Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Jan 3, 2003


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part 17

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publications.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at

Now on to part 17.

From Justin's point of view.

JC hesitated, that isn't a good sign.

"Just tell me dammit!"

JC flinched at that, ok so maybe that wasn't the best approach but come on, I'm freaking out here!

"Sorry JC" I said in the most calm voice I could manage, "I'm just really worried."

"I know Justin. Its ok, I understand." he said, looking at the floor now and looking like he was trying to come up with the best way to tell me the news.

"Like I said, he made it through the surgery but now he has slipped into a coma and the doctor's won't be able to tell how much brain damaged he has sustained until he wakes up." then he mumbled something under his breath and I knew he was trying to keep something from me, trying to protect me from the whole truth.

"What was that last thing Jayce? I didn't quite catch that last part."

"If he wakes up at all." he said hesitantly.

With those six little words my world came crashing down around me.' If he wakes up at all.' Each one like a dagger in my heart. For the first time in my life I understood the pain of losing the love of your life. I mean I loved JC when I was with him I thought, but the love I felt for Troy? There weren't enough words to express what I felt with him. He truly was my soul mate and now he was slipping away from me. Suddenly the room seemed to become very small and it was getting increasingly harder for me to breathe. The last thing I remember was collapsing into the arms of Matt, who stood behind me, as I blacked out.

The next thing I knew I was waking up in a bed. 'Was it all a dream?' I thought as I slowly began to regain my senses. Then it hit me, the unmistakable sound of a heart monitor was coming from across the room and there looking like a sleeping angel was my Troy. Sure he was covered in bandages and had tubes coming from just about everywhere but that didn't matter to me. To me he was still as beautiful as ever. I guess love has that effect on you.

"Well look who's awake" came a voice I didn't recognize, and into the room stepped a man I would guess to be in his late 20's with short brown hair and he stood about 5'8". He was wearing what looked like an all white nurse's uniform so I guessed that was what he was. "Hi my name's Thomas and I'll be watching over Troy tonight."

"Justin" I said, standing up now and extending my hand.

"Yeah I know." He smiled accepting my hand," I'm a big fan, though Lance is my favorite," he blushed.

"That's cool; maybe I can get you an autographed picture or something."

"No that's fine, just getting the chance to meet one of you is reward enough."

"Well you never know who might show up. If one of the others stops by I'll be sure to introduce you, especially Lance." I winked and he turned even redder then before if that's possible.

Turning to Troy I asked, "So how is he?"

"No change I'm afraid, but you never know, that could change." he smiled at me. "After all this is the season for miracles right?"

I nodded wordlessly. I didn't hold out much hope for a miracle. He just looked so small and fragile laying there. As if with each passing moment his life was slowly draining away.

"Well I'll give you two some alone time. I'll be back to check on you later."

"Thanks Thomas."

"No problem Justin, that's my job," and with that he was gone.

I stood there staring at my angel and started to cry. How could I go on without him in my life? The more I thought about it the more depressed I became. I knew that if lost him my life would cease to be. I could not go on without him. Then I came to my ultimate decision." If his life ends so will mine. Everyone will be better off without me then anyway. I'd be no good to anyone if I lost him. JC and Nick will take good care of Jerome. Nick loves him like his own child." With the decision made I sat down next to Troy and began my long vigil at his bedside. If he was going to leave me then I wanted to be there with him for the time he had left. I carefully climbed into bed next to him and stared into his beautiful face and silently prayed with all my heart that Thomas was right and that a miracle would happen. As I finished my prayers I slowly began to drift into sleep. I tried to fight it, not wanting to miss any time with Troy, but sleep soon took over.

I awoke the next morning to a knock on Troy's door and Matt hesitantly stuck his head in, smiling when seeing me curled up on the bed with Troy.

"How's it going Justin?"

"No change yet. God this is so hard Matt." I said sighing. "I'm not sure I'm strong enough to hold up much longer."

