Friday Night Card Games

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 24, 2016



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Friday Night Card Games

Part One

I Discover My True Nature

My name is Ira Moore. My parents loved the music of Ira and George Gershwin, and their melodies forever filled our house. They named my older brother George, so, of course, I became Ira. Sadly, neither of us had a musical bone in our bodies.

All through high school I had four close friends. We were inseparable. Whatever we did, we did together. In our sophomore year we started a poker club, and we played every Friday evening. Nothing kept us away from a game. I remember once, during winter break, the weather man was predicting a blizzard. My four buddies packed overnight bags and camped out on my living room floor with all our parents giving permission. Nothing was going to cancel our game.

Early in our senior year, we realized that we would all be going to different colleges. We anticipated our break-up with sadness, but we were willing to accept the inevitable. The inevitable happened sooner than I expected. Little by little, one or more of my friends began to cancel out of our Friday night game, because he had a date, and Friday is traditionally date night. As it occurred with more and more frequency, it struck me that I had no interest in dating. Anyway, my best friend, Jaden Jaffe, had yet to desert me.

Just two weeks before graduation, I showed up at Jaden's house for our weekly game. Jaden sadly informed me that everyone else had cancelled. They were taking their prom dates out for a pre-prom, pre-graduation, celebration. Although we both had dates for the prom, we never thought to take them out beforehand. Neither of us was really that much into them. Jaden and I went to a nearby malt shop, had an ice cream soda, and went our separate ways.

With all the hustle and bustle of graduation, summer jobs, preparations for leaving for college, etc., we never had another poker game. We did stay in touch all that summer, however, and then we were off to different colleges and universities.

I went to a State University about four hundred miles from home. Jaden's folks were well off, and he went to Boston to attend Boston University, some two hundred miles from home. We figured we would see each other on holidays and school breaks. We looked forward to Thanksgiving.

At first we called each other a lot, but even that began to wane and slow down. Initially he told me that he was dating a girl, and he was beginning to have strong feelings for her. A few weeks later, he told me that he had fucked her, and she wanted more. Weeks later he told me that he was engaged, and our calls slowly dwindled down to no calls at all.

Occasionally I heard from my other poker buddies. They were all seeing women, and they were all getting serious about a future marriage. Finally, I had to face the truth. I never dated women, and I had no desire to do so. Still, I didn't think I was gay. I didn't desire men either, at least not that way. I preferred to be in the company of men. I could have better conversations with them. I just related better to men. Then one day I got good news. At least it was good news for me.

My roommate, Chuck, informed me that he was starting up a poker game and asked me if I would like to join. I jumped at the chance. He informed me that there would be six of us, and we were going to play every Friday evening in the student union. Of course, keeping with tradition, Friday evening was date night at the University. I wanted to ask him if the game would be all men, but I hesitated to do so, and figured I'd find out soon enough.

The first Friday game was a lot of fun, but it was also an eye opener. The game was not only all male, but four of the guys were two gay couples. Colin and Logan were coupled as were Ted and Tyler. Chuck and I were the only `singles' and now I had to wonder about him. Was he gay? Did he think that I was gay? Why did he invite me to a predominantly gay game? I could hardly concentrate on the game, and I lost a bundle.

Later that night as we prepared for bed, I took the bull by the horns, and asked Chuck to please answer all my questions. He candidly told me that he was gay, but he wasn't sure about me since I never dated anyone, male or female. The other guys thought that Chuck and I were making it together, and he never denied it.

That angered me. "We aren't doing anything together. Why wouldn't you deny it?"

"Because secretly I hoped that you were gay, and that we could start something together. You're very attractive, and I...." His voice trailed off. He turned away from me and stopped talking. I was shocked. I wanted to run out of the room, but I was frozen to the bed.

Finally, I said, "Chuck, don't turn away from me. Talk to me. Let's discuss this. You really took me by surprise. I need some time to absorb what you just said."

