For Always

By moc.liamlrug@18_eci

Published on Nov 5, 2000


This chapter is for none other, but the lovely ANGEL who refuses to send more of her wonderful story (Devotion - GO READ IT NOW DAMNIT!) unless I send this out. So, without further ado, the story!

Disclaimer: Do people even READ these anymore? ::sigh:: Well, this isn't real. If you think it is, you must be real smart.

===== For Always - 5 Copyright 2000 Ice

Justin sighed and rolled over, burying his face into something soft. He groggily opened his eyes and they met with flesh. He picked his head up tiredly and saw Josh's sleeping face. Surpressing a yawn, he moved to turn around again. But JC's arms tightened around his body and held him there. Giving in, he snuggled into JC's arms again, looping his around the brunettes waist. He glanced up and watched as JC's nose twitched. He wanted to smile, but his head dropped back down onto JC's chest and his eyelids drooped heavily.

/We have to get up soon...\ He thought sleepily as his eyelids closed.

And that was the end of that.


"Fucking Christ, are they gonna do this every fucking day?" Joey exclaimed from his perch on top of Chris's messy bed. He just came into the room, hung over and sore from dancing all night with 10 minutes left to spare and the blue eyed duo was nowhere in sight.

"Doesn't it look that way smartass?" Lance snapped as he came out of the bathroom. "Someone needs to go wake their asses up.

Chris who had been sitting on the other bed watching Joey glare back at Lance spoke up for his hungover friend.

"Okay, you go wake them up then!" Chris told Lance smirking.

Lance sighed and obliged. /Why do I always have to wake those retards up?\ He thought to himself.

He walked out of the room he and Chris shared down the hall to the one Justin shared with JC. He knocked timidly on the door. When he didn't hear anything he knocked again, a little louder. Again hearing nothing, he opened the door and peeked inside. His mouth dropped open at what he saw.

Justin was laying on the floor in a pair of pajama pants, and so was JC. They had sheets tangled around their bodies, but that wasn't the shocking part. Justin was nestled in JC's arms, with his head tucked under JC's chin and his arms around his waist. JC was laying on his side holding Justin firmly to his chest, arms tightly around the younger boy's shoulders. Both had peaceful looks on their faces.

"Guys?" Lance said in shock. He walked into the room and closed the door behind him quietly. He walked over to JC and shook his shoulder a little. "JC?" He said into his ear.

JC grumbled out something and opened his eyes to look up at Lance.

"What?" He said groggily. Lance motioned down to Justin in his arms. JC looked down and quickly dropped his arms and jerked back in disgust. "Fucker... How in the hell did he..." He started to mumble.

"Doesn't matter, just wake him up and let's go, we have only half an hour to get ready." Lance told him already on his way out the door.

JC leaned over Justin shook him hard, causing the boy to hit JC and roll over. JC rubbed his cheek where Justin's arm whacked him.

"Justin, get up damnit, we hafta be outta here soon!" He said getting up and nudging the teen with his foot. Justin rolled over and glared up at JC.

"Goddamnit. Must you kick me, you inconsiderate prick? There's other ways of waking people up, asshole." He spat out tiredly. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, then realized where he was. "What the fuck am I doing on the floor?"

"We fell off last night when we were wrestling, remember?" JC said as he stretched. Justin immediately lost his frown and looked up at JC with sad blue eyes.

"Oh yeah," He said quietly. After a minute, he spoke up again. "I'm sorry Josh. I'm just..." He trailed off and sighed. JC just sighed and pulled his friend to his feet.

"It's cool..." He trailed off. Both guys just stared at each other for a minute, JC's hand still on Justin's arm.

/His eyes are a gorgeous shade of blue.\ JC thought distractedly.

Justin moved first, turning around and walking over to his suitcase. JC just stood there and watched his friend gather his things for his shower.

"You mind if I go first? I can just do my hair out here while you shower." Justin said getting his things quickly. JC just nodded and watched as Justin shut the door. Slightly dazed, he fell back onto his bed.


The plane ride for the most part was uneventful. Well, except for the part where Chris fell asleep and drooled on Joey causing the older man to switch seats with Lance. Justin and JC passed the time sleeping on each other. JC had his head on Justin's shoulder and Justin was resting his head on the top of JC's.

"Aww," Joey commented to Lance. "Even though they fight so much, it's still cute to see the way they act around each other. Like a brotherly love kinda thing." Joey said watching as JC snuggled into Justin's neck.

/'Brotherly love' my ass.\ Lance thought smiling to himself as his mind flashed back to that morning's findings.

"Don't you ever think it's weird how Justin and JC always fight? And then not even five minutes later they'll be hugging and joking again." Joey just shrugged at Lance

"They're close," He said back as if explaining. "They can't stay mad at each other long, you know that. Ooh, peanuts!" He said as he tore into a packet of peanuts.

Lance just glanced over at the sleeping pair again and saw Justin wrap an arm around JC's shoulders and JC turn his body more into Justin's.

"Yeah. Closer than we may realize." Lance mumbled to himself as he noticed both sets of blue eyes were open.


Once back in Orlando, the 5 friends made their way back to Nsync headquarters: Justin's and JC's house. Justin and JC made their way up to their rooms to throw their stuff down while the rest of the guys waited in the living room. Once back together, they talked about what they were going to do tonight.

"C'mon guys!" Joey prodded. He was, along with Chris, trying to persuade the guys into doing their favorite pastime: clubbing. "We're home, doesn't that make you wanna go out and have fun?" He asked happily. Chris just nodded in agreement with his friend. Lance just sighed at Joey's hyperness.

"No," He whined getting up from the couch. "I'm tired from the tour and the plane ride, and I'm sick of dancing! I'm gonna go home and sleep for the rest of the week. If you need me, you know the number." Lance called over his shoulder as he made his way out the door.

"That was sweet," Chris commented dryly. "So, you guys coming or not?" He said turning his attention back to his friends.

Justin looked over at JC. On the plane JC mentioned wanting to do something later.

"Sure," He agreed. He looked over at JC. "You in Josh?" He asked his older friend.

"Why not?" JC said. "Just let me change." He said looking down at his old jeans and t shirt.

"Yeah, we all have to change JC." Justin smirked at his older friend. JC looked up and saw Joey's sweatpants and Justin's jeans.

"Yeah, I knew that. So I'm gonna go do that now." JC said blushing lightly. Justin just grinned at his friend's goofiness and watched JC's retreating figure as he lightly ran up the stairs.

"So you gonna follow him or what?" Joey asked the curly haired blonde. Startled, Justin turned to him.


"You gonna go get changed or what?" Joey asked. "We're leaving now and I suggest you get your ass up there and tame that fro of yours." Joey smirked at him.

Justin just laughed and pushed Joey and Chris out of his house.


Alrightty, well I hope you enjoyed it or whatever. If you did, email me and tell me! Hell, email me even if you DIDN'T like it. Part 6 should be posted most likely, tomorrow... If I get emails telling me that part 6 is wanted >:-)


Next: Chapter 6

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