From Jock Hero to Slave Loser

By Sean Hoke

Published on Jan 30, 2013


*****Author's Note:

Hey guys just wanted to say thank you to all the people that have written me to say how much they enjoy the story thus far. Here is part two, and I need some major feedback on this one, I tried something new for me, writing form Todd's POV, and not sure it worked. Please let me know what you think.

Chapter Two

"Basically." I said. "Your will for the next two months is gone, you do what I say, when I say it, remember?"

"Yeah EJ I um remember." Todd said sadly.

"Sir." I interjected.

"What?" he said.

"That should have been Yes Sir I remember.'" I explained. "From now on you will call me Sir' when we are alone, like now, when we are in public you will call me `Boss' understand?" I added.

"Yes Sir." He said again. I got up and circled around him. I had never really looked at him so I did so now, his body was nice and compact; I had expected him to be somewhat bigger. I guess I had never really thought about it, I had never really been that close to him before. I ran my hand over his arms and chest; he immediately started to flex his muscles and stuff. I let my hand drift down across his stomach and abs; I could feel that he was in great shape even just from the light touches. He was wearing a snug but not tight dark green tee shirt, a pair of loose fitting blue jeans and on his feet was a pair of the hottest Nike shox I had ever seen, all black leather NZ, I was in heaven.

"Don't you have practice to get too or something?" I asked, I didn't want him to leave but wasn't sure how much time we would have to do any of the stuff I had dreamed of. I was still standing there with my hand lightly resting on his firm abs.

"No, um, Coach let me off today since I had to talk to you and stuff, Sir." Todd said. He was standing there rigid as a pole, he hadn't moved so much as an inch. I wasn't even sure he was breathing. I felt it was time to test him a little more; I let my hand slide lower right over the bulge in his jeans. He flinched but didn't really move back, his eyes closed though.

"Keep your eyes open, I want to be able to see them and I want you to see me." I ordered, his eyes opened. I grasped the zipper of his jeans, and slowly pulled it down, the sound filled the room. He stuttered but still didn't move away. I looked him right in his eyes as my hand slipped inside and I rubbed the front of his underwear. "What are you wearing under there?" I asked. As another shutter ran down his body.

"Um boxers, Sir." He responded I would have to find out later about how he could remember the `Sir' every time. I stepped away from him and walked by over to my table and pulled a book and notebook out of my green backpack. Holding up the now empty backpack, I held it out to Todd.

"Okay, Toddy boy, time for your first real test, I want you to take this backpack and go to the bathroom, go into the handicap stall and strip down to nothing, stuff your cloths in the backpack and hide it behind the toilet, and finally without locking the door I want you to jerk off for ten minutes." I said.

"How will I know when 10 minutes are over, Sir?" Todd asked. "And what do I do if someone comes into the bathroom?"

"You can keep your watch on and keep jerking no matter what, also don't cum. And when you are done you can get dressed again, but no socks and no underwear. Leave them in the backpack." I said. Todd reached out and grasped the backpack.

"Yes Sir." He said as his eyes moved to his backpack and gym bag.

"They will be safe here with me, after all your stuff is now my stuff. " I said.

"That is true I guess if you own me, you um own my stuff too." Todd said as he quickly left the room. The moment he was out the door I moved over to his gym bag and unzipped it. A waft of man smell assaulted my nose. Clearly Toddy boy didn't air this stuff out enough. Quickly I pawed though his stuff finding the items I had hoped would be there, his jockstrap which was clearly dirty and stiff as though it had been a lot without cleaning it, and his football cleats again a hot pair of Nike's. Really I only needed the laces but I wanted to check them out anyway, surprisingly he wore the same size shoe as me, and that would come in handy later. I quickly pulled the laces from his cleats, stuffed them back into the bag and placed both the laces and the jockstrap into my back pockets. I checked his backpack but it only held the typical school stuff. Walking back over to the table I was working at, I picked up the note pad I had been writing on and quickly scribbled down some questions I wanted answered. All that had only taken about three minutes; I wondered how Toddy boy was doing.

