Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Dec 1, 2012



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. The chapter will be retold from Anthony's point of view soon. To read other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 14) - Brad

I could not believe my nerve had failed me again. Frustration filled me, as time and time again I froze up unable to tell Anthony that I too was gay. I left to take my shower, resolving to grow some balls and force myself to tell him as soon as I returned, but when I arrived back at our dormroom it was empty.

I did my laundry and then tried to study, but my mind kept wandering, and I couldn't help worrying that Anthony was avoiding me. He was gone all day, and didn't come back until nearly midnight.

"I'm so tired," he announced as he flung open the dormroom door. "I'd completely forgot about a paper I had to write that's due in tomorrow. I've been in the library working on it all day."

I started to speak, but he hushed me.

"Not now Brad, I really need to go to bed and get some sleep. I'm exhausted."

Miserably, I kept quiet, and the next day, Monday, classes and studying kept us both busy until the late evening again, and by that time, it was too late for a serious conversation. Tuesday was much the same, and I realized to my horror that the perfect moment to come out to Anthony had passed. It had now been days since Anthony had told me he was gay, and I hadn't been able to respond. Never mind. Maybe I would get another perfect opportunity some time. Till then, I tried to be as supportive as possible and show that his confession hadn't freaked me out.

Before I knew it, it was Saturday again. I woke my usual time and after exercising, got my laundry done. Anthony was still in bed half-asleep when I got back. I sat down at my desk and began to study, soon getting lost in the textbook and class notes I was reading. The sound of my cell announcing the arrival of a text message dragged me from my concentration. It was from our neighbor Charlie.

"Come to our room 2nite. My bro got us beer :) "

Seconds later, Anthony's cell also beeped.

"Did you get the text from Charlie?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied. "Should be a good night. It's been such a busy week, a night relaxing with my mates and drinking a few beers is just what I need."

We spent the rest of the day studying, and after eating in the cafeteria, we headed next door to Chris and Charlie's dormroom, knocking quietly. Charlie opened the door to us and ushered us inside. I always loved going into Chris and Charlie's room. Even though the layout was exactly the same as mine and Anthony's they had made it so much more homely. There were posters on the walls of their favorite bands and sports teams, (not to mention scantily-clad girls), and also brightly colored beanbags on the floor for guests to sit on.

"Hey guys!" Chris greeted us, getting up off his bed which he had been sitting on. He fetched us both a can of beer from the crate that was half-sticking out from under Charlie's bed. My eyes scanned the room's occupants warily. Courtney, Charlie's girlfriend was there, as was Chris's girlfriend Carly. Sitting next to them were two other girls I didn't know, presumably friends of theirs, and then Brett and his roommate Curtis. With me and Anthony that made ten altogether, but not quite an even split between girls and guys.

Me and Anthony sat down next to each other, and for a while we all just talked about college and the impending end of year exams, and our plans for the summer, all of us drinking steadily.

"This is getting boring," Chris announced. He got up and picked up a pack of playing cards from off of his desk. "Did anyone want to play poker?"

"How about we make it interesting and play strip poker?" Curtis suggested daringly.

"Hell yes!" Brett exclaimed a little too enthusiastically.

The girls looked at each other and shrugged.

"Okay," they agreed.

I looked sideways at Anthony silently requesting his help with my eyes, and he found a way to explain the basics of the rules to me without making it obvious that I didn't know how to play.

Chris was dealer first and ended up losing the hand. Charlie and Brett both laughed at him as he took off his shirt, exposing his naked chest. Charlie lost the next hand and he too took his shirt off. I had to concentrate on not staring at him too much. His pecs were nicely toned and his torso was lightly tanned from studying outside in the sun without a shirt on. Curtis lost the next hand and as he took off his shirt I had to physically stop myself from letting out a lustful gasp at his perfect sculpted abs. His skin was a lot paler than either Chris or Charlie, and was perfectly smooth. He had a small tattoo of a scorpion above one of his nipples. We played another hand and Anthony lost.

"Fuck it! That's five guys losing in a row! When are the girls going to start losing?!" Brett complained.

I expected Anthony to take his shirt off too, and looked forward to his thin torso with pale pink nipples being exposed, but to my surprise, he stood and unbuckled his jeans instead, to excited laughs from the girls and wolf-whistles from Charlie and Curtis. He blushed at the attention. He looked so cute standing there red-faced in just his shirt and boxerbriefs, white and navy blue striped with a soft round bulge in the center of them. He sat back down.

"One of you girls has got to lose this time!" Charlie said as he dealt the cards. Sure enough, Carly ended up having to strip off, and like Anthony she chose to take her pants off. The shirt she was wearing was long enough to cover her panties, much to Brett and the other guys' disappointment.

