Finding My Beloved

By moc.loa@a1epop

Published on Dec 15, 2008


Chapter: 2 Getting Acquainted

I had to take in the surroundings, become acquainted with the peers around me. So I took two deep breaths and walked back to my dorm. Picked up a beater, the post-it note and headed to Amber's dorm. I thought it looked awkward having a beater in my hands so I let it hang out of my back pocket. But, before I proceeded to knock I listened to see if she was even there. I heard giggling and music she was definitely there. Then somebody was thinking about me, I had to here this ` so this Troy sounds sexy, he needs to stop by' and with that I knocked. I heard someone say, "Shit, were fucked". I chimed from the other side of the door and said, "Oh my bad, Amber is this a bad time".

"Oh no Troy, you can come in" Amber replied

"Err, Thanks" I said taking in the aroma of the room a scent I haven't smelled in awhile chronic. "That smells glorious" I replied smiling. Everyone broke into a laugh then Amber took a better look at me.

"They were right," she muttered eyeing me down

"Who was right?"

"Your sisters they said you don't like to where shirts"

"Uh-um" a voice chimed from across the room.

"Oh I'm sorry, Troy this is my roommate Tracy"

"Pleasure to meet you" I said

"Pleasure's all mine" she replied but her mind was screaming `literally' she kept repeating. I had to smile.

"And this one of our friends Marco"

"What's up"?

"Just the ceiling for now, you?"

"Oh word, maybe we can do something about that problem later then" I replied devilishly.

"I like him" "And that's how you get them hooked" he added snapping his fingers at Amber and Tracy. "Depends on what you're hooking" I laughed

"Oh really what do you mean"

"You left your statement to open, yeah I know what you meant. But I could've taken you outside but there's no ceiling or...I could've lead you on and left you hot and heavy" I added with a sly smile.

"I don't believe you"

"Ai-ite then my objective is to visually place myself into your thoughts" I said walking up to him, I held out my hand and I said, "Do you trust me?" He nodded and reached for my hand. I lead him to me taking in his scent he was already where I needed him to be stuck between lust and reason. To prove my point I just merely had to give him a little push in my direction. I looked him dead in the eyes and kissed him he tried to retreat but I pulled him closer to me. I went directly to his neck kissing and licking to his earlobe and whispered, "if this is what you want than go for it" In that same instant he jumped on me assaulting my face. I had to sit him back down on the bed take a seat in a chair.

"Damn that was hot" Tracy said

"But I'm afraid he still won" Amber added

"What's the prize?"

"We now know what team you play for?"


"Yeah, your gay right?"

"No, I'm bi I believe there's too much out there to tie yourself down to a preference. So I give everyone a shot"

"So it's a tie" Tracy smiled Then I heard a familiar ringtone I looked at my phone it was Sam. So I stepped out of the room for a minute. _______Phone Call "Hey Sam" "Thanks for the surprise waiting in the room when I got back" "I'm glad you enjoyed it" "Yeah well you shouldn't have" "It was the least I could do" "Well, Mark called he's upset" "What do you mean upset" "He said you leaving and not saying goodbye is fucked up on your part" "Fucked up tell him if its that serious to call me tomorrow" "Will do" "Thanks Sam"

I was slightly angered that Mark called them. And it was visible my fist clenched together. And a voice rang out to me, "Everything cool" it was Marco. If it weren't for the phone call I would be all over him. I mean he is sexy, from his name to his whole body frame. He had a good amount of hair. Beautiful almond eyes that blended well with his tan crème colored skin. He was definitely a swimmer his whole body screamed it from his flat chest to his legs. And that ass it was just calling me to stab it. Just two healthy hindquarters, he looked at me and said "you need a hug" and he embraced me.

"Damn your hot" he said to me


"No I mean literally that explains the shirt"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"Don't be it was oddly soothing"

"That's a first timer"

"Good" he replied handing me some papers. I looked at him awkwardly, "it's your schedule we have gym together"

"Is that good or bad?"


"Ai-ite then I'll holla at you tomorrow in gym" I said reading his thoughts he wanted to get something off his chest.

