Fucked Up

By moc.loa@102rrraoR

Published on Mar 22, 1999



written by: Roarrr201@aol.com All rights reserved.

Warning: If you are offended by graphic descriptions of sex between men, you should stop reading now.

This story is a fantasy. People frequently have unsafe sex in it - please don't feel encouraged to do the same. You might risk your life.


Part Seven

Of course I got mad, really mad and I started to shout, to call them names.

In case you ever find yourself in a comparable situation let me tell you that it's not a good idea to abuse policemen: as a rule it doesn't help. So the older cop slapped my face real hard until I finally got the idea and fell silent. Then they pushed me roughly onto the back-seat of their car and drove off to the police-station. It was a pretty long ride, so I had enough time to consider my situation.

I knew that I was trapped, that there would be no easy way out of this situation and no way back to my former life. I knew that I was fucked up, really fucked up.

Also I felt bad, really bad - my whole body ached, all my muscles were strained. My cheeks and the skin on my buns still burned from all the hard slaps, from the spanking and whipping I had received and I felt like I would be sitting on a pin-cushion; my asshole had been spread wide and loose by two very thorough fucks and by this fucking nightstick and thus hurt like hell; my skin twitched from the cum that dried all over my body, but since I was hand-cuffed I could not scratch myself. There was cum all over me and inside of me, inside my ass, in my stomach, on my legs, on my chest, on my hands and fingers, in my hair, and (worst of all) on my face. It was my own cum, Jepson's cum, the jism of Chad, the biker, Leason's and Jeff's cum and the two mighty loads of the policemen who now drove me off to a future of shame and disgrace. I felt surrounded by cum, engulfed by cum, intoxicated by cum. It drove me crazy but I could not get its smell out of my nose nor could I get the taste out of my mouth... this strange, salty taste... so strong... unique... overpowering..... and exciting...

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate, telling myself over and over again that there must be a way to explain myself out of this trouble. After all I was a fully trained lawyer and supposed to know how to handle such a situation. But I couldn't think of anything - I knew that nothing I could make up would beat the testimony of two policemen. Shivers ran over my skin while I imagined what would happen to me when they put me to jail. No doubt word would be spread quickly why I was there... and then... and then...

Sweat started to appear all over my body while I pictured myself, buck naked, helpless and powerless, at the mercy of a bunch of hugely muscled convicts, their hairy bodies over-developed and hard from years of constant work-outs in their prison cells, their balls filled to the point of over-flowing with cum, hot, boiling cum from long periods of enforced continence, big, ruthless brutes with broad shoulders, huge arms and thick, slab muscled chests, their dicks hard, long, fat, rigid and ready, ready to fuck the shit out of me, to take me regardless of costs, whenever they wanted... wherever they wanted... as often as they wanted... in any way they wanted....

My mind reeled and I panted in terror - and my anguish increased even more when I realized that my dick began to stirr again, that it started to thicken., to get longer and fatter... I was appalled, totally appalled by myself: I knew I didn't want this. No matter how queer I was, I couldn't possibly want this - to be gang-raped... again and again... with no prospects besides a repeat the next night... of more big, hard dicks up my butt... of more cum and even more cum shot into my ass and down into my throat... no, I could not want this - but still the idea excited me and it made my dick rise, it made me hot again although I had shot more cum during the last few hourse than ever before in so little time. I opened my eyes again and told myself to calm down and I tried to get rational, tried to get some thinking going.

At this moment the police-car approached an intersection and pulled up along side a truck in the left line. Eager to turn my mind away from sex and men and dicks and cum I looked out of the window and my gaze fell on the truck-driver's arm that was hooked out through the open window. I could not see the man's face or his body or anything else of him, just his arm.

It was a strong arm, a very strong arm - the biceps and forearms looked as big as most men's legs and it was all sun-tanned and lined with silky black hair. The sleeve of the man's white tee-shirt cupped over his strong shoulder - and this sight did it for me: immediately my half-hard dick sprang to full attention. Yeah, I started to throw a goddamn hard-on from looking at the fucking arm of this complete stranger; my dick got hard, really hard between my legs and pointed stiffely up at the police-car's ceiling just because of the sight of this guy's arm.

Traffic was heavy and the cops didn't seem to be in a hurry, so we waited at the intersection and I had time to stare at the man's arm that was so enticingly cocked out of the window of this truck. And then the man suddenly turned his head and looked down on me. I was by then so excited that I noticed nothing but his eyes: dark, squinted eyes under thick eyebrows that seemed to burn holes right through me. First he stared in my face and I felt that I turned crimson red under all those white, flaky spots of dried cum; then his steady, cool gaze fell on my hard dick and much to my dismay the thick shaft jerked and got even harder and fatter than before under his scrutinizing eyes. The trucker grinned and then he noticed that I was hand-cuffed and that my arms were chained up behind my back and his grin broadened even more. Slowly he reverted his eyes. He looked like a man who had just been struck by a very good idea.

I held my breath while I watched as he leaned out of the truck's window and made himself noticed by the cop who sat before me in the passenger seat. They seemed to know each other since the trucker gave the cop a nod. Without a doubt he was a hot sonofabitch: black hair clipped very short, squared face, those thick eyebrows and dark eyes, high cheek bones, wide-bridged nose, a broad mouth and full lips, deep-cleft chin, all stubbly, a bull-thick neck... and then those arms, those huge, strong arms, bulging with hard muscles, and those dark hairs that covered his forearms shining and glistening in the bright sun-light. I found myself wondering how the rest of his body would look like... his chest... his stomach... his hips... his legs... his crotch... and his dick... above all his dick... and my cock jerked and ached even more strongly and it started to leak pre-cum although I sensed - no: I knew - that nothing good would come out of this for me.

Reluctantly the cop turned down the window at his side and stuck his head out, looking quizzically up at the trucker who wasted no time with any preliminaries but came right to the heart of the matter. His voice was dark and booming and my heart stopped beating when I heard him say:

"Listen, guys, this piggy for sale?"

The cop gave no answer, but frowned at the man. Obviously he needed some time to get the man's idea but I knew rightaway exactly what he wanted. Suddenly I felt weaker than ever before and not for the first time during that day I prayed that the earth would open up and swallow me. But of course it didn't and my rockhard dick once again betrayed me: fear had become a major turn-on for me and it never failed to work.

Still grinning broadly the truck-driver spoke again:

"You know, me and John here get horny a lot during our long runs, very horny, you know... and since we're both strictly tops a cute, little piggy like that one on your back-seat would come very handy. Besides, you'd spare the tax-payers some money!"

Puzzled the two cops looked at each other for a moment and then they turned in their seats and stared at me with cold eyes.

"Jezus," the younger one murmured under his breath, "he's hard again!"

"Yeah," said the other cop coldly, "Mr. LeJeune is randy as an old goat! He likes this suggestion; he really likes it!"

A honking horn reminded us all that the world still worked according to some rules. So we drove on, but the truck maintained a position right beside the police-car and the driver grinned mischieveously down on me. I panted and so much sweat ran down my skin that I wetted the car's seat but my dick remained stiff and throbbing. Swaying gently to and fro in front of my stomach with the movements of the car it seemed to wave enticingly at the truck-driver.

Silently the cops exchanged glances for several times and I sensed that this was some kind of argument that needed no words. Then the guy behind the steer suddenly began to laugh. It started as a giggle but quickly developed into a roaring laughter and then he looked at his young partner who after some moments too started to laugh his head off. They turned once again around and looked at me and at my rockhard, drooling dick. I tried to will my cock down, to make it go soft, to force it to shrink and shrivel, but to no avail: it was rockhard, erect and drooling and remained rockhard, erect and drooling and swelled to even larger dimension under their scrutinizing stares. I groaned in frustration and fear and once again the cops laughed their heads off. It was not a laughter I could join in: I knew then that they had silently decided my fate and I kind of fainted when I saw that the younger cop signaled the truck-driver to follow the police-car.

I came back to my senses when I was pulled out of the car. I found myself in the arms of the trucker and he carried me away as easily as a bundle of rags. For a short moment I tried to fight: I was scrapping my wrists raw trying to get out of the hand-cuffs and I gave the man plenty of lip, but then I realized that they had chained my legs too and suddenly I felt too weak, much too weak to fight. My hard dick bounced back and forth and slapped at my stomach while the strong trucker dragged me off in his mighty arms that I had so much admired earlier on. The hand-cuffs cut into my wrists and I groaned in pain. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the cops who gave me an ironic good-bye wave while they got into their car. The younger one shouted:


Right then the man who carried me away turned around to face the cops and while my head lolled to and fro I heard him say:

"Hey, guys, if you'd like to join us later on, you're more than welcome. You know where to find us!"

The older cop answered him:

"Thanks for the offer, man. We'll think about it. But we're still on duty, you know."

And then they drove off.

Whatever kind of deal the trucker had made with them, the transaction was obviously already finished. Naked and all tied-up I had been sold... sold into slavery.

Only some hours earlier on I had been a man of some status, a respectable citizen, a well-educated middle-class twenty-something with prospects, with a gal and with friends, with a posh car, expensive suit and flashy glasses - now all this was gone, now I had become the sex-toy of some horny lunatics who restlessly traveled across the country and had bought me to serve their needs. Some moments before I had trembled at the idea of being send to jail, but this here was worse, far more worse: I was a piece of personal property now, deprived of my name, deprived of all rights, of my past and of all possessions, a slave in chains... to be used... and used again... and again. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized that I could easily perish without leaving a single trace and I pictured myself in the future... literally fucked to death... my body dumped somewhere besides a dusty road... to feed birds and dogs...

Whistling joyfully the man carried me to the back of his truck. I noticed that all this happened on a parking-lot that was set back from the road and well secluded by trees and shrubbery. The place was almost deserted. I noticed some more trucks, all dirty with dust, but they were far away at the other side of the huge, empty space. Not a soul was to be seen. It was useless to yell and shout for help - and so I gave up... I gave up everything... my past... my personality as I used to know it... myself.

In this moment, held by the mighty arm of the man who had bought me and carried me around like it was nothing, right in this moment I became his slave. Despite my fear. Or because of my fear - I don't know.

And my goddamn cock stayed at full-mast, hard and thick and stiff, so goddamn stiff!

