Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Sep 19, 2017


Gladiator Ev'ry Day 1

% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing ‘adult material’. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain ‘adult material’, intended for an ‘adult audience.’ Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story. 

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don’t mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for ‘internet $pace’ or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


‘GLaDiaToR EV’ry DaY’ o1

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

Sitting on the plane, heading home from his final year at grad school, Kelly Magonagle had much to think about. Being his brain was resting from the past eight years of schooling, plus time out from the tedious downpours of life, he closed that chapter of the book. Or at the least, tried putting the evil things of his past behind him.

Settling in for the long flight, he placed a period at the end of a sentence then shut the lid, when from above his head he hears, “May I take that for you, sir?”

At first, Kelly was a little perturbed about taking a private jet vs. public airliner, but after realizing it was manned by ‘men’, he forgave his brother for setting up the reservation. Sometimes the change in gravity gave his stomach the ‘wobbles’, Kelly much preferring the train over the plane!

“Sure,” then looking up, adding a smile, “thanks, Tim.”

It’s not that Kelly wasn’t glad to be making the trip back to his roots, more nervous about transitioning from the intense educational atmosphere of being at college, to home and eventually being absorbed into the family business. More than once he made excuse for his lack for the love of flying. When his brother did mention the rails, Kelly did a reality check and came up with bad memories, which clouded his vision, superseding the real aspect. Fear of flying wasn’t as daunting as coming back home to a life loaded with remembrances of things he’s been trying to forget. 

Throughout the past 10 years of his life, of which 8 of those had been away from the home circuit, it hasn’t always been a rosy life for Kelly. 

Complex, it could be diagramed into pre-teen years, latter teen, college and then the in between segments. 

Born into a high class Scottish-American clan, residing in upstate New York, the social status of a staunch family tradition ruled both him and his brother’s life. There wasn’t room for unruly children in the Magonagle family, thus he and Jared had ‘learned their place’.

Many a time their mother spoke of her two lads growing up, being educated, blossoming into the business world, meeting the right girls, marriage and then carrying on the family name through lots of grandchildren. 

However, times change, as does the aspirations of youths, in the spin of life. Kelly for certain became a royal disappointment to his folks, when graduation came about. A secret he’s harbored for most of his teen years, he deemed it a good time to share, easily put, not into girls.

At the ‘family meeting’, called by Kelly, his mother, as usual, shoved the responsibility off on the senior member to the Magonagle clan, ordering him to ‘take care of his son…put some sense into his head’. Nothing new. Roles were defined by tradition and as it goes with the clan, the matron of the family could be the judge and prosecutor, handing a sentence over to the paternal side of the family, dealing with a punishment fit for the crime.

In their family, even though the father wore the ‘kilt’ of the family and not the pants, it equated to the same, the major discipliner, while his mate handled running the household. 

Excusing herself, it left the men of the family there, in the living room to deal with business. From years of living in the upstate mansion, the decor of the room, loaded with Scottish artifacts, armor, dark-framed pictures of Scotsmen and other embellishment, turned the atmosphere of the wood paneled room even more sinister. 

After mumbling something in the Scot language, their father calmly says, “to the basement.”

Kelly kind of got the idea, he was in deep trouble. 

“Uh, I’ve got some studying to do,” Jared went to leave the room. 

“No. I want you there, as witness to mending your brother’s evil ways.”

Neither Kelly, nor Jared, were versed in the ancient language, but knew a few key words, which told them one of the brothers were in deep shit!

“Um, I’ve really got to,” Jared started out, but knew the power their father wielded in the snake-like character of his eyes, “okay. No problem. I can study,” he swallowed, knowing what he was about to witness, “later.”

It was at this time, Kelly said something that would haunt Jared for the rest of his life, “thanks for your support, bro!” 

Or, at least until his brother felt he could make it up to him, he follows along, “sorry bro,” he takes his younger brother by the crook of his arm, “I just couldn’t…you know.”

Regardless, their father hurrying ahead of them, propelled by his hatred of finding out his teenaged son was a homosexual, they could hear him, foreign words mixed with contemporary English, in the middle of his cursing Kelly out, something about why he couldn’t be more like his ‘older’ brother.

Call it nervousness, more than humor, because this was not the time for cracking jokes, Kelly mused to himself, “if you only knew, father.”

“What was that wise crack?”

Kelly had to make a split-second decision. He had no reason to ever slight, tear down, nor pick the most dastardly, revenge, getting even for what their original plans entailed, his older brother sharing in the responsibility of ‘whom’ they really ‘were’. Even though Jared didn’t live up to his part, Kelly instantly forgave, “nothing.”

