Frat Boy Surprise

By moc.oohay@20yobxtynrh

Published on Feb 16, 2015



This is a work of fiction that contains adult themes. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental. If you should not be reading this then stop. This work is set in a fantasy world that is disease free, always practice safe sex.


Why did he have to get stuck with a straight wanna-be jock frat boy slob for a roommate? Caleb always left his shit all over the floor and it drove him crazy. The first week hadn't been bad, but it had been a downhill slide since then. Dirty clothes, Coke cans, old bags of McDonald's, even his dirty underwear!

Joey wasn't sure if he was gay or bi or what, he hated labels like that. He had fooled around with a couple girls and a couple guys back in high school. He had enjoyed being with both. Since he had moved up here for college he hadn't been with anyone, not that he'd been with that many people anyway. But he had had a regular thing going with Randy next door, a friends with benefits kinda thing.

He had been in gymnastics for years and even done some cheerleading, and had developed a nice body from it. His 5'7" frame was never going to be large, but he was lean and had a good definition to his muscles.

Finding some private time was getting difficult. Caleb was always popping in and out at random times. Frat rush keeping him busy, but he never knew when he might show up. He had resorted to quickies while he was in the shower or pretending to take a shit. Even that was risky though since Caleb or their suitemates could walk into the shared bathroom at any time. The frosted glass didn't hide that much. He'd almost been caught for the third time last week. Manscaping his bush and balls was risky enough as it was.

It didn't help that Caleb always walked around is his underwear. The damn boy stood 6'2", shaggy blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, strong chin, and the cutest dimples. It seems like he always had a smile on his face too. He was always off to the Rec Center or playing lacrosse with his soon-to-be frat brothers and had a fantastic body. Just the kind of boy he liked, and he was constantly horny.

Fortunately Caleb had been gone all weekend on some frat rush thing. He'd actually been able to watch porn on his laptop and leisurely stroke one out a couple times.

Sunday night he was in the library trying desperately to get ready for a test he had that week. It was getting pretty late and as he looked around he realized the floor was empty except for him. Not many made the hike all the way to the sixth floor, expecially when the elevator was broken. He thought about heading to the bathroom to take care of things, but decided he was too tired to really enjoy it. Instead he packed up his books and notes and headed back to the dorm.

Caleb was still out when he got back. He took a quick shower, pulled on a clean pair of briefs and crawled into bed.

A couple hours later something banged into the door. He heard Caleb fumble with the knob and finally get it open. He stumbled in, stripping as he went. Caleb shuffled his way across the room, tripped on something, and fell into Joey's bed, somehow landing next to Joey rather than on top of him.

"I'm gonna sleep here, k?" he mumbled as he threw an arm and leg over Joey.

"Dude, you're supposed to be in top bunk." Shit he thought, he's drunk. He could smell Caleb's breath coming from right next to his ear and there was only a slight touch of beer to it.

"He's not drunk, he must be fuckin' exhausted," Joey thought to himself. He tried to elbow Caleb in the ribs and roll him over on his back, but it was too much dead weight and not enough leverage. Too many inches and pounds difference between them. Caleb had passed out and Joey couldn't move him.

"Fuck," Joey thought, even though he was kind of enjoying the warmth of Caleb's near naked body draped over his. The fact that he couldn't move was annoying, but being out of options he let himself drift back off to sleep.

A few hours later he woke groggily, aware of being hot and his morning wood crushed into the mattress under him. Why was the mattress moving under him? As the cobwebs cleared he realized it wasn't just the mattress moving, something was slowly rubbing up and down on his ass and there was a hand pressed against his abs. The something was hot and hard even through his briefs.

Sleep vanished, his eyes went wide and body went rigid as he realized Caleb was humping him! The body behind him snuggled closer, Caleb's smooth chest pressed tightly into his back. He relaxed back into the grip, enjoying the closeness and the feelings washing over him as he knew this would only last until Caleb woke up.