Then the trucker pushed me through the open doors of his trailer like a slab of meat. Yeah, that fucker was strong, really strong. I fell to the floor and my skin got bruised. He got into the trailer too and stood above my butt-nacked body, giving me time to look him over. Every part of his body seemed to be as big and strong as his impressive arms: barreled chest bulging under his white tee-shirt, nipple-tits showing through the strained fabric at each side, jeans slung down low on his narrow hips, the fly bulging at the crotch, leg muscles flexing under the taut cloth. He just stood in front of me and then he pulled the tee-shirt up, got rid of it and pawed his huge pecs and his flat, well-muscled belly with his large, strong hands. A thick mat of dark hair grew on the upper part of his chest, from just below the nipples on up to the hollow of his throat and a silky trail of slick, black hair ran downward over his torso from his flat-dipped navel and disappeared under the waist-line of his tight-fitting pants. It was very hot in the trailer and sweat ran down over his mighty torso in small rivulets. He rubbed the smelly liquid lazily into his darkly tanned skin. Adoringly my eyes roamed over his wide chest, encircled and caressed his tiny, hard nipples and finally got glued to the large, throbbing bulge at his crotch, between his thick thighs, that gave promise of a very large and fat dick. I looked at it and thought: 'It's huge. It must be huge!' And my mouth began to water.

I waited nervously and expectantly. When the man finally spoke his voice was once again booming and very deep and once again he wasted no time with any preliminaries:

"Now, pig, name's Pete but you'll call me 'Master' all the time - that is when I give you permission to talk. Got that? You'll get to meet John in no time - just call him 'John'. Got that too?"

Eagerly I opened my mouth to answer him but he ground one of his scuffed work-shoes into my crotch and that left me without breath for quite some time. It was done slowly and methodically, more like he was warning me than really trying to clip my balls but it hurt like hell nevertheless.

"As a rule pigs don't talk, pig, they just... Tell me what pigs do, pig! You're allowed to speak now!"

My face burned with shame and indignation while I slowly answered him:

"They... they... grunt."

Once again his rough, large boot ground into my crotch, more forefully this time, and I yelled in pain until I got what he wanted.

Sobbing and groaning I repeated:

"They grunt, Master! They... grunt, MASTER!"

"Got it, pig! Let me hear you grunt now!"

Still squirming on the ground before him because of the burning pain in my groin I produced some gutural noises that sounded convincingly piggish to me. But of course I didn't meet his high standards and so he produced a leather belt out of the blue and laid it down right on my arm and shoulder with everything he had - and as I've said before, that was much, really very much. I experienced the difference between a whipping and a flogging: earlier on the cops had whipped me, now I was flogged and I thought the searing fire-hot pain would kill me right away.

"That's more like a fuckin' rabbit in heat! You have to do better than that, pig!"

I tried again and he hit me again, only that I received two crushingly strong strokes this time.

"Louder, pig, much louder! Can't even hear you. Pigs are noisy, very noisy. Don't y'a know that? Try again!"

I did and he gave me three lashes this times and when the third stroke hit me this strange sound came out of my throat because it hurt so goddamn much. It was a mixture between a strangled cry of hard pain and the over-joyed shout of lust when your balls start to pump cum up your aching dick and the thick, hot cream shoots out of the gaping dick-head. I knew that this was the sound he wanted to hear and I repeated it over and over again, uninhibited, ecstatically, making an absolute fool out of myself and I hated him because he had succeeded to reduce me to this state in no time at all and because I had sunk once again lower, but I was so afraid that he would hit me again that I produced much more noise than all the animals in a large pigsty. I hated that strong sonofabitch for having me do this but above all I hated my cock for staying so fucking hard!

Finally he was pleased with me.

"Now, that's what I call a pig! Stick to that, pig, from now on! We'll shave you later on... from head t' toe, of course. Can't stand all that hair! Pigs don't have any hair, have they, pig?"

I grunted - no: I shrieked in reply like he had taught me to do and I wanted to die. Who could live like that? I had always been proud of my strong, wavy hair and had paid quite a lot of money for expensive hair-cuts - and now they wanted to shave me bald. And not just on my head, but everywhere... also at my crotch... reduce me to the state of a hairless, little boy. But no, that comparison was wrong... completely wrong: boys grow up and grow hair.... but pigs... pigs remain pigs... forever. I knew right then that I would go nuts in now time at all if I had to stay with this guy even if he would not fuck me to death. I would go nuts, completely nuts - I was sure about that. But there was no time to pity myself.

"Lets see how you perform, pig! Come here and get a taste of my sweat, right here put of my pit. I've been working up a good smell and taste for you all this day. It's time I have a bath again. So get over here with your fuckin' wet tongue, pig, and start to lick!"

To demonstrate my eagerness and readiness to obey I once again produced that shrill sound that pleased my master and mortified me to death.

It was much more difficult to follow his order than I had expected - simply because it's pretty hard to get to your feet when you're chained at hands and legs and my master was very much amused by my awkward efforts to get up from the floor. Finally he yanked me up with his large, strong hands and steadied me in front of him. My rockhard dick brushed across his hairy thigh and soiled it with a string of sticky pre-cum but luckily he didn't give me the belt for this. After the brief flogging he had given me I feared his strength as much as I adored it. I watched with glazed eyes as he raised one of his right arm over his head. Then he said briskly:


Trembling with excitement and fear I brought my face close to his body. His bare, hairy chest was dripping with sweat. I inhaled, my face near his arm pit, and the pungent odor of his sweaty body hit my nostrils with the force of a frontal punch on the nose. I flinched and stared at the curling hairs made dark and shiny by moist sweat. Confused I glanced up at his face, past that heavily fragrant pit. Our eyes locked and when he spoke again with a sly grin on his handsome face, his voice was suddenly soft and husky:

"Like that smell, pig? Just wait for the taste, right out of my stinkin' pits, the taste of a real, hunky man, the taste of his sweat... You're pantin' for it, huh? Let me hear how you're pantin for my smelly sweat, pig! Let me hear you pantin'!"

Like all the other times earlier on this game of domination excited me despite my will and despite the repulsion I felt at the man's odor. So my dick jerked and throbbed while I once again made a fool out of myself and panted audibly like a dog that fights against the tight leash around its neck. Also I stuck out my tongue and made circling, lapping motions in the air. He seemed to like that and I felt happy that I succeeded in pleasing him.

Then he said:

"Now, pig, come here... and start to lick!"

So I leaned forward as my mouth dropped open and I brought my lips closer and closer to his body. Suddenly my face was covered by his hairy, wet arm pit and the smell was so strong that I was about to swoon but the prickly, strong hairs scratched roughly over my skin and itched in my nose and that prevented me from fainting. My master clamped his arm down tight over my head, trapping my face with brute force in his arm pit as if tried to crush my skull and while I fought hard for breath I stuck my tongue out and began to lick up the man's sweat, timidly at first, short hesitant swabs, and then the strokes of my tongue grew longer and more forceful as I realized that I relished the acrid, salty taste, that it made my dick jump and jerk and flop back and forth in front of my heaving belly, leaving long trails of sticky pre-cum on my skin, and I started to slurp noisily at the man's arm pit, circling my tongue around and around in his prickly hairs, soaking them with my spit and I bit at his flesh, trying to get at much of this taste and of these hairs in my mouth as possible, lapping up his sweat with my tongue and gulping it eagerly down. Judged from some soft and deep guttural sounds he made in his throat, my master liked my performance and once again I felt happy that I succeeded to please him. If anyone would have touched my aching, throbbing dick right then, I would have shot my load instantly. But of course my dick was left untouched - I was a slave and I was there to give pleasure, not to have fun myself. But that had already become fun for me.

Roughly my master pushed me around and offered me his other sweaty, smelly pit and I licked that one too with eager, long, swirling strokes of my tongue, my head spinning so fast that I was aware of nothing else but this man and the heady scent of his body and the over-powering, musky taste of his sweat. My face was once again trapped between his mighty arm and his hard torso, and he treated me rough, really rough, putting a tight, a very, very tight headlock on me, but I payed him back and, using my teeth I bit into the hairy flesh of his arm pit really hard. He tried to hurt me and I liked that and my dick was harder then ever before and all wet and slick with pre-cum that was oozing slowly down the thick shaft from the gaping piss-slit, dripping over the flanged rim of my cockhead. In return I tried to hurt him, at least with my mouth and teeth - and he seemed to like that too, encouraging me by soft, deep grunts.

Then we got company and he released me. Another man climbed into the trailer through the open doors and approached us.

"Hi, John," said my master, "come here and meet our new pig. It'll keep us company now."

John looked a little bit weird: his large eyes were a bluish-green and quite appealing in themselves but his lashes were somehow bleached and almost white and that gave his eyes a strangely intense staring quality. I felt uncomfortably under his cold gaze. Besides his eyes he was a handsome, hot man. Broad shoulders strained at the thin cotton of the blue tee-shirt that he was wearing and I saw the powerful slabs of his pectorals pushing out against the thin material, the pointed peaks of his large, erect nipples clearly visible. He too sported a very prominent bulge in his tight fitting, greasy jeans.

"Say 'hello' to John, pig!"ordered my master and obediently I produced the hideous grunt he wanted to hear and once again I felt humilitated beyond endurance by this silly ritual.

John eyed me cooly.

"I liked the other one better," he said after some moments. "And all this hair...!"

"We'll change that later," chuckled Pete, "but little piggy here is already quite well trained. Want a demonstration?"

"You bet," said John and without further ado he dropped his pants, exposing his thickly muscled, very hairy thighs and his half-hard dick. It was un-cut and huge, really huge. A thick, long cock, the skin darkly hued, surrounded by curly black hairs. The head was smooth, like a big purple plum, and the large slit at the end of it was glistening.

"On your knees, pig!," ordered my master and I dropped down on the floor.

Then John stepped forward, took his cock in his hand and slapped me across the face with it a couple of times. The musky scent of his crotch overpowered me. My cock was so hard that I though it would burst, explode like a bomb. The man's dick got harder and thicker while he slapped me with it and I thought that he would start to fuck my face with his big rod any second and licked my lips in anticipation but instead he suddenly stepped back.

Puzzled I looked up and my eyes roamed over the man's naked thighs stretching out above me and over his huge dick, hanging out hard and rigid. A smirk appeared on John's face. I blushed as I realized that the expression of my face had been one of unrestrained worship. Then my master spoke again, standing right beside me and watching us closely.

"You're hungry for that cock now, pig, aren't you? Worked up a good appetite lickin' at my arm pits, huh? Well, there's something else for you to eat first, pig!"

John turned around in front of me and my heart sank as I heard my master's order:

"Eat his ass, pig!"

Slowly John spread his legs and then his full, heavy rounded ass buns were in front of my face. I was staring right at those finely haired curves and marveled at the way the dark hairs all seemed to lead to the deep crevice that separated those two strong, taut buns. Then I felt a strong hand on the back of my head, shoving me forward as John bent over, jutting his hairy ass towards my burning face. As he bent over, the ass cheeks parted somewhat and I found myself staring at the man's ass crack. I could see almost down to its bottom, see a first shadowy hint of the pucked hole that I knew was there, and smelled the first ripe hint of the odors of rich, funky mals asshole. My mind reeled and I thought that I was going to puke.

