Gabe the Corruptor

By Gabe Rial

Published on Aug 29, 2017


Hey, it's hypnoboy6969 (author of "The Sessions" and Twitchydragon (author of "The Dongo Dossier", and we're teaming up to bring you another great story! Hope you enjoy, and if you have any comments or suggestions feel free to email us at

DISCLAIMER: this story features sexual relations between underage boys. If this is illegal in your region, or you object to that content, please leave.

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It was a long day at the office, and Gabriel needed more time on the Bench today than he usually did. The Bench wasn't special to anyone else since it's just a normal wooden bench in the park like all the others, but it was perfectly situated for Gabriel's purposes. You see, Gabriel and a love of people watching, well more boy watching. He had loved boys for as long as he could remember but had never done anything except watch and dream. He had discovered the wonders of the Bench a few years ago after another long day at the office. He took a different way home and there it was, his perfect observation point. What made this bench special was its location, in a park that bordered two schools and had a large new playground. He had had many wonderful afternoons and evenings spent on the Bench and he was hoping today would be just what he needed to relieve his work stress.

As he walked to the Bench he noticed the park was bustling today, filled with families and other people just enjoying the lovely day. He arrived at the Bench, took a seat and relaxed. Looking around he could see the objects of his desire running about, playing, and generally making trouble like they do. What he liked most about the bench was seeing all the boys running around, they smooth lithe bodies graceful as they jumped and played but something different caught Gabriel's eye this time. A little ways away from the swings, he saw two young boys of about eleven talking in whispers and sitting on the grass. Gabriel looked closer at the two boys, both had dirty blonde hair, one was cut short above his ears while the other boy had his shaggy down to his shoulders. Gabriel watched as the shaggy haired boy leaned in to whisper something to his friend, and whatever it was made the short haired boy blush. The shaggy haired boy motioned to himself, and both Gabriel and the short haired boy looked at what he was pointing at: the hard 4 inch erection in his cargo shorts. Gabriel gasped, but low enough not to be heard. The short haired boy shook his head again, prompting the shaggy boy to lean over. But instead of whispering something, he reached and quickly rubbed the bulge in the short haired boy's athletic shorts. The short haired boy seemed dazed at the contact for a second before slapping the shaggy boy's hand away and looking around frantically. Gabriel looked away just in time. The short haired thought for a little, biting his lip. Finally, he slowly nodded. The shaggy boy's hand shot forward, but the short haired boy caught his wrist and motioned deeper into the park. The shaggy boy nodded excitedly, and they ran off.

Gabriel was torn, should he rush off to watch what he knew was going to happen, or just relax here and watch the rest of the boys. And before he fully decided he was already moving in the direction of the two boys. The shaggy haired boy and short haired boy were easy to catch up with, but he kept his distance. The moved into a small wooded section of the park, usually left alone because it is so overgrown. Gabriel watched as the boys scanned the area before heading in. Not far behind them was Gabriel, he too was looking around to make sure no one was watching, but he was in a hurry. Pushing through the undergrowth he was careful to be as quiet as possible. Soon enough he found the boys again, at the base of a tree in a small clearing. They still had their shorts up so he hadn't missed anything yet. He took a position behind a large bush, only a about ten feet from the boys, as he tried to remain calm. Peering through the bush he has the perfect angle to watch the action he knows is gonna happen, and from this point he should be able to hear them as well.

The boys are giggling and blushing wildly, as they keep looking around to make sure they are alone. The shaggy haired boy grinned wide at his friend as he unbuttoned his cargo shorts and slid them and his undies down, letting his 4 inch boy boner bounce free. The short haired boy looked a little nervous but couldn't take his eyes off the throbbing erection in front of him.

"Come on Peter," the shaggy boy said as he started to finger his hard dick while looking at his friend nervously.

"I don't know Collin," Peter said, one hand over the bulge in his athletic shorts "maybe we shouldn't...."

"Don't wuss out on me know," Collin cut him off, "we are all alone here, now let's have some fun." Collin then proceeds to start stroking his dick, making sure to really show off to Peter. Peter's own dick started to grow a little, but he still looked unsure.

"What if..."

"Shut UP! Ughhhh, let me show you how good it feels." Collin said as he reached out and grabbed Peter's bulge. The nervous boy let out a little moan at the physical contact and even more when Collin start to rub up and down on his stiff dick. Collin smiled as he felt his friend's hardness under his shorts and kept rubbing. Peter's moans got a little deeper and that is when Collin stopped, taking his hand away and going back to rubbing his own need dick. "See, told you it would feel good," Collin said jerking his cock again.

Peter blushed as he watched his friend jerk off. He reached up and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his athletic shorts. He slowly began to inch them down, still nervous about being caught, but so horny it didn't matter anymore. Inch after inch his shorts fell and soon enough a second rock hard boy dick was exposed to the open air. Gabriel had to cover his mouth to keep from moaning out loud when he saw it spring up.