"Wait, it's kinda chilly and your pretty cozy can you walk me back to my dorm?" he squealed

I smiled, "smooth but sure", `yes' he screamed in his thoughts. He got right next to me and snuggled up and we walked to his room.

"You know I still want you", he whispered

"I know but I'd rather have a friend, then another ass in the saddle"

"How about a kiss then"

"Fine just one goodnite kiss" I said.

He opened up the door and when he turned around to face me, I was there kissing him fiercely, piercing his lips and sliding my tongue into meet him. He instantly jumped on my hips and grabbed my neck and kissing me at the same degree. I grabbed his ass and lead him into the room. He was tearing off his shirt as I laid him down on the bed he was feeling out my dick. I growled in his ear lightly. He put both of his legs around my waist and said,

"Let's see if you can fuck as good as you say you can".

It hit me he was challenging me I bit my lip and thought it threw quickly. Ass not worth losing a potential friend even if it is inviting and, then there's the fuck friendship, show his ass how you put in work. I was losing reason gliding towards instinct. I took a deep breath and kissed his ear,

"Please don't make me regret this tomorrow"

"I won't promise"

And with that instinct took over. I started sucking on his earlobe and moving towards his neck while sliding off his jeans. I went back up to his lips kissed them gingerly but the heat was still there. He fished my dick out and started stroking it. I slowly felt up his chest with my fingertips stopping at his boxers. I yanked them down and started kissing my way down to his nipples caressing and loving them with my tongue. I kissed my way down to his dick. I took in his mushroom head with a slow lick and slowly worked down his chubby shaft. He was inhaling sharply with the heat from my body mixed with the moisture my mouth was giving him was overwhelming. I began a steady bob down on his muscle while sliding on a condom and applied some lube. And made my way back to his face kissing him fiercely,

"Are you sure about this", I said looking at his sleeping roommate.

"Take me now" he demanded and with that I fell further. I shook my head kissed him and slid a finger in that ass. It was nice and tight as I slowly opened his ass up, as his breathing increased. I slowly replaced my finger for my dick and he moaned as I was breaching inside. I kept moving in slowly in more and more and he stopped me.

"Hold up"

"Am I hurting you?"

"God, no just let me get used to this size" "I still got an inch and a half to go yet"

"Damn, fuck me" he whispered clenching down on my dick.

"If you wish" I said smiling

"Here we go" I grabbed both of his legs and started stroking slowly and deeply in and out of him. I picked up the pace gradually and he started writhing in pleasure. So I let him takeover I lifted him up so we were now facing each other kissing as he was moving his hips up and down and started working over his spot he was getting close. I could tell he was gasping for air. I took over again laying him on his back, kissing his neck working over his spot. And then all his muscles clenched and he released jet streams of cum from his stomach to the headboard. I chuckled and tensed up some more when he clenched down again I inhaled sharply and released. And licked the boy clean of all his juices and kissed him giving him a taste of his own medicine.

"God that was amazing"

"Yes, yes it was"

"Who are you telling?" a deeper voice rang out.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Kenny I thought you were asleep" Marco whispered

"I was and I heard moaning I thought you were masturbating" Kenny replied

"Oh, Kenny this is Troy the new guy"

"Hey" Kenny said but his mind was till fixated on the show he just caught.

"What's up...", I said "Well Marco, Kenny I have to leave now"

"Already" they yelled

"Yeah I haven't completely unpacked yet, but you guys keep these" I replied handing them my boxer briefs.

Soon after I realized I needed to hunt. Tomorrow was a big day and the last thing I needed was to be hungry in class and massacre the first dumbass to step to me incorrectly, not a good look. So I went out to my car. Switched shoes because Jordans was the last thing I was willing to get bloodstains on. I put on some old hiking boots, looked at my phone and read the time 11:45 pm need to time it in case of emergency. I walked cautiously to the tree line on campus and waited. When I realized no one was watching or following. I dashed through the forest finally using my true strength and speed. My muscles felt content with the fact of being used. Every step, every stride was exhilarating and every breath I took just gave them more energy.