"Do you love him?"

"You know I do, with all my heart!"

"Then when you start to feel like you can't take anymore, just remember how much you love him and that love will sustain you."

"I'll try." I was still feeling totally depressed and although I appreciated Matt's words it seemed as if nothing was gonna change my attitude. I was convinced that the end for Troy was near and I just wanted to crawl into bed and die right along with him.

"You can't give up hope Justin, it's almost Christmas. You never know what could happen this time of year."

"Yeah, yeah I know," I said, I wasn't in the mood to hear about Christmas miracles. 'If God truly cared' I thought, 'then He would have prevented this from happening in the first place, but he didn't.'

Matt left soon after, saying he would return later with Kevin and the others. I sat there for awhile watching the Troy as the ventilator breathed for him was totally lost in my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped a little from the shock and looked up into the smiling face of Thomas.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you"

"That's ok; I just didn't hear you come in. How are you Thomas?"

"Fine and how are you and Troy doing this morning?"

I looked over at my love and said, "about the same I guess, there's been nothing to show that Troy is coming out of the coma."

"Well these things take time." Thomas said as he patted my shoulder. I suddenly felt warm and comforted in a major way. I looked up at him and saw him smiling down at me.

"But maybe I don't want them to take time," I sighed. "God Thomas!" I whimpered as I reached out and touched Troy's face. "I love him so much. I want him awake with me right now! I want to look into his eyes and tell him how much I love him."

"Go ahead and tell him," Thomas replied. "They say that if you are in a coma you can hear your loved ones talking to you. I'll leave you two alone." I watched as Thomas walked out. I shook my head wondering just why Thomas was hanging around. I really never saw him do any work. Sighing I turned back to my sweetie.

"Troy?" I asked softly. "I love you baby," I whimpered out. Tears flowed down my face. "I don't want to loose you. I know in my heart that I can't go on with out you. If you go, I go; it is as simple as that." I listened for an answer from him but all I got was the insidious beeping noises of the monitoring machines.

"Man," a voice said behind me. "You are ripe!" I jerked my head around to see JC standing there with his nose wrinkled. "Go home and take a shower Justin," he said bluntly. "Go home and get something to eat and get some rest."

"I'm not leaving him!" I grumbled out. "And you can't make me!" JC sighed as he sat down on the other side of Troy. "He is going to wake up, I just know it."

"What did you mean when you said, 'if you go, I go?" JC asked.

"What do you think it means?" I asked glaring at him.

"Justin, please tell me you are not thinking of doing anything stupid," JC pleaded with me. "Don't you dare check out on us. That is a very selfish thing to do."

"Hell," I huffed. "I would be doing every one of you all a favor," I muttered. "You all don't need me anymore anyway."

"What about Jerome?" JC hurled at me. "You are his father, you can't just forget about him."

"You and Nick will do a fine job of raising him," I replied.

"Does Jerome get a vote in this?" JC asked. Boy he sure was pulling out all the stops.

"I gotta get some fresh air," I mumbled. I hurried out of the room and headed up to the roof. The door was unlocked and I walked up and over to the ledge. I looked out over the city and breathed in the fresh crisp winter air. I shivered at the cold bite in the wind. I looked up and saw the stars shining bright. I caught the tail of a shooting star as it streaked across the night air. I wondered what soul had passed away tonight. I had always thought that shooting stars signaled the end of a life. Speaking of lives ending my mind drifted back to Troy. Why did God bring us together if we weren't meant to be? Why did he allow us to fall in love with each other? Was this some kind of cruel joke? Sighing I sat down on the ledge and looked down. Ten stories was high enough to do the trick.

"High enough to do what trick?" a voice sounded behind me.

From Matt's point of view.

"How is he?" a deep soft voice sounded in my ear. I looked up and into the warm soft eyes of my husband. I could feel the care and love pouring from him. I leaned back into his warm and soft embrace. His arms wrapped around me and cradled me against his chest.