He turned to me and after a long pause, he said, "I didn't say anything earth shattering. I'm attracted to you, and I would love for something to happen between us, but if you're straight, I'm sorry and I apologize."

For the first time in my life, I questioned my sexual orientation. I was so relaxed with Chuck and my new poker buddies. Was it anything sexual? I really didn't know. I knew only one thing for sure. I was never so comfortable in the company of women, or even in a mixed group, as I was with my new poker pals.

Finally, I said, "I honestly don't know if I'm straight or gay. I don't even know what two guys can do together."

Chuck sat up in bed. "I'd sure like to show you," he said. "If you like what we do together, that will be just great. If you don't, I promise never to bother you again, but if so, you better start dating women so I don't get mixed signals."

"Please Chuck," I begged, "let me think about it. This is a real shock to me."

"Sure," he said, "but please, don't take too long." He then got out of bed, leaned over me and kissed me on my lips. I must admit, it felt really good. "That'll give you something to think about," he said.

When I woke up the next morning, and realized what had transpired the night before, I was in a near panic. I rolled over to look at Chuck. He was sitting naked on the side of his bed smiling at me. "Hi handsome," he said. "Have you made a decision yet?" He pointed to his morning woodie. "It's Saturday. We have all the time we need for orientation."

Looking at him naked, and fully erect to seven inches of uncut cock, I was finally aroused, but all I could say was, "I need to pee first."

"Me too," he said, and he grabbed a pair of briefs to put on. I was already wearing briefs. We grabbed towels, our tooth brushes and toothpaste, and headed to the men's room, where Chuck chose to ignore the urinal rule. He peed right beside me. As he did, he pushed his shoulder against mine and smiled at me. His smile was infectious, and I smiled back. He also chose to shower right next to me, making me uncomfortable and full of desire at the same time.

It's hard to say how I felt when we got back to our room. I was scared, but I couldn't wait to find out what Chuck had in store for me. I was sure I would hate every moment, but I prayed I would love everything he had planned. I thought he had a lot of nerve to assume that I would enjoy gay sex, and yet I hoped I would. I guess I was in another world because I heard Chuck ask, "A penny for your thoughts?"

I just shook my head so Chuck said softly, "Let's get started. Lie on your back and spread your legs."

Spread your legs. It sounded obscene, but I lay down on my bed and did what he requested. I also shut my eyes as tightly as I could. I guess I feared what was coming. Foolish me.

Chuck lay down on top of me, making sure to grind our erect cocks into each other. I was amazed at how light he felt. I let out a long sigh, which was interrupted in the middle when Chuck put his lips on mine. His tongue parted my lips and I had my first `wet' kiss. He gently tickled my tongue with his. I had kissed girls with closed lips on occasion, but I was never aroused like Chuck was arousing me. All of this was new to me. I had no idea what would come next or what Chuck had in mind.

Suddenly, he stopped tonguing me, and he started to take little nips out of my neck. From there he pushed his tongue into my ears. The feeling he evoked was intoxicating me. I could only respond by moaning. Then, he switched tactics again, and he began to suck my nipples. I wanted to cry out in ecstasy, but I controlled myself.

When he started licking my innie, I anticipated that my cock would be next, but Chuck disappointed me. His tongue proceeded down the inside of one thigh and then the other. After what seemed like hours, he took each of my toes separately into his mouth and sucked on them as if they were lollipops. Now, I thought, now he'll take my cock.

Alas! He told me to turn over onto my stomach. I was disappointed, but I obliged. He lay down on top of me, grinding his cock into my crack. I panicked, fearing that he wanted to enter me, but once again my fears were ungrounded. He began to kiss my neck, and enter my ears with his tongue. Little by little he slithered down my body. When he reached my butt, he began kneading both cheeks like a baker kneads dough.

After what seemed an eternity, he spread my cheeks and I could feel his tongue running up and down my crack. His tongue tried to penetrate my hole, but he couldn't get very far. He made me forget where we were. I imagined that we were floating on a cloud, and my body was tingling with pure pleasure. I wanted to tell Chuck how wonderful he was making me feel, but I couldn't talk.

