Freshmen Stuart

By David S

Published on Jul 17, 2000



This story contains sex between consenting adult males of consenting age if you are under the age of 18 or your country or state does not allow this sort of literature to be read please leave now if you are offended by sex between men again please leave now if not enjoy the story and if you like send me an e mail and let me know what you think of it

And remember these characters are purely fictional

If you have any comments or suggestions don't hesitate to e-mail me at

A Story By David S

"Freshmen Stuart"

Hello my name is Terry I am a freshmen at my local college and I am a closet case if there ever was one, The only person who knew I was gay was my big sister Tina and she would not tell a sole, we were very close and looked out for one another she just told me to be careful that's all, good advice so I have been very careful, I don't talk gay I don't act gay but I know I am very attracted to guys and that kills me, the thought of these hot studs walking around campus no shirts and just shorts really gets my blood pumping you know.

I first saw Stuart 5 months ago at a frat party getting it on with a blonde cheerleader called Stefi, Don't get me wrong she was a very nice looking sort but not my type if you know what I mean, just that I fancied the ass off him I have had several wank sessions about him, but I think that's where he will stay just a fantasy and a goodnight tug before I fall a sleep.

I was getting to know Stuart quite well over the semester and we got on very well we were becoming friends and he told me everything he and Stefi got up to, well he just says its an open arrangement and he can see other chicks if he wanted to, and he did on a regular basis at least 8 that I know of over the past 5 months if he was a chick he would be most definitely classed as a slut, but I was in love with him so I did not care whom he was giving it to all I knew he wasn't giving it to me.

Stuart was a god in my eyes stood around 6 ft tall very cute face boyish you could say he had a very athletic body a real six pack stomach but not ugly big just right, I had seen him naked in the changing room after track and he was a Greek Adonis he was fucking gorgeous, his hair was very fair you know surfer type but his dick was about 5" on the slack so he must be at least 8 to 9 inches erect, god I wish I could see that

I woke up at 10am as my first lecture this week wasn't until 1pm with professor Stern who taught modern English, I liked this class as I sat next to Stuart for an hour, he usually goes for a jog before lecture and the smell of his sweat drove me into day dreams of me naked holding him tight and kissing his perfect face... " ARE YOU LISTERNING MR JAMES" professor broke me from my day dream abruptly and the whole class looked at me and I just told him I was thinking about Shakespeare as that was the subject we were on and I think I got away with it " wow dude that was a close thing" Stuart said, didn't know what he meant but never mind. Stuart asked if I was going to the beech party tonight and I said I was thinking about it but he convinced me to go, well to be honest it didn't take much to do as I would see him in only his swim shorts all night and that got me really excited

The party was in full swing when I arrived at 9pm the sand was covered in scantily clad girls and guys all drinking and dancing together, I spotted Stuart talking to Stefi by the beer keg and by the looks of it they were not getting on to well, I just left them to it and mingled with the rest of the people on the beech I knew most of them and could call most of them friends, mind none of them knew I was gay and I wanted to keep it that way.

Around 11pm I spotted Stefi talking to Jeff and I walked over to them and asked where was Stuart and she just said he went away in a huff coz I would not be with him tonight as she was seeing Jeff, he was the quarter back and well she was the cheerleader and well you know the rest

I didn't see Stuart at all at the party and well since he was the only reason for me being there I just said my goodbyes and left at around midnight, I walked back to my room via the local park and seen Stuart sitting there on his own I walked up to him and said "you ok bud" and he looked at me and sobbed "yeh" "so what's up" I asked concerned at his appearance "she has dumped me" he replied and he sobbed some more " I thought you liked other girls" " lied" he responded, then I just hugged him as he was upset. " I had gotten this stuff and I was going to make love to her all night long" he said " what stuff" I asked, and he told me it was like viagra as when they made love they fucked for around an hour when I have blown my lot I have lots of energy left but no stiffy" he responded "so I thought this would help" " I just stood in amazement that this guy can go at it for an hour " fuck" I said, then what did she say