"Eat his ass, pig!," repeated my master and then he pushed my face forward. I felt the heated warmth of the man's buttocks against my skin. I inhaled deeply, filling my nostrils and my lungs with the pungent smell of the man's ass and then - as if working on impulse - my tongue was out of my mouth and I was licking and lapping at the hairy crevice, and, held in place by my master's strong hand, I pushed my face forward, eager now to meet the bottom, to find the man's asshole, until my face was pressed tightly between those firm buns. My tongue brushed up and down over the sweaty, smelly flesh, at first flicking only lightly over the puckered circle of the man's hole, but then pushing forward, harder against its muscular resistance, tasting more and more of the funky, ripe, maleness.

John moaned and groaned:

"Ohhh yeah, pig... lick that ass! Ohhh yeah.... get that tongue up there! I wanna feel that fuckin' asslicking tongue all the way up my fuckin', tight asshole! All the way up! So stick out your tongue... give it to me... push it into my ass.... eat my ass out, pig.... eat it out good!"

So there I was, down on my knees, butt naked, watched and held in place by a man whom I had to call 'master', my face buried between another man's buttocks and my mouth planted right over his asshole, my tongue brushing over that hole, encircling it, and I was being ordered to work my tongue up that asshole, to fuck that puckered tight hole with my probing tongue, to eat it and all I knew was that I wanted to do it. I needed to do it!

I heard myself growl deep in my throat, grunting like an animal in heat, as I drove my tongue forward, tightening it into a pointed, hard slab of meat, jabbing at the puckered ring muscle, pressing at it, wetting it with my spit, kissing it, caressing it, working my tongue lovingly around it, loosening it, doing everything I could think of to get it relax, to make it accept me, to allow me to enter the man's rear with my tongue, to let me inside his asshole, behind that strong, clamping muscle, so that I could taste the inside of this man's skin - and then... then suddenly I had done it!

I felt the man's asshole loosening as he moaned even louder, jutting his body back harder against me, butting his rear end more forcefully against my face and he gripped his taut buttocks with both his hands, separating them to give me better leverage and easier access, allowing me to push further, deeper into his tight ass. The ring muscle loosened and I probed with my pointed tongue and then suddenly it slipped through and my tongue went all the way up his ass! I was crazy with lust and shook with an animal passion that made me mindless of anything except this man's ass, its taste, its texture and its smell.

John liked it too. I heard him gurgle and moan:

"Shit... ohhh holy shit... that's good.... so fuckin' good! Yeah, pig... move that tongue... so hot up my ass... give me more... more of your fuckin' tongue... all of it... fuck me with your tongue! Move it, pig! Rim me! Rim my ass!"

Pete, his face so close to mine that I felt his breath on my cheeks, commented wryly:

"I told you this piggy got talent! We've made a got deal, don't you think?"

"Yeah.... yeah...Pete... you're right.... you're right! This pig's better... better than the other one... at least at rimming... a real talent... a natural... ohhh yeah... I... I love... that tongue... up my ass... feels so good.... so hot... he's probing real good, you know... swirling his tongue around... and around... making my ass all spitty and wet.... drippingly wet... and then he shoves his tongue up my ass... with real... real bravado... like he's trying to get into my guts... like he's really fucking me... fucking me with his tongue... spreadin' my hole... eatin' it out... makin' it all clean... ohhh yeah, pig.... this is good... so good... but now... now... let's see if you're as good at other things."

And with that he stepped quickly forward and left me kneeling there with my tongue hanging out of my mouth, spit running down over my chin and dripping on my heaving chest and further down on my rockhard, aching dick. I expected him to turn around and ram his hard dick into my throat, but first it was my master's turn again.

He stepped in front of me and my heart leaped as I realized that he was stark naked now. His waist was slim, his stomach a true 'washboard'; his legs were powerful and his balls and his cock much bigger than John's or mine. Easisly almost eleven inches long and unbelievably thick, his cock was still hard as a rock. From my point of view he looked like a god, his powerful body towering over me, his slightly spread legs like columns, his mammoth, hard dick like the boom of a crane reaching out above me. I knew what I had to do without any orders.

I bent down and licked his strong, thick calves, lapping up the sweat that covered this part of his hairy body too. I was thirsty for it and yearned for the strong, salty taste. I went up his powerful thighs, admiring the sheer strength of them, and then I was at his balls, with his mighty, hard cock touching my head, then my front. Enthusiatically I licked at his heavy, hairy balls, and I felt them fall wetly against my face and I sucked them into my mouth and pushed them around on my tongue, laving them with my spit. The musky smell of his crotch, the hard length of his giant shaft on my forefront drove me to a frenzy. I thought about this big cock taking me... in my mouth... in my ass... fucking me... hard... relentlessy hard... shooting cum....a torrent of cum... inside me... inside my ass... or inside my mouth... filling it to point of overflowing with his hot, sticky cream... or ejaculating right in front of my face... shooting huge globs of cum all over my face...

I didn't have to wait long for his cock. Suddenly he yanked my head upwards and shoved his enormous, hard prick into my mouth with one mighty lunge. It was so big it hurt to have it in my mouth although the greater part of the huge, thick shaft was still outside my lips. My jaws ached with the effort of opening my mouth wide enough to take him, my throat went numb and I gagged.

"Suck it, pig!," my master ordered, "suck my dick! It's big, huh? Really big... too big... too big for your mouth, huh? Most guys say that... first they can't wait to get their lips around it... they beg me... they whine for it.... go down on their knees in front of me... staring at my crotch... and beg for my cock... 'ohhh, give me your dick, give it to me, it's so big, I can't believe it's for real, I have to have it, so please, please, give it me' and things like that... but then... when they get what they wanted... when I shove my dick into their throat... all hard and rigid.... when they've had the first taste of it... experienced it... then they all go like 'oh no, it's too big, much too big, man, you could kill me with that rod, you would rip my throat apart, I can't suck it'... and you know what, pig... I really like it when they go like this.... it makes me hot... really hot and horny... and in response I give it to them hard... really hard... stuffing my dick into their throats... forcing them to gulp it down... all of it... up to the hilt... silencing them with my hard dick.... and guess what, pig... they all go crazy... they go nuts over my dick... panting... moanin' and groanin' deep down in their chests... and suck it... suck my dick so hard like they would try to rip it off... yeah, they all go into overdrive once my dick's stuffed down their sore throats... they whimper... and beg for more... beg me to fuck their faces... hard... really hard... they yearn for my cum... and go crazy when they get it... delivered fresh and hot in their mouths... they suck and gulp and slurp and gurgle and come all over themselves while they suck my dick... suck me dry... and gulp down my cum... all of it... every single drop of it... and then they want more... more of my dick... more of my cum... so, pig, if you think this dick is too big for your mouth better think twice... because it makes no difference to me what you think... I'll make you take my dick down your throat... all my fuckin' eleven inches... and I know that you'll love it... that you'll love every single inch of it... so, pig, spread those lips and jaws... and get ready... get ready for a real face-fuck!"

He had began to fuck my mouth already during this speech, making longer and longer strokes with his giant shaft, and to my surprise my mouth and even my throat seemed to be widening, expanding, so that I was taking more and more of his huge, hard dick. Gradually the numbness I had felt earlier on turned into a glow and a warmth started to flow through my mouth that I wanted never to stop. The big man loomed over me, his strong hands holding my head in place, as his huge, strangling cock reached deeper and deeper into my throat, massaging my tongue and tonsils, rubbing at my glotal-stop, and then the dick-head passed this sensitive spot and reached further down into my body, maddeningly thrilling, and filled not only my mouth and throat, but my whole being. Then the wrist-thick shaft began to piston in and out of my throat. I gagged and gurgled, my lips strained hard, feeling as though the corners of my mouth must rip from the almost unbearable pressure of all that big, hard meat sliding into me.

And then, when I had taken all of this mammoth dick in my mouth, every fuckin' inch of it, and when my mind reeled and my heart hammered wildly with triumph, right then I felt a big, hard cock being shoved up my ass. Naturally I couldn't see the guy but John didn't hesitate to tell me that I got a taste of his dick up my butt.

"How about some more inches, pig? More inches of big, hard dick to fill one of your holes? I bet you love that... being taken from both sides at the same time... two dicks shoved into you... if not, pig, better get to like it now... because that's goin' to happen to you quite often from now on... no, not often... it's goin' to happen regularly... every day of your life as a pig... at least once... but in all likelihood even more often... two or three times per day... you can count on that... Pete and me, we are a horny bunch... and need to get our rocks off ever so often... from now on you'll take care of our dicks... as often as we want! Hey, pig, your ass is all slimy... still lubed, huh?... I bet this is cum... the cum of some hairy, big guys you ran into today... and you bent over and begged them to fuck you hard and long and deep... and they did... and creamed into your tight ass... I bet you always run around like a slut in heat... sizing up men's bulges on the street... trying to get a glimpse of their dicks in the john... and when you see a good one... then you're ready to spread your legs... and take it up your ass... as often as you can... because you can't get enough of big, hard dick... huh, pig, that's so?... am I right, pig?... but from now on, pig, you don't have to worry about your next fuck... it will always be just around the corner... because Pete and me will always be around... and we'll keep your ass lubed... lubed with our hot cum... all the time... all the time, pig!"

Kneeling behind me, he pushed his thick, hard dick up between my ass cheeks, popping the huge head of it into my butt. I groaned around my master's dick in my throat as John's cock slid into my already well-fucked, slimy ass until it was all the way in. His dick seemed to be almost as huge as Pete's: my ass felt so full of cock that my eyes were bugging out. And then he started to bang his hard dick in and out of my butt, slamming it into me in a series of long, relentlessly strong jabs, drilling his hard cock deeper and deeper into my ass, making me grunt with every vicious stroke, shoving my body forward so that Pete's giant dick went even further down my aching throat.

Although I was impaled by two dicks and more than slightly dazed by John's brutal assault on my sorry ass and by the giant dick that was buried deep in my throat I suddenly realized that the three of us got company: some men were outside the trailer, walking up and down hesitatingly, peeping in at us through the open doors, and then two of them got into the truck and leaned at the wall in some distance, watching intently with unblinking eyes as I was fucked by two men at the same time. I felt very embarrased by these on-lookers but neither my master nor his buddy seemed to mind their presence.

