Fun in the Sun in Northen California

By tony b

Published on Mar 25, 2004



This story is of male sex and is not meant for anyone under the age of 18 or what the law describes to be an adult in your area. If you are not an adult or do not like this type of material, please dont read it. For the rest of you...enjoy. I welcome all comments to

Me (Tony) 44 y.o., 5'9" 165 lbs, dark hair green eyes, 7" cut. Hairy body.

Joey 45 y.o., 6'1" 185 lbs, dark hair and eyes, 10" cut. VERY hairy body.

James 41 y.o., 5'11" 175 lbs, dark hair, blue eyes, 8" cut. moderatly hairy

Fun in the Sun in Northern California

Chapter 1

It was the first week of some nice warm weather and I had the day off so I decided to go to a local gay hangout. The place is on the river and they have about 30 rooms and a pool, hot tub and bar. It's a resort for gays in the summer. I arrived around noon and immediately got a beer from the bar and took myself outside to bask in the sun by the pool. As I made myself comfortable, I took off my shorts and had a skimpy speedo on underneath. I figured I could really use some sun. I'm olive complexion and rarely burn, so I figured I was safe fo r a couple of hours or so. There were only 7 guys including myself scattered around the pool sunning themselves and drinking all kinds of fun stuff. The place was quiet for the most part, besides some idle chit chat amongst the coupled pairs. I took in the sights and was really drawn to the two guys to my left a few chairs down. They were both brunettes with nice toned bodies. One was very hairy. From my view he was on his stomach showing me the thick dark hair running from his calves all the way up to and into his brief bathing suit. Very nice! His friend was sitting in his chair with 1 leg bent with his foot on the cement.

I could see a big bulge at his crotch thru his nylon trunks. He too had a nice chest full of dark soft hair running from his pecs straight into the unknown. Also very nice I thought. Not wanting to get myself excited and hard I layed onto my chair on my back and closed my eyes trying not to think of much.

I could hear the chit chat between the two of them and heard them chuckle now and then. I opened my eyes and glanced around the pool. Mostly everyone was off in la-la land enjoying the heat. As my eyes made their way to the two chatters I was stunned to see them both looking my way and smiling. They were both very good looking. One looked to be Italian with beautiful dark features and nice white teeth, and the other one with the nice furry chest was a little lighter in color but still olive with striking features and blue eyes that were surrounded by long eyelashes. Hard to judge when laying and sitting, but I'd say both of them were close to or maybe a bit over 6 feet tall.

Seeing them smile I smiled back and gave a wave of the hand. They both waved back. I sat up for a moment, sipped on my beer then layed back down. My 5'9" fit well on the lounge chair, so well I almost fell asleep before I heard a splash. I knew someone had jumped into the pool, but didnt rise to see who it was. Then I heard a second splash. I looked to see the 2 of them swimming around in the water. They swam for a good 10 minutes and then got out up towards my chair, where the stairs out of the pool were located. My eyes were barely opn as they came out of the pool, but enough for me to see both of them in wet suits that clung to their toned bodies. The Italian one was the 1st to come into view and I thought I would die when I saw the bulge in the wet suit forming around what looked like to be a nice thick shaft and big dick head. No mistaken, this guy was hung. The 2nd guy came out the same way also giving me a shot of his thick member and huge ball sack under his suit. They both smiled at me again as they went back to their chairs.

I felt my cock begin to rise and swell, so I thought I'd roll over onto my stomach so not to be so noticable. I had a raging boner. I tried to get the sight of the 2 of them out of my head but found it hard to do. I drank the rest of my beer and must have fallen asleep for awhile. When I woke up I was a little groggy and rolled back over onto my back. Still somewhat out of it, I stretched real hard and began to wake up. Sencing rather than seeing I felt a shadow above me and opened my eyes to see one of the guys I had been watching standing next to my chair. He had a beer in his hand and he reached it to me saying "I thought you might like another". I accepted it and thanked him. By the way he said you must've had one hell of a dream while you were out". Looking confused I just kind of cocked my head as if to say "what do you mean". The reply from him was a raise of his eyebrows and a nod of his head towards my dick. As I looked down I was totally not prepared to see my semi hard cock being outlined in my speedo with a big wet spot at my cock head. He gave me a huge smile, which put me a little at ease. I smiled back and told him the dream was obviously good.

"My names Joey" he said and my friends name is James. Nice to meet you I said and told him my name was Tony.

He invited me to come join them and drink my beer, so I gathered my towel , shorts and beer and followed his rock hard ass to a chair next to them. We all made aquaintances and began some talk. I was a little self concience of my wet spot, but it soon began to dry up. I found out they were from San Francisco which is an hour and 1/2 from where we were. They were up here for a couple nights for some R & R. We all got along good and drank a few beers which began to have an effect on me. I was loosening up quite a bit.

James told me I should've seen the other guys checking my ass out while I was sleeping. "Bythe way he said, you do have a nice one". I'm not too bad I'll admit, I have a toned body with a fair ammount of body hair and I pack a 7 incher with a nice big set of nuts. When he told me about the others I just laughed a little and shrugged it off.

