Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Dec 16, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. I keep an outline of the chapters & list of characters as I go to use as reference so I don't get mixed up. If you'd like an outline, let me know. After every five chapters, I would recommend you ask for an updated outline as I add to it after every chapter.

I hopped off the porch and walked around to the driver's side of the truck. Roy had just hopped out when I got there. He stood there and with a broad smile looked over my nakedness. "Well," he said with a note of sarcasm, "what have we got here? A naked guy showing off his jewels! My! What a show we've got going on!" He then grabbed his crotch a good one as he gave me a learing look.

Somehow, his smart aleck remark and reaction didn't appeal to me. I don't know why. Maybe it was too early in the morning. Maybe he thought he was in control -- him being dressed and me naked. Anyways, I figured to set things straight right now.

"Listen, buddy," I said with conviction, "Be careful with your remarks and gestures right now. Once you get on these grounds, you will be the one in the minority being dressed up and all. Being naked is the thing around here. Don't make fun of it or else you'll find yourself leaving soon. We accept being naked here. We accept being ourselves without being leared at. I run this place and if you think all this is a joke, you've got another thing comin'!"

His learing look quickly faded, "Sorry about that. I've never been in a situation like this before."

"We have a good time here because we accept each other as we are. We respect each other. You need to learn that right now. You do, and I know you'll have a good business here this weekend."

"Understood," Roy replied meekly, "Just show me where to set up."

I walked around to the other side of the canteen, store; the area between the building and the parking lot and showed him where to set up. Roy took note, then he and Jake moved the truck and trailer around to the location and began unloading. I, in the meantime, walked back to the registration building. Brad was just setting things up, getting ready for the onslaught of campers. I informed him that I would be walking the grounds and making sure things were in order and going smoothly. "If you are being overloaded with incoming campers, let me know and I'll be right over to help you out. This time, no "hospitality sex". Campers' registrations come first. There will be plenty of time for sucking and fucking this weekend."

"Understood, boss," replied Brad

I walked into my office and got down to get some work done. I figured that once the campers started coming in for the bikers weekend, we would be swamped with work and I wouldn't be able to get back into my office again until Monday. There was a rap on the door and Brad stuck his head through the door. "Guess who just checked in -- I had to let you know. It's Trevor and Rick."

"Let them in," I instructed. When they walked in, I hugged them both. In fun, they groped my ass and cock as I did so. We then kissed. "What a surprise," I said, "I'm glad you came. You here for the weekend?"

"Didn't want to miss it," replied Trevor as he and Rick began stripping of their clothes in front of me, "I think this weekend will be a good write-up for the mag along with Rick's photos."

"I'm glad you came," I said as I watched them, my cock beginning to grow. "It will be good, free advertisement for this place." I began stroking my cock as I continued, "By the way, where will you be camping?" I then sat my ass on my desk, leaned back on my elbows and raised my legs up in the air. It was a definite invitation to them to do what they want with my ass.

Trevor walked behind my desk, and then crawled on top, by my head. His face was above mine and he smiled, "I don't think I'll tell you. You'll just have to find out for yourself." In the meantime, Rick walked to my ass and squatted in front of it. He pressed his face in my crack and easily slipped his tongue in my hole. Trevor, being above me, moved his ass above my face, then lowered it down until he was sitting on me He took hold of my legs like the high handle bars of a bike.

First thing in the morning - group sex with my staff. Now it's mid-morning and I'm in a three-way. What a great start for what's to be a great bikers' weekend. The great tongue fucking that Rick was giving me was causing a tingling sensation move from my asshole muscles up to my balls which gave them the energy to start churning. As a result, I got more intense in my own tongue fucking of Trevor's ass. Trevor was squirming his ass into my face which I loved and I began sucking on his hole.