Once that was done I continued the project that Toddy had interrupted and was just about done when a shadow fell on me again, it quickly moved to the left however. I ignored him for a few more minutes as I finished the mitosis cataloging. When I looked up I gazed at my boy outwardly nothing really looked different. Though two things stuck out, one was his hard cock still trying to poke out his jeans, he had not zipped up again, and two his face was red as though he was embarrassed or something.

"How was your jerk off session?" I asked.

"Humiliating Sir." He said quickly breathlessly.

"Tell me all about it." I said, I leaned on the counter to hear his tale, I could only guess at what had happened in the bathroom. Boy was I in for a surprise.

Todd's POV

"How in the Hell did this happen to me?" I wondered as I left the science lab, one minute I was a stud the stuff of legends and now I was a slave boy to the school nerd. I should have beaten the crap out of him the moment he put his gay hands on me. But I knew that wasn't the answer, not only would that have gotten me kicked out of school, I totally would have lost my sports stuff and my dad would have killed me. I headed to the nearest bathroom, already in a hurry to get this crap over with. Actually it wasn't that bad, after all with school and football and stuff I hadn't really had time to jerk off or anything.

"Let's just get this over with." I said out loud. I finally got to the bathroom and started to check it out, thankfully it was totally deserted, not a soul in sight. I quickly headed to the last stall in the bathroom, the handicapped stall, and started by pulling off my shirt and stuffing it into the backpack. Then I kicked off my Nike's, man they were hot looking, and pulled off my socks. Next I reached up and unbuckled my belt, only then did I notice something.

"Crap, I have been walking around the halls with my jeans unzipped and with a half stiff cock trying to poke out." I thought to myself. I decided that it didn't really matter, after all I was about to take them off anyway. I popped the button and before I lost my nerve I pulled down both my jeans and my boxers at the same time. Stepping out of them I pulled my socks off and stuffed everything into the backpack and proceeded to place the bad behind the toilet. I sat down and let out a small yelp, the seat was ice cold. I forced myself to sit back down. I had wasted enough time, Egghead EJ was waiting and the last thing I wanted to do was make him mad. I looked down at my perfect body, I couldn't really blame Egghead for wanting me, and after all I was a total stud. I grasped my cock with my right hand as I glanced at my watch on my left wrist; it was 2:45 pm time to start. I started to lightly jerk myself off. Didn't want to go too fast, thought I wasn't sure how Egghead would know that I had cum.

I had been stroking for about a minute when the first moan escaped my lips. I couldn't help it, it felt do good. But I didn't want to get too loud, who knows if people were still around this part of the school. The second minute passed much like the first, and then I heard a noise that chilled me to the bone. The distinct sound of the door opening. Someone else was in the bathroom with me; I felt my heart beat start to race. I looked at the stall door and suffered a small heart attack; I had left the door wide open.

"Shit!" I muttered to myself as quietly as I could. I couldn't risk getting up to shut it now that would give me away. I could only hope that whoever it was would hurry up and get out. I continued to stroke my meat, which was as hard as it had ever been. My cock wasn't huge but it was still above average. I strained my ears to figure out what the hell the guy was doing. I was so focused on that, that I forgot that I was supposed to keep quiet. The moan ripped itself out of me. I could only pray that whoever it was wouldn't have time to find out what was going on.

Luck was not on my side. I heard a cough and suffered my second heart attach of the day, it came from the open stall door. The cough belonged to the school janitor, and he was staring right at me stroking my cock. I wanted to stop, but I knew that I would be in trouble if I did. The janitor, whose name was Jim going by the patch on his shirt licked his lips slightly.

"Wow, Todd Stevens you look good enough to eat." Jim said. He stepped in closer, pushing the door closed behind him. "Don't get up or anything." He said. Jim moved closer to me, before kneeling down between my legs. I was stiff as a board, and had no idea what was about to happen. Jim looked me in the eye for a moment or two before he lowered his head and wrapped his lips around the head of my cock. I was so stunned I just froze for a second. It wasn't until Jim grabbed my hand and started to jack me again did I fully realize that I was supposed to keep doing that no matter what anyway.