It was then Anthony's turn to be dealer. I picked up my cards and looked at them. I had a good hand. In the end though, I lost out to Charlie who had a full house. My heart fluttered nervously in my chest as I realized this meant I had to join in the stripping. The guys were all laughing, but it was a different kind of laughter than that I had had to endure at high school. It was joking and good-spirited rather than spiteful. I knew they were laughing because we were all having fun, not because they were insulting me. I shyly pulled my shirt over my head, exposing my chest, to the cries of encouragement from the guys. I felt a little awkward at first, sitting there bare-chested, but as I continued to play, and drink, I forgot my nervousness.

Brett lost the next two hands in a row and became the first to end up dressed in just his underwear. He was wearing baggy boxers, and his chest was already very hairy, despite him only being the same age as the rest of us. We were all drinking still, but Brett seemed the drunkest. The girls had a run of bad luck, and soon Carly and one other girl were both wearing just their brassiere and panties, much to Brett's delight. Charlie lost the next hand and unzipped his shorts, revealing a pair of tight white Calvin Klein boxers. Curtis was the next to lose and end up sitting playing in just his black boxerbriefs. The amount of naked flesh and tight boxers on display was starting to have an effect and I had to force myself to concentrate on my cards to stop myself from springing a boner. Unfortunately, the concentration didn't improve my gameplay, and I ended up losing the hand.

Fuck! I'm going to be sitting in front of everyone in just my briefs! Courage Brad! You can do it!

I stood up and slowly took my jeans off. The world didn't end. I was still alive. I sat back down. Carly and the girl sitting next to her were whispering to each other, and then Courtney leaned over and joined in the whispered conversation. I thought I heard the word "hung" being mentioned but I couldn't be sure.

The game continued with Carly's roommate losing next and having to take off her shirt leaving her in just a lacy pale pink brassiere and matching panties. Anthony lost the next hand and took his shirt off, leaving him wearing just blue and white striped boxerbriefs. My dick twitched and I hoped nobody noticed.

Chris and Courtney were the only two people not wearing only their underwear by this point. Very soon somebody was going to have to reveal more than they probably wanted to...I prayed it wouldn't be me!

Carly lost the next hand, and Brett let out a whoop of delight! "Oh yes! Get those tits out!"

Shrugging to her friends, Carly reached behind her and unhooked her brassiere, letting her large breasts fall out of it as she discarded it onto the floor. Brett let out a low whistle.

"Chris you are one lucky guy!"

I had a look myself. It just confirmed my sexuality to me. Not a single stirring in my briefs at the sight of Carly sitting topless with her enormous tits on display. I just did not understand the lustful glances the other guys were giving or the lewd comments Brett kept making about them. Next to me, Anthony spluttered as he raised his can of beer to his lips.

"Are we going to carry on playing or are y'all just going to sit there and stare at me for the rest of the night?!" Carly demanded. She grabbed the cards and started dealing, her breasts quivering from the movements of her arms.

I picked up my hand and my heart sank. I calculated that it was extremely likely that I would lose the hand and that would mean...

Oh fuck! What could I do?!

I started panicking a little. One by one everybody folded except me and Curtis. My heart was in my mouth as we both revealed our hands. I had a two-pair of threes and fives. Curtis let out a groan of disappointment.

"Oh crap, I thought you were bluffing."

I looked at his cards, a pair of nines. I let out a slow sigh of relief as it registered that I had beaten him.

"Boxers off then!" giggled one of the girls.

Curtis shrugged and quickly pulled his black boxerbriefs down. His dick was cut, and reached slightly lower than his balls, with his pubes trimmed short. The girls gasped in mock shock and Charlie wolf-whistled. Curtis grinned boastfully as if to say `yes, I know my body's hot!' I admired him for being brave enough to sit there completely naked and let it look as though it wasn't affecting him.

"Is that the game over?" He asked.

"One more game," begged Brett. "I want to see one of the girls get naked!"

We all laughed and agreed to have one more hand of poker. Brett lost, and grumpily pulled down his boxers, revealing his cut cock, quite short in its flaccid state, but fairly fat in girth, his pubic hair a messy unkempt bush.

"Okay, game's over!" Charlie announced.

I had been enjoying the sight of all the naked flesh, but relieved the game was over as I was really having to concentrate on not staring openly at the guys and their bodies. We all started putting our clothes back on.

"I expect you're glad that's over," Brett said to Anthony. "Now you're dressed again nobody can tell you're the skinniest!" He gave him a little dig in the side of his body with his finger.

"Quit teasing Anthony!" I yelled, giving Brett such a push he nearly spilt his beer.

"Hey!" He retorted angrily. "Careful, you nearly made me spill my drink, asshole. It was only a joke. There's no need to get that uptight."

"Oh Brad never could understand jokes," Courtney said. "I remember this one time in high school..."

"Wait," interrupted Curtis, "You mean you two were in high school together?!"

