimistic "Alright thanks again Pop" I replied "Ok love you" "Love you too," I replied a little upset at the answer I received. End Of Call________ I was left alone to ponder for a little bit by myself on the possibilities of how to get to this school. I must say as much as I hated to admit it she was definitely calling me to this school for something and it was growing stronger everyday. "So how did it go?" Sam said coming back into the room

"He'll let me go if I can find away around...." I said searching for a better word "Your period" he said laughing at me

"God you guys can be dicks with that nickname sometimes" I replied rolling my eyes

"What else would you rather we call it then" he replied

Right there it hit me, it was MY period monthly. I as well as everyone else in the house knew the week, length of this strange cycle. I sprinted straight to my room and looked at the calendars on my wall. "What have you got?" Sam said coming in behind me

"My period it runs consistently every month and the worst month oddly always ends up being October" I said

"Right" he said agreeing

"So we have a summer house," I said in air quotations

"Yeah...15 minutes away from the school" he replied

"Right so if I can get you guys to watch me during that week and Pops and Erik gonna be here anyway in October...." I started

"Hold up" he said halting me

"What makes you think we'll do it?" he said smiling

I started to protest when a couple voices chimed in "Do what?"

"You'll find out in a minute" I responded

"But I need everybody on this" I added

"Well were all here" Erik said

Everyone sat down in the kitchen looking around at Sam he said once again to me "shot in the dark but I'm in"

"What are you talking about?" Iyeisha said

"Excellent question" I replied

"What do you guys know about my period" I said, everyone laughed "It's monthly" Azya said

"Only about two days to a week long" Shelbi added

"Your eyes glow a shimmering silver," Amanda said

"Your moods change like at nothing at all," Iyeisha said

"And, October is the month where it's the worse, Clayton and I literally have to tie you up and watch you for the week" Erik stated

"But, other than that I'm ok to handle right," I asked

"Yeah" Sam said

"Ok then as you guys know I want to go over the boarding school in Virginia" I said

"Now were getting somewhere," Iyeisha stated

"I got the scholarships, but one drawback" I said

"Your period" Amanda said

"Yes" I said meekly

"So your asking us to watch you that week of your period" Erik said

"Yes, there's our summer house 15 minutes away from the school. It's only a 3 hour drive and on foot is less than 2," I stated

"But how will we know," Amanda said

"Just like you said 'it's monthly' that's exactly correct" I replied

"But what about that month" Sam said

"Easy, if I was here Pops and Erik would be here to watch me so why not there" I said

Iyeisha cut in saying, "I'm sorry but this sounds so...."

"Don't say it, I've already said it once to him and he deserves more credit, after all it's been 80 years" Sam cut in

"Thank you" I said

"Sam's right so I'm in" Amanda called out

"Yeah, me too I can take you down" Erik said

"I trust you" Azya and Iyeisha said

"Shot in the dark, but it might work" Shelbi answered

Then there was a loud bark, "looks like Caesar's in too" Sam laughed

"Thanks guys" I said grabbing the phone dialing for Pops once again, picked up on the first ring. _Phone Call "Already figured it out" he said "Yeah" I said and explained the proposition I came up with to him. He laughed, "I knew you could figure it out so you can go" I got all excited and said, "Oh my God, thank you" "No problem, son" "Your weeks over why don't you go celebrate" he added "Of course" I said "Love you," he said

"Love you too," I replied hung up the phone and started bouncing. "Must've went well" Erik said Phone Call__ "Yes, and he said my weeks over so I can bout to party tonite," I said

"Beacon" he said beaming

"Of course" I said

Everybody came into view and overheard the conversation and chimed in, "there's no time to waste, get ready"

"Oh aite" I said

So I hit a quick shower put on some Makaveli jeans, a black beater, pair of black and white Timberlands and my favorite Dolce & Gabana Shades. Always gotta look your best when you go out to the Beacon. It used to be a run down warehouse until we bought and pimped it out, now it's like a nightclub for teens. You can do pretty much anything there from showcasing your talent to walking the runway. Lets just say that it stayed crunk at the Beacon. Soon as I got dressed Erik bum rushed me, I didn't even need to hear him ask it his mind was screaming it at me so I just said, "Ok, but only 2 Sam will be by himself"

