Finding My Beloved

By moc.loa@a1epop

Published on Sep 17, 2009


Chapter 5: Confessions

***Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional all names situations and other happenings are all imaginary. If anything you find true or has happened you're a lucky bastard. This story also contains various acts of sexual content between males. If this aint you, you might want to hit the left arrow and turn around. If your underage the site will be here when you are legal. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. All comments, thoughts are welcomed @ I would also like to say thank you to my new editor's for giving the insight where I have no comprehension.

God I love the mall. When you have all these extra senses, you see the world totally differently. My ears tingle with the footsteps, a chattering sound going on everywhere around me. I can pick up on specific conversations. My skin is bubbling in sensory overload from all the stares and wandering eyes that are oogling me. From the scents, I can perceive almost every emotion in the mall.

"So why are we in here again?" Sam asked out of boredom.

"I came here to get something for Chase," I answered ignoring his bored tone. Then it caught my eye. I saw a beautiful gold ring with an emerald gemstone, and for only 2000 dollars.

"Found it!" I smiled walking into the jewelry store. I pointed out the ring to the jeweler. He showed it to me and started talking about payments and other nonsense; I ignored his spiel.

I didn't know Chase's ring size. I guessed the size was between 7 and 8 but I bought a matching gold necklace, just in case. The total came out to be about 3 grand which I found not too expensive as I had spent more on Mark. I didn't want to buy Chase; my heart just needed...wanted him to be with me. I had another idea; there was a dog tag stand that did engraving.

"Perfect," I blurted.

"Now what?" Sam groaned.

"Just wait," I said walking over to the stand. I got an emerald dog tag and engraved `Royally Yours' on it.

"You are going soft on me," Sam laughed.

"Shut up!" I chuckled.

"Hey, don't get short with me," he said patting the top of my head.

"Always going for the short jokes," I replied. Werewolves stand 6'2"- 6'8" while I'm stuck at a whopping 5'8"- but I catch up during phasing.

"He's right. Is this Chase tall?" Amanda cut in.

"Taller," I sighed.

"Well who isn't!" Sam giggled.

"Ok...bitch." I glared.

"He's 6'1," I said answering her question. "Well...he'll love the gift," Amanda said putting her arm around my shoulder.

"Of course he will," Sam said distractedly as he tracked the smell of someone admiring him. I immediately thought back to those days when Sam and I would go to various mall and seduce guys into the bathroom for sex. He was obviously thinking the same, as he spoke up saying, "It's been awhile."

I took another sniff but had to shake it off. I had somewhere to be. "I can't; I got to get back A.S.A.P."

"Well, I'll make it quick then," he smirked.

"Don't hurt him," I said. God...if there was anyone in the world loose during sex, it was Sam. He nearly phased the last time he had masturbated.

"Looks like it's the dynamic duo back again...for another season," Amanda chuckled.

Before I met Sam, Amanda and I used to just kick back, talk and relax 24/7, just us two;but now while we are still close, we don't talk all day. We have become a good trio with Sam around.

"It's been forever," I said as we walked around the mall.

"Yerp, it seems like it; so what's this Chase like?" she asked.

"Gorgeous...I mean he has a swimmer's body."

"Ok, that's physical;what about emotionally?" she asked.

I was speechless. I didn't really know how to answer. I really wanted to get to know him. "I don't know. I can barely read his mind. I could sometimes before we officially met. He didn't judge me at all. Surprisingly, his words actually reached out and embraced me," I replied.

"Well, I hope you are right. I really want to meet him," she smiled.

"I would love that too but..."

"But what?" she barked sounding a little bit offended.

"Let's see how he handles the `debriefing'," I said.

" are you going to organize it?" she asked.

Honestly, I had no idea of how to go about the process without scaring him to death or potentially losing him forever. Not only that, but Ihad never done anything like this before. I guessed that the event was probably equivalent to coming out of the closet'. I had never experienced it. In the world of the supernatural, gay radar is a sixth sense, scent or just our mental programming. Also, we don't see it as a big deal. However, the closet door I was opening with Chase was very serious - not only to me but to the fam' also. For the first time in about 120 years, I felt that my nerves were on fire, and I had all my senses on alert. I had butterflies in my stomach because of a mere human, a being that I could kill easily, that I had killed in the past. Being on pins and needles - karma - can be a real bitch sometimes.

