Gabe the Corruptor

By Gabe Rial

Published on Sep 10, 2017


(Here's chapter 1, our adventure begins! Hope you enjoy, and if you do enjoy, be sure to shoot us an email at We looooooove hearing from you guys, and thanks to everyone who emailed us already, we really appreciate it. Also, don't forget to donate to Nifty to keep stories like this hosted for free: Onto the story!)

Gabriel blinks a few times as his vision adjusts to the bright clear sky. He shakes his head a few times and sits up, slowly realizing he is not in his home anymore. Looking around he recognizes the area, it is the Bench from the park, his favorite place. As the realization of his location hits he thinks back to the last thing he remembers. An angry drunk with a gun, loud bang, and falling. He reaches for his chest, and feeling nothing he looks down and his heart stops for a second. The hands he sees are not the one's he remembers, the chest and torso are not his either, and looking lower he sees that the legs don't belong to him either. He lets out a rather loud gasp at the discovery that the body he is in is not his own.

"What was that," Gabriel hears from behind him, he turns to look and sees two boys in baseball uniforms playing catch, one boy is looking right at him, or right through him.

"Must have been the wind," the boy father away says, "now throw the ball back." The boy closer, maybe ten feet shrugs his shoulders and turns to his friend and throws the ball. Gabriel knows his gasp was loud but these two acted like they didn't see him. He thinks for a bit, then gets an idea, one that should help to clarify the situation.

"Hey you two," Gabriel says loud, the boys turn around when they are called and look right at Gabriel, but don't acknowledge him, they just turn to each other and keep playing. `So they can't see me, does that mean I am a ghost?' Gabriel asks himself, as he watches the two baseball boys who seem to gather up their stuff and head out.

Gabriel hops off the Bench and looks over his new smaller boy, he is a boy. And a cute one at that, even though he can't see his face, his body is amazing. He runs his hands over his new body and shivers at the feeling, and since no one can see him he looks back, pulls the waistband of his new athletic shorts out and peeks to check his new boy butt. He sees the most beautiful bubble butt he has ever seen, and it is his. Blushing and moving to the front he pulls again on the waistband and checks to see what he is packing. With another gasp he sees it, and it is huge, at least for a boy his size. Gabriel can't help but smile as he covers up his dick again and looks around the park, wanting to put his new power to use. He spies a boy walking down the path towards him and Gabriel thanks his lucky stars as he waits as the boy gets closer.

The boy is cute, and makes Gabriel blush as he gets closer, `I wish he could see me, maybe I could be his friend and we could have fun together' he thinks to himself as he waits. And is if on cue the boy looks right at Gabriel, smiles a big toothy grin and waves.

"Hi there," he says to Gabriel, being all polite. Gabriel does a quick look around, and sees he is then only one around so the boy is talking to him. Not to be rude in his shocked state he manages a weak wave and watches the boy walk by. But as the boy does Gabriel gets this strange ringing in his ears, and then `Wow that boy is really cute, and looked like he had a big one.' Gabriel shakes his head and looks back to see the boy looking back and smiling at him again before walking away.

So he saw me,' Gabriel thinks to himself still in a little shock, "and what was that I heard, his mouth didn't move and he is the only one around.' Gabriel sits back on the Bench to think, and the only thing he can think of to explain it is, mind reading. So, I can be invisible at will, and read minds. What the hell happened to me?' Gabriel hops back off the Bench and starts to walk as he thinks on what just happened to him and his new powers.

A few minutes of wondering and thinking Gabriel comes to a long picnic table under a large tree. Sitting at the table is a smaller boy, maybe twelve, who is reading a book in the warm sunny weather. Gabriel smiles at the boy and decides to practice his mind reading powers, but just as he makes contact with the boy's mind a new boy appears.

"Hey you are in my seat," the new boy says to the reading boy, who just glares up at him.

Stupid Calvin,' Gabriel picks up from the reading boy's mind, snob thinks he owns everything.' Gabriel can also sense some of the boy's emotions, a mix of anger and annoyance.