"Yeah, well, for some of it anyway. Brad transferred somewhere else junior year. Anyway, in high school Brad was this major loser, and he always dressed in seriously unfashionable clothes that looked like they came from a thrift store..." Courtney turned and looked me up and down "...yeah, looks like not much has changed there!" she sniggered. "So, this one day, Brad turns up wearing these brand new really cool designer jeans, like lots of the guys liked to wear, and some of the guys decided to play a prank on him. While he was in gym class, two of them snuck into the locker room, and somehow filled all the pockets of his jeans with dogcrap!" Courtney started laughing. "And this is the best part, Brad didn't even notice! And when he got to class everyone thought from the smell he had shit himself! Even our teacher!"

I felt my cheeks growing hot, and looked down at the floor, ashamed. Tears stung at my eyes, and I blinked them away hurriedly. I remembered that day. Those jeans had been a birthday present from my parents. I had begged them and begged them to buy them for me, partly in the hopes that the bullying might ease up a little if I dressed more fashionably, but mainly because I loved how they looked and I loved how I looked in them. I had ended up having to throw those jeans in the trash.

It felt as though everybody in the room was laughing at me now. I couldn't stand it any longer. I got to my feet and mumbled that I needed to go take a leak, and left the room. I walked slowly to the bathroom with tears trickling silently down my cheeks. How was it possible for Courtney to make me feel so small? I reached the bathroom and washed my face with cold water. I actually did need to take a leak too, so I went over to the line of urinals and unzipped.

I was midway through my piss when I heard the door to the bathroom open and Charlie's voice saying "are you in here Brad?"

"Yeah," I answered.

He came and stood at the urinal next to me. I did my best to keep my eyes forward focused on the wall in front of me as he unzipped his shorts and took his dick out. We both pissed in silence for a short while before Charlie spoke again.

"Brad, I'm sorry if Courtney upset you."

"What do you mean?" I mumbled, shaking the last drops of piss from my dick and zipping it away.

"Well, her telling us about that prank the guys at your high school played on you. It seemed that it upset you. But I'm sure she didn't mean to, the alcohol has just made her a bit insensitive at noticing when somebody's uncomfortable."

I flushed my urinal and walked over to the sinks to wash my hands. I felt sure Courtney had meant to make me feel uncomfortable and didn't care if she upset me.

"Hey, wait up Brad," Charlie urged. "We'll walk back together. I just gotta finish up here. All that beer makes me piss twice as long as usual!"

I hovered uncomfortably behind Charlie. He turned and looked over his shoulder at me, grinning, still holding his dick in his hand as he finished his piss.

"What did you think of Carly's tits then?"


"Awesome aren't they?! Chris is a lucky guy getting his hands on them whenever he wants them!"

"I guess."

"What's the matter Brad?" Charlie flushed the urinal and turned to face me, still in the process of putting his dick back in his shorts. "Did Courtney really upset you that much that you can't get excited at the thought of Carly's tits?!" He broke into laughter and punched me lightly on the shoulder.

I forced out a laugh. If only Charlie knew how little I was interested in Carly's tits...or tits of any kind actually! But it was kinda nice of him to make a light-hearted joke out of things to try and relax me. Charlie quickly washed his hands.

"Are we all cool then Brad? You're not pissed at any of us? Or upset still?"


"Good," he interrupted. "Cos I wouldn't want you to be. You're our friend. We want you to have a good time with us. That's why we invited you." He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked back to his and Chris's room together.

He pushed open the door and we entered together. Courtney looked sulkily away from us and started talking to her friend.

"So, we're going to play a drinking game now," Charlie announced. "Does anybody have any ideas?"

"How about `never have I ever'?" Curtis suggested. He turned to Anthony. "You have that in England too, right?"

"I'm guessing that's the same as `I have never'," Anthony replied, "that's what me and my friends call it anyway. Where you drink when you have done what the other person says they haven't done?"

"That's it," Curtis confirmed.

"Um, I don't know how to play," I confessed.

Courtney snorted in derision, and I could feel myself blushing a little.

"Oh it's easy," Charlie explained, frowning across the room at his girlfriend. "We all take it in turns to say something we have never done, and anybody else that has done it, has to drink as a forfeit. So if I said `Never have I ever had a threesome', and you had then you would have to drink, but if you hadn't then you wouldn't. Got it?"

"I think so," I replied, trying to ignore Courtney's loud whisper of "threesome? As if! Brad probably hasn't even had a twosome yet!"

"And if you're really evil, you can choose the things you've never done to catch out one particular person. Like if I knew Chris had once skinny-dipped on holiday, I might say "Never have I ever skinny-dipped on holiday" knowing he had, and then he would have to drink."

"Problem is," Chris broke in, "I would try and get him back my next turn."

"Oh. Well I think I get it," I said slowly, trying to process the rules in my mind.

"It's easy, you'll pick it up," Charlie reassured me. "Okay, I'll start. Never have I ever had sex in the library." Chris and Carly both sheepishly took a mouthful of their drinks.

"You haven't?!" Courtney said incredulously. "Carly, you could get kicked out of college for doing that!"

