Ginger Pumping Gas

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Apr 16, 2018


This is a fictional tale of the hot ginger guy that I saw at a gas station while pumping gas yesterday. He is the kinda guy that sets my loins afire. He was hot and by his reddish beard, A 'Ginger' From the moment I saw him I wanted him.

This tale is of course fiction and would not suggest the sexual preference of someone. Especially since the only thing we shared was a few glances as we pumped gas.

Wish this huge bear would pump me Enjoy....


Ginger Pumping Gas (Chapter 2)

...... I was heading down some ways from the gas station where I saw that big beefy ginger bear. I wanted to get home to relax. Those few minutes at the pump were too much for me. It was draining to say the least.

Then I noticed in my rearview mirror a big truck behind me. It was flashing it's lights I for a moment thought that whoever it was wanted me to get out of there way.

"Asshole" I thought.

But then I glanced better at the truck. And caught a glimpse of the driver. It was the bear from the gas station. Was he following me?. Was he going to kill me was my first thought. His big truck could slam into my backside and drive me to my death.

I saw visions of that old 70's movie 'Duel' where the semi and this guy in sedan battle it out in the highway. A frightening thought. I accelerated my small car to getaway from him then turning on a street to go left. Then right and left again. I wanted to get home.

"Leave me alone" I shouted at no one

"Leave me alone"

But his big truck was still behind me. Feared he would follow me home. He was going to kill me. But then Ialmost hit another car as iI turned right to another Street. I veered off and slammed on my brakes. Almost hitting a fence on the other side.

I slammedforward in my seat and hit my head on the wheel. I ggrabbed my head as the thud struck pain to me.

"Fuck!" I shouted

"Are you okay man" came a voice to my door

I looked at the handsome face of the guy from the gas station standing there. He tapped on the window. And asked me that.

I looked to see the other cari almost hit had stopped as well. The woman got out if it and came over. I decided he couldn't kill me with her there. So I lowered my window to face him.

"Damn daddy" my head shouted

He was even hotter up close. He leaned in and spoke again

"Hey. Are you alright man?" He asked again

"Yeah. Shit. Yeah"

"Just didn't see her"

He smiled and opened the door.

"Come on out man" he said.

"Looks like you banged yerself"

I blinked my eyes as i felt a throb at my head. Then I felt a bump in it. I must have hit the steering wheel harder than I thought. He grabbed my arms and lead me to the sidewalk just a few feet away.

"Come here. Sit" he suggested

The big hunk lead to the side of the road. He sat me down and then asked the woman to stay with me. He then got in my car and pulled it into the parking lot adjasent to where were. Then he did the same for his truck. This all took but a few minutes. Then he came back to my side.

"Are you okay" he asked

"Yes I'm fine" she said back

"Is he?"

"Why don't you go" he then said

"I'll stay with him, and make sure he gets home"

She seemed good with that and left us. Then he checked my head. There was a tad of blood. He then took a handkerchief and placed it to my head. It hurt a bit.

He sat there next to me for several minutes more.

"I should get home" I said

"I'm okay now"


"Maybe you should have that checked" he suggested

"Nah. I'm good"

Then he conceeded as I was feeling better. I said I would get home and put something on and take something for the slight headache I had.

"Well let me make sure you get home okay" he then said

I was going to say no. I didn't want this guy to come to my house. Not that I thought he would kill me or anything. Just I didn't need to have such a gorgeous man in my house. But before I could say no, he cut me off

"I promised the nice lady I would" he said with a half smile

Then he cocked his head playfully. I hadn't even noticed that he had been rubbing my back and shoulder until now. But I looked as I felt his big paw in my neck.

"Okay" I said

"But just til I get home"

"Great" he said back

Byron lead me back to my car and I got in and started it. I sat there with him at the window. His eyes had a tenderness in them. He was so damned hot. I wanted to lunge through the window and kiss him. But I just wanted to get home. He smiled at me as he made his way back to his truck.

I headed out and back to my house. I went slower than normal traffic as my head was throbbing a bit. I was gonna need some pain killers when I got home. Luckily we weren't too far to my apartment. Then as I pulled into the building and to my spot. Byron pulled up behind me and stopped. Leaving his truck running. I waved at him as I headed up.

As I came up the one flight to my apartment on the end, i looked down to see his truck still there. He saw me at my door and waved. I smiled and waved back. Then opened my door and went inside.

"Awee fuck" I said as I came inside.

"Head hurts"

I went to the window that face the parking lot. Byron was gone. I was both relieved and saddened about this. He was such a nice guy, and hot. But I didnt want to get myself into trouble with his kindness.

Then I went to the medicine cabinet the and grabbed the aspirin pills. I took two and grabbed a damp towel and sat down on the couch for a bit. Placing the towel on my head. It felt cool and soothing.

"Huh?!" I chirped when I heard the door

I was laying then on the sofa maybe 10 minutes, trying to get rid of my headache. But then someone was gently tapping at my door. I could barely hear it too. But enough so that i could.

"Who the heck could that be?" I questioned

"Trying to relax"

But I got up. Slowly as my head still felt a bit fuzzy. And the headache hadn't gone away yet. I stood and headed to the door.

"Who is it?" I called through the door

"It's Byron" came the voice

"Byron?" I said back, not recognizing the name.

I then just opened the door. Then I was looking upon the handsome stud from the gas station from earlier.

"Ohh shiit!" My head bellowed..................


To be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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