He turned me on my back again, and leaning over, he took my cock into his mouth at last. I am a good seven inches of fat, cut cock, and I marveled that he was able to swallow all of me. As good as he made me feel, I was still stressed. I was certain, he expected me to do this to him, and I didn't think I could. I didn't have much time to worry about that because I felt my orgasm cumming. I didn't have to say a word. My body started to buck and I began to moan. Chuck continued to suck gently but faster and faster. I must have gushed a ton of spunk into his mouth, and he swallowed all that he could. Then he leaned over me and kissed me. We shared whatever of my cum was left.

I could not breathe, much less speak. Chuck rolled over and lay beside me. He took me in his arms, kissed me, and said, "Next time, I'll teach you how to fuck me."

I felt a butterfly flitting in my stomach. No way! I thought. Finally, after a long silence, I said, "Chuck, I don't know if I can do that to you."

"Sure you can, and after you do it once, you'll want to do it over and over again." He smiled when he said that, and once again, I melted. He took my hand and laid it gently on his throbbing cock. Instinctively I started to stroke it. Chuck sighed.

"Now," he said, "now you can suck it. Don't think too hard. Just bend over and do it."

I was in some sort of trance. Without thinking I followed his instructions. Before I knew it, I was sucking his magnificent cock, and it tasted delicious. He smelled of his shower; fresh and clean. Somehow I expected it to smell rancid, especially since he was uncut.

"That's it," he purred. "You're doing great. Don't stop. I'm cumming." Indeed, he was, and I wanted to pull away, but he put his hand on my head, and I couldn't do anything but continue.

I felt his thick juice spurting into my mouth. It was warm and a bit salty, not at all unpleasant. Once again, I wondered at my foolish reticence. I couldn't swallow it all, so I did what he did, and I shared it with him. When he came back down to earth, I was still lying on top of him. Now I could feel his flaccid rod rubbing against mine. We kept kissing. My tongue was actually getting sore. I think his was too, because he pulled away from me, and asked, "Would you like to go to breakfast."

I nodded and he smiled. I remember wishing that he would never smile at me again. That smile was enough to make me follow him into hell.

"After breakfast," he SMILED at me again, "we'll continue your education."

Knowing that my smile was not as disarming as his, I smiled back anyway. "Good," I said, "because you've got me hooked."

Part Two

The Real World

After breakfast, Chuck introduced me to anal sex. After that, there was nothing we wouldn't do together. Thinking back on those days, I can safely say that I lusted after Chuck, but I didn't love him. He must have felt the same, because we were not monogamous. Occasionally, we did a threesome together, but we started to have sex with other men as well. Now that I could face my true identity, I decided to come out fully.

I most feared telling my parents. My brother George was already married and expecting a child. I prayed that would soften the blow. Once again, I realized how baseless my fears were. My dad said that he suspected all along, and my mother said that they didn't love me less.

"Just go out in the world and be happy," Dad advised me. That confirmed what I always suspected. My dad was not only a saint; he was the wisest man in the universe.

Once again a graduation broke up my friendship with my poker pals. We all went our separate ways. I had majored in business, and I returned home to New York City, where I got an entry level, lower management job in a major manufacturing company. I started working on my MBA at night. It was in one of my classes that I met my soul mate.

On the first evening of class, which was a Tuesday, he was seated right next to me. The professor sat us alphabetically. His name is Monroe and mine is Moore. Fate conspires and man falls right into the trap. After we were seated, he held out his hand for me to shake. "Hi," he smiled at me, and I was reminded of Chuck's killer smile. "My name is James Monroe."

"You're pulling my leg," I said, instead of introducing myself.

"Yeah! (that smile again) My dad swears they never heard of the James Monroe who was once President. And your name is?" he asked, still smiling. That smile was killing me.

"Sorry," I mumbled (or rather, I stumbled), "My name is Ira, Ira Moore. I'm named after Ira Gershwin."

"I suppose you have a brother George?" he actually giggled.