Suddenly, something clicked and I remembered my last conversation with my Adonis. I had told him that I wanted to hear his theories; this could be my way out. Or possibly, I could just tell him straight out. "Well, before we left, I told him to come up with some theories," I confided.

"Gosh, you probably scared the poor boy," she smirked.

"No, he has some kind of hold on my anger; it stopped as soon as he came into view".

"That brave child has you locked up and locked down," she laughed. "I'm sure you'll be fine," she added as we entered a shoe store.

"So what do you like best about him?" she asked while studying some pumps.

"His eyes are a gorgeous glacier blue. When he smiles they sparkle like diamonds dancing in the sun," I said dreamily.

"Sounds beautiful," she mocked.

"They are," I sighed. Her phone rang. It was Marcus. I decided to indulge my addiction to shoes. As I started looking around the store, I smelled someone almost sex-crazed. I recognized the odor.

"I think your addicted," a deep voice said.

"God, are you stalking me?"

"No, I just want you back. You must see that," Mark said. He thrust his pelvis into me. "You see, right there".

God, Mark did know what he was doing and it had been awhile. I took a deep breath and said, "Mark, please stop".

"I don't want to stop. This feels right...better than you with some human," he retorted.

"Don't! We were doing well. You know you can get almost anybody here," I replied trying desperately to stay calm.

"True - but I want you," he replied.

I was getting angry. I turned around and said "You had me already and now you want more because I found someone that I could possibly be with. Well fuck you; we could've had something a long time ago. Now you want me to end a relationship that I see as something good for me as a change...just because you finally had an epiphany; I waited for you for almost 20 years. I don't think so. The least you could do is be happy for I will when you find the person for you."

"Calm down; no reason to get upset," he said grabbing my shoulders.

I brushed him off, picked up a pair of good hunting boots and got in line. Sam came back and said, "Hey Mark, good to see you are awake." He looked at me and I sent Sam a mental message: `unfortunately'. When I reached the counter, the price of the boots was $90. I pulled out my card and started to pay. Mark quickly had to cut in.

"You pay too much...allow me," he smirked.

"No, I have it," I replied hastily

"I want to," he sighed.

"I don't," I snapped. "You are only offering because you think you can buy me back...but you can't."

"Why not?" he asked

"That is your answer right there," I sighed. "You are not ready. You'll find somebody when you are..."

Looking at the cashier, I noticed that he was checking Mark out, so I quickly came up with an idea. In the meantime, I gave the cashier my card and beckoned him closer. Mark then started oozing seduction like cologne. I pulled the cashier's face closer and kissed him as soon as he had smoothly swiped the card. I then kissed Mark with heat and passion. I kept flip-flopping between the two until eventually they were lip locked with each other. "Why don't you two keep each other company?" I smiled as I grabbed my card and boots.

As Sam and I walked out of the store, we ran into Amanda and Marcus. "Now they show up,"I complained to Sam.

"Why? What happened?" Marcus sighed sounding rather annoyed.

"Not much," I lied.

"Yeah;Mark's just making out with an employee," Sam cut in.

"I'll get him," Marcus replied rolling his eyes.

"See ya later babe," Amanda called. "I didn't know," she said looking at me. Changing the subject, she looked at Sam. "How was it ?"

"It was good but we were both looking to bottom; we could've used some help," Sam said glaring at me.

"Now I see why Jamey was jealous," I replied.

"Yeah;I hope the kid isn't the jealous type," she smiled.

Suddenly something caught me by surprise. I heard someone - but there was no possible way. Why would he come all the way out here? I locked onto the voice and traced it. I was absolutely correct; Marco was here in a clothing store. I walked up behind him and shouted, "What are you doing here?" He nearly jumped out of his skin.

He punched my arm and replied, " scared me." Marco suddenly made eye contact with Sam and then they both were smiling at each other.

"Have you two met or something?" I asked looking awkwardly between the two.

"I guess you can say that," Marco chuckled. Then they glared at each other.

Sam spoke first, "How do you know Troy?"

"Papi, we go to school together."

"I'm his best friend," Sam said stepping closer.

I stepped between the two, feeling the tension rising."Easy Sam. This is Marco with whom I had a grand time my first night on campus. He is a good friend of Chase. Marco this is my best friend since birth and this is my sister Amanda".

"Nice to meet you," he replied.

