Flying High

By bokjay / John

Published on Dec 8, 2017



Flying High

By John.

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A couple of years ago, I decided to save some money and fly back from the Middle East where I work for a vacation in England using Air........... The ticket was cheap even though they only go as far as Amsterdam and then it was on to the local UK airport with another carrier. No problem if you are saving money, but there can be snags.

On this occasion, after the holiday I had re-confirmed my booking back to the Middle East in good time and arrived in Amsterdam to catch the main flight. When I arrived at the check-in, the lady at the desk told me the flight was full and I couldn't board the plane. I wondered how this could happen when my return journey had been confirmed. She only said my name was not on the boarding list. Another passenger in the queue said he had the same problem and was really upset. The check-in lady said we should wait until everyone boarded in case there were some no-shows, which would allow us to have a seat. That's all very well, but if I couldn't, there I was in another country and the next flight three days away with that airline.

I hung around the airport for a couple of hours till everyone had checked in. One of the ground staff came up to me and apologised and said there was no room on the plane and I would be wait-listed for the next flight. Great, I was losing my temper by now as there was no guarantee the next flight would have an empty seat either, it could be a week or two before I got another confirmed reservation.

The airline rep told me they were very sorry but there was nothing else they could do, but perhaps I would like to take the matter up with the local manager. That would be only during office hours and as it was the weekend, not until Monday morning at the earliest. I was angry. Amsterdam is a great city, I've been there a couple of times, but this was the end of my holiday and I was due back at work. Also, I was not carrying any amount of cash to go out and have a good time.

A couple of other passengers that had been "bumped off" were having a go at the airline's ground staff when another official looking guy appeared. He spoke quickly to his co-workers and then announced that there would be another plane the same evening if we would care to wait another four hours. What option did we have? He explained they had a plane in for an overhaul at the KLM workshops and it would take us back on its return to their home base later that evening.

Great, saved at the bell! Well hanging around for another four hours was no fun either, but it was better than the prospect of waiting until the following morning for a flight back to the UK. The time passed and an official came to escort us through the immigration and customs. The flight was not announced, being special it was not up on the board with a flight number.

I hadn't given it much thought but once on the plane, I realised there were only 20 or 30 passengers. I was given three seats by the window and I immediately felt better at the prospect of being able to bed down for most of the flight, although I don't usually get any real sleep travelling by plane.

Anyway, there I was in my seat ready for take-off when the cabin crew came around to check we were buckled up correctly, as they do. The steward on reaching me said, "Good evening sir, all buckled up?" Without waiting for my reply he reached down to my lap and put his hand on the clasp and at the same time taking in all my crotch. He squeezed it gently and said with a grin, "Very good sir!" He held my gaze for a second or two, even raising his eyebrows and then quickly moved down the aisle to another passenger.

Shit, did I imagine that or not? The guy just felt me up! And the look he gave me, well that was a come-on if ever I saw one. I hadn't really looked at him before he came to my seat, but as I stared at him I could see that he was actually very good looking. Perhaps around 20-22, not too tall but well made with nice proportions.

I felt quite shocked for some time, just the sheer surprise of being groped. I kept my eye on him as he walked up and down the cabin. The more I studied, the better looking he appeared to be. Perhaps in casual clothes, he would be a knock-out. He glanced at me a few times and raised an eyebrow, but whether that was directed at me or was his natural expression I couldn't make up my mind.

Finally, the plane took off and the usual rigmarole of safety video then drinks and finally the dinner. He was kept busy although I thought he would find some reason to walk by or ask if I wanted something, he didn't. Eventually, I stopped watching him and read some magazines and a book I had brought along.

After the dinner had been cleared away, they put on the film. I forget what it was as the sound was not too good and I thought my book to be more interesting. Before I knew it, the film had finished and when I looked around it seemed as if everyone was already sleeping.

I tried to get comfortable and succeeded in arranging all the cushions to make a reasonable bed. I was tired out and quickly went into a slumber. I don't know how long I had been asleep but some noise or jolt of the aircraft startled me awake. Maybe it was a bad dream but I knew I couldn't go back to sleep again, at least not for a while. I decided to read some more, but first I wanted to use the toilet or more importantly get up and stretch.

The interior of the plane was really dark. The lights had been lowered and no-one had any reading lights on so it was unusually dim as I carefully made my way to the rear of the plane. I didn't want to bang any heads or feet sticking out into the aisle, so I eased my way down more by feel than sight.

