
By alexander magoon

Published on Jun 7, 2010


Let me first say thank you to all that gave me feedback and Advice on the first chapter and here is the second for you All. The usual disclaimers apply. I would appreciate feedback at ( Thank you and enjoy.

Freedom Chapter 2 Part 1 (Boy's pov)

I don't know how long exactly I lay unconscious, that mountain has very large hands and definitely knows how to use them. I remember fading in and out of the darkness, though, to the voices of the angel boy I saw in the hall before getting slugged, and to that of Annabelle. They both seemed to be worried about me as each time I awoke they were either holding my hands or fretting over why I wasn't awake yet. I never did see the mountain man while I lay there, that is until the day I woke up. I remember hearing the door crack open slightly and I guess he knew I was up cuz I tensed as soon as I heard it.

"Hey you awake yet kid. I really didn't hit you that hard so I don't know why you'd still out unless you just don't want to wake up" I didn't know what to say so I just grunted to show that I was awake. In my experience it's always better to hide your strength so you have surprise on your side so I made a show of trying and struggling to move so that he'd think I was to weak to make and sudden or large movements. "Well since I see that you're awake I guess I should get Lord Zan, but first let me apologize to you." He patted my shoulder awkwardly as he leaned close to me and whispered "I shouldn't have hit you so I deeply apologize for the pain and suffering you had to endure because of me." At that he flushed deeply and hurried out of the room calling out to "Lord Zan".

I still failed to see how anyone who seemed so angelic like Zan did could own slaves like William and Annabelle. I guess I would find out later that day. Right now I focused on tensing and uncoiling my muscles as I lay in bed. If I needed to fight or make a quick escape I didn't want to cramp up or such. The sound of heavy footsteps along with two sets of foot steps alerted me to the fact that I was about to have some visitors, five of them to be exact.

Part 2 (Zan's POV)

When I saw William come thundering down the stairs I glared in his direction. I was still pissed that I only got to spend 10 seconds with the poor boy before William decided to practically kill the poor boy. He may not have thought he hit the boy very hard but he trained with me when he usually sparred so not very hard to him was practically concussive to a normal human. I was so pissed that I almost started yelling at him again before he mumbled that the boy was awake and upstairs. Apparently Annabelle had been listening at the door to see what would happen between me and William again as she came out jumping up and down in excitement almost as much as I was.

"Really William he's awake. Did you apologize to him yet? like I told you to." William blushed when I asked him this as he hated being in the wrong. "Yes lord Zan I apologized already" "Very good William" I hugged him softly before practically sprinting up the stairs with William and Annabelle following me. When I burst through the door though, I looked around and frowned quickly becoming angry. The bed had been stripped and the bedding thrown all over the room and the pillows were destroyed, not to mention there were four unconscious bodies lying in heaps on the ground. Non of which were the boy that I so desperately wanted to see.

"William what in the hell happened in here. Where's the boy" a tinge of hysteria and panic crept into my voice. "He was just here lord Zan I swear. They must have come here to rob you after seeing the gold you practically flaunted at the market."

I was running all of the room looking desperately for any sign of the boy when I head a crash come from the adjoining room. I sprinted for the door and when I opened it stopped dead. There laying on the near the balcony overlooking the country side was the boy.

The boy suddenly shouted "if that's that mountain man get your ass over here and help me pull him up. I can't hold him for much longer."

Both me and William rushed over to the boy and looked over the edge of the balcony to see that there was a fifth body being held by the boy, the body of a mere child who couldn't be more than ten years old. William and I both added our strength to that of the boy and hoisted the child back onto solid ground where he collapsed into sobs that shook his whole body.

The boy lied down after exerting the effort to drag the boy back inside before mumbling something about picking the wrong time to wake up. I laughed softly and took this chance to really look at the child invader. The child was thin, and I mean you could play his ribs like a xylophone thin, and the state of hysteria that he was in means that he was honestly scarred we were going to do something horrible to him. I motioned for Annabelle to come here who until then had been in the other room checking on the other four invaders.