I immediately jumped up in the trees. I surveyed the area listening, smelling and looking. Nothing so I continued South and I caught a scent deer. So I listened closer there was maybe 3 or 4 in the small herd. They were an easy 5 miles away. That brought me back to a comparison that Sam had to a Velociraptor and me only difference is I prefer to hunt alone but with my size, speed and teeth I fit the bill perfectly. I used to hate it when he called me `Lil Raptor'. I smiled at that thought and decided to give it a try hunt without phasing. So, I stared down the prey thinking of any possible way to take THEM down. One would be to easy now all would be gamier. All it was now pick one of at a time or break necks and then grub out, or a chase is always fun.

My mouth began to water, my mind went into total bloodlust, I bared my true teeth. And took off my nails turned into claws. I picked up more speed and lunged for the neck physically paralyzing the animal. In that same instant I took down the other two and then the chase began. I grabbed the other three deer and after other. I slowed down because I was enjoying myself. Soon my patience was beginning to wear thin and I did a full sprint and in three strides I was right next to the male of the herd. I dropped the other three as he did a leap over a stream. I was right under him in mid jump and crunched down on his neck. And proceeded to feast on the nights banquet.

Suddenly, someone was speaking in my head. This is probably the worse and best thing about us werewolves. Our communication we can communicate with any family member at any distance but during that conversation they can read your every thought fear, insecurities, flaws and all. It was good if you weren't worried about privacy but other than that it sucked.

"I know you hear me"

"Hey Azya, how ya doodin' " (slang term for `how you doing')

"I'm doodin' good"

I chuckled a little bit. "What's so funny"?

"I should've seen you guys bet on me"

"Yeah but I won Hon"

"Don't forget my contribution"

"You already got off" "Oh ai-ite then" I said switching back my shoes

"How far did you go?"

"Honestly I think maybe North Carolina"

"Oh okay and please be nice to Mark tomorrow"

"I'll try," I growled

I was now back in my room, checking out my schedule. World history, simple once you've lived around the world for over 200 years, it's just a vague memory. Then there's music, the syllabus was more music appreciation but some singing was involved. Easy again I can't express some emotions so I use song lyrics to express them not to mention I think I have somewhat of a voice. But nonetheless music has always been there. Gym, I was built for this type of durability not to mention the gym teacher was the football coach. Next year, I might try out for the team could be on there now but I came late as ever. Psychology, always interested me in various ways from the theories to experiments.

And then finally the best class Auto Mechanics I was ready to get hands on. I asked my teacher back in Maryland to send pictures of some of the stuff I worked on and my former to boss to show him repairs and various cars I built on and refurbished. And then I bought Tex, my Carolina blue Cadillac El Dorado. Built him from the frame up he is my pride and joy. He was sitting on my 26's(26" rims) and rose up 4" above the original stock height. Only decoration he had on him was a hood ornament of real Texas Longhorns hints the nickname. But, Eli was my baby my first car a Lotus Elise. Anything that needed to be fixed on either of them I did. He had a nice midnite blue with silvery gray flames on the side.

I checked the clock 6:45 am. Great classes start at 8, I took a shower making sure I didn't smell woodsy or any blood on me. I pulled out some clothes I put on some denim Sean John jeans, a white tee and some all white Forces. So after my routine I went outside and walked to the cafeteria. Got some food found an empty table and started eating. The food wasn't bad but it wasn't the best either. I lost my appetite rather quickly with everybody gazing at me. I could feel the eyes as if they were fingers touching my skin. I could hear their thoughts but they sounded more like fantasies and desires. I could hear the sidebar conversations everyone was having a group of guys behind me, were talking about how the football coach was upset that I couldn't be used on the football team this year but they were joking about how I didn't look tough enough to take the running back position. I laughed to myself; I have to see this brave soul who didn't think I could take the easiest position on the field. So I got up eyed the group threw my trash away and put my white tee on and proceeded to this crowd. I was reading the mind of this guy `are you serious this is the kid that Coach wants to replace me with he's so short'. I'd let that slide this for now but height is a touchy subject. I walked up to them and said,

"What's up I'm Troy" I tasted the emotion in the air it was definite tension and irritation.

"We know who you are" one said

"Really now, how so?"

