Fixing the Backstreet Boys

By moc.loa@97bK

Published on May 14, 2000


DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. The characters are completely fictional. This is not saying anything about the sexual orientation of the Backstreet Boys.

WARNING: This story deals with homosexual themes. The sex will be light, but it will be present. If this offends you, don't read. If you are under 18 years of age, don't read. If reading this story causes you to break any laws, don't read.

FEEDBACK: This is my first story. So if I'm doing a horrible job, or if you love it, or if you just wanna say hi, email me at and we can chat. Thanks a bunch.

QUICK THANK YOU - Thank you to everyone who keeps sending me email for the story, you all don't know how much it helps. And thanks to everyone who filled me in on the AJ thing, I had heard about it, but obviously not as much as the rest of you.

QUICK HI - I've been talking to a lot of you readers and fellow writers on IM lately and I want to say hi to all of you, it is so cool to get to know some of you better. Hopefully you know who you are as I say this, cause I don't know how'd you all would feel about me revealing your names.


Kevin woke up well rested. He found that he was cuddled cheek to cheek with Nick. Their arms were around each other, snuggled in the small bunk. Their legs were tangled around each other and their hips were pushed together.

Kevin felt something poking him on the top part of his thigh. He realized Nick had a morning hardon. Kevin's heart gave a small leap when he felt his own morning wood pushing into Nick. Embarrassed, Kevin tried to push away, but Nick was wrapped to tightly around him.

"Nicky? Nicky wake up." Kevin said softly.

"Leave me alone Kev, I wanna sleep a little longer." Nick answered, barely awake.

"Come on Nick, wake up please, this is a little awkward." Kevin pleaded with the sleeping blond.

"Huh?" Nick was waking up slowly. "Ohhh... oops... Sorry Kev, I guess you turned over in your sleep."

"Will you let go of me please? As much as I enjoy you holding me..." Kevin said sarcastically. "I'm afraid you are going to prick me with that needle dick of yours."

"Needle Dick?" Nick laughed. "Is this the thanks I get for helping you go to sleep, you big baby?"

"I'll give you thank you, you goof-ball." Kevin said as he began to tickle Nick.

"AAAHHHH!!! Stop, STOP! I have to take a piss, don't tickle me!" Nick screeched as he let go of Kevin and flew from the bunk.

Well that worked.' Kevin thought as he watched Nick fly out of the room. Kevin felt a little rush of excitement flood his body as he watched Nick leave. Nick was wearing a pair of worn white boxers and he could see through them. Nick has a real cute ass.'

What the hell?' Kevin thought to himself. Did I just check out Nick? That's sick, he's like my little brother. But he is cute, and he's grown up so much in the passed year or two, it felt like in more ways than one. Ugh, I shouldn't be thinking about this now, I have enough going on in my life.'

Kevin got out of his bunk and threw on a pair of sweat pants over his boxers. He glanced over to Howie's bunk and saw that Howie was still sound asleep.

Kevin walked out of the bunk room. He stopped short at the scene he saw in the living area.

AJ and Brian were awake, but still laying on the couch in front of the TV where they had fallen asleep the night before. The both of them were oblivious to the fact that Kevin had walked into the room.

AJ and Brian were all over each other. They were both wearing only their briefs, Brian a tee shirt also. A sheet was semi covering them. Their tongues were rammed down each others throats. Brian's hands were roaming over AJ's naked upper torso and AJ had his hands lightly caressing Brian's clothed crotch. And they were both moaning and rubbing against each other.

"Eh-hem." Kevin cleared his throat.

He was ignored. Nick walked out of the bathroom at that moment.

"Ewww... Gross! Hey guys quit it!" Nick said laughing.

He was also ignored.

"Come on Nick, let's leave them alone. Feel like a bowl of cereal?" Kevin asked, throwing his arm around Nick's shoulders and leading him toward the kitchen.