"I hate when you do that," he said referring to my ability to get into the mind

"Well stop screaming at me with your mind, and I wont respond," I replied rolling my eyes "So what 2 songs exactly?" I asked

"Well we definitely have to do 'Taking It There' we've been doing a version to that for awhile and you know you can come up with an idea for the other one," Erik said

"Oh aite, so what car are you taking?" I questioned

"Suzuki most likely since the Tomahawk is illegal to drive" He said

"Don't remind me" I replied

"Aite then I'll catch up with you there" he said

"Ok" I replied

I was watching the girls doing their songs for tonite 'Goodies' and 'Bad Girl'. When Sam came up behind me asking, "How many?"

"Only 2," I replied

"That's not bad, let's take the Veyron," he said

"Did you ask Amanda? You know how she is about her car" I said

"True lets take the Mercedes S600" he replied

I took a deep breath why Sam bought a Mercedes Guardian, I may never know. Why buy an unbreakable car when you are unbreakable to everything but Mother Nature herself? "Cool I'll meet you at the car in a minute," I said I called back in the house "were leaving see you there already got 2 songs were taking the S600"

"Alright were right behind you" the voices called back

I got in the Mercedes S600 one of the cars that I thought was hilarious for man to make a bullet proof, bombproof unbreakable car to mortal standards that could be so easily broken like butter in my fingers. We still took off in it anyway bumping to the radio. When we reached the Beacon I was looking in the mirror to check my eyes and Sam said, "there fine not quite back to those hazels but there close to oak" "Thanks" I said It was 7:30 and the late July was perfect as we entered in the club. Some people were already there and we were just standing around when this voice came up behind me, "Hey Deuce" now this nickname I haven't used this football season but knew exactly who it was Mark.

"Hey Mark," I said looking at him. Then my nose caught his scent. It was alluring, mouth watering, he wanted me and it was seeping out of him. I got hard almost instantly.

"So I see you still have your little week to yourself every month" he said smiling. I had to step back to take in this guy. He was 6'3" while I'm at a meager 5'9". He brought a new meaning to the phrase tall, dark and handsome. His black eyes, his athletic physique it was all luxurious. It was like I haven't seen him in months.

"I feel like its been forever since I've seen you" I said

"Yeah with lacrosse and everything I've been bound down pretty tight," he replied

"Of course, I hope we might be able to have some play time" I said grinning

"For you, yes" he said thinking back to those wild times we had in the woods, library and other various locations. Mark and I never had a relationship but we just loved to fuck, I remember the first time in the showers after skiing in the Netherlands. I smelled it on him then and I told him to go for it and he did. And we've just been fucking ever since.

"I'll hold you to it," I replied leaning his chin down to my face and kissed him. Part of him knew it was coming and he literally scooped me by the ass to pull me in and kiss me more fiercely. I was close enough to start grindin my hips on his growing crotch. And then I stopped and whispered, "that's just a preview"

He moaned a little bit and replied, "When do I get the real thing"

"Later tonite" I replied

"I have to wait don't I" he asked

"For me yes but you know you can get anybody else in here" I replied

"Yeah but they aren't as tough as you" he said

"Thanks but I don't let anyone go as rough as you" I replied

"Thanks" he said

"No problem" I said sucking on his earlobe. He finally put me down.

"See you later tonite" he said

"Yes you will" I said assuring him, and turned to face Sam and Erik scowling at me.

"Damn, what so I got a little carried away you didn't have to scream at me, I had it under control" I said

"What do you see in him?" Erik said

"Take him for a test drive and find out" I said cutting my eyes at him

"I think I might do that," Sam said walking towards him

"Umm don't you got a man, Sam?" I said reminding him

"Yeah, so" he replied

"Ok, no only because I like Jamey" I said

"Well I give you this Troy, you definitely got him hooked" Erik said

"You smell it too" I said "Yeah" they both said

"You can do that too, you just have to let go of those inhibitions you have" I replied

"Nope out of the family you have the art of seduction down to a tee" he stated

"Whatever" I said

"I'll meet you back stage" he said

"Right behind you" I said

"Jamey's here" Sam said

"And here you were bout to do some dirt" I replied shaking my head

"True but looks like I might get some tonite with you" he said smiling

"Ok" I said walking backstage to meet up with Erik I got back there and everyone just laughed and shook their heads at me.