"Coach has been raving about you all summer long, he wants you on the team" another said

"Oh word, what's the holdup" I smiled

"Why are you over here?" another voice responded

"Honestly, tryna make friends but now I see the position I'm gunnin for is yours and you want it back next year" I countered

"Really now"

"Yeah and now I've sized up the competition so may the best back win" I said holding out my hand for a friendly handshake, he accepted and said

"I can accept that"

And with that I left for my first class.

World History reached it with 5 minutes to spare the teacher knew who I was right away considering I looked so lost.

"Aah, you must be Mr. Gabriel"

"Yes ma'am"

"Glad you could finally make it to class why don't you find yourself an empty seat we are currently learning about the Egyptian Time period"

I made my way to the only open seat with a friendly face it was Kenny. I strutted my way over to him and said,

"Did you get anymore sleep"

"Good morning to you too" he said smiling and clapping my shoulder.

"I'll take that as a yes but..." I replied smiling back

"But you really worked Marco out; I've never seen anybody turned out like that"

"LOADS of experience" I said winking to him

Next class period Tracy found me in the hallway wandering. She figured I was lost.

"Hey, Troy what class you looking for?"

"Music with Mrs. Humphrey"

"Oh well follow us were headed to that same class"

"Oh ai-ite then"

"Oh and this is Michael"

"Hey" he said flashing a perfectly white smile

"What's up" I smiled back

So I introduced myself to the teacher told her to give me a another day and I would have a better preparation of a song to audition but had a song for the assignment today. Most of her class was uneventful. We showcased songs different songs that we liked. You had your usual musicals, rock, some soul, the Britney's, pop and even hip hop. I was actually surprised at the wide variety of music that were being used. We had to state the name, artist and why it was chosen. So when it was my turn I said,

"Street Symphony by Monica and it helped me through personal problems"

Then it started low and soft but gradually progressing like a story being told or sang. Almost fairytale like then the symphony kicked back in. (Honestly if you've never heard it. Listen to it) I was the last to present, so class was officially over and was on my way out to next class.

"That was some pretty deep shit" Michael said

"Yeah real tough for personal" Tracy added

"I know it is" I replied, remembering exactly why Sam wrote it. After we broke free of Silas I was still addicted to human flesh and blood. And it was pretty much taking over me and ruining our close friendship. And he just left with this on a note,

Sam's Note_ "There's something that I wanna say I feel a little out of place But I need you to make that change You promised, to keep me out of the rain I love the cars and everything The diamond rings but I loved you much more, baby

You said, that you were gonna stop when you Had enough, you'd do what you had to do Now you, like the profession you've made it for yourself You said, you cared about me and you Now all, you wanna do is hustle you Gotta choose, whatcha gonna do and am I worth it to you baby

Never thought I'd be afraid to trust (to trust) Somebody that I love so much If I can get him out of the streets Then he could come back to me Now I see that there ain't no "us" Baby to me that's a definite plus If I can't get you out of the streets Then you don't need to be with me

Do you love me like you say Maybe you could get away >From the life of doin' the wrong things You promised Don't make me read about it babe Think of me before I'm gone Cause when I'm gone, it will be too late"

He was saying that we were supposed to be better than this and that with me still addicted that Silas was winning. It took me all of 10 min. to realize this and went after him. After all I was the reason why Sam was a werewolf he was like a brother we both lost our real families to other werewolves so we stick together like brothers.

I must've been daydreaming pretty hard because I missed most of gym class because I was now changing for gym in the locker room with Marco.

"Hello are you in there?"

"Yeah just daydreaming a little bit"

At the end of gym we grabbed a bite to eat at the cafeteria and I ended up caught up in conversation with everybody at the table. And had to head off too class,

"Chase will you bring you to the pool after class"

"Who?" I said

"Chase you have your next to classes with him he's our swim team captain and a good friend"

"Oh ok" I said awkwardly

So I reached my Psychology class, introduced myself took an empty seat in the back of the class. Finally I was sitting by myself to gather MY thoughts of the day. Then I noticed this guy sitting in front of me. He was dazzling with his sandy brown hair, definitely a swimmer he smelled like a mixture of chlorine and engine oil oddly. I never saw his face but I was feeling very awkward. My hands were sweating and I had no clue why. I must've been daydreaming because the teacher was calling on me,

