Forever and Always

By Curlybrok

Published on Sep 1, 2000


Hi All This is Curlybrok; I decide to write another story. First off the usual warning go here, if your underage or don't want to read gay erotic stories please leave now, however if your curious or just plain horny read on... LOL. This story is not meant imply the sexuality of the characters in it. If you have questions or comments please email, I love to get email. Now on with the story, oh if you're curious this story is about N Sync

Forever & Always Chapter 4 CurlyBrok

Justin and JC exited the gate at the airport. "There they are." JC said as he pointed to his brother and sister. Justin nodded and followed JC towards Tyler and Heather. Heather quickly run up and hugged JC, as she saw him. Tyler followed behind her and shook Justin's hand while JC was being crushed by Heather's hug. "Ok Heather you can let go of me now." JC said. Heather let go of JC, and hugged Justin. "How have you been Ty?" JC said as he pulled his brother into a hug. "I'm good. How have you been?" Tyler asked. "Great, actually better then great." JC said. "Wow, that's a first, what did you meet someone?" Tyler asked. "You could say that." JC said. "Oh, I want the details. Is She hot? Anyone I know?" Tyler asked. "Umm... we'll talk about it at the house." JC said.

JC walked into his parents' house, It had been several months since he had been home, and was looking forward to the visit, but first he had to talk to his family about something very important. He had to tell his family that not only was he gay, but that he was in a relationship with Justin. Karen Chasez greeted her son, and Justin at the door. "JC its so good to have you home." Karen said. "Its so good to be home, too." JC said. Karen hugged JC and kissed him on the cheek. "Justin, how have you been?" Karen asked as he released JC and pulled Justin into a hug. "I've been great." Justin said with a smile as Karen released Justin from their hug.

"You two must want to get settle, I'll show you to your rooms." Karen said. "Umm. Mom, we need to have a talk first." JC said. Justin looked at JC, waiting to see what he was preparing to do. "Is something wrong? You two are staying here right?" Karen asked. "Well we need to talk first. It's important mom, can you ask Dad to join us in the kitchen?" JC asked. Karen nodded, and went to get Roy Chasez. "JC are you sure you want to go through with this?" Justin asked. "Yes Just, I'm sure." JC said.

Justin and JC sat at the kitchen table, side by side, as JC's parents his brother and sister entered the room. "Your mother said there was something you wanted to talk about." Roy said. JC nodded, he started to get nervous and gripped Justin's hand under the table. Justin looked at JC, and smiled showing his support. "Umm. Could ya'll sit down and we'll talk." JC said. Everyone sat down, and JC took a deep breath.

"There is no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to come right out and say it." JC said. Everyone's eyes were on JC, and he could feel them on him as he spoken his next words. "Justin and I are in a romantic relationship." JC said. He paused and waited for the reaction from his family. "Wow." Tyler said. "I don't know what to say." Karen said. "Say, that you still love me, and can accept the choice I have made." JC said, holding back his tears. Karen could feel JC was calling out for her help. She stood walked over to JC and pulled him into a hug. "I do... I do love you Josh, and I will agree with your choice, even if the aren't the ones I would have made for you." Karen "I need sometime." Roy said and left the room. JC looked up at his mother, "Give him sometime, Josh he'll be fine whence he has had time to think." Karen said. JC nodded, "Well I know you too must be hungry and want to get settle in." Karen said. "I want to get changed and stuff, before I do anything else." JC said. "Well, you know where your room is, so you and Justin just head up and do what you need too, and I'll make you two something to eat." Karen said. "Thanks mom." JC said as he kissed his mother.

JC turned to his brother and sister, "And what about you two, are you ok with this?" JC asked. "I think it's cute, beside now Justin is really part of the family." Heather said. "Thank you Heather, oh wait that means if me and Josh ever get married, you'd be my sister. Darn I knew there would be some draw backs to this." Justin said with a laugh. "Remember I know where you sleep." Heather said. Justin hid behind JC, "You'll have to get through Josh first." Justin said. "Not a problem." Heather said with a laugh. "Ty, what about you?" JC asked. "Its cool, I just guess now I won't be able to fulfill my fantasy now." Tyler said. "Fantasy, what fantasy?" JC asked. "Oh the one about having a hot and sweaty night in bed with Justin." Tyler said with a laugh. "Sorry, Ty, but your not my type." Justin said. Tyler frowned, "Gee crush a guys hopes." Tyler said. "Anytime." Justin said with a grin. "Well we'll be down in a bit, we going to go get changed and settled in." JC said. "Ok, talk to you later." Tyler said.

JC closed and locked the door to his room after; he and Justin entered the room. JC placed his bags down on the floor beside the bed; Justin did the same, and then opened one of the bags searching for a change of clothing. "I'm going to take a shower, wanna come with me?" Justin asked. JC smiled up at Justin, "Are you sure that's a good idea?" JC said with a grin. "I think so, could prove to be interesting." Justin said. "Ok, we'll let me grab a change of clothes first." JC said as he opened up one of his bags.