"No change," I said sadly. "Justin is a wreck. I really don't think he should be left alone right now."

"Is anyone with him right now?" Kevin asked as his lips graced the back of my neck.

"JC is with him right now," I replied as I turned around and leaned my head against his chest. I tried hard not to yawn but I had been up all night long waiting to hear if Troy was going to be all right or not.

"Someone is sleepy," Kevin chuckled softly. "And someone needs to go to bed."

"Oh?" I asked grinning up at him. "And who is going to make me?"

"I am," Kevin giggled. And quicker than I could stop him he picked me up and carried me up the stairs and into our room. I was shocked to see that he had been busy up in the room. He had corner trees put up with white lights on it. The rest of the room was dark. "Do you like it?" Kevin asked grinning down at me. I nodded as he laid me down on the very soft confines of the bed. I watched in amazement as his hands begin to work its magic and begin to strip my clothes off of me. Soon I was completely naked and under his lustful gaze. "You are so beautiful!" His hand reached down and picked up my cock and lightly stroked it. I let out a small whimper. "You like that?" he asked in his seductive voice. I swallowed hard and nodded. He giggled softly and slipped the head of it into his mouth. I arched my back to drive it further down his waiting throat. I shivered as I felt him swallow again and again milking my cock and sending waves of orgasmic pleasure raging through me. After few more minutes of that and he had me shooting down his throat. Swallowing quickly he snuggled up to me and wrapped his arms around me. "There," he smiled at me as he ran his fingers through my hair. "Now I think you are ready to go to sleep."

"But what about you?" I asked looking down at the large tent in his shorts.

"You worry about you and Troy," Kevin replied softly. "And right now I want you to get some sleep. The blowjob will help you sleep baby." I had to admit that it did make me feel very relaxed.

"Ok but promise me you will wake when you hear something?" I asked looking up at him. He kissed me on the nose and nodded.

"I promise sweetie," he replied as he tucked me in. All too soon I had fallen asleep. But it wasn't a restful sleep as Kevin might have wanted from me. I was plagued with dreams of Troy dying. Troy was truly becoming a best friend and I didn't want to loose him. Finally at some point the nightmares stopped. Why? I was aware of closeness. A closeness I was longing for. That could mean only one thing.

From Kevin's point of view.

I watched Matt sleeping. My heart went out to him as he tossed and turned in the bed. His tears would flow out of his eyes every once in a while. Every once in a while he would whimper out Troy's name. With a heavy heart I slipped into the bed with him and wrapped my arms around him. I pulled him close to me and held him. After a while the sobs stopped and the whimpers as well. I could tell by his regular breathing that he had finally passed off into a deep sleep. Probably the first one in well over twenty four hours. After making sure he was sound asleep I slid out of bed and into a pair of sweats. I trotted down stairs and smiled at the sound of Mattie and Kevie baby talking and Tyler giggling at whatever they were doing. I walked into the living room and basked in the soft light from the holiday decorations. I felt the soft tugging on my arm. I looked down to see hopeful look in Tyler's eyes. "Yes Son?" I asked softly.

"Why is daddy all sad?" he asked as his cute little face turned sad. I knelt down so that I was face to face with the four year old.

"Do you remember Troy?" I asked. He nodded. "Well Troy had a bad accident and is in the hospital."

"Is he going to die?" Tyler asked.

"Well we hope not," I answered honestly. "But there is a chance that he might."

"Is that why daddy is all sad?" Tyler asked.

"Yes son," I replied as I stood up and walked over to the fireplace. "Your daddy is sad because he might loose a very good and very close friend."

"I want to make him happy!" Tyler said in a very serious tone of voice. "It is Christmas and he should be happy." My heart went out to Tyler. He really loved his daddy and wanted his daddy to be happy. I could understand that. I wanted my father to be happy when I was his age.

"Do you want to help me with something?" I asked.