"Um... I was here first," The reading boy says focusing on his book.

"So," Calvin says running his fingers through his neat brown hair as he just looks at the reading boy, "this is my table and when I want it I get it, you are gonna have to find another place to read," Gabriel can feel some hatred from the reading boy, who reluctantly closes his book and gets up.

No use in arguing' Gabriel hears the reading boy think, he is to self-centered to actually listen.' With that he leaves and Calvin quickly takes his place, and behind his back the reading boy flips off Calvin before walking away. Gabriel turns his attention to Calvin, who has sat down in the reading boy's place and pulled out what appears to be a lunch box. He sets up a few things he plans to eat just as Gabriel gets a devilish idea. He focuses on his invisibility and approaches the table and to his joy and relief Calvin has no idea he is there. Gabriel watches as the snobby boy pulls out an equally snobby looking lunch. A sandwich, but one on some super healthy whole grain bread with a toothpick to hold it and it's fancy contents together. Calvin then pulls out some fruit, and last a green smoothing in a reusable glass.

With a smile Gabriel puts his plan into action as he pulls out his new six inch soft dick and starts to slowly jerk it. His mind wanders to the tender scene he saw yesterday, the two boys jerking each other off, and it doesn't take him long to get fully hard. He strokes with quick long pumps, as he watches Calvin shake up his smoothie and then remove the lid to add in a packet of something. Just before he puts the lid back on, Gabriel moves and taps Calvin on the shoulder. Like a charm Calvin looks to his side, and seeing no one turns around to look, and in that moment, Gabriel takes the glass in one swift movement and holds back his moans as he unloads into the boy's glass. Shot after creamy shot fire into the thick green liquid and as he shoots Gabriel is beyond surprised to see how much his little body can make. Shortly after his cum dribbles out and onto his hand, as he replaces the glass and with some quick thinking and even quicker movements grabs Calvin's sandwich. He removes the top and adds his own special sauce to the boy's lunch before replacing it too and taking a deep breath.

Calvin turns back and shrugs his shoulders as he returns his attention to his lunch. He picks up his sandwich and gives it a sniff. The scent of Gabriel's fun is the first reach his nose and Calvin let's out a soft moan. Licking his lips Calvin takes a big bite of the cum laced sandwich. As the flavor of Gabriel's fun hits his tongue and travels down his throat Calvin feels a strange warmth and odd tingling sensation. He reaches for his green smoothing and takes a big sip to wash down his sandwich. The moment the cum filled drink enters his body his the warm tingling sensations get stronger as they spread all over his body. Calvin's eyes glaze over as his mouth goes dry, the amazing taste of Gabriel's cum overwhelming his young body. He quickly tipped the smoothie up and gulped the rest of it down, moaning as the cum-infused drink went down his throat. Desperate for more, he grabbed his sandwich and wolfed it down, the desire for more of the taste the only thing on his mind. He got up from the picnic table, his body quivering with need, his dick rock hard in his shorts. His exhausted form couldn't take much more desire, and he stumbled towards a tree, passing out as his body overexerted himself.

Gabe walked over to the sleeping boy, still invisible. He marveled at the thoughts he received, which were all the same:. All the way up until the boy lost consciousness. He looked at Calvin, and wondered what he was dreaming about. Suddenly, he felt his body becoming smaller and smaller, until it was a nearly invisible speck. The speck hovered over Calvin before zooming right at his face, bypassing his forehead and entering his brain.