Seemed like any way Kelly tried to steer clear of his father’s pending means of punishment, whatever he said led back to being the bad guy here. 

“Oh, I plan to make this much more than ‘nothing’. If you can’t control yourself, then it is my utmost duty to make you understand!”

If a happier moment in time, Jared might have joked about it too, responding with, ‘if you only knew, dad,’ but both knew what the impending consequences were to be, feeling bad about reneging on the brotherly plan. 

Both were good, mannerly boys, for they knew the outcome and repercussions if they did act in a way to shame the Magonagle family name. Each, at one time or another had brought about the wrath of their father and learned the harsh lesson of how to conduct themselves appropriately, according to the law laid down by the paternal side of the family. Nothing new, it’s been that way for generations. 

Five years difference in age, by the time Kelly reached high school graduation, Jared had already graduated college and immersed himself in the family business, ‘Magonagle’s Kilts and Accessories’. 

Built up over three generations, the unusual business rendering had survived stock market crashes, lulls of a slow economy and rainstorms which brought on catastrophic flooding. Both boys have benefitted, an education not taught in schools about perseverance, due to ill luck; disaster, suffering, crisis and how strong families can rise over tribulation, survive and carry on. Often the Magonagle brothers have heard their father, on the family level and in business, term it, being a ‘gladiator every day’. 

With steadfastness came the downsides to the benefits of tradition, when it came to behaving like a true Magonagle, at least from their father’s viewpoint. A belief in ‘spare the rod, spoil the child’, Kelly and Jared surely have experienced this ideal. For them, they looked upon it as the Magonagle way. 

That doesn’t mean they agreed with their father’s means of discipline. If they could, they would have taken flight, skipped town. When growing up with the ability to have a reasonable amount of accumulated durable goods, like technology, pricey activities, top-notch schooling, a brand new car in lieu of secondhand to travel to school, there were more dividends than liabilities weighing against why the brothers traveled the stairs to the basement. 

“You know the drill,” Magonagle instructed his son. 

Both boys knew from experience, protest was not an option. Either you did what you were told or kicked out the front door without a credit card to your name.

No questions asked. 

No questions answered.

Thinking, this not the correct action, if being gay were an offense, as per their original plan, Kelly didn’t blame Jared for keeping tight-lipped, at least looking for support to his brother. 

Eye contact was enough to show Jared, not a wise decision, the look of their father, coupled with what could be construed as a bad attitude, scaring the older brother into not breaking silence. They had already talked it out…their plan, with Kelly leading the way.

If Kelly were to get axed off the family tree, at least there was his brother’s moneybags to help with college and other expenses. 

Much more weighing on his silence, Jared would stand to lose not only their father’s blessings, but also his executive position at the family fashion business. Gloating about the older brother’s successful college degrees, their father termed his son’s involvement in the company as ‘right-hand man’. Others in his employ could see more than this, Magonagle introducing his son Jared, a son’s shoulder tucked in the fold of the father’s armpit, sure sign of confidence. 

Right now, shamed by his actions and sporting a blushing-red face, Jared certainly did not feel this confidence, as the day his father introduced him to the company staff.

As the plan was supposed to go, Kelly coming out, his brother was supposed to follow suit. Certainly, two voices in protest were better than one. 

However, the picture of this tall, bulky Scottish father, standing there shirtless, suspenders down his hairy chest, the red beard, he was the epitome of a punisher. Plus, holding a stiff leather strap between two hands, it terrified Jared. Though, it did draw pity from him for his brother. 

One feeling outweighing the other, especially when he’s felt the lash on his own back, ever-so-quietly, Jared utters, “sorry, bro.”

Soft didn’t work. Storage space for retired factory machines, memorabilia, racks of handmade clothing, kept for a future age of reminiscing, sound seemed to bounce back, like hitting egg crates.

The father overhearing Jared, “he certainly will be sorry he ever decided to disappoint his mother. How many times have I drummed into you boys, the consequences for your actions?” 

Through the years, the sons of Magonagle, it has been the father’s way, of dealing with children growing into tweens, teens and young adults, which was defined as the latter teen years, not college. ‘College’, according to the father, are the years when the apron strings are cut and sons are sent out into the world to make something of themselves. 

Whereas he thought Kelly was being groomed to be that kind of a man, surely the senior Magonagle had the ‘where did I go wrong’ syndrome lurking on his brain. 

A mother’s place in the household, was delivering any discipline problem into the father’s hands. The hand that held the strap! Her ‘chores’ involved making sure the menu was chosen for breakfasts, lunches, dinners and brown bagging it for school. Cafeteria food at their school was not the proper nutrition, according to the mother, yet Jared and Kelly would often ditch the brown bag and eat fast food. She never knew the difference!

