Fuck Daddy Meets Fuck Boy

By moc.loa@w2murtcepslluf

Published on Mar 18, 2012


Note to the Dear Reader: it has been far too long that we have not continued with the warm, wet adventure of sex and discovery of Fuck Daddy and Fuck Boy. We now rectify that absence. In the interim, quite a few of you have written the author with kind words and encouragement. Some of you have even struck up a correspondence and an exchange of delicious and very explicit pictures of yourselves and your lovers, both male and female. Alas, so far none of you turns out to be living anywhere near where the author lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a result, neither the author nor any of his Dear Readers has been able to meet up in person and share each other truly in the flesh. Still, each one who has shared correspondence with the author has made him hard and happy, as he now hopes to do for every one of you, Dear Readers, with our continuing saga.

In this new chapter, our heroes, Fuck-Boy Tom and Fuck-Daddy Brad continue to explore the forbidden and full-out fruits of man-to-man love. Some time soon in the future they will discover amazing delights as they share a sharing, caring, joyous woman. Somewhere along the paths of their mutual, loving and multiple adventures, they will also discover that having many lovers in no way diminishes their love for each other. In fact, having many lovers increases their love for each other, especially when they share their lovers as well as the stories of their lovers. So much win-win, it takes the author's breath away and he has to lie down for a moment to recover. You, Dear Reader, may imagine what he is doing during this brief intermission, and you, Dear Reader, are heartily encouraged to stop reading and take your own intermission either by yourself, or with a lover, or with several lovers, especially with several lovers.

To return: for this chapter, our dear Fuck Daddy and Fuck Boy discover how much each one relishes piss play in several naughty ways. Some of you, Dear Readers, may not wish to go here as you are perhaps stuck in an old idea that piss is "dirty," which it is not. (Here the author speaks from much personal experience; In a healthy man, his piss is biologically sterile. For more info, do a GoogleSearch on: drink urine. Also check out Dr. Dick, who observes that sharing piss is not safe if the pissing guy has HIV.) If this aspect of love making turns you off, the author suggests you skip this chapter and pick up with the next one which will be along as soon as Fuck Daddy and Fuck Boy reveal to the author additional delicious forms of love making that they discover together.

When we left them, Fuck Boy had just broken one of Fuck Daddy's ancient taboos, as he had allowed, no, encouraged Fuck Daddy to slide his beautiful hard cock into his, Fuck Boy's, own ass until they both came ecstatically.

"And what is taboo number three?" Fuck Boy asked, happy, hazy, hardly speaking at all.

"We trade places and you fuck my ass with your divine, beautiful, glorious, breath-taking cock."

Part 4

I rolled to my side, pulling Fuck Boy with me, my arms around his chest as I clasped his back to my chest, my now soft cock nestled in his warmly embracing ass-cheeks. I gently massaged Fuck Boy's equally soft cock. To me, it did not matter at all if Fuck Boy's cock was hard or soft. To simply touch it, fondle it, even just to see it, was such a tender, previously forbidden delight, and every time I did any of those longing movements or views, my whole groin stirred.

"I think we should go and wash my cock... I read somewhere long ago that that's a good idea after fucking your lover in the ass," I said.

"Mmmmmm... Anything, anything at all you want to do, whenever you want to do it, however you want to do it, I want to do it," he replied.

"You might be surprised at some of the things I want to do with you," I replied happily.

"Oh yes, surprise me! And... I just might surprise you," he replied, and his beautiful younger cock began to swell just a little. I slid out from behind him, and brought my seemingly insatiable mouth down to his glorious, swelling member and suckled it for a moment. He smelled of his heavenly cum, and there was just a tiny bit of his nectar left on the slit that I lovingly sucked into my mouth and savored.

Then it was his turn to surprise me. "Would you like me to wash your cock with my mouth?"

"Very, very much," I blurted out before my mind could intervene with some medical objection, and I started to breathe deeply again. Then I hesitated. My mind did intervene. It was worried that maybe his taking my ass-fucking cock into his mouth would not be a good idea, that maybe something in his glorious ass was still sticking to my cock and might make him sick. But my lust overpowered me. I swung my leg over so I could lower my own now-swelling and dangling cock to his mouth. His tongue and then his mouth enveloped my cock. I could think of nothing but oh, oh, how good he feels, how good he makes my cock feel, how good it is to physically love him in every way possible.

I knew how much I relish the taste of my own piss, and I so wanted to share my love-piss with him, to have him drink me, and to be able to suckle his piss directly from his tender, glorious cock. "My darling," I said after a few minutes, "I need to piss to clean out my piss hole. I, I..." I hesitated a moment before I leapt into the abyss where I so wanted to go. "I want to piss in your mouth. Are you OK with that?"

"OK?" he replied, "I told you, ANYTHING you want to do with me, to me, on me, in me, around me, in front of me, behind me, I want you to do it. Do it. I am your Fuck Boy. Fuck Daddy does with Fuck Boy anything he wants to do, any time he wants to do it, wherever he wants to do it, however he wants to do it. Fuck Boy wants Fuck Daddy!"