--------- (Calvin's Dream)

Gabriel finds himself back at the park, at the same time he shrunk. But the only difference now was he was flying, well floating above Calvin, who was still sleeping soundly under the tree. Gabriel looked around, he thought as he just hovered above Calvin, <is this his dream, I am in his dream> a broad smile crossed his face as he looked down to Calvin. <I wonder if I can do anything here?> and as he thought it something happened. From out from behind a nearby tree walks someone. Gabriel looks closer and sees that it is him, or at least a copy of him. As the copy walked closer to the sleeping Calvin he could see clearly that his copy was naked, and quite hard. Gabriel watched as his clone walked up to Calvin, stood right next to the sleeping boy's face and thrust his little hips forward a bit. The result was his clone's hard six inch cock poking Calvin in the cheek. It wasn't much but it did manage to wake Calvin from his sleep. Calvin looked around and was meet with a hard and slightly dropping cock, but before he could react in any way Gabriel watched his clone turn and start walking away from Calvin. He walked a few steps before looking over his shoulder at Calvin and winking, and then kept on walking away shaking his little hips as he did. Calvin got up straight away and started to follow the boy, and Gabriel floated above watching the whole scene play out. As he followed he realised he was in control and all his wants seem to come true. He figured this out as he had his clone lead Calvin to the park bathrooms. Gabriel watched his clone walk up and then stand in the doorway of the men's bathroom as he looked back at Calvin and turned to show off and stroke his hard cock before entering. Calvin ran after, not really thinking as he reached the doorway and his world went black.

------- Calvin woke up with something poking his cheek, and the very vivid memory of a dream fresh in his mind. Blearily, he opened his eyes, and was met with a familiar sight, the hard and slightly dripping dick of the blond boy from his dreams, who turned and walked away a little, looking over his shoulder at Calvin. The rich boy's half-asleep mind was still in a daze as he followed Gabriel, the horniness and desire to find more of that taste ruling his decision making. The blond boy got to the bathroom door, and turned around, once again displaying his hard and dripping erection. He stroked it a few times just like before but this time, he did something a little different. He took the hand covering his erection, and licked it dry of his precum, staring directly into the horny and confused boy's eyes. Absentmindedly, Calvin took his own hand and wiped off the wetness from his cheek, also tasting it. His eyes bugged out and he moaned, his sight going out of focus as he finally found more of the taste. He looked in front of him, but only saw the swinging restroom door. He quickly entered, pushing the door in.

There stood Gabriel, his hands on his hips and his erection prominently displayed. Calvin stopped in front of him, panting at the sensations coursing through his body as his brain realized that the source of the amazing taste was right in front of him.

"Want more of that taste?" Gabriel asked, smirking.

"Yes." The rich boy breathed out, his eyes staring at the dropping cock in front of him.

"Take off your clothes and follow me." Gabriel ordered, ducking into the handicap stall and leaving Calvin to follow his command. Calvin's mind was too far gone to resist, and tugged at his clothes, dropping each item to the dirty bathroom floor. He walked unsteadily to the stall Gabriel went into, needing the taste again. There sat Gabriel, his legs spread and precum soaked cock sticking up.

"I want you to ride me. Sit on my cock so it goes in your ass and ride me until I cum." Gabriel said. A little piece of resistance wormed its way into Calvin's mind, that it was gross, and unclean. He shook his head, but his eyes never left the blond bo/ cock.

"No? We'll see about that. Come here." Gabriel said. Calvin obeyed. Gabriel took his hand and collected some of the precum from his dick head on his finger and showed it Calvin. Calvin's already hard dick throbbed at the sight. Gabriel brought the soaked finger under Calvin's nose.

"Smell." Calvin did, and moaned.

"Do you want to suck this finger clean?" Calvin nodded.

"If I let you, will you ride me?" Calvin hesitated.

"Smell again." Calvin did and let out a louder moan, his body shuddering.

"Will you?" Calvin kept shaking, but nodded, the smell having crushed his resistance.

"Good boy" Gabriel brought the finger to Calvin's lips, and pushed it into the boy's mouth. Calvin moaned loud as the taste of Gabriel's precum hit his tongue, he was gone.

Gabriel pulled his finger from the rich boy's mouth and gestured for him to turn, which Calvin did obediently. Gabriel was soon staring at the the rich boy's round ass, present for the taking. Gabriel raised his hand and gave the rich boy a firm spank, causing him to moan.