"She told me she was finished with me and now she was seeing someone else" he replied "I know I seen her with Jeff Dillon" I told him, "Jeff fuck" he cried I don't want to seem un caring but I wasn't upset at him loosing out to a quarterback but I was sad coz he was " never mind life goes on I will get over it" he replied, but he just kept on sobbing " so why are you still sobbing" I asked, then he moved his hand and there it was still confined to his trunks but very visible none the less his cock was very large and painfully hard " I took the stuff 2 hours ago and it wont go down" he sobbed I could see his predicament " could you help me please Terry" he asked me " yeh sure come back to my place and we will try and get that thing down" I told him

We got to my place which was just around the corner and we went in and I told him to go into the shower and he did I turned on the water and held the shower head put it on cold and full blast I aimed the spray directly on to his swollen cock, still in his trunks I sprayed him for around ten minutes and it wasn't working. I reached out my hand and started rubbing the outside of his trunks and he didn't object to this " that feels good" he responded, so I just kept on massaging his dick for him and after about another ten minutes he asked if he could take his trunks off as a bit of air might help so I just said sure, he pulled down and released his huge cock for me to see " that's better" he responded and I went back to rubbing his now exposed cock and again he did not object, I massaged his balls and then rubbed the tip of his cock and he just moaned " oh that feels heavenly" he replied " its not aching as much now" he said again and I responded by slowly jacking his dick and he was loving it the cold water and the relief I was giving him was working him into a frenzy

"That feels great Terry but the water isn't helping and it is fucking freezing in here" he proclaimed, so he stepped out of the shower and we went into the room and asked him what he wanted to try and get it down with next and he replied " if you don't mind just keep doing what you were doing please" he asked

So he lay on my bed and I knelt on the floor next to the bed and continued to jack and massage his large swollen dick and he was thanking me all the way and then he looked at me and said " do you like doing this for me" and I replied that " he was a friend in need and that I was helping you out" " yes but I have seen the way you look at me" he responded " don't know what you mean" I said scared that he may spread the fact I was gay " look I wont tell anyone you have been a good friend and friends don't diss other friends" he said to me with heart " all I am asking is do you like what you are doing for me" he asked again and I responded " well YES" and I begged him not to tell anyone and he repeated what he had said that I was his friend and that he would never spread anything about a friend

" Terry this is great well perhaps you could help me out," he asked "how" I responded with a quizitive look in my eye " will you blow me" I smiled and responded by saying "I thought you were never going to ask" I got on to the bed and got in between his legs and went down on him by licking the tip of his cock and working my tongue all over his cock and he moaned approvingly "ooooooohhhhhhhh" he moaned and then I engulfed the length of his cock down my throat and worked it in and out of my mouth licking the pre cum from the slit and he tasted fantastic " ooooooohhhhh yyeeeeheeh" He screamed as I had been working his cock for over forty-five minutes with my hand and now with my mouth and he was getting ready to blow. "oooohhhhhh mmmyyy ggggoooooddddddd" he yelled out aloud as he was getting very close

" I am going to blow" he told me and I responded by taking him deep into my mouth and then he tensed up as he filled the back of my throat " ooooooohhhh yyyeehhh" he screamed as he ploughed my mouth and filled my waiting mouth with hot sticky cum that I have wanted from this boy for over 5 months he kept on ramming his cock deep into my throat and milked the last drop of boy juice into my mouth, he pulled out and collapsed in a heap on my bed, but his dick was still rock hard and I looked into his eyes and said "sorry Stuart I tried" and he just stroked my head and said "don't give up yet, are you tired" he asked " nope" I responded " well I want to ask you something" he asked " can I fuck you"

I didn't know what to say at first " do you want to" I responded "its not that I am gay it's the only thing I can think of to get my cock down" he replied " so can I just as a remedy fuck you" he again replied that he was not gay just that this was probably the only thing that would work, I didn't care I was going to get my ass fucked by the guy I had been fantasising over for over 5 months, so I said " OK"