"Mr. Gabriel do you know the answer?" he said

"I'm sorry could you please repeat the question" I asked

"You should've been paying attention" he snapped, that was a challenge his little lectures weren't teaching anything, he was just talking to waste time and my time is not to be wasted so I had to bring it out the DIVA in me,

"Oh ai-ite well if I took notes correctly you were talking about naturalistic observation and how it could be flawed correct" I snapped back


"Yeah, so then wouldn't the answer be the Hawthorne effect because most subjects behavior changes when they know their being watched instead of naturally"

"That is correct Mr. Gabriel"

"Yeah I know it is" I countered

Then I heard a voice someone was thinking about me God, he's just another and everyone here is eyeing him down like meat'. I found this voice soothing it actually lifted my spirits and wrapped me around with compassion no judgment. It made my heart accelerate when it would barely beat before. Who was this soul who had me tied up like this I searched but as quickly as it came it disappeared. So I went back to my notes and I looked at the guy in front of me again. I can tell by his movements, his muscles that he was infatuated with this guy next to him. But the guy next to him his thoughts were focused on just bustin' a quick nut. While the infatuated one I didn't have to get into his mind to hear his thoughts. It was almost a complete replica of Mark and I. Then there it was the voice was the soothing voice was now crying out I know what he wants but I want so much more...but I'm scared if I let go no one will catch me'. These words didn't soothe they stung my heart like bees over and over again with every syllable. My heart completely halted and I realized the voice was this guy in front of me I tried hard to get back into his mind but I couldn't get in like it was locked up tight. It frustrated me to the tee. At the end of class I walked past the guy. And same dude from earlier bumped into us and said,

"You should watch your back". At that point if he wanted to scrap we can take it to the streets here no problem.

"We gotta problem, pimpin' " I said clenching my fist

"Nah I wasn't talking to you"

"Oh ai-ite"

"I was talking to the fag behind you" he said pointing

"See we do have a problem then, some of my closest friends..." I started to say walking towards him. And then a hand touched my shoulder and said,

"Let it go" my anger all of the sudden just went limp.

And it was him his face was dazzling. Glacier blue eyes, everything about this guy to me was perfect from that point on I was going to make him the object of my affection.

"You have to let something's go" he said

"Maybe but that's not one of them" I stammered

"You must be Troy, I'm Chase"

"Hey" I said my thoughts went racing taking me with them. This Adonis he had me so open already I could tell by his name I would have to go to great lengths to get a chance with this...this Adonis.

"So looks like we're gonna have Auto Mechanics together" Chase

"Do we now?" "Yeah and were right next to each other"

My heart literally jumped back into overtime when he said this it was as if my whole being was waiting for this Adonis all my existence. Trying to gain composure I said,

"Well you seem down enough I guess you can sit next to me".

I felt a little tickle on my cheek it was him he slapped me playfully and said,

"Your damn right I'm down and don't try anything because Marco told me everything"

I just put my head down laughed and said,

"Lead the way"

So he led the way to class my mind was racing. God damn I knew shouldn't fucked nobody last night. Fuck, shit ain't this a bitch, oh well pimpin' ain't easy, I just gotta keep pushin. We gonna get him take two. And, why is with a clown? Then it hit me we were both stuck in the same situation. We finally reached class I introduced myself to the teacher.

"Aah good timing too...Mr. Matthews" he said

"Yes" Chase said. I got a little uneasy with this I didn't know why what we were being sucked into.

"I need to speak to you and Mr. Gabriel in the hall" he said

"What did you say?" Chase whispered

"Not a damn thing" but I could read the teachers thoughts.

"I have a proposition for you two? You boys are the only ones in this class who are benefitting this class as a possibility of a career after high school and/or college. Right?"

"Yes" we replied

"So Troy with all your credentials experience from your former boss and teacher. And Chase with your dedication and work effort. I'm giving you one project. Build a car from the frame up all parts must be from a junkyard except for the rims and tires. And you only need to pop in for the occasional test"

"But why us?" Chase asked

In my head all these thoughts came at once: why ask that question this is now a free class, now you just gave him the opportunity to think it over. I think he just had a V8 moment.

