For Always

By moc.liamlrug@18_eci

Published on Oct 8, 2000


Well DAMN. I know a few of you guys have been on my ass to get this out (I can almost see your smile Alex) so you should be happy with this. Jon, I'm only posting this part tonight for YOU babe, so be grateful (LOL or not). I'll try and get this out as frequently as possible, but if I don't then umm... touch. Yeah. Anyway, on to the fun fun fun disclaimer :-).

Disclaimer: K, well this is obviously fiction. If you believe it's true, then that's your fault. I'm not saying anyone in Nsync is gay, so don't email me to say they're straight because I'll only laugh and hit the delete button. So if you wanna read about two famous (male) pop stars hookin up, then onwards! If not, then shit. Leave! If you fall under that category, what the hell are you doing at Nifty anyway?

===== For Always - Chapter 1 Copyright 2000 Ice


It's a strong word. As strong as Love. Two separate worlds. Exactly alike, and completely opposite at the same time. Between two people, sometimes one cannot distinguish where one world ends, and the other suddenly begins. Almost as if it was there the whole time...


He stormed outside in a huff refusing to let his tears spill over. For over an hour he silently fumed as he walked the streets of Paris, passing other late night walkers suffering from other trauma's. He sat down on an aged wooden bench, french phrases etched into it, and held his head in his hands trying to process what he had gone through earlier that night. He picked his head up and watched as a man walked by quickly, head lowered, brow furrowed, and biting his lip, confusion written all over his face.

/Could he have the same problem?\ The young man thought silently to himself. He looked on as a young woman ran by, tears streaming down her face. Barely seconds later a man chased after her, shouting out what was most likely apologies in french.

Why was everyone else upset at their own petty problems? Don't they all know that he and his best friend just had the fight of their lives? Topped off by...

/No goddamnit...\ He thought shaking his head. /Don't EVEN go there. Are you TRYING to make yourself cry? He's made you confused enough as it is.\

He sank back into the bench, staring straight ahead as his mind wondered through memories of some of the times they spent together. He smiled bitterly, tears forming in his eyes again.

/DAMNIT! You really are a loser.\ He bitched at himself.

**"Justin! Let's fuckin go already! We're gonna be late!" Lance shouted at the top of his lungs. His voice boomed up the stairs, and into the bathroom where Justin stood trying to tame his hair.

"I'll be down in a minute, dayum! I'm just doing my hair!" Justin shouted back, trying to push a curl into place. It didn't feel like staying there.

"You've BEEN doing your hair for the past half hour!" Lance called. He fell back tiredly onto the couch. It had been a long day in the studio, and they were going out now to meet up with some friends and party. If their friends were still there anyway. Justin had been in the bathroom pampering himself for the last 45 minutes.

JC got up off the couch and stalked over to the stairs.

"Justin, if you're not down in 10 seconds so help me God, I will come up there and fuck your hair all up, then drag and buckle your whiny 16 year old ass into the car myself." He screamed up the stairs. He was getting sick of Justin's shitty attitude. He had been doing NOTHING since they got home that day but bitched and moaned at JC, treating him like shit, like he had been all week. And JC just wasn't gonna put with any more of it.

"Fuck off JC!" Justin called back distractedly. JC marched up the stairs, and stood outside the bathroom door.

"Five seconds Just..." He said. "Five... four... three..."

Just as JC opened his mouth to say 'two' the door swung open. Justin stood there, clad in a pair of dark blue jeans and a white open shirt, with a beater underneath it. His golden curls were perfectly styled, and he donned a pair of light green sunglasses. His time paid off, to say the least. Justin looked hot.

JC just scowled at him.

"Took you long enough, Prima Donna. What the fuck were you doing in there? Plumbing the toilet?" He asked as Justin brushed past him. They started down the stairs, still bickering.

"Nope, I thought I'd leave your morning throne alone for today." Justin just shot back nonchalantly, referring to the mornings JC sat in the bathroom with the newspaper for a good 15 minutes.

"Christ, can we go already?" Chris stood up, rolling his eyes.**

**"Okay, you go wake them up then!" Chris told Lance. They had to be at the airport in less then an hour, and Justin and JC were still sleeping in their room. They were leaving New York to go back to Orlando, finishing up a segment they did for MTV.

Lance sighed and obliged. He walked out of the room he and Chris shared down the hall to the one Justin shared with JC. He knocked timidly on the door. When he didn't hear anything he knocked again, a little louder. Again hearing nothing, he opened the door and peeked inside. His mouth dropped open at what he saw.

