
By alexander magoon

Published on Jul 24, 2010


Let me first say thank you to all that gave me feedback and Advice on the first chapters. If you have any suggestions or ideas send em to me. The usual disclaimers apply. I would appreciate feedback at ( Thank you and enjoy.

Chapter 4 part 1 (Ale's pov)


the accusation stung, but the fact that Zan didnt even recognize me anymore hurt even more. I was sobbing openly by this point, tears streaming down my face as I found I could speak once more.

"I-I dont know what you're talking about, Zan what happ-" my question was stifled by my scream as Zan twisted and drug the dagger through my arm.

"You are a beast, a demon, Ale was a human. you are lying, and I will kill you if you don't answer me properly. now what are you and where is Ale?"

"I-I'm a beast. I killed all those people, didnt I? I killed belle! please Zan kill me." I pleaded with him as realization struck home. the carnage in the field was my doing. annabelle's death was my fault. everything was my fault. Zan just smiled as his face contorted and turned into mine, only my face was red and had bold black tattoos all over it.

"as you wish." he opened his mouth and swallowed me whole. sweet sweet darkness engulfed me again, and I cried.

part 2 (Zan's pov)

Ale's body was thrashing on the bed before suddenly going still. I was wrought with worry. I had never seen anything like this before, and neither had jack. I brushed the hair out of Ale's face and kissed his forehead while I walked back to the living room where William and jack were waiting.

William was the first to say anything. "is he okay?" "I don't know, William. I've never seen anything like this. you should have seen him at the meadow. whatever that child is, it isn't human." William looked like he didnt like hearing this but jack was intrigued. "Zan wait here for a moment, I may know what the boy is." jack hurried out of the room and tore through his study as I sat down. he came back carrying a thick tome and mumbling that he hoped he was wrong. "do you know how old the boy is Zan?" "I believe he's 15, why?" "And did you see everything that happened at the meadow?" "Yes, what does this have to do with anything?" "Okay, you said red skin and black tattoos with crimson wings, correct?" "Yes, jack, now hurry up and say what you will." Jack looked at the book, turned it around, and showed me. Inside was a picture of a creature that looked almost exactly as Ale did when he lost it, except the one in the book was blue. "Did it look like this?" "YES he did, Jake, what is this." I didn't know what the book was that I was looking at, but it scared me, and that is saying something. "this is not good...that is a Nephillim, Zan...a bloody Nephillim is sleeping in my bed." William spoke up, then. "and what pray tell is a nephillim." "that my dear William, would be a halfling, a mix between an angel of the highest order and a human. none have ever been seen, save the one in that book, and that picture was taken shortly before the creature was struck down by his father, Michael."

I couldn't take this anymore. "what the hell are you saying, Jake, that angles are real and that they kill their own kids. I'm a Vampire, I've been around for 3000 years and I've never seen one before."

"That's exactly what I'm saying, Zan."

just Zan, a scream echoed from Ale's room. in a flash I was up and in the room. what I saw petrified me and William and Jake, who stood behind me. Ale was crumpled on the floor writhering in obvious pain as he screamed and blood pooled around him. standing above him with a grim smirk was a winged man, clad in crimson armor and holding a black sword, dripping with Ale's blood. I rushed the man but before I could hit him he had his hand around my throat and squeezed till my neck nearly snapped.

he spoke in a deep voice. "why look, my dear alecade, the friends you exposed yourself to protect have come to die with you"

Ale's eyes widened as he yelled out "no, Father, you did this and I will kill you if you lay one more finger on Zan." Ale's body was taking on a reddish tint and black marks were beginning to appear. I was scared. this creature could easily kill me and he planned on it.

The man's features flashed with a bright anger and he threw me like I was a doll. I hit William and Jake and we all crashed out of the room, we could still hear the deafening voice of the angle, though.


I looked into the room and saw Ale looking at me with tears in his eyes as he mouthed the words "I'm sorry". my vision turned red as did everything when Ale stood and a sword materialized in his hand. "I love you Zan." Ale flew into the air with his father following close behind. I could feel wetness on my face and realized I was crying.

"Jake. I need you to transfer my lifeforce into Ale. please." William and Jake both looked shocked. "it's the only way, Jake, if Ale becomes part vampire on top of nephillim, then he can beat his father. but he's wounded and if you don't transfer my life force now, I'll do it myself." " Fine, I'll do it." Jake looked sullen as he said this and began chanting.

I felt my power leaving me and I sent into Ale's mind 'I love you, Ale' and then it was black.

Part 3 (Williams pov)

"you bastard. you promised I could be with you forever." tears were rolling down my face as I heard a scream echo through the night, a scream filled with the utmost sadness and pain. I knew that Ale knew and I hated him for taking Zan. a concussive force rushed through the house as Ale came back, his sword dripping with blood. I knew he had won but I didn't care.

"you took everything from me. you took belle, you took Zan, you took everything." We were both crying, as Ale leaned down and picked up Zan's body.

"I'm sorry, William, I'll bury him and rebuild his house...does he have family?" I screamed at him "You killed his family!"

the pain and sadness in his face was obvious, but I didn't care. "then...I'll live in his house and take care of it, if anyone should need it again. I'm...I'm sorry William...I loved him..."


he flew off carrying Zan's body and headed in the direction of the ruins of Zan's house. I swore I'd kill him if I ever saw him again, as I broke down into tears.

end of the prologue, guys...and yeah, sorry I didnt really plan on making it a prologue, till I sat down tonight and wrote it. :] and fear not, cuz this is not the end, but rejoice cuz it is the saddest part of the story and the rest will be happy and filled with luv <3

send me ideas tips and feedback at I love to hear from you guys so keep it coming. I also plan to start a new story soon so keep your eyes peeled.

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