He softly called Caleb's name. A mumbled grunt was his only reply followed by a nuzzling against the back of his neck, Caleb's scruff surprisingly soft. Joey reached down with the one hand he had free, gently sliding his fingers along Caleb's muscular thigh, feeling the light dusting of hair slide underneath his finger tips, not wanting to wake him yet.

"Caleb has such nice legs," he thought. He ran his fingers up and down, then gently laid his hand down fully. He had just begun to rub his full hand when he froze. The hand on his tight abs had begun tracing small circles. He felt Caleb's hips begin the rock a little faster.

"Caleb," he said again, a little louder than the first time.

"mmmmmm" Caleb murmured into his neck, "Good morning," came a sleepy reply. Caleb's movement didn't change. He kept rubbing Joey's abs, the hand roaming a little farther even, and his hips kept rocking against Joey.

Joey was dumbstruck. Again Joey froze.

This couldn't be happening, could it? The frat boy he'd fantasized about was actually in his bed, nearly naked and thrusting against him?

He felt warm plump lips kiss the back of his neck, the hand brushed low to touch the band of his underwear and then slowly trailed back up to his chest. He relaxed, settling back into Caleb's chest, again stroking the muscular thigh thrown over him.

"Sorry about last night, I was absolutely exhausted when I got back, there was no way I could climb up into my bed. I thought you might be in to something like this, so I took a gamble. You obviously don't seem to mind too much," Caleb said as his fingertips gently brushed down to the briefs straining against Joey's throbbing erection. He pulled his leg back, allowing Joey to finally move.

Joey rolled over to face him, Caleb's hand pulling him close, grinding their crotches together gently. He looked up, meeting Caleb's gaze.

"I've thought you were hot since we moved in, but wasn't sure if you were into fooling around with guys or not. That's why I put on all those little shows for you," Caleb said, suddenly shy. Joey just grinned.

"I don't know exactly what I'm into, but I am enjoying this," he answered. Slowly he ran his hand up Caleb's hip, up across his stomach to a perky nipple. He laid his palm flat on Caleb's chest and gently pushed him down on his back.

He stared into those blue eyes as he stradled his hips, taking care not to hit his head on the bed overhead. He finally broke the gaze, slowly letting his eyes wander down the line of Caleb's chin, down his neck, down to his pecs. He could finally take more then at a quick glance at the firm body beneath him. He noticed the wispy hairs in the center of his chest and around his nickel-sized pink nipples.

His eyes wandered lower, tracing around each muscle of the six pack until striking upon Caleb's treasure trail. He followed it down until his view was blocked by his own straining erection. He rocked his hips gently back and forth, catching glimpses of bright blue beneath his own red, a wet spot clearly visible where his head stretched the fabric tight.

Joey looked up to see Caleb staring at him. Meeting his eyes Joey slid forward and he layed his body against Caleb's, catching Caleb's lower lip between his teeth. Joey continued his gentle rocking, his cock now sliding along the valley of Caleb's abs.

They both moaned as Caleb's hands slid up Joey's thighs to caress his bubble butt and across his muscular back. Joey's hand slid down Caleb's side, his thumb pausing to rub circles around a perky nipple, before going lower, reaching around behind him to grasp Caleb's turgid manhood, rubbing up and down the thickness. Caleb gasped as Joey slid down him, trapping his cock between Joey's hand and ass. Caleb thrust his hips upward, sliding up and down between Joey's cheeks.

He thrust upwards a few more times before grabbing Joey tight and rolling, leaving Joey on his back as he slid off he bed. He stepped back as he slid his trunks down his legs, allowing Joey to stare at him in his naked glory, a pearl of precum glistening as it oozed from his slit.

Stepping up next to the bed again he quickly hooked his thumbs in the sides of Joey's briefs and yanked them down and off. Joey's cock was pulled down and then slapped against his stomach with a thwack. He brought them to his face, inhaling deeply from the wetspot. Caleb's eyes trailed down Joey's body.

