Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 20, 2020


It is the day that the Roman army leaves for Gaul. Glaucus had ordered that the entire house would go to see off the batallion led by Marcellus and Clodius. Demos had sought leave to avoid attending and his request was denied. "Demos, it is painful. Departures are ALWAYS painful. But they are necessary. Let us assume something were to happen to you while Marcellus is away. Would you wish to lie there pining for a last vision of him? Something you cannot have?" "My Lord, I understand. But there is so much pain in my heart. And so much confusion." Glaucus was not unaware of how Demos was lingering when he dressed in the morning, nor was he unaware of the emergency visits to the gymnasium just before he had finished training with Crassus. Yes, there was more pain and more confusion in the young man's hearat. "We will try to find ways for you to alleviate the pain Demos. New tasks, new projects. And if all else fails, I am sure that Gerta will have something that can help you." "The witch? Do be careful My Lord. The magic of the Goths is well known. I would recommend having a slave test any potion that she prepares for you." Glaucus had to laugh. It was a very odd thing how people of different nations had been brought under his roof, and how they reacted differently to things. Demos, a Greek, believed strongly in spirit magic: augurs, dreams, prophecies, but physical magic frightened him. On the other hand, the Materans, the Goths, and Ahmad put their faith in what was palpable. He had never seen one of them pray, or offer sacrifice. No. It was a constant challenge to control the world, physically. Rome, such a hybrid city, seemed to embrace both.

Clarion trumpets sounded, and a cry went up from the gathered Romans. Each batallion would process through the city gates, bowing to the citizens as they left. There were 12 batallions in all, led by the general Magnus . Glaucus was somewhat familiar with the man. Magnus did have experience with battling in the North, but he had never been commander of the army before. Indeed, most of the batallion leaders were in a similar situation: experienced in one field, but not another. Glaucus may have been the only man to have both commanded tropps and to have fought in the North. Yet, he had not been asked or commanded to lead in this battle. Perhaps, he mused to himself, the republic considered him too old.

He saw the batallion led by Marcellus and Clodius process. Covered in armor as they were (a mistake in the mountains, Glaucus thought, where it was difficult to gain traction , and the weight of the army could easily bring a man down faster than an adversary), it would have been difficult for any of them to know him, were it not for his bracelet, which he wore proudly. Glaucus smiled. He had done what he needed to do to protect this man: a man who had a hold on him that he didn't quite realize. While holding Ahmad wrapped up in his arms the night before (always a pleasure, especially since the young man seemed to radiate enough energy to keep him warm and comfortable), Glaucus considered all of his subjects. He realized that, while Marcellus was totally docile when it came to Glaucus' demands in bed, the truth was, he had never truly gotten the man to submit. He had broken so many slaves, sometimes without even trying. He smiled when he thought of the behavior Demos thought he was keeping secret: if that were not evidence that the young man had been broken, he did not know what was. He began to scheme as to what he would do next.

Demos was overcome with emotion when he saw his Marcellus leading the batallion of slaves and former slaves, now freemen. 'BE SAFE MARCELLUS. BE SAFE . RETURN TO US ALL." He was not certain if Marcellus heard him, as he seemed totally lost in the role of a batallion commander. "Please do not let him become too cocky, gods of protection," Demos found himself whispering. He felt Urban slip his arm around him. "It will go well with him Demos. I requested that my mother prepare a protection sachet for him. I slipped it in his tunic while the two of you were sleeping. Between your bracelet, and my mother's magic, he will be protected. "Urban, you must know that I do not believe in your magic." Urban smiled. "But the Gauls do. And that it what matters. If something should befall him, they will know that not only does he have the protection of a wealthy man, they will know that a Gothic witch protects him too. " He smiled. "The Gauls fear Gothic women perhaps more than they fear Roman men."

After the return to the estate, Glaucus went about making changes that he felt were necessary in the house. Demos and Urban, who had now been appointed as assistant stewards, would be moved to the quarters where Marcus resided. That would leave the baths unattended, and he could think of nothing more amusing to his guests, than to be attended by two red headed Hibernians. Eamon and Eric were now in charge of the baths. As there would be no visitors on this serious day, he gave them leave to enjoy themselves in the waters. And that they did. That left Ahmad, and the two Materans in the bed slave chamber. He still had to decide what to do with the two Materans. he simply did not know. And Ahmad. AH! The night with Ahmad had reminded him of how much he enjoyed the man's company. But the most pressing matter on his mind, right now , was Flavius. Flavius had spent a week with his wife and son. Now, Glaucus had to determine: what did his consort wish? He summoned him to his quarters.