As I neared the toilets just before the galley, I could see one of the cabin staff leaning against the units. Just before opening the door, I glanced again and from this position, could see it was the guy who groped me earlier. He recognised my face and smiled. I nodded back in reply. He then jerked his head to call me past the toilet into the galley. I was not in a desperate hurry to use the bathroom; it was really just to exercise my body. So I closed the door and moved a few more paces over to him.

Another of the flight crew was near the aisle at the other side of the aircraft, and he was saying how he was going forward and would take care of everything from there. This guy, the one who nodded to me, said OK, he would take some sleep in that case. When the other steward left he turned to me and asked me how I was, where I was from and stuff like that. He was friendly and had a nice smile. In-between talking to me he was closing things up in the galley, finally turning off the main light. That just left some small lights on meters glowing. It was not pitch black, but it was very dark. After the light of the galley, it took some time to get used to it but it was enough to make out his face when I was next to him, but not much more.

His name was Shehan and he was from Kandy. I had been to Sri Lanka once and had done a trip up there, so he was pleased I knew something of his place. I asked him if he was sweet like his namesake, which made him laugh. He said he was and would I like to taste? That left me a bit short for words, I was not so quick at coming back to lines like that. I mumbled something in reply, but he had me. If I didn't like something sweet he said, he was sure to be just the spice. I laughed again, but abruptly coughed as his hand cupped my crotch.

"I saw you had a real bunch there," he said. "Quite a package if I may say so".

Shit! I was right, he did grope me on purpose!

"You're not desperate to return to your seat are you?" he asked.

"No, I only needed to stretch myself with the walk down here".

"Well then, you can come with me."

I wondered where he had in mind. He pulled something from his pocket and stepped past into the aisle, but towards the rear and unlocked a door. He reached to me without saying a word and pulled me to the door. As I stepped towards him, he gently pushed me and into the "room". It was another toilet but a large one with the drop down table for changing babies.

"We have kept most of the toilets locked with having only a few passengers, so there's only a couple to keep clean," he said as if to explain. He stepped in and locked the door behind him.

He reached to my crotch again and squeezed, making me tingle and fill out a little. Expertly he unzipped the front of my jeans and unhooked the waist button. Then he dropped to his knees, pulling down my jeans as he did so. He ran his hand over my "basket" again and then looked up and smiled. I said nothing, for this was all happening a bit fast. The touch of his hand had me filling out more and more till my cock was standing straight behind the cotton briefs. He slid his thumbs under the elastic and slipped them down from my hips till they joined the jeans around my ankles.

He admired my standing cock for a while turning it to the left, to the right, bending it up and down and looking at every angle. He said simply, "Very nice", and popped it into his mouth. He worked up and down, licking the head then taking it fully and swallowing all. It was good, really good. One hand was playing with my balls and the sensitive patch behind.

He was excellent, an expert in cock sucking. The tingling feeling began as the sap started to rise. I was thinking if he would like me to cum in his mouth as I was wondering what to do with the result of his exertions. Suddenly he stopped and stood up. "Beautiful cock," he said as he undid the belt and top of his pants. In a second they were down to his knees and his jockeys followed. He was hard, no prizes for guessing that. His cock was not so large, about six inches or a bit longer, but it was quite fat giving his dick an overall high score for size. He didn't let me look at it too long though, putting his hand on my shoulder he said, "Your turn", almost as an order as he pushed me down towards his cock.

I didn't mind tackling it and altered my position so that I could kneel down and get comfortable with the job in hand. I took it in full straight away. His groin smelled fresh as if just coming from the shower. I liked that. I sucked him for a while till he put both hands on the back of my head and started to face fuck. I didn't have to do any work, just manage the meat between breaths as he pistoned in and out of my mouth. He was a bit forceful, not minding ramming it fully in on every thrust. It was okay, with him holding the back of my head I could take all and enjoy.

But he wasn't going to do this for the rest of the flight. In only a minute I felt his cock get really hot and stretch to the limit. His fingers grabbed my hair as his excitement climbed. Shit, he is going to cum very quickly. I wondered what he would do, whether I would take my mouth off and wank him the final bit or not or maybe he wouldn't let me.

It was the latter. He speeded thrusting and heavily drawing his breath. I could tell he was going to cum and used my tongue on the end of his dick to give him as much friction as possible. I still thought he had a bit to go, but catching me by surprise he squeezed my head into his groin and started pumping his juice into the back of my throat. He had lots too, no choice on whether to hold it or swallow. It had to go down or it would be running out the sides of my mouth and on my clothes. I gulped it down as each pulse squirted more and more. Not bad, a bit sweet but not quite candy!