No, they didn't mind to be watched and begun to fuck me for real. John vigorously rammed his foot long dick up my ass and I got all the fat, thick inches of his hard cock up my aching, burning ass, but I was hot for him and his huge dick, hot to get all of this big muscled stud's dick into my butthole. I was squirming on his hard cock, really responding to the brutal fucking he gave me, wiggling my ass, putting on a show for the men who watched, greedily taking all that inches of hard dick up my ass, panting for it, my cock stiff and dripping pre-cum on the dirty floor. At the same time my mouth was fucked too: my master rocked his big dick deep into my gulping throat, and slowly his tempo intensified and his strokes became more forceful, more erratic and jabbing, and his huge meat throbbed and jerked in the depths of my swallowing throat. Yeah, he had not been showing-off: the feeling of his dick could drive a guy over the top! Like all the other guys who had had the privilege to be forced down on his mighty rod I went wild. I gulped all the eleven inches of my masters dick down into my throat, and gobbled and slobbered on the wrist thick shaft, drooling to have this giant cock in my mouth while his buddy roughly pronged my hot ass, holding my hips and ramming his cock so fast and hard into my stuck out ass that my whole body shook and trembled with each of his drilling lunges forward.

While this happened, while these two heavily muscled studs fucked me hard and deep and fast in my ass and in my mouth, more men began to gather in front of the trailer. Pete, my 'master', seemed to like that. Casually, between two viscious strokes down into my aching throat, he invited them to join us:

"Hey, come on in, guys!," he said and made an inviting gesture with his hand.

So more guys followed the example of the first intruders and after some minutes we were surrounded by a whole bunch of men. They leaned at the trailer's wall or walked around us slowly, slilent, eager to avoid any noise; some of them smoked, some had brought beer cans and now sipped lager while they watched, others fingered huge erections in their pants, a few pulled out their hard dicks and jacked themselves slowly off - but all of them stared at us... and mostly at me.

Suddenly I realized that they looked and behaved like men who waited for their turn... for their turn with me! My mind reeled and I felt like I would faint. It was only later on that I learned that the truck was placed on a parking lot that served as a meeting point for hot truckers and for guys who liked hot truckers. Pete was a well-known regular there and he liked to throw these impromptu orgies in his trailer that always drew a huge crowd. Back then I was ignorant of all this... but it wouldn't have made any difference if I had known since it was not up to me to decide if I wanted to be the centre of an orgy - it was just that I was to be the centre of it.

But first my 'owners' had to have their time with me and - acting on some strange, unwritten code of honor - all the men who gathered in the trailer respected their 'ius primae noctis'. And it was a pretty wild 'night': gradually my master's rocking hips became a jackhammer of unbridled need, fucking long-dicking, hard-pumping strokes of throbbing, pulsing cock in and out of my throat and mouth, and his huge, hairy balls slapped hard at my chin with each of his forceful strokes while his buddy behind me drove his dick into me like a madman, grounding his hips and belly and ass in eccentric circular movements, fucking me like a huge machine with rising force, trying to drive his hard cock even deeper into my ass. And I went crazy with all that cock in me, with eleven hard inches up my throat, ten thick inches up my ass, wiggling in lust, sticking my ass out so the muscled trucker behind me could fuck the hell out of me, slurping and sucking the hard, incredibly thick shaft of my master's dick, groaning and moaning, kneeling there on the hard, dirty floor, impaled front and back on hot, hard driving dick, in front of the observers who stepped closer now, eager to watch more closely, to see everything, and some of them knelt around us and brought their faces down to the level of my mouth and ass and watched, with unblinking eyes, as those hard, thick dicks were shoved into me, as I took these huge cocks eagerly, willingly, and the two guys fucked me and fucked me and fucked me, until I was a shivering, drooling sex toy, a slut, a pig, jerking uncontrollable between their big, hairy, muscled bodies and their stiff, hard dicks.

They got a rythm going and, taking turns, accompanied it with dirty talk. Pete was first:

"Yeah, pig... like I said... just like I said... my dick dives you crazy, huh?... huh, pig?... always does... never fails... with pigs like you... they all go nuts once my dick's up their throat... once they have it all... down their throat... like you now... slobberin' at it... whimperin' around it... and that's the proof, huh?... the proof... that you're just another pig... that you were born to be a pig... to serve horny, hunky truckers... like me and John... yeah, that's what you're here for... to serve as... as a hole to take our jims... our loads of hot cum... and you'll get your first taste... your first taste of my cum in no... in no time at all... keep suckin', pig!... keep suckin' hard... and you'll be rewarded with a whole load of my cream... it'll be huge, really huge... because I haven't cum for several days... to busy on the road... no hole like you available... so I'll drown with my cum... drown you in hot, sticky cum... yeah, pig, I'll give it to you... soon... very soon... and then... then... the other guys will have you... look, they're waitin' already... waitin' for their turn... and they're hard and horny... and there will be more... much more... it's only afternoon now... usually things will really get busy here only after dark... so, pig, there's much to come... lots of cum for you! Hey, guys... listen... I don't know what your plans are for tonight... but make sure... make sure to try this piggy's mouth before you leave... it's a nice, tight, wet throat... and this pig got a talented tongue... knows how to use it to make a guy hot... how to coax a load of cum out of his balls... yeah., this is a hot mouth... and it's great to fuck it... so, guys... try it out... once... once I'm finished with it."

Then it was John's turn:

"Same here... same here, Pete... this pig got tight, hot holes... and it's cooperatin'... really cooperatin'... hot to get it up his ass... hot for big, hard dick... see how my dick makes it hot... and hotter any moment... any time I give to him... ram my dick up his ass... it's a hot, tight hole... and well lubed... some guys fucked him only this morning... and shot their load into his ass... I can tell that.... feel that... and smell that... he's been taken by some horny guys just some moments before... all the cum's still up his ass... makes it all slimy and slippery... your cock will slide into this ass like a knife into butter... hard not cum right on the spot... because this hole's so tight and warm and wet... and in some moments... in some moments... it'll be even more wet... more slimy... more slippery... because I will shoot my load up this ass too... it will mingle with the cum of those other guys who had him... made him bend over... and gave it him hard and deep... creamed into him... and I'll cream into him too... fill this ass with cum... with my cum... like Pete I've saved it for some days... storing it up... during our last run... so there'll be lots of it... masses of it... I always shoot a huge load... really huge... and now it'll be even bigger... fill this tight ass to the point of overflowin'... it'll seep out... run down his ass crack... down his legs... I'm sure some of you guys will lick it up, huh?... some of you will go crazy when you see... see my hot cum leakin' out this hole... will lunge forward with out-stretched tongue... to lick it up... so get ready, guys... because... because... I'm... I'm really close... close now... close to fill this hot hole... with my hot, boilin' cum!"

And they went on ramming their big, hard pricks into my aching body, groaning in excitement and effort as they drove their throbbing cocks deep into my asshole and into my throat and I felt how both dicks jerked and pulsed, spasmed and convulsed in me and expanded frighteningly in length and girth and power and both men groaned and cried in lust and heat, humping wildly into me, fucking me harder and harder, and suddenly I felt hands on me from both sides, the hands of the men who knelt beside me, teasing, stroking, caressing, working down to my erect, hard nipples, tweaking, pinching, finger-combing through my crotch hair, grabbing my spasming, straining dick, working hot, sweaty fingers around my throbbing cockshaft, squeezing tight, cupping my tight-drawn, aching balls in a powerful grip, pressing to the very edge of pain, and then the air was filled by muffled screams and cries and dams seemed to burst in my body and in Pete's and John's body too, right at the same time, and I felt hot cum squirting out of Pete's huge dick and masses of hot, sticky semen poured into my mouth, filled it, and I gulped it down as wave after wave of sweet, creamy cum shot onto my tongue, splashed the walls of my throat and ran down into my stomach, and then John rammed his cock so far up my ass it felt like it would met Pete's dick that was still jammed down my throat, and I heard him cry out and felt as his hard dick started to fire off inside my ass, filling me with his thick juices, sending his hot fluids deep inside me, and then I too came, brought off by a hard grip on the base of my aching dick, and I whimpered and tossed my head as much as the limitation of that huge, strangling dick deep in my gullet would allow, and my balls exploded in a blast of shattering sensations and I came and came and came and came, my cum spraying all over the floor, forming a strange pattern of huge, white spots that shot out of my dick like there would be no end to my climax, and the guys, who surrounded us, chuckled in delight and some of them clapped their hands and laughed -and then, after some seconds, while I was still panting and writhing in the aftermath of my shatteringly strong climax, while my dick was still dripping with cum, they shoved Pete and John brusque aside and I felt their hands all over my body as they got ready for their turn... for their turn with me.

So this was only the beginning - the beginning of a long orgy, a very long orgy. The problem is: I don't recall it all that well - somehow my memory of everything that happened after Pete and John had shot their loads into me is pretty much blurred. I guess it was too much for me, too much for my troubled mind, too much for my exhaused body. So I don't know for long it lasted, I don't know how many guys had me and I don't know how many times I came again. All I can say is that it lasted very long, that many, many guys had me, and that I lost track of my loads although every time I came again I thought that this would definitely be the last time, that my balls would be now completely dry and empty - and then, again and again, this proved to be wrong and I came again... and again... and again. Sometimes I came because some guy jerked me off, gave me a helping hand and made me shoot; but most of the time my dick got off all by itself. I became a kind of expert in coming like that. Of course these climaxes were different from the first four or five loads I had shot during that day. Sometimes I felt the rush of another orgasm coming and I came hard and fast, my cum violently boiling up like lave from a volcano and these orgasms were mingled with pain and I felt completely exhausted afterwards, but sometimes I didn't feel them coming and I shot my load even when my dick was only half-hard: the cum just poured out of me like I was taking a piss, only it wasn't piss but white, sticky jism that streamed out of the gaping slit at the head of my dick and then my balls tingled and twitched and a warm feeling ran through my body and I felt as if would fall asleep right on the spot.

But of course I never got a chance to take a nap: I was naked and tied up and everybody's slave. It was a free-for-all and I was at its centre. Each of the men who gathered in the trailer could have me the way he wanted and as often as he wanted. I had fantazied about such a situation earlier on - now it came true since Pete declared that I was to be public property for that night - with no holds barred -, before he and John would take me away on their next travel to serve exclusively their personal needs. So my body was a kind of farewell gift to all these men - by courtesy of Pete, the trucker.