Feeling the tension ease, I was beginning to wonder if Chase was also here. Better yet how had Marco even got all the way down here, considering the campus was at least an hour and a half away. So I asked, "How's the property?"

"No longer under management," he smiled.

I got extremely excited at this news but realized I needed to keep my composure. I did not want to come off like a puppy happy to see people.

`Oh please; you are not fooling us,' Amanda thought projected.

I cringed at that response knowing they knew my true feelings and thoughts. I still managed to speak up. "Is he here?" I asked.

"Um, yeah, Chase is in the dressing room." Just as I glanced up, my Adonis stepped out of the dressing room. God, he was a sight to behold.

`You want us to go?' Sam and Amanda thought projected.

`No, please stay,' I projected back.

My Adonis halted soon as he saw us talking with Marco. His eyes connected with mine as he came closer. His blue eyes shimmered in surprise. I smiled and said, "Funny meeting you here!"

He just nodded his head in shock. Amanda stepped toward Chase. "Look; you scared the poor boy." She punched my shoulder. "It's nice to finally put a face to the most talked about man in history," she smiled.

He nodded again and then spoke, "Thanks but..."

"I know; I'm his sister Amanda.. I admire you; it takes a lot of balls locking him up like that," she said glancing back at me.

My Adonis dropped his head and started blushing, "I'm sorr..."

"Congratulations," she said and then whispered something to him that had them both giggling.

I walked up and asked, "So how's the property?"

He smiled and responded, "No longer looking for ownership."

"When are you coming back to school?" he asked.

"Actually we were on our way back when I saw Marco," I smiled.

"And now we are all here," Sam cut in creeping up beside me.

Chase's eyes narrowed a little at Sam, " again."

"Yeah, sorry about earlier," Sam replied softly.

That struck me as kind of odd. I felt very territorial all of the sudden. "What happened earlier?" I snapped looking at Sam. He took a step back cautiously and replied, `nothing really'.

Chase's hand touched my shoulder; my muscles immediately relaxed. Chase said, "Nothing really happened. I was just left alone for awhile."

Sam and Amanda both looked at each other and stated in unison, "We like him." Sam put his arm over his shoulder and said, "Yeah he's a keeper. I like him He stays"

Feeling a little better, I dropped my head and nodded. When I looked back up, my Adonis was blushing. I immediately tried to shoo my relatives out of the store. "I'll see you guys next month."

"We can catch a ride back with Marcus," Amanda replied.

"Umm, thanks I take it you are going to pick it up tomorrow," I smiled knowing exactly how attached Amanda was to her Veyron.

Finally, they left and just Chase and I remained. His mind was open; he was happy that they liked him. "So I totally knew you were coming back," he chimed.

I couldn't help but laugh at that response. "That's wonderful." I smiled back. "Are you hungry?" I asked.

"I could eat," he said smiling. There it was again; I was lost for a moment in the gleam in his eyes.

Marco returned. "So are you bringing back the property?" Marco cut in. I chuckled at how well everyone clung to my little nickname.

"Hehe, yeah I might bring him back tonight," I said winking at Chase.

I pondered for a bit about how much of an awkward coincidence it was running into the guys here and why they would be so far away from campus. I figured I'd count it as a blessing from the big man upstairs.

"So how's the arm?" I asked

"Fine; the doc's said I can take this sling off soon," he sighed. "But you owe someone an apology."

"Who?" I blurted out.

"Colt...," he started.

"I'll think about it," I said nonchalantly. He was definitely one person that was not very high on my list.

"Come on now; he still looks messed up," he groaned. I laughed at the thought.

He slapped my arm, "Be nice; besides I fell today," he sighed cutting his eyes into me.

Oddly, at first I had no idea what he meant until bits and pieces started to kick into my brain and it all made sense. My Adonis finally had a V8 and was now seeing things for what they really were. "Really?" I said. "How was it?"

"I was scared. I couldn't see the bottom and there was no one there to fall with me - just me clinging to Colton's fingers."

"The answer to your question?" I smiled.

"Definitely, falling and not knowing if someone would catch me," he nodded.

"There's only one problem with that answer," I replied.

"That would be?"

"Hmm; I'll explain it all later," I said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, we definitely do need to talk, dude."

"Any ideas what to do now?" I said turning my attention back to Chase.