"Will it make Daddy happy?" Tyler asked looking up at me with those cute adorable hopeful eyes of his.

"Yes," I smiled down at him. "I think that it just might do that." I Picked up Mattie who was holding out his little arms. I looked at Kevie and smiled at him. As usual the little guy was sleeping peacefully. I than took Tyler's little hand and we walked into the kitchen together. We had work to do. We were on a mission. We had a very sexy and cute adorable man who was upstairs napping to make happy. "Ok Tyler, we are going to make Christmas Cookies for your Daddy."

"But Daddy can't have sugar!" Tyler informed me looking serious. I had to smile at him. He looked so cute when he was in his serious mode.

"Don't worry sweetie," I chuckled. "These cookies are sugar free."

"That won't taste good," Tyler said scrunching up his little nose.

"Well these will," I smiled down at him. "You see there is this stuff called splendid. It is made from sugar but won't harm Daddy."

"Ok Pappa!" Tyler said clapping his little hands. "We will make Daddy Christmas Cookies to make him happy!" So the three of us got busy making Christmas Cookies for my lover.

From Justin's point of view.

"So what is high enough to do what trick?" Thomas asked from behind me.

"How the hell did you hear that?" I hurled at him glaring at him hard. "I didn't say that out loud!"

"Let's just say that I have a way figuring out what you are thinking and thinking of ending your life is not a good idea Justin," Thomas said sternly.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked. I stood on the edge of building and looked over the city. "I mean, really, who are you? I know you are not a nurse. I mean I've never seen you do any work. Instead all I see is you hovering over us."

"I'm a friend Justin," Thomas said softly. "A friend that doesn't want you throwing your life away." I took a step closer to the edge. If Troy was going to die than so was I. All the Doctors said that Troy's chances were slim. I looked back at Thomas. He was just standing there with this small smile on his face. "Justin," he started.

"Don't," I said harshly. "I don't know what you think I have planned."

"I know that you are planning on ending your life," Thomas said softly. "I know that would be a huge mistake on your part."

"Why?" I demanded. "Why would ending my life be a huge mistake? I mean am I so important that the world would come to a screeching halt if I ceased to be alive?"

"As a matter of fact," Thomas replied. "A very big part of the world would cease to function with out you in it."

"You obviously think to highly of us," I muttered. "In case you haven't noticed, NSYNC is on its last legs. It is all about seeing which one of us succeeds and which one of us falls flat on our face."

"Justin, there is something that you should know," Thomas said as he walked closer to me. "Troy is---,"

"Yea I know!" I shouted at him. "Troy is dying!"

"How can you be so sure?" Thomas asked.

"Because there is no God!" I screamed. "I mean what kind of God would let me fall in love with a great guy like Troy and than take him away from me?"

"Justin," Thomas said sadly. "God would not do that to you."

"You're right," I sneered. "Because there is no God."

"Justin, look at me," Thomas said. I glanced at him and saw a light surrounding him. "Look at me." The light grew brighter to the point where I had to close my eyes because of the brightness.

"What are you?" I stammered as I stepped down from the ledge.

"I am an angel," Thomas replied. "And God sent me to you in your most dire time of need."

"Why?" I asked as my heart filled with a warmth and comfort that I had never felt before. "Why would God care about me?"

"Because the Father loves you Justin," Thomas said. "He loves you so very much. And he has a message for you." By now I was standing beside him basking in the soft light and warmth coming from Thomas. The soft beams of light shot out from Thomas and exploded around me. Thomas reached out and touched the side of my cheek. "God wants you to live Justin; he wants you to live because he has a mission for you. As he has a mission for all of us."

"What would God have me do?" I stammered. I suddenly realized that my face was wet with tears. Thomas was softly wiping them from my face.

"God wants you to live, to be happy, and to love Troy with all your heart," Thomas replied.

"But Troy is dying!" I sobbed out.