He stopped and caught his breath but still keeping it in my mouth. Then he slowly withdrew and squeezed the shaft till a big glob came to the end. He pushed his hips forward again and wiped it off on my face from cheek to cheek, then dipped it back in my mouth for a final wash! A bit cheeky I thought. This one is very active.

"Mmmm. You were good!" he offered. "Now let's see what you can do with that spice stick."

He laughed and went down on me again. It had gone a little soft with my attention being on not suffocating a while ago. Quickly it was up to full stand again.

"Change places," he commanded and I shuffled past him to the door.

Once in my place he turned his back to me and bent down, propping his body leaning on the toilet cover, still covered with the tissue seal. He didn't have to ask or tell me what he wanted. Moving up closer, I put some spit on my cock and then with my fingers, worked some around his hole. When there was enough, I moved up close behind and slowly worked my way into his ass.

He grunted a bit, I didn't think we had time to mess around with too many niceties. Then I was in. Just holding off for a while long enough for him to catch his breath, I started to work his ass. He was into it, bracing himself to counter every thrust I made. I could get all the way in, no problem. Nice, hot, juicy even. I liked the way he was evidently enjoying and had no qualms about giving him some good heavy fucking. Slamming it up, the thwack of my hips against his ass cheeks. Almost like the beat of a snare drum. Thwack, thwack, thwack. Oh, it felt so good.

Maybe quick sex is good because it is quick. You do something you don't expect and the feelings are so much higher. In no time at all my soup started to boil. He could use his anal muscles well, squeezing and milking in turn. I told him I was going to cum and he just braced himself harder. So I went at it, losing myself completely to the job of cuming. For those final moments I fucked him really hard, harder than I think I have ever done, and then pow! I sank onto his back and let my juice fly, working my hips till the last drop had been expelled into that tight juicy hole.

I pulled out and grabbed some tissue to clean up. When he turned around I could see he was a full mast once more. So quick!

"That was good," he said, "but this will be better. Change places and let's get on with it, I'm bursting for the same!"

I thought we had finished and was not so sure about getting fucked now I had cum. Somehow once the juice has gone the feeling has gone with it. But I couldn't argue really and did as he said. Now I bent over and braced myself for his assault.

But it didn't start so quickly. Instead of a dick ramming in there, I felt something warm and soft. His hand was playing with my balls again and I soon recognised that luxurious feeling as his hot tongue worked into my ass. I wasn't going to argue with that, just the thing to put me back into the mood. He tongued me till I was warm and wet; I wished he would have gone on, on and on, all the way back to the Middle East.

His tongue was replaced by a finger and then fingers. Just working me bigger, frigging my hole making me actually want to get fucked. He knew just when I was ready for they were smoothly pulled out and I felt his fat cock poking up to my rosebud. Placing his hands on my hips, he leant his weight and pulled me back to meet him. He slid inside in one smooth continuous movement. When fully in, he gave me a sharp jerk with his hips to let me know. Shit, it took my breath away. Like I said, he had a fat cock and I could feel him really stretching me. Saying "Hang on!", he commenced to machine gun my ass with quick sharp thrusts that pounded me. An inner glow soon began to grow and emanate from my ass. Kind of a prickly heat feeling. I've been fucked before, but this guy knew how it should be done.

It felt like first he was fucking straight into me and then felt like forty-five degrees to the left, then to the right. My ass really stretching. But with his hand working my balls and cock I didn't mind, no complaints.

Soon his thrusts grew frantic, an incredible speed. If I'd had had false teeth, they would have been knocked out! It was just starting to get a bit too much when he groaned loudly, I hoped there was no-one anywhere near the toilets. Then with one almighty ram, he flooded my ass with his cream, pumping and pulsing, I could feel it oozing down past his cock and running down the tops of my legs. This guy came by the bucket full!

He smartly pulled out and started to clean up; making sure nothing reached his uniform. Now that would take some explaining wouldn't it, covered in Clorox smelling white stains! Me too, I needed a wash and freshen up after that one.

"You are really nice," he said, "do you fly Air....... often?"

"Well, maybe I would if I knew you would be on board," I joked.

"Not usually any chances like tonight, this happens once in a blue moon, in fact, it's my first time".

"Mine too," I replied.

Welcome to the mile high club, courtesy of Shehan and Air......!!

The End

Hope you enjoyed this short one. Any comments to John


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