Freshman Year Roommate

By NY GayGuy

Published on Jun 30, 2024


Freshman Year Roommate, Part 11 Everyone is over 18 years of age

Before we get back to our story, I want to remind everyone that Nifty is a great resource. It needs everyone's support to continue to be there for the community. If you haven't already, you should consider donating if you can: Now, back to our guys...

Our first day at home with my family went great. In fact, I never could have seen it going this well. But here we were, John and I sleeping together under my parents' roof, after he professed his love, catching all of us off guard. I'd been thinking those words for a long time, but there still was that part of me that had feared saying "I love you" still might have spooked him.

In an amazingly happy turn of events, he said it. My dad talked about sleeping arrangements, and he said he wanted to stay with me, telling him, "I'm in love with your son."

To this day, remembering that moment makes me smile and fills my eyes with tears all at once. I don't know what I did to deserve this man, but I'm thankful every day that we found each other.

So yes, we got to sleep together, even on his first visit to my family, and my sister, Lori, apparently was impressed. She was having fun messing with us, but it also felt like she wished she could steal him. Sorry, sis, but he's all mine!

Actually, I think the whole family liked him and was impressed. And John was talking about me meeting his family. Wow, I really wanted my happy ending, and I was hoping things kept going so well. But for now, I couldn't imagine being any happier.

We finished that first day by making love, and for the first time, John bottomed for me. For both of us, it was a new experience, and it was incredibly intense. We both came very hard, and it took us places I don't know either of us realized were possible. We'd definitely added a wonderful new aspect to our love life. I was happy being his bottom until this point--very happy, in fact!--but we definitely seemed to have become fully versatile that night!

As hard as we came, you'd understand if we fell asleep together and slept all night. Except that we really didn't. In my small bed, we managed to wake each other now and then by moving around. Around 3am, John's movements woke me enough to really be conscious of everything, and I found myself smiling at him. Just looking at this beautiful man and smiling.

Then, as my eyes wandered down his perfect abs to his dick, I couldn't help feeling my mouth water at the sight of that perfect tool. Yes, it was big, but it also was such a perfect shape. More importantly, it was part of the man I loved. With that thought in mind, the awesome lovemaking of earlier that evening just wasn't enough.

He was sleeping pretty soundly, and I hoped he'd stay that way as I slid down the bed. Time for a surprise, Johnboy!

As I moved down, I managed to gently move him around. I slowly and carefully moved his legs apart, so I could lie between his sexy thighs. Then I wasted no time. I licked up his length and his dick twitched and started to swell right away. He moved a little in his sleep, but he still was asleep. Before the sensations could wake him, I took him in my mouth and enjoyed it as he continued to swell and harden. It was so hot to feel it as he got harder while I sucked him!

He was making noises like he was having a dream--by now, I knew his sleep sounds well enough--and then he did something that made my lips form into a smile, even as my mouth was full of that big dick... In his sleep, I heard, "Oh, Jess, that's amazing! I love you so much!" Mmm, the L word in his sleep now. My smile (around his dick) was as big as ever.

I was pretty sure he wasn't just pretending to be asleep. Then as I kept sucking, he gasped, sat halfway up and looked down at me blowing him. "Holy shit!" he said. "What a way to wake up! What time is it?"

I let him out of my mouth long enough to say, "Do you really care?"

He laughed and dropped onto his back again. "No, I guess not! Wow, you're always so good at that!"

And with that, I went back to it, enjoying his taste as he leaked in my mouth and I sucked him deep. He was moaning but trying to be quiet, so no one else heard us. After a minute more, he pulled the pillow from under his head and held it over his face. I kept going, and soon his balls were pulling tight. He wouldn't take much longer. Finally, his hands came off the pillow held to his face, so he could grab my head as his hips lifted off the bed. That was the moment that dick I loved did its best to impregnate my throat. I felt each pulse-pulse-pulse as it fired my beautiful man's seed into my mouth. I tasted that flood, and was so elated to again bring him that pleasure.

As he came down from his orgasm, he still was catching his breath. I moved back up and smiled at him. He was beaming at me. "God, I love you. And not because of the great sex, but everything!"

I smiled back, and then I reached into a drawer right by the bed. "Here, I got you something."

He was surprised and said, "What?"

I chuckled mischievously. "A mint!"


And he tickled me! But he took the mint. Hey, I can love him and still know when his breath needs help!

Then he smacked my ass and said, "You have your nerve! Criticizing my breath when yours no doubt smells like dick!"