"My Lord has requested my presence?" A week away had not caused Flavius to forget his manners, as he assumed the position of subservience. Glaucus smiled. The man needed to have his hair cut. Probably, he could use a shaving. He would see. "Flavius. I have neglected you. " "No My Lord. I do not agree. And I apologize for speaking out of turn. Rather, you have spoiled me , by providing the time with my wife and son. For that I must thank you, rather than speak of being neglected." The answer pleased Glaucus. "And if I may, how did you find your week with Gerta?" Flavius smiled. "To speak frankly, My Lord. Better and worse than I would have expected. Gerta is my chosen one. I will love her. She is the mother of my son. " He paused. "But I was not accustomed to the love of two men before my capture. All things considered, I prefer it. I would not be without Gerta forever, but I would like if I said I did not fall asleep each night, dreaming of your bed, My Lord." (Urban had coached him in the words to use, but the sentiments were true. Flavius had longed for the sword of Glaucus, more than once). Glaucus approached him. "You need not dream of my bed any longer, Flavius, if that is what you want." Flavius smiled. "Were it the evening, I would fall to my knees and beseech you not to send me back to the chambers with Gerta. I have spoken of this with her, and she understands. If I may, My Lord, there will be occasions when I will ask for permission to reside with her for the evening, but I know, for certain, that your chambers are where I belong." Glaucus smiled. "Then this is how it will be." He clapped his hands. Marcus appeared, with the two young apprentices. "Please move Flavius' things back into my chambers. He has returned. And... He looked at the man. "Please have the barber trim his hair. I much prefer a shorter, more curly appearance about your head Flavius. Something that Apollo would envy.

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When all the moving to and fro stopped, Demos and Urban found themselves in their new quarters. As assistants, they would share a room, but a big one. There was plenty of space for both. Urban broke the tension first "Demos, we'll be working together, at an important position. It is not time for us to be friends?" Demos had his head down. "You are right Urban. Right now, I have trouble thinking of anything other than Marcellus. I'm already worried about his safety." Urban came over and put his arm around him. "You have cause to worry, for sure. We've done everything we could to protect him. Even Glaucus." Demos looked up. "Yes, I know about the bracelet. I know where it came from, and it wasn't from one of the bath guests. " He paused. "You need to accept, Demos, that Glaucus is a very complex, conflicted man. " Demos wasn't ready for this conversation either. His own feelings about Glaucus were coming up. He knew Glaucus had promised Marcellus that no one would approach Demos. But.... He smiled. "Urban, I think you're right. We DO need to be friends. Neither one of us wants to be here. And we do have something in common. Glaucus rescued us from that... wild boar. We need to be grateful for that. And we were reunited with the men we love: you with your father, and I with Marcellus." Urban shook his head. "It concerns me that my father is now his consort. I believe he is trying to protect my mother and I. " He began to cry. "I think he would cut his own throat rather than see us hurt." Demos paused. He was not sure he could say that about Marcellus. "I have a proposition for you Urban. Since your father will be living for the most part in Glaucus' quarters, would you want me to handle any steward work that requires a visit?" Urban thought about that. The Greek was so transparent. He knew immediately what this was about. But he also didn't know how he felt about the possibility of walking into that room, and seeing his father in the arms of, or underneath, another man . "Let me consider it Demos. There is much to consider these days." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