JC walked into the bathroom, and turned on the shower, while Justin stripped away his clothes. Justin stood in his boxers waiting for JC to strip, even though the had seen each other naked before, Justin still felt a little shy about JC. JC stood and, quickly stripped naked and looked at Justin, "You know taking a shower would be more effective if you moved your boxers." JC said with a grin. "I know, I'm just a little shy." Justin said nearly in a whisper. "You don't have to be shy around me Just. I love you just the way you are." JC said. Justin nodded and slowly removed his boxers, JC stepped into the shower and held his hand out for Justin, and he took JC's hand and stepped into the shower.

JC picked up the bar of soap; he wet it under the water before beginning to rub the soap on to Justin's firm chest. Justin stared into JC's eyes as JC continued to rub the soap over Justin's upper body, trailing to Justin's abs then working his way back up to Justin's shoulders and strong muscular arms. JC turned Justin around so he was facing the spray of water. JC then began to soap up Justin's strong back, JC rubbed the bar of soap over Justin's shoulder blades working his way down Justin's back. JC rubbed the bar of soap in his hands and then rubbed his hand over Justin's firm tight ass. Justin let a small moan escape his lips.

JC moved his hand around to the front of Justin and began to slowly rub his hand over Justin's hard penis. Justin closed his eyes as he felt JC's soft hands on his hard cock. Justin so reach his full length and began to moan softly, JC wrapped his other arm around Justin's waist and pulled Justin close to him. Justin could feel JC's cock against his butt, as JC continued to jerk him off. "Oh god Josh... I'm... Oh yes... I'm so close... Please don't stop." Justin moaned. JC began to kiss Justin's neck and work his way up to Justin's earlobe. Justin moaned as JC left his gentle kisses on his neck. JC reached Justin's tender earlobe and began to suck gently upon the soft flesh. Justin continued to moan, as he approached his climax.

"Josh... Oh... I can't.... Take much more... I'm... Oh yes... Ah... Oh... uh... I'm... Cumming." Justin moaned out as JC's hand moved faster on his stiff rod. Justin's body tensed up as he shot his load of cum, landing on the wall of the shower before finally covering JC's hand with the sticky, white cream. Justin breath heavily as he recovered from the orgasm. Justin turned to face JC and kissed him upon the lips. Justin allowed his tongue to slip into JC's mouth where JC sucked up it gently. They released each other's lips. Justin took the bar of soap from JC and began to wash JC.

Justin soaped up JC's chest and arms, working his way down to JC's taught abs. Justin soaped up his hand and began to rub his hand on JC's hard cock. JC moaned as he felt Justin's warm and gentle hand on his penis. Justin places his left hand on JC's firm ass, and brought his lips to JC's. They began a slow, yet gentle and passionate kiss as Justin continued to jerk JC's hard penis. JC moved his fingers to JC's ass crack and slowly began to work his finger between JC's ass cheeks. JC moaned during their kiss as He felt total pleasure from Justin.

Justin slowly began to work a finger into JC's tight hole. He wanted JC to experience totally pleasure. Justin's fingers glided over the head of JC's cock, as his hand moved faster on JC's rock solid shaft. JC allowed his tongue to move into Justin's mouth as their kiss continued. Justin sucked gently on JC's tongue, their lips parted and they gasped for air before returning to their kiss. Justin slowly inserted his finger into JC's hole, JC gasped and closed his eyes tight as he felt for the first time something entering his body. Justin went slow as he felt JC's ass tighten around his finger.

JC began to relax and enjoy the feeling of Justin's finger in his ass, Justin moved his hand faster over JC's cock as he began to move his finger around inside of JC's ass. JC moaned to the feelings of pleasure his body was receiving from Justin's hands and fingers. "Oh Just... that feels so good." JC panted out as their lips parted. Justin smiled and so felt JC's ass tightening again around his finger. "I'm going to... Oh... Ah... uh... oh... oh... ah..." JC couldn't finish his sentence as his cum shot from his penis on to Justin's chest and abs. JC closed his as, clenching his ass tightly around Justin's finger. JC slowly began to relax as the last shot of cum, leaked onto Justin's hand. Justin kissed JC's lips before being his hand to his mouth and tasting JC's cum. "Mmm... You taste good." Justin said. JC smiled and kissed Justin, taste the remains of the cum Justin liked off his hand. Justin removed his finger from JC's ass and they both moved under the spray of water to clean away the evidence of their make out session.

JC turned off the water, and kissed Justin's lips on final time before they exited the shower. JC grabbed two large towels from the rack and gave one to Justin. Both men dried off and began to dress. Justin and JC discarded their dirty closes in JC's bedroom, and made their way down to the kitchen for a bit to eat.

Justin and JC sat at the kitchen table eating a ham sandwich with plain potato chips, and drinking iced tea. "So how long are you two here for?" Karen asked as she sat down with a glass of iced tea. "Only a couple of days, we have to head back to Orlando for practice and final preparations for the new tour." JC said. "Did, Tyler ask you if he could come back with you?" Karen asked. "No he hasn't but it would be cool to have him come along." JC said. "Yeah, it'd be awesome." Justin said.