I learned a lot about men during this orgy - more than I had ever dreamed to know. When the day began I had been a virgin when it came to man-to-man sex; by the end of it I think I knew everything about men: about their bodies and their smell, about the sizes and shapes of their dicks and their balls, about the way they fucked and came, about the taste of their cum. During these hours my body was used by men of all ages, all shapes and from all social backgrounds: some of them were much younger than me, horny teenagers with eager, hard dicks who stayed hard even after they had shot their loads; some were slobbering, old men who miraculously managed to throw a boner despite their age; some were very beautiful and in extremely good shape; others were fat, bald and outright ugly; some smelled of expensive perfume, had manicured hands and sported flashy suits; others smelt like they hadn't washed themselves for days on end, had dirty finger-nails and wore cheap, trashy tee-shirts and soiled trousers; some guys had huge dicks, a few small ones, many average ones; some cocks were thick as a wrist, some pretty thin, some were shaped like an arrow, others more like a bow; sometimes the skin was darkly hued, sometimes it was very white and dotted with small freckles; some men had extremely big, hairy balls, others only small, hairless ones - but all of these guys fucked me, they fucked me with their dicks that were - despite all the differences - basically the same: smooth to the touch but rockhard under the velvety skin. They fucked me either in my ass or in my mouth (many had me both ways) and all of them came in me, they climaxed in my ass or mouth and gave me their jism, shot it up my ass or down into my throat.

Some of them undressed before they did so: they got rid of all their clothes and walked around stark naked before my eyes, eager to show off their goods. Other stayed fully dressed: they just pulled out their hard dicks out of their flys and gave it to me as if in passing, not even bothering to drop their pants, desinterested in anything but my hole and their neeed to cum. Some fucked me or face-fucked me like their would be no tomorrow, with all their strength and energy, others did it almost casually while they smoked or drank bear or talked to some other guy. Some couldn't get enough of me: they came back several times and gave me their hard dicks again and again; others were off the second they came in me: they checked the parking-lot on their way home, had a break there, fucked me and then they stuffed their still cum-dripping dicks back into their pants and were on the road again. I noticed wedding-rings on some hands, so these guys when home to meet their wives and children after they had taken me in that smelly, dirty trailer. One of them lost his wallet while he fucked me in the ass: it dropped out of his jacket and fell open on the floor right beside my face. Inside were snapshots of a not so very attractive blonde and two little girls and I stared at these photos while the man shot his load into my ass, wondering what he would tell about his day when he got home.

Some men needed ages to cum, they fucked me and fucked me and fucked me like a machine, panting and groaning, slamming their dick into me furiously, but never came because they needed some additional stimulus - a hard dick up in their own ass, a good spanking or whipping of their buns, a pinching and twisting hand on their tits. Others were so excited that they did dare to move once they had their hard dick in me because they were afraid they would cream any second, so they fought back, unwilling to let their jism gush forth, grunting with the effort to delay their climax, and they told me not to move, ordered me to remain motionless, but some of them lost their load nevertheless, despite all their efforts, and they came up my ass without having had a chance to fuck me for good. Some were so impatient that they didn't wait for their turn inside me: they jacked off over my body while some other men had me and came before these guys were finished, splattering their cum all over me. Some were rough or even outright brutal: they hit me, whipped me with a belt or yanked me around by my chains on hands and feet, they pinched my tits and fucked me really hard, using their dick like a weapon, like they would try to kill me with their cock; others were gentle and whispered sweet things into my ear, things like that they would love my ass, that they were hot for me, wished they could meet me again. Some wanted to kiss me while they fucked me into the ass; others demanded to look into my eyes while they had me up the butt, so I had to lie on my back and face them while they shoved their hard dicks into my aching ass; some wanted me doggy-style, so I had to bend over and wiggle my ass for them. Some wanted me to do all the work: they leaned at the wall and let me bounce my head up and down on their stiff cock until they lost their load and shot it up into my sucking mouth. Some came in buckets, they poured quarts of hot, sticky cum onto my tongue, like they had saved it for months, and they shot and shot and shot one volley of jism into me after the other; the balls of other guys were pretty much drained and produced nothing but a small dripple of cum that was over in a second. Some tasted sweet, some salty, a few strange or even vile. Some men were extremely noisy while they fucked me and even more so when they came, they roared and cried and yelled so loud that the trailer rang with their noise and they thrashed around and pulled at my hair when they came in my mouth, filling it so fast with hot, sticky cum that I had difficulties to gulp it all down; some talked dirty all the time, rattling on and on about their hard, throbbing dick and my hot ass or my tight throat, using all the filthy words they could think off; others stayed absolutely quiet all the time and gave just a soft, short grunt when they came in me, inundating my guts with their hot, scalding cum.

But they all came in me, sooner or later - and I loved them all, accepted eagerly every thrust of hard cock into my throat and ass, accepted them all, spread my legs for them, opened up my mouth for them until my jaws ached and waited eagerly for their cum, and always my well-fucked mouth and my well-fucked asshole snapped for more... for more dick... for more cum... for the next man... and then the next one... and then the next one.

Some of the guys were weird: for example the man who begged me to keep the cum in my mouth when I had sucked someone off and then wanted to kiss me, because in his view this was the hottest thing imaginable. So I shared some of the loads the guys shot down my throat with him and allowed him to kiss me while my mouth was still full of hot, white jism, and he drove his tongue down into my mouth and throat and tried to lap up all the cum I had gathered there, but then I realized that it was fun to torture him a little bit. So, looking him straight into the face, I kept my lips tightly shut and gulped down the fresh, hot cum in my mouth in small drinks while he squirmed before me, cursing and swearing, trying to drive his tongue into my mouth, and he got all hot and crazy because I denied him his greatest pleasure and I got hot because I could do that to him. Another guy rimmed me each time I had got another load of hot cum up my ass and he slobbered and licked at my slimy asshole and tried to drive his tongue into my butt as deep as possible, groaning and moaning while he did so, gathering up the all the cum and my fuck-juices with his tongue, feverishly jacking himself off at the same time and shooting a huge load of jism each time he had succeeded to drive his tongue so deep into my well-stretched hole that his nose was crushed against my up-turned ass-crack.

Some moments too stick out: for example the moment when things got a little bit out of hand. It started quite innocently when I was lying on my back and one of the guys who had brought the beer-cans accidentally spilled some of the liquid over my chest while he waited to fuck me next up my ass. This gave him the idea and he suddenly began to pour the beer out over me and it splashed into my face and onto my chest, soaking my hair and my crotch-hair, and the foamy lager ran down into my ass-crack where I was royally fucked and dripped down my sides, forming a stinking pool of beer under my body, and I groaned since the liquid felt very cold on my hot skin and since this was a totally new form of humiliation and one that I had not expected. But this was only the beginning: The guy laughed his head of when he saw the frown on my face and said that he could give me something hotter if this had been too cold and then he pulled his dick out his pants and although I screamed 'No' over and over again and although Pete yelled that he didn't want this because he had to clean the trailer afterwards, the guy aimed his soft dick at me and let a stream of hot, bright yellow piss shoot out his cock. The guy who fucked me at that moment just laughed and said:

"Yeah, man, give that pig your hot piss! Soak his skin with it, man! But give me some of it too. I'm kind of thirsty, you know!!"

So the other guy pissed down onto my cock and balls, sprayed it back and forth across my belly, working up my chest, and finally he let me have it full over my head and into the face. I trembled in shame and indignation and closed my mouth and eyes against the hot, scalding stream. Then it suddely stopped. When I dared to open my eyes against I saw that the guy whose piss was all over me had stepped close to the man who still drove his hard, fat dick in and out of my spasming asshole and his dick was in the man's mouth who gurgled and slurped and drank down the rest of his piss! Some of it poured back out his mouth and ran down his chest. My mind reeled and suddenly my dick felt harder and hotter then ever before. I had never even thought of having piss in my mouth and this guy here had begged for it - and his dick was hard as a rock while he got it right down into his throat and he fucked me even harder then before, groaning deep down in his mighty chest. I couldn't help to wonder how it would taste and my cock jerked at the thought. I was to find out very quickly because I found my head and torso suddenly yanked up from the ground by my master Pete who said:

"You blockheads, I'll show how to take a piss in this trailer!"

He gripped my chin and began to pry my lips apart, forcing my mouth wide open. And then he put his soft dick in my mouth and siad:

"Just hold it, pig! Don't move your tongue or lips!"

I complied, shivering and shaking like in a fever, my face crimson-red from shame, holding the man's semi-hard dick loosely between my trembling lips, and then he started to piss into my mouth. I felt and tasted the stream of hot piss shoot into my open mouth and he ordered:

"Swallow! Swallow it, pig! I don't want a mess here in my trailer. Don't spill a single drop of it - or I'll give you a good flogging! Got that, pig!"

I remembered his strength all too well and so I started to suck softly on his dick, like when drinking out of a fountain, and the warm stream came flowing into my mouth as fast as I could swallow. To my surprise it tasted not salty, but sweet, mildly sweet, and strongly musky, like the muskiness of sweat, and the aroma of it filled my nostrils. I drank down all my master's piss and my dick seemed to become ever harder and thicker while I did so and when I suddenly felt a hand brush lightly over my cock I came - yeah, I came, I shot my load while my master pissed into my mouth and I struggled to swallow it all and the man who fucked me hard came too, popping his load into me, his balls bounching heavily, audibly on my skin, his cum crashing hard into my guts. At the end of this new expericence, when Pete was finished with me and put his dick back into his pants after shaking a couple of drops into my face, I collapsed on the floor.

"This is the way to do it, folks," my master said, "right down here into little piggy's throat and stomach, not onto the floor, you idiots! That's what he's here for - to be your toilet!"

Hearing this made my face glow with shame, but it also send a tingling wave of excitement through my body and I felt strangely statisfied and content.

Or the moment just after that when I found myself lying on the back and seven guys surrounded me, standing above me, hard, dripping dicks in hand, and then they got a circle-jerk going and I watched them from below, my eyes roaming over their long, hairy legs, over their huge balls, swinging to and fro with the fast, blurring movements of their hands, over their throbbing, pulsing dicks, comparing shapes and sizes and colours, watching with unblinking eyes as these men, breathing hard, eyes closed, heads thrown back, commonly reached the point of no-return, as their balls drew tight and their dicks - seven large, fat dicks - swelled and throbbed and erupted almost at the same moment in a torrent of cockcream that rained down on me from all sides, a fast-flowing stream of hot cum that sprayed and splattered juicily all over my body, falling down in huge, white globs that were like over-sized snowflakes, to form erratic patterns of spunk on my face, my chest, my belly, my hard dick, my hips and my legs, and beads of jism clung to my hair, dotted my gasping face, coated my lips, filled the hollow of my throat and trailed angularly across my heaving pectorals, and I cried out, a tight-throated screech of pleasure and torment, and I writhed under the men and squirmed and trembled and came myself again, mingling my cum on my chest and stomach with that of the men who still shot hot, white man cream all over me.

