Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Oct 7, 1999


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It includes discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

*NOTE: Wow, I know it's been a while, folks. My computer had...problems. I don't know what kind; I'm not that knowledgable about the things. But while it was getting fixed, I wrote parts 8 through 12. So look for all of those soon. Glad to see you hadn't given up on me!

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil e-mail me at

Part VIII ---------

The knock is barely loud enough to wake me up. I instantly wake up from the excitment as I remember what this morning's plans are. Kevin, AJ, Howie, and Nick are standing on the other side of the door. I motion them into my room.

Howie asks, "What's the big surprise? Kevin won't tell us." I notice he has his video camera.

"Oh, you'll see soon enough. I want to tell you this: Let's just not laugh at him when he wakes up. Let's pretend everything's normal and let him find out for himself." They get confused looks. "Just trust me." They shrug their shoulders and agree. I silently creep over to the connecting doors. I open it and tip-toe over to Brian's bed. They circle around the bed.

The cover is hiding half of his face, so I pull it back. Immediately Nick and AJ run back to my room. They leave a crack in the door, so we can hear them burst out in laughter. Howie chuckles and shakes his head. He then pull the camera up to his eye and hits the Record button. He whispers, "This is Brian after one of his nights at his second job as a different_kind of performer." Kevin starts to laugh and has to bite his fingers to stop. Nick and AJ walk back into the room and almost bust out in laughter again, but they hold it.

AJ says to the camera, "I don't know who taught him to put on make-up, but bright red lipstick doesn't mesh well with that silver eyeshadow."

Nick: "That blush is nice on him, but it's a bit too much. And it's uneven."

Kevin and I look at each other. I say, "So we're not cosmetologists. But we tried."

Kevin realizes what I said and that it's going to be recorded, so he blurts out, "HE isn't the cosmetologist, but HE tried it. It's all HIS doing." Howie gets him pointing at me. I point back and mouth "Him too, Brian, him too."

We waited a couple more minutes before we decided that I should wake Brian up. I slowly sit down on the bed, put my hand on his chest, and gently shake him. His head tosses, but he doesn't wake up. Then I shake more forcefully and whisper "Brian." Still nothing. So I lower my head to his ear and blow into it. His eyes open. First he looks at me and smiles. He begins to wrap his arms around me, but then I motion to the other guys in the room. He looks and says, "Why are you all here? And what is wrong with you all?" The others have their hands over their mouths, trying to conceal their smiles and laughter.

I put my hand under his chin and pull his head back to face me. "We just thought we'd get you up now because you have a busy day." I have no idea how I'm keeping a straight face through all of this. Yeah, Kevin and I really screwed it up. Looks like a cheap Picasso.

"Well, thanks, I guess....I gotta go." I get up to let him out of the bed. It's close. He enters the bathroom, but doesn't close the door all the way. So we have to listen to him relieve himself. Then the toilet flushes and the sink water starts.

"WHAT THE...?!?!?" The water stops and he storms back out into the room, right towards me and Kevin. He doesn't say a word; he doesn't have to. The expression on his face is enough. I suck my lips into my mouth and bite them to stop from laughing. Kevin, however, isn't so successful, as the laughter bursts from his mouth and he crunches over. The other Boys follow suit. I'm still holding it in, but barely. "You all think this is funny, don't you?"

"Yes!" Everyone says simultaneously. He gives me a look that makes me wish it would kill me. He then notices that Howie has his camera. "Gimme that!" He rips it from Howie's hands, which are now weak from the laughter. He turns it off and tosses it onto the bed. Then he goes back to the bathroom and slams the door. I quickly motion everyone into my room. Howie grabs his camera before he comes. Once we're in, I close and lock the connecting doors.

"I am so dead." I shake my head as I say it.

"I have to relinquish my title as Group Prankster to you for that one" Nick says. I take a bow and make the Victory sign with my hands, which makes them laugh and clap. Then we hear Brian in the next room slamming drawers as he picks out his clothes. "Should I go back in there?" I ask them.

Kevin answers. "I think you'd better. We don't need him to be like this all day."

I open the door. Brian is tying his shoes. When he hears me, he looks up at me, then resumes his shoe-tying. "What do you want?"

"Oh, Brian, calm down. It was just a little prank. If I knew you were going to be such a big baby abou"

"I am NOT being a big baby about it! You don't know how embarassing it is! I have to work with these guys all day. And they're my best friends. And you, who are supposed to love me...."

"I DO love you, Brian. Stand up here. Brian, stand up." After deliberating, he stands up. I walk over to him and say, "It wasn't that bad, was it? So yeah, you were a little embarassed. It's not like everyone in the world saw you. It was just a little prank. I think you got a bit too crazy over it."