Then Rick quickly stood up and shoved his cock in my ass and shot his load. I guess he was jacking off while he was eating me out. The feeling of his cumload sloshing inside of me felt great. Trevor pulled back and shoved his cock into my mouth just as he was shooting his load down my throat. I swallowed hungrily as Rick bent over and swallowed my cock to the base, taking my cumload when it shot out. Trevor bent over towards Rick and as they kissed, Rick gave him my cumload. Rick spoke, "Don't swallow it, I've got more for you." Rick again squatted down in front of my ass and sucked his own cumload out. He stood up again and gave the load to Trevor.

Trevor's face was above mine and I knew immediately what he wanted to do. I eagerly opened my mouth wide and gladly accepted the two loads Trevor gave me. I smiled as I swallowed them and thanked Trevor and Rick for the treats. They laughed, picked up their clothes and walked out of my office.

I sat down and did more office work until noon. For my noon break, I decided to check out Roy and Jake and see how they were coming along getting their leather display set up. When I rounded the corner of the canteen, I was surprised. There was a very large open tent set up and unopened boxes were sitting everywhere. Roy and Jake had both gotten naked and were just completing setting up their freestanding sling. "How's it going, guys?" I asked.

They looked up and smiled. "I think we're making progress getting set up,"Roy replied, "But I wonder if we brought too much. I've never set up a temporary display like this."

Surveying their set up, I said, "I think at this point, it's good to have too much than not enough. My experience has taught me that the more you have on display, the more customers you will attract." They had the sling sitting in the back with displays set up around it. I decided to give them a suggestion. "I think the sling will be one of your more popular displays if you use it as a demonstration item. If you do, I suggest putting it in the middle of the tent and have nothing in front of it so that guys walking by the tent will see it and come in. If there is action on the sling, that would definitely draw a crowd in."

"I think that's a great idea," replied Roy, "Trevor, would you help me move these things around and get this sling more prominently displayed."

I assisted them a little - getting some things in order. If they do good business here, I know they'll come back. And all this makes the campground look that much better. We stopped for a moment to get our breaths and Jake spoke up, "Hey Bob, get in the sling and try it out for size."

"Don't mind if I do," I said with a smile. I'm no dummy. I knew what was coming up and I was more than willing to be a display item. I crawled into it and lifted my legs. Roy immediately cuffed my ankles to the frame.

Roy stepped back and surveyed the situation. "Looks fucking good!" he said as he began stroking his cock.

I looked between my legs at them, "The size fits. Let's see how well it works."

"Good idea," said Roy. By now his cock had gotten hard. He stepped up to my ass, reached out, and began fingering my hole. "By the feel of your asshole, me thinks that you got fucked not very long ago."

I smiled, "You thinks right." I laughed as I took off my popper necklace and handed the bottle to him. He opened it up, took a couple of good huffs in each nostril and handed it to Jake. While Jake was taking his huffs and helping me with mine, Roy got right down to business and slid his cock up my ass. I moaned with delight. I sure do like my ass filled with cock.

He grabbed the chains and started the sling swinging. He just stood there and I just laid in the sling. Here we were - not moving - and yet Roy's cock was pulled out of my ass and then plunged back in. "This sure has a good swing to it!" I said with a chuckle. Then when his cock was plunged in me again, I quickly tightened my sphincter muscles. With that, the swinging immediately stopped as I locked Roy's cock in me. Roy almost lost his balance with the suddeness of my action.

"Whoa!" he gasped as he grabbed the sling frame, "Here cums my load. Squeeze it all out with your ass muscles, buddy!"

I willingly squeezed as hard as I could as his cum flowed into me. When I felt that he was done, I relaxed and he pulled it cock out. Jake immediately stepped up to my ass and slide his cock right in. I did the same ass squeezing to his cock as well and when he shot his load, he literally yelled in delight.

Of course, this was beginning to draw a group of campers. There were about half of dozen of them standing around stroking their cocks. I spoke out to them, "If you guys are shopping for a sling, wanna try out this demonstration model?"

I didn't know if they were really serious into buying a sling, but they all stepped up to the plate -- well, they stepped up to the sling. They all took their turns in using the sling and fucking my ass. I was in pure heaven. I was the center of the show, being gangbanged. As each guy shot their load in me, it was getting more and more difficult to hold all the loads in.