"They are gonna have to learn to control themselves, especially when there's a chance of someone walking in on them." Nick mentioned as he fixed himself a bowl of cereal.

"Yeah, but I doubt they'd pull that kind of stuff around anyone but us. They are still newly-weds, so to speak, we have to be patient with them for a little while at least." Kevin replied.

"Yeah, I guess so. Still I don't want to have to see AJ touching Frick's package." Nick said with a smirk on his face. "And it's not because it's AJ. I don't want to see anyone touching Brian that way, it's just wrong."

"Yeah, I completely know what you mean. He is my cousin and all. There was part of me that wanted to pick AJ up by his scruff and throw him off the bus. But, their big boys, they know what they are doing." Kevin answered.

Nick just nodded. They sat there in silence for a few moments.

"Nick?" Kevin finally said.

"Yeah Kev?" Nick asked.

"Thanks." Kevin said very quietly. "For last night."

"Don't mention it Kev." Nick said as he smiled warmly at Kevin. "How many years have you been taking care of me? I think it's about time I did something for you. Don't ya think?"

Kevin blushed and mumbled. "When exactly did you grow up? And how is it I never noticed you aren't little Nicky anymore?"

Nick laughed. "It comes and goes, I'm still little Nicky, just once and awhile I take the advice of someone very smart and act my age."

"Oh really? And just who is this very smart person?" Kevin asked, smiling back at Nick.

"I doubt you know him, he's pretty special though." Nick answered with a wink.

Kevin blushed again. The two of them lapsed into silence again. For some reason there was this weird vibe in the air, neither of them could place a finger on what it was exactly, but they both felt a little light hearted all the sudden.

"What the fuck is that out there?" Howie asked angrily as he slammed opened the kitchen door.

"I'm taking it you saw AJ and Brian?" Nick asked laughing.

"Yeah!" Howie snarled. "And unlike you I didn't find it very funny. Don't they realize other people live on this bus too?"

"Howie, man, calm down. It isn't that bad." Kevin tried to calm him down.

"It isn't that bad???" Howie shrieked. "AJ had his hand down Brian's underwear! To me that's fucking bad!"

"I'll admit they are taking it a little fast, but it isn't really any of our business what the two of them do together." Kevin tried again.

"It becomes my fucking business when I have to see it first thing in the morning. That's not my favorite `wake up' image." Howie's voice had dropped and had lost its angry edge.

"Howie? You okay D?" Nick asked as he watched Howie slump into a chair.

"No, yes, who knows...?" Howie sounded depressed.

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked softly.

"I don't know, I wish I did." Howie answered, his eyes becoming teary.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kevin asked.

"I wouldn't even know where to start, thanks though." Howie stood up and fixed himself a bowl of cereal.

For the third time that morning silence filled the kitchen.

When the three of them were don with breakfast they slowly left the kitchen together. They were hoping that AJ and Brian would be done with what they were doing by now. When they stepped into the living area they saw that AJ and Brian were no longer in there.

"Where's they go?" Nick asked.

Kevin poked his head in the bunkroom. "They aren't in here."

Just then Howie, Kevin, and Nick heard a familiar giggle, followed by an even more familiar deep laugh. Then the shower turned on.

"They aren't!" Howie stated.

"They couldn't!" Kevin followed.

"I barely fit in there alone, there is no way they can fit in together." Nick threw in.

They all shot each other a befuddled look and sat down on the couch with a thump.

"So...." Howie said.

"So..." Kevin said.

"Wanna play a video game guys?" Nick asked.

"NO!!!" Howie and Kevin said together.

"OK, ok, fine, be that way. Wanna watch TV then?" Nick offered laughing.

"Yeah, why not, it's 10:30 in the morning, what's going to be on?" Kevin asked.

"Ummm..., talk shows and the news. Ugh. A movie?" Nick asked.

"Sure, pop something in." Kevin agreed.