"Damn boy, that thing looks huge on you!" he said as his eyes came to rest on Joey's throbbing manhood and large balls. He climbed on top of Joey, lining his 7" cock up against Joey's. taking both in his hand, he whispered, "Damn, practically the same size as mine."

He kissed Joey fiercely as his hand pulled open the nightstand drawer and quickly found the bottle of lube.

"Bet you thought I didn't know about that."

He lifted Joey's legs and rested them on his shoulders. He rubbed his head lightly up and down Joey's hairless crack, pushing gently against his pucker. Joey moaned at the pressure. Caleb quickly lubed himself and rubbed the head in small circles around the hole. Caleb looked up at Joey's face, his eyes were closed, his head thrown back, one hand playing with a nipple.

Caleb pushed forward, feeling the resistance until the head pushed through into Joey's tight ass. He paused letting Joey adjust. He flexed his cock a couple times causing Joey to whimper slightly. He pulled back until just the very tip was still inside before pushing back in a little deeper this time. Joey's head was thrown back and he had clenched the sheets in his fists, but he was still hard as a rock. Caleb brushed his first finger up the underside of Joey's cock, running his finger around the edge of the flared head before wrapping his hand around, starting a slow up and down motion.

After a few times he started to move his hips in time with his hand. Sliding in as his hand went up towards the head, pulling out as it came down. He kept the motion slow, pushing in a bit deeper every few strokes as he felt Joey relax. He wanted Joey to enjoy this as much as he was.

"Oh fuuuuck," Joey moaned, "Give it to me." Caleb pulled back, allowing himself to come completely out of the tight, hot hole in front of him. He waited for Joey to look at him, and thrust forward to bury himself in one long thrust. His pubes now tickling Joey's asshole, he rocked side to side, his cock head sliding back and forth against Joey's prostate.

"Oh fuuuuck," Joey moaned, almost in a yell. Hearing that he knew Joey was ready to go. He leaned forward bracing himself on the bed with both hands, pulling back until only the head was still in, and driving it completely back in. He did this a few more times, each time a little faster and a little harder. He fell into a fast rhythm, changing it up between short strokes and long, sometimes buried deep sometimes little more than the head. He leaned in close to kiss Joey's collarbone, the sweat dripping off his chest. Joey wrapped his muscular legs around Caleb's ass, pulling him in hard and deep but not breaking the rhythm of his pounding. His hands roamed Caleb's back, chest, through his hair.

Grunting, moans, and the slap of Caleb's balls, and Joey's cock as it bounced against his stomach filled the air.

"Harder. Give it to me! I'm gonna cum!" Joey grunted. Neither of them had touched his cock in the last several minutes. Caleb raised himself up again and began to pound, all subtlety thrown aside, each thrust hitting Joey's prostate sending waves through the boy.

Caleb felt Joey's ass clamp down even tighter than before. The first shot arced up out Joey's cock, barely missing Caleb to splat against the headboard. The second caught Caleb in the chin. Feeling the cum hit him sent Caleb over the edge, he fired deep inside Joey, painting the inside of his ass with the first two shots before he could pull out. They both rocked in orgasm as they fired several more shots apiece to cover them both in thick white cum.

Caleb collapsed next to Joey. They lay there in a daze panting.

"Damn," Caleb muttered, "I haven't cum like that in a long time." He leaned over and gently kissed Joey tenderly and passionately, cum covered bodies pressing tight.

"Since you started this, you have to wash my sheets," Joey said with a laugh in his voice. Caleb punched him in the shoulder as they both laughed.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Comments are always welcome at

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If you liked this, check out my other stories: Celebrity -> Shafted by the Arrow Celebrity -> Getting Ready for Michael Camping -> Around the Campfire Encounters -> Drama at the Club

Next: Chapter 2

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