Frat Night

By Andrew T

Published on Oct 25, 2001



This story contains sexually explicit scenes...yadda, yadda, yadda. If you are underage where you live and are forbidden from reading this type of material ...blah, blah, blah. I'm sure you guys have heard it all before. Anyway you know the rules. If you are offended by scenes involving two dudes doin' what guys do, then I don't see how you managed to get here anyway. If you think the story is cool, or even if you think it sucks and you hate my guts, drop me a line anyway and I will get back to you. Knock yourself out.

Frat Night

"Hey, Andrew," said the voice of a broadly-smiling guy. "You still with me?"

Andrew was a handsome boy-next-door kind of guy who had that sort of quiet macho attitude that did not fail to attract the notice of the girls on campus. He had the same type of calm, composed manner as his favorite baseball player, Mike Piazza. He had been a gym rat since he was sixteen, and now that he was 20 he had the thick pecs and huge quads that the other guys envied. He was about 5'10 and he had short, dark brown hair and deep brown eyes.

Andrew looked up at the guy who had spoken to him. "I'm sorry, man. What did you say?"

"I said are you still with me? Don't forget I got a chemistry exam tomorrow and you are supposed to be helping me out, dude. If I fail this exam, the 'rents are gonna take away my car. Granted it's only a dodge, but still..."

"Yeah, Josh, I remember," Andrew said with a smile as he reached over to pick up the chemistry textbook next to Josh. As Andrew stretched his arm, Josh could not help but notice his thick 17 and a half-inch bicep with its prominent vein running down the center. Josh wanted to feel all over Andrew's arm and his whole body for that matter.

"Why you been so distracted lately?" Josh asked. "You look like a freakin' zombie when I see you walkin' around campus."

"So you didn't hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Amy dumped me, man."

"What?" Josh asked in shock. "No fuckin' way!"

Andrew looked down in anger and frustration. It looked to Josh like he wanted to punch his hand through the wall.

"She dumped me for that guy Keith, you know the one in Tau Kappa Epsilon."

"What a bitch," the blond-haired Josh said in disbelief.

"Nah, man, she's a sweet girl, I just...I just don't have...fuck, nevermind."

"Don't beat yourself up, Andrew. Any chick that dumps you must be a head case. I mean, what does Keith have on you anyway. He's a prick. I mean, my baby sister's little toe has more brains than he has."

Andrew's face flushed and he began speaking quickly. "Man, he's huge. He's like 230 and all muscle!"

"But he can barely walk. He can't even touch his toes. Man, you're better than him."

"For real?" Andrew asked.

"Hell yeah."

Andrew smiled and looked away but when he looked back around he noticed his friend Josh looking back and forth at him from his prominent chest to his deep eyes. The way he was looking into his eyes gave Andrew chills. Josh was not bad at all, scratch that, he was hot. He had sandy blond hair, greenish-hazel eyes and a tight swimmer's body. He had been a lifeguard every summer back home and was an excellent swimmer. His parents had made him quit the university team because of his grades. Andrew had never really thought of Josh in a sexual way, but anything was possible...

Josh slowly got down on his knees in front of Andrew and began stroking his massive inner thighs with his hands, feeling up every muscular swelling and every vein. Josh's head was level with Andrew's crotch, which began to stir at the thought of such a hot guy so close to it.

"Yo, Josh," Andrew whispered. "This is a friggin' library, what are you doin?!"

"No one's lookin' man," Josh said, pointing out that the two were in a secluded part of the library.

"What about your exam?"

"Fuck that," Josh said as he pulled down Andrew's track pants and then his plaid A & F boxers.

Andrew's cock quickly leapt out and smacked Josh in the face. The blond-haired stud was shocked by how large his friend was. He knew he had to be big, but he wasn't expecting this. Andrew's cock was seven inches long, and very thick and veiny with a plump mushroom head. It was throbbing in anticipation as Josh licked his lips. Then Josh opened his mouth wide and massaged Andrew's mushroom head with his smooth lips. The mushroom head was so wide that Josh could barely fit his mouth around it. Andrew leaned back in his chair and let out a soft moan. Josh next slowly pushed his head forward taking in more and more of Andrew's cock. Josh thought he was going to choke but he somehow managed not to, mainly because he didn't want to disappoint his friend.

Josh watched as Andrew closed his eyes and listened as he whispered, "That's right, bitch. Choke on my cock. You know you want this sweet stuff. Oh yeah..."

Andrew was so hot that the mere thought of him was enough to make Josh cum and now he was suckin' his cock!

Andrew rested his hand on Josh's neck and began to fuck his face by repeatedly lifting his butt of the chair he was sitting in. Andrew could feel his cock hitting against the back of Josh' throat and was close to cumming. He felt like he was in heaven. Josh could taste Andrew's milky pre-cum and he wanted to have every drop of it inside of him. As he was about to blow his load, Andrew's pecs began to twitch. Josh watched Andrew's pecs and wanted to suck on his nipples, but he would save that for later. Andrew pulled off his tight shirt and Josh went wild. He was very cut, with a six-pack abs and his chest was dense from years of bench-pressing. He was beefy like a football player (he had been a RB back in high school) but toned like a wrestler.

"I'm gonna cum," Andrew whispered.

"Do it, man," Josh responded. "Do it."

Andrew took his hands and shoved Josh's head down on his cock and held it there as he let out spurt after spurt of hot cum. Josh almost gagged and tried to break free but Andrew held him in place. As he swallowed load after load of cum, Josh felt up the stud's huge pecs and pinched his quarter-sized nipples.

Suddenly Andrew's eyes opened.

"Ah, fuck man, someone's cummin'!"

"Yeah, you."