"What?" I asked

"Erik told us" Shelbi said

"Uhh y'all probably think I should go home don't you" I replied

"No" they said in unison

"Then you'll take him home" Shelbi stated

"Fuck outside" Azya said

"And then inside" Amanda added

"Then we gotta smell it" Iyeisha chimed in

"What if I go home with him" I asked

"That's worse" Azya said

"Because you'll still fuck" Shelbi said

"Then we got to keep an eye on you and take you home" Erik added

"And still smell it" Iyeisha laughed "You guys are hopeless" I said

"It's just because of the week Troy" Amanda said

"I know we still gonna get it in regardless" I replied

"Ok bad vision" he said covering his eyes and ears

"Oh your so straight that'll change as soon as you take a test drive" I replied laughing. Then there was a loud sound roaring out on the stage the crowd was hype already. Erik and I ended up going first to perform that night. I could feel that rush kicking in, I loved it the feeling of all eyes on me. Plus, the ones I wanted to catch out there. The music started while I waited behind the curtain to pop open. Song Lyrics [Erik Speaking] "Clear... Yeah.. Ahaha.. Yeah its official yeah..yeah yeah.. hey Ziggy I told them niggas (oh Yah) They wouldn't believe me though I do this shit by the way

[Verse 1 - Erik] Its 3:45 She pulled up to my house Grabbed my strap, Got the door with a blunt in my mouth (haha) Say I'm bout to put the smack down You know ill put the smack down and (??) put the smack down She Park in the background look at me I'm standing tall she knows how to keep it up We just left the club so you know we both drunk as f**k 30 min in.. second wind Call it cardio I go up and down round and round SUPER MARIO! Oh wee oh wee she busting like a oozy I'm riding that Suzuki She Wet as a Jacuzzi call it in Code 10 Get ready for the water Flow Number 16 Tear it up Yeah I told yah so

[Chorus - Troy] What can I say (I aint lying) Aint no easy way to say this (yahh..) and I don't know if you can handle it (I don't know if you can handle It) But I'm thinking about taking it (taking it there) Cuz that's the only way you aint gettin it (and you..) you lay around with them Boy shorts on (Laying around) And I've been thinking about it all day long (all day long shawty) And I too don't think I cant handle it (but her..) But I'm think I might end up taking it...

[Verse 2 - Erik] I'm thinking about it, then by receiving... She can get it right back up, just give her a reason Any given season Winter, spring, Summer, Fall... I came to see the show baby gon and make the water fall She know I'm the one to call when she want that good shit She know I'm the one to call when she wants the hood shit baby looking all good my demeanors all hood Left the chopper in the car yah you know the handle all wood I stepped up in the spot (spot) Yah Smelling like a pound Yah you know I'm taking that-..Yee aint got to pull em down Yee aint got to take em off I'm over aggressive said bout to be an accident Just call it Progressive

[Chorus - Troy] What can I say (i aint lying) Aint no easy way to say this (yahh..) and I don't know if you can handle it (I don't know if you can handle It) But I'm thinking about taking it (taking it there) Cuz that's the only way you aint gett it (and you..) you lay around with them Boy shorts on (Laying around) And I've been thinking about it all day long (all day long shawty) And I too don't think I cant handle it (but her..) But I'm think I might end up taking it..

[Verse 3 - Erik] I don't know if you can handle this...Know if you can handle me First I'm gonna start right here where your man should be I don't know if you can handle this...Know if you can handle Young If you aint never had a real nigga, Better get you one come thru on some thug shit (thug shit) Gotta respect shit Yahh i come thru on some thug shit (thug shit) Gotta Accept it she know that I'm never shy most time we Probably high I'm gonna kidnap the kitty cat, Yah gon need an Alibi