So Joey asked me " where does all the action happen around here"? I told him this was as good as a place as any especially on a Tuesday. I also told them you could walk the trails by the river and get lucky too. They both liked the idea of the trails and asked if I wanted to show them the hot spots. Sure I said.

Well, if we're gonna do that James said, I wanna go get some shorts and shoes. Wanna come to the room while I get everything or do you guys wanna wait here. Joey sid he'd like to grab some things as well and that we should all go to the room. We all got up and gathered our stuff and walked the stone path to their room. Inside we put things down and Joey walked to one side of the room to the chair and sat down. As he sat he removed his swim suit. My eyes must've popped out of my head when he did because what fell out was the most beautiful 10 inch dick I'd ever seen.

Wow, James said to me, " you must like what you see huh".

I studdered a bit and said "it's just so big". I sat in another chair.

Joey stood up and walked towards me with his cock beginning to rise. He asked me if I liked it enough to suck it.

As he stood a foot from me I reached out and grabbed the thick shaft and fondeled his huge hairy balls. They were so big and full of sperm. I stroked his meat for a minute feeling it swell to an enormus girth in my hand. I was pretty soon hardly able to get my hand around the whole thing. James stepped over towards us and took Joeys cock in his hand and guided it to my lips. The gigantic head had pre-cum spilling from its slit as it made contact with my lips. I opened my mouth and took about 4" of it before having to almost gag. I didnt even have 1/2 of him in my mouth and I was having trouble taking much more.

James then got between my legs and pulled my suit down. Shucking them off to the floor he then put his warm lips to the tip of my cock and rubbed my pre-cum all over the head of my dick. He then lowered his hot mouth down my pole until he had my 7" banging on the back of his throat. I felt like I had slipped my cock inside a burning velvet glove. My eyes rolled back in my head as I moaned and began sucking in more and more of Joey's monster. As James sucked and drooled all over my cock, I did the same with Joey's until I felt the tears run down my face. I had taken all 10 inches of that fat baby maker into my throat, so far that his big hairy balls wereslapping me on the chin. Joey began face fucking me, holding my head with his big hand so he could get it as far in my mouth as he could. The sounds in the room were loud and wet. I was drooling all overJoeys nuts which would spill onto my lower stomach, and James was sucking so hard on my cock I thought he was gonna suck one of my nuts up into his mouth. As Joey began to slow things down he pulled all his meat from my mouth and stepped back. My mouth was sore and stretched, and now felt so empty. James let my dick fall free of his mouth too. As James stood up he pulled off his trunks exposing another 8 or 9 inch beauty. His wasn't as long as Joeys nor as fat, but perfect just the same. He had a nice big mushroom head and his balls were big and round, almost hairless ant tight in their sac.

Turning his head I watched as James lapped at Joeys nuts before taking 1 and then both of his massive balls into his mouth suckin hard on them. I watched as Joey stroked my slimey cock. You ready James asked Joey. Joey siad "arent I always". They both stood and James pulled my up too and we all went to the king size bed. Joey jumped onto the bed and got on his knees, spreading his hairy hott ass cheeks. James looked at me and winked as he got his face close to Joeys crack. With both his hands James spred Joeys ass far apart so he could get his tounge at the moist target. He began lcking all around it and down the path to his swinging nuts. With the sight I dived in and stuck my tounge at the opening of Joeys hairy hole and worked my tounge into him slowley. The taste of his hot ass was so sexy to me. I tounge fucke him as James chewed on his balls and inner thighs. Joey was moaning with pleasure and his pre-cum drooled from his cock head onto the sheets wher it gathered into a nice big pool. My mouth tired from the work out I had had from blowing Joey began to slow me down on the tounge fuck. Just in time too.

"Ok boys" Joey said time to change positions. I pulled my tounge out of his ass and he got up letting James lay on the bed on his back. James smiled up at us both and opened his long legs wide. With only his pre-cum as lube Joey aimed his engorged salami at James tight assring. I watched almost in disbelief as he worked the whole fucking thing into James's stretched out asshole. James was taking it like a real man as he clenched his teeth, biting onto the pillow letting only small screams of pain escape his mouth. God this was a hot scene I thought as I got on top of James and straddled him in a 69 position taking his boner into my aching mouth sucking on him hard and licking and sucking on his big sucked up balls in their pouch. I had a birds eye view of Joey's veiny fat cock slipping in and out of James. I would stop what I was doing each time he would pull the whole thing out and watch him slam it back in till his big balls would slap against James's torn ass. Joey was going to town, ramming hard in and out of James as I gave him the best head of his life. By now James was relaxed and loving every sloppy thrust Joey would give him. Now moaning with pleasure he took my dripping cock into his mouth and returned the fovor. He sucked me like a vaccum. Oh shit I said I'm gonna cum and pulled from James mouth just in time to stop most of it. Joey said "good catch man", dont cum yet. I watched as Joey pulled all 10 " slowley from James's ravaged ass exiting with a pop. James laid back, lowered his legs and caught his breath for a minute.

"Get on your knees and spread 'em" Joey said to James, and Tony get your ass on top of him and straddle him like your gonna fuck him. We wasted no time on getting into position. I was standing on the bed bent at the knees so my cock rested on James's lower back.

