Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Oct 5, 2015



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. To read chapters from Brad's point of view, or other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder. For updates on this, and other, stories, see my blog:

Geeks Get Hot (Epilogue) - Anthony

It was nearing the end of the Christmas holidays and five months since I had returned home after my year studying in the States. I had slotted back into English life pretty well. The first thing I had done, before even leaving the airport, was buy a bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk, for that was one of the main things I'd missed about being away! My four best friends from first year had moved into a house together and at first I was a little hurt that they hadn't thought to try and include me in their living arrangements, but then I realised that sorting out signing the contract, paying the deposit and all the other necessary paperwork would have been so much hassle to sort out from the States that I could understand why. I spent plenty of evenings hanging out at their house with them and even stopped over on the sofa a few nights.

I was lucky enough to get a room back in halls for the year, although my flatmates were all freshers and wanting to go out clubbing most nights, so I didn't mix with them too much. A couple of the girls were friendly with me, but two of the lads made it pretty obvious I wasn't their sort of person, being far too quiet and studious. I never had any trouble though. Even though we didn't see eye to eye over things, they were always civil, just not inclusive or particularly considerate about keeping the noise down at night when I was trying to study or finish up assignments.

I suppose with living with all new people who I had never met before, I could have started afresh and told them I was gay from the word go, but, as usual, my shyness got the better of me and the right moment never arrived. There was one night I got extremely drunk and nearly blurted it out, but right when I opened my mouth to say it, the two lads I didn't get on with started an argument with each other and had to be physically separated by our other flatmates to stop them beating each other up, so once again my secret stayed intact and I remained in the closet.

After my sexploits in the States, however, I had no wish to go back to a sexless life. They say you don't miss what you've not had, and to some extent that is true. When I was a virgin, yes, I thought about sex a lot, dreamt about having sex, wished I was having it, but it was as much curiosity about what it would be like rather than a physical need. Wanking was enough to satisfy me. Now I was no longer a virgin and had experienced every sensation of a full-blown orgasm from being fucked, I found myself craving sex like I hadn't done before. With not being out, it was tricky. I wasn't brave enough to join the university LGBT society, so I didn't have any gay friends to go out with, and I didn't want to go out to gaybars alone. In the end, I downloaded Grindr, and every now and again when the craving got too much, I logged on and found myself another young horny guy close to campus to hookup with for the night. So far, none had lived up to Brad in terms of size, or in fact, technique, but I lived in hope of finding a regular fuck buddy who did.

I had returned home for the Christmas holiday, and spent it with my family, going out some evenings and for New Year's Eve with some of my friends from school and sixth form who had also come home from uni. It was a relief to get out of the house sometimes, as my eighteen year old brother was being his usual obnoxious self, and we kept arguing, much to my parents' despair. He had applied to study geography at the same university as me and as long as he got the grades he was predicted for his A-levels, it was pretty certain he would get a place there. I was considering staying on to do a Master's degree, but the thought of having him studying there as well was causing me to think twice.

"You need to do whatever is best for you, for your goals and for your future career," Brad had advised me when I'd asked his advice. "Forget about your brother. The university is big enough for the two of you to not meet up if you don't want to. And you won't even be based in the same department. Not staying on to do a Master's because you don't get on with your brother and there is a miniscule possibility you might run into him on campus would be really dumb if it's what you really want to do." He was right, of course. He knew me so well, even though we had only lived together a year. We spoke on Skype most weeks, and he and his boyfriend, Zack, were saving money to come over and visit me in the summer. I was looking forward to it already! I actually missed sharing a room with him. Sure, it was nice to have a room to myself again, and space to call my own, but after a whole year of sharing, sometimes it was a bit lonely.

Brad seemed to be doing alright for himself. He was sharing a two-room suite with Charlie, Chris and Curtis now, and spending lots of time with Zack. They seemed very loved-up. Sometimes, I have to confess, I felt a little jealous.

He always had time to chat with me though. That was the sort of person he was. I was lucky to have him as a close friend.

I sighed deeply as we ended our hour-long Skype conversation on this first Sunday of January. Outside it was grey and cold and miserable. Typical English weather! Speaking to Brad had cheered me up a bit, and made me determined to at least apply for the Master's I wanted. I was averaging a First overall, so I had a good chance of being accepted onto the course. I had the rest of the afternoon and evening to make a start on the online application form. First though, I was dying for a pee. Leaving my laptop running, I left my room to nip to the loo.

I peed standing up, making sure to put the lid down afterwards to save a lecture from my mum, pulled the chain and washed my hands. I unlocked the door to see my brother emerging from my bedroom, a smirk on his face.

"That'll teach you to try and Frape me!" he jeered, referring to an incident the night before where he'd left his phone unattended and I'd updated his Facebook status to "Iain Smith is stupid"

"IAIN!" I yelled. He bolted down the landing and into his own room. I hurried into my room, worried to see what he had been up to in there. My eyes were drawn to my laptop screen and then my heart leapt into my mouth when I saw what he'd done.

"Anthony Smith has something to tell everyone," my Facebook status read. "I am sick of hiding who I am and want to be honest with you all now. I am gay."

Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! I felt like I was about to be sick. My brother had posted that for all my friends to see! It wasn't even obvious that I hadn't written it myself! I had to delete it!

I went to move the mouse to delete the post, but as I did, the notifications icon started blinking red. FUCK! People were reading it! People were commenting on it!

The screen went blurry as tears filled my eyes. What had my brother done?! He had unintentionally outed me to the whole fucking cyberverse! He didn't know I actually was gay - he was just trying get back at me for what I'd posted about him earlier, but his actions would have major consequences for me.

My mobile started ringing and I rejected the call without even looking to see who it was. I took some deep breaths and refreshed my laptop screen before clicking the icon to read my notifications.

"Charlie Wood likes your status" "Brad Griffiths likes your status" "Barbara-Ann Chadwick likes your status" "Chris Watson likes your status" "Jackson Carter likes your status" "Barbara-Ann Chadwick commented on your status" "Kieran Hughes like your status" "Curtis Simpson likes your status"

The "Likes" kept coming and coming. I refreshed again and clicked to read the comments on my status.

Barbara-Ann had just put "Finally! X" One of my old school friends had put "Yes, we always guessed as much, but were too scared to ask you. Good to see you're out and proud at last :-) " Another had put "Well done for having the courage to come out. We all love you no matter what xxx" While one of my current flatmates at uni had written "So can we all finally stop pretending we didn't already know this?! See you next week x"

I could feel a grin stretching wide across my face and relief flowing though my body. My friends had accepted me! My sexuality was no big deal to them after all!

My phone vibrated to signal the arrival of a text message. I looked down and it was from my best friend.

"Tried to ring you just now but you didn't answer. Just seen your fb status - not sure if it's a frape or not, but if it's real, just wanted you to know it changes nothing between us and you'll always be my best mate, no matter what gender of person you want to have sex with! Ring me if you need a chat x"

My heart swelled with gratitude. And pride. I was finally out of the closet! Not intentionally, granted, but to tell the truth, it felt good. It felt like a weight had been lifted, and that I could finally be myself completely.

There was just one thing left to do.

I navigated to my profile and changed the "Interested in" field to "Men", then stepped away from the laptop and left my room before I could change my mind. Shaking a little, I made my way downstairs and into the living room.

"Mum, Dad, there's something I need to tell you..."

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