Justin was laying on the floor in a pair of pajama pants, and so was JC. They had sheets tangled around their bodies, but that wasn't the shocking part. Justin was nestled in JC's arms, with his head tucked under JC's chin and his arms around his waist. JC was laying on his side holding Justin firmly to his chest, arms tightly around the younger boy's shoulders. Both had peaceful looks on their faces.

"Guys?" Lance said in shock. He walked into the room and closed the door behind him quietly. He walked over to JC and shook his shoulder a little. "JC?" He said into his ear.

JC grumbled out something and opened his eyes to look up at Lance.

"What?" He said groggily. Lance motioned down to Justin in his arms. JC looked down and quickly dropped his arms and jerked back in disgust. "Fucker... How in the hell did he..." He started to mumble.

"Doesn't matter, just wake him up and let's go, we have only half an hour to get ready." Lance told him already on his way out the door.

JC leaned over Justin shook him hard, causing the boy to hit JC and roll over. JC rubbed his cheek where Justin's arm whacked him.

"Justin, get up damnit, we hafta be outta here soon!" He said getting up and nudging the teen with his foot. Justin rolled over and glared up at JC.

"Goddamnit. Must you kick me, you inconsiderate prick? There's other ways of waking people up, asshole." He spat out tiredly. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, then realized where he was. "What the fuck am I doing on the floor?"**



"No! YOU!"




JC wanted the remote. Justin, being sweet as ever to his long time buddy, refused to give it up. JC responded by wrestling the younger teen to the floor, resulting in them both landing in headlocks from each other. Justin DID have the stronger hold, but neither of them refused to give up.

Finally, Justin removed his arms and in one quick motion, threw JC face down on the bed. JC barely had time to turn over as Justin pounced on him. Justin straddled JC's hips and held his hands down. JC tried, without success, to buck and throw Justin off of him, but Justin didn't move.

"Just admit it JC, I'm the fucking man and you know it." Justin said in a cocky attitude. JC glared up at Justin and squirmed some more.

"Get. The fuck. Off." JC hissed through gritted teeth. Justin just moved JC's hands with his, pinning them over his head. He leaned down over his friend so their faces were so close JC could count Justin's eyelashes. Justin smirked down at him and ground into JC's hips.

"Maybe I will." He said in a teasing manner and leaned forward and licked JC's nose, then hopped off of the now limp body. JC just brought up a hand 2 his face and wiped his nose off, scowling at his 'best friend'.

"I really do hate you sometimes, you know." He glared over at Justin. Justin just silently flipped him off and changed the channel, since he still held control over the remote.


**"Why should I listen to you? Fuck, why should anything you say have any effect on me? HUH? Why?" He shouted to the other man. They faced off, inches apart. Tears in both their eyes, but both refusing to spill over.

"Because I fucking love you! All right?" The tearful voice shouted. It cracked on the last word. "I love you." It whispered out.

He stood shock still for a second, paralyzed.

"What?" He asked in disbelief.

"I said 'I love you'. Christ, don't act like you don't feel it too! I know you do J, don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about!" He blinked and the tears coursed their way down his face.

He stood there dumbfounded. /What?\

"J, I don't know what you're talk-" He started to say in a shaky voice, when the other man cried out in frustration and grabbed him and pulled him into a fiery kiss.

It was hard, yet soft. It was both gentle and strong. It was sweet, but passionate. It was perfect.

He closed his eyes for a second and lost himself in the kiss. Then his mind registered what was happening. He jerked back so quickly the other man stumbled forward slightly.

A hand found it's way to a mouth. Fingers brushed lips.

/Shit.\ He looked at his best friend's lips. Were they really just on his? Fuck, he had to get out of here.

"I... I... Shit." He said and turned around and ran out the door. The last thing he heard in the hallway before the stairwell door slammed shut behind him were the heart wrenching sobs coming from his best friend.**

"Fuck." Was the only sound that came out of his mouth as tears seeped out of his eyes, his composure quickly crumpling. Burying his head in his hands, he wept into his hands as someone watched from a window high above, his own heart aching. His own tears running hotly down his face.


Hmmm... What do ya think? Starts out a lil boring, I know. It'll get better. Email me and tell me how wonderful (or pathetic) I am. I love hearing from the readers, so write me damnit.


Next: Chapter 2

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