"Who wants to go 1st" Joey asked us.

I dont know if I can take that thing I told him.

Well we wont know till we try will we Joey replied.

James said "stick that fucker in my ass Joey". I knew Joey was in when I heard James moan followed by a deep moan from Joey. He plunged in and out of him for a few seconds then grabbed me by the hips and raised himself so he was in perfect aim of my hole. Holding hard onto me Joey found his target and busted into me with only the head at 1st sending me into shock at 1st. hold tight baby he said it gets better. The biggest thing I'd ever had in my ass was another 7 inches, so this was gonna be a ride.

"Ah yeah" James said. "Stick that swollen horse cock in his ass. Make him feel it in his guts. I was getting so turned on by James talk that I began to loosen up a bit. Waves of pain racke my ass with every inch Joey would slide into me. I felt like someone was sticking a slippery bottle of beer into my ass. The only difference was a bottle of beer didnt have a head on it the size of a lemon! I was buckeling at the knees and having a hard time holding myself up, so Joey grabbed me harder and held me in position. I had never had pain like this in my asshole before. It was a few minutes of Joey sliding slowley inch by inch into me before I knew I had finally done it. I could fell his huge balls hit my ass. As the pain lessened and the pleasure grew, I began enjoying the slow fuck he was giving me. I litterally could feel his dick head in my guts when all of him was in me. Just as I was getting used to him, he pulled completely from me leaving my hole wide open and gaping as he re-entered James.

"Fuck my ass baby, fuck me hard, impale me with that ten inch sperm thrower", James said. As Joey rammed in and out of his hole I could hear the wet slapping of his ball sac slapping hard against James ass. The sounds were hot and messy. Fucking James till he almost came, Joey pulled his cock out of his ass, and came for more of me. It still hurt on its way in but this time I welcomed every fucking inch of him into me. All the way in he began a rythem so good that it rocked the 3 of us hard as the headboard on the bed slammed into the wall.

James laid down flat on the bed, and Joey slowed down on me so I could work my cock into James's stretched hole. Once inside James ass I felt the warmth of his worked out ass. His ass was so stretched by Joey's cock that my 7 incher felt like it was swimming in a warm glove filled with jello. As Joey began slamming hard in and out of me like a jackhammer, I too fucked into James fast and hard.

Joey was now laying on top of me as I layed on top of James. I could feel the sweat dripping onto my back from Joey, and James felt mine on him as we worked our cocks in and out of their individual holes. "Oh God" Joey said.

"your'e ass is so fucking tight Tony I dont know how much more I can take". I could hear him breating really hard and fast and had a feeling he was gonna blow. I pounded hard into James felling the same way.

"C'mon Tony, fuck his ass nice and hard, bury that cock", Joey said. Ahhhhh, yeah thats it baby fuck him while I fuck you. Being fucked and getting fucked was heaven and I began to feel the sperm in my swollen nuts begin to boil. At the same time Joey's horse nuts tightened up nice and hard to where they were'nt even slapping my ass anymore. I knew what was about to happen. Joey rammed so hard into me I almost fell off of James and moaned loudly.........."AHHHHH fuck I'm gonna cummmmmm", and with that he stuck his cock so far up my ass I really did feel where his cock head ended 10 inches inside me, and he began trembling and squeezing the side of the bed with his hands as he pumped 5 or 6 loads of molting hot sperm into me guts. When he had finished I felt him almost collapse onto me as I rammed my bone into James. "Shiiiiiiit, I'm ready too I screamed and went thru the same motions Joey had as he came. I buried my cock deep and poured mys seed far into James body too. I too collapsed on top of James before Joey pulled his softening cock from my ass followed by a sticky blob of his cum that ran from me down my legs. I pulled my bone from James too watchin my cum escape his hole too. Exausted, Joey and I layed side by side on our backs as James starddled our heads so we could munch on his tight ball sac as he beat his engorged cock with a vengance. In no time he was moaning and groaning emptying the contents of his heaving balls onto Joey and myself. He shot so far some of his cum hit me by my knee. When he'd finished there was a huge load of his cum all over the 2 of us. What else were we to do, but begin cleaning it up with our tounges. We all 3 got a good taste of James sperm at the end and James and I were holding the cum shot into us for a reminder.

We all 3 laid back and chatted for awhile, exchanging numbers and promising to do this again when they were back in the area. "By the way" James said. "next time lets really do go for that walk on the trail huh". "Sure I promised him, it's something I'll look forward too".

Joey turned to me and asked, "how was my cock for you". I told him it was the best I'd ever had. "Good thing he said cuz I hope you want more'. No doubt I replied. James popped up then saying," next time I'm in the middle". Joey and I both laughed. Hey ya know James said, "I'd really like to try both of you in me at the same time". Not a problem here Joey said. I'm game too I told him. Great then we all have something to look forward to trying next time.

I kissed them both, told them what a great time I'd had got my stuff and headed home. It was now going on 9pm, so we had been fucking for many hours. That night I had fantastic dreams of the 3 of us!

******************************** Hope you guys liked this, if you did and want more drop me a line at

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