The last word, even if it didn’t apply, their father would turn it back on the mother, “and after this, you will march right back there and apologize to your mother.” 

In speaking his peace, Magonale pulled the strap between hands, even though the dry, taut leather could withstand to be stretched out between two oxen. Purpose-driven, it was to deliver the visual, readying to strike across the back, delivering a sting which would connect to the brain, emptying it of evil thoughts. Often superstition could be misconstrued for tradition, which either Magonagle Sr. was unintentional in its usage, due to how tradition is passed from generation to generation. 

Often, Jared and Kelly have swore off tradition, that which causes duress, constituting it, ‘this, the 2000’s.’ They were surprised their father still followed the Magonagle ‘bible’, though uncertain how the original code was invented, being there wasn’t any leather-bound book in written form. Part of their upbringing, each of the sons would emulate the actions of the father, in hopes of being molded into the superior being their ancestors have dictated through the centuries.

What does, or should a guy think about, to distract himself from the searing pain of a fatherly discipline?

One bullet, a guy goes into it with the mind frame, the father loving the son and ‘doing it for his own good.’

Dit number two, it’s not going to be that severe. A guy takes his licks and gets over it. 

Three, the outcome leaves no real, long-lasting remarks, so for 2-4 days after getting whooped across the back, a guy has to make sure, when stripping a shirt in the locker room, his back is to the lockers and skip the shower for a reason like, he’s in a hurry to book.

In particular, Jared and Kelly had each other, who at times have done some kind of infraction which had warranted a strapping, so they know the drill. Like a game, each would check the other’s back daily, seeing if the tiny welts had disappeared yet. It could have been done with just shirts stripped, but for some reason the brothers did it completely in the buff. Each blamed the other, until they mended their differences, kissed and made up!  

The brothers have spoken amongst themselves about it, dealing with sting of the strap, at one time or another, coming up with something ‘sexual’. What other great pleasure in life can a guy think of at a time like this, than a hand wrapped around a thick shaft and beating off?

Kelly, he always started out rockbottom, soft, Jared delivering the hands-on approach to blasting him into ecstasy, after they got back to their respective bedroom. In fact, it was the older brother who learned from the younger, deeming actions which led up to a ‘wet dream’, a good idea. 

Only repercussion, when Jared had been bent over for a whoopin’, his lower anatomy would more than brush against the table. After ‘his’ disciplining session, he had to hover over in ‘the position’, faking recovery with long, drawn out inhales and exhales, until his father left the basement. 

In order to get his balls settled to settle down, Kelly had offered his help, but no, Jared stuck a hand down his own pants. Price to pay, one had to remember to wash his tighty-whities off in the sink, get rid of the evidence. Being he was left alone to do this chore, Jared got his first taste of what the wet, gummy liquid taste like. Deeming it good tasting, soon it became a culinary delight and he would suck it out of the crotch of his undies, leaving a smidgen for washing!

Later on, an hour or two later, when one checked in on the other, they would mock their father’s last words, mimicking in a staunch, bellowing voice, “and you will find a girl you like, settle down and at your mother’s and my wishes, keep the Magonagle dynasty ongoing. Do you understand me, boy?”

The father didn’t use ‘boy’, but it was fun for one of the other brothers, thinking as slaves to thinking or the picture of the father as a master. 

At a particular moment as Kelly coming out, Jared kept a straight face, almost lost it, almost came out, when he caught himself from saying, ‘yes, we understand.’ 

Instead he kept quiet, allowing Kelly to speak, “yes, father.” 

Guilt flooded in, with Kelly’s beautiful teen eyes stare up at Jared.

Kelly couldn’t condemn Jared for not wanting to speak up. Regardless, as he did unbutton his shirt, small feelings of betrayal churned in his soul. A deep love for each other, there was no reason why they could not show their human side. These things, about the brothers and their affection for each other, ran through Kelly’s mind, as he reached for the corner of the ‘whipping table’. Yeah, he did think his brother a coward, but a higher feeling supersedes emotions like that, if they are strong enough. Feeling sorry for himself wasn’t in the picture. What was going to happen, was going to happen. It was already agreed by the brothers, long ago, like a pact, they were not going to allow this to affect the rest of their lives. They had each other to lean on, as a failsafe!

