Getting to Know Him

By Phil Ward

Published on Jun 25, 2012


This is a story based on something that has happened to me recently.

"Paul, How do I do this again?"

My friend was sat beside me in the computer lab of our university. It was snowing heavily outside and it was pretty late

"I have to walk home in that" I thought to myself before turning to my friend.

We're both games design students and we'd been working on our respective levels for weeks trying to get little things done to it so it was as good as possible.

"What's up?" I said to him.

"I just can't seem to get this sequence right; I think it might be in the wrong order"

"Scooch over I'll take a look"

I spent the next 30 minutes or so explaining to him what he was supposed to do and eventually he got it. We were quietly getting on with work for another hour when I heard the lab door open and close, I didn't even bother to look, people are coming in and out all the time.

"Hey Nathan, haven't seen you in a few days" my friend said to someone.

"Yea I've been busy with my own things" he has such a soothing voice.

My curiosity got the better of me and I turned around and saw a tall blonde guy stood next my friend, both completely oblivious to me and my watching of them as my friend showed off his level.

"You know what would be really awesome? If you added some Battle Star Galactica music to your level"

Now that perked my interest; I had recently just finished watching that and loved it.

"Maybe" my friend replied "I just wanna get it sorted for now"

"Which piece of music were you thinking of?" I said out loud, which got the reaction of them both.

"Oh I dunno, I'd have to see the whole level. Are you a fan of the series?" Nathan said to me.

"Yea I just watched the whole thing last week, it was awesome" I replied back to him enthusiastically. "I've ordered myself Caprica for Christmas, have you seen that?"

"No not yet, might look into it at some point" he was looking outside at the snow. "I think I'd best head off dude I might get stuck in this" he gave my friend a nod.

"Well before you why don't I add you to my facebook and I'll let you borrow Caprica after Christmas when I'm done with" I opened facebook on my computer and logged in.

"Sure why not, saves me buying it" he came over and added in his name and I added him as a friend. "I'll accept it tonight when I get home, might be a while though since it is snowing like nothing else."

"Sure no problem, I'm gonna head home a bit later on so I'll speak to you later" I smiled at him as he headed to the door.

He waved at our mutual friend and left.

"It seems you've made a new friend there." My friend gave me a nudge.

"Seems like it" I said back to him "Where does he live?"

"Oh about 30 minutes away by train but in this weather god knows"

"Ah, well I hope he gets home ok" I said standing up to get a better look at the snow and to see him walk over the road towards the train station.

We spent the next few hours working on our respective levels, the lab getting emptier and emptier.

"Oh god I'm so stiff" my friend gave a massive stretch, his shirt coming up to reveal his fuzzy belly.

"I don't wanna know about your sexual frustrations dude" I gave him poke in the stomach as is my custom to any of my friends who dare to stretch like that around me.

"Screw you, I'm saving this bad boy for someone special" He said laughing as he pulled his shirt back down.

"Who? Your right hand?"

"Nah man you know I'm left handed" he said to me as he gave a mime of wanking.

"Well you enjoy that." I looked down at the time on the computer. "Ah crap its nearly closing up time, we'd best save and get out of here" no sooner had I said that that he was getting his big winter coat on and putting his stuff in his bag.

We were walking down the road towards our student places; he lived a bit further down that me so we were able to walk home together most nights.

"You got any plans for tonight?" I asked in idle conversation

"Not really, I'll most likely just have something eat and go straight to bed; this cold is sapping all my energy."

"No time for some alone time then" I remarked sticking my tongue out at him.

"Shush you"

We talked for the 5 or 10 minutes it took to get my house, we said our goodbyes and I went inside.

"Cold as usual" I thought as I stepped through the door into a dark house. We couldn't really afford to have the heating on so we just wrapped up.

Making my way up the stairs I had climbed a million times since I started university and could hear one of my housemates going at it with his girlfriend.

"Lucky bitch" I thought "Wish I could find someone to fuck me"

Once inside the safety of my tiny room I dumped my bag and coat and switched on my computer. As soon as I sat down I heard my stomach growl, my housemate must have heard it as well because a few minutes later he was knocking on my bedroom door.

"Come in" I shouted through the door.

He came in wearing the musk of recent sex and plopped himself on my bed also wearing a satisfied looked on his face; I might also add that's all he was wearing.

"Aren't you cold like that?" I asked him, looked him up and down clearing lingering on his slightly slick cock. This guy was definitely a shower and not a grower; though I hadn't seen it fully hard it had to be about 7 inches soft and probably didn't get much bigger hard.

"Nah, got plenty of things to keep me warm. We're gonna order some pizza do you want some?"

I thought for a few minutes, looking at his cock again.

"Sure why not, I haven't eaten since this morning."

"Awesome" he bounded up off my bed, this boy sure had some energy in him. "The usual?"

"Yea but make it a small I haven't got much money this week." I said throwing some coins on the bed.

"Righto, I dunno how long it'll take to get here though with all the snow."

"Well if I fall asleep just slap me with the monster of yours and I'll eat with you two"

"Oi! He's mine find your own meat" I heard his girlfriend shout from the other room.

"Sorry mate" he said giving it a shake with his hand "I know you love cock but this is off limits" he gave me a wink and padded back into his room.

"Tease!" I shouted after him. I smiled at myself and turned back to my computer and logged into my usual sites.

I logged into facebook and saw that Nathan had accepted my friend request and had left me a message on my wall saying:

"Hey dude looks like we have a lot in common :D, hope to hear from you soon"

"Awesome" I thought "He might have potential"

I clicked on his profile and saw that he was in a relationship with a girl

"Or not" my heart sunk a little "why are all the cute straight ones taken?"

I forgot about it for a little while and was idly browsing the internet when my housemate came into my room with my pizza and a drink. He said good night and I heard the click of his door.

I was watching a TV show on youtube when I heard the sound of a message on facebook, I flicked tabs and saw that Nathan had sent me a message.

N: Hey dude hows it going?

P: Not bad, did you get home ok?

N: Yea, it took a bit longer than normal but hey that's the great British weather for ya

P: poor guy, must say you're rather cute if you don't mind me saying

Did I really just do that? I'm not normally so forward with people, especially those in relationships.

N: Erm thanks lol

P: Sorry I dunno where that came from :P

N: No worries dude, the ladies can hardly resist me :D

P: Uh huh...

N: Honest

P: Ok I believe you. How long you been dating you GF then?

N: Few weeks I think, she's the first in a long time

P: Ah hah!

N: Damn... Walked into that one didn't i?

P: Yep :P

We talked for a few hours, me completely forgetting about my tv program when I heard what sounded like millions of beads hitting my window.

N: Fuck me have you seen the snow outside

I stood up and took a look.

"Wow" I said out loud. I sat back down on the computer and looked at the time

P: Yea just had a look. Listen dude I gotta head to bed, we've been talking for hours and we have a lecture at 9

N: Ok dude but I wouldn't put much stock into the uni being open tomorrow.

P: maybe but I like to be prepared

N: Well I plan to have a lie in :P

P: Wish I could snuggle up to ya, bloody freezing here :(

N: Awww poor guy. Well heres a hug from me hughug

P: Don't tempt me I might want more than a hug :P

N: Pfft my GF would stop ya :P plus I don't do that kinda thing

P: Fair enough. Night dude x

N: Night

And with that I turned off my computer and stripped my clothes. Even though it was freezing outside I had to sleep naked, I just found clothes too cumbersome and uncomfortable in bed.

I set my alarm for 7am so I could get an early shower and drifted off

End of Chapter 1

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Next: Chapter 2

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