Or the next moment when two guys began to lick at my skin that was soaked with piss and soiled with cum almost everywhere, but they began to clean me with their tongues, slowly, methodically, running their wet, teasingly rough tongues over my skin, starting with my feet, licking at my dirty arches, sucking at my toes, driving their tongues in between my toes, and I experienced once again a whole new world of excitement I had not even dreamed off and my spent dick was hard again in no time at all, and they moved upwards, licking at my calves and inner thighs, driving me crazy by sucking at my balls and I begged them to suck me off, but instead of licking at my rockhard dick, they then turned me around and started licking up the back of my thighs, and they got to my butt and licked over each buttock, and then, taking turns, down into the crack of my well-fucked ass, scooping up the cum that oozed out of my asshole, and I was writhing with lust, twisting with pleasure, and they moved upwards again, to work on the base of my spine and at the small of my back, at my shoulders and then at the sides of my back, and I moaned and groaned and giggled, and then they licked at my hand-cuffed hands, slowly running their tongues over each of my fingers, gulping them down into their throats, sucking at them hard, and I moaned and groaned even louder, ready to shoot my load again, but they turned me around once again and started to work at my ears, licking around in every little curve, teasingly at first, but suddenly - as if acting on an order - both men plunged their tongues deep into my ears, licking furiously, and I went wild, thrashing around on the ground, whining, begging them to bring me off, but they ignored me and started to lick at my face, their tongues washing over my brow, my eyelids, around my nose, approaching, encircling my mouth, licking softly over my lips and I opened my mouth and my tongue came out, eager to meet their tongues, and I tried to kiss them, but they backed off every time my tongue sneaked out, teasing me, refusing to kiss me, and I groaned in frustration and let my tongue hang out of my mouth and then they licked at it, lapping over the rough surface of my tongue with short, swift movements, and then they moved on, running their wet tongues with long strokes over my throat and over my chest, scooping up all the cum that streaked my skin, devoting extra attention to my tits, lapping at them, biting them until they grew harder then ever before, and I felt stimulated beyond my wildest imagining, and then, at last, they started to lick at my rockhard dick, lapping at the tender area under the head, encircling the broad head with swirling tongues, pushing the tips of their tongues in turns into the gaping piss-slit, spreading spit and pre-cum all over the head and over the thick, throbbing shaft, running their tongues up and down and up and down the full length of it, and then, mercifully, one of them took the head of my dick in his mouth with one swift movement and slid the pulsing shaft with a rush deep down into his throat, and I yelled in exctasy and my dick hardened even more and he sucked at it hard and I came in the same second, my cum gushing forth into his throat, and he continued to suck me harder and harder as I came and came and he swallowed and swallowed while I still came, filling his mouth with my cum, and suddenly something changed deep in my groins, some barrier was moved aside, and I realized that I had stopped cumming and started to piss rightaway because there was no more cum in me - at least not for the moment - and because he went on to suck at my dick really hard, and so I pissed into his mouth and he took that too, happily, eagerly, swallowing carefully, and I watched as he drank down my piss, jacking himself off, his eyes closed, gulping frantically, noisily as my stream intensified, flooding him, and then he came too, his prick shooting thickly, white cream over my legs and immediately the tongue of his mate was there to lap that up too - so in the end I was clean again, cleaner than I had been when Pete had pushed me into the trailer.

Of course I also remember vividly the last moment, right before everything came to an end, before my life took a new turn again.

I guess it started when this dick was shoved into my face: it was hard and fat and wonderfully shaped with a huge plum-shaped head and a wrist-thick shaft. It was the perfect dick, a ramrod, a huge club - and it was black. Strangely enough it took me some time to realize that I had a black man's dick in front of me for the first time in my life. I stared at this huge cock with lust-glazed eyes and licked my lips in anticipation and then suddenly I realized that it was different from all the other dicks I had had before: it was not only more beautiful and larger than most dicks I had seen and touched and tasted before but I it was also black!

Of course the skin was not really black, but chocolate brown and very smooth. The head was more lightly colored, with a tinge of red in the color, and my heart leaped and I started to drool at the sight. Without thinking twice I lunged forward desparately and took the huge tool into my mouth in one stroke although it was hard to loosen my throat enough for it to go down. The man's crotch smelled acidly, different from all the other crotches I had smelled during that day, but that only added to my once again mounting excitement. I sucked at this wonder of a dick and spittle started drooling down my chin. It was hard, really hard to stretch my throat wide enough to take it all, all these hard, fat inches of cock, down into my mouth, but somehow I managed to do so and my mind went wild while the man started to fuck my mouth, moaning deep down in his chest, and I watched up for the first time and saw his smooth, bare chest, his huge, darkly hued nipples and the perfect symmetry of his wash-board stomach, and I sucked at his dick harder, swirling my tongue over the smooth, silky surface of the throbbing cockhead and the man fucked his giant meat into the depths of my throat, humping hard and groaning with the mounting need to release himself. I whimpered in anticipation of his cum in my mouth, the first black man's cum in my mouth.

But then he stopped me, took my head in his hands and slowly drew it off his huge, shiny dick.

"Stand up and turn around!" he commanded.

I obeyed as fast as I could and got only a short glimpse of his broad, dark face and his glistening eyes.

"Bent over, pig, and get ready for a royal fuck!" he snarled and I complied, trembling with a suddenly intensified fear.

Maybe this a rascist thing - but taking orders from a huge black man send shivers through my spine. It excited me beyond all measure and I felt ready to be crushed by him.

He took his big, wet, slippery cock and started to slide it up my ass. I think it was the biggest cock I had taken up to then, but I took it, not easily, but I did and I did it with pleasure, groaning as the huge, thick shaft drilled into me and then the fat tool started to slide in an out of me, like some giant piston, some huge, well-oiled piston on a huge machine, plunging deep in and retreating again. I felt the passion building in me, although I had come more often during that single day than during any given week of my mature life, my balls swinging back and forth between my wide-spread legs, my own rockhard cock banging against my belly as the huge black man fucked me harder and harder.

"Tell me, pig, how much you like getting fucked by me!," he said as he shoved his dick furiously into my burning ass again and again.

"I... I love it, Sir," I cried, adding the last word without thinking, "I love... getting fucked by you, Sir! I love having your big, hard dick... up my ass... your black hard dick... shoving into me... stretching my ass wide... with your huge cock... it's the best dick I've ever had, Sir!... the best ever... the biggest and the best... I love... love the way you use it... the way you use me, Sir... fuck me... hard... I... I want it... need it... want your dick... up my ass! Ohhh yeah, fuck me, Sir... fuck me hard... as hard as you want... make me scream, Sir!... shove your cock up my ass... harder! Fuck me as hard as you can! I want you to fuck me forever... forever, Sir!"

While I still rattled on like this with heaving chest, panting and moaning, my hard, free-swinging dick dripping with pre-cum, some part of my mind realized already that something had changed. It realized that I was watched.

Now this may sound strange since there had been staring men around me all the time and since I was even then surrounded by a bunch of men who watched me and the black man going at it, but this was something different: I sensed that someone new had come into the trailer and that he watched me with different eyes than all the other men and somehow I felt that he did so because he had known the former Mr.LeJeune, the respectable lawyer and straight-as-an-arrrow member of the middle-class whom I by then had almost forgotten, and now he was of course shocked to see myself transformed into a queer pig and fuck-slave who not only screamed and yelled enthusiastically while a big dick was shoved up my ass but also begged for more and whined to be fucked for ever.

So my blood seemed to freeze as I saw that one man slowly stepped forward into the circle of observing men and stood right in front of me. At first I saw only his shoes and slacks, because I didn't dare to raise my eyes. The shoes looked expensive, very expensive, like a handmade model and suddenly I knew who this man was. My heart sank as I felt so unexpectedly reclaimed by my former life and former being and once again I wanted to die because I had never felt so much ashamed of myself like at that moment. I started to weep like a child, shivering with guilt and shame, and then I felt my eyes forced up by some kind of magnetism.

So I looked up and, like I had expected, my eyes locked with those of Bob, my colleague, whom I had asked for advice before I drove off to meet my client, the exhibitionist Jepson, early this morning, who had called the police when I had been in trouble with that bike gang - Bob, my best buddy, strong, honest, clever and sober Bob, whom I had known since college and admired since then because of his cleverness, sincerity and determination and also - secretly - because of his good looks and his strength - and now this man, the single most important man in my life saw me like this, naked, chained, bent over, ass sticking out, but horny and hard, drooling, panting, wiggling my hips, because some black man fucked the shit of me, driving his dick visciously up into my ass again and again - and I... I had begged for more, using foul language, and Bob had almost certainly heard that and now he would hate me and despise me and shun me and I was sure that I could not live through all this that suddenly lay ahead of me.

So I cried but Bob, towering motionless above me, tall, strong, confidently handsome, his hands buried in the pockets of his elegant slacks, looked down on me with cold eyes, his face an inscrutable mask that gave nothing, absolutely nothing, away about his thoughts and feelings and suddenly I realized that Bob had almost always looked that way when he had been with me, like a man wearing a mask on his face, a man who controlled himself with the utmost care, and I wondered if I really knew Bob, had ever know him like one should know his best friend. I trembled under his hard stare and felt more strongly mortified then ever before.

To make things worst my body couldn't stop to act according to that strange pattern that had established itself over the course of the day: the more ashamed I felt the hornier I got. This means that I was hot like a piece of red-hot steel under my best friend's eyes and my cock felt so hard that I though it would literally burst and explode. So despite myself I kept telling the huge black man to fuck me and fuck me, and he kept fucking me, brutally, relentlessly, as if he was trying to crush my prostrate with his hard-driving, deep-drilling monster cock, using me as his object in front oy my bewildered mate, using me as his fuck-hole, bringing me closer and closer to still another shattering climax, and I was afraid that this climax would be so overpoweringly strong and hard that it would kill me or drive me made, extinguish all my wit, but still I wanted it more than anything else; yeah, I wanted it, wanted to cum in front of Bob, wanted to be fucked silly in front of him, wanted to be used by some stranger with a hard mammoth dick while he watched me, watched as my asshole was filled with hard dick again and again, was stretched to its utmost limits, watched as I got hotter and hotter, as my dick bounced under my bent body and my balls bounced around erratically between my widespread legs because the black man rammed his thick dick into my achingly hot asshole harder and harder and harder.