"How about Chasing Amy? I'm in the mood for something Kevin Smith." Nick said, putting the movie in the VCR before he even got an answer.

"That's fine, but remember my rule." Kevin instructed.

"No, come on, you can't be serious! I am not ending the movie after Holden suggests the threesome and Banky says yes, just because you like to pretend the three of them all end up happy together." Nick said exasperated.

"Let Kev be delusional, we've all seen it enough to know what really happens." Howie added.

"Okay, okay, I'll let it slide this time." Nick said with a laugh.

The three boys settled down to watch the movie. Nick and Howie were on each end of the couch with Kevin in the middle. The past few days had been tiring and it wasn't long before they were all yawning and attempting to find a comfortable way to melt into the couch.

Nick was the first to notice all the fidgeting.

"Kev? Ya wanna lie down?" He asked.

"Yeah, but there really isn't the room for it without kicking someone off the couch." Kevin answered.

"Here." Nick said as he wedged himself into the corner of the couch, his back against the arm, and pushed one leg on the couch behind Kevin's back.

"Okay... and?" Kevin asked, confused.

"Lie down." Nick answered holding his arms open.

"You sure?" Kevin asked, catching on.

"Of course, would I offer if I didn't mean it?" Nick said with a smile.

"I guess not." And with that Kevin laid his back against Nick's chest, his head resting right under Nick's chin.

"Aren't you two all comfy." Howie said with a laugh.

"Jealous?" Nick asked.

"Hell yeah! I wanna lay down too." Howie answered, still laughing.

So Kevin pushed his own leg behind Howie's back and held out his arms.

"Guys! I was just kidding!" Howie was really cracking up.

"Okay... sure... whatever! We know the truth." Nick said laughing with him.

While the two younger boys sat laughing, Kevin grabbed Howie and pulled him into the same position he was laying in on Nick.

The boys laughed together for a few more minutes and then comfortably, not to mention sleepily, continued to watch the movie.

Meanwhile... in the shower

"Do you think the guys know what we're doing?" AJ asked Brian.

"Probably not. I think they're all still asleep." Brian answered.

"You sure? I could have swore I heard Kev and Kaos talking to us while we were still on the couch." AJ mentioned.

"I didn't hear anything. You're just paranoid." Brian answered.

"If you say so." AJ said softly.

"Come on AJ, we are both standing here naked and wet, and you're thinking about the other three? I think I'm insulted." Brian pouted.

The two boys were standing in the small shower stall that was on the bus. They had just finished shampooing each other's hair and were washing the soap off each other's bodies.

"Don't be insulted, I just want to make sure we weren't making out in front of the guys. That might make them uncomfortable." AJ said tracing a finger down Brian's wet cheek.

"Shhh... stop thinking about it." Brian answered as he leaned into AJ and began to kiss him. Once Brian's tongue was in AJ's mouth, AJ wasn't thinking about anything but how Brian made him feel.

Brian's hands began to roam over AJ's wet flesh. He started at his neck and gently worked downward.

When AJ felt Brian's hand touch his bare manhood he gasped.

"Do you think we should be doing this?" AJ whispered.

"Of course. We are dating, aren't we?" Brian answered.

"Yeah. But we've been dating for all of a day. Don't ya think we're being a little quick?" AJ questioned.

"AJ, sweetie, think about it this way. If I hadn't messed up, we would have been dating for at least a month now. Plenty of time to be reaching this step. Don't ya want to?" Brian looked at him with a small hint of passion in his eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too Bri. And trust me, I want to do this. I guess you're right. If everything had gone right, we would have been together for a while. I don't know why I'm being such a worrywart. I'm ready." AJ began to kiss Brian again, every once and a while nibbling on his neck or kissing his chest and nipples.

It took AJ a few minutes to work up the courage, but he soon grabbed a bar of soap and began to work up a lather in his hands. When he was ready he lowered his hand to Brian's penis and slowly began to stroke it up and down. He continued to kiss Brian and felt him moan.