I said, "Yeah, but it's a hot dick."

We both laughed, and he pulled me tight for a deep kiss. When he broke it, he said, "ugh, you taste like cum!"

And we laughed again.

With that, he wanted to go down on me. I said, "Hey, no one's keeping score. I can suck off my boyfriend and then we just go back to sleep. Just hold me."

So that's what we did, and soon we were back asleep.

And then... let me tell you, if you have a partner and have never been woken up by a blowjob, you should mention it enough times for your partner to get the hint. My lust drove me to do that to John, but a few hours later...

I was having this hot dream about sex with John. I don't remember all the details of the dream, but my eyes suddenly snapped open as I realized what I was feeling wasn't a dream. That stud had gotten up before me--something he normally does, actually--and was doing to me what I'd done to him. He was so good at this!

He had me completely hard, and he was taking my full length in his mouth as his tongue worked the underside and around the head. My hands grabbed at the sheets as I absorbed this amazing pleasure he was giving me.

He looked up at me and his smiling eyes conveyed his feelings as he kept sucking me. He'd gotten so good that he wasn't touching me with his hands. It was all mouth, and it was amazing. Well, actually, he was touching me with his hands, but they were on my ass. He was holding me as he controlled everything and drove me wild.

"Fuck, John, I can't hold out too much longer."

And since he knew what he wanted, that got him sucking even faster. He was bobbing up and down as fast as he could go and sucking me hard. It didn't take long, and I groaned, pushing up into his mouth. He knew what I liked, so as he took me over the edge, he stopped going up and down, went deep and held me there, clamped down tight as I shot into his warm mouth. It felt completely draining, and it was a wonderful way to start the day. Once again, my man was making my teen sex dreams I'd had in that very bed turn into reality. No, actually, he was exceeding anything I could have dreamed possible.

As my orgasm subsided, he slowly pulled back, but he still squeezed my dick with his lips as he did it. He knew how sensitive I could get, but I think he just wanted to prolong the encounter. I shook and moaned as he did that, until he finally let my softening dick go.

I smiled at him. "That was an amazing way to wake up!" He said, "yeah, the love of my life taught me that."

The love of his life. "You keep talking like that, mister, and I'm going to start shopping for rings and a little house of our own."

He laughed. "Some big dreams there, babe. I'm still working on getting through college! And I'll owe Uncle Sam once I do."

I sighed. "I know, but you still make me dream of those things."

"Yeah, me too. And hey, in case you forgot from yesterday... I love you!"

I smiled. "I love you, too!"

"And now, time for PT!"

I knew he got up lots of mornings, usually leaving me to sleep, and went to do PT ("physical training") with the ROTC. Even on mornings where they weren't scheduled to do that officially, he'd sometimes go running with some of the other ROTC guys. Fortunately, that didn't change after he outed himself. There was some friction, but most of the guys didn't seem to care. I think some of them even thought it showed they were enlightened to still treat the gay guy well. You know?

I said, "aren't you allowed to have a break this week?"

He laughed. "The way your family is feeding me so far... if this keeps up, I'll put on 20 pounds in a week!"

Well, I sure couldn't complain about how he maintained his body. So I just smiled at him.

I watched as he dug shorts and a t-shirt out of his bag. They both said "ARMY" on them, and they looked quite good on my living recruitment poster. While he did that, I slipped on sweats and a t-shirt, so I could make my heart pump faster, too... by going down to the kitchen for coffee!

John added a pair of running shoes, and he was ready. Before he went out the bedroom door, he kissed me on the lips and then on the forehead. That wasn't the first time for that, but that became our thing when we went out the door in the morning. I don't know why, but that forehead kiss became something important to me. It's funny how those things develop.

We went downstairs together. I could smell that someone had started coffee already. Sure enough, mom and dad were in the kitchen. Mom asked if we'd like coffee. I said yes, but John said, "No, thank you, ma'am. Maybe after my run." And then he was off. I walked to the front door, as he headed out. As I watched him go, mom had come up right behind me.

I turned and she said, "He seems very nice. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, mom."

I went to sit at the dining room table and just sip my coffee. Dad, being dad, came to sit with me and talk. He wanted to have one of those dad-son talks. "John seems very nice."

"He is, dad."

"You know, life can take very unexpected turns."

"Dad..." Okay, I already saw this was going.

"That boy you used to fool around with in high school was one thing, but..."

"Dad!" OMG, how did he know about that?!