"That's more like it," Collin said getting closer to his friend. Then without any warning the shaggy haired boy reached over and wrapped his fingers around his friends hard dick. Peter just moaned, not really moving yet as he was trying to just process that his friend was now slowly jerking his dick and if felt amazing. "Now you do me," Collin said gesturing to his twitching dick. Peter was too horny to really think as he reached out and took hold of his friends boner. Peter marvels at the warmth of the stiff dick in his hands, and each time it twitches he feels his own do the same.

"Faster, stroke it faster Peter!" Collin nearly shouted, his own speeding up on Peter's hardness. Peter's hand picked up the pace, and was rewarded as Collin's dick twitched more in his hand, the shaggy boy letting out moans at the sensation. Both boys sped up their stroking, each moaning a little louder but trying to keep quiet. Faster and faster the boys went, and from his place in the bushes Gabriel could see the tell tale signs of their orgasms getting closer. He could see the boys start to shake, doing their best to keep standing. He watched their rhythmic stroking become more erratic as the pleasure was getting too much for them. Then it happened, both boys moaned out loud as their bodies started to spasm. Their eyes rolled back as the pleasure crashed over them in waves. They both released the others dick so they could hold onto each other for support as their dry orgasm flooded them. Gabriel could see their hard little dicks twitch and spasm as they tried in vain to shoot out what just wasn't there. For what seemed like an eternity Gabriel watched the boys orgasm, watched them twitch and shake, listened to them moan and groan. But all good things must come to an end, and all too quickly it did. The boy's cocks began to soften as they came down from their highs, smiles crossed their faces as they pulled their shorts and underwear back up.

"That....was....great," Peter panted, his face flushed from his orgasm. Collin's face was the same, a huge grin and rosy blush. He just nodded as he tried to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling as he was still coming down.

"We should get back," Collin said, his horniness gone and reason coming back. Both boys nodded to each other. The shared one more smile and another deep blush together before they started on their way out of the clearing.

Gabriel was in another world, as the boys left he realized how hard he was and decided to enjoy it. With the image he just witnessed still fresh in his mind he pulled out his dick and started to stroke. The bush he was in started rustling as he stroked faster.

"Who's there?" Gabriel heard. He stopped immediately and pulled his pants up. He looked through the bush and saw a woman he recognized. Her name was Vivian, and she worked in HR in the very same building, and was famous for gossiping and poking her nose into other people's business. He had to run. As she moved closer to the bush, he took a chance and darted out. Behind him, he heard the one thing he didn't want to hear.


Vivian worked quickly, and the first knock on Gabriel's door came only a few hours later. Gabriel opened it to see a red faced woman he didn't recognize yelling at him about "filth" and "perversion" and how he'll "be sorry". He slammed the door in her face and ignored her banging, going about his day. But every 30 minutes he was interrupted by some irate parent banging at his door. After the first few were all the same, he stopped answering. His phone began ringing, parents screaming into his ear about how he was a terrible person who was going to hell. He disconnected his phone and tried to ignore his door. Besides, it was almost time for bed, even though it was doubtful if he'd have a job in the morning--Vivian had a lot of pull. As he dozed off, he heard a crash downstairs, but ignored it and drifted off into sleep. Soon another crash woke him from his sleep, now it can't be a coincidence. Shaking his head he climbed out of bed to check the source of the crashes that woke him up.

Leaving his room he made his way to the stairs, and at the bottom he saw the the source and it caused all the blood to drain from his face. There at the bottom was man, but that wasn't the thing that scared the shit out of Gabriel, it was the 12 gauge shotgun he was pointing right at him. The man behind the gun was one he had seen before, the big beard and muscular body covered in a flannel shirt were hard to forget. He was yelling and swearing very loud at Gabriel, and also slurring every other word, he had to be drunk. Gabriel could only make out a few words "pervert," "raper," and the phrase "my son Collin." The one thing that he did say that Gabriel caught was "I am going to fucking murder you" which he said a few times while pointing the gun.

"S-s-sir....." Gabriel started, holding his hands up show he was unarmed, "I... sure there has been some mistake. And that is when Gabriel made his mistake, he took one step forward, placing a foot on the top step. Everything after happened so fast, a loud bang and bright flash, a sudden tightness and pain in Gabriel's chest, followed by the sensation of falling. When it all stopped, Gabriel was at the bottom of the stairs, floating somewhere between awake and unconscious. The man with the gun was trembling, apparently shooting a person is a sobering experience. The last thing he heard was running, the man with the gun taking off for the window he had broken in from, and heading off into the night. Gabriel could feel the last of his life slipping away, but just as he is about to die, he feels something. His consciousness feels like it's leaving his body, and instead of weakening, growing stronger, stronger than he has ever felt. His eyes snap open to the bright light of the morning sky.

Next: Chapter 2: The Awakening

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