Getting the Flava of Peter

By Jon Coldland

Published on Jul 6, 2001



Disclaimer: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

This is my first attempt at writing a story and I hope that you enjoy reading it. Please email me with your thoughts, comments and suggestions, they would be much appreciated.


The club was heaving and I'd managed to lose all my mates whilst queing at the bar for them. I did about 5 laps of the place, looking high and low for a familiar face, before I found a seat on the upper level, looking down on the dancefloor. I thought it was the perfect position to see someone I knew....and it turned out I was right.

I was looking down carefully when I suddenly saw a familiar face. It wasn't any of my mates though, I wasn't disappointed either. There in the middle of the dancefloor was Peter Andre. There were a few girls around him, but generally not too much fuss was made.....probably due to nobody hearing about him for the last few years. He wore a pair of black jeans and a hugging white T-shirt that showed off his pecs. I'd forgotten just how gorgeous the guy was, and this adonis was dancing seductively, just a few metres below. I sat and watched him all evening, remembering all those pictures I used to jack-off in front of, remembering his music videos, wanting to be that girl in the 'I feel you' video, imagining kissing and licking up that torso of his. My dick was getting hard at the very thought of him. The night passed quickly and I was lost in my dream world, my friends were no longer a concern. And then, as I walked out of the club, I saw Peter again, he said goodbye to a friend and then headed off in my direction.

I followed him, not exactly following him since I was heading the same way, but I walked at his pace, so that I didn't get to close, or too far away. "This is stupid" I thought to myself. "I might as well go up to him, what have I got to lose?" I came up with an excuse and quickened my pace. As I got right up behing him I finally opened my mouth. "Excuse me.....erm I'm really sorry to bother're not by any chance Peter Andre are you?" There, an ice-breaker I thought.

"Yeah" he chuckled "Yeah I am. Its been a long time since someone's recognised me" he said smiling.

I smiled back. "Errr, I....don't suppose I could have your autograph for my sister, she's a big fan." There, my line to talk to him. A complete lie, but he'd never know!

"Sure, you got any thing to use?"

I pulled out a small bit of paper and handed it to him. "She'll be so happy." I said "this will really make her year!"

"Have you got a pen?" He asked. My euphoric mood turned to disappointment.

"'t" I said checking my pockets. My face dropped.

He saw my mood change. "Look, I'll tell you what" he said. "I'm staying about five minutes walk from here, if you can delay getting home, I reckon I've got some pictures there I could sign."

"Really? Ah that would be fantastic if you could. Are you sure its not too much trouble?"

"Too much trouble?" he laughed. "Its been months since anyone asked me, I'm jusy grateful some people still recognise me! Come on, its not far."

At that we set off, chatting about the club and how the evening had gone. We then turned up at an appartment block and I followed him up to the third floor, looking at how his jeans cradled his muscular butt as he went up the stairs ahead of me. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and let us in.

"Make yourself comfortable" he said pointing to a cream couch as he headed past the breakfast bar to the fridge. "Want anything?" he asked.

"No I'm fine thanks. This is a nice place."

"I'm borrowing off a mate. He's away for a few days."

"So anyway, what is it that you've been upto? Its been ages since I've heard about you."

"Yeah, my second album didn't really do too well, so I've just been doing this and that, generally messing around."

"You shouldn'y have stopped taking your top off, you would probably still be huge now!" I smiled to show it as a joke as opposed to an insult.

"Yeah the girls did scream when my shirt came off, boy did they love it!" he chuckled.

"They weren't the only ones!" As I said this, I tried, I really did try, to stop my mouth from moving, or my vocal cord produce sound but as if in a fantasy sequence, I'd said it. I turned bright red and hoped he hadn't heard.

"So, did you like it when I took my top off?" he chuckled.

"That's err......thats not what I errrrr.......I meant to say that you errr, must have errrr, had a lot of errr, well, gay fans." I spluttered.

"Really. So you're not telling me that you like me then?"

" was errr, just err, thinking that errr, in todays errr, modern society, that err, you shouldn't just class society as, errr, boy err, meeting girl, if you errr, see what I mean." I felt myself burning up as I spoke, it was like someone had wacked the central heating up to full blast.

"As long as we've got that sorted then." He walked over to the couch and grabbed my right hand with his left. "so this wouldn't turn you on in any kind of way then?" As he spoke he held my hand to his stomach. The firmness of his sixpack was incredible, my dick began to grow. Thoughts were flashing through my mind now. I mean this guy isn't gay surely. All the interviews I'd read and the number of times I'd seen how he acted pointed to a 100% straight guy. Surely he wasn't entertaining the idea of being with another man. His right hand reached down to my crotch. "Mmmmmmm, he said softly, it seems like you're enjoying it." My dick was stood to attention, as hard as steel. He pulled me to my feet. "Follow me." he said with a grin.

I did as he asked and walked behind him, staring at his butt again as he led me to the bedroom. He led me to the middle of the room, the lights were dimly on. "Is this what you wanted to see?" he asked as he lifted his t-shirt ever so slowly over his head. First, I saw the six-pack, then came the pecs and broad shoulders and then he stood there, muscular arms down by his side and that torso that I'd fantasised about so many times, expose in front of. He wore a gold chain around his neck which bent down and up again as it passed through the crevices defining each muscle on route. He drew me in close and place d a delicate kiss on my lower lip. He moved his mouth round to my left ear and gently nibbled at the lobe. "Is this what you want?" he whispered. "Is this what you've fantasised about?"

