French Kiss Me

By Pris G

Published on Jan 26, 2001


First of all I want to apologize for taking soooooo long to send this out. And also, if you have sent me any feedback during the last few weeks and I haven't e-mailed you back, hold your horse 'cause I'm trying to keep up with all the e-mail in my mailboxes lol Right now I have almost 100 e-mails to read and if yours is in the middle of that, I'll answer you as soon as I can, k? :)

I don't have much to say here. Things will move in a steady pace for some chapters but I hope they don't get too boring :)

Thanks so much for all the feedback. You guys are great with this g My special thank you's go to Ross, R James, Andreas, Nick Allan and Eddi. AND I have to add a really special thanks to my #1 fan (as he proclaimed himself g), Max, thanks for lighting up my day with such sweet words. Thanks :) And there are a bunch of new people who's been sending me feedback, and I'm so sorry I can't put all of you here. There are too many names but I've sent you my thanks personally so I hope you don't hold it against me :)

Disclaimer: the usual. I don't know the BSB nor anybody even remotely related to them. I'm not any of the BSB. Too young? Get out (as if you're gonna listen to me hehe Just don't get caught and we'll all be happy hehe). Too homophobe? Get out and get a grip. Was it good for you? wink

Hope you enjoy it! Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen Angel

PS: Sorry for any spelling mistakes in the last part. I edited it a hundred times and there was still some wrong stuff there. I just saw them after I had already sent those parts to Nifty. Sorry :)

**************************** French Kiss Me - Part thirteen by Fallen Angel

"C'mon? Please?" Brian pleaded for me to go with him to the van that would take them to the arena. The dancers were going in one, the guys were in the other. At that exact time, the dancers, me, Brian and Howie were in the hotel lobby waiting for our time to face all the fans gathered in front of the hotel. Kevin and AJ were in the van already and Nick was having his clothes almost ripped from his body as he made his way to the van.

"Brian, if people aren't supposed to know about us, I should go with the other dancers..." I whispered to him as Howie prepared to go

"Mark's coming with us, you're coming too. It's not fair that Nick can and I can't. Please?" he pleaded and I sighed

"Fine. Just don't look at me like that" I gave him a look in reply to his puppy dog face

"Have I improved it?" he grinned as we approached the doors. Howie was on his way through the fans

"I shouldn't say it 'cause you're gonna use it against me but yes, you're getting better..." I nodded and he giggled

"Good to know..." he wriggled his eyebrows and I laughed

"C'mon, the guys are already waiting for you in the van" I pushed him to the doors. As soon as they were open the noise was almost deafening

"Sweet boyfriend you are, throwing me out like that..." he whispered and I laughed

"Just go! I'm right behind you" I said and he was ushered outside by one of the security guys. I followed him, knowing Mark was behind me, until I felt someone grab my arm. I turned to see a little girl in her mother's arms, smiling at me "Hey!" I waved and she giggled

"Could you give this to Brian for her?" the little girl's mother asked

"Sure. What's your name, sweetie?" I asked as I took the little stuffed duck the little girl handed me

"Lara" she replied shyly. She reminded me so much of Barbara, my 5-year-old niece. They were probably the same age too

"I'm Jeremie" I shook her tiny hand "Your name is?" I asked her mother

"Lisa" she smiled

"Nice to meet you and I'll personally give it to him. I gotta go now, ok? Bye..." I waved and ran to the van after getting their wave back. Mark was already there of course and as soon as I climbed in beside Brian in the back seat the security guys closed the doors. I was trying not to laugh at the coincidence. A duck! That was just so convenient

"Admirers already, Pooh?" Brian giggled as he took my left hand in his right one

"Actually it's for you. A duckie!" I replied and he laughed "Your fan, Lara, and her mother, Lisa, asked me to give it to you" I placed the duck on his lap

"It's cute" he smiled "And you're cute too" he whispered before kissing me. Just as our lips touched we heard gagging noises coming from everyone, except the driver, in the van.

"You were right, Mark" AJ said clutching his stomach

"Told you" Mark replied

"Have I ever told you how funny you guys are?" Brian asked them all and they all shook their heads no "Ever wondered why?" he completed and I laughed as everyone turned their heads back to scowl at him

"Leave them. You have better things to do..." I whispered in his ear

"Oh! And that would be?" he asked as I put my left arm around his shoulders, running my fingers through the curls on the back of his neck

"Kissing me?" I whispered against his lips

"Oh! Good idea!" he smiled before kissing me. This time no one decided to make their presence known and we got the chance to really enjoy the kiss. His right hand kept holding my right one and with his free hand he stroked my cheek while I ran my fingers softly on the back of his neck. I felt like I could never get enough of his lips. I guess we spent almost the whole ride to the arena making out 'cause when we came back to earth the van was pulling up inside the arena. We kissed one last and lingering time before climbing out of the van. From then on we had to be "pals" till we were back at the hotel... I was beginning to hate that word already...