"It was only once," Carly replied blushing. "Nobody else was in there and we were quiet."

"Chris was quiet?!" Curtis laughed, "that would be a first!"

Chris shrugged. "Well what can you do when your girlfriend makes it feel so good?! Anyway, your turn now Carly. We'll go round that way," he explained, indicating a clockwise direction.

"Never have I ever smoked a joint," Carly chanted after a short pause while she considered what to say. Chris, Charlie, Brett and Curtis all took a drink, and then it was Brett's turn.

"Never have I ever had a dick in my mouth," he slurred, leering at the girls in the room.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Courtney attempted to complain. "You're trying to get just us girls to drink."

"That's the whole point of the game," Brett said, rolling his eyes.

"He's hoping one of you will get drunk enough to forget what an asshole he is and let him fuck you," Curtis said snorting with laughter.

Brett started to protest, but we all laughed at him, knowing this was probably true.

"None of you have drunk yet. Get drinking ladies! Never have I ever had a dick in my mouth," he repeated louder than before. I felt my heart fluttering in my chest, and sweat trickling down my back. According to the rules of the game, I ought to be drinking as a forfeit. But how could I?! I would be giving away that I was gay, and that would be disastrous. Mind you, Anthony should be taking a drink too...

I looked over at Anthony. His face was expressionless, but his cheeks had gone rather pink. He suddenly made eye contact with me, and gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head while frowning slightly. I realized he was sending me a message not to drink, even though we both knew I was supposed to if we were playing by the rules. I felt a little thrill sweep through me as it dawned on me I was cheating at something for the very first time in my life. And Anthony was managing to communicate with me almost in code, with the smallest facial expressions. I hadn't had such a close connection with somebody to be able to do that since my buddy from when I was a kid, Zack. We had done everything together him and me. And Andy too, of course, but Zack and I had known each other longer. Since kindergarten in fact. He'd moved away during high school when his parents had gotten a divorce. It had been a shame as we'd been so close, and it had spelled the end of normality at high school for me. I smiled remembering my friend, and not for the first time wondered where he was and how he was doing these days. Then I smiled some more, remembering that I had Anthony now as my best friend, and just as close a friendship with him as I'd had with Zack. I tuned back in to the conversation going on around me.

"Isn't that way hypocritical of you?" Carly was saying to Brett. "I mean, what's the big difference?"

"The difference is two girls getting it on is fricking HOT! Whereas two guys getting it on is just...gross. Back me up here guys!" Brett urged to me, Charlie, Chris, Curtis and Anthony.

Curtis laughed. "Well, I have to admit seeing two girls is incredibly hot, but different things turn different people on. I love pussy and tits, but if I was gay or bi I'm sure I'd find two guys fucking just as much of a turn-on."

"Hmph," Brett grumbled.

"And I don't get the big issue about people's sexuality," Curtis continued. "If someone's gay, they're gay. It doesn't make them a bad person or a horrible person or an inferior person. Just that they want to fuck another guy instead of a girl. And think about it for a minute Brett, the more gay guys there are, the less competition there is going up against you for getting a hot girl!"

"Ain't that the truth!" Chris exclaimed, giving Curtis a high five. "Your turn now Courtney, let's keep the game going."

"Never have I ever worn a girl guide uniform to have sex," Courtney said with a sly look at her roommate whose face was turning the deepest shade of red.

Anthony's turn was next.

"Never have I ever been circumcised," he said slowly after a long think. Charlie, Chris, Brett, Curtis and I all had to drink.

And so the game continued, until it was my turn, and my mind went blank.

"I can't think of anything," I confessed.

"Lame!" Courtney said, rolling her eyes.

"FORFEIT!" Chris and Curtis shouted excitedly in unison. "You have to have two shots of vodka and then drink that whole can in one go without throwing up!"

"Easy," I replied, feigning bravado. I struggled a little, but I managed my forfeit, and the game resumed, with the questions getting more and more personal and sexual, until it was Curtis's turn.

"Never have I ever gotten full marks on a test," he said. I went to take a drink and noticed Anthony doing the same.

"What kind of a lame turn is that?!" Courtney complained.

Curtis turned to glare at her. "It's my turn and I can say what I like! There's no rule to say it has to be sexual, and I noticed Brad and Anthony weren't drinking much, so I decided to geek it up a little to get them involved." He grinned at both of us. "And it worked I guess!"

Charlie smiled cunningly, "I think you two should drink your whole can each to catch up with us!"

Anthony and I looked at each other and shrugged before gulping down the entire contents of our cans.

"That's it!" Curtis exclaimed as Charlie gave us some whoops and cheers of encouragement. "No reason why you two should miss out on getting as wasted as the rest of us!"

"Haha, if we're looking for ways of getting Anthony to drink," Chris shouted, "I have a perfect one. Never have I ever made out with Courtney!" He pointed as her as he spoke. Anthony let out a deep sigh of either embarrassment or resignation, and opened the new can Curtis had thrown him over. He took a long drink from it. Charlie also drank, which was no surprise what with him being Courtney's boyfriend, and then to our shock, Courtney's roommate also raised her drink to her lips.