Finally I lost the ability to speak. My words trailed off and were replaced by loud moans and groans as the black man's dick got bigger and harder inside me as he approached orgasm and I found that I was still crying, but not from shame or pain now, but from sheer desire and lust. And then I felt his body stiffen and his huge cock throbbed and pulsed and jerked inside my spasming ass and I heard him roar and scream with lust as he exploded inside me and started to inundate my guts with his hot, sticky cum. It was like a cannon going off up my ass and I too came, writhing with lust, my eyes still locked with Bob's, and I stared into his face that was expressionless and motionless except for his straining, flexing jaw muscles, as the semen started boiling up out of my aching balls, and I sprayed the ground below my bent body with an ocean of cum, screaming with pleasure while the white drops came shooting out of my dick again and again and then... then I felt everything slipping away, blackness coming on, and I fainted (and in case someone should think now that I faint too much I would like to say: live through something comparable yourself and then see how often you faint!)

When I came back to my senses I was seated in Bob's car. The hand-cuffs and chains were gone.

Night had fallen and we sat in darkness. I could hardly see his face. The sounds of passing cars were to be heard in some distance so I gathered that we were still at the parking lot where I had gave my debut as a fuck-slave. Silently Bob handed me a towel and I started to clean myself from sweat, dirt and cum. My whole body ached and I felt suddenly mortally tired. He watched me carefully, attentively, but still remained silent. When I looked somewhat human again I managed to say:

"What happened?"

He looked away from me, staring straight ahead out of the windshield, and his voice was flat as he said matter-of-factly:

"I bought you."

Somehow I couldn't help it: I began to laugh because it seemed such an absurd thing to hear but then my lungs hurt and I stopped giggling.

"A good deal?," I asked between coughs.

"Don't worry. After some... shall we say: negogiations... they gave me 30 per cent off. I'm good at these things, you know."

"Yes, I know," I said.

Then we both fell silent again and I stared at him admiringly, my eyes roaming over his strong, athletic body, so much bigger than my own compact slenderness.

"What brought you here?," I asked after some moments.

Still avoiding my eyes he said:

"Came to look for you. Police said they hadn't found you or any trace of you. So I came myself. Stopped at each fucking parking-lot, drove down every dirt-road, looking for you. So I came here, noticed the commotion around and in that trailer and then I saw... well, you know what I saw."

For a long moment he kept silent and I didn't knew what to say, biting my lips in embarrasment.

Suddenly he faced me again and said:

"Now tell me: what happened?"

I blushed like I had never blushed before but then I started to tell him everything - the truth and nothing but the truth, just as I have done here.

He listened to me in silence for most of the time, his face once again that inscrutable mask, while I told him about Jepson and his hot, hard dick right in front of my face and how hot I had become staring at it, about the biker who forced me to suck him off... but who know all this already and I won't repeat myself. Bob interrupted me only when I narrated the bit when the cops had passed me on the Pete:

"Would you recognize these guys?"

"Of course!"

"Good... I'll figure something out to teach them a lesson. But now go on."

And so I told him about my stint as a fuck-slave, how Pete and John had used me in front of the other men and how those guys too had used me too and fucked me silly, filling my ass as well as my mouth, throat and stomach to the brim with hot, white jism. From time to time I hesitated when I came to describe my own feelings but then again and again I realized that it was a relieve to stick to the truth and so I was as honest and precise as possible: I told him how I had discovered that domination and humiliation turned me on, that I liked to be used roughly by big, burly men, that I went crazy when I was full of hard, thick cock, but that I was obviously also capable of taking the other role, the dominant part, and could have fun with guys who trembled in front of me, down on their knees. Then I was finished and fell silent, waiting nervously for some reaction.

But Bob just sat there in the dark and looked at me, his features expressionless and quiet. After some moments he shook his head, slowly, almost imperceptebly, and then he said:

"You fool!"

I stared at him with questioning eyes, puzzled by these words that were spoken very softly but still sounded like an absolutely conclusive statement, but then I felt suddenly his hands at my neck and face, and he drew me close, pulled my face sideways, and then he kissed me! He kissed me on the mouth - no, that's not the right way to put it. It was not a gentle kiss, not at all. He acted as if he owned my body and so it's maybe best to say that he had my mouth - his strong, versatile tongue plunged deep into my throat, thrusting, ravenous, more like a raging, deep-driving cock than a tongue. His lips covered mine, and his teeth pushed between mine, forcing them apart as his slippery, hungry tongue sought to climb further down into my throat, struggling with my tongue, pushing it back to my palate, and I gulped down his spit that ran into my mouth in a strong, steady stream and the world seemed to dissolve for me and I felt nothing but his mouth and tongue, his rough, almost brutal kiss - and my cock that miraculously became hard again although I could have taken an oath only some seconds earlier on that it would never swell and raise again for the next weeks.

But now it did and I felt suddenly as fresh and strong as if I had just awaken from a long, refreshing sleep: my flesh prickled with electric excitement, my whole body was alive with indescribable desire, and my cock bulged, hardened, thickened, throbbed and swelled while this man, this strong, handsome man, whom I had secretly admired all my life, while my best buddy kissed me like a mad-man, prying my jaws wide apart, shoving his swirling tongue deep into my straining mouth, threatening to cut off my air, and I shook with uncontrollable excitement, lost in an aura of maleness, intoxicated by it, and my hands came up and ran all over his strong, heavily muscled body, caressing, exploring, whorshipping him, feeling his huge, hairy pecs move under the thin fabric of his shirt, tracing the massive, meaty curves of them, brushing over the tiny, erect nipples, sliding down over his flat, rippled belly, enjoying the hard muscle beneath, caressing his massive arms, and then everything fell into place and I realized that I had always lusted after Bob, had always wanted him, and that he had always wanted me, but that up to now neither of us had had the guts to come out to the other one, and I went crazy with his strong tongue stuck up into my throat, lost in lust, and I blurted 'I love you, Bob! I love you so much!', but my mouth was full of his deep-driving tongue and I doubt that he could understand a word.

Finally he broke the kiss and left me panting and drooling with his spit and - further down - with my pre-cum.

"You hot?," he asked.

"Oh, yeah! Yeah!," I panted.

"You want to have sex again?"

"Yeah!Yeah!," I whined, squirming in lust.

"Get out of the car!," he said.

Now that sounded somehow familiar and I obeyed, grinning to myself.

Trembling with excitement I waited for him. Still fully dressed he slowly walked around the car, pulling his dick out of his fly while he stepped closer. I hold my breath and stared: although still half-hard it was the biggest cock I had ever seen - and I had seen quite a lot of cocks during that day! And it was getting hard really fast, sticking out of his fly, jutting forward in front of his body. Acting on impulse I dropped down to my knees and stared at his dick real close, astonished, amazed, overwhelmed by the sight: it was fucking incredible big - thirteen inches long and thicker than a log! It was the biggest thing I had ever seen, bigger than I had imangined a cock could possibly be, and my breath caught in my throat at the sight of all this unbelievable maleness that was hanging right in my face.

No orders were necessary: I gripped his hips, drew him close and started to kiss this monsterous dick rightaway, pressing my lips eagerly onto the huge, fleshy cockhead, letting my tongue roam all over it, kissing it again and again, licking at it, lapping up the first, crystal-clear drop of pre-cum that appeared in the wide piss-slit. And then I began to suck it into my mouth. Impatiently he shoved the head of his huge prick between my lips and I opened my mouth as wide as I could and let him stuff his dick in. I started to slurp and suck at this hose of a dick and felt my own cock hard and rigid between my legs, sticking up into the air, bouncing up and down with the movements of my head and body. And he began to feed me the shaft, forcing my jaws wider and wider apart as I took inch after inch of big, hard cock into my straining throat until I gagged because I couldn't take more of this thick bar of man-meat. Disappointed I had to realize that this was just not a suckable cock. With my jaws stretched to the absolute limit, I had barely more than half of all those thick, hard inches in my mouth and my throat was stretched as wide as was possible by the huge, fat head of this monsterous cock. Still I did the best I could, licking and sucking and slobbering on as much of Bob's dick as I could get in my mouth, greedily gobbling on his big horse cock. I licked up and down the shaft, caressing all of that huge bar with my drooling, panting mouth and looked up at him, at his big, bulging torso, at his finely chiseled face, and I heard him moan deep down in his chest and I felt happier then ever before in my life

I was not only sucking his cock, I was worshipping it - and worshipping him, eagerly gobbling his giant dick, lost in lust, finally doing what I had subconsciously wanted to do for all my life, worshipping the huge cock of the man I loved, sucking on it, licking it all over, slurping on the big, juicy head, tonguing the fat, throbbing shaft, poking my stiffened tongue deep into the gaping piss-slit, licking up his pre-cum, trashing around under him, trying to rub my stiff dick against something, anything so I could shoot off.

Bob was hot too. He leaned forward, towering over my head, and then he began to fuck my face, jamming the thick shaft into my mouth and down into my mouth, rolling his pelvis, thrusting forward forcefully, driving still more inches into my clenching throat, screwing my with this bar of hard meat, pumping my drooling, wet mouth with his mammoth dick - and I loved it, loved every second of it and every inch of Bob's cock that was shoved down into my throat. I was panting and groaning and coming close, really close, and felt ready to shoot another huge load of cum any second.

But then the telephone rang (and this is not a running gag but the truth - nothing but the truth).

I froze in shock because it rang right above my ear. It took me some moments to realize that this was Bob's mobil telephone. Eager not to miss a prospective client he always carried it around in the pockets of his jacket.

So the telephone rang right above my head and of course Bob - always on business, even when he got his cock sucked by his best buddy for the first time- answered the call. His voice was firm and confident - just as usual but he continued to fuck my mouth with long, sensual strokes. I held my mouth open for him, straining to get still more of that fat shaft down into my throat, and tried to make as little noise as possible

I recogized the voice on the other side of the line immediately, although I could not understand the words. That sound, as usual slightly hysterical and today maybe even more so, was not to be mistaken.

Bob's part in the ensuing conversation was short:

"Yes, he's here.... No, he's fine.... Yes, he wants to speak to you too."

And with that he pulled his mighty, fat dick that dripped with my spit and his pre-cum suddenly out of my mouth. It left my clamping, sucking lips with a wet, juicy 'pop' and I groaned in disappoinment, but he yanked me up to my feet. Grinning wide from ear to ear he handed me the phone and said slyly:

"For you!"

I cringed when the shrill voice of Kate, my girl-friend, hit my ear. Naturally I was confused, very confused - I had completely forgotten her existence during the last hours and was not sure if I was up to a talk with her right then simply because I had not the slightest idea what to say.

As excited women tend to do she showered me with questions, exclamations and reproaches. Basically it was all about that she had been worried about my strange disappearance and wanted to know what had happened to me, how I felt and when I would be back home. For long moments I never got a chance to say a single word so I waited for her to cool down and tried to figure out what I would tell her. I deciced to postpone everything serious to some other time and come up with some comforting lies for the moment.

