Godly X Men

By James cockburn

Published on Oct 27, 2009


X-men and all marvel characters are property of marvel and I do not own any of it and do not presume top know the sexuality of the characters the creators created. Charmed is property of the CW.

When we got to the institute i put up a barrier to alert us to if any intruders come to the institute. Wyatt and Chris came running towards as just as the sisters fell over i caught Phoebe while Leo caught Piper and Wyatt caught Paige."Here chris take Phoebe take them to the med-bay and i'll go tell Xavier about what had happened." I told tehm how to get there and then teleported to Xavier's office and told him everything that happened at the house and told him that Hera has a lot more help then i every tought that she could."I think i should make a few phone calls to find out exactly who is with her that way i can see if i can get the right people to help us." Just as i was leaving his office i felt that someone had entered the grounds that was not suppose to be here so i went to the door and before the person could open it i pushed open the door and the girl flipped back and landed in a ready to fight pose with a sai in each hand. She had raven black hair, blue eyes like sapphire, she was dressed in full red leather from the headband in her hair to the heeled boots on her feet. Her outfit look like something that a female assasin or ninja would wear to not look so much like a assasin or a ninja."You would never be able to get pass me not matter what you have learned or what other gifts you have." I told her point black and changing my clothes into a more suitable outfit for fighting hand to hand and also bring a staff appear in my hand."I for once did not come to fight atleast not until i have to i heard that the people who will be standing against what The Hand doing next are at the Xavier Institute. So i came." she said as she cock out her hip and flipped her hair behind her back and had a look of annoyance on her face."Okay Elektra i just had to make sure whether you came here to harm us or not to hurt us." when i said her name she made movement to show that she was surprised. "Well i do not know if The Hand is helping the person we will be fighting but you are welcome to stay while Xavier finds out." i told her while sending a message to the professor to wonder about The Hand and to tell him that Elektra was here and where i could put her. He told me that some of the people here have run into her on not so good terms and that we should keep her away from Remy, Rogue, Kitty and Emma."Elektra Xavier said you can stay and that The Hand is going to be involved and that if you stay here then you need to not agitate any of the people who you have crossed that are here or that come here." All she did was nod and started to walk toward me and i moved out of the way but the first person at the door was Emma and she looked pissed and it did not help that she was in her diamond form which meant that no matter what Elektra would