"Haha! Wow!" Chris laughed. "I wasn't expecting that! Charlie did you know your girlfriend swings both ways?"

"It was only one time," Courtney snapped grumpily. "And only to tease some dumb Jocks who wouldn't leave us alone."

"I think we ought to have a live replay of that incident!" Brett slurred.

"Yeah, Brett can play the role of the dumb Jock," Curtis cracked. "It wouldn't take much acting!"

"Okay," Courtney's roommate said. "We'll do it if you will."

"What?!" Brett said incredulously.

"Me and Courtney will make out if you and Curtis will."

"Now hold on a minute...!" Courtney interjected.

Curtis laughed and puckered his lips up. "Come on then Brett, let's do this shit!"

"No fucking way dude!" Brett yelled, which made all of us laugh at his reaction.

"You see," Carly said, "you're a total hypocrite. You expect two girl roommates to make out, but aren't willing to return the favor by making out with your own roommate. I bet any of the other guys would dare make out with their roommate."

I looked across at Anthony. I definitely would make out with him. In fact, I had jacked off the night before imagining doing just that! I sighed wistfully and took a big mouthful of my beer. All the drinking I'd done earlier that night was starting to take effect and the room was gently swaying around me.

"Let's not argue," Charlie urged. "Whose turn is it? Brad, you've not had one for a while," he grinned wickedly, "or can you still not think of something? Need to do another forfeit?!"

I wracked my alcohol-fuzzed brains. And then suddenly it came to me.

"No, I thought of something this time," I said. I took a deep breath and looked right at Anthony as I slurred "never have I ever taken it up the ass."

There was a shocked silence in the room, and I suddenly realized what I had said. Anthony was staring back at me with his mouth half open, as if to say `I don't believe you actually said that!'

`I'm sorry, I'm so sorry', I tried to say with just my eyes.

Then, through the silence came a shriek from Courtney.

"You BASTARD! You promised you wouldn't tell your friends we'd done that!" She reached across and slapped Charlie across the cheek, much to the entertainment of the rest of the room.

"Wow, Courtney, you never told me that!" her roommate gasped.

"Way to go Charlie!" Curtis congratulated him, holding his hand out for a high five, but Charlie was too busy getting yelled at by Courtney to respond.

"You thought you'd boast about it to your buddies! And not just any buddy, but that fucking lameass uber-geek..." every word she said, Courtney hit Charlie on the arm. Curtis was trying to hold her back from hitting him, Brett was just laughing at the pair of them. In all the commotion, Anthony turned to look at me. Staring directly into my eyes, he slowly and deliberately raised his can to his lips and took a long drink, smiling shyly as he lowered the can afterward.

Wow! He was actually acknowledging what we'd done together. I felt my dick chub up a little in my briefs remembering how great it had felt fucking him.

"Um I guess the party's over guys!" Chris's voice broke through my thoughts. We all got to our feet as Charlie and Courtney continued to argue. Anthony, Curtis and Chris walked over to the dormroom door and stood talking quietly in a little group. I swayed slightly and hung on to the wall for support. Carly's roommate came over and stood next to me, leaning in close. She had curly dark hair, olive skin and big lips, which she licked seductively as she spoke.

"So Brad, did you want to come back to my room for a little while?"

"What?" I asked, confused.

She giggled drunkenly. "Well, I can't believe I'm asking you this, but Hell, girls get horny too sometimes you know. Carly is stopping the night here with Chris, so I thought if you wanted, you and I could go back to my room and...screw!" she leaned in right next to my ear and whispered the last word.

"Oh," I said, realization hitting me.

"See, I couldn't help noticing how hung you were when we were playing strip poker." She raised an eyebrow suggestively. "I would love to feel someone as big as you inside me." Her hand strayed down to my leg and she rested it on my inner thigh.

Oh crap! How do I get out of this one?!

"'m flattered," I stammered. "But I...I...I don't..."

"Come on Brad, how often do you get girls offering to go to bed with you? I'm so horny! I'm not asking you to marry me, or to date me, just to come back to my room and show me what you can do with that giant dick of yours."

"But I'm... But I...I...I...don't really...that is, I'm not interested in having casual sex. I know, for me, there has to be a spark and a connection, not just sex for the sake of it."

"But you're a guy!" she exclaimed. "All guys ever think about is sex and hooking up!"

"Sorry," I gulped. "I'm just're not my type, and I'm not going to have sex with you just because you're offering it to me."

Her face hardened.

"Are you turning me down?! Seriously?! Brad, guys don't turn me down...ever!"

"Um...I'm sorry, you're um hot, I guess. It's is special to me and I only want to have sex with someone I have feelings for."