Passed down through family generations and even though the great flood did clear out the basement, leaving only machines and things which were higher up and could survive knee-deep water Kelly’s father had replicated the pedestal upon which corporal punishment was dealt out. A wide bench, the height of a dining room table, the width of a man with outstretched arms, stood under a blaring spotlight. In Magonagle Sr’s thinking, a man was a man, taking the punishment deserved and in family tradition, it was key to upholding values.

‘Punishment’ was usually dealt out according to how the father perceived ‘payment’ for the offense. There wasn't any written down law which said 5 lashes of the strap for talking back, 8 for being out past curfew, or any other breaking or bending of the Magonagle parental governing. It’s how the father felt at the time of delivering the stinging lash. Though, usually he was very lenient, 5 the usual, 10 strikes of the strap rare. Sometimes the father would pronounce 10 lashes, commenting the sentence to a less severe amount, which drove it back down into the 5 or 6 range.

Jared knew it would all be over in five minutes or so, knowing the drill. Striking of the strap, waiting less than a minute, then a second, third and so on. Not a full force strike, it was only meant to leave an impression of what could have been much, much worse!

“Brace yourself,” their father gave the cue, right before the first landing against the back.

Thing is, it was not only physical, but psychological, the victim not knowing when the strap would be delivered, except for a whirling sound, as it whizzed through the air, leaving only seconds to think, before it hit target.

Ultimately, punishment was ‘love’, a caring routine, which after 2 lashes, was supposed to be many more, either son walking away knowing they got off easy. Like day and night, going into the punishment and leaving after their father dealt it out, a son’s attitude would change forever. It’s tough to live up to family code, being a teenager.

Reason enough for the grown boys to follow through, descend the stairs, strip off shirt, bend over the table, lock hands over the corners, go at it with casual care, it wasn’t much out of the ordinary. Leaving the basement, going back to either of their bedrooms, by their own, more modern traditions, one brother soothing the other made the punishment less drastic.

However, based on the temperament of their father, which they not once experienced the tenacity, their theories of how it was to go this time, dismissed the complacent feelings they had.

Jared certainly did pick up on it, more sinister approach to father’s prelude to punishment, in the wording, leaving out the word, ‘son.’ It only proved, added to his opinion, this was not to be the usual discipling session.

If he wanted to intervene, help bail out his brother, he knew it would fall on deaf ears. After the punishment was delivered, it always followed, something along the lines of ‘go and sin no more.’ Leaving the basement chamber, thoughts lodged in one’s mind, the victim would think twice before defaming the good Magonagle name.

Even a minor infraction, like caught eating cafeteria food, would be grounds for defamation. Fortunately, it was one little thing which was never discovered.

Guilt was eating away at Jared, making him feel sorry he was a Magonagle.

Both boys had followed, not their own doing, filling out their physical frame, replicating a long line of Magonagle’s who have come before. 

Jared, 6’1, came in an inch short of the father’s height, but dwarfed Kelly by 2 inches. Like brothers, they had compared down to the lower anatomy, Kelly sneering with a ‘ha-ha’, when the ruler showed the younger Magonagle sprouted an inch longer than his older brother!

Kelly also had the goods on puberty, traditional gingery, reddish-brown fur, over Jared’s dark brown hair, and more of it, coursing over both pecs, a swath down the middle and defined trail halfway down his abs, cutting edge over the navel, leading to a more hefty endowment. 

Though, right now manly statistics were beside the point, Kelly grabbing both opposite corners of the punishment table, fur grazing the surface. 

“Mind, in addition to defaming the Magonagle name, it is hoped you forget all this foolish behavior and find favor in choosing a suitable bride.”

Even though in his thinking, Jared sensing this not the usual for correcting the attitude of being gay and that afterwards, like hurling a spitball at a teacher, mending their evil ways, he did keep it mum, ‘like we get it…we get it, all right already!’

Not in a humorous way, though if a happier situation, Jared would muse, ‘all right already. We get the point.’ His thing, he doesn’t remember where he picked up the phrase, ‘all right already’, but has become cliched as ‘it’s complicated’. Like how being complicated can have various meanings, it became synonymous with how Jared could feel at different times. 

With the sensation of this not a regular disciplining session, Jared didn’t chance it, having to strip his own shirt and taking the lash, pecs glued against his brother’s. It would be much different than when they both lay across a bro’s bed, leaning over to look a gay porn magazine, Kelly found in the trash on the walk home from a friend’s house. 

Right off, Jared was most likely thinking along the same parameters as his brother, that no amount of stinging lashes was going to ‘beat’ the ‘gay’ out of a man. Also, it stung Jared to think he could have stood along with his brother, or perhaps bent over the table, beside Kelly and endured the Kelly, he wasn’t like Jared, not getting it, like this wasn’t going to be any different than a normal 3-5 lash whoopin’. He even half-joked, gazing straight ahead at his brother, mouthing the words, after tilting his head back over the shoulder, ‘why doesn’t he get on with it?’