He laughed. "Didn't think we knew, huh?"

I was speechless.

"We're middle aged; we're not dead. And you're not as stealthy as you like to think."

I must have been bright red by now.

He continued, "Anyhow, we just don't want you to get hurt. If John is all he seems right now and this lasts forever, we'll be very happy for you. We just want someone who will be good to you and who you can be happy being good to in return. But sometimes things don't last. Things happen. People go in different directions. Especially when you're so young."

I sighed. "Dad, I know that. I think we both know that. There's a lot we're thinking about. He's my first serious relationship, and I'm the first guy he's dated..."

With that, I heard a gasp from the hall.

I said, "Lori? Seriously? Stop eavesdropping!"

She stuck her head in. "Come on, this is too good! And ohmyfuckinggod, you flipped him? That sex god was straight and you fucking flipped him?!"

I really didn't need my nosey older sister in this conversation and couldn't help myself. "Would you please fuck off?"

With that, dad, who was caught off guard by this exchange, said, "First of all, we don't use that kind of language in this house!"

And Lori just crossed her arms.

Then dad, in a moment that broke the tension, said, "But yes, Lori, honey, would you fuck off, please?"

We all burst out laughing. And he added, "don't tell your mother."

With that, I said, "it doesn't work that way, Lor. I didn't `flip' him. Now please let us talk." She waved and walked off.

Dad and I kept talking, and it was clear that he and mom were worried about me getting hurt.

"I know it's a possibility, dad. But isn't it with any relationship? So yeah, maybe I'll be crying one day because he found someone else or whatever, but right now I'm happy and can't imagine wanting anyone else. And he says he feels the same way. I have every reason to believe him. Honestly, I don't think I'm bad looking or a bad catch or anything, but..."

"Stop," he said. "Yes, I'm not blind. He's a very good looking young man, but don't sell yourself short."

"I wasn't, dad. My only point is that he'll never want for company and if he didn't want to be committed to someone, I don't think he would be. He knows he has his pick. We go places and people stare at him, both guys and girls. But he hasn't said he wants to date anyone else. He's said he loves me. And I love him. Even before he said he loves me--you know yesterday was the first time we said the word, right?--I still felt it. We spend as much time together as we can. We're happy that way. He's gone from the guy who dumb luck made my roommate into being my best friend. Wherever I go, I'm happiest when he's by my side."

"Well," he said, "you just described how I feel about your mother. She's my best friend, and I'm happiest when she's by my side."

"You have our blessing, hon," I suddenly heard mom say.

I turned. "When did you come in?"

"Oh, I've been doing a little eavesdropping of my own." She smiled. "We can't know what the future will hold. We just didn't want you to get hurt. But I'm impressed, and I'm sure your father is, too." He was nodding along. "You really seem to have a very smart view of things. We always knew you were smart, but this is so new to you. I'm happy for you, honey."

Dad added, "same here."

Mom said, "so we'll just hope for the best. For right now, you're happy, and that's great." Then she said, sotto voce, "And he's sure not hard to look at!"

"Mom!!" And she grinned. I composed myself and added, "He's young enough to be your son!"

We all laughed, and she came over, gave me a gentle smack on the back of the head, and said, "you hush!"

Then she kissed me on the top of my head, and the little parental counseling session was done.

By then, I thought John should be getting back from his run soon. So I headed to the front door. Mom commented, "Mrs. McGrath (a neighbor diagonally across the street who watched everything) must have been entertained when John went out for his run."

It was a nice day, so I just stood on the stoop. Soon enough, I saw him coming from a block or so away. I called back into the house, "Well, if Mrs. McGrath liked seeing him go out for his run, she really should like seeing him get back."

Apparently, he'd gotten warm on his run, and he'd stripped off his t-shirt. Damn, that man has a gorgeous chest.

As he got back to the house, we added to the show. He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips. Then we headed inside.

He stood inside a minute and caught his breath. He was standing there in nothing but a pair of running shorts with "ARMY" on one leg, just above where his pretty thigh stuck out, gleaming with sweat to match his shining chest.

Mom asked, "would you like some water?"

"That would be wonderful," he said.

Then she added, "yeah, I'm sure she's calling the neighbors already. Probably her biggest thrill of the year!"

At that moment, both Lori and Glenn walked in. They stopped short, and I heard Lori catch her breath. As tedious as her lust for my boyfriend was, it was kind of funny, too. And yeah, I did have a bit of pride in the man I was with. Even so, I shot her a look, and she held up a hand, as if to say, okay, I know, I know. With that, she kept her mouth shut and went wherever she was going in the first place.