"Ok Calvin," Gabriel said holding his dick at the base, "time for your ride." Calvin wasted little time backing up slightly and lowering his butt until his tight teen hole touched the tip of Gabriel's leaking cock. Both boys let out a moan at the contact, and after just a moment Calvin started to lower himself more. Inch after rock hard inch entered Calvin's most private place and he was slowly reduced to a moaning lust filled mess. Once fully seated in Gabriel's lap, the whole cock sheathed within him, Calvin started to ride. It didn't take long for him to find his rhythm and really get into the riding. Moans poured from his open mouth as he slammed himself as hard and fast, trying to take as much of Gabriel's cock as deep as he could. Gabriel was in heaven as he leaned back and let Calvin impale himself over and over on his hard cock. The extreme tightness and heat of Calvin's hole soon brought Gabriel to the edge of orgasm.

"Do you want my cum," Gabriel said between moans, Calvin looked over his shoulder and nodded quickly. "Then faster, harder, squeeze that ass. I am so close," Gabriel moaned to his rider. Calvin followed his orders and increased his speed as much as he could. And was soon rewarded as Gabriel yelled out and unloaded another massive amount of creamy cum deep inside Calvin's waiting hole.

Calvin felt the warmth of Gabriel's load in his ass, the searing pleasure slowly spreading from his butt to the rest of his body, enveloping him in waves of lust. His eyes rolled back and he came hard, the pleasure slowly overloading his brain, and changing his thoughts. When the pleasure finally receded, Calvin was very different. The snobby rich boy from before was gone, replaced by one drawn to Gabriel and controlled by lust.

As he pulled off of Gabriel's semi hard cock, he turned around and kneeled. He looked up at Gabriel from between the boy's legs as if waiting for instructions. Gabriel meet his eyes and seemed to understand, and as he thought about what to do a devilish smile crossed his face.

"Calvin listen up," Gabriel started, looking the boy right in the eye, "from now on you are Cal, not Calvin, just Cal." Cal nodded as the new information became truth to him. "Also you will no longer act mean or snobbish to anyone," Gabriel continued, "you will be nice, friendly and helpful. But each time you are nice, friendly or helpful you will become more and more horny. The pleasure will build with each good deed, and you will not be able to get off until you call me and ask my permission." Once again Cal nodded in understanding, Gabriel smiled at him and then grinned again as he grabbed the base of his half hard dick and waved it at Cal. "You made a little mess here, why don't you clean it up," Gabriel said.

"Yes master," Cal said, but his lips didn't move. Instead, Gabriel heard Cal say those words in his mind. He smiled at the boy as he turned to the stall door that was splattered with his own cum.

"Call me Gabe," Gabe replied in Cal's mind as he watched extend his tongue and start to lick up his cum from the dirty stall door. After a minute Cal was done as he turned to Gabe and smiled, some cum still on his lips.

"Good boy, now get dressed, you should show me me where you live, I should check out my new place," Gabe said getting up from his seat as Cal opened the, now cleaner, stall door. Cal gathered up his clothes all except his black silk boxers which Gabe has swiped, and dressed himself. Gabe, having taken Cal's black silken boxers, slips them on and once dressed the two left the bathroom.

Cal and Gabe were walking through the park on their way back when the saw a kid on a skateboard in front of him. As he passed by, he tripped and fell towards the pair. Cal felt Gabe's command fill his mind and his insides warm up, send waves of happiness and an uncontrollable desire to fulfill his Master's order through his body. Without thinking, he reached out and caught the falling boy, his dick beginning to tingle, as his nice deed was rewarded with horniness. The kid brushed himself off and looked behind Cal. Cal turned around to see the kid's skateboard behind him, and he felt the warm feeling inside of him as he rushed to help retrieve it, getting hornier after handing the board over. The kid thanked him and left, skating away down the path. Gabe smiled at Cal, looking at Cal's semi hard erection in his shorts. Cal looked back at the form of his master, nearly naked except for the rich boy's underwear, and smiled back with pure lust, his dick hardening quickly to a full erection. They kept walking, and Cal kept finding nice things to do: retrieving dropped items, holding doors open for people, and every time, his horniness was raised, the waves of pleasure slowly encompassing his brain, and being so close to Gabe, the most attractive boy he'd ever seen and his master, made Cal even harder. Finally, after giving a hundred dollar bill to a homeless guy, Cal could take no more. He needed to cum, but he knew he couldn't without his master's permission. Cal stopped at one of the store windows that lined the street and turned to his master.