"Fuck Boy, I want you to drink me, and I so, so want to drink you. Now a moment of reason in our otherwise unreasonable joy: I know from drinking my own piss that when I drink too much when I haven't done so for a while that I can get a tummy ache. I never want to give you any aches at all except the lust for more of my hungry body. So I will give you just a little bit of piss. Take one gulp, and then hold the second gulp in your mouth to share with me," I ordered.

"Mmmmmmm... mmmmm" he groaned happily. Gently I released a little of my piss into his mouth and he happily sucked on my cock, as if begging me for more, my little Fuck Boy suckling my cock, my loving Daddy cock feeding my loving Fuck Boy, nurturing his deepest, most natural, primitive needs. I swelled at the joy of feeding him what was so good for his heart, so good for his mind, so good for his loving self.

I heard him gulp once, and I continued my stream. He tapped me lightly on the side and I stopped pissing, swung around, and brought my very hungry mouth to his loving one, and pushed my tongue into him. We rolled back and forth sideways so that we could swish my piss in his mouth back and forth between us, savoring the warm, acrid, salty, delicious flavor mingled with the saliva in each of our mouths. When we had finally swallowed all there was, I broke my mouth from his.

"You really like piss too, don't you?" I blurted.

"Oh yes. And you are the first lover I have ever had who loved it too... Actually, I... I... I... have never ever... fucked like... this with...with anyone... with anyone else, no other man, no woman. There's something... something electric... about you... I've... I've just never felt so deep... so full... so perfectly... at peace... and bonded... in... my... whole... life."

I started to cry. His words dove into me like some strange pierce into the very heart of myself. I began to sob deeply, totally out of control. After a while I gasped, "Never... ever ... have ... I felt ... this ... way." I opened my eyes and was amazed to see that he too was weeping in happiness. We began to tongue each other's tears, and suddenly, in a flash we were laughing happily. Out of our pain, we had found our loves.

"This is beyond possible," I said.

"I love you," he replied. And as our mouths again danced together, he suddenly broke away. "So, Fuck Daddy, what about MY need to piss, piss into your mouth, feed you my love too?"

"Come," I ordered, and swung up out of bed, pulling him with me, Holding on to his dear hand I pulled him to the bathroom and the large shower stall clearly built for two lovers. I knelt in front of his beautiful, half-swollen cock. "Now piss, piss, piss, piss, piss into my mouth forever ..." And I took that glorious cock into my mouth.

He began to release his warm piss into my mouth and I was filled with the strong stream of his love. I swallowed one big gulp, then a second – hell, I was very used to drinking my own since for the last two weeks I'd built up to a full glass at a time – and then let the rest cascade down my body as I massaged it into my chest, my cock and balls, my ass, and catching some in my hand to spread over my face.

"I'm almost empty, my love," he said, so I kept the rest in my mouth. When he stopped, I rose and we swapped his love piss back and forth for several minutes until there was nothing left to swap.

"I'm not empty," I said sternly, "On your knees, Fuck Boy."

"Oh yes, Fuck Daddy," and he dropped to his knees and took my now half-hard cock into his warm, loving mouth. I felt that delicious flow from inside my body, a sensation every man can enjoy instead of just "going," and released my love stream into his sucking mouth. He swallowed a bit more and then began washing himself as I had done with his love piss. Soon he was wet all over.

"I'm nearly empty," I warned, and he kept the last mouthful in his mouth and rose to share with me. When we had finished our tender passing of my body's juice back and forth I told him, "I want us to air dry, no water, no towels. I love how piss makes my skin feel. I know it makes yours glow too, soft, loving, gentle, regenerated. And then I want to wash you with my mouth, every inch of you, your breasts, your belly, your cock, your balls, your dear, dear, dear ass hole, every possible inch of you,"

"Oh, how I love you," he cried.

"Whom do you love?" I asked, sternly, in spite of my desire to start washing him right now with my mouth.

"Oh, you, Fuck Daddy," he replied, a tiny bit contrite, but grinning widely.

"Naughty boy, turn around," I ordered, and slapped each ass cheek twice. Then I swung him around again, and we melted into each other's arms, grinding our hardening cocks against each other as our tongues danced in and out of each other's mouths. Then we pulled our faces a little apart and just danced tongues together.

"Go lie down on the bed so I can feast on your body," I said, and again took him by the hand. Our feet left nice wet piss tracks across the bathroom and rapidly disappeared as we started to walk across the carpet to the bed. "Lie down and let me just feast with my eyes on my lover's beautiful body," I said. My eyes swept across his younger body with his puffy nipples extended, his cock three-quarters inflated, every inch of his warm, loving, amazing body just lying there before me for me to admire, for me to touch in any way I wished in spite of all the taboos I had learned, there for me to relish and adore and worship.

"Spread your legs wide," I ordered. "Fuck Daddy has some ideas."

Part 5 will surely reveal Fuck Daddy's new ideas, even if it is hard to imagine truly new ideas to such wonderful sex and love combined in the way that intelligent and free men and women have been practicing since the very first human fuck. As you wait for the next chapter, go out and celebrate! Do it by yourself! Do it with a lover! Do it with several lovers! Just do it. And then, Dear Reader, send the author your thoughts and pictures, if you dare. He will not divulge to anyone at all.

Copyright fullspectrum2w

send comments to: fullspectrum2w@aol.com

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