God Spent That Time on Me

By Mr. Dash

Published on Sep 10, 2000


The-Lousy-Forced-Disclaimer-That-I-Understand: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of *NSYNC (although I think a few of `em are MIGHTY curious--if not already all-out queer--but that's just my personal opinion. Not saying they are admittedly gay, or anything like that. Read the damn story now.)

God Spent that Time on Me: Lance

I just didn't know what to say. I had just jacked off one of the most famous people...ever, and now I was just pinched on the ass by another. Why is it that I never got this gay attention here at school or anywhere else?

When I was getting off the bus to show the boys where they would be sleeping in my school's guest house, I felt a pinch on my ass. I expected to see Joey, who I had had an enounter with earlier in the evening, but instead, I saw it was Lance, my sexual fantasy numero uno!

Obviously, he'd been aware of what was transpiring in the tour bus, so I guess he'd gotten brave...or just insanely horny. Something or other. I kept an eye on him for the rest of the tour, and I noticed that Joey was doing the same for me. I think I might have pissed him off because I wasn't staring at him. The guys started unpacking a little bit, and I sat out on the porch and tried to recollect my thoughts.

"Hey, what's going on partner?" a low Southern voice boomed behind me.

"Uh...hi Lance. What you doin'?"

"Nuthin' much. I..uh...Sorry about that earlier. I'd understand if you feel weird talkin' to me and all that. If somethin' is goin' on between you and Joey, that's fine..."

"No, no, no, Lance!" I said. "That was so completely random. I don't know how it happened. Not that I completely mind that it happened...it's not every day you mess around with a superstar and all that..but well..er...uh..."

"You don't know if you could live with yourself messing around with two superstars, do ya....?" he asked hopefully.

"YES. Well, no! I mean, I'm not a whore or anything like that. It's just that this so exciting...and I'm so lonely and everything...and you guys are so nice and good looking and all that...I don't know what to do!"

"Well, let me tell ya, Jerm," he put his hand on my leg, "I don't think yer a whore at all. I know that we all have our urges and all that. It happens. Joey's the type of guy who will do it for doing it's sake."

"We didn't actually have SEX, Lance."

"You didn't? " He looked puzzled.

"No, no. It was just a touchy-feely experience. No mouths, nothing else involved."

"OH!!!" He said, a little too joyfully. "I mean, well, that doesn't make you too intimate with him, now does it?"

"A lot less than I'd like to get...with you," I replied, making googly eyes at him in desperation to get him in the sack and into my arms.

You have to understand that my interest in Joey wasn't too much on the emotional side. The guy is nice, but he's a little lacking in the head area. Lance, however, was humble, shy, funny, and awesome. He's someone I could grow to love very much.

Lance turned instant red. "C'mon now. You're embarassin' me."

"Good!" I said with a laugh.

"Now how can I find you later tonight? I really do need to get back and unpack."

I told Lance my dormitory and room number, and made sure to add my phone number to make certain that he found his way. I then bade the others a good night and began to head out. Joey stopped me in the foyer.

"Hey...what happened on the tour bus...that was just an isolated incident, aight?"

"What?" I was completely confused.

"I'm really not...uh...like that."

"Joey...you jacked me off. It's a little hard to believe that a straight individual would get into something like that, " I was starting to get a little peeved.

"Jeremy, I was experimenting. I'm stuck on the road most of the year with five guys. Even though I have thousands of girls ready to jump my bones, I can't do it because that fan base is under fifteen. I couldn't get off with any of the guys, because that would make our friendship tear up."

"So you thought you'd try it with a stranger that you could sweep under the rug and not deal with again?" I said with tears starting to come out through my eyes. I know that I didn't have an extreme emotional connection with the guy, but he USED me!

"Truthfully...well...yeah," he said. "Look, you got it on with a superstar. How many other people could say that? What more could you ask for?"

"YOU ARROGANT ASSHOLE!" I hissed at him, and stormed across campus to my room.

How could he say something like that to me? It must've taken some nerve. But then I got to thinking....what was my reasoning for doing that with him? I didn't like him all that much anyway. He wasn't the most spectacular-looking people on the planet. I realized that in some twisted way, Joey was right. I basically fooled around with him because he was famous. I know that a lot of people would do the same thing in my place, but I couldn't help but feel cheap. Should I now start calling myself a groupie? And then it hit me like a ton of bricks: in all likelihood, Lance was coming over tonight. I know that I could really hit it off with him, and his looks made him a sex god in my book, but should I tonight? I mean, do I really need to clean up my room, put on the aromatherapy candles, and turn down the lights for him?

I sat down to think about it. The room wasn't too messy. There were a couple outfits strewn about the floor. Lucky thing I was able to obtain a single room this year; otherwise, I'd have a possibly-untidy roommate to contend with. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.

"LET ME IN!!!" a voice boomed on the other side. I looked through the peephole, scared that it would be an angry Joey...

It was Lindsey. I pulled the door open and looked out into the hallway, looking out for either Joey or Lance. She couldn't be here if either one of them showed.