[Chorus - Troy] What can I say (i aint lying) Aint no easy way to say this (aint no easy way to Tell you this) and I don't know if you can handle it (I don't know if you can handle It) But I'm thinking about taking it (taking it there) Cuz that's the only way you aint gett it (and you..) you lay around with them Boy shorts on (Laying around) And I've been thinking about it all day long (Ohh..) And I too don't think I cant handle it (ohh...but her...) But I'm think I might end up taking it... There...there there there there Take...Ing...It... There...there...there...there...there...AHH" ___Ending Song The crowd loved it they applauded and were real hype, which got me and Erik extra wired. We were pretty much bouncing as we alternated with the girls. We agreed maybe next time we'll do two songs tonight we had other plans. So I gracefully made my way over to Mark who was now interestingly enough with his twin brother. I reached Mark and we started dancing while the girls went on. They were always glamorous when they went on stage, always so well organized together like a real group everything from outfits. They're music started playing as the whole club went black. Song Lyrics {[Intro: In unison] When the red light comes on I transform When the red light comes on I transform [Azya] Look in my eyes covered in Maybelline Looking like something fresh out a magazine I can be part of your deepest fantasies You're the detective, come solve my mystery [Shelbi] Some say that love is all that I'm missing Some call it jezebel, I call it attention But what they don't know they can't even imagine Say I don't have no self-esteem but it's my fashion [Chorus] Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl, a bad girl I can be your addiction if you wanna get hooked on me I-I can be your addiction if you wanna get hooked on me Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl, a bad girl When the red light comes on I transform When the red light comes on I transform When the red light comes on I transform [Amanda] Something about me has got you hypnotized Examine my body like you're the science guy Watching my every move you anticipate What ya thinking about, boy I can recreate [Azya] Some say that love is all that I'm missing Some call it jezebel, I call it attention But what they don't know they can't even imagine Say I don't have no self-esteem but it's my fashion [Chorus] Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl, a bad girl [Iyeisha] I know you hear me boy... B-A-D-C-H-I-C, lookin' so sexy Make them bitches hate me She not me cause there's just one me I'm a M to the I-double S-Y Lights come on, I tr-transform Gimme that dick, baby, com-come on I can do it all night 'til the break of dawn On-On and on, I keep on goin' They call me a jezebel cause I freaks, I does it well Got extensions in my hair, bad girls is ya'll up in here? (Yeah) Tonight we just gonna let it do what it do I can put this pretty young thing on you I ain't lookin' for attention, I just want you Let me be your addiction, I can be that too I can be your addiction if you wanna get hooked on me I-I can be your addiction if you wanna get hooked on me [Chorus] Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl, a bad girl When the red light comes on I transform When the red light comes on I transform When the red light comes on I transform

[Shelbi + Amanda] >From a caterpillar to a butterfly I know I got something that you're gonna like (Don't be afraid I won't let you down) I'm the one that'll make you come around [Chorus] Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl, a bad girl I can be your addiction if you wanna get hooked on me I-I can be your addiction if you wanna get hooked on me Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl Maybe I'm just a bad girl, a bad girl When the red light comes on I transform When the red light comes on I transform When the red light comes on I transform} ___End Of Song Just as I expected they blew everybody away. Amanda came to the front and grabbed her lover Marcus. And said to me, "that's how you rock a crowd!"

I laughed at her and said, "Yeah you were good" That's when Mark stepped in and said, "they were good but you were hot tonite" "Thank you..." I replied slyly "Hey Marcus" I added waving to Mark's twin

"What's up Deuce good to see you of your period" he said jokingly

"Not completely off it just enough that I could come here" I said. God I hated that name they came up for my condition, but nonetheless it was growing on me. So I just decided to go along with it. I turned back around to focus on Mark, "now where were we" I said rubbing his nipple through his shirt and kissing his neck that's all I could reach because he was so tall. So I just started kissing and sucking at his neck pushing all his buttons. I had him moaning him moaning then we were interrupted. I turned my head and I said, "why are you blocking" to Sam and I saw him and Jamey there.

"Hey Jamey" Mark said

"What's up Jaime" I chimed in. Jamey was cute for a white werewolf. Even though he and Sam had a rocky relationship he was still pretty cool.