"Do you recognize `em Belle?" "Nuh uh Zan not a single one looked healthy tough. All to thin but they look like they could be related." "Belle do me a favor and take the child to get something from the kitchen, we have drinking chocolate don't we? Anyways keep him company and try and calm him down" "Mmkay Zan"

She walked over to the young child and wrapped an arm around his shoulder before pulling him away.

Williams suddenly cried out which caused me to spin in panic that he was hurt, but, no. instead of being hurt, William was once again pinned under the boy who, this time, kept careful control over Williams arm movements. I cracked up laughing when I saw this again.

"Really William twice the boy has been naked on top of you and you haven't even known him for a whole minute."

When I mentioned the boy being naked both William and the boy blushed a deep crimson.

"I was just checking to make sure he was okay lord Zan, he's the one who keeps attacking me."

I laughed more before directing my attention to the boy who very skillfully managed to hide all of his private parts with one hand while subduing William with the other.

"Lad what's your name? I can't very well continue calling and thinking of you as `boy' now can I?" "My name is Ale. Not that you really care anyways." "Well Ale, let me tell you. I care enough that I am not going to force you to do anything including getting off of William, you don't even have to leave this room if you don't want to. However if you want some clothes then your gonna have to follow me." I smiled at Ale which elicited another blush from him as I walked out of the room.

Ale warily stood and, forcing William to walk in front of him, followed me down the hall to my room. You could hear Annabelle and the child in the living room downstairs watching TV and giggling. She was apparently making him right at home.

I opened the door to my room and motioned for Ale come on in, which he did very cautiously. I followed him into the room and closed the door quickly before William could follow and laughed softly and saying rather loudly, "now no peeking through the key whole William" I knew this would cause him to blush to no end as I heard him mumble something about me being a sadist.

I turned to Ale and asked "what would you like to wear Ale, I am a bit smaller than you are but my clothes should fit okay" "What happened to my clothes" he looked crestfallen that he would not be wearing his outfit. "Well right now there in the wash and later they are going to be on mine, yours, and Belle's lap as we sew up all the holes in them. So until then we cant having you running around in the nude or you and William will never be separated" he blushed even more and I could see just how innocent he was if that kind of conversation made him blush.

"I-if that's the case then sir I'll wear a simple pair of shorts and a t- shirt." I kind of stared at him blankly "well there are two problems with that, one I don't have anything simple and two, you can call me Zan; I'll have none of this `sir' or anything from you. William insists on it but I won't accept it from you. And since you seem to be a bit shocked at my lack of simple attire ill pick something for you." I smiled a bit as the look on his face changed from incredulous to shocked to plain embarrassed.

I dug around in my closet for about five minutes before throwing to Ale a t-shirt that on me would have been baggy and flashy but on him would fit perfectly. I also tossed him a pair of shorts that again on me would have almost been pants but on him fit perfect. I ushered him into the bathroom as he looked kind of warily at the outfit I chose for him. It took him about five minutes to get into his clothes which he then came out and showed to me.

His whole persona now exuded darkness and sexiness when you looked him. Ale was dressed in a dark shirt that had "I'll bite if you do" written across the front of it and a pair of cargo shorts that hung well past his knees and were also a darker khaki color and had a tear kinda design on the front of them. His whole look was perfect and I really took the time to look at him. He had sandy blond hair and the deepest green eyes that I had ever seen. I wanted to kiss him then and there but had the sneaking suspicion that if I did it would be the last time I kissed anyone.

He nervously shifted from foot to foot under my gaze. "H-how do I look s-.Zan?" "Like the sexiest angel I've ever seen" I jumped and hugged him before leading him down stairs to properly introduce him to everyone. He smelled absolutely wonderful when I pressed my face into his chest during our hug. I knew then that I would do anything to make this angel fall in love with me, anything at all. End chapter 2

Thank you for reading this chapter. Let me know what you thought of it at Next chapter things get interesting ^-^ if you have any advice for future Chapters or stories feel free to share as well. Also if you note any errors or inconsistencies that I missed then please tell me and I will try and avoid them in the future. THANK YOU!

Next: Chapter 3

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