Jake then got smart and grabbed a glass he had in the truck and held it under my ass. I let the loads flow out into the glass. When I squeezed all the drops out with my well-fucked sphincter muscles, Jake held the glass up for all to see. While he was showing everyone the loads in the glass, I took some more huffs of my poppers and then motioned for Jake to give me the glass - which he did.

I opened up my mouth and held the glass above my mouth about six inches. All the cumloads flowed easily on my tongue which then guided them down my throat. All the guys standing around cheered. Swallowed them all and licked my lips. "Great loads guys!" I called out.

Roy helped me out of the sling. Jake and him had to hold me for a moment because with all that fucking and my legs tied up on the frame, I was weak-kneed. They laughed at me as I wobbled around for a moment. "I guess I'll head back to the office with a smiled on my face," I said. We all laughed.

I then hear Roy speak to Jake, "Let's get back to work. Their starting to come in and we're not all set up yet."

They were right about the bikers coming in. As I was walking back to the registration building, they were passing me, one right after another. One thing I notice, they were all riding naked. I became curious, how can they get checked in and be naked already? When I got to the building, my question was answered. I heard Brad telling one of the campers, "Rule number one here: you have to be naked. So strip down now before you do anything else."

There was a large group of bikes parked outside the building and I heard several more coming up the drive. I was delighted. I didn't know what to expect with this bikers' weekend. I was afraid it would be a small crowd. But that wouldn't be the case. In fact, I was begining to realize that we might have more than we can handle. What a positive problem!

The registration area was crowded and I immediately got to work helping out getting the bikers checked in. It seemed just when we were getting caught up, more bikers would come in. It was a busy afternoon. As Brad and I were getting them signed in, I would overhear quiet comments like, "I hope this place is what I think it is. I feel so horny." "I'm in the mood to fuck all weekend." "I sure love suckin' cock myself." "Rimmin' as is my specialty." "I've come quite a ways to get here, I hope it's worth it."

I finally decided to speak out to the crowd. "Hey guys! I hear what you're sayin'. Don't worry. This place is everything you expect and more. In fact, at the end of this weekend, if you're not satisfied, let me know and I'll personaly refund your money." I then turned to Brad, "What do you think? Why don't you prove it to them how friendly we are."

"Be glad to," said Brad. He walked around the registration counter, hopped on it, and laid on his back with his head hanging over the edge facing the crowd of guys. "My mouth is open for business." He then opene his mouth wide.

The guys just stood there looking at him, not knowing exactly what to do at first. So I spoke up, "Guys, Brad gives great blowjobs. Try him out. He loves suckin' cock -- so might as well try him out."

They still stood there, as if dumbstruck. So I just walked around the counter and grabbed the first erect cock I came to and pulled him towards Brad. As soon as he was close enough, Brad reached out to him, grabbed around him and pulled him closer. The guy's cock slid in quickly and esaily into Brad's mouth. Brad sucked on it eagerly and the biker gasped at the suction Brad was giving him.

It then got to the point the biker pulled his cock out and said, "I don't want to cum right now. I want to see what all is going on out there at the campground." He then quickly headed out the door.

In my advertising mode, I spoke, "There's so much more cock suckin' ass fuckin', rimmin' and affection out there. You all are signed up. Get out there and have fun. I'm not going to do it for you!" The whole group cheered and headed out the door.

I looked at Brad who was still lying on the counter with his head hanging over. He spoke, "Golly boss! You got me in this position and got me started suckin' cock. Now you drive them all out and I'm just lying here with an open and willing mouth, but no cock to suck."

"Well, I guess it is time for a break," I stepped up to him and slid my cock in. "I've shot a few times today. I don't know how much cum I can give you, but what I do give you can have." I took hold of his head with my hands and began to furiously fuck his mouth.

While this was going on, more bikers walked in. I was so involved in fucking Brad's mouth, that I spoke up, "Be right with you guys!"

Next: Chapter 71

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