"Not much but I see someone's no longer sick" he replied

"Yeah, sorry I kept him from you all week" I said

Soon we were all dancing on the dance floor grinding on each other. Sweating deeply and profusely as the minutes turned. Every movement was sending me into deeper pool of ecstasy to which I didn't know the escape route. There was a whisper in my ear, "I'll be right back" and with that I was left alone by Mark while he went on to do whatever he was doing. So I went to the next best thing just went and grabbed another guy to dance with until Mark came back to me. We started dancing and this guy was hot but he couldn't keep with me, it was like he was confused lost at sea. Every time dragged my hips on his body he didn't know whether to move or just stand still. And what's worse was he thought he was putting it down he was real cocky. And then like a light I saw him Mark was standing against the wall waiting for me. So I just got up and walked over without even a glance back to the other guy.

I made my way over to Mark and he said, "what was that about"

"Somebody thought they could handle me" I said

"Oh" he said

"I want you now" I whispered

"Let's go then" he replied

"Yes lets" I replied following him when someone reached out and grabbed me. I felt it I was ready to snap right there as I looked at whose hand would grab me. The same clown I was just dancing with, Mark just handed me my shades in an order to save the risk of exposure from humans. And I looked back at this clown and said, "excuse me, can I help you?"

"Yeah I wasn't done with you yet," he said

"Well that sounds like a personal problem home boy"

"Oh really"

"Yes, now you either remove the arm or you'll be hurting in the morning"

"You're a feisty one aren't ya"

"I'm not following you"

"Well I don't like to repeat myself" he said becoming visibly angry. Mark stepped up behind and asked, "Do you need assistance?"

"No, I don't see a reason for violence" I said raising an eyebrow

"I won't judge you for it" Mark replied

"Thanks" I said as I removed my hand from this clowns grasp. And out of nowhere he smacked my face knocking my shades off. Mark caught them instantly and in that same instant the other 9 of us were locked on me. And he said, "I wasn't finished dancing with you yet and now look what you made me do". I bared all I could hold up until that moment I grabbed his neck pushed his back to the wall looked him in the eyes and said, "I was trying to be nice earlier and you hit me be glad that I have to be on my best behavior" and just dropped him right there.

Mark came and picked me up and I said, "I'm sorry"

"Why" he asked

"I probably ruined the mood and exposed us all" I replied

"Now I see why they call it your period" he said

"I still want you though" I said whispering in his ear

"Good let's go" he replied

"I'm already stuck to you" I said laughing giving how Mark was holding me in his lap, and I looked around and caught Sam's gaze and I said "Sorry, I know I need better control"

"Shut up, you only scared the kid" Sam replied

"Yeah, I'm real proud of you" Mark said leading me out to the back of the building. I was already taking off my beater and his too. The best part was he knew I would let him be forceful if he wanted.

"Let me see those pretty eyes" he said taking off my sunglasses and placed them on the sidewalk. Our scents began to take hold of us; Mark took my hands in one of his and pinned me up on the wall. And he looked me in the eyes and with his free hand rubbed my torso and said, "These pants must go" and ripped them off me and started kissing my neck. I inhaled sharply and then realized Sam and Jamey were doing the same thing less than 5 feet away. I flashed back to Mark who was now sucking my nipple. "Fuck" I said moving my foot to massage his crotch. He moaned a little bit and I said, "take me now babe". That's all he was waiting for he took two steps back. Looked at me and said "How you want it?"

"We can do it fast or slow tonite your driving" I said seducing forward with my finger. He stepped out of his clothes and took some lube out of his back pocket and applied it. And came towards me and lifted me up on his throbbing muscle of a dick. I howled lively as I slid down his member. Inhaling sharply he said, "That good".

"Plus some" I said kissing his shoulder. He got settled and started going at it and I was moaning and inhaling sharply. And started to bite his shoulder a little bit, he growled at that and slammed one home and that hit the trigger. My eyes started glowing silver again and it sent my head back as my crystal necklace began to glow. And Jamey shouted out "Holy shit"

Mark said, "Fucking beautiful"

Sam asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah he just hit my spot and that hit all my reactions but its just rain" I replied to Sam

"So that's the spot" Mark said, slamming it home again this time I clamped down on his dick and he nearly came. He howled and said "Fuck" and there it was a single rain drop hit his forehead following a light shower.