But this plan was thwarted by Bob.

While I still listened nervously to Kate who rattled on and on about her fears, thoughts and worries I suddenly felt his strong hands on my shoulders and found myself turned around so that my back was in front of him - my naked back... my bare ass... right in front of him. I jumped when I felt the huge head of his rockhard dick brush across my buns. A nervous shreak escaped from my lips and that got at last Kate's attention:

"Are you really okay, Jay? Is something bothering you? Jay? Jay? Are you still there? Speak to me Jay! Tell me what happened. Jay?"

I tried to speak but my voice failed me. No words came out of my mouth however hard I tried because I felt the enormous head of Bob's giant dick nose up between my buns and then he began to push it against my asshole and that left me panting, growling and drooling. Slowly, methodically, determined Bob drove his mammoth cock up into my well-fucked, slimy asshole, using all his strength - and he has lots of strength - to hold me in place in front of his body, and I supported myself at the car with one hand but still clung to the phone, my whole body tensing, arching up from the point of impalement, my spine curving acutely, as I felt his dick slide forward, up into my ass, and I felt the clamping ring muscle start to gape open under the pressure, and Bob pushed harder and more of that monster cock went up my ass, and I let out a primal cry that rose in pitch with each inch of hard, thick dick that was rammed deep down into my butt and sounded vaguely like:


But Bob shoved forward, burying himself to the balls in my clutching, convulsing asshole in one long shove, giving me all he had to give. When our bodies were flushed together, his shirt and pants scratching against my bare back and buttocks, my voice had reached the pitch of a high coloratura soprano because his dick was so goddamn big and so goddamn thick. It was really stretching me despite all the other fucks I had had during that day. He flexed his ass cheeks one more time and ground himself as hard as he could, as deep as he could manage, giving my hungry asshole the last possible fraction on an inch of his super-sized dick. And then he stopped moving, remained motionless, and just pulsed his giant rod in my butt.

Naturally my cry made Kate all concerned.

"Oh my god, Jay, what's happening? Are you hurt? Is someone hurting you? Where's Bob? I thought he's with you. He should protect you! Why doesn't he protect you?"

Panting and heaving I finally managed to speak but couldn't get very far with my explanations:

"Bob...Bob's... ooooooaaaahhhhh!"

Right when I began to speak Bob pulled his dick out of my ass to the tip of his lube-oozing cockhead and then he rammed the thick shaft in again in just one vicious shove. I couldn't help it: I just had to yell again - to yell in lust.

Then Bob whispered in my other hear:

"Tell her, Jay. All of it. Tell her!"

"Kate... Kate, I... I need to tell you... ooohhh... my... God!!"

By then Bob was ramming my butt so hard I could hardly breathe. His big, hairy balls bounced and slapped noisily in the increasingly moist, sweaty valley between my thighs and ass cheeks and his breath came short, labored, raspy in his throat. I knew it would not be long before my ass was to be flooded with his cum.

"Jay, don't drive me mad! Your voice is so strange... so strained! Speak to me! Just what the hell is going on?"

"Tell her, Jay, all of it, just like I said. Tell her what's happening here... to you... while I fuck you... fuck you like you've never been fucked before," Bob whispered in my ear, pumping his big dick in and out of my slippery ass that clamped and strangeld and eased and released the pistoning bar of hot, pulsing meat; his balls banging on my ass with every deep, hard stroke.

"Kate... I'm... I'm here on this parking-lot... standing by Bob's car... and... ooohhh fucking Christ!... fucking Christ!!... I'm... I'm naked, you know... stark naked... supporting myself at the car... ooohhh God! oohhh God! oooohhhh God!!... I'm bend over and... and... Bob... Bob... Bob is...".

My voice trailed off. Somehow I did not dare to speak the words, not because of shame or shit like that, but because I was afraid if I did I would cream instantly, shoot my load onto the car in front of me without even touching myself. I had never felt so hot in my life.

"What the fuck is Bob doing, Jay?", Kate shouted into the phone, her voice sounding even more hysterical than usually.

"Bob... ooohh my fucking Lord in heaven!!... Bob is fucking my butt... fucking my butt with his giant dick... the biggest and thickest dick I've ever seen... fucking me hard... really hard... and ... ohhh yeah! ooohh yeeaah!!... and... and you know what, Kate... you know what?"

"What?," Kate screamed, really hysterical now (I think she guessed what I had to say - she was not that dumb).

"I... I love... every second of it and... oohh yeah, Bob, ohhh yeaahh... and I love... every fuckin' inch of his thick cock... up my ass... yeahhh... oohhh yeah, Bob, give it me! shove it in!! yeah, yeah... like that!!... it... it makes me so hot... so incredible hot... to be fucked by him... hard and deep... and even harder and deeper now... hotter than I've ever been... ever been with you... or any other chick!!"

I began to hyperventilate as I could feel my cum getting ready to spurt out without hand or mouth on my cock.

"Kate?... Kate?... I think.... ooohhh!...I think... this means.... Jesus fucking Christ! Bob!!...Bob!!!... this means... we aren't... ohhh yeah.... fuck me, man!... fuck me hard!... this means we aren't.... aren't... oooohhhhhhhh!!... going together any more... because... because... I'm... ohhhhh,yeeaaah.... I'm with Bob now!"

She yelled something that sounded vaguely like "you perverts" and slammed her phone down in my ear. I let go of the phone immadiately and supported myself with both hands at the car because Bob now began to fuck me for real. Trembling and shaking all over I realized that up to then he held back, had not given me all of his male strength, but now he did and he hunched his throbbing dick deep into my asshole and he fucked me furiously and my ass and everything inside me melted and turned into white-hot fire as Bob joyously shouted:

"Ohhhh Christ, you got an ass for fuckin'... hot ass for a wild fuck! Ohhh shit, Jay, I'm fuckin' your hot, twitchy aahole... and I love it... love it! All the fuckin' asses I've ever had... none ever could do what yours is doin' my dick right now. I love it... love your tight, slimy ass... full of hot cum... humpin' it with my jism-packed dick... ready to shoot my cream into you too! Fuck you, stud! Fuck your hot ass! I'm about to bust! Damn, it's so fuckin' good... to fuck your ass, Jay! So fuckin' good... better than anything... ever! Yeah, I'm... close, I'm close, so goddamn fuckin' wonderful close, man!!!"

I joined in:

"Fuck me, stud!! Ooohhh, fuck me, Bob!! Fuck!! I... love you, Bob! Always have... loved... loved you! Always wanted you... to fuck me! And now... now it's happening! Your thick dick up my ass! So hard... so thick... so hot... so incredible hot... hotter than all other dicks!!Give it to me, Bob! Give me your cum! Shoot it up my ass!! Cream into me... and make me cum too, man! Make me cum!! I'm ready to cum... cum with you... when you cum in me!!"

And our guts roiled, bodies heaved and convulsed, and cocks bucked angrily, determinedly. His dick was so big and I felt every thick inch of it as it went in and of of my ass with increasing speed and intensity and I pushed my hips back, eager to meet his fat cock, bouncing my ass on this thick rod, screwing myself on his big boner. We writhed, bucked, battled, our bodies slapping together, and Bob was clutching my pecs, holding on for dear life as he frantically drove his big, hard prick into me again and again, and then he was ramming his giant dick up my hole one last time and I could feel every long rope of jism making its way from his balls up through the length of his cock and out into my hot, burning ass, clashing with amazing fury into my clasping, churning guts, and his cock kept pumping and pumping way up in me, filling my asshole to overflowing with hot, scalding cum until I could feel it backing up and dripping down around Bob's thick meat. I came at the same time, delirious from the wild, hot fucking I got, grounding my ass back hard onto his throbbing, jerking, cum-shooting dick, forcing that giant rod so far up into me that it seemed to reach up into my stomach, and the cum was spraying out of my dick head, literally rammed out of my balls by Bob's hard driving, deep shoving cock. Believe me or not but it was a bigger and harder cum than any other I had had during that day. It was like I hadn't cum for years and I sprayed my jism all over Bob's car as the spunk cascaded frenziedly from the gaping lips of my burning, aching cockhead, splattering the car's window and washing the paint with my slick juice that shot out of my dick in long convulsions.

We both heaved and panted and needed a long time to calm down and to regain our sensed. Then Bob nugded his body slowly, carefully backwards, until his cum-sheathed cockhead popped juicly, slimily, from my gaping asshole. He turned me around again with his strong hands and kissed me, more gentle this time, but still with the authority of a born top. When he broke the kiss, he had me panting again.

"What now?," I asked with heaving chest, staring into his handsome face.

"Back home, I'd say."

"Where's that?," I said (sometimes I'm a little bit slow, you know).

"My place of course, you fool! I want you handy. I get horny a lot. And we have to make up for lost time - so prepare yourself for a pretty wild time. Guess it will be hard for me to keep my dick out of you!"

Naturally that sounded pretty good to my ears and I couldn't help grinning joyfully.

"But first...," he added, his voice trailing off suggestively and I thought that I sensed a stirring in his spent, cum-dripping dick that brushed across my thigh.

"First...?," I asked expectantly.

"First: clean up the mess you've made on my car!"

I guess I've looked a little bit shocked then and so he added:

"Hey, get out that tongue of yours, Mr.LeJeune, and start licking up your cum! I want my car all clean and shiny!"

So, you see, he told me rightaway where my place was - he just knew what I really needed.

Of course I bent down obediently and lapped up all the numerous, huge globs of my white, sticky jism that were splattered all over the car and ran down the smooth surface in small rivulets. The glass and paint felt very cool on my tongue, but I licked and lapped enthusiastically while the ocean of cum that had gathered in my guts from all the fucks I had received during that day slowly started to seep out of my clamping asshole. But I didn't had to be afraid that my ass would dry up because - surprise, surprise - Bob once again shoved his hard, thick dick up my ass while I was still cleaning his fucking car with my tongue and then he fucked me silly for the second time right then and there.

Bob, you know, always keeps his promises. He had promised me a 'wild time' and so he started to make that come true without any dealy there on the parking lot.

Eventually we even got back to his place - and you can bet that I have had a wild time with him all the time since then.


Comments are welcome; constructive criticism is appreciated and encouraged.


NOTE: The last three or four pages of this text draw on the story "My Roommate" by Marc Tremaine (listed as part of the directy "Two voices" in the Nifty Archive, "Authoritarian" section, date of entry: Nov. 8, 1997). I hope neither this author nor anybody else will take offence that I've used a brilliant idea for a second time.

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