Back in Glaucus' quarters, he was taking a breath. Things were finally coming back to normal. And when he felt relaxed, he felt aroused. And he was more aroused by what was in front of him. Flavius, newly shorn, was on the bed, naked, tied to the quarters. Glaucus had placed a gag in his mouth, and dropped his robes and toga as he walked toward the bed. He smiled as he lay down beside Flavius, and began running his finger up and down his midsection. "How does it feel to be back with your consort Flavius? " He bent down and kissed the gagged mouth, his finger moving to Flavius' left nipple. "MMMMPH MMMMMPH. " Flavius felt his own sword rising in the cage - something that hadn't happened in his week with Gerta. "You know, Flavius, I think I'm going to start requiring more of you. " He moved his teeth down to Flavius' nipple and chewed it. Flavius moaned louder. "I think I'm going to change my routine. A bed slave in the afternoon, after forum, and you at night. " He smiled. "With my sword piercing you as deeply as it can." He moved so that Flavius could see how rigid, and how long, his sword was. "I have not taken you in a long time, handsome man. Are you ready?" Flavius paused, and shook his head yes. He couldn't say "yes My Lord" with the gag, but he wanted to. He dreamed of this bed every night he was with Gerta: he wanted to be back. Was he always like this? He didn't know . He grew up as a farmer, and he lived amongst farmers. They were separated, at great distances, and he knew nothing but farm life, until the Romans captured him. Gerta was the sister of one of his neighbors. Had Gerta borne a daughter, she would have been betrothed to another neighbor's son. He did not know of this type of pleasure: pleasure he was about to feel as Glaucus untied his ankles, to lift his legs high. "I have my needs Flavius," he whispered. "And I need you.." Flavius tried to murmur "yes my lord," but muffled sound is all that came out. Flavius entered him, not gently, and took him. He smiled. "OH, my handsome Goth. So handsome. So... so... handsome.." He began to slide back and forth, getting into a rhythm. He began to think "I will tell Flavius about my own wife, and my own children. Perhaps Gerta and Marcia will get along. I will have to consider that. " But thoughts of the future were obscuring his present. He pushed harder. Flavius had learned that his Master enjoyed the act more when he struggled. So he did. He fought against the wrist restraints, and Glaucus responded with a laugh and a harder thrust. "NO, you will NOT escape Flavius. You are MINE. My slave... my consort. TAKE MY SEED ." He pushed one more time and shot deeply into Flavius, who sighed as the seed penetrated him. Were his own thrusts that hard when he begot Urban? Probably not. He was probably thinking..." "You did not exercise your sword once while you were with Gerta?" Flavius shook his head no." Glaucus removed the gag. "Would you exercise it now?" Flavius took a deep breath. "only at My Lord's pleasure." The answer pleased Glaucus, and he was conflicted. He wished to have Flavius BEG for release, but perhaps. "You will spill your seed tonight Flavius. The next time, it WILL be at my pleasure." "Yes My Lord. Thank you." Glaucus removed the cage, and untied Flavius' hands. "Pleasure yourself, my consort." "Thank you My Lord." Flavius got to work. A week of thinking about his life before Gerta's return, and the pleasure he just felt, were overwhelming . He reached climax quickly. He saw Glaucus smile. "Was that for me, Flavius?" He ran his hand through Flavius' hair. "It was My Lord. If I may speak freely?" "Please do." "I did not know of this pleasure before becoming a part of your house. I thought of it, but.." "So you did not enjoy taking your wife?" "I did My Lord. At least at first. But my heart wasn't in it after we brought forth Urban. Gerta wished to continue having children until we had a daughter. I declined." He paused. "I do not think she has forgiven me for that." Glaucus thought for a minute. "If we asked her to raise one of the young girls at the house, would that please her?" Flavius smiled. "My Lord, I thought you were about to ask about buying a young slave for her. Again, if I may be bold, the slaves here are well kept and happy. I think that rescuing another slave from a life that could be hard, and short, would be the kind thing to do." Glaucus was struck by Flavius' thoughtfulness, and the statement that he kept his slaves well. He thought he did, but to hear it from a slave was something he did not expect. He bent down and kissed Flavius. "You speak well, my consort. WE shall speak to Gerta tomorrow, and if she is pleased with the idea, she will accompany me to the next auction."

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While Glaucus and Flavius were enjoying each other, the Roman army was pitching camp for the night. "Colder than I believe we expected" Clodius spoke to Marcellus. "So it is. Demos urged me to take a warmer blanket, but I refused. " Clodius looked at Marcellus. He thought for a moment, and then said. "If my commanding officer would do the honor, we shall switch blankets." Marcellus , shocked by a kindness he could not perceive, thought for a moment. Clodius had already begun to disrobe for the night. "We will be warmer if we share both blankets Clodius. And warmer with two of us under them." Clodius sighed. He had thought about this happening, ever since Marcellus had come to the gymnasium. "My commanding officer shall decide." Marcellus dropped his own clothing. "you have seen me at the gymnasium Clodius. I am not ashamed. They huddled under the blanket. It would not be the last time. And in the bedchamber quarters at the estate of Glaucus, Ahmad pulled out the charm necklace Glaucus had given to him. He had seen Glaucus wear it often. Now, in the quarters with the two Materans, and alone, he put it on. He would have to see what to do about getting out of those quarters.

And in the stewart's quarters, Demos fell asleep dreaming of both Marcellus, and Glaucus, while Urban dreamed of being back at school, in his home.

Next: Chapter 24

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