We rehearsed for an hour non-stop to "sharpen the steps we had fucked up the night before", as Fatima so lady-likely put it. Then the guys had to do soundcheck and we (dancers) could just sit back and watch. Not that I was complaining.

I was sitting in the front row watching Brian and Nick being their child-like selves on stage when I felt someone sit by my side. I turned my head, thinking it was Mark back with our water bottles, to find Frank looking at me. I didn't know why but that guy struck my defensive mode. Maybe it was the mischief in that sideways grin of his... "Hey" I said a little uneasily. The guy had never said more than two words in the whole time we had been working together and out of the blue he decides to sit by my side and be friendly? Something felt a little off in that...

"Hey! Happy with your new boy-toy?" he asked. That sideways scary grin always there...

"Uhm... I... I don't know what you're talking about..." I replied, praying I sounded confused rather than scared.

"Oh! You know exactly what - or rather who - I'm talking about..." he raised an eyebrow at me before standing up and walking away

"Freak!" I muttered and jumped just about ten feet when I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Jumpy much, frenchy?" Mark asked teasingly with a laugh

"Couldn't you make yourself known before putting your hand on my shoulder like that?" I asked as I took the water bottle he offered me

"No fun in that at all" he laughed as he sat beside me "What's wrong?" he asked when I drank just about all my water in a gulp

"That Frank guy just gives me the creeps" I said, shuddering for effect

"He's kinda weird... What did he do?"

"I think he knows, or thinks he knows, about me and Brian. Came to 'chat' with me about it."

"Classic anti-social freak I think. You almost instantly became friends with most of the people on tour, and that would make you 'popular' and he seems to have a problem with 'popular' people..."

"I didn't know he had a problem with me until now... thought he was just naturally unfriendly..." I shrugged "Brian and I just have to be more carefull from now on I guess..."

"And you're up to the challenge?" he asked seriously

"I've never felt what I'm feeling now, Mark, and that's the best sensation in the world... I'm up to anything to just keep feeling like this..."

"It's good to hear that... Brian's a nice guy and deserves someone nice to take care of him..."

"I'm more than willing to do the job..." I replied and we laughed

"I can assure you I've never seen him like this in the year I've known him... I mean, he's always been foolish but..."

"Hey! Now stop right there! No dissing my boyfriend like that..." I cut him off and he laughed "Dumbass..." I smiled at him and looked over at Brian to find him smiling at me. My smile faded a little when he winked at me and I couldn't help but look around, sighing of relief when I didn't see that Frank freak. Man, would this be a challenge...

Rehearsal finished. Sound check finished. Back to the hotel. We got out of the arena with the perspective of having three hours to shower, rest and then we'd have to be back. As soon as we reched the van that would take us back to the hotel, Brian pushed me inside it, in the backseat. And as soon as all the guys were inside it and the doors were closed, he took my face in his hands and made me look at him "I've been dying to kiss you for the last three freaking hours" he whispered against my lips. I didn't even have time to say anything before his lips crushed mine

"We can't look the other way and you're already sucking face?" Nick said from two seats ahead of us "What a gentleman!" he replied and everyone laughed when I just flicked him the finger, not once taking my lips away from Brian's. Whoever taught this boy how to kiss should win a Nobel prize!!!

"If you're gonna kiss me like that everytime we spend three hours apart I'll do it more often, y'know?" I whispered breathlessly and he giggled

"I can kiss you like that anytime you want" he grinned wickedly

"Good to know..." I replied and pecked his lips "Remind me to check my mail when I get to the hotel, k?"

"Sure..." he smiled before he laid his head on my shouder. I laid my head on top of his and watched as the scenery went by. I eventually closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep when the van pulled up and I oh so smartly guessed we were back at the hotel already. I opened my eyes and looked down to see Brian sleeping with his mouth slightly open. I chuckled softly before kissing his forehead

"Brian... baby, we're here..." I squeezed his hand and he stirred a little before his eyes slowly opened

"Sorry..." he smiled weakly as he lifted his head from my shoulder

"Don't be..." I brushed his hair away from his forehead and he kissed my cheek before we got out of the van and into the hotel through the back doors. For once security actually thought about security, huh? Not much was talked on the ride up 'cause everybody was more than tired. Brian was almost asleep resting against the back wall of the elevator and Nick and AJ didn't seem to be in better shape. I took Brian's hand and pulled him out as soon as the doors opened "Can you walk by yourself?" I teased him