"To eat. Knowing you, you want to pay and go somewhere fancy to impress me. I don't want that," Chase smirked.

"Ok, so how about we go to downtown and walk around while we talk and eat?" I said.

"Sure, but I choose the place to eat," he responded. "After I buy these jeans."

"Deal," I chuckled as we waited in line.

"Ready?" I asked as we left the counter. I saw myself as a wreck waiting to happen as I played out potential scenarios in my head. One, Chase wanted nothing to do with me but would keep the secret. Two, he might plot to kill me or cause a relapse of the Russian war between vampires, werewolves and humans. God, I can't express the tightness of my stomach. But then I can't control my reaction when I look at Adonis - he has me. It's worth it to me that he knows regardless of what happens.

"So what car are you using?" he asked bringing me out of the fog of my thoughts.

"I'm embarrassed to say," I replied freezing up for a minute as I remembered that flashy and expensive things don't impress my Adonis.

"Why?" he asked spinning around to look at me in the mall parking lot.

"Because you don't like the expensive stuff," I sighed looking up at him.

"Please! It's not like it's a Lamborghini or a Koenigsegg," he chirped.

My face flushed a little as I replied, "No...much worse," as I pressed the unlock button.

"Oh my's BEAUTIFUL!!" he screeched running up to the car. He started oogling it. "You have a Bugatti Veyron - these are fucking expensive."

"I know," I replied rolling my eyes and popping the hood. Sitting right there in view, were a pair of track shoes and a note.

You know you wanted these and I hope things go well for you tonight.


Looking at the shoes and the note, I thought-projected to her, `You know me too well,' and chuckled. I was brought out of my conversation when Chase asked me, "So how does she drive?"

"Wouldn't know. I have never driven with her but I know she's fast." I sighed and started the engine. "So did you come up with any theories?"

I watched him from the corner of my eye. He was nervous. I could hear his stomach knotting up. I could see him fiddling with his hands.. Still, he put on a good front: smiled; looked at me attentively; and replied, "Actually quite a few."

Smooth, I must say. He was very good at hiding nervousness but I could see right through it. Unfortunately, he was not the only one who was nervous. My heart beat so fast and the look he gave as he was studying me up and down was so distracting I could barely drive. We had to finish this before it started killing me. I glanced over to him and smiled, "So humor me."

"You are going to laugh at me," he replied with his voice and mood becoming much lighter as Chase stared down at his lap.

As I came to a stop light, I looked over at him and told him, "Honestly, either way I'm going put the truth out there; I just wanted to know your interpretations."

He shrugged and sighed, "Ok, well I have 3 theories: one on your mood of last month; one about those eyes; and one about her." Chase gazed out the car window looking out to the moon. I instantly got a lump in my throat; there was no way he could guess the truth and not know. My mind was getting away from me. I snapped out of it when Chase said, "Geez, slow down. The speed limit is 50 not 90."

"We are here anyway," I reassured him while parking.

"Okay, so what theory do you want to hear first?" he asked.

"Hmmm...,my mood" I smiled sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Well, I could only come up with superhero-type stuff like The Hulk," he blushed.

"Good analogy. I'm definitely no good guy like Bruce Banner and Hulk. I'm more Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," I shrugged.

"I don't see it in you to be evil," he replied looking at me very attentively. Those words soothed me as they left his lips. I felt embraced instead of cast aside. "Let's get something here," Chase said pointing to a little sub shop.

"Fine by me, "I replied letting him lead the way.

"So do you eat?" he asked suddenly.

"What makes you ask that?" I replied in astonishment.

He thought about it for a moment and then he replied, "I've never really seen you eat."

He was absolutely right. I didn't eat in front of people much, unless I was really starving. In that case I went hunting. If there were humans nearby, they were usually on the menu. "I don't eat in front of people."

"What is wrong with eating in front of people?" he questioned.

"I tend to eat a lot" I replied meekly.

"Mmm, I highly doubt that," he replied patting my stomach.

"Doubt is man's first mistake," I replied looking over at him and then stepping up to the counter to order.

When we first walked in I didn't even notice anything around me. My Adonis had my full attention. This was definitely not safe. I soon became well aware of the surroundings, the aroma of subs and fries in the air, the sounds of grease sizzling and spatulas scraping the skillet. There, at the counter, was a middle-aged man. My nose told me he was in his mid 30's. His thoughts told me that he was ready to get off of work and go see his friends at the bar. "Are you guys ready to order?"

