For Richer or for Poorer

By Reese Simms

Published on Apr 16, 2014


All right reserved. Any unauthorized use is prohibited. This is a fiction.

Any resemblance to people and/or events is coincidental. If reading this is deemed illegal to you, I implore you to stop. If it offends you, please do not read on.

Chapter 1

The alarm breaks the silence, immediately silenced by the young blond hair blue-eyed Adonis sleeping in the bed. Bryce Alexander wakes up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and stretches his 6'3'' frame. It's moving day, when his best friend Davis Caldwell and he finally start their next chapter in life, college. They decided to go to Marquette together and be roommates. Just the thought of rooming with the hunk that is his best friend causes his already hard 11" morning wood harder. "Time to get you taken care of boy," he tells his dick.

After stroking for 10 minutes and squirting a healthy load of warm jizz, Bryce jumps out of bed and gets ready to start his day of travel to Milwaukee. He jumps in the shower and continues to fantasize about his best friend. See Bryce is gay and is out to his family and is secretly in love with Davis but is afraid of his rejection because the Caldwell family is notoriously homophobic. His dick begins to get hard, but ignores it. He dresses and goes downstairs for breakfast just as the doorbell rings. He answers it to find the man of his dreams, Davis Caldwell, 6'2", 230 lbs. of pure perfection. His chocolate brown hair is spiked and his piercing green eyes hidden by dark sunglasses.

"Wussup bro, ready to go?" Bryce says.

Giving his dazzling white smile, Davis tells him, "Absolutely, but I'm hungry. Eat yet?"

"Just about to sit down for breakfast, come on let's eat." The forthcoming smile makes Bryce's knees weak and his cock stir. "Down boy" he tells it silently.

Davis' dick is also awakening, but he ignores it. Davis is also gay but is in the closet because his parents and his brother Jason are extreme homophobes. His father even refuses to take on gay clients at his law firm, and Jason has a history of beating up gay kids when he was in high school and boasts about doing it at Michigan where he is a senior. He is afraid Bryce is the same way.

As the two jocks enter the kitchen, the smells of bacon, eggs, sausage and biscuits greet them, making their mouths water. Sitting at the head of the table, in his sharp black business suit and tie reading the day's newspaper, is Michael Alexander, Bryce's father. At 48, he still has the body of an athlete and is the older splitting image of his son. Abigail, Bryce's mother looks as beautiful as ever in her skintight blue dress and matching blazer and her blond hair in a ponytail. She also has an athletic body she has maintained from four kids over the last twenty years. Marc, Bryce's brother and future star quarterback for Bolingbrook High School, sits quietly shoveling food in his mouth. He is the youngest son and is the splitting image of his older brother. "Hey Mom and Dad. Marc."

"Morning sweetie, Davis. Yvonne has breakfast is ready for you two."

Yvonne is the Alexander's Russian housekeeper for the last 20 years. The Russian blond-haired beauty emigrated from the Soviet Union when the Communist Regime began to collapse in 1990 at the age of sixteen. She even taught the family Russian and also began teaching Davis as well. After filling their plates and taking their seats, Michael began speaking. "You boys ready for your trip up to school today."


"Absolutely." They exclaimed in unison, smiling.

"That's good. Be good, study hard, don't party...too hard." They smirked at that.

"Seriously, have a good semester, call us at least once a week or when you need to talk to someone, and have some fun boys."

Bryce exclaims "Yes dad."

"That goes for you too Davis," Michael says smiling, when Davis remained silent.

"Yes sir."

"Oh and Davis..."

"Yes sir?"

"Call me Michael or Dad, none of that sir shit, understand?"

"Yes sir... I mean Michael."

"Good." Marc and Bryce chuckle at the slip up.

"I'm gonna miss you guys now that your leaving." Marc speaks up for the first time.

"I'm gonna miss you too, bro." Bryce says emotionally.

"Yea little brother, make me proud on the football field." Davis adds.

Both Bryce and Marc beam at the "little brother" comment. "Shit! I gotta go. Love ya guys. Later." Marc says suddenly, looking at the time.

"Marc, language!" Abigail admonishes.

"Sorry Mom, love ya too. Love ya Dad," he says sheepishly.

"See you sweetie, love you too."

"Have a good day squirt" Dad said.

"Bye bro," Bryce and Davis state in unison, chuckling.

Looking at the time Bryce and Davis excuse themselves and hug Michael, Abigail, and Marc before getting the rest of Bryce's things and getting into their cars, heading for the next chapter in their lives.

Next: Chapter 2

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