"Courtney was right about you. You are a dork. Turning me down?!" she scoffed in disgust. "You won't get another chance." She stalked away and I let out a quiet sigh of relief.

Well that could have gone a whole lot worse.

I joined Chris, Curtis and Anthony in the doorway.

"He can sleep in Brett's bed," Curtis was saying. "It doesn't look as though Brett is going to be needing it tonight!" He gestured across to where Carly's roommate was entwining herself around Brett, whose hands were running greedily over her back and ass. She leaned in close to him, and then they started making out.

Courtney broke through the group of us yelling over her shoulder to Charlie "And don't even think about calling me tomorrow!" She stormed out of the room followed by her roommate. Charlie came and joined us.

"Jeez is she touchy!"

Chris grinned.

"Yeah, unlucky dude! No way your ass is getting laid tonight. Don't worry, I found you a bed for the night, thanks to Curtis and Brett."

"It sucks! I was really counting on having sex tonight," Charlie complained. "I fucking need to!"

"Think what it's like for the rest of us," Curtis said, laughing. "It's no fun being single when you're young and horny. Anyway, we'll be leaving now, I think Chris wants to get down to business with Carly!"

"You bet I do!" Chris chuckled. "Night dudes."

"Good night," we all chorused, trooping out of the room. Anthony and I made our way next door to our own dormroom, closing and locking the door behind us. Neither of us felt tired yet, we were both still buzzing from all the alcohol.

"X-Box?" Anthony suggested.

"Yeah, sure," I agreed. "I'll still whoop your ass even though I'm drunker than you!"

"Oh yeah?! Wanna bet?!" Anthony challenged me.

We loaded a game up and began to play, but neither of us were particularly coordinated after our alcohol intake, and we soon decided to abandon the game. Anthony stripped to his boxers as I switched off the games console and tidied the game away, and he got onto his bed and laid on top of it facing me as I began to undress. I was soon wearing just my gray briefs and crossed the room to go switch the light off.

"No, leave it on for a bit," said Anthony. "We can talk for a while."

"Okay," I replied, and instead walked over to my bed and got beneath the comforter. I lay on my side, propping my head up with the palm of my hand and looking directly across at Anthony who was in the exact same position I was in. I tried my best to concentrate on his face rather than his underwear-clad crotch.

"It was a great evening wasn't it?" He asked me.

"Yes awesome," I replied. "I never played strip poker before! Or `never have I ever'. It was fun!" I found myself laughing a little though I didn't understand why. Probably just an effect of the beer. "By the way, I'm sorry I said what I did when it was my turn. I didn't mean to, it was just the only thing I could think of. I was so busy trying to think of a way to force you into drinking like the other guys were doing to their roommates, I forgot that it would blow your cover."

"Oh, I don't mind mate, I know it was just the alcohol blurring your mind!" Anthony smiled at me. "And Courtney's reaction was pretty hilarious!"

"Yeah," I agreed.

"And..." Anthony started, but just then, we heard the moans of Chris and Carly having sex drifting through the walls from the room next door. Chris sounding like he was really getting into it.

"Mmmm, yeah baby! Ooooh yes!" he was groaning amid Carly's short high-pitched screams of ecstasy.

"Sounds like they're having a good end to the night!" Anthony said with a little laugh. The deep groans of Chris were having the usual effect on me, and I was quickly growing hard in my briefs. I rubbed at myself gently, and then, feeling my boner swelling beneath my hand, rubbed more firmly, until my dick was fully hard and my briefs were struggling to contain it. I decided to make myself comfortable, and so I grabbed my waistband and slid my briefs off leaving me completely naked underneath my bedcovers. I slowly ran my hand up and down the length of my dick, my whole body shuddering as I did so. I exhaled slowly and glanced over at Anthony. He was lying almost on his back, his boxers severely tented, his hand slowly playing with his balls through his underwear. Obviously, the sounds of sex coming through the walls from the room next door were turning him on too. Chris's moaning grew steadily louder as he approached his climax.

"oh yeah! Oh Yeah! OH YEAH! OH FUCK YEAH!!!"

I couldn't keep my hand off my dick, the noises had made me so horny. I stroked myself gently and slowly. Anthony had his hand inside his boxers now, and I watched as he extracted his rock hard cock, hooking the waistband down under his big balls. He began to jack himself off, then suddenly stopped and looked over toward me, noticing me watching him. He gasped embarrassedly.

"Shit, sorry Brad, I got so horny I forgot you were here too. I kind of couldn't help myself." He blushed and reached hurriedly for his comforter to cover himself.

"It's cool," I replied. "I'm the same, look." I lifted my comforter off me, showing him my thick cut boner, rock hard and pointing up at the ceiling. He grinned at me.

"Looks like you're feeling just as horny as me then!"

"Probably hornier!" I laughed. I left my comforter off my body and turned to face Anthony properly.

"I doubt it," he answered. "I'm feeling really really horny!"

"Well I'm feeling really really REALLY horny!" I drunkenly countered.