"Master Gabe, I need to cum. May I cum?" Cal asks, his voice and eyes filled with need. Gabe smiled, happy to see Cal so horny and desperate. With a cheeky grin he looked around the area, a few people were walking about window shopping, others hanging out, and other just walking to and fro. Near the store they were at Gabe saw the perfect way to have some more fun with Cal. Standing in front of the neighboring toy store Gabe sees a ten, maybe eleven year old latino boy with his hands on the window looking in. The young preteen seems enthralled by whatever is inside, but that is not what interests Gabe, it is the little tent pitched in the boy's tan cargo shorts.

"Ok Cal," Gabe says getting the rich boy's attention, "you see that cute boy there?" Cal looks up and nods once he does, then looks back to his master as Gabe continues, "good, good, now you have to give him a blowjob and once he cums then you can." The look on Cal's face is not one of shock or embarrassment, but one of determination and desperation as his arousal is peaked and he can barely stand it. Without any hesitation he walks over to the young boy and taps him on the shoulder. The caramel skinned boy turned around and looked up at Cal with a cute smile.

"Excuse me," Cal said to the boy, "can I suck your dick, please?" Gabe could barely contain himself as he watched the scene unfold, and wondered exactly how the boy would react to such a blunt question.

"W-what," the boy said, blushing a bit at the question, but not backing away. Instead his little tent twitched which made Gabe smile even more. " want to suck my dick?"

"Yes," Cal answered, "please I really need to, please."

"Um...." The boy says still blushing like mad, "Ok." The look on Cal's face was one of pure relief and joy. The boy looked around and motioned Cal to the nearby alley before he walked there himself. Cal followed soon after, his obscenely tented shorts leading the way, and Gabe was right behind them. In the alley the boy leads Cal behind a large stack of wooden pallets so they will be hidden from view of the street. Once both are there, the younger boy smiles up at Cal and undoes his shorts, slowly pulling the front down to expose his rock hard little boy cock.

"I'm Pablo, by the way," the boys says giving his little dick a shake as he watches Cal's mouth hang open as he stares at it, "what's yours?"

"Cal," Cal replies as he drops to his knees and moves closer to the hard boy dick wagging in front of him, "can I suck it?"

"Yeah, go for it," Pablo says, and not even a second after finishes Cal has reached up and taken hold of the base of Pablo's dick and is already licking up the short shaft. Opening his mouth Cal takes the small three inch erection into his mouth easily and starts sucking and licking for all he is worth. The alley is soon filled with Pablo's moans as he gets the first blowjob of his life, Gabe has since moved in beside Cal and is watching his loyal servant go to town on the boy's cock. Not wanting to be left out of the fun Gabe decides to help Cal out, he reaches down and undoes Cals shorts, letting the boy's stone stiff cock spring out. Cal moans around Pablo's boner, and the vibrations make Pablo moan as well as he feels himself getting closer and closer. Cal speeds up his sucking bobbing faster and faster on Pablo's dick, and as reward Gabe has taken hold of Cal's erection as is stroking it in time with is sucking. Being a preteen, Pablo is hair trigger so it does not take long to get to the point of no return. With a loud moan his body starts to spasm and shake, his legs feel weak as the strongest orgasm of his young life hits him hard. Once Pablo dry cums Cal can feel himself hit orgasm as well thanks to Gabes small hand on his hard cock. The older boys grunts and moans around Pablo's twitching dick, making the boy's orgasm more intense and longer than normal as he cums, shooting blast after blast of spunk onto the ground below. Cal soon let's Pablo's still hard cock slip from his mouth as he sits back on his heels, his hard cock fully exposed and still dripping some cum. Pablo is still trying to catch his breath as he returns his dick back to his shorts, a silly grin plastered on his face as he walks past Cal.