"Mmmmmm yes" I moaned soflty, my hans runnig over his strong, muscular back.

"I'm glad. I'm glad I make you happy. I'm glad that I'm making your dreams come true. Now, you're going to do anything I ask, ok?"

"Mmmmmm, anything for you."

"I'm glad about that. You're gonna be my little fuck puppy. You're gonna obey all of your masters commands, otherwise you won't get your treat." He moved away from me and sat on the side of his huge double bed. "Now take your clothes off." I did as he asked and stood there in front of him, my dick erect and aching for relief. Slowly i ran my right hand up and then down the shaft, pulling the skin tight down at my balls. "Mmmmmmm yeah" I groaned.

"Stop now you little fuck boy." Said Peter. "Put your arms bye your side and come here." I walked over to the bed as he stood up. I waled up to him, feeling the heat of his body. He put his right hand round my neck and pulled me in for a deep, sensual kiss. Our tongues inter-twined and I put my arms around his shoulders. His left hand grabbed hold of my butt, needing the flesh. He broke the kiss and whispered to me again. "Undress me fuck boy." The feel of his warm breath against my neck sent shivers down my spine. I looked down to see that he wasn't wearing any shoes, so instead I grabbed the buckle of his belt and undid it. I pulled at his button on his jeans, and then the three buttons that made up the flies. As these buttons came away, I felt his dick, straining to be released from his CK boxers. I reached inside his trousers at the back and pushed them down, allowing the palms of my hands to run along those butt cheeks. They were so firm it was untrue. Peter was holding me close all the time, kissing and nibbling around my ears and neck. I hooked my thumbs under the waistband of his CK's. "Wait." he whispered. "Get on your knees fuck boy, use your teeth."

"Yes sir." I replied.

"Sir." he said with a smirk. "Yeah, you can call me that all the time now." His strong hands pushed my shoulders down and I came to rest staring at he large pouch, straining for release. I bit down on the waistband just above his dick, and slowly pulled down. "At a boy" said Peter. His dick, finally free, started to straighten out to its eight inches. I let the boxers fall from my mouth and gently, licked at the head of his dick. "Ohhh yeahhh" moaned Peter. I couldn't believe it, my first taste of dick and it was Peter Andre's. I was in heaven. "Ohhh yeahhh. Suck me you horny fuck" he moaned. I took the head inbetween my lips and gently rolled the foreskin back. Slowly I took more of the shaft in. I took about 6 inches before withdawing and then got 6 1/2. I took his balls in my mouth and sucked on them, playing with them with my tongue. "Ooooohh Mannnn yeahhhh." he groaned. I went back to his shaft. As I closed my lips around it I felt his hands on the back of my head. This time there was no stopping, he pushed me all the way down his shaft, I almost gagged. He held my head there for a few seconds before releasing it and then ramming his dick down my throat once more. His hips began to thrust into me as he started face fucking me. With one final thrust he forcefully threw his hips forward and held my head tight around his shaft as he came with a roar "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH that" Wave after wave of cum filled my mouth and I managed to swallow every last drop of his tasty juice, before he sat back on the bed hunched over and I collapsed at his feet.

After a few moments, he bent down a picked me up, on to my feet. He kissed mr passionatley. I ran my left arm over his strong back, my right grabbed hold of his firm butt carressing the skin. He pushed down onto the my back on the middle of the bed and moved down to the end. He crawled onto the bed and over me, till his face was over mine. He lay on my, kissing me again. He started to gring his hardening dick against mine. My hands cupped his firm arse cheeks. His right hand grabbed hold of miy dick as well as his own, which was fully erect again. His fingers closed around them and he began thrusting. It didn't take long for the excitement to get to me and I came, squirting cum between our torso's. After I stopped bucking, he rolled off me.

"Someone's gonna have to get me clean." he said. I moved over and began licking his chest. Licking all that cum off his chest, down what seemed like huge valleys between his muscles. Down to his six, or should that be eight pack? He gently used his arms to move me next to him, lying on my front, and he rolled on top of me. "And now for the final act." he said.

The index finger of his right hand traced a line over my hole and along my crack. Suddenly his dick entered quickly and forcefully, all eight inches. Slowly, he withdrew before entering with just as much force and speed again. He began kissing my neck and back and slowed his pace. His right arm reached round my somach pulling me up, guiding me onto my knees. He held my back, parallel to the bed. "This seems appropriate doesn't it my little fuck puppy" he said between breaths. He continued fucking my arse and reached around to my hard as steel dick, jerking me off. Then, together we moaned and started to cum together. Peter collapsed next to me and pulled my head onto his chest. There we spent the night fast asleep me in his strong embrace.

To be continued???

I hope you've enjoyed the story. I may continue the story if the response is favourable. Any suggestions as to how the story could be continued would be gratefully received. Suggestions as to who the owner of the apartment could be would be good, maybe he could be inroduced.

If you have any ideas of celebs that you'd like to read about together, but don't have time to write it yourself then suggestions will be noted for future dtories. Wither celeb/celeb or more!! or you/celeb and more, or even mr/celeb and maybe more!!

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