Gentleman Brian

By moc.loa@selawrtp

Published on Oct 5, 2010


My Meetings with the Gentleman Brian -- Part 2

In Part 1 I introduced myself, briefly and began to recount my meetings with Brian. I hope I have wetted you appetite for an insight to that first night. Brian had entered my hotel room, after being late (!) and we had ended up kissing in the door way, finally we got into the room proper, I had a suite so we moved towards the lounge, Brian spied the bedroom, I had already pulled the covers back and my lacy black baby-doll was lying on my pillow. Brian sat down and I offered him a glass of wine, he accepted and I topped myself up also. So we sat down and chatted about the usual thing, girls like me, why I did it, how many had I been with, how many had Brian been with, why did he like girls like me, etc, etc. We've all been there, done it. I found out that Brian was divorced, no children and had a respectable job working for one of the banks who had offices close to where the hotel was!! In fact, he was annoyed that he'd had to go home first and could have come straight to the hotel from work as it was only 5 minutes walk away! How amazing was that! Eventually the small led to touchy feely. Brian placed his had on my knee and told me I looked amazing, better tha he could have ever imagined, and far better than my on-line pics did justice. I responded, I loved the feel of his had as it stroked my nylon covered skin, I encouraged him to go further and moved in closer, his hand slowly making its way to the delicate lace at the top of my stocking. We kissed and he moaned as his hand reached that tell-tale band of flesh at the tope of my thigh. I gazed into his eyes, told I wasn't sure whether he was a stockings or tights man, so I plumped for stockings, we just paused, looking at each other and giggled -- that was an ice-breaker, now we were getting passionate. Brian pulled me closer and we were now french-kissing, he had rouched my dress up so my stocking tops were quite visible as his hands caressed them. He explained that he loved either stockings or tights, but if it was tights, then he preferred the without panties!! That comment alone got me ridiculously horny. My right hand, which had been caressing his crotch for a few minutes now moved to undo Brian's belt and trousers, he adjusted himself to make it easier for me and soon I was caressing his rock hard and quite big shaft; moments later he had pulled my panties to one side and was now gently wanking my stiff cock too. This was now getting far too much, I was ready to explode. I pulled back off Brian and suggested that he take off his trousers and boxers, so up stood, right in front of me and took them off. Well, I never, there was pretty ol' me sat there, perched on the edge of the sofa, undies on display with this gorgeous guy stood there in front of me, his man-tackle about 4 inches away from my face! There was only one thing I could do, I gazed up an Brian and took his length firmly in my mouth and went at it like a pro. I was not long before felt Brian tighten up and the empty his cum into my mouth. This was not the first time I'd been presented with a mouthful of cum, but whether or not it was just the moment or what, but I swallowed every last drop, and it tasted great, not like before when I'd blown guys in cars, or in a lay by, but sweeter, or was it just my imagination? Brian pulled me up off the sofa and gave me a long kiss, then turned me around and slowly unzipped my dress, letting it fall to the floor. My heart raced as I knew what was coming next, I so wanted this. I felt Brian hook his fingers into my panties and slowly pull them down, I kicked them off and slowly bent over, using the arm of the sofa as support. I was already lubed, I'd taken that liberty earlier and simply popped a fine panty-liner into my knickers when I got dressed, Brian pulled a condom from his shirt pocket and rolled it on. It was simple, I was well lubed and I'd played with my dildo before Brian had arrived, but Brian applied a little more lube anyway. He slid in, no effort and began to pump me. I was moaning in pleasure as each thrust went a little deeper, and each time Brian pushed a little harder and longer. It was then I noticed that between us and the great car park outside was just a flimsy net curtain!! In all the fascination of the moment, I had drawn the curtains, and we would have been visible, or fairly visible, to anyone parking their car within 20 feet of our window (I always take a ground floor room). I am not sure who, if anyone, had seen anything, but we'd had no complaints from the hotel. I started to get a little worried, but Brian just pushed me back down and continued to thunder away behind me. After about 15 minutes Brian came again, I had already climaxed over the side of the sofa about 5 minutes previously; Brain rested himself upon me, still inside me, still hard, we exchanged the wonderfulness of the act we had just engaged in and then Brian slowly popped out. I took this opportunity to slip off to the bathroom, panties in hand, to freshen up. When I came out Brian had slipped his boxers back on and ushered my over to sit next to him, I kicked off my heels, which I'd worn all the way through, and curled up next to him. That was when he pointed out the guy in a car in the closest space you get get near to our window, I discretely glanced over and could see this geeky 20 year old in the front passenger seat of a Ford Fiesta. First of all I thought `perv', but it surely must have been a chanced opportunity, much as I had done in the past when dressing up and just going to lay-by's, that sort of thing. Brian urged me to get sexy, so I got up and grabbed us both another glass of wine and sauntered back to the sofa. I placed my glass on the table and then sat astride Brian as he nestled into my neck, giving me running commentary on what this guy was doing, apparently it looked as though he was talking on a mobile phone. This time I didn't get worried, Paula was looking fantastic, she'd been royally shagged and taken a mouthful of hot sticky cum, and chances are, this guy had seen most of that; indeed, he probably even knew that Paula had a cock! But now it was nearly 11:00pm and I needed bed. I suggested that Brian stay, he did not say no. I moved over to the suite lounge window and pulled the curtains, blowing a kiss at the guy in the car as I did so. Brian and I moved into the bedroom, I went to close the curtains, but Brian insisted I leave them open, again just leaving a fine net curtain between us and preying eyes. I climbed into bed in my undies, Brian stripped off naked and climbed in next to me, amazingly he was again rock hard. Quick as a flash he pulled my panties off and threw them out of the bed, asking me to get on all fours, facing the window, applied some lube and then eased himself in. His stamina was incredible, he continued to fuck me for another 40 minutes, while two sheepish individuals watched from an old Ford Fiesta not 15 feet away from our bedroom window -- he'd obviously phoned a like-minded friend who also came to see Paula's finest hour so far! Finally I lay exhausted, it was nearly midnight, my bum hole hurt and I was stood in just my bra, suspenders and stockings in front of as window, overlooking a car park, with 2 guys staring at me, just about to draw the curtains. I climbed into bed next to Brian as I was, curled up to him, kissed him goodnight and fell asleep. 06:00am came along way too quickly. Brian woke up to, I was greeted with his raging hard on, but we had to get organised, I was due in work by 07:30am and I had a 15 minute drive. I slipped into the bathroom and started to run the shower, I'd just managed to take my bra off when Brian walked in, still sporting a stiffy and stepped straight into the shower. How gentlemanly, I thought! Then he beckoned me in, I told him no, as whenever I was with a guy I preferred to keep my stockings or tights on! Brian didn't care and just pulled me into the shower, still in my stockings and suspenders! That was it, in seconds I too had a raging hard on as the warm water soaked into my suspender belt and stocking clad legs, I dropped straight to my knees and soon took another mouthful of Brian's cum. Empty he stepped out and got dressed for work. I stepped out, dripping wet, still in my underwear and bid him farewell, staying as Paula until he'd left the room. 07:30am I was in work. My first night with Brian had been an absolute dream. Xxxx PaulaWylde. xx

Next: Chapter 3

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