"Oh my poor sweet beautiful Justin," Thomas said smiling. "Troy is not dying. In fact in a few short moments Troy will wake up and will wonder why his lover is not at his side."

"Troy is going to live?" I gasped out.

"Yes Justin," Thomas smiled again. "Troy is going to live. He is going to live and will want a full and happy life with you."

"Why?" I asked. "Why would Troy want me?"

"Because out of all the people in the world that could have him he chose you," Thomas answered. "He gave you his most precious gift that he had. Do you know what that gift was Justin?" I shook my head. "He gave you his virginity. He gave you his heart. And with that gift comes the greatest of responsibilities."

"What is it?" I asked. "What is the responsibility?"

"When a person gives himself fully to another like you and Troy have done than you each have a duty to love each other for as long as you are on this world, and until God calls you home," Thomas replied. "Now go," Thomas stepped aside. "Troy is waking. He will need you by his side." I watched in awe as Thomas slowly vanished from my eyes. His soft voice echoed in my ears. "And Justin, it is only on Christmas Eve that allows us Angels to work hand in hand with God to create the special miracles that are so many tonight." Soon I was left alone on the roof top. Shaking my self I hurried back into the hospital and down the flight of stairs. As I walked into the room where my lover lay I heard the Doctors voice.

"There is just not any hope for him," he said sadly. "I don't think that he will ever come out of the coma."

"That is where you are wrong," I said stepping into the room. "Troy is going to come out of this. I know it." The doctors looked at me like I was nuts. "Hey it's Christmas. Time for miracles and gentlemen," I paused making sure that I had all of their attention. "There will be a miracle here tonight."

"Mr. Timberlake," one of the doctors said as he stepped forward. "I know you have your hopes up but I think it is time to face facts that Troy is not coming out of this." A loud beeping came from the respirator. They all turned and looked at the machine. "Oh my God!" the Doctor breathed. "He is breathing on his own." Immediately the Doctors crowded around Troy's bed and begin to check him out. I noticed that his heart rate was increasing. I tried to get in between the doctors and touch him. Finally I was able to grab on to his hand.

"Troy?" I asked urgently. I felt him squeeze my hand and I smiled at him. "Come on baby," I said not caring that the doctors heard. "Come back to me baby. I love you and I miss you. Please Troy come back to me." I saw his eyelids flutter and than open. Immediately there was panic in them. "Baby," I said softly making sure that he could see me. His eyes latched onto mine. The hurt and pain and fear bored into mine. "You have tube in throat to help you breath." I touched the side of his face and he leaned into the touch. I felt a tear flow down my face. "God," I whispered. "I'm so happy to see you awake!"

"Mr. Timberlake?" a voice sounded to my left. I looked up at the doctor. "We are going to have to remove the tube from his throat. And we will have to do some tests. Can you please step out of the room for a few minutes?" I turned to Troy and saw the fear in his eyes again.

"Troy sweetie," I said running my hand down the side of his face. "The doctors have to do some work. I'm going to need to step out side of the room to let them do their work. I promise I'll be back as soon as I can." Troy swallowed a couple of times and nodded. I quickly kissed him on the forehead and left the room. Once outside I leaned against the wall and allowed the tears to flow freely. A pair of arms encircled me and pulled into his embrace. Once I inhaled I knew at once who it was.

"How is he?" JC asked as he rubbed my back.

"He is back," I sniffled. "He is back! He is going to live!"

"That is great Justin!" JC exclaimed. "Did you let Matt know?"

"He just woke up a few minutes ago," I replied. "Can you call him?"

"Sure," JC replied. "I'll head over there now and tell them. I have to see how Jerome is doing anyway."

"Thanks JC," I said kissing him on the cheek. I watched as JC walked down the hall. I jumped when the door opened.

"Mr. Timberlake?" the Doctor asked. I turned to look at him. "You can go in now." That was all I needed to hear. I couldn't get to him fast enough. I walked into the room and saw him sitting up in bed. His hair was mess and he was frowning at the nurse's aid who was drawing blood from Troy.