"HAHA" he scowled at me "You go and check your mail while I talk to Nick. Go to my room, as soon as you're finished, k? The door will be open for you" he whispered and I nodded

"K... see..." I replied and walked to my room. I went straight to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Then, after drying myself, I put a towel around my waist before going back to my bed and turning my computer on. I let it to warm up while I changed and as soon as I was finished I went to check my mail. As predicted a bunch of junk mail and one from Nycky. I went straight for that one, deciding to delete the others later. I taped my fingers on the bed while it loaded and when I started reading it I immediately knew something was off: Nycky NEVER started an email with a normal "hi" but that was how it started:

"Hi, J! So, how's everything there? Everything is like you left in ol' LA. Everything but my job because I quitted... I wasn't keeping up with college... Call me when you can at anytime... Love you! Nycky"

"OK. Something's wrong and I'm gonna find out now" I said to myself while I reached in my pocket for my cell phone. I hit speed dial #1 and a few seconds passed before it started ringing. It rang, rang, rang, rang but nobody picked it up. I hang up and did the math in my head to see what time it was back in LA. I figured Nycky would be at college already and by the time she got back home I'd be in the middle of the concert. It would have to wait till I came back to the hotel. Dammit! Seeing that there was nothing I could do then, I shut my computer down. I grabbed my key and made my way to Brian's room. I knocked softly and I heard a faint "come in" in reply. I did so to find no one in there "Bri?" I called as I closed the door

"In the bedroom" he called back and I went in the direction the voice came from. I walked into the bedroom to find him sprawled on the bed on his back smiling at me "Come here..." he said softly and I slowly walked over to the bed, an urgent need to have his arms around me. I sat down and he came to sit behind me/beside me on the edge of the bed and put his arms around me. I laid my head down on his left shoulder and closed my eyes "Something wrong?" he asked, almost whispering

"I don't know... and that's what's bothering me..." I sighed

"What happened?" he asked before kissing my forehead, his left hand softly rubbing my left arm as he pulled me closer

"I don't know either... I got an email from Nycky... I don't know... something's just wrong... she seemed... sad... I tried calling but nobody was home... she's been acting weird lately... I noticed something in her voice yesterday but when I asked she just told me she was ok..." I said and then let out a laugh. Not a friendly one I can tell you that much "She quitted her job... she told me yesterday that her boyfriend was pressuring her to do it... I don't like him... I don't like him at all..."

"Have you met him already?"

"I've never talked to him but I've seen him a couple times... he just... I don't know... what kind of boyfriend would just ask her to leave her job like that? As much as she doesn't love it he can't just try and decide things for her like that... It's not his place to do so..." the more I talked the more I wanted to just fly back to LA, punch that dumbass and bring Nycky with me. He was the one who was changing her. Nothing would make me change my mind about that. And, really, I hated him for that...

"Calm down, baby... call her when we get back and ask her again... you can be mistaken about it... I don't know, maybe she's just more tired lately and isn't feeling much like herself..." he said soothingly

"I don't know..." I replied and sighed

"Whatever is happening you'll just have to wait till she tells you... there's not much you can do except wait..."

"It just... I can't take this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach away... maybe I just have to hear her voice telling me that she's ok and actually meaning it..."

"You're not a really patient person, huh?" he asked and I looked up to find him smiling a little at me

"Depends on who's envolved..." I smiled back "I guess I'm just being a little over-protective but I can't help it... Nycky's too important for me to just ignore when I know something's not ok with her..."

"I'm not telling you to ignore it. Just to push it aside until you can actually help, until she tells you what's wrong, if something's wrong..."

"You're right..."

"'Course I am..." he replied and we laughed "C'mon, you're tired, I'm tired and we have a little over two hours to rest. I asked Nick to wake us up when we have to go"

"Us?" I looked up at him

"Unless you don't wanna sleep in here with me..." he replied "I'd love to hold you though..." he completed while looking down at me with those blue eyes that always managed to turn me to mush

"You want me to stay? You sure?"

"I'm asking you to sleep here with me... sleep being the main reason..." he smiled and I smiled back "I won't bite you. Promise" he said crossing his fingers and I laughed

"I hope you won't..." I replied

"If you're uncomfortable that's ok, I understand, but I just wanted to be able to spend more time with you... even if we're sleeping..."

"Sleep's ok I guess..." I'm sure I was blushing just about any and every shade of red possible, but I felt kinda relieved to look at Brian and find him blushing just as much

"J, I'm not ready either..."