"Simple I can keep this class entertained here. While you guys work on the big project that'll blow me away, I know you both can do it. Your gonna have to be able to work together like best friends. Plus, Troy has built a car so, Chase you'll be like the assistant" he replied

"I don't..."

"We'll do it" I said jumping in front of him covering his mouth

"Good anything the school can't fund I'll help pay for" he said

"Nah that's cool I got it"

"Alright well your free to come back whenever you feel"

"Sure thing" I replied as the teacher walked back to class. I looked back to my Adonis. God he was even hotter red-faced he was pissed I could taste it. So I just rolled my eyes at him and said,

"Why would you do that?"

"Because it's not right and please don't do that again, I don't belong to you" he replied

I raised my eyebrow, "So ol' boy in psychology is who you belong to"

"Yes" he said star struck

"That's fucked up"

"What do you mean?"

"First, he owns you like property, not a good look in a relationship and second if you are together he would have defended you back there in the hallway" I replied

"You don't understand"

"No I do completely because I'm ending my situation"

"But you know the scariest part is" I added

"No, what" he asked walking with me

"Falling and knowing that no one's there to catch me" I said

"But..." I said cheering up the mood

"Since were like best friends now..." I added

"Oh my god don't remind me" he said smiling

He caught me off guard when he smiled his eyes they turned into blue sparkling ice diamonds. They were just so beautiful I couldn't help but admire them.

"Well forget you too" I said grabbing my cell phone. It was a text message from Amanda: ~ Hey photo shoot soon, you know you want to model, walk through time, only 3-4 sets for you, caveman, modern mechanic businessman (yes, suit) and robot futuristic, outfits in your dorm (I dropped them off)~

"Oh my god" I said bouncing

"Now, what"

"I'm gonna be in a photo shoot"

"Wow I feel sorry for the photographer"

"Oh you got jokes, you tryna slide me for real oh ai-ite"

"Yeah please keep your shirt on"

"Huh, look Property of Whoever you `seeing' I'm only wearing this shirt because I have too"

"Right, I'm sure"

"Look wheres the pool because I gotta try on the merchandise and showcase these bitches off around campus"

"Here" he said

"Why thank you, Property..." "Colton" he said

I stopped looked and thought he really DO need a V8. And shook it off.

"So young, so dumb"

I reached my dorm and there was the box on my bed. The caveman look was sexy I had a spear sandy-colored fur Speedo's with matching Ugg boots. Then the mechanic outfit I was boned up just looking at it. Any outfit that comes baby oil is a good one. This outfit was the classic one set zipper mechanic uniform. I wore with the top half zipped down and smeared some of the oil on my chest and upper body and just looked at myself in the mirror. And I just couldn't help but say "Damn". I thought to myself its time showcase this bad boy out in public. So I looked at the clock 10 min. until the end of the swim practice. So I figured somebody would be there I knew. So I put on a fresh pair of Aussie Bum's and put that outfit back on. Put on some baby oil to make look I was glistening. Grabbed the matching hat towel did the trademark towel in back pocket and strolled out the door.

As I strutted to the pool hall the whole walk all eyes were on me, I could feel them on my legs, arms, my back, chest, ass, and crotch and unlike earlier it felt good. They weren't just staring they were taking it all in the sensations they were giving me were awakening more of my senses, I could hear all their thoughts, smell them, taste their desires with every step. I was glad when I reached the pool until I was noticed their thoughts so different but desires all the same. As I walked closer it was pretty clear what they wanted and I was honestly willing to give it to them. And my Adonis came out of the pool dripping wet, he definitely had body. He had a light genuine six pack. Not too muscular but defined.

"Well, where can I get one of those?" he asked

"Which one the outfit or me?"

Marco came out the locker room and said, "Damn the outfit, you can have it I'll take the Cracker Jack prize"

I laughed a little and Chase said, "Seriously, I want one of those uniforms"

"Well you go change and I'll walk you to my baby" I said

I decided to take some pictures of myself while I waited for him to finish changing. Trying to figure in my head exactly which poses would work a lot better with angles to show off the car and the outfit or either.