"Oh... AJ..." Brian mumbled through the kiss.

AJ kept doing what he was doing, quickening the pace a little. With his other hand he began to caress Brian's balls also, every so often tickling that small patch of skin behind them.

After a good couple of minutes of the kissing and the attention AJ was paying to his `package', Brian began to feel a familiar tingle rush through his body.

AJ felt Brian become harder in his hands and began to make his strokes tighter and harder.

"AJ, I'm gonna cum soon." Brian moaned, pulling away from the kiss for a moment.

"Shh... I know." AJ answered, attacking Brian's mouth with his lips and tongue again.

After a few minutes or so, Brian broke the kiss again and leaned his head on AJ's shoulder.

"AJ, oh wow, AJ" Brian said over and over again.

Finally Brian got his release. He shot his load all over AJ, himself, and the shower wall.

"AJ, that was amazing." Brian said through a shutter.

"I never knew a hand-job could elicit such a reaction." AJ laughed as he turned to allow the stream of water to wash off the mess.

"Ohhh.... Forgive me for enjoying an orgasm. You know it has been awhile since it was anyone besides myself doing that!" Brian looked a little down.

"Awww... sweetie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make ya feel bad. I think it was sweet." AJ said pulling Brian into a hug. "Plus I'm glad I could make you feel so good." He whispered into Brian's ear.

"I know, and it did feel really good." Brian looked AJ in the eyes. "I want to make you feel that good also."

AJ got a small gleam in his eyes and a hopeful look on his face.

"Do you want me too?" Brian asked.

AJ looked at his feet.

"What's wrong AJ?" Brian asked.

"Nothing, you don't have to you know. I don't believe in that; I do for you, now you owe me thing." AJ said placing his hands in front of his growing erection.

"This has nothing to do with me owing you anything. I want to." Brian said as he moved AJ's hands. "I want to. And it appears you want me to also."

AJ looked up at Brian and sheepishly smiled.

"I'll take that as a yes." Brian smiled sweetly at him.

AJ closed his eyes. He was expecting to feel Brian's hand on his dick. He was extremely surprised when he heard Brian shifting around, kneeling down, and then felt Brian's hot mouth kiss the head of his penis.

"Brian! What are you doing?" AJ questioned, drawing in a deep breath.

"This." Brian answered and then proceeded to take some of AJ into his mouth.

"Brian, oh shit, Brian." AJ said feeling extreme ecstasy as Brian's mouth sucked up and down on his manhood.

"Brian, I can't believe this." AJ muttered, a voice full of complete joy.

"Believe it, believe it." Brian said, pulling off for a second.

Brian went back to doing what he was doing. He slowly willed all of AJ's dick into his mouth, deep throating him. It only took a few seconds of doing that before he felt AJ tense and become rock hard. He placed a hand on AJ's balls and felt that they were tightened up. Brian was a little surprised, but he knew AJ was going to shoot any second.

"Brian, shit Brian, I'm going to cum, oh Brian, I'm so sorry." AJ barely got out, as he began to climax.

AJ expected Brian to pull off, but he didn't. He continued to move his mouth up and down AJ's cock as it shot it's liquid down Brian's throat. He swallowed it all. AJ collapsed against the wall of the shower and had a horrified look on his face.

"Oh Brian, I'm so sorry." AJ said, his eyes filling with tears.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry?" Brian asked as he stood up and put his arms around AJ.

"It was so quick... I didn't mean to... I wanted it to be... I thought it be..." AJ trailed off as he laid his head on Brian's chest.

"Oh AJ, baby, it's okay. There's nothing wrong, as long as you enjoyed it, everything is fine." Brian said as he lifted up AJ's chin.

"It was wonderful." AJ sighed, smiling lightly.

"Good, see everything is fine. Now give me a kiss and tell me you love me." Brian smiled back at him.

AJ leaned in and kissed Brian full on the mouth.