"Well I'm..." Anthony began, but then he broke off. "Do you hear that?"

I listened carefully. The faint sounds of a bed squeaking and accompanying moans and groans could be heard drifting thru the wall from the room next door on the opposite side to Chris and Charlie's room. The groaning grew louder.

"Jeez!" I exclaimed. "Are we the only guys on this whole floor not getting laid tonight?!"

"It would seem that way, yes," Anthony confirmed glumly. "Still," he added, resuming jacking on his dick, "a good wank is the next best thing."

"I guess."

There was a short silence as we both worked away on our own dicks.

"Could you use a hand with that?" I asked Anthony, hesitantly.

He looked over at me, his expression serious.

"I wouldn't say no! But are you sure it won't be awkward for you? You know, with me"

"No," I said, my mouth getting dry. "I'm cool with it."

"You'd best come over here then, before I change my mind."

Shaking slightly, I got off my own bed and walked over to Anthony's my hard dick leading the way. He reached out and stroked me as I neared him. I gasped out and groaned softly as his hand squeezed round me. I climbed onto Anthony's bed next to him, and we lay on our sides facing each other, his hand working over my dick while mine stroked up and down his. He closed his eyes, his hand slowing its movements on me as he enjoyed the pleasure I was giving him for a while. I had the sudden urge to give him even more pleasure, and as his eyes stayed closed, I extracted my boner from his grip and moved round on the bed so my head was in line with his lap, with my knees and feet in line with his shoulders. I leaned down and took the head of his uncut dick into my mouth as I continued jacking his shaft with my fist. He let out a little moan of surprise.

"Oh fuck, Brad, that feels good!"

He turned fully onto his back, and I moved position, stepping my leg over his body so I now had one knee on either side of his shoulders. I took some more of his dick into my mouth and began bobbing my head up and down, enjoying hearing the little squeal he let out as I did so. I slowed down and let my tongue slowly lick over his head, being rewarded by a big sweet-tasting drop of precum that leaked out of him. He murmured appreciatively as I continued blowing him, and then I felt his warm hand clutching at my boner, pulling it backward. I felt his tongue grazing the underneath of my head and then the warmth of his mouth enveloping me.

I moaned gently, my mouth still wrapped around Anthony's dick. I felt Anthony's tongue licking down the side of my shaft, and then probing at my balls. I groaned softly as he lapped at the underneath of my heavy balls, feeling his nose touching my taint, and then his tongue was licking down the pathway between my balls and anus, and all of a sudden I felt the tip of his wet tongue tickling at my asshole. I let out a gasp. That was a sensation I'd never experienced before and it felt amazing. Anthony continued rimming me, bathing my hole in saliva, the tip of his tongue pushing gently against the resistance given by my tight sphincter.

It felt so good, and made me wonder, if having the outside of my hole played with like this, how good having something inside me might feel. Something like a cock. Specifically, Anthony's cock. He had enjoyed having mine inside him, so maybe...

"Anthony," I said tremblingly.

He lifted his mouth away from me to answer.

"Don't you like it?"

"No, no, it feels great. Just...did it feel nice having me um...fuck you?"

"Oh yes," Anthony replied hungrily. "It felt fucking amazing. Why? You want to do it again?"

"No, well, yes, but not right now. I just...actually I want to try...if you want" I stumbled embarrassedly over my words. "I thought maybe you could try fucking me."

"Really?!" Anthony asked in astonishment. "You'd let me do that?!"

"Yes," I said quietly blushing really really red.

"Wow!" He exclaimed excitedly. "I mean...only if you're okay with it."

"For sure," I confirmed. "I want to see what it feels like. I want to see if it feels as good as you said it did."

Anthony wriggled out from underneath me and reached into his bedside drawer to bring out a box of condoms and bottle of lube. He got a condom out and tore open the foil packet. Then he paused.

"Are you sure about this Brad? I mean...really sure?"

"Yes!" I said.

"Now?" He asked.

"Yes, now."

"Okay." He began to roll the condom down his hard dick. "I hope it'll be alright for you. I've never done it this way round before. I've always been the one being fucked."

My heart swelled in my chest, and I became even more turned on. I was going to be his first after all! Okay, so he wasn't exactly losing his virginity to me, but I would be the first person he'd ever fucked. That had to count for something. That had to mean it would be special for him.

Didn't it?

"I'm sure it will be fine." I reassured him. I knelt on my hands and knees in the center of his bed as he got behind me. I felt his tongue teasing at my virgin hole once more, and then coldness as he pushed some lube inside me.

"Ready?" He asked, positioning himself.

"I guess so."

I felt the head of his condom-covered dick brushing against my hole and it suddenly felt enormous, as though it would never fit inside. Anthony was pushing against me, and I tensed up.