"Wow your conceited" Chase said matter of factly "Thank you it's a talent" I replied. Walking towards the door I halted someone was seriously eyeing me down. But unlike outside this person was making my muscles twitch. It was like light fingers caressing your body at the same time. I took in a sharp breath and kept walking towards my car.

"Is this your car?" the soothing voice said

"Yeah built it from the frame up"

"How long did it take?"

"Close to 5 months with school and work"

"So you really think we can do this?"

"I know I can, but what about you?" I snapped

"Easy...just a question but if you just show me I'll catch on"

"Ai-ite then" I said smiling

"So tell me what got you sent here?" Chase asked

"Fuck you mean, sent?"

"Well most of us are here for sports, tired of home, or home is tired of us"

"Funny that's exactly what Mark said when I told him I was coming here"

"And who's Mark"

"One question at a time..."

"But I decided to go here, I mean college is a year away so I figured last 2 years would be a true test away from home before college" I added

"Oh that's cool" he said sitting in the passenger seat

"And your story" I said leaning back in the drivers seat

"Well my adoptive parents didn't have time for me so I've been so I've been bounced from boarding school with the age groups"

"Oh I'm sorry" "It's cool I never met my real parents"

"Me too, honestly all I have to remember them is this necklace and dogtags"

"Not even a picture" he asked

"Nope, just a bad vivid memory"

"I'm sorry dude"

"Naw it's cool, because I know they loved me" I said thinking back to the voices in my dream.

"Ok juicier subject, who's Mark"

"You're Colton, but he doesn't own me" I said laughing at him


And then I looked at the clock it said 4 pm and the phone started ringing.

"That's him right there" I said

"No, I need a soothing voice right now" I said answering and putting it on speaker Phone Conversation******* "Hey Mark I got you on speaker" I said warning him

"Hey Deuce" he was frustrated it was all over his voice

"What's wrong"

"I miss you"

"I don't know why"

"You're not here"

"College Preparation, and why you miss me now what happened to all of that `football has me completely tied down'"

"It does but you know I miss you on the field with me and all those steamy unwinding shower sessions we had in the locker room together" he said

I shuddered a little bit at those days he knew how to get me back but I had to stay strong, "I miss being on the field and the extra-curriculars but as far as US go. I refuse to be used like last weekend when I was in an altered state of consciousness"

"And I'm sorry"

"Ok well I know this took awhile to realize this but I want something more than what we have" he added

"Why now...because I'm here and not there"

"No I wouldn't do that to you"

"But you are you remember last year when I said that's what I wanted something more other than just sex" I reminded him

"Not really"

"So you remember"

"Yes, fine"

"It could've all been so simple, but you had to make it hard, this like a battle and we both ending up with scars" I said

"That deep" he said understanding

"Yes, you know the song just as well as I do and that's what you're doing to me with this phone call pulling me back"

"Because I love you" he said

"Why now, that's all I wanna know?"

"What you mean?"

"After 4 years of sex, a year of possibly more and now I'm only 200 miles away and you decide to pour your heart out to me" I said

"I bet you wouldn't treat Silas like this" he snapped

I closed my eyes took a deep breath and then the voice said "just let it go"

"Thank you" I whispered back "What does Silas have to do with us? If that's the path you choosin' the best I can do is pray for you because I'm not goin' back down that path"

"I didn't mean that"

"It sure sounded like it"

"I'm sorry"

"Save it, we definitely need to talk face to face next time I'm down there" I said

"Please listen to me" he pleaded

"You're giving me too much right now, only a couple days off my condition" I said and hung up

I can't believe he did that and out of nowhere brings up Silas. I'm glad I wasn't alone, why can't anybody just drop the past, not bring up the dark times of this existence called my life.

"Are you okay" Chase said to me

"Yeah just a little pissed"

"I see you looked like you were gonna break the phone"

"That a been some shit"

"He sounded sincere"

"True story that's why I told him to let me cool down, as far as the `I love you' that shit was false"

"Yeah I caught that too"

"So how does it feel to have fallen" he added

"It hurts but mostly painless"

"Worse part?"