"I'm out on good behavior" I reminded him

"Aite I'll go normally" he said and I loosened up my grip and he went back to going all out we locked eyes and he just started going faster and deeper while we attacked each others faces. Biting each other, oh and the scratches on his back and on my arms aint nothing like sex wounds. Finally our breathing turned into heavy panting we were both close.

"Fuck, good behavior slam me home big boy" and he did just that hitting my spot every time. The light rain began to storm with bits and pieces of lightning scattered about. And the last hard stroke of this 9 incher struck me with so much force that I struck a tree.

"Oops I'm sorry, please don't tell" I said to everyone

"Shut up and kiss me" Mark said assaulting my mouth. And kissed his way down to my throbbing muscle, he licked it down and went down on me starting from the head and took me all the way down and came back up and played with my head a little swirling his tongue in a circular motion. "God that feels nice" I said grazing his fade hair cut. I started inhaling sharply as he went back to bobbing on my muscle. "I'm about to bust" I said giving him a heads up and he winked at me. And started taking down every load I was good for at the opportune moment. He got up in front of me and said "Your fucking amazing" in my ear.

"Thanks" I whispered back

"No you don't get what I'm saying" Mark said

"Well what are you saying" I said putting clothes back on.

"She looks out for you" he said looking at the moon "Psst, here we go" I said putting on my shoes

"Seriously, look at your eyes for example the power they hold when mixed with this ancient necklace" he said touching the crystal necklace. "And then your head, you say you can only listen to thoughts when someone you but its difficult, you hear it all don't you thoughts, fears, heartaches hell even with your eyes alone you can see down to a creatures bare soul and you could even act like that creatures conscious" He hit all dead on point and I was kind of speechless all I could get out was, "you pay that much attention to me"

"Deuce how long have we known each other" Mark asked

"Almost 40 years"

"Right now during that time span you tend to notice things" he said rubbing my cheek. And there it was again his scent musky woods but a hint of seduction. I had to control myself so I said, "What else have you noticed"

"Well for recovering from an addiction your doing great tonite even I would have decked the guy you just scared him, you have to big of a heart for a werewolf and you rarely sleep everyone says its insomnia but I think its deeper than that" he replied

"Really, what's your theory?" I asked not really wanting to hear the answer

"I think you're trying to keep yourself away from distant memories of your past"

"Fuck you?" I said visibly angry.

He pulled me closer to him and he hugged me and said, "I'm sorry I upset you"

"Now, how was tonite" he said looking at Sam and Jamey

"I don't know our affair got rained on" Jamey said laughing

"I'm sorry it just took over" I replied

"Are you serious? I thought it was cool" he replied

"Oh please you get stuck with the mood swings all week" Sam said

"I'm trying to keep it calm" I said

"We see that and you're doing great" Sam said

"Yes especially tonite you only struck a tree" Mark said laughing at me.

My eyes started glowing again and I formed a snowball in my hand and beamed it at Mark and said "Shut up" he laughed and we were about to play around and he took one step and as soon as that step registered I went into attack mode completely baring all teeth and claws at Mark.

"Time to go" Sam said to calm me down and I shook my head and said "huh, why what happened"

"You were about to attack Mark" Jamey said

"Sorry, call me, tonite was good before what ever happened" I said to Mark

"It's understandable" Mark said

"Bye Jamey" I added

"You should let me watch on your next period" Jamey asked

"I don't think so too many moods and hormones for you" Sam answered

"Yeah sorry, bye Mark" I added

"See ya Deuce until next time" he said blowing me a kiss

"What does this mean?" I kept saying to myself. I was so shaken up that Sam dragged me to the house and rocked me in the bed to calm me down and he said, "What's got you so rattled Gabe?"

"Mmark" I said stuttering

"What did he do?"

"Nothing his words and his mind" I muttered

"What did he say?"

"Nothing just forget about it"

"That far back, huh"

"Yes" I said going to my dresser to grab my dog tags. The last piece of good memory of my past, everyone knows that asking me about Russia, is no place I allow my mind to go back to.