Now I started to laugh. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do." We stopped our conversation as the professor started to lecture. At the end of the first hour of the two-hour class, we got a ten-minute break. I had a chance to get a good look at James. He was about my height. We both had light brown hair, hazel eyes, and strong chins. That's as far as the resemblance went. Beyond those features we looked nothing alike. He was so much more handsome than I. I wondered where else we resembled each other. I almost asked him if he was cut, but of course, I didn't.

I guess he was studying me also because he kept staring at me. "Have you got time for a cup of Joe after class?" he asked. "I'm single and don't have anyone to rush home to."

Clever man. He wanted to find out about me. I could only wonder if he was gay. I sure hoped so.

"I have the same status," I said, "and I'd love to get to know you better."

Now I smiled, trying to be as charming as I could be. If he didn't understand my meaning, I guessed I'd have to come right out with it over coffee and tell him that I was gay. I actually started to fantasize: I'm gay, I tell him as our coffee is served. Thank god, he says, so am I. The professor interrupted my reverie.

There was a coffee shop right next door to the school. It stayed open late to accommodate us night students. James and I found a table and we both ordered coffee and a piece of apple pie.

"Tell me about yourself," I urged. I learned that he graduated college the same time I did. He had a similar job to mine in a different company, and was trying to get his MBA to insure his future. We marveled about our similarities, which brought my lustful mind back to his penis. I figured that this was the moment to be honest. It had been years since I was shy about telling people that I was gay.

"James," I blurted out before our pie and coffee arrived, "I'm gay and I have the hots for you. If you want to leave now, I'll understand."

"He put his hand on my arm, which was resting on the table. Just like in my fantasy, he said, "Thank God."

We both had our own apartments. We made up to meet downtown Friday evening after work, have a bite to eat, and then go to one of our apartments, hopefully to spend the night together. Friday was four days away. We called each other constantly, and spoke half through the night. We had another class together on Thursday, and since there was no seating arrangement at this one, we decided to separate so as not to distract each other. We were both serious about getting our advanced degrees. After class we went to the coffee shop and lingered far too long.

Friday evening came at last and we hurried through dinner. We rushed back to my apartment which was closer to the restaurant. We were literally undressed in seconds and smooching on my bed. James was circumcised. During the next twenty-four hours we ate very little, and made passionate love. We were not shy with each other. Whatever I wanted to do, we did, and whatever he wanted to do, we did. It was all so wonderful.

On Sunday morning I screwed up my courage and asked him if he would like to move in with me.

"I thought you would never ask," he said. "I'm on a month to month lease," he informed me. "How about you?"

"I've got seven months left on a year's lease."

"Settled then. I'll give notice and move in here. When your lease is up, we can look for a larger place together." He smiled. I melted. "By the way," he said, "Did I tell you how much I love you?"

Two weeks before James was due to move in, I came home from work one Monday evening, and found a man literally sitting against my front door. His face was down, and I couldn't see who it was. At first I thought it might be a homeless man, but he was too well dressed.

"Excuse me," I said, and I nudged his arm. The man looked up at me, and I almost collapsed. It was my old high school friend, Jaden Jaffe. Did I say my old friend? Jaden actually looked twenty years older than we actually were. His face was pale and gaunt, and he had obviously been crying. He jumped up and we embraced. I got the shock of my life when Jaden kissed me on the lips. I tried to ignore it, and managed to get us both into my apartment.

"Have you eaten dinner?" I asked. He shook his head. I pulled two frozen TV dinners out of the freezer and prepared them in the microwave. All this time, Jaden hadn't said a word. Finally, I could stand it no longer. "Talk to me," I demanded. "What's going on? How did you find me?"

Jaden sighed. He seemed to be collecting his thoughts. "I live right here in town. You're in the phone book. No matter what I tell you," he began, "promise to hear me out, and not kick me out, until I'm finished." I panicked. This was truly ominous. What could be so bad that I would kick out my oldest and dearest friend (next to James)?