Not knowing, Jared just shrugged his shoulders, nodding, ‘don’t know!’

It did stymy Jared, the look on his brother’s face, showing not a bit of worry. It did worry him. Whether it didn’t register with his brother, this was bad. Fact is, even though Kelly show no signs of fright, he was reassuring, ‘I’ll be okay.’

One of the worst aspects of either brothers’ ordeal, the other brother having to stand on the ‘head’ side of the table, witness the twisted, macabre face of the victim to the menacing strap. 

Not sure whether it was the exhale that his father had deliberated long enough, or that things were ready to get hyped up, done and over with, on the exhale Jared again was victim to guilt setting in. Fact remaining, he did summon enough courage to give in, admit he is gay, that he should be there on the punishment table, lined up pec to pec, butt to butt, taking on the strap with his bro.

He who hesitates is lost, whether a good or bad outcome.

From the onset, that first lash, Jared jumped, the whelp causing an excruciating grunt from his brother’s lips. It made him bite a lip, when there was no time allotted between lashes. 

It seemed all that time their father spent in deliberation had caused anger to well up inside, build to an explosive finale. 

One after another the strap came down over Kelly’s back, 2 becoming 3, 4. Their father not holding back, he even voiced opinion, about how Kelly was to learn a lesson from his punishment!

Round about lash number six, the cowardice attitude Jared had taken on, began to wear off, “no way,” when it had gone beyond ‘5’, “enough is enough!” 

Kelly thinking the same, foreseeing the inevitable, like, he was gonna die, turned to try to fend off the leather strap. It struck across the palms of his hands, deflected from striking his chest, as he protested in words, “no, stop father, no more..I’m sorry…ok? Okay?!” 

It was time to make a choice, step in, or run like a bigger coward than he had made himself out to be. Hips swaying left, then right, Jared made a dash around the table. 

Grabbing the strap, “thats enough, father!” 

Rage can be projected in many ways, seemingly bolstering a man’s strength tenfold, which in this case had Jared flung to the floor by a wave of the father’s arm. 

Kelly was no match either and rather than take the blunt force of the strap to chest, had huddled on the floor in fetal position. 

Taking advantage of his visits to the local gym, Jared bounces back, taking on his father once more, arms wrapped around sweat, feeling his arms slide against his own father’s slimy skin. This time Jared was more effective,  knowing the momentum projected by anger and determination. Pinning him to the wall, Jared did not act in the way of the father, not like pitting one affection against the other, barks like he’s in control, “that’s enough. We get the message.”

He was not outing himself, but the usual prevailing at the end of punishment, both brothers coming out of it, with new understanding about how to conduct themselves.

As if in a trance, the elder Magonagle broke free of the delusion, though was not sorry for going beyond the usual code of punishment. Instead, he mocks, “I hope you learned your lesson, lad!” Before marching off, hiking the stairs, “and don’t forget that apology you owe to your mother!”

Lifelong lessons learned, from that day, Jared had sworn allegiance to Kelly, to be there for him, do whatever was humanly possible to make every day count, add to his quality of life, dedicate himself to the utmost welfare of his brother, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness. This was attributed to the guilt and pity Jared felt on the most horrible day of his life; their lives. 

Fortune takes weird turns in life. Shortly after this incident, their father took with a stroke and passed on. Oddly, this was good for the boys, on occasion hearing their father was about to cut Kelly out of his will. A father, in disciplining, like the manner the Magonagle clan has set forth from generation to generation, both Jared and Kelly swore off the old ways, saying there were other ways to turn a son’s crime around. Unfortunately, for the elder Magonagle, his system of turning one’s life around didn’t work for this new century. The Magonagle brothers respected their father, but there wasn’t much of a father-son’s love connection. 

At the reading of the will, the family attorney, whom also had a few secrets of his own, when questioned about the casually flung condition, ‘Kelly cut out of the will’ it was simply put, “oops! Forgot!” After a giggle, “you’ll have to forgive me, at my age and all?”

The brothers had an inkling about Augus, thoughts among themselves, batting the idea back and forth, Jared always getting the last word in, ‘Augus? He’s as bent as a nail!’

It brought on laughter for Kelly, not being able to ever get over it, giggling on forever about, ‘bent as a nail,’ which he would use himself to describe.

If it ever did come to pass, Jared would have never had allowed Kelly to suffer through life without the means to live lavishly. As things happen, sometime during the funeral, Jared did ‘come out’, due to the fact their mother blaming Kelly for the father’s medical mishap. 