"Thank you Master Gabe, that was amazing," Cal says looking at Gabe once they are alone in the alley.

"You are welcome Cal," Gabe says licking some of Cal's cum from his hand, "you did very well, I am proud of you." Cal smiles at the compliment, happy that he has pleased his master. He gets up and puts his sensitive soft cock back into his shorts before he and Gabe leave the alley, and Cal's cum puddle behind. "What do you say we head home," Gabe said to Cal, "I want to see my new room."

After some walking and some more good deeds by Cal, they arrive at the large mansion that is Cal's home. The building was huge, and had at least three floors, Cal lead Gabe inside the large double doors and upstairs through many hallways to Cal's room. The room was like any normal teenage boy's room, but a little different since Cal was rich. He had a small sitting area on one side with a large TV and every game system available. There were bookshelves filled with books and random decorations, near his bed was a large desk with an expensive computer on it. Then there was his bed, a large king sized canopy bed, that could and would sleep the both of them. Gabe smiled at the size of the room, and as he turned to Cal he smiled even larger thinking of all the fun they were gonna have.

"Cal, why don't we get more comfortable," Gabe says as he pulls down the boxers he borrowed from Cal and exposed his half hard cock and sexy bubble butt. Cal looked at his master and moaned out loud when he saw his naked body. Following suit, he took off his shirt and dropped his shorts, his cock hard already as he watched Gabe walk over to his bed and take as seat. "This is a nice place you have Cal," Gabe said swinging his legs, "you know, my feet got pretty dirty on the walk over here, why don't you come and clean them off." Gabe lifted his small foot and showed Cal his dirty sole and wiggled his little toes. Cal, not missing a beat walked over to his little master and dropped to his knees as he took the soft foot in his hands and extended his tongue. "Oh and Cal," Gabe started, "with each lick, I want you to get hornier, but you can't touch yourself or cum." Cal heard this new order and accepted it, as his tongue made contact with Gabe's foot. The new command started working right away, as lick after lick made Cal hornier and hornier, Gabe looked down and saw the teens cock was harder than before and leaking so much after he finished with one foot. As he started on the next his dick seemed to get even harder, his moans here getting louder too as the boy squirmed as he cleaned his master's foot. Once he was done Cal set the other foot back down and looked up at Gabe, his eyes filled with need and his cock painfully hard.

"Now, go over to the bed and lie down, with your arms and legs spread out." Gabe ordered, and his horny charge jumped to obey, jumping onto the bed and quickly assuming a spread-eagle position.

"You can't move your wrists and ankles off the bed, it's like they're cuffed to the mattress." Gabe said, and Cal nodded as his words became true, the warm feeling in his ass returning to reinforce the order.

"Now, all you have to do to cum is to grab your dick." Gabe said, and Cal's arms immediately jumped off the bed, but his wrists stayed stuck to the mattress, preventing his hands from moving. His arms strained as the look of desperation increased. He looked up pleadingly at the blond boy, who just laughed.

"I see my command worked then."

"Please, let me cum."

"You want to cum?"

"Yes, please Master Gabe! I need to cum! I'm so horny!'

"What made you so horny?"

"Licking your feet, Master, and you teasing me."

"Do I make you horny?"

"Yes Master, so very horny!"

"What parts of me make you horny?"

"All of you!"

"Really? All of me?"

"Yes Master Gabe, all of you!"

" armpits?"


"Do you want to smell my armpit?"

"Yes Master, I want to smell it!"

"Will that make you hornier?"

"Yes it will!" Gabe scooted up to the boy's face and lifted his arm, bring his armpit close to Cal's nose.

"Give it a sniff then!"