Justin, JC, Tyler and Heather all sat in the living room watching a movie, while Karen and Roy had turned in for the night. Roy Chasez, finally spoke to JC in private and told him, he was okay with JC's being gay, but that it would take sometime for him to adjust, JC felt relieved that his father was able to accept him and Justin. "Well, I don't know about you guys but I'm really tired." JC said. "Yeah the jet lag is catching up with me too." Justin said as he released a yawn. "Yeah it's late I'm going to hit the sag as well." Tyler said.

Justin and JC headed up to their room. Justin grabbed his contact case and solution from his bag and walked into the bathroom to remove his contacts. JC meanwhile grabbed his toothpaste and toothbrush and followed Justin into the bathroom. Justin walked back into the room wearing his wire rimmed glasses, then grabbed his toothbrush and paste and brushed his teeth as well.

JC sat on the bed stripping away his clothing when there was a knock on his door. "Come in." JC said. Tyler walked in, "Umm... I don't wanna bother you guys, but I was wondering if we could talk?" Tyler asked. Justin walked out of the bathroom, "Sure, what's on your mind." JC asked. Justin walked over to the opposite side of the bed and began to strip as Tyler sat on the foot of the bed. "Umm... well this is kinda awkward." Tyler said.

"Try telling your parents your gay." JC said with a laugh. "Oh, this ranks up there with that." Tyler said. "How so?" Justin asked. "You remember that comment I made earlier today Justin." Tyler said. "Hmm... Are you talking about the one, where you said your fantasy was to have a hot sweaty night in a bed with me?" Justin asked. "Yeah that one." Tyler said. "What about it." JC asked wondering where this was leading. "Well, I wasn't totally joking about that." Tyler said. "Tyler are you trying to say what I think your trying to say?" JC asked. "Josh, he's saying he's gay. Right?" Justin said as he looked at Tyler. Tyler nodded, then looked at JC. "Do, mom and dad know?" JC asked. "Mom knows but dad doesn't and I don't want to tell him right now." Tyler said.

"Tyler which part about what you said wasn't true?" Justin asked. "Umm... well the part about it being you. I do want a hot and sweaty night in a bed with a guy, but that guy isn't you." Tyler said. "Oh." Justin said disappointedly. "Well not every gay guy has a crush on you Justin." Tyler said. "I know, but who is the guy you want a hot and sweaty nigh with?" Justin asked. "Umm... Its' someone you know Justin. You know they person very well like a brother." Tyler said. Justin thought for a moment, "Jason?" Justin said. Tyler just nodded. "Well how do you know he is gay?" JC asked. "Oh please, the way he talks, and acts around you guys, he is gay." Tyler said. "Well, that isn't really proof but you are right he is into guys, he's actually bi." Justin said. "See I told you." Tyler said to JC.

"Ok, but isn't Jason going out with Jeff." JC said. "No, Jeff is straighter then an arrow." Justin said. "Ok, but what was that comment you mean about him and Jeff." JC asked. "It was a joke. Beside Jason has a crush on someone else." Justin said. "Oh, anyone I know?" Tyler asked. "Tyler its not my place to say, but I'll tell you what, if you are planning on coming down with us to Orlando, you can ask him yourself." Justin said winking at Tyler. Tyler smiled, and nodded. "So I take it as you want to come." JC said. "Yeah, I want go to spend time with my brother and his friends." Tyler said. JC nodded. "Thanks for the talk guys." Tyler said. "Anytime you want to talk we are here for you." Justin said. Tyler smiled, "Well I'm going to go to bed now. Good night" Tyler said. "Goodnight Ty." JC said and with that Tyler left and closed the door behind him.

Justin got himself comfortable under the covers and laid his head down on the pill facing JC. JC smiled at Justin, "So Jason has a crush on Tyler?" JC asked. Justin nodded, and kissed JC's nose. "That tickles." JC said. "Oh, a sensitive spot." Justin said. "Watch it boy, I know where you're sensitive too." JC said with a grin. "I'll behave." Justin said. "Good, now back to the Jason liking Tyler thing." JC said. "Yeah what about it." Justin said. "Is he serious about it or is this just a phase?" JC asked. "I don't know but he sound serious. He really does like Tyler a lot." Justin said. "Well I just don't want Tyler hurt, that's all." JC said. "Jason won't do that." Justin said. "Good cause then I'd have to kick his ass." JC said. "And he'd kick yours if you did anything to hurt me." Justin said. "Well I don't have to worry then." JC said. "Good, because I'm tired and going to sleep." Justin said. JC kissed Justin's lips before the two lovers drifted to sleep holding each other.


Sorry it took so long, nope no sex yet... that will have to wait sorry. I want to build the romance first. But believe me the sex scene that I'm working on will be well worth the wait for those of you who want to see Justin and JC go at it :). So till next time stay N Sync.

I love email so send me your thought comments, Ideas suggestion, what you think or just say hi...


Next: Chapter 4

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