"Hey babe," I said softly. "Is he picking on you?"

"He is drawing my blood!" Troy said as he continued to glare at the poor nurse's aid.

"Now sweetie," I said as I sat next to him and placed my hand on his arm. "He is just doing his job." I shivered as Troy hand closed around mine.

"I know," Troy said with a grin. "So did you miss me?"

"Did I miss you?" I asked back grinning. "Baby of course I missed you." I noticed the fear and concern in his eyes again and I knew what it was for. "No more hiding sweetie," I said softly as I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I love you and I want the whole world to know it!" Troy swallowed hard and nodded. "Are you going to be ok with this?"

"More than ok with it," Troy said with a grin. Than I saw his eyes widened with panic. I saw tears start to flow.

"Baby?" I asked softly. "What's wrong?"

"Did I miss Christmas?" he asked with his bottom lip trembling. I had to smile because he looked like just a little kid.

"No sweetie," I cooed as I kissed on the forehead. "You didn't miss Christmas." I heard him breathe a sigh of relief. I also heard him yawn loudly. I looked at him and saw the rings around his eyes. "Someone needs to get some sleep."

"I don't want to sleep," he said with a pout. "I want to stay awake with you."

"Yes I know you do," I said softly. "But you just woke up from a coma and you need to rest." He nodded but I could tell he was not happy about it. I kissed him again on the lips. "Good night baby."

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

"I'm going to stay here with you," I smiled at him.

"You need to go home and get some rest too," he replied. "And I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Ok sweetie," I relented. "I'll go home and stay the night. But I will be back here first thing in the morning."

"Actually that won't be necessary," a voice sounded from behind me. I looked up to see the Doctor standing there. "I don't know how to explain it but Troy is fully recovered. He can go home with you." My heart filled with joy at the news. I looked up to heaven and thanked Thomas quietly to myself. "So Merry Christmas you guys."

"Merry Christmas Doctor," I smiled at him.

I swung the door open and stepped into our house. I loved the sound of that. Our house. A few hours ago I thought that I was going to loose Troy but here he was standing behind me all alive. "Welcome home sexy," I smiled down at him. He blushed as he always does when I call him a nice name. "Hey," I said softly. "What are you blushing for?" He shrugged his shoulder and looked down. "You are so beautiful," I breathed out as I kissed his lips. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Troy said in between a huge yawn. I giggled at him. "Hey!" he said with a pout. "Stop laughing at me!" I wrapped my arms around and pressed my lips to his. He folded into my embrace and I could feel that he was horny as hell.

"Some one is exited," I smiled at him. He blushed again and looked down. He didn't know but that drove me insane. He looked so damned sexy when he did that. "Can I make love to you?" I asked softly.

"Will you?" he asked hopefully.

"Of course I will baby, I love you," I whispered into his ear. I heard the clock strike twelve and I took his chin and tilted his head back so that I was looking into his incredible eyes. "Merry Christmas my love."

"Merry Christmas Justin," he smiled up at me. I took him by the hand and led him up the stairs.

From Matt's point of view.

I swung out of bed and grabbed my robe and pulled it on. I walked down the stairs with a heavy heart. Troy was still in a coma and probably was going to die. I fought back the tears as I stepped onto the landing. I walked into the living room and heard Kevin on the phone. "Thank God, JC," Kevin said into the receiver. "I'll be sure to tell Matt."

"Tell me what?" I asked softly as I wrapped my arms around Kevin's waist.

"Troy came out of the coma about an hour ago," Kevin replied. "And the doctors released him."

"What?" I asked shocked. "How can they just release him like that? He just got out of a coma."

"They can't explain it," Kevin said shrugging his shoulders. "It is like a miracle or something. Troy has made a full recovery."

"What?" I stammered. "Did you just say that he made a full recovery?" Kevin walked over to me and pulled me close to him. He smelled like fresh air. And his nose was cold too as he bent down and kissed me lightly on the lips. "You've been outside Mister," I scolded him.