Mom gave John a glass of water, which he drank as he was wiping off sweat with his t-shirt. I asked him, "good run, hon?"

"Yeah. This seems like a nice neighborhood. And now I feel better about eating so much last night!"

We all smiled. And then he added, "Okay, shower time."

And he headed back upstairs. Normally, I'd be tempted to join him, but this time I felt like a little decorum was called for. We really weren't that open of a family that I wanted to be blatant about joining this guy they'd just met in the shower. So I let him go ahead, and then I took a quick trip to my room to get dressed for the day.

When John got done, he came back down, all dressed and ready for the day. "So what do you want to do?" I suggested, "Want to go to one of my favorite museums?"

"Sure, you wild man! Let's party!"

"Shut it, you," and I smacked him on the arm. "I was thinking the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We can try to get you some culture, cowboy."

And then he tickled me.

I'm sure there were lots of eye rolls at that point, but who cares?

We headed out, got the train into the city and had a fun day. I took him to the museum, and we spent a few hours there. I loved that my Texas engineer/soldier appreciated art, too. After the museum, we went down to a place near Washington Square Park, called Pommes Frites NYC.

"Fries? You're taking me for French fries? So fancy!" he teased me.

"They're Belgian fries! Some of the best you'll find. They flash fry them at high temperature, so they're really crisp. Then they have a bunch of sauces, like my favorite, mango-chutney mayo, to dip them in. You'll love it!"

He pouted, "I thought you like my body."

I laughed. "I swear, I'm not trying to fatten you up! Just relax and enjoy."

He looked down at my feet. "I hope those shoes are comfy. We're going for a long walk after this fat-fest!"

I laughed. "Deal!"

With that, we pigged out. Fries, a few different sauces, and a clogging of my arteries I might pay for in my old age. But for now, I was having fun.

John admitted, "okay, that was delicious."

"See? I told you."

"So where did you want to go next?"

"Are you up for another museum?"

"Sure! Which one?"

"How about the Guggenheim? It's more focused on modern art. I like their Kandinsky collection. I love those colors!"

He said, "sounds good!"

"Great! We can go east a little and get the subway up Lex, and then we just need to walk west a couple of avenues. Easy!"

Then I saw he was standing there with his hands on his hips.


"You agreed to a long walk after this."

I said, "well, yeah, it's gotta be almost half a mile to the subway and almost as far at the other end from the subway to the museum."

"No subway."

"Are you crazy, soldier boy?"

"Where is this place?"

"It's 88th Street! Over four miles away!"

"Piece of cake. Let's go!"

"You're insane!"

"Oh, please. You just don't want to. What will it take? An hour?"

"Uh huh!"

He was out of his mind!

"I know very well you'll do athletic things for more than an hour if properly motivated." And he looked me up and down and ran the tip of his tongue along his top lip.

"Oh, you're a bastard."

He laughed. "Technically, no, but I never heard you complain about going for an hour before!" Then he pulled me close and said, "I plan to grow old with you, mister, so we're going to walk off that crap we just ate. But I'll go slow, to give you a break."

I laughed and said, "Fine, let's go. We can cut through Washington Square Park and then head straight up 5th Avenue. You'll get to see more of Manhattan."

I swear, this man could talk me into anything.

We strolled up Fifth Avenue, and he really seemed to enjoy it. We stopped now and then to look in a window, but we made steady progress. It was a nice day, and we had a great walk together, just talking and laughing... and making my feet sore!

Once we got there, I bought us tickets, and we stood inside and looked up to the top (the whole center of the museum is open, so you can see all the way to the glass roof). The museum is a spiral, and the art is displayed along the walls that form the outside of the spiral (with some stuff in side rooms, too). As we looked up, John said, "let's go!" and started heading for the beginning of the giant ramp that made up that spiral.

"Oh, hell no, soldier boy. I've done my march with full pack today!"

"You did a march with a small wallet, you wimp."

"Close enough! Get over here. We'll take the elevator and walk back down like normal people!"

"So lazy! How is my boyfriend this lazy?"

I laughed. "He is. Live with it!"

He laughed, too, and said, "Okay, I guess you did well on our walk, so I'll let you off the hook this time." And he gave me a quick kiss. And behind us, I heard a girl say, "Figures."

We turned around, and she was with a couple of other girls. They looked to be our age. She was in full sassy mode and said, "why's it always the gorgeous ones?" and she and her friends laughed.