Kelly’s fault the father had a stroke. Kelly’s fault he was so stressed, it happened. Kelly’s fault…

This is where Jared got sick and tired of hearing their mother’s tongue-lashing, stepping up to her and boldly telling her to go where no man has gone before, like the first time he licked the tip of his brother’s dick!

From then on, both sons were disowned by the mother. It was for certain, they weren’t going to get a penny from her!

As fate would have it, their mother was never a big part of their life, after the toddler years. The father figure more about discipline and the how to’s of being a man, Jared and Kelly were just glad to have each other, as friends and more. 

Though it’s not like their father didn’t have his virtues. It’s how they learned the kilt and leather trade, not from the father’s tutelage, but from turning factory workers into teachers, making sure they scored a 100 points on design, construction, how to fit a raw scrap of material to a man’s bod and mold it into something that looked like something. The brothers particularly paid strict attention to Dawes McGrath, head seamster, a happy-go-lucky ‘grandpa’ image of a guy. From a young age, the boys liked the 70-something year old man. In Jared’s late teen years, while Kelly was in-between, Dawes would joke about how his favorite place to measure were the ‘inseams’. It was not until a few years later both boys ‘got it’!

Fortunately for the pair, tradition had played into their hands, the sons inheriting the family business, supposedly to be handed down to their sons and so on. Their mother received a monetary stipend, to live out her life without care or worry. They could have carried on as a happy, extended family, if she hadn’t contested the will, on account of Jared’s enlightening facts about his gay lifestyle. For certain, one son unable to produce an heir to the Magonagle ‘throne’, two was even the worst possible scenario for her. 

She lost on all accounts, the will being stated as factual, the father in good state of mind. Of course, Angus left out the small detail regrading cutting the younger Magonagle out of the will, which could have altered matters for the sons. 

Jared could swear, it also a favorable aspect, their father’s lawyer leading a double life, heterosexual for business affairs, ‘gay’, when ‘off the clock and on the cock’!

Upon thinking such a thing, the boys toyed with the idea of why Dawes had a fetish over inseams!

Clicking with Jared, Angus’ firm’s services have been retained to this day. Being that Angus left the firm at almost retirement age, his son, Angus Jr., stepped into his shoes, a 49-year old man. Both Magonagle brothers wished they had known sooner, how tolerant Angus could be, living in modern times without traditions ruling his life. Being Angus Jr. was gay, years ago the boys could have had an ally to come out to, instead of fearing the strap!

Oh well, they were different times and two boys living in fear of a parent, it doesn’t go well in the outcome sometimes. 

Jared, still sympathetic to what his brother endured years ago, had used his own resources to get him through college. He had wanted Kelly to attend the best university, but it was his brother who reminded him, he wished to run his own life as he saw fit. Having ‘forgot’ this, Jared accepted it with a hug in lieu of a handshake, Kelly choosing a small beacon of education, Coarshill Commons Community College. 

Even though a stone’s throw from where he lived, Jared made sure he had an unlimited plan on his cell!

Not far from the town the brothers grew up in, back in New York state, Kelly chose to stay in a townhouse in lieu of campus-living. Apparently, it was a break he chose to make, having no interest to ever travel back to the hallowed halls of the Magonagle estate and the horrors he suffered under the parental hand of justice. 

Jared neither, so peachy keen about the memories harbored in the back of his mind, over the basement incident, figured he would put it behind them both. Making a fresh start of it, he using the estate as bargaining chips, he purchased a nearby defunct family farm. Soaking some of the millions from the sale of the family mansion into remodeling, he was able to also sell the existing plant and rebuild it on farm land. Not only the decrepit condition of the farm, also in the swing of the deal, nearly half off, he promised the realtor’s son a job. 

At the time Kelly was townhouse searching, Jared had no idea how running into Pete Lochlan at his family’s real estate agency would mean to his life. Getting his feet wet, Pete was a young man straight out of college. Jared also had other thoughts, but stopped his balls from making rash decisions. He was there for Kelly, not finding a guy to take home!

Some superlatives of the son grabbed Jared’s attention; majoring in the same field akin to his brother, business, interested in his field, very knowledgeable, easy going and a great personality…good looking. No difference in the ‘good looking’ department, Kelly was about to pull a double major in business and fabric design. 

He almost got lost in a dream, thinking of the plans he had for Kelly, based on his assumption of which way he thought Pete’s gate swung!