"I love you so much Brian." AJ said, voice full of emotion.

"And I love you AJ. Come on, let's get out of here, it's getting cold." Brian said as he turned off the shower.

Back on the couch

"Did anyone hear that, or was it just me?" Kevin asked from his position in the Backstreet Boy sandwich.

"I heard it, I'm just trying to ignore it." Nick said.

"So... it was the sound of my cousin and his boyfriend climaxing? I'm not crazy?" Kevin said exasperated.

"It would appear so." Nick answered quietly.

Just then Howie jumped off the couch and ran for the bunkroom.

"Howie? You okay man?" Kevin asked.

"I just need to be alone for a little while, I'll be fine. Just let me be." Howie answered.

"Okay D, we're out here if you need us." Kevin said.

"I know Kev, I know." Howie said.

Kevin and Nick let Howie be and settled down to finish the movie.

Brian and AJ came out of the shower wearing towels. They saw Kevin and Nick on the couch and stopped short.

"Uhmmm... hi guys." AJ said.

"Hi AJ, you okay? It sounded like you were in pain in there? Let me guess... You got your hair stuck in the shower head again and Brian was helping you out. Am I right?" Nick said evilly at them.

"Nick." Kevin said warningly.

"What? First we had to watch them make out as they ignore us, and then we have to hear them get off in the shower together, and I'm not even allowed to make one joke?" Nick asked Kevin.

Brian and AJ looked at the ground and blushed.

"See Brian, I told ya they were awake." AJ mumbled.

"Sorry guys... I guess we were just a little to wrapped up in ourselves." Brian said, lifting his head a little.

"Guys, it's fine, we don't care what you do. Nick was just busting." Kevin said with a smile.

"You sure? I mean it must have been uncomfortable for ya all." Brian said.

"We'll live, just be careful okay?" Nick said.

"We will be. Thanks." AJ said. "What ya watching?"

"Chasing Amy." Nick answered.

"Ohhh... hey it's almost over, better get the stop button ready for Kevin." Brian laughed.

"Leave me alone!" Kevin said as he turned his head to bury it in Nick's chest.

"My, my AJ. Look at these two. What's going on with them?" Brian asked teasingly.

"I see, they look mighty close don't they." AJ said with an equal tone.

"Very close... something you want to tell us boys?" Brian giggled.

"Don't even go there Brian. We are just hanging out." Nick said.

"Yeah." Kevin said removing his head from it's resting spot. "I'm pretty sure they'd send me to jail, he's just a baby. Plus remember a certain beautiful lady named Kristin? I'm taken."

"I am not a baby! I'm perfectly legal. But really guys, Kev and I... ummm... no!" Nick said with a mock look of disgust on his face.

"Gee thanks Nick... glad to see you find me so undesirable." Kevin said laughing. "Anyway one couple amongst us is enough, we'll leave the gay relationship to you two, as long as you promise to leave the girls to us."

"Should we be offended?" Brian asked AJ.

"Maybe, but I think we should let it slide, we did force them to experience more than they wanted to this morning." AJ told him with a smile.

"Quite true, quite true." Brian answered. "Hey Kev, did you get to sleep all right last night?"

"Yeah, actually I did." Kevin answered.

"No drinks, right?" Brian pressed.

"No drinks! I promise!" Kevin said a little annoyed.

"What did ya do? Count sheep?" AJ asked in a slightly taunting tone.

"No, I didn't count sheep." Kevin said sarcastically. "Actually Nick helped me sleep." He said changing his tone.

"Nick? How the hell did he do that?" Brian asked.

"You say that as if I have no ability to do anything what so ever." Nick said to Brian.

"It's not that, it's just surprising, that's all." Brian tried to explain.

"He actually did a really good job." Kevin answered.

"I used your old trick." Nick said.

"My old trick? The back rub, song, and all? The one I used to do for you all the time?" Brian questioned.