"Mmmmm" Cal moaned as he took in the scent of Gabe's armpit. The pleasure of smelling his master made his already hard cock throb, leaking more precum.

"Tell me, what do you like the most about my body?' Gabe asked, scooting back until he straddled Cal's stomach.

"Ummm" Cal looked up and down his master's body, but his eyes landed on Gabe's crotch and that impressive dick, "your dick Master Gabe!"

"You like my big cock?"

"I love it, master, it's amazing!"

"What about my butt?" Gabe said backing up slightly so Cal's hard dick was trapped between his cheeks.

"Ohhhhhhhh" Cal moaned at the contact, " I love your butt, that feels so good, please do that more Master Gabe!"

"Oh, you like that?" Gabe said grinding his ass a little more on Cal's hard on "but what about my dick, it needs some attention. What if I...." Gabe started to say as he turned around on Cal's stomach, and placed his hard cock right against Cal's "how does that feel?"

Cal moaned when he felt the contact, the horniness starting to overtake him. "Ohhhhhhhh that's so good Master, please do more! Anything!!" Cal begged desperately.

"Well since you asked so nicely" Gabe said as he wrapped his hands around both of their cocks and slowly started jerking them together. Cal could only groan as the pleasure was quickly becoming too much for his mind to handle. Gabe slid one hand lower towards the teen's balls, giving the full orbs a firm squeeze while the other stayed on jerking the two hard cocks.

"Ohhhhh....cum.....please....." Cal grunted between his moans, coherent speech having been drowned out in a sea of arousal.

"Ok Cal," Gabe said with a grin, "you have been such a good boy, when I cum so can you!" Gabe gave the teen's balls another firm squeeze as he sped up his jerking on their dicks. Soon his hand became a blur on the two cocks as Gabe felt himself get closer and closer to cumming. Not wanting to waste his seed he soon let go of both of their dicks, earning a whine from Cal, and turned around again and moved up near to Cal's face.

"Get ready Cal," Gabe said resuming jerking his cock, aiming the leaking tip right at Cal's face. It only took another minute of jerking before Gabe moaned loud and unloaded onto Cal's face. Shot after shot of his young seed splattered against the teen's nose, mouth, eyes, and hair as he emptied his balls. And once the last shot hit his face Cal let out a loud groan as he finally came. Cal's hard cock started to fire off his load, hands free and wild his come went all over. But the majority of it landed on Gabe's lower back and round ass cheeks, which made Gabe smile again.

"That was amazing Cal," Gabe said between deep breaths, "did you enjoy your cum?"

"I did very much Master Gabe, thank you for allowing me to cum!"

"Of course Cal," Gabe said sliding off the teen, "but we have a little problem. Your cum is all over my back and butt, how do you think we should clean it?"

"With my tongue Master Gabe" Cal said.

"Good answer Cal," Gabe praised him, "you can move again, your wrists and ankles are free, but no touching your face!" Cal was able to move again once his brain processed the new command. He sat up and slid off the bed to kneel behind Gabe, his hands resting on his master's hips as he extended his tongue and began to clean his cum off of the blonde boy's backside. The teen ran his tongue over Gabe's smooth butt and back, doing his best to get every drop of his seed. Gabe shivered at Cal's touch and his tongue work, and gave a small moan as he felt the warm cum being cleaned off by the tongue of the one who made it. All too soon, Cal finished cleaning off Gabe, and Gabe slipped under the covers.

"Come sleep with me, Cal" Gabe said, and Cal's eyes lit up.

`Thank you for letting me sleep with you, Master Gabe," Cal said, his cum soaked face positively beaming at the opportunity. Still naked, he slipped into bed next to Gabe.

Cal dozed off thinking about how happy he was to be such a loyal servant to an incredibly sexy master. Gabe dozed off thinking about how he could find some more boys to play with.

(Ooooh, so Gabe is on a mission to have some fun! Have an idea about who Gabe should corrupt and how? Let us know! I hope you enjoyed, chapter 2 coming soon!)

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