"No, coming this way!"

Josh leapt up to his feet, helped Andrew pull up his pants and put on his shirt and packed his backpack. Andrew smiled when he noticed the cum on Josh's lips and chin and he wiped it off for him.

"This is not over," the 6'0, 20 year old blond stud said to Andrew. "Meet me at the house at 10PM tomorrow might. Man, the party has just begun."

Andrew was so anxious that he arrived at Josh's frat house a whole ten minutes early. He rang the doorbell. For a couple of minutes there was no answer until Andrew rang a second time and the door finally opened to reveal an incredibly massive black guy in a tank top. The guy was about 6'1 and he was covered in a fair amount of sweat. He looked like the pro-bodybuilder Dennis James.

"Sup, man?" Andrew asked.

"Nothin' much, playa', who you hear to see?" The guy's voice was deep and masculine.

"Josh," Andrew answered.

"Come in," the massive guy said. "I don't know if he's around, but I'll check."

Andrew thought he could see a sly look in the man's eyes and he wondered what it meant but he soon forgot about all that as he was given a tour of the fraternity house. The place was like a mansion with a huge grand staircase, a living room with a jumbo -sized TV, and a dining room table that could seat forty or more hungry guys. As the buff guy led Andrew to Josh's room on the 2nd floor, they passed the house gym where a bunch of guys in t-shirts and Adidas shorts were pumping iron. There was one guy in particular that caught Andrew's eye. He was not that tall, about Andrew's height, but he had a gargantuan upper body and most of all his biceps were huge, must have been about 19 inches a piece. "A bunch of dumb jocks pumpin' iron," Andrew thought to himself. "Why the hell didn't I join a frat?"

Next thing Andrew knew, he was in Josh's room. It was small, it had a bunk-bed and it smelled just like two college guys lived in there. There was a picture of Paul DeMayo on the wall and Andrew smiled because that was his favorite bodybuilder. "What ever happened to him?" Andrew wondered. There were also posters of Barry Bonds and Derek Jeter on the wall.

"Wait here," the guy who had led Andrew in said. "I'm gonna go check on Josh. Cool?"

"Awesome, man," Andrew said. "Thanks."

Andrew tried not to watch this guy's ass as he walked out but he couldn't help it. The guy's ass was huge with a very obvious crack down the middle that was visible through his black shorts. The guy was so large that his quads rubbed together as he walked, forcing him to move slowly.

Andrew was sitting on Josh's bed thinking, "What the hell am I doin' here? This is crazy." He had thought about guys before but he had dated chicks so many times so he didn't think he only liked dudes. What if he started fooling around with guys so much that he stopped liking pussy? What would he do then? Andrew tried to imagine eating pussy to convince himself that he was not gay and he instantly got hard. He imagined tonguing some bitch and fondling her huge bouncy tits. He could picture himself fingering her ass as he played with her clit and sucked on it rhythmically. He rubbed his crotch through his pants and thought to himself, "Come on, Josh, hurry up! I need some action." Andrew closed his eyes for one moment and when he opened them he saw the door opening. But the person who walked in was not Josh.

This guy was wearing short mesh shorts that were red and white and went down only to his middle thigh. His quads were so cut that every line in the muscle could be seen and they twitched noticeably when he walked. He was wearing a white t-shirt which could barely contain his swollen pecs. His body fat was so low that the veins in his chest could be seen through the t-shirt. There was one vein that ran from his upper chest to his deltoid, and down his arm. The guy was enormous and it was the same fellow that Andrew had noticed pumping iron in the house gym.

As the guy walked over to him, Andrew's eyes were glued on his crotch because the outline of the guy's crotch could be seen through the shorts. The crotch was so prominent that Andrew wondered if the guy was semi-hard because he didn't think anything could be that big. But the way it moved was sloppy and free and so Andrew knew that the guy was not hard, not yet anyway. Up close the dude was so pumped and striated that Andrew wondered if he was on gear. "Probably deca and d-bol," Andrew thought to himself. He looked like an IFBB pro-bodybuilder; it was incredible. His face was squarish and he had a wide chin, brown hair, and brown eyes.

The guy stood right in front of where Andrew sat on the bed and their bodies were only about 4 inches apart from each other.

The guy looked questioningly down at Andrew who sat on the lower bunk.

"Wassup, man?" Andrew asked.

"Nothin', man. You lookin' for Josh?" The man's voice was unusually deep.

"Yeah, is he here?"

"Haven't seen him."

Andrew was surprised. "Are you sure? I was supposed to meet him here tonight. Cuz...Cuz...uh...I had to help him with his physics, I mean...chemistry."

"Yeah, well he's not here," the bodybuilder-type said in a rough, belligerent kind of voice.

Andrew thought he got the message. "Oh man, I see. I guess I'll just go..."

"Hold up," Josh's roommate said. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Mike Pope, but everyone around here just calls me Pope."


"Yeah, that's my name."

Andrew smiled but Pope did not.

"Awesome," Andrew said. "Well, I'm Andrew and I'm from a shitty little town that you probably never heard of. But...uh, I guess I won't stay in your way anymore, man. I mean, this is your place and all so...uh, later..."

Andrew rose to his feet to walk away, but Pope roughly pushed him back on the bed with his huge hands and said, "You're not goin' anywhere!"

Andrew became nervous. The guy walked over to the door, closed it, locked it, and then walked back over to Andrew. Pope pulled off his white t-shirt and he was the most massive thing Andrew had ever seen in his life. He was like a roid monster; his skin could barely contain his bulging body. Pope rubbed his large cock through his shorts and it began to swell. Then he put his huge calloused hand on the back of Andrew's neck and at that moment our hero knew he was going to be raped.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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