"Yeppers. It always worked so well for me, I thought what the hell." Nick answered.

"Well, cool. Glad it worked." Brian said.

"Umm... Bri? Don't ya think we should go get dressed?" AJ questioned.

Brian looked down at the towel he was wearing. "Yeah, that would probably be a good idea."

"Try an be quiet when you go in the bunkroom, I don't think Howie is feeling all that well." Kevin warned.

"Ok, cool, thanks." AJ said.

The next few hours on the bus went pretty uneventful. The boys all rested, watching movies or taking naps. When the time came that they were nearing Orlando, Kevin, Nick, and Howie all took showers. When they reached O-town, all five of them were dressed and ready to get set for their final concert of the tour. They had to do a few little things in rehearsal, do sound checks and all that, but besides that it was going to be a pretty normal concert night.

They reached the stadium around 4:00 in the afternoon. They all got off the bus and headed toward the stage. Fatima was waiting for them.

"Hi boys!" Fatima said.

"Hi Fatima." They said, practically in unison.

"Ready to go over a few things?" She asked.

"Sure. What do you have planned?" Howie asked her.

"Nothing new, I just want you guys to practice the normal run of the show for a little while. We really don't have that much time." Fatima told them.

"Okay, cool, let's get down to work then." Howie said.

They boys rehearsed for an hour and a half. Fatima was pleased with what she saw, so she let them go off to get their other chores done. The boys did their sound checks and made sure everything was set. They were sitting in the dressing room, about an hour before the show, when they got a knock on the door.

"Come in." Brian said.

The door opened up and in walked their manager and Aidan.

"Hi boys." Their manager said.

"Hi guys." Said Aidan.

"Hello." The boys answered.

"Just wanted you to know that there is going to be a little party for you guys and a few others, celebrating the end of the tour and all. It will be after the show in the big room next to the dressing rooms. I have to go check on a few things so I'll let you be. Dr. Connor wanted to see you before you went on, so I brought him with me. Good luck tonight, see you boys later." Their manager said quickly and left.

"Is it just me, or does he treat you guys like you are a group of pre-teens?" Aidan asked, smiling at the guys.

"Sometimes, sometimes. So how are you doing? Did ya have a good 12 or so hours away from the madness that is the five of us?" Brian asked.

"Actually to tell the truth I was bored out of my mind, but I did get to rest, so it's all good." Aidan said with a small laugh.

"Ya gonna watch the concert?" AJ asked.

"Yes, I thought I would." Aidan answered.

"Cool, coming to the party afterward?" Nick asked.

"Am I invited?" Aidan asked.

"Duh, of course!" Nick said.

"Okay then, I'll be there. I know you guys have to get ready, I just wanted to say hi, I'm going to go sit with your manager for a while." Aidan told them as he turned for the door.

"Bye Aidan, see ya after the show." AJ said.

"Bye guys." Aidan said.

Aidan left the room and the boys finished getting ready for the concert.

"Why did you invite him?" Kevin asked.

"Why not?" Nick asked.

"The party is for us and the people who helped on the tour, not him." Kevin answered.

"You don't think he's helped out on this tour?" Brian said blatantly, a statement really, not a question.

"No, in my opinion he hasn't." Kevin said.

"Are you insane Kevin? Or are you just blind? Just give it up, he's done a lot, you're just sore `cause he made you see the truth. He's done a lot and he's coming to the fucking party. So be civil to him and enjoy it, okay?" AJ instructed.

"Whatever." Kevin said quietly.

"Come on guys, we only have ten minutes, we need to head toward stage." Howie interrupted the little feud.

The Backstreet Boys headed toward the stage. They had their final concert to get to. They shook everything off and started to get pumped for the night.

The concert went wonderfully. The boys performed as if it might be their last chance to as a group. They sang beautifully and danced perfectly. The crowd was treated to one hell of an experience. When it was all over they exited the stage to louder screams then they had ever heard.