"Please, tell me, before I bust."

"The reason I'm afraid to tell you everything is because you're straight." My eyebrows lifted. "You might not like what I'm about to tell you."

"If you don't start telling me soon, I will kick you out."

"Ira, I'm gay. I have loved you all my life." He stopped and studied my face. I purposely tried not to show any emotion. He continued. "I couldn't face being gay, and maybe ostracized, so I foolishly got married, and I distanced myself from you because I was afraid of my own emotions. How stupid. I loved you above everybody else, and I deserted you. Anyway, the only way I could have sex with my wife was to pretend I was with you. But after a time, even that stopped working, and I was unable to make love to her. We began to fight constantly and she called me a faggot. She was being figurative not literal. I doubt she knows."

He stopped talking and began to sob. I remained silent and he continued. "She kicked me out, and I still had to pay the mortgage and alimony. I had nothing left for me. I'm living in a furnished apartment. I go to work every morning, but I return home every evening and I live like a hermit. Help me, Ira. I'm desperate for companionship."

"You're right," I lied. "I am straight. Just what do you expect me to do for you?"

"Nothing really. I just need a friend. I'd like for us to resume our friendship." I remained silent. All I could think about was James whom I loved dearly. That didn't stop me from realizing that I loved Jaden also.

The frozen dinners were ready. I sat Jaden down. He looked so sad. We ate in silence. It was I who spoke next.

"Jaden, listen to me. I'm in a relationship. We both work long, hard hours and go to school at night. We also have hours and hours of homework. The only time we can be together is on the weekends, and our love consumes us. I don't think I have time for any one else."

Jaden looked like I had just put a knife in his heart. I couldn't bear it. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. Without thinking and strictly from instinct, I placed my lips on his. He responded, and before I knew it, our kiss was passionate. I pulled away.

"Sorry," Jaden said, thinking it was his fault.

He helped me clean up, and then we sat down on the couch. Jaden wanted to talk further. "It's very late," he said. "I don't want to be alone tonight. Can I sleep over?"

"I only have one bed."

"I'll use the couch. I'll sleep as is. You don't even have to make it up."

"You're gay," I said. "I don't know if that's a good idea." I was really afraid of what would happen when James and I exchanged our nightly calls, which sometimes led to phone sex.

"Please," he begged. "I won't come on to you."

I weakened. "OK, but let me call Jamie. We talk every night." I sometimes called James, Jamie. I thought maybe Jaden would think it was a girl's name, which it can be. "I hope you don't mind. I'll call from my bedroom. Sometimes we get very intimate." Jaden looked pained, but he nodded, and I left the room.

I couldn't lie to James. "I got an unexpected visit tonight from Jaden, an old high school chum," I told him. "He needs a place to stay tonight. I may have to put him up on the couch."

"Should I be jealous?"

"No way. He thinks I'm straight. He's having a battle royale with his wife, and is just feeling sorry for himself." We chatted a little while longer and I told James that I would call him at lunchtime tomorrow.

I returned to the living room and got a shock. Jaden was sitting on the couch and going through my magazine rack. It was full of gay magazines and newspapers. He looked up when he heard me. I waited for him to comment on the contents of the rack, but he said nothing.

"You don't have to sleep in your clothes," I said. "Hang them up, and I'll give you a toothbrush and a razor. You can shower in the morning, and I'll give you a clean pair of underwear. You might as well be fresh and clean when you go to work."

"Thanks, I appreciate that."

I went to the linen closet and took out a pillow, a sheet, and a blanket. I didn't want him sleeping directly on the couch. He helped me put the sheet on the couch and then he stripped to his briefs. As much as I love James, my mouth watered. His face may have looked old for his years, but his body was magnificent, lean, hard, and ripped. He saw me staring at him.

"To get away from my wife, I spend many hours in the gym." I nodded to let him know that I understood. Foolishly, I embraced his near naked body as a sort of good night kiss. Big mistake. He was erect, and I could feel my own hard prick smash against his. I pulled away, and headed for the bedroom.