Jim's tongue was driving me crazy; it felt so good as he teased my cock head. But I still felt weird; after all it was a guy doing this to me. Jim distracted me from my thoughts by teasing the piss slit of my cock; I decided that I didn't care, after all a hole is a hole. My eyes closed as another moan escaped my lips. Jim continued to tease my cock head for a moment, his hand wrapped around my hand wrapped around my cock. His hand was forcing me to jerk faster than I really wanted to, his tongue slurping up the precum that was flowing out of my cock head. I knew I wouldn't last too long like this, so I tried to slow down the movement of his hand, without having to open my eyes. I guess he decided I knew what I was doing as his hand let go of mine, and his lips continued to tease and please my cock head. I didn't open my eyes till I felt his lips pull off my cock head, and when I saw him again he was already standing up and had moved closer to the stall door. And then I saw it, he had the backpack with all my cloths in it; he was planning to leave me here naked and trapped.

"Wait." I cried out. "Please don't take the bag." I croaked out, terrified of someone finding me like this with no cloths at all. And what would Egghead say?

"What? Oh you want this?" Jim said, holding out the bag.

"Yes please." I begged.

"I think I am going to need something to make me want to give this up." Jim said. I couldn't believe this, how in the hell could this be happening to me again?

"What do you want?" I asked. I really didn't have a choice I would have to give him anything he wanted.

"Get on your knees boy." He commanded. I dropped down to the cold hard floor of the men's restroom of my high school, a school I was supposed to be the star, and kneeled down before the school janitor. His crotch was right at eye level and even I could tell it was very very hard. "Wow, Todd you really are thick, do you need me to spell it out for you?" Jim sneered at me. The truth was I had a good idea of what he wanted, but I had hoped that was wrong. I reached up with my free hand and grasped his zipper. "Good boy, I knew that you would get it. Probably a good thing that I didn't have to spell it out, you still might not have understood." Jim said. I was stunned by this, he was being so mean. Did everyone think I was this stupid? I finally got the zipper down, Jim was freeballing. The moment his cock was free he grabbed the back of my head and started to shove his cock down my throat. I tried to take as much as I could, but I started to choke and gag. Jim didn't seem to care, he just kept right on fucking my face, I still couldn't wrap my head around that, and I had another dude's cock in my mouth. I continued to jerk my own cock, which was at this point very painfully hard.

Jim gave several fairly loud grunts and then shoved his cock as far down as he could and held it there; I struggled to breath, trying to find a way to get in some air. Then I felt something that I couldn't even describe Jim's cock seemed to grow even bigger and filled my entire mouth. I knew he wouldn't last too much longer, if at all. I was still struggling to fill my lungs, but Jim seemed to want to fill my stomach, I wasn't sure I could stomach that, not that I seemed to have much of a choice. I tried to brace myself for it, but since I had never sucked cock before I didn't know what the tell-tell signs were. The first squirt caught me totally by surprise; it went straight down my throat. Jim pulled back for the next shot and let it fill my mouth, the taste was awful, very salty and stuff. Jim then pulled his cock totally out of my mouth, and shot the next few loads on my face and in my hair. I kept my eyes closed so Jim didn't cum in my eyes. I heard some shuffling and then silence, I cracked open and eye and saw that he had set down the backpack. I quickly grabbed some tissue paper and wiped off the cum off my face. I grabbed the backpack and pulled it towards me, after tossing the tissue paper in the toilet. I glanced at my watch and realized that the ten minutes had passed about two minutes ago. I quickly let go of my cock. I stood up, though my legs were a little wobbly, and started to get dressed. I had my back to the stall door, when two hands grabbed me from behind, pulling me against a hard body; the first shock was when I felt something press against the crack of my ass.

"Please, please don't fuck me." I whimpered.

"You're lucky I don't have too much to do right now, or I would fuck you right here, like the filthy pig you are." Jim sneered at me. I felt my body shake with fear. I didn't want to get raped in a public bathroom, then again, I didn't want to get raped anywhere. I started to pull away from Jim, when he pulled me back, I ended up bending backwards at the waist, and Jim towered over me for a moment. Then I felt something that was both familiar and yet new at the same time. It finally hit me, Jim was kissing me. That was why it almost felt normal. He broke the kiss and in a flash was gone. I quickly got dressed and headed back to find Egghead.

Next: Chapter 3

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