He looks into my eyes, and then he gives up. "I'm sorry I acted like such an ass. I have to apologize to the guys." He turns to leave, but I catch his arm.

I get a seductive look in my eyes. "Hey, you wanna know what would really turn me on?"

He turns to face me and asks, "What's that?"

"Have you ever tried....freestyling it for a day?"

"You mean?" And he motions down to his crotch.

"Yeah. Just today. See if you like it."

"Alright." He walks into the bathroom, and moments later, he comes out with the underwear in his hand. "A bit uncomfortable now."

"You'll get used to it. Just thinking about you being free is turning me on." If he knew I had another prank in mind, he'd kill me for sure.

We walk out of his room to see the other Backstreet Boys waiting for the elevator. "Hey, guys, I'm really sorry for acting like that."

Nick says, "It's okay, Rok, we forgive you." Everyone else says, "yeah" and pats him on the back. Kevin whispers something in his ear, then Brian says, "That's alright. I'll get him back." I look at Kevin like a traitor. He smiles a little grin.

The hostess leads us to our table way in the back. We have to walk by almost every table to get to it. Now would be good, but I know I'd really upset him if I pulled it off now. I'll wait for the meeting at one.

Nick orders, "I'll have two pancakes"

Everyone else finishes: "with strawberries and whipped cream, three slices of bacon, and a large orange juice." The waitress is dumbfounded.

"Hey, am I that predictable?"

Brian answers, "Only when it comes to food."

AJ starts, "Why don't you order next, Ms. Li" I kick his leg under the table. "OW!" I knew he would be the one to bring it up, so I made it a point to sit across from him.

Kevin asks, "What's wrong, AJ?"

"Oh, nothing. I just need to crack my knees." He gives me a look, and I return it with a pleading one. He gives up and doesn't mention it for the rest of breakfast.

Back in Brian's room. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?"

"No, Brian, I have some other business stuff to attend to. I myself have a meeting with your management. I don't know what they want to talk to me about."

"Well, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too. Now you'd better get moving or you'll be late. Wouldn't want to disappoint all your fans." He rolls his eyes and kisses me goodbye.

"Ah, Mr. Paige, nice to finally meet you."

"Oh, please, just Chris. Nice to meet you too."

Blah, blah, blah....

After the meeting was over, I have my arms full of papers and documents. And they now have somebody to blame if the Backstreet Boys are late for or mess up anything. I go back tot he hotel and change out of this shirt and tie before meeting them for lunch.

"So, how was your meeting with management?" Kevin asks.

"Fine, I guess. They gave me copies of your tour schedule, flight schedule, and hotel schedule. I'm surprised they didn't give me a chart of when you guys go to the bathroom." They laugh. "And they gave me hotel numbers, emergency numbers, home numbers, apartment numbers, addresses, everything. It's going to take me a while to get all this organized and come up with a system for myself."

"Well, you can do it. Nice to know I can finally relax a little." Kevin stretches his arms and puts them behind his head.

AJ: "Puh-leez! Relaxing for you is not starching your underwear when you iron it." Everyone except Brian laughs.

Nick says, "Uh-oh, I think this means that Kevin will actually have time for dates!" Kevin was shocked because his excuse for not going on dates was ruined. "Who should we fix him up with first?"

"NO, none of you are fixing me up. I think I can find my own girlfriend."

"Blegh...girls" I say as I cringe. They all smile and look at Brian, who has spaced out into his own little world. They look back at me, and I just shrug and motion for them to forget about it.

We chatted for a couple more minutes, then we had that meeting at the studio. I slap Brian on the leg to bring him back to reality. "Let's go, hon. Studio meeting."

"Oh, right. Yeah, let's go."

"Hey, guys."

Howie says, "Hi, Carl. How's it going?"

"Fine. I just might have to tie you all down so you don't take off this time."

I look at Brian and say, "Oooh, kinky." Carl and the others laugh. Brian nods and smiles.

Long retangular table. Brian at one end; me at the other. The other Boys and the studio people are on the sides, discussing the mixing and other stuff. When I knew that he was watching me, I'd play with my ears and roll my eyes back like I was enjoying it. Or I'd stick the end of my pen in my mouth and lick around it. Just little stuff that nobody else would notice. I knew it was working because he'd shift around in his chair a little.

"Well, I guess that's it! We can have those sound samples arranged in a couple hours. So I'll call you guys." The studio people stand, so the Boys do too. Brian started to stand, but realized he had a little (well, not so little) problem. He quickly sat back down and looked at me.

I tease him, "What's wrong Brian?" The studio people are leaving. Just me and the Backstreet Boys in the room.

"I just got up too quickly. Got light-headed."

"Well come on then. It should be gone by now." We both knew what I was talking about.