"Yes I have," Kevin said blushing. "Tyler wanted me to check the chimney one more time." I had to laugh. "Well aren't you going rush over to Justin's house to see Troy?"

"No," I said snuggling up to him. "If I know Troy he is in the middle of some very serious lovemaking. And I don't want to come in between that. They will be over sometime tomorrow," I replied as I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the nose. "Now it is late and I am hungry. I want to eat."

"What are you hungry for?" Kevin asked as he placed my hand on his crotch.

"Behave mister!" I scolded him. "Or Santa will not come tonight."

"Ok I promise I'll behave," Kevin said with a grin. I let him guide me into the dining room and saw the dinner all spread out for me. He had the candles lit and wine chilling. Together we sat together to begin our private Christmas Eve.

The next morning at 5:30 From Kevin's point of view.

"Daddy!! PAPPA!!!" squealed a four year old boy. I let out a grunt as I felt the weight drop on to my stomach. "Santa came!!!" I opened on eye and looked at him and grunted. "Come on Pappa!! Get up and open presents!!"

"What time is it?" came a muffled voice from under the covers. That would be Matt. We finally got to bed at three. We had a tone of toys to wrap. Matt insisted on wrapping each one.

"It is 5:30 sweetie," I said softly. "Tyler is here."

"Merry Christmas Daddy!!!" Tyler squealed in Matt's ear. Matt sat up and I busted up laughing at the bed head. "Come on Daddy!" Matt demanded as he started to pull on Matt's arm. "Let's go open presents!!!

I watched with a grin as Matt and Tyler walked hand in hand out of the room. Than I remembered that this was Mattie and Kevie's first Christmas. I swung out of bed and ran into the nursery. I could hear Mattie babbling in his crib. I peaked over the crib and he smiled up at me. "Merry Christmas sweetie!" He giggled and wiggled his hands and feet for me. I reached down and picked him up and he snuggled closer to my bare chest. I quickly reached down and picked up a sleeping Kevie too. He opened his sleepy eyes and snuggled closer to me. I carried them both into the living room. Tyler was standing there with his eyes opened wide. The presents were under the tree. I looked at Matt and he was standing there looking down at his son. I coughed softly and he looked up at me. He held out his arms and I deposited Mattie in them. "Merry Christmas Sweetie," I said softly as I kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Merry Christmas," he whispered back as he placed his forehead on mine. I felt the little arms wrap around my leg and I looked down to see a smiling Tyler grinning up at me. It truly was a Merry Christmas. One that I would never forget. We heard the ringing of the doorbell and I went to open it.

Outside the Richardson's Beach House from Justin's point of view.

"Do you think they will be ok with it?" Troy asked me looking up at me. I could read the fear in his eyes.

"It is really not up them to be ok with it," I replied kissing him gently on the nose. "Us moving out to California is between us." I heard a soft cough and I looked up to see Kevin staring at us.

"So you two are moving to California?" Kevin asked.

"Yes," I said firmly. "Troy and I want to start our lives together."

"Matt is not going to be happy," Kevin sighed.

"Frankly Kevin," I said frowning. "This isn't about Matt. This about Troy and me getting on with our lives together. And that is something that we all should do. It is time for us all to go our separate ways and live our lives separate and apart from each other."

"You know something Justin?" Kevin said nodding. "Maybe you're right. Maybe it is time that we all lived our lives separate. But in the mean time come on in and join us for Christmas." I smiled and guided Troy into the house. I was dreading telling Matt and I could tell that Kevin wasn't too happy about it either. "Let's wait until after Christmas."

"Wait until after Christmas for what?" Matt asked.

"Troy and I are moving out to California," I blurted out.


Well well well, How will Matt take that?

Side note. Only one more chapter to go!

E-mail me.

Next: Chapter 76: Get Another Boyfriend 3 18

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