"I'll see you in the morning," I said. Jaden looked at me sadly. I went into my bedroom, but did not close the door. I stripped and went to bed naked.

When I awoke in the morning, I headed for the bathroom. My morning woodie marched before me. The door was open, and Jaden was humming and shaving. He had a towel wrapped around his waist.

"You can come in," he said. "I've showered and brushed my teeth already. As soon as I finish shaving, it's all yours.

I hesitated, but I had to pee badly so I approached the toilet. That's quite a whopper you have there," he commented. "I used to be smaller than you, but with all the whacking off I do, I think I got bigger." He took off his towel, and exposed himself. He was cut and indeed he was at least half inch bigger, but about the same width as I am."

"You promised not to come on to me," I reminded him. He had been smiling, and he finally looked his age, but now his face clouded over. "I'm sorry," he muttered.

I came out of the shower wearing only a towel, and found Jaden sitting naked on the couch. "Why haven't you dressed?" I asked suspiciously.

"You said that you would give me clean underwear. I didn't know which drawer you kept it in, and I didn't think it proper to go through your drawers anyway."

"Oh sure. Follow me." He stood up and he was as hard as a steel rod. Maybe he wasn't coming on to me, but I loved Jaden and my resolve was weakening. When we went into the bedroom, I threw my towel on the bed and headed for my dresser. I took out two pairs of briefs, and handed one to him.

"You're as hard as I am," he noted.

"Don't make anything of it. I'm perpetually horny."

"You were never horny in high school. I wanted to make love to you so badly."

It was all too much. I grabbed Jaden's arm and threw him on the bed. Before he knew what hit him, I had swallowed his cock, and I was sure his cum was about to follow down my throat.

"Oh, Ira," he cried, "I love you so much. We fell on the bed, and twisted our bodies around so that we were playing sixty-nine. We both came quickly, much too quickly."

When it was over I started to cry hysterically.

"I'm sorry," Jaden yelled. "I really tried to control myself. I am so sorry, but when I saw those magazines and realized that you were gay, I couldn't control myself."

"No. It's my fault. I love you, but I love James also. How can this be? Oh, James, forgive me."

"I'll leave, and he'll never know. You don't have to tell him. Just promise me that we can resume our friendship."

"Of course I want us to continue to be friends, but I must tell James what we did. We have never lied to each other."

"You wouldn't be lying if you failed to mention it."

"I love you, Jaden, but it doesn't work that way for me. Look, after class tonight at 9 PM, James and I will have coffee at the University Coffee Shoppe on Third and 22nd. Please be there. I want you two to meet. Please get dressed and leave now."

"Sure. I'll be there."

After Jaden left, I called my office and told them that I was too ill to come in. I had all my sick days accumulated. In fact, I was about to lose about a week's worth. I crawled into bed and cried myself to sleep. I was deeply in love with two men. It made no sense, and I just could not handle it.

Part Three

Jaden and James

When James met me that evening outside of the college building, we kissed, not caring who might see us. I looked into his face and he smiled. How could I have doubted myself, even for a second? I was so in love with this man, I started to cry.

"What's wrong, baby?" he asked.

"Nothing. It's just that I love you so much that sometimes it hurts. There is something I have to tell you. We may be a little late to class."

"It sounds serious."

"I had sex with Jaden. I don't know how it happened. It just did. He kept telling me how much he loved me. We had been so close as kids. It just happened. I've been beating myself up ever since."

James turned away from me and I panicked. "Say something to me, please," I begged. He turned back to me, and smiled his special smile.

"Look," he said, "we both had plenty of sex before we met, and maybe we won't always be faithful to each other, but so what? I love you, and you love me. We're going to live together, and I promise I'll always come home to you. Can you make me the same promise?"

"Of course, never doubt it." James kissed me again.

"He'll be at the coffee shop this evening after class. I want you to meet him."

"Fantastic. Now let's go in before class starts."