"No, still there."

Nick, who talked to the studio people a little longer as they were leaving, comes back and asks, "What's the matter?"

"The pretty teacher just called Brian to the front of the room, but he doesn't have any books to carry with him." I couldn't help it. This was just too funny. The other Boys looked at each other before they realized what I meant. Howie starts to laugh first, then AJ. Kevin shakes his head, and Nick covers his eyes.

"Christopher Paige, I am going to kill you."

"You'll have to get up first." Then I start to laugh. He does stand, slowly. AJ runs to get a side view of Brian then assures us, "Yeah, it's down." Brian shakes his head, but he smiles. We leave and get into the limo.

Nick starts the teasing. "Well, that meeting wasn't so hard."

"No, at least they're not shafting us this time."

"Hey! Look at that construction site. They must be erecting a building."

This continued the whole way back to the hotel. Brian just sat there looking out the window, his face as red as anything I've ever seen. I really feel bad for doing this to him.

My room.

"You know you have to be punished for that." Brian gives me a stern look with a slight smile.

"Why do you think I did it?" He removes his braided belt. "Uh, Brian, I really don't think so." He looks at the belt and laughs just a little.

"Not quite what I had in mind." He puts his hand on my back and leads me to a chair. He sits me down and belts my arms and stomach to the chair. He bends over and kisses me. His tongue forces its way into my mouth as he plays with my hair. I let my tongue slip into his. He stands back up and removes his shirt. He sticks his left nipple into my face, and I lick and bite it. Then he suddenly runs out of the room. Where did he go? And why did he leave me like this?

My questions are answered. A couple minutes later, he comes back in, followed by Nick, Howie, AJ, and Kevin. They all line up in front of me. Then they pull squirt guns from behind their backs.

"Don't you even think abou" Water. Right in my face, and on my body. I twist and turn my head to avoid it. Then I realize there's nothing I can do, so I just give up and sit there. After a few minutes of squirting me, they run out of water. I'm drenched, and so is the floor around me. I open my eyes and look at Brian. "Pretty good, Mr. Littrell, pretty darned good."

"Thank you. But I couldn't have done it without my associates here." The others bow their heads and laugh.

"Now you can undo this belt so I can kick your ass."

"Oh, no, no, no. We have another little surprise for you. Nick?"

Nick nods and says, "I'll be right back." He leaves. I notice that Kevin and Howie seem a bit uneasy. They both turn from me, and Kevin scratches the back of his neck. Howie goes into the far corner of the room to sit in a chair. Kevin leans up against the bedpost. AJ still stands there, smiling and inwardly congratulating himself. Brian goes over and puts his water gun down on the floor. Nick returns with a small box and hands it to Brian. He smiles and opens the lid.

A snake. Couldn't have been 7 inches long, but still a snake. As soon as I see it, I feel my whole body tense up. Brian lets it crawl along his hands. Then he turns to me.

"Brian, don't.....pleeeeease don't...." I'm actually begging. The tears are forming in my eyes and I feel my breathes get short and fast. Brian just smiles.

"You knew I had a fear of heights, but you made me face them. Now I'm returning the favor."

The tears stream down my face as he steps towards me.

"" I close my eyes and turn my head as far away from the snake as I can.

"Brian, I think this has gone far enough" I hear Kevin say.

"Oh, no, I don't think so." Judging by his voice, I know he's right in front of me.

The fear takes over. Somehow, I get up with the chair still strapped to me and run as best I can. Don't know where to, but out of this room. I end up in Brian's room, where I fall head first into the floor. I don't even think about being injured, I just want away from the snake. As I cry, I feel somebody undo the belt and pick up the chair. I look up, and it's Howie.

"You're hurt. Your head's bleeding. Wait right here." He runs to the bathroom and returns with a wet cloth. He holds it to my head, and I hear screaming from my room. I turn my head just a little to see the connecting doors are closed. My heart is still pounding, but my breathing is slowing. "Calm down, Chris, calm down."

"I can't! Why'd he...? What's...?" I can't even think to complete a sentence. I start to cry again.

" quiet for just a minute." He wipes some tears from my face. I curl up into a ball on the floor; he keeps holding the cloth to my face.

"I feel like I'm going to pass out, Howie."

"You're not. You were just scared. This cut on your head isn't so bad. Can you sit up a bit?" I manage to sit up. I look in the direction of my room, then to Howie.

"Kevin's taking care of it. Neither of us wanted this to happen, but Brian insisted." When he said Brian's name, I cried again. I sobbed for a couple of minutes, then I put my hand on the cloth on my head.

"I got it."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Howie."

"No problem. I didn't realize you were that afraid of snakes."