"Why did he go there, especially with your emotions all wired up like that" Sam said

"I don't know, I peeped inside his thoughts to see why and he was trying to visualize it" I replied

"You should get some sleep though"I added

"Ok the rest of the family will be here soon"

"Sleep please" I said. Walking out to the backyard to see Caesar, my loveable Siberian Husky. The only animal that wasn't scared of me, after all he was the one helped me make it from Russia and to the orphanage in Venice, Italy. So when I reached the backyard he barked so I could figure his location of where he was and when I reached him he jumped on me and growled. "I know, I know" I said to him. From the exception of Sam, Amanda and Erik, Caesar could read me clearly. He was upset for me getting down with Mark. So I laid down with him just checking out the view of the orange moon in the late summer night. And I swiftly began to fall into slumber: Dream__________

The silver full moon glowing brightly across the wintry night, but something was my instincts were going off. I looked around and this gorgeous female looked at me with raindrops streaming down her face. Her eyes shimmering like mine gazing at me as she gave me a necklace. And she hugged me tightly and said, "Be safe my son, know we always loved you". That's when in noticed another pair of shimmering eyes moving closer to us. He looked at me and gave his dog tags to me. I gripped them tightly and said, "When can I see you again". My mother spoke first, "I don't know, but she'll always be there" she said pointing at the moon. My father spoke next, "we've drilled this plenty of times and you can make it to Caesar and he'll guide you until your safe. Remember to remain in phase one", he cautioned me. That's when we heard it growls and hisses alike. My parents immediately phased into werewolves. And my eyes started to adjust to my surroundings we were surrounded for the first time. Werewolves and vampires came together to destroy us. That's when it happened I was ready adrenaline was kicking in at the top degree. Their voices rang out clearly in my head "Go now" and it went black. End__________

I woke back up stirring up the house everyone was in my room. "It was just a dream Troy, just a dream" I found the voice and knew it had to be Pops. I shook myself out of it and said, "This is why I hate dreams you know"

"We know" Pops said

"So what was it this time" he added

"It's always the same dream" I replied

"True" Iyeisha said

"But aside from that I'm proud of you, everyone said you backed away from a fight " Pops said

"Yeah, but there was no backup when I fell for Mark" I said getting up to my closet

"We did" Erik said

"Ok a little" I admitted putting on some clothes

"You already had your mindset" Azya said

"Must've been the period," I said going to the garage

"Boy!! Get it together!!" Iyeisha said smacking my face

"Alrite, so I wanted it a little" I said laughing

"Yeah, he's definitely off or he would've went ape shit over that" Erik said

"You didn't want a little its ok though, we know that you dislike Mark for just using you for sex" Azya said

"Yeah, we know you like him and he doesn't want a relationship like you do but he still has it" Shelbi said

"No, he doesn't I refuse to give it to him my heart, remember what happened in the last relationship" I said

"That's true but that was a different person who no longer has a hold on you" Amanda said

"Touch‚" I said dropping the conversation

"Your all packed" Pops said coming in the garage

"Who did it?" I asked shocked

"I did" Erik said tossing me a duffle bag. "I got your clothes, shoes and other accessories" he added

"No it's all in the Escalade"

"And in this bag?" I asked, 'Necessities' he shouted in my head grinning from ear to ear "Don't open 'til you get there and we left" he added. Sam came in to the garage with another bag, "laptop, speakers, ipods and cell phone" he said

"Only two cars" Pops said

"Ok I'll take Eli and Tex over there" I said

So with that we took off in the cars to Virginia. Amanda explained to me why we were leaving in the beginning of August. She said that they started school earlier than most schools. But, the school was beautiful lengthy green fields marked by a lovely burgundy colored trunk of a tree that extended into a forest floor. I was daydreaming 'til a voice was ringing in my ear.

"I know, he took it too well but at least he knows where you've been" I said to Sam

"That's true but you know what?" he asked

"What?" I replied

"I'm glad Gabe is back," he said smiling

Out of everybody in the family he's the only one that calls me Gabe, because we both met when I was with Silas. We were close friends then and we broke his hold on us together. He told me that he calls me Gabe because I remind him of the angel Gabriel his favorite.