"Somewhere between falling alone and knowing that there's no one there to catch me"

"Choose one"

"I'll let you answer that" I said getting out of the car and getting something out of the trunk.

"What's the paper for?"

"Your owner I don't baby sit property for free"

"Ha..Ha...ha very funny but how are we gonna pay for this project?"

I reached into my pocket for my Amex black card, checkbook and rubber band stash of cash. And said, "cash, check or credit"

"Someone's spoiled" he said eyeing the black card

"Well you obviously like something" I said stepping over to Eli

"I've never seen a real black card in person"

"What you want autograph" I laughed

"Shut up"

"This is mine too"

"I rest my case"

"Okay I am not spoiled, this is my first car and I just do all the repairs on her anything else I worked for" I replied

"He's here"

"Who here?"


"Great" I said nonchalantly

"Be nice"

"What you tryna say?"

"Just don't judge him? He said well that tough I thought but its hard not to judge when you can read minds and venture farther from there, taste the emotion in the air, hear the heartbeats as he walked. He was resistant to come over here. Then his eyes eyeing me down boring through me.

"Hey Colton" Chase said, he didn't even look at him. He gave him a head bob like he was just another dude. I jerked my head back and cut my eyes at Chase. He blushed a little bit.

"You must be the owner" I said stepping in front of Colton. I be damn if he was gonna give me the head bob I demand my fucking respect.

"Yes" he said I cut my eyes back to my Adonis and he was still sitting in the passenger seat.

"So this is yours"

"Yeah this is my baby built him myself and that's mine over there too"

"No, shit you own the Lotus" he asked

"Yes, sir" I replied

"Oh yeah don't take Jamal seriously, I've seen your game tape you've got crazy football skills"

"No problem but competing is always fun". Chase finally stepped out the car.

"So what happened in Auto Mechanics" Colton said asking me not even realizing that Chase was right beside him.

"I think your property can explain it"

"Were building a car together" he said meekly

"Oh cool"

I was getting real frustrated with this conversation he was so disrespectful to Chase. And didn't even look at his face. I went to my trunk and grabbed my punching bag.

"I'll catch you and your Property later" I said carrying the punching bag.

God I could read the owners thoughts clearly, all he wanted was sex from Chase and it was apparent that he knew Chase wanted so much more. He didn't make eye contact with him not even a hello, even if you in the closet you can reach out and hug someone. I mean he was so wrong for my Adonis I had to let loose on the punching bag. And I kept thinking Mark or Silas weren't at all like that they made contact we even connected at times, Mark was still in when we first officially started hooking up but he at least spoke. Hell he treated me better when he was in the closet than out. Whenever we were alone he took that as an opportunity to kiss me. If we were in the hallway he still clung on to me in someway. Even during my period he called me almost everyday. He even came out on his own. But, call me your property I don't think so, I own me. Can't nobody do for me that I can't do for myself. But, to be my owner, you better move on to the next average Joe. I just kept swinging at the bag. Even Silas, Silas. Of all the evils in the world, he didn't even do that to Sam or me. His ways were evil but if we rebelled him he just scolded you. Never did he disown you. He wanted you for you. He offered true freedom to the world only obstacle was you. All you had to do was let him in. Even though he switched up his words charmed you with his boyish good looks. We were still loved and respected. But this mere mortal can sit here and treat my Adonis like trash, his personal sex toy. I took one last swing and broke the punching bag.

"Fuck not again"

"There you are" Michael

"Oh hey"

"You still need that practice room for tomorrow?"


"Well follow me" he replied. So I complied and followed him.

"Let me take a guess you met Colton" he said

"How'd you know?"

"That look of why him"

"Right why him"

"We have no clue"

"Thanks so much for getting me in here you can stay if you" I replied

"Sure I'd love to stay"

So I started to play the piano and let the music take me into another world.

"That song will do wonderfully" Michael said

"Thanks" I said

Thank goodness for meeting good friends so soon because I would have lost it by now. One quote comes to mind from my mother's dying wish in a distant dream, "May God bless the soul's who help my precious child"

Next: Chapter 3

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