I glanced over the menu once and knew what I wanted. I replied, "Yeah I want to get two cheese steaks everything with hots, extra beef, shrimp and add chicken; a large fry and do y'all have half & half?" I asked

"Creamer, yes," the cashier answered.

"No, I'll just take a water instead." I looked over to Chase, "What did you want?"

He looked over to me dumbfounded and said, "I just wanted a hot dog and fries."

"Ok. Can you add that to the order too?" I smiled at the cashier. He rang us up & I paid. We got our food after a short delay and walked a ways to a picnic area.

"You're really going to eat all that?" he said.

"Yeah; I told you I eat," I grinned.

"God, I envy you," he sighed.

"Please don't," I groaned and took a bite of a sub.

"Why not? You look perfect; you can eat this and tomorrow look the same - with no effort at all," he muttered.

"I work out," I sighed.

"Only because you want to, not because you have to," he pointed out.

"Let's change the subject," I said surveying the area. It was getting darker. No one else was around at all.

"To what?" he asked.

"Brace yourself," I whispered letting the silver glow fill my eyes. He smiled at me and asked, "So why do you hide them?"

"The world simply isn't ready and I doubt they'll ever be," I said.

"The information I found said your type of eyes have – like - crazy abilities," he cut in smiling.

"Like?" I replied raising an eyebrow.

"Telepathy," he smirked.

"True but there is way more than just reading thoughts."

"I figured as much. It is why I thought of theory number three," he said looking up at the moon. I could see it in him hoping he was wrong. My mind was going crazy; I was nervous myself. My mind was going off on so many levels. I felt indecision about doing this. Then he said it and I knew.

"Her," he whispered still pointing to the moon.

I took a deep breath, "What about her?"

"I found a legend about 'children of the moon'. The moon gifted...," he began searching my eyes.

"What? Keep going," I asked when he stopped for a minute.

"Ok but it sounds crazy," he sighed.

"No, it sounds logical," I replied knowing the story like an old fairytale.

"Gifted werewolf children have her sight," he finished.

"So what did you think of that last theory?" I asked.

"Honestly, I thought it was bogus but I saw this movie with a werewolf and all I could think about was you," he said looking at me, studying me, searching for a confirmation that he was either right or wrong.

"Okay my turn, I guess," I said and he nodded. "Quick question: are you afraid of dogs?" He took a gulp and said, "Big dogs only."

"Okay, here goes: you are right about your last theory; I am a child of the moon," I said looking away from him.

He was just staring at me. I could feel it those blue eyes on my skin. He grabbed my hand softly and replied, "No...what are you trying to say?"

I looked at him to see exactly what he was thinking, but he was not letting me in. "It means that I am a werewolf" I said nervously

"I know that; I mean what do you want me to say?" he expressed.

"Just tell me the truth."

"It's not about what you are; it's who you are; you didn't choose to be this way," he said still with his hand on mine, "So who am I to judge you, because you're not human."

I just looked dumbfounded at my Adonis' face. No judgment, hesitation, irritation or agitation, just compassion. Damn, I was falling for him.

Instantly, I heard a loud voice in my head, 'I WON' Amanda said.

'How much?' I communicated back to her.

'Four grand from both Erik and Mark'! she barked.

'Ugh; I wish I was there right now,' Sam chimed in. I giggled a little out loud.

"Was that some kind of cruel prank?" Chase said taking his hand away from mine.

"God no; it is the truth," I said grabbing his hand back.

"So then what's funny?" he said glaring.

"Easy, calm down; Amanda and Sam were just eavesdropping on our conversation," I replied.

"That's funny?" he said in an even more cool tone.

"Well, you just earned Amanda eight grand and Sam is begging me to come over here." I giggled but I got more serious with the next question. "So is it ok that your best friend is a werewolf and has a huge crush on you?" I added still holding his hand.

"Yes, I do have a problem with my best friend being a werewolf..." he started.

I cut him off, "That is petty but understand..." then he cut me off saying,

"...but I don't have a problem with my boyfriend being a werewolf."

"Amazing; I tell you I am a werewolf then you still come running," I said incredulous.

He rolled his eyes, "So what's it like? Tell me about it."

"It is a very vague term," I replied.