I dropped my trunks and he told me to get on my knees as he had fucked Stefi up the ass and this was the way they did it. He got some of his spunk off my face and rubbed my ass hole and rubbed it on his dick, he then inserted a couple of fingers into my ass to get my ass ready for a good solid and I mean solid 8" cock. He kept fingering my ass for about five minutes and I was moaning in absolute pleasure, he then removed his fingers and put his cock to my ass hole and pushed his way in "aaaaaahhhhhh" I screamed "relax for a moment" he told me that when he fucked Stefi up the ass it went away within seconds, and it did " its ok now" I told him, and then he started to buck my ass for all it was worth and it felt great having the guy of my dreams reaming my ass hole his piston like motions were sending me over the edge

" Your ass is very tight" he responded to my moans of pleasure " your dick feels fucking fantastic up my ass" I told him " you like me fucking your ass don't you" he smirked with a knowing smile " oh fuck yyeehh" I responded and I told him that I had fantasised about this moment ever since I seen him and he just responded by saying that he knew and that he didn't mind helping out a friend.

He kept up the relentless pounding of my ass and I was still in heaven and he told me he wanted to see my face as he was fucking me so he pulled out of me I lay flat on my back and he lifted one of my legs over his shoulder and entered me again and the look of pleasure on my face was sending him over the edge as well, he reached down and started jacking on my dick and his hand felt great stroking the length of my shaft and he went crazy really ramming his huge tool deep into my ass, he was getting close to coming again

I was also not far off from shooting my load he pulled his hand away and said " I don't want you to come the same time as me" he demanded he rammed his cock a few more times and pulled out and sat on my chest and put his dick back in my mouth and he came again, not as much as the first time but it tasted just as nice " you like the taste of my spunk don't you" he asked " you taste fantastic" I replied, as he milked the last few drops out of his dick and then pulled it out he then went back to stroking my dick and then said something odd.

"Look Terry I am not a fag but after tonight man I have to taste your dick do you mind" wow I thought to my self this so called "Straight" guy wants to blow me " yes go for it" he dropped to his knees and started sucking my dick and he did exactly as I had done to him and it felt good having this hot guy sucking my dick and it wasn't far before I was going to blow the lot into his mouth if he would let me

" I am going to cum" I told him, he pulled off then had second thoughts and put my dick back into his hot mouth and I blew "aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh yyyyyyyeeeeehhhhh" I was exploding into his mouth with the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced " oooooohhhh" I yelled out as I could see my spunk pour out of his mouth as he tried very hard to keep it in and finally I finished and he came over and kissed me and we shared what he had left in his mouth and I licked his face clean of my juice, his cock was still hard but he was spent, we had been fucking and sucking for nearly two and a half hours and we just fell asleep in each others arms

I woke up at 10am and Stuart was still lying next to me naked and I don't know if it was the same erection or his morning glory I just reached over and stroked it he didn't move so I got up and got onto the floor in front of him and leaned over and started licking his hard cock.

This got a response out of him " a simple shake and good morning would have done Terry" he said waking out of his sleep, I just kept on licking his dick for all it was worth in case this was my last opportunity to suck his perfect cock, I engulfed his full length and he responded by holding my head and lightly fucking my open mouth and once again using his hips like a piston ramming home his rod in my mouth, it wasn't long before he was moaning and soon he was shooting his spunk into my mouth and spraying my face and covering my chest once again he screamed as he just kept on coming and pumping his load all over me I was soaked in my perfect guys seed and I was very happy, very happy indeed. After we had finished we washed and I loaned him some clothes, as all he had on was a swimsuit and well I couldn't let him go home like that could I. He left my room and turned around and said " Thanks Terry" and I smiled not knowing if I would ever get the chance to do this again until he turned at the bottom of the stairs and said " we will do this again sometime friend" and I nodded and said "anytime you were UP for it Stuart"


Authors note

I do hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please let me know what you thought and any ideas you may have for a story or just to thank me for getting you off at

Please check out other stories I have written

Study Buddy found in gay college Sex Life Parts 1 & 2 found in gay High school (continuing series) Me my Roommate and his friends found in gay college Exchange student found in gay college The Greatest weekend of my life found in Bi sexual incest (continuing series)

Enjoy them and let me know what you think


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