They were heading to the elevator, too, and we rode up together. They actually were very nice, and we kept bumping into each other as we looked at art and slowly made our way down from the top level. They added to the afternoon's fun.

As we walked out of the museum into the fading sunlight, he asked where we were going next. I suggested dinner in Manhattan. He said sure and asked where. I told him I wanted to give him another New York experience and suggested the Second Avenue Deli.

"Okay," he said. "So east to Second Avenue, and then which way."

"Well, south, but it's actually between Third and Lexington Avenues."

I loved the look he got on his face then. It was the look that said, I'm going to bust Jess's chops and will enjoy every moment.

He said, "See, that's funny. We Texas people are simple folk. If we had something called the `Second Avenue Deli,' we'd be very likely to put it on Second Avenue."

I laughed and said, "Shut it, Tex. It used to be on Second Avenue. Remind me to explain about New York rents someday. That's why it moved."

"Ah, okay," he said. "Then I forgive you."

I smacked him on the ass and said, "let's go."

I thought there might be another location closer to where we were, but I knew where this one was. Plus, this was more in the direction we were going to get the train home. Anyhow, I'll spare you the details, but we had some amazing kosher deli food after walking another three miles. (Oww, my feet!)

When we were done, we caught the Long Island Railroad home. We sat closer than "just friends" would, and when the conductor came to ask for tickets, he looked bothered by our closeness. John saw it, too. Not that the conductor was going to say anything, but that was annoying.

Instead of just digging out his wallet while sitting there, John got up and, looking down at the conductor, suddenly seemed to radiate just-try-to-fuck-with-us energy. Go, Army! The conductor punched our tickets, mumbled "thanks," and headed on his way. I leaned over and whispered, "my hero!"

He held my arm, and we sat nice and close.

Before too long, we were home, and I was exhausted. It was a great day, but my super-fit boyfriend had walked me around much more than I was used to!

When we got in, mom asked if we were hungry, in true mom fashion. I told her no, we were gorged on kosher deli food. Then she asked if we wanted something to drink. I said some ice water would be fine, but we could get it. We did that and just sat down on the couch. Of course, if you know my family, you'd know the debriefing was coming.

So how was the day, they wanted to know. I told them about the Met and then heading down to Pommes Frites. Then they asked what we did next. I said, "John wanted to walk off the fries, so we walked to our next stop."

Dad asked, "so where was that?"

"The Guggenheim."

He looked back and forth at us. "I'm sorry, what? The Guggenheim? Like, the big spiral place? Up around 90th Street."

"88th, dad."

"Yeah, close enough."

Everyone chuckled. He said, "Okay, so I see why you're tired and thirsty! You're going to keep my boy fit, eh John?"

John said, "I don't know if I'd agree with that completely."

"How so?"

John smiled wide. "Well, sir, I think maybe he's MY boy now."

And there was a big ooooh in the room.

Then we all laughed.

"Okay," John added, "maybe we can share."

Dad said to me, "For a polite Texas boy, he's got a lot of smartass in him. I like that!"

I said, "I've been training him!"

More laughter.

We spent some time chatting, with everyone getting to know John better and his getting to know them. After a while, mom said, "well, you boys probably want to get to bed."

I saw that landed the same way for everyone there. Not missing a chance, I acted shocked. "Mother! My innocence!"

Even she laughed and said, "Far be it from me to question my eldest son's purity, but I think that ship has sailed!"

That had everyone laughing, and John leaned over to grab me in a big hug. In a loud stage whisper, he said, "I think she knows!"

And everyone laughed more.

I nodded. "Could be! But I am exhausted, so I think I'll take this guy and head up."

John said, "you're so forward!"

More laughter. I loved how he was fitting in so well.

"Okay," I yawned, "I guess it is time to head up." Turning to John, "Come on, you. Sleep time!"

"I don't know. I'm having fun with everyone."

And then I (playfully) pounced on him. Kind of couch-tackling him, I said, "Upstairs, young man!"

He feigned submission. "Yes, sir."

I smiled. "Goodnight, everyone."

And we got a chorus of goodnights in return.

We went upstairs, and I told John how he'd worn me out. He smiled, grabbed me in a hug as we stood there and said, "Oh, I bet I can find a small reserve of energy in you!" As he pressed against me, I felt something big and hard. I wonder what that could be!

I groaned, "Hon, you turn me on like no one ever has, but I'm sooooo tiiiiired."