"Yeah, me too" I said

"No, I mean like all this week I could visibly see the difference in you" he said

"Really, how so?" I asked

"Well your emotions and hormones, you're feeding off everybody else. Your anxiety and appetite is that of a pregnant woman. You asked me for pickles and ice cream the other day. You wouldn't hurt a fly unless you felt threatened or challenged. And you are definitely bitchy, Duchess" he said smiling

"Wow, Duchess" I said laughing. Everyone knew I was oblivious, to what mostly happened during my 'period'. And they found it amazingly hilarious that I had only glimpses and flashes after the fact.

"Yes, Duchess fits perfectly..." "But then there's Gabe, funny, masculine but a diva personality, vulnerable. Sees what he wants and gets it. Fucks anything with 2 legs or fucked by. Always busy, always planning and always reading. Whose motto is: 'Life, Love and Luxury' and 'F.E.A.'." Sam added

"Well did you miss anything?" I asked

Iyeisha chimed in from the back seat, "Yeah, you play too many games, too overprotective and you are not modest" she said grabbing my clothes.

"Hey now...what's wrong with this?" I asked laughing looking at my outfit.

They both laughed and said "it matches but..."

"It's your first day you could've worn a shirt" Sam said

"I got a hoodie on" I replied

"With the zipper down and everything out, probably don't even got draws on" Iyeisha said laughing

"Oh my God, you didn't put any on did you" Sam said looking horrified

"Yeah I got on underwear," I said meekly "But in my defense I don't wear them because its easy access" I added

"You're a man whore," Sam said

"I'd say your addicted but we already know that" Iyeisha said.

"So true" I said as the car came to a stop. "Now why are we stopping?" I asked

"Were here" Sam said.

I looked around my new home. Eyeing the surroundings and escapes, this place was beautiful the trees of there many different looks, shapes and sizes opening up to a beautiful utopia of a campus that was now my new home. We parked the cars and all eyes were instantly on us. Erik handed me the duffle bag and said in his thoughts 'use wisely I got 2 bricks of Purp and Jamaican herb along with some Bacardi and some of your money'. My face went blank "that might be a bit too much".

"Well its all yours" he said

"When did you plan on hunting?" Pops said

"Actually I was just looking around for that exact reason" I replied

"So tonight, smart decision" he said embracing me in a hug

"Let's go see about the living accommodations" Shelbi. And with that Shelbi and Azya left to go to the main office.

"I'll be ok" I reassured Pops

"I know I'm just a little worried" he replied

"And that's understandable Clayton, that's why I asked your approval first" I said. Now Pops knew one thing. That when in addressed him as his first name I was being serious. So he backed down a little and said, "cant an old man worry"

"That'll make both of us," I said laughing

"True" he replied smiling.

Heads were turning as Shelbi and Azya pranced back to us. They were feeling it the eyes of those staring us down eyeing every part of us in wonder mystery. These eyes had us feeling like dogs in heat. With so many scents fuming around us. It was just a matter of time. Then I realized there was somebody following them. I wasn't suspicious because I've never seen them go after females before. But, nonetheless thie young lady followed.

"Troy, this is Amber" Azya said

"Amber, this is Troy" Shelbi said

"Nice to finally meet you" Amber

"So, you've been expecting me" I said

"Not really but the office has been buzzing about you" Amber said. So I went through all the introductions of everybody with her, and she shoed us to the room. "Later when you get done unpacking you should stop by my room and I can give you the grand tour of the campus" Amber said.

"I'll hold you to that" I said as she gave me the post it with her dorm number and disappeared.

"I will be hear next year," Erik said

"You're a senior this year remember" Azya said

"Please remember you're here for education" Pops said

"And not sex education" Amanda pointed out

"I'll try" I said

"Who's coming up for this month" I added in walking them back to the lot. "We'll surprise you" Shelbi said

"Ok you guys please call and text me" I said giving out hugs.

"We will" Iyeisha stated as they drove off.

"I really did it, I'm hear," I said to myself. It didn't quite hit me yet, that I was a lone werewolf among humans. And damn my senses were tingling just over reacting. I could feel the eyes looking at me, people's scents emotions. The voices of those speaking and their heartbeats, for the first time in my existence I was truly alone amongst temptation.

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Next: Chapter 2

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