"I wanna know what's going on...and don't lie to me, Jeremy!" Lindsey looked at me with glow of excitement in her face.

"Well...it's a long story, sweetie," I said, "but basically, I fooled around with Joey, and I'm getting ready to start in on Lance."

"You're an absolute HO!" she said with delight. "I've heard that some of those guys were switch-hitters...but I thought those were just rumors!"

"Well, whatever the case may be, YOU can't be here now."

"Why not? I wanna be here to watch. Maybe Lance is kinky like that..."

"Lindsey, do you honestly think that an international superstar is going to want kinky threesome/voyeuristic stories popping up about him in the National Enquirer?"

"I won't say a thing! Honest!"

"Yeah, I'm sure that'll work on him. Go find a party somewhere, get drunk, and go to sleep."

"Ugggggh...okay. I'll let you have your queer fun alone than for tonight." She kissed me on the forehead. "Have fun with your guy."

"Night babe. Thanks for understanding," I said, and showed her out.

About an hour and a half later, Lance showed. That was an hour and a half filled with self-doubt and torture. I never thought he would arrive!

"Hi, sorry I took so long," he said apologetically. "The guys were slow to go to bed, and they were a bit skeptical when I said I wanted to go look around the campus and take a walk...especially Joey."

"Does he know about you, Lance?"

"No, not really. I didn't know anything about him either until tonight. Who knew that Joey was just as queer as me?" he laughed.

My face fell. "He's not Lance. He told me that I was just an experiment. He used me, but in a way, I guess I was using him too."

"Awwww...Jerm." He laid next to me and held me. "Look...Joey's just like that. He gets with someone at every stop. Just thank god that you didn't do anything a lil' more serious with him, or I'd ask you to go get a checkup!"

"Well, I just can't help but feel ridiculous. I guess the whole excitement of the situation got to me. I think I just slept with him because he's famous."

Lance was taken aback and looked frightened. "You're not doin' the same thing to me, are you? Because I don't wanna do that if that's the case."

"No, Lance. That's not the reason. You're cute, you're witty, you're nice. You're anything I'd look for in a guy."

"Jerm...you've known me for like four hours. How can you get that from this short a-time?"

"I'm not going to pretend I don't sit in the bookstore and act like I'm not reading a copy of BOP. I could recite to you your fave color, ice cream flavor, and your dog's name."

He was tickled by that. "You're kidding me. You know how invasive it feels that you already know my favorite ice cream flavor? We might as well be married!"

"Well in that case, you'd also be married to about ten thousand twelve-year olds too. And Mr. Bass...that's against that law."

I knew he was going to say something cheesy to that. I just knew it. "Well, buddy," he said, "you can take me into custody at any time. I like you a lot."

He kissed me. It was better than five handjobs from Joey. This was a kiss out of pure affection and emotion. I could tell by this that Lance wasn't playing; he wasn't experimenting; and he wasn't jacking me around. He honestly did like me...and it felt wonderful.

Before I knew it...one thing was leading to another. I really wanted to see Lance's chest, so I wasted no time in taking off his tight, ribbed shirt. It was really nice. He had some meat on it, but it wasn't extremely buff. Just the kind you can bury your head into. It was great. So that's what I did. But an annoying bump kept poking my hip. I smiled.

"What the hell is that, Lance? You have such a lumpy-ass body!"

He grinned and blushed. "Well, uh...you're REAL nice and all...so I just...uh.. couldn't help it."

"I can help it," I whispered, and stuck my hand down past his waistband. It was really a nice penis. It wasn't all deformed and ugly like I'd seen on some other guys. It wasn't terribly small, and it wasn't monstrously big either. I was overcome by hormones...and I just couldn't help myself. So I went down down down.

He was in hog heaven. I don't know if Lance had ever had head before, but by the apparent bliss on his face, it seemed like this might've been his first time. I liked the smell of his crotch. He must've just showered, because it smelled nice and clean.

Getting head is much more delicate and pleasurable than masturbating...and obviously this thought was going through Lance's mind. Before I knew it, he was panting, "I'M GONNA DO IT. LOOK OUT...IT'S GONNA HAPPEN." And he squirted all over that nice chest of his.

He looked too tired to do anything. It's always like that your first time. Therefore, I indulged him, and I didn't make him do anything to me. I undid my jeans, and I wailed away on myself. He took notice of what I was doing, and so he gave me little kisses on my face while I was working it. It was really nice, and I didn't know that kisses could feel so erotic and pleasurable. It usually takes me forever to come by my own hand...but such was not the case this time. I shot all over my hands and stomach just a few minutes after I started.

Even though I was clearly the one who was messier, I got up and got a towel for cleaning up. I put a little Purell on his hands to get the stickiness off, and I gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Are you gonna leave now?" I asked.

"Well, I was hopin' that I could stay here for most of the night with you...and then maybe leave early in the morning and sneak back in bed. Would that be okay?" he asked with a pleading look.

"Of course it would, Lance. Stay with me. Please don't leave."

"Jeremy, you know you don't have to ask twice."


You know that this isn't finished. So don't think that this is the definite end!

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