"Ok, well start with the eyes," he said anxiously.

"My eyes are neutral; they can see right down to the soul of a person as well as read minds," I said.

"That's sketchy..."

"Yeah...the mind reading is...but I can't read you; you are always so closed up;" I muttered.

"Good thing. This necklace lights up too?" he questioned.

"Yeah, I kind of have some power over weather," I sighed very nervously. It is one thing to tell someone that you are a werewolf, but to say that you also have these extra powers is another thing for someone to handle. I was wondering how he would take it. When I looked at him, his jaw had dropped and he was all jittery –almost like a kid in a candy store.

" what? Can I see?" he blurted rather loudly. I couldn't help but laugh at him acting all child- like and innocent.

"Rain, snow, hail and some hurricane effects," I smiled. I couldn't control myself either now. I was just as jittery as he; it was becoming contagious. I like it, no scratch that, I love it. "I can't show you anything here, but definitely another time."

"Aww, ok, so what is bad about it?" he asked like he knew that was exactly what I was going to say next.

"My condition, my eyes give me this serious change of mood, it happens when my eyes are completely like this - for a week out of every month," I sighed.

Chase's entire mood changed with that. He squeezed my hand a little bit harder which caused me to look back up at him, "So how is that working out for you?"

"Pretty good now, but October is always the worst month. Everyone says that in the other months I am like a pregnant woman; they call it my period.

He chuckled at that and I rolled my eyes. "Sorry I just can't picture you that emotionally unstable," he smiled trying to control his laugh, "So whose `they'?"

"Mi Familia" I replied

"Oh; the rest of the rest of the pack," he said.

I grumbled a little bit and said, "No! We don't like the word 'pack'. We are just not that close."

I think I scared him a little because he jumped and withdrew his hand. I immediately felt the gap between us, "Oh sorry," he replied.

"Don't be," I replied, "You didn't know. If anything, I apologize for scaring you like that." We talked more for a few more minutes or at least that is what it seemed like. He asked all kinds of questions - except for the important ones. I needed to make sure he at least knew about those. However, I lost all train of thought when he ran his fingers across my arm. His touch felt so electric against my skin.

"You are definitely good for the wintertime," he chuckled.

"I'm good all the time," I replied.

"So I've heard," he snapped and narrowed his eyes.

I shuddered a little and said, "God, you drive me crazy when you do that."

"What did I do?" he asked.

"That stare...our skin is so sensitive to sight that we can tell when somebody's eyes are on us and what he is examining on us. But with you it is different on so many levels. It's like whenever you look at me. Your look massages me and sends chills down my body," I replied.

He was grinning at that. "You mean if I do this?"

I took in a sharp breath as he eyed my arms. "Yes but let's walk now," I said getting up. I remembered the gift. "Shit," I sighed.

"What happened?" Chase asked looking over at me.

"I have something for you but I don't know if you'll like it," I said handing him the package. He opened the little box and said, "You shouldn't have."

"I can take it back," I chuckled.

"But I love it. You got the color down and the dog is beautiful, Troy," he said putting it on. "How does it look?"

"Perfect on you," I smiled.

"Thank you," he said hugging me. My Adonis' body pressed up to mine and felt so right. It was like Chase was a missing piece to an incomplete puzzle. I was curious to how he was feeling, so I took a whiff. He chuckled a little bit, "Is that instinct or do I smell good?"

"Interesting," I said.

"What?" he asked extremely curious.

"You, you are in between scents - several actually. Nervous, arousal and compassion," I replied.

"Wait, you can smell all that?" he blushed.

"Let's save that for another time," I said as we continued walking. "So what else has you so nervous to ask me? There are still three BIG questions you haven't asked yet."

"Hmm, I don't think I have any more questions really. What are the ones I should be asking?"

"Diet, age and sex" I pointed out.

"Aren't you only 17?" he said trying to be smart.

I shook my head and replied, "No, far past it."

"So how old then?"

"Honestly, I have lost count but somewhere between 150 to 200 years old, " I said confidently.

"Now I see how you know everything in school," he smiled.

"That is only because not only have I most likely lived through it but I have been going to various high schools for a long time. It becomes very repetitive," I said.

"Okay, so diet," he said rather boldly.

"Anything but mostly flesh and blood," I said.

"Even people?"