"Oh, yes. And I really hate Brian for doing this to me. He knows I hate them! He knows it! Why'd he do this to me?" I didn't expect Howie to answer the question. I can feel the angst rising in me. My breathing gets deep, and I know I get a scowl on my face.

"Ok, calm down. I'm sure he didn't mean for anything this bad to happen. Let me look at your head." I move the cloth so he can see. "Nah, not so bad. I don't think stitches will be required. I'm going to get another wash cloth." He jogs to the bathroom and returns with one. I replace the old one and see that what used to be a white cloth is totally red.

I stand up, Howie helping me. I go to the connecting door and open it. Kevin was yelling, but he stopped when he heard me. Brian, AJ, and Nick are sitting on my bed. Brian stands and starts pleading, "Chris, baby, I'm sorry. I thought I could help." He walks right up to me. I turn my back and start crying again. Not crying out of fear but out of what I'm about to do. With all the hate and fear I just felt, I turn back around and punch him right in the stomach. He crumbles over, but still stands. I turn him to his room and, letting the bloody cloth fall from my forhead, use both hands to push him into his room. I slam my connecting door and lock it. Drops of blood trickle down my face, but I don't care about that now. I turn back to Nick and AJ, who have terrified looks on their faces. "Out." They quickly obey. I bend to pick up the cloth, but I get light-headed and fall to my knees. Howie and Kevin come to my sides. Then blackness.

-----The Dream-----

The pit. The green snake. The hiss "now". Three red snakes. Green one attacks, injects me with something that makes me grow. I climb out of the pit and see Brian covered in snakes. I throw them off of him. He doesn't move. I touch his face. A slight glow appears over my hand and his face as I make contact. The glow seems to be pulling me into Brian.

-----Back to Reality-----

"...say it was the shock, not the blood loss. I think I'd better put a patch on him just to make sure. Oh, he's waking up." A tall man. Well, he looks tall to me because I'm laying down. Kevin appears beside him.

"Chris? Chris, can you hear me?"

"...mmmmm....yeah.....what happened? Where am I?"

"You passed out. We're still in your hotel room. You've been out for almost two hours. This is Dr. Toth."

"Hello, Chris. Seems you had quite a shock. Too much for your body so soon after...recuperating from the sleeping pills." He bends over me and wipes the wound on my head. It stings at first, but then he puts a patch on it.

"Who else is here?"

Kevin answers, "Me, Dr. Toth, and Brian." I turn my head right (my neck hurts) to see Brian in the corner chair with his legs tucked under his chin. It looks like he's been crying. I want to run over and hug him and tell him that I'm fine and we're going to be alright, but my body won't let me.

Seeing me begin to move my legs, Dr. Toth says, "I think you'd better stay laying here for a while. We've ordered you some food to get your strength back."


"Well, Mr. Richardson, I think my work here is done. Call me if anything else happens." Kevin leads him to the door; they chat for a bit. As I watch them go, my eyes stop on Brian. He's looking at me. I jerk my head towards me to signal him to come over. He slowly gets up, walks over to the bed, and kneels down to my side. I hold a hand out, and he takes it.

"Brian, are we going to be alright?"

"I hope so.... I want us to be."

"Then we are." I smile. He smiles too and kisses me. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Like he didn't know.

"Hitting you, genius. Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Just knocked the wind out of me. And I think I deserved it."

"No, you didn't. I don't know what got into me."

"Let's just not talk about it any more, okay?"

"Okay." We look into each others' eyes. "I love you, Brian."

"I love you too, Christopher."

I look past him to make sure nobody else is in the room. "What were you thinking about? Today, before the meeting at the studio."

He thinks about it. "I wasn't thinking about anything in particular. Just letting my mind wander."

Liar. "Oh, that's understandable. I do that sometimes."

"Food's here!" Kevin announces as he walks in with a tray of food.

"Are the guys joining us? I'd like it if they did." Brian smiles at this and leaves to go to their rooms.



"What does Brian think about? I know he tells you things."

He looks from the food to me, then back to the food. He covers the steak back up and shakes his head. "I can't tell you anything. It's not my place. Now, do you need help getting up to eat?"

Dinner was as nice as I think it could have gotten, considering the circumstances. AJ and Nick apologized to me first thing when they saw me. Of course I accepted their apologies. However, I noticed Howie and Kevin were still a bit, just a bit, angry at them. When I saw the opportunity, I whispered for them to forget about it. They agreed.

"Sorry for being such a party-pooper, but I'm beat. And now I have to kick you all out of my room." Brian was reluctant at first, but he didn't fight with me. He left with the food cart to his room, and the others left to go to theirs.

Wow, long day. Then I remember the new part of my dream. A glow that pulls me into Brian. What does that mean?

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 9

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