Full Circle

By Mel J

Published on Jun 13, 2023


Disclaimer! I dont know Nsync and this has no reflection on there sexuality or sexual preference, in essance this is FICTION!

Full Circle-Chapter 3 By Mel 2001

Chris knew there was something wrong, something Justin wasnt telling him. He could tell by the way Justin wouldnt look him in the eye. His friend was still there for him, but now he was hiding something. But he was hiding something from Justin, too. He hadent quit the coke all together like he had promised. It hurt too much, it was too hard for him.

Deep inside he knew that it would be easier if he got help, but he didnt want to see the pity in his bandmates eyes when they found out that all this time he had been preaching anti drug, he had been using.

He didnt know what to do, and it was driving him crazy, tearing him apart. He didnt know that today would be the day his lies were going to catch up with him.

It would ultimatly save his life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lance tried to keep his distance from Jc, he really tried. He tried to ignore the hurt in his friend's eyes when he avoided being alone with him, but his heart wasnt really in it. He loved Jc too much. He just knew that no matter how much it hurt him, he couldnt tell Jc that.

It would kill him if Jc didnt feel the same way. It was better if he never knew at all than risk it. Or that was what he was trying to tell himself. He didnt know that Jc had other plans.

Jc was going to tell Lance the truth, he didnt think he could hide it from him much longer. He just didnt know if it would drive Lance even further away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"When are we going to break it to the other guys?" Brown eyes looked into blue. The two lovers were lying entwined in eachother's arms on the bed, not wanting to lose contact with the other. "I dont know. But we have too, soon." They knew they couldnt wait much longer to tell the others about Chris, they just didnt know how. The last thing they wanted to do was betray him, but they were afraid that if they didnt... it would get worse.

"We dont have much time, let's talk about this later, I just want to be with you."

Justin nodded, looking into Joey's eyes. He could feel his cock start to harden again. Oh how he wanted his friend, his lover. Joey saw the glazed look in Justin's eyes and grinned. Time for round two. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"We need to talk." Jc said, putting a hand on Lance's arm. Lance stiffened, trying to ignore the shock of awarness he always felt at Jc's touch. It bothered Jc, but he ignored it. He was determined to let Lance know how he felt.

"What is it?" Lance asked, taking a step back as Jc led him to a private area. Jc took a deep breath. He tried to steady his hands. Lance knew something was wrong and his natural affection for Jc took over.

"Jc.. baby, what is it?" Jc's shocked eyes met Lance's green ones. Had Lance just called him Baby? Lance mistook the shock for horror and lept off the couch.

"Jc.. I am so sorry.." he stuttered and ran. Jc was too shocked to move.

"I am not." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chris lay back on his bed, trying to relax as the cocaine hit his system. He knew he was going to get caught, but he couldnt help himself. He needed it. He craved it. It had taken over his life, and he hated it, and himself.

Suddenly, he knew something was wrong. His heartbeat was pounding a mile a minute, and he could feel himself getting dizzy. Oh shit. Something was horribly wrong.

The last thought he had in his head before he passed out was "am I gonna die?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lance had to talk to someone, and Chris' house was the first one he came to. He saw Chris' car parked outside and rang the doorbell, Jc's expression runinng through his head. No answer. That was odd, he thought and went around back.

No sign of Chris. Lance took out his cell and made a phone call. Still nothing. Lance began to feel uneasy. Rationally he knew that there could be many reasons that Chris was not answering the phone or the door, but his uneasiness grew with each passing second.

Lance did the only thing he could think of. He broke in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jc's cell phone rang. "What?! Lance.. slow down.. he what? Ok.. yes I will get Justin and Joey.. I will be right there" Jc slammed on the gas, and headed toward Justin's first, and saw Joey's car out front.

He pounded on the door. Justin opened the door, Joey right behind him. Jc noticed that they looked slightly out of breath, and sweaty, but put it to the back of his mind.

"Jc.. what is it?" Justin asked, frightened by the look on his friends face.

"Chris is in the emergency room." Joey let out a gasp. The coke. Oh shit....tbc,,

Next: Chapter 5

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