"It's just... I'm not used to this whole thing... the only relationship I had before didn't work and I don't know what to do or how to act... and whatever's new to me, scares me..."

"You've said twice that you're scared... are you afraid of me?"

"No!" I replied quickly "I'm just afraid that I don't know how to do this..."

"That makes two of us..." he said and lifted my face to look into my eyes "We'll learn together..." he whispered before kissing me.

"When you put it that way..." I smiled at him and he laughed. How could I say no to him when all I wanted was to be able to be with him?

We made out for a while and fell asleep a few minutes later. I don't think I had ever had such a restfull sleep...

The concert went fine, great actually, but my mind was back in LA and how Nycky was doing. As soon as I was back at the hotel I went straight for my bedroom, after saying good night to Brian of course, and dialed Nycky's number and crossed my fingers that she would pick up. She did. YES!


"Did I wake you up?"

"J! Hi! No, you didn't wake me up. I was just hanging out in front of the tv. Hadn't done that in a while..."

"What really happened, Nycky? You've been doing the same college/work routine for the last two years and now you just give up? That's not you..."

"It became too much, J, you don't know what's happening-"

"Then tell me and I'll know!"

"My schedule... I got myself in some extra classes and it was weighing on me. Dance is more important to me than that job, J, you should know that by now..."

"Just promise me that you'll tell me if anything's wrong? Please?" I pleaded

"J, you know I will. I love you and you're my best friend"

"Promise me?"

"I promise. Good now?"

"Not totally but it'll do for now"

"How are you and Brian doing?"

"We're great. He's wonderful and he pays so much attention at me that its even scary... I'm not used to all this flattery" I giggled softly

"J, that's so good to hear!" she replied "You have no idea how many times I've prayed for you to find that one guy who would treat you like you deserve to be treated, that would cherish you and flatter you as you put it. Tell Brian he's in for the tightest hug of his life next time I see him"

"Thank you, Nycky" I replied, my voice creaking from holding back tears

"Don't cry, Pooh"

"I love you and I wish I could hug you right now"

"I wish I could hug you too. I'll start counting and then you can pay all the hugs at once when we see each other, k? You owe me one big hug until now..." she said and I laughed "That's better" she said and I managed to compose myself a little "How was tonight's concert?"

"Good I guess. I don't remember much of it. My mind was elsewhere... I just vaguely remember Nick, Mark and AJ teasing the hell out of me and Brian as usual"

"Any special reason?"

"We just seem to be the easiest target. This one time it was because when Nick and Mark went to wake Brian up before the concert, I was there"


"Sleeping with him! JUST sleeping!"

"Spoilsport!" she laughed "Mark's one of the dancers, right? I vaguely remember him being one of the cute blonde ones..."

"Yes, he's the one and he's off the market!"

"Awww... who's she?"

"Nick'll be mad if I tell him you called him a 'she'" I replied and laughed when she gasped

"WHAT? Please, tell me AJ's straight!" she said and I laughed harder

"As far as I know of, yeah..." I replied and she sighed of relief "Someone's got a crush?"

"He's a nice guy, yeah, but it's just kind of a platonic thing... he's fun to flirt with but nothing else... besides that, there's Greg" there it is, she just HAD to bring him up. Talk about a mood killer!

"He treating you well, right?"

"He's a great guy, J..."

"If you say so..." I replied trying to stiffle a yawn

"J, go to bed. We can talk tomorrow... Where you going to tomorrow?"

"We're going to Frankfurt, then Amsterdam, then day off, then Koeln and then Paris, France! I haven't been there since college and that was for such a short period of time that I don't even consider it much..."

"Going to finally check the Eiffel Tower?"

"Yeah. I'll finally check if it's true" I said and we laughed

"OK. Then go to bed"

"K, mommy. Good night"

"Good night, J. Luv you..."

"Love you too. Bye..."

"Bye..." she replied and we hung up. I had to agree with Brian that talking to her made me feel better though it didn't make that weird feeling in my stomach go away. I was feeling better enough to finally sleep. She did seem better. Maybe Brian was right again and I just worried too much... But then, maybe he was wrong... Who knows?


********************************************* This was a short and boring one but a needed one too... I know I left a lot of questions in the air but they'll be answered with time. You'll have to be patient! I know I'm bad! Mwahahahahahah... ahem... sorry... lol I have only until chapter 14 totally finished and I'm working on 15 so after I post chapter 14 the posting will be less frequent because I don't have that much time to sit down and write, k? Just wanted to let that out before you guys hate me too much lol Mail me and tell me what you thought at See ya'll! Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen Angel

Next: Chapter 8

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