"Try and relax Brad, he urged, as the tip of his dick made its way inside me. I winced, gritting my teeth as the pain tore through me. It hurt so much, but I really wanted to do this. To have Anthony experience what it felt like to fuck somebody. To experience for myself what it's like to do this ultimate intimate action and have a part of the guy you have a total crush on deep inside you.

I closed my eyes feeling tears dripping from them as Anthony continued pushing his way into me. I just managed to stop myself crying out from the pain, but it was struggle. It hurt so fucking much, despite all the lube. Anthony rubbed my shoulders evidently sensing my tension.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked, concern in his voice.

"No, no keep going, just...give me a minute," I whimpered. "I just need to adjust to you."

"Okay, let me know when." His voice sounded full of desire. "You feel so tight around me."

I waited a while, until the pain was a little less, although it still stung. What I really wanted was for Anthony to lean down and hug me to him tightly, cover my shoulders and neck in kisses and begin to tenderly make love to me, but he seemed a little distant. His hands stroked the sides of my body gently, but that was the only body contact between us.

I tensed my ass muscles squeezing Anthony's dick tightly and he moaned, beginning to move backward and forward. I was trying to relax as much as I could, but it was still sore. His hands grasped beneath my thin chest, and he stroked at my nipples as he continued to fuck me. I turned my head and opened my lips a little, hoping he would take the hint and lean in for a passionate kiss, but he didn't.

I reached down for my own dick and discovered it had deflated completely, in fact it felt even smaller than it usually did when soft. Above me, Anthony grunted, breathing raggedly into my ear, and I tried my best to get into what we were doing, reminding myself that first times doing things sometimes don't feel as good as you expect. It was so difficult to relax when it hurt though. Anthony readjusted his angle and I winced. He mistook my intake of breath for one of pleasure not pain, and sped up his thrusts a little.

I grimaced and leaned my head down closer to the bed, lowering my body weight onto my elbows rather than hands, my ass stuck up high in the air. Actually, at this angle it didn't feel too bad. In fact, it was barely painful at all. Maybe I was getting used to the sensation, or maybe this position was more comfortable for me. Either way, it was a lot more bearable.

Above me, Anthony let out a characteristic little moan that I knew he always gave when he was getting close.

"I'm gonna cum Brad," he whispered.

"That's cool," I gasped, "cum any time you like."

"Mmmm, okay. Mmmm. Oh SHIT!" He cried out, and I felt him push into me deeply, his body tensing up against me, and knew he was unloading into the condom. I turned my head, desperate for a kiss or some sort of affection, but none was forthcoming. Anthony rested his forehead on my back and I could feel his warm ragged breaths hitting my naked skin.

He slowly pulled his dick out of me and my ass suddenly felt cold and empty. I rolled onto my back and watched him taking the condom off his softening dick.

"What did you think?" he asked me in a soft voice.

"Um..." I hesitated, wondering how honest to be. "Um...It was nice, but I enjoyed it more when we were the other way round."

"Yes, me too actually," he confessed quietly. "Don't get me wrong Brad, your arse felt amazing, so tight and...well, yes. But, I kind of enjoyed getting fucked a lot more. Having a cock inside me, and stretching me, and getting my prostate rubbed, feeling the other person's dick pushing in and out of me, moving inside me, I just..." he blushed. "It really turns me on and doubles the pleasure for me." He looked down at the floor embarrassed. "Does that sound weird to you?"

I noticed Anthony's dick had started to twitch and swell back up as he spoke, obviously he was still horny and talking about how much he enjoyed bottoming was turning him on.

"No, not at all," I reassured him. "It would be a boring world if everybody got off on the exact same things."

I looked over again at Anthony's rapidly hardening dick and felt my own beginning to rise in response.

"Yes, I guess. Sorry Brad, I don't mean to freak you out talking about gay stuff."

"It's cool. I'm also g..."

"Do you hear that?" He interrupted me. Fresh moaning and groaning accompanied by the creaking of bedsprings could be heard, this time from the room above ours.

"Whoa! Seems like the whole dorm is shagging like rabbits tonight!" Anthony laughed. He looked over at me hungrily, and my dick jumped at the lust in his expression. "I'm still mega-horny Brad," he whispered. He reached over and squeezed my balls gently. "Is there enough spunk left in these for a second round?"

My dick grew steadily, encouraged by his fingertips which gently tickled at the root of my cock and the underneath of my balls as he spoke.

"Well actually I didn't cum yet," I replied, "so..."

"What? You didn't cum?"

"No, not that time," I confessed. "It's cool though, I don't mind."

"Yes, but..." he blushed, looking down at the floor. "Wasn't I very good then?" he asked in a quiet voice, sounding ashamed.

"It's not that," I quickly reassured him. "I just think I prefer being the one doing the fucking, that's all."

"Really?!" He said, raising one eyebrow. He looked hungrily at my dick which was now fully erect and rock hard. He reached into his drawer and threw me a rubber.

"You'd best get on with it then!"

Next: Chapter 30: Geeks Get Hot 12 Anthony

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