A few days passed, which gave Kelly time to pack the contents of his room back home into a few boxes, filling 4 suitcases with clothing he liked to wear, almost everything in his walk-in closet and 8 bureau drawers. One pair of dress shoes and several pair of trendy sneakers, they were beat, except the ones he had on his feet, so left them to obscurity.

With haste, Jared came into his room, which Kelly figured since they were the only two whom occupied the house, with the dismissal of the house servants, it didn’t keep him from whipping a hand out of his pants, a result, above all things, of how many times he’s jerked off on his own personal turf!

Jared’s reaction was cool, wondering if he was missing something? For old times sake the brothers crashed into Kelly’s bed, pulled up shirts, unbuckled belts, pulled pants down, anchored their balls with stretchy underwear elastics and then commanded each others shafts into submission.

Right after, the feeling subsiding, Jared announced he had got a call from Pete, wanting them down at the real estate agency, pronto.

When they got there, got to talking, Kelly had a feeling the location of his townhouse was well-researched, his brother more trying to sell him on it, Pete giving up on trying to put his two cents in. Jared, pen in his hand, was more than eager to put his name to the paper. 

Sarcastically, Kelly, whom had voice his opinion over his independence, told him he had developed a ‘signature’, which incidentally had been formulated through doodling in math class.  A cursive ‘Kelly Magonagle’, complete with lots of swirls, more than a bear’s hairy bellyhole trail, when the lease was signed, Jared condemned his brother for not knowing what it said! 

Pete got Kelly off the hook, saying it needed a co-signer, being Kelly was under twenty-one years of age. 

That’s when, officially, he found out his assumptions were true, Jared thanking Pete for getting around reading a signature on the lease, which looked like it said ‘Magonagle’. For a few months, Jared would not realize what the meaning of Pete’s retort, ‘owing him back’, meant, though of one thing he was sure!

After moving in, Kelly was introduced, to the couples on both sides; James and Phil on one side, Sean and Eric on the other. How coincidental, he told Jared. 

It wasn’t that Kelly wasn’t looking forward to the dorm experience but let things be bygones seeing the insides of the spacious townhouse, comparing the cramped, quaint dorm room, bunkbeds, a desk and shared closet. 

Pete was there on the day Kelly viewed the townhouse, which off to the side, while Jared chatted up the couples on either side, confided he had been by there on a different occasion, for Jared to check out the living conditions. Kind of a mischievous dude too, he gave Kelly the heads up, after checking the house, he and Jared went off to Sean and Eric’s house and had a six-some. Leaving their house, James and Phil asked he and Jared if they would like to see the couple’s antique collection. 

Pete did have to call the office and cancel the rest of the afternoon, but deemed it well worth it after checking out those old relics!

On moving-in day, some screwed up business with the realtor, when Kelly walked in the door with backpack, satchel and a tug-along suitcase, it wasn’t Pete there to greet him!

Duped as well, by the name, when Jared accompanied his brother to the townhouse, he was just as stupefied. 

“The other leaser…she’s a girl?”

Under other circumstances, both brothers on the same wavelength, saying the exact same thing, they would have cracked up. 

Kelly just stood there, head cocked, cheek almost bent to the shoulder, and right in his face, “really, Jared? You had no clue?”

Immediately, with daggers in his eyes, Jared turns around, “Pete?”

Of course, who else but Pete would have a hand in why someone else occupied the townhouse, “it’s complicated.”

Almost shooing Pete off the front porch, back to the steps, which could have proved fatal, Jared badgers, “well you better un-complicate it before you see my worst side?”

Probably it was the gritting of the teeth which made Pete divulge the truth, not how great the pairing up of their tall stalks and releasing pent up energy, he says, “my cousin, Samantha. It was like, a family thing,” Pete pleaded, like in front of a tough jury, “I had to get her a place near the college and being there just weren’t any, I figured you wouldn’t mind…besides, you owe me, right?”

Truth be told, Jared owed Pete for more than the townhouse, the key vehicle to convincing him to first go over to Sean and Eric’s house, followed by James and Phil, not to mention the new trick of how good it feels to pair up a pair of hot weeners and blast off, “hmm,” Jared sulked for a moment. 

Whenever Jared just stood there, thinking about something, his face went into contortions, like rinsing his mouth with Listerine.

It seemed, ‘kindness’ running in the Locklan family, Pete putting himself in the line of criticism, to put his cousin up in the townhouse, without calling Jared to confirm it an okay idea. 

Turning back and forth, from the ‘accused’, to his brother, standing there and cheerfully talking college-shop with the cousin, Jared says, “now you owe me!” 