I couldn't believe it. Neither of my two loves was awkward about meeting the other. I looked at both of them, and I saw something that I am sure nobody else saw. Both their faces, indeed both their eyes said, "I can win. He's no match for me."

When I realized what each was thinking, I had a good mind to leave both of them, but I knew I couldn't. I loved them both, but I had to diffuse the situation.

"Look Jaden," I said, "James and I have committed to each other. In a little less than two weeks, he's moving in with me. You came back in my life, way too late. It was you who tried to hide your true identity. There are consequences for telling lies. I simply can't make your fantasies come true. I can only pray that you meet someone who you will love, and who will love you, but you can't expect me to disrupt my life for your dreams."

James took my hand and squeezed it. He knew how hard it was for me to make that statement. Jaden whispered, "I'm sorry. I'll leave now."

James grabbed his arm and said, "You aren't going anywhere. Ira is your best friend, and that makes me a best friend also. He tells me that you just came out. Well, let us help you. We have lots of friends, and we can introduce you to lots of people. I know that Ira will always love you, and you will always love him, but if your heart is big enough, you will find another love, an available love."

Jaden returned to his seat and slumped down. "Our coffee is coming," he observed." He turned to James. "Thanks James," he said. "It's easy to see why Ira loves you. Thank you both for offering me your friendship."

Two weeks later, as James was moving in with Ira, he said, "I have a great idea."


"Let me work on it. If it gels, I'll tell you." When he got home from work that evening he asked Ira, "What are you doing Friday evening?"

"Why do you ask? Do you have plans? I don't."

"Yes, I do have plans. We are hosting a poker game. Hopefully it will be a weekly event. I called Jaden and three gay friends of mine, and they loved the idea."

When I heard that we were going to have a Friday night poker game and Jaden, James and I were half of it, my heart skipped a beat. "Do I know any of the other guys?" I asked.

"No, but I have a feeling that they are all going to pounce on Jaden, and he's going to like all of them.

I started to laugh. "You're a matchmaker and a hopeless romantic."

"Not really. I'm just protecting my investment."

"You don't have to. Your investment isn't going anywhere."

I couldn't wait for Friday. Jaden came first with a six pack of beer. He actually looked like his old handsome self. James's three friends arrived together. One was better looking than the other. I found out that they had all met working out at the same gym. James introduced them to Jaden and me. The blond was Roger; the brown haired one was Michael, and the red haired one was Bob. Easy enough to remember. All three ogled Jaden. I guess they were clued in to his single status, but I could tell that it was Michael who caught Jaden's eye.

By the end of our third poker session, the six of us were socializing at gay bars, and having dinners together. After the fifth session, Michael went home with Jaden. After the seventh session, Bob and Roger spent the night together. At the end of four months, we were three committed couples destined to be life-long friends.

We even had a sleepover one Friday. A blizzard was threatening, and James and I invited the guys to sleep over, like that time when I was in high school. One couple could use the guest room, and the other could use the sleep sofa in the living room. Needless to say by early evening, we were six naked bodies, wrapped up together, and demonstrating our love for each other. It was done without fear that we would harm our special relationships with our partners. That would never happen, nor did the group sex ever happen again. It was a one-time shot precipitated by being snowbound together.

One evening, at our weekly card game, Jaden cleared his throat and we all looked at him. Jaden directed his attention to me. "Thank you," he said, "for introducing me to Michael, and I'm sorry I nearly fucked up your life, Ira. It was just that I had a lifelong fantasy I needed to fulfill. It was childish, and I had no right. Now we are still best friends, and I couldn't be happier. I'm sorry also that we discovered our true nature so late, but better late than never."

"I'll drink to that," I said, and I planted a big kiss on James's lips. "James and I are blessed to have the best friends in the world, and the best Friday night poker game that ever was."

"Amen," the rest of them said.

One of them (I can't remember who) said, "I hope it lasts forever." This was my third Friday night poker group. I knew that it wouldn't last forever, but I didn't question the thought. I too prayed that even if we gave up the game, we would never give up our friendship.

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