He smiled. "Really? No energy left at all?" and he dropped to his knees and sort of rubbed his face against my crotch, feeling my hard dick in my pants. (Okay, so he was right; I had a little energy left!) Then he turned his head sideways and sort of bit (nicely) my dick through my pants. He looked up and said, "I need that in my mouth!"

Do you know what it's like to have a breathtakingly hot man on his knees, looking up at you and telling you he wants your dick? Okay, so I guess we'd have sex before sleep!

He quickly got my dick out and started sucking me. As usual, it felt amazing, but I said, "babe, get up here!"

He stood up, and I said, "we've walked for miles, and I haven't even had a shower. I need to go clean up!"

"I don't care."

"I do! I never want anything unpleasant to be associated with that in your mind."

"You worry too much."

I smiled at that, because he probably was right, but we both always tried to be nice and clean for each other.

Then he said, "wait! I have another idea! Get on the bed!"

So I did. He clearly was feeling very frisky. Before joining me, he stopped and looked at me like one of the items in the museums we'd visited. He just looked and then said, "gorgeous!"

"You're nuts!"

"Nuts for you!"

Then he added, "Okay, we'll keep things simple."

He grabbed the lube. Simple? And then he sat on my belly, so my dick was touching his butt. Reaching behind him, he rubbed a bunch of lube on my dick, and then he lifted up.

I said, "I thought you said we were keeping things simple."

"I did. I'm simply going to use you like a sex toy and ride you until we both cum!"

And with that, he lined me up on his hole and started to sink down on my raw cock. Wow, being bare inside him is the most incredible feeling! And he started going up and down. How his legs could support him like this after all the walking we'd done was beyond me, but he clearly had more energy to spare!

My stud, who, rightly or not, I'd pictured as being a top from day one, had turned out to love bottoming, too. Better yet, he was a smart man who was always learning.

Specifically, he was upping his game every time. Each time he lifted up as he rode me, he was squeezing with his internal muscles. I'd found that I could have good staying power as a top, but he was doing his best to drive me wild and make me cum in him. It was like he was sucking my dick with his ass. It was the most incredible feeling. And he seemed to study things as we made love, watching for how to make it feel even better.

Tired or not, I had to get into this! Each time he came back down, I found myself involuntarily thrusting up to meet him. We were connecting hard with each thrust, and we both were trying not to be too loud as we made love. But wow, this was amazing! After about five minutes, he stopped briefly, added a bit more lube and then slammed his ass back down on me, moaning, "yeah, give me that thick cock! Fuck my hole hard!"

I smiled a huge smile. "Look at you, power bottom! Yeah, baby! Take that cock in you!"

He was going hard, impaling himself on me. His dick was leaking on me as he rode, and I reveled in watching this man feel such overwhelming pleasure as his skin flushed red, his head tilted back, his mouth hung open and his breathing got faster. Of course, so did mine as we enjoyed each other's bodies.

The feeling of being inside him has always been something beyond measure. Beyond anything else I've ever experienced.

His head, which had been thrown back in pleasure, came back forward, and he locked eyes with me as he said, "I love you so much, Jess! And I love making love with you!"

"I love you, too, hon! More than I can say!"

We both were breathing hard and working up a sweat as we fucked. He was riding me hard and still managing to coordinate his squeezing of me with each time his legs lifted him. I warned him, "Babe, I don't think I can hold on too much longer."

He smiled down and said, "that's okay, because... ohhh..." and his dick started shooting big, thick ropes of cum on my chest, one hit my face and onto the pillow. Fuck, I'd never seen anything hotter! And as he did, the squeezing of his hole on my dick changed. Between the new, rhythmic squeezing and the amazing turn-on of watching this fireworks show, that was all it took, and I started firing my own load in his guts. As he continued to cum, I was moaning in pleasure. I tried not to be too loud, but most of this was beyond my control. I was shooting over and over in him. I could feel the wetness of my semen added to the lube. He kept moving as we both kept cumming, and the whole mess of cum and lube was leaking down and around my dick.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of pleasure, he said, "oh, fuck, that was incredible," and he just sat on me, looked at me and smiled. "You make me so happy. You know that?"

Feeling pure joy, but also the need to tease him, I said, "By being your living sex toy?"

He laughed and dropped down on me so fast it was like he was pouncing on me. "Oh, hush, you." And he kissed me. "God, I love you! Even if you are a smartass New Yorker!" And we just held each other like that.

Next: Chapter 12

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