Pete wasn’t sure about that. Even though it wasn’t him, Jared taking a liking to Eric and Phil, he could really go at it with a vengeance. He would hate to ever get on Jared’s bad side, “would 6-months free rent soften the blow?”

Liking Pete, not only as a sex-buddy, but outgoing attitude both in business, and the business of trying to con him, Jared cuts him some slack, “how about a blow?”

“Sure. I’d love to have your lips giving me a firm hug!” 

“I meant ‘you’, giving me…”

With a chuckle, Pete returns, “I know what you meant!”

There wasn’t resources to back out of the lease, Jared well knowing this where both he and Pete were concerned. Turning to Kelly, “hey bro, you think you can make the best of it?”

Pete chimes in, hanging on Jared’s shoulder like a tall tree, being his 5’9 height was no match for a neanderthal’s 6’2” frame, “it’s only for 1 semester?”

Ever since a young age, that’s what the brothers have been doing for each other, making the best of it. This show just how much the love extended to each other. After the first time, calling his brother a coward, Kelly not once complained about the ordeal. The pain gained, it was over, with only small scars on the back to remind him. If occasion arose, that Kelly should happen to peer at himself through a mirror, he convinced himself it wasn’t that bad, because next to himself he envisioned seeing his dear, cowardly brother. 

It should have made Kelly frown, but instead he smiled, caves in, “it’s only one semester. I guess I can try.”

The brothers hugged. 

In that instant, Samantha had gone into the house, come back and bestowed upon the hugging brothers, “uh, you two wanna get a room?”

Disconnecting, Jared, reflects, ‘if you only knew’, extends a hand, walks over, “looks like it’s all settled then, Sam?”

“Samantha,” she corrects. 

With an unusual name like ‘Kelly’, is was easy to mistake, Samantha explaining, “I blame all this on the real estate agent, for not differentiating.”

Pete stood there, jaw dropped, “Jared cut me some slack, and he’s not even family!” 

She kind of had that trouble since birth, people shortening her name to ‘Sam’, which now she proves a point, “well, if you would call me by my rightful name, things like this wouldn’t happen!” 

Like them mistaking ‘Sam’ for a male, Samantha had thought ‘Kelly’ a girl! Who would’ve thought?!

“You’re right, sis.”

“Sis?” Jared interrogates Pete. 

“Yeah,” Pete says, locking eyes with Samantha. “Sis, like in the sister I never had, but wished we were.”

It was first, not the last time they would see the cousins taking each other up in an affectionate hug. 

“Hey, can I get some of that,” Jared says. 

Of course he meant Pete, who responds, “you got your quota two days ago, Jared!”

True, after visiting the neighbors, Jared took Pete back to show him the estate they were about to put on the market. Nice of Pete to take on the listing, reducing his commission!

Kelly was already picking up on some of his new house-mate’s personality traits. She was angry, but not mad.

Regardless of who was at fault, it didn’t matter, because all parties were acting upbeat over what became a minor detail. She didn’t even stay mad at Jared, for never calling her ‘Samantha’ and eventually lived with it, branded with ‘Sam’ by some, others the long version.

As grad school came and went, Samantha became more the sister neither Kelly nor Jared had. When he found the time, Jared would come over to the house for dinner. Sometimes he would go over to James and Phil’s pad or Sean and Eric’s place for a beer. Of Pete, Sam informed Jared he had gone off to the city, New York, to enroll in bartending school. 

Having Pete’s cell, Jared immediately phoned and bawled him out for not giving him the head’s up. Pete, he was truthful, saying he wouldn’t be gone forever, and knowing Jared’s long term aspirations, when he got back would be hitting him up for a job!

During the transitioning of company affairs, Jared met a fine woman, in sales, whom he was sure would interest ‘Sam’ and teamed her up for double dating. 

Only problem, after dinner the four shared, by dessert, Sam was hooked on Jennifer. Downside to it, it led to the going rule, if one roomie had ‘company’, the other would check out for the night. That night, Kelly got kicked out!

“Nice one, bro,” Kelly says, the two on the front porch. 

Trying to redeem himself, Jared says, “well, it is a double date, isn’t it?”

That particular night, Kelly compelled to evacuate his own apartment, the brothers regressed to days past. 

They sat on the double-seater, as two lovers would on the front porch of a ranch home. 

“You could always spend the night at my place?”

Having his hand gently squeezed by his brother, it’s almost as if Kelly is feeling ‘the surge’ of semen to the heart center of his loins, “where else do you think I’m going to go?”

It was like Jared jumping the gun, over Kelly inviting himself to stay, “I thought you’d see things my way!” 


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

‘GLaDiaToR EV’ry DaY’ and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 2

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