"Honestly, humans are like a drug to our system; we get addicted to it," I said nervously looking away from him. He snuggled up close to me and said, "How long has it been?" he asked.

"Over 80 years since I have killed a human," I sighed.

He gripped me closer to him and said, "Well you are doing fucking great." He leaned in towards me and kissed me. It wasn't forceful or passive; it was in the middle. It was compassionate enough to say you deserve this' but forceful enough to say there is more in store'. I kissed him back and slipped my tongue into meet him just as he was doing the same to me. I heard his heart beat accelerate, his breathing deepen. We finally stopped so he could breathe. I held my breath with good reason. He stumbled a bit and said, "That was arousing, wouldn't you say?" I just looked at him, holding back from howling but, as he already knew, I gave my head a shake and let out a howl that shook my whole body.

"Is that good or bad?" he said wide eyed.

"Howling is always good," I reassured him.

"Umm, ok, so sex?" he asked.

"Honestly, that is all up to you whether you want to or not," I replied.

"Ok, one more question," Chase said.


"Positions?" he sighed looking down at the ground. "I've always wanted to try topping."

"Hold up; is that what you are nervous about?" I asked.

"Yes," he said meekly.

"I believe if you can give it you can receive it," I smiled back leaning against the car. I got a full glimpse of his scent; he was completely aroused. I eyed him down and said, "You know something?"

"What?" he said.

"I've never had sex on a car before," I said. He came in closer so that we were pelvis to pelvis. He pulled one of my legs around his waist and leaned farther into me and whispered, "Not tonight!"

"Oh, you tease," I chuckled as I got up and proceeded to get in the car.

I took off increasing the speed of the car to test it out, since I considered it unlikely to ever drive it again. "You're going to get a ticket," Chase said.

"Honestly, what officer would try and chase down a Veyron?" I replied.

"Accidents," he sighed.

I pointed to my nose and my head and reassured, "...built in navigation; besides, we are almost there." Suddenly, the feeling was back and much stronger - he was concentrating. His eyes were going back and forth over my crotch. I was losing my concentration, "I'm driving," I blurted.

"I know; I was just looking!" he said.

"Well your looking is going to get Amanda upset - this is her baby," I said parking the car in the school lot.

"Oh, sorry," he sighed.

"Don't be; besides we are here; let's get you back to Micheal's before he sends a search party for you," I said as we both got out the car.

"Micheal is with Kenny, like I am with you," he said snuggling up next to me.

"Touché, but if you spend the night, I'll be gone in the morning to hunt before anybody wakes up," I said.

"Ok ,that's fine," he replied smiling.

So I lead him towards my dorm. The whole time his eyes were analyzing my body. His scent was becoming easier to pick up. A good mixture of arousal and compassion, it smelled like honey and cinnamon. His body was in heat, visibly. I could tell, even feel the passion and lust rolling off his body. It made his aura so radiant that he seemed to glow. His whole body was racing. On the outside his demeanor was calm, but on the inside, his body was yearning for the proper touch and love.

There wasn't much we could do tonight since I could tell his body was in sensory overload. As we reached the door, I had to check to make sure my analysis of him was correct. I looked into his eyes and gently leaned his neck into me and kissed him very passionately on the lips. That is all it took for him to trust me openly and whole heartedly, like a light tap on a door resulting in it swing open forcefully. The door to my room flew open as Chase began to assault my lips, never breaking eye contact. We slowly took off each others' articles of clothing. We were rubbing, caressing anything we could get our hands on, listening to the other's gentle moans and sharp breaths. Our twitching dicks met each other, shiny and slick with pre-cum. I broke the kiss and took a step back while Chase lost his balance and fell back on the bed. I slowly climbed on top of his body and whispered, "Do you trust me?"

"Yes," he gasped.

With that reply, I went back to those sensational lips of his while I slid my hand down to our twitching dicks and grasped them both in my hands. I tugged gently on them with increasing speed while remaining lip-locked to him. He was getting close, I could tell as he started biting my bottom lip and grabbing the back of my neck harder. All the moaning and biting started to get to me and just before I released, I let out a growl which sent him over the edge. We matched perfectly in timing of release. We just kept kissing until he fell asleep.

Shortly after he fell asleep, I left to go hunting. I ended up thinking about him the whole time. This relationship felt so right on so many levels. It was like we fit together, filling in the missing pieces of a puzzle. It felt so eerily destined.

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