The boys went off to shower and change before they attended their party.

"Great job tonight boys." Their manager said as they entered the room the party was being held in.

"Thanks, it was great." Howie said.

Everyone sat around talking about the tour and congratulating everyone on a great job. Slowly the crowd began to diminish until only the boys, Aidan, and their manager was left. They were eating pizza and drinking beers, everyone except for Kevin that is.

"No beer Kevin? I thought you enjoyed a drink every once and a while. I'm not going to say anything. Look I'm even ignoring the fact that Nick is having one." Their manger asked.

Kevin sarcastically took a sip of his water. "No thanks, I'm fine."

"Kevin's not drinking anymore." Brian said.

"Oh really? Why not?" Their manager questioned.

"Because I'm an alcoholic." Kevin said sarcastically.

"YOU'RE WHAT???" Their manager yelped.

"An alcoholic, according to Aidan I'm an alcoholic." Kevin said flatly.

"Dr. Connor, is this true?" He asked.

"Unfortunately it is. Kevin has a drinking problem, but he is on his first steps toward recovery." Aidan answered.

"Has their been anything else you have been failing to keep me informed on Dr. Connor?" Their Manager said angrily.

"Sir, I explained to you when you hired me that I am under no obligation to let you know every little detail of what goes on." Aidan said authoritatively.

"Kevin being a fucking alcoholic is a small detail?" He shot back.

"It is being taken care of, there was no need to concern you." Aidan replied.

"Are the boys okay? You've been with them for a few days now. I expected this to be over and done with already. What is wrong? What else do you need to do?" Their manager inquired.

"Listen, believe it or not we have been through a lot these past few days. And Aidan has done a lot. I don't believe this is supposed to take only a few days." Howie threw in.

"So you need more time with them Dr. Connor?" Their manager asked.

"In my opinion yes. Do you remember what we discussed when we first began talking? What I said would need to be done if this wasn't resolved by the time the tour was over? Well, I think it should be done." Aidan explained.

"If you think it is necessary." Their manager sighed.

"I do." Aidan said firmly.

"Well then do it, do what ever it is that will get my boys back to normal. I give up trying to understand. I put them in your hands. They are your responsibility. Give me a call when everyone is all right. Until then I'll stay out of your hair. I'm leaving now. Good luck." Their manager got up angrily and left.

"What got into him?" Howie asked.

"He was under the impression this could be done in a day. He didn't believe me when I said it would take time." Aidan answered.

"Oh." Howie said. "So what was he talking about? What was discussed?"

"Yeah, what's going on?" Brian asked.

"Well, when I began conversing with your manager, I described my techniques. He wanted to know how was it I was so unique and successful with my clients. Despite how much he didn't like the idea, he believed it was just what might be needed." Aidan said.

"What just might be needed?" AJ asked.

"Well you boys are done with the tour, you won't be all in the same place from now on, for a while. Plus you will still have your busy lives to handle. What I suggested will sort of be like a vacation for you five. You all will be coming to spend some time at my house." Aidan explained.

"WE'RE WHAT???" Kevin screamed.

*Well that was about as pointless a chapter as I have ever written, did anything actually happen and I missed it or...? Oh well at least it set up the next part. I hope you enjoyed it. Send me an email if you found meaning in there at all.

I don't know why it took so long for me to notice, but I just realized that some people put their favorite stories somewhere in their posting so everyone knows what they enjoy reading. As I've said before there are so many good ones out there, but I do have two favorites that I believe are the best written ones out there. So if you haven't read them go read: Studio In The Country and Because I Love You, they both are absolutely amazing.

Just wanted to let everyone know, there is exactly 5 chapters left of Fixing the Backstreet Boys. Since the beginning I have had the whole story outlined, and in 5 chapters it will be all over. This will be a story with an end, no leaving everyone high and dry here. Okay, that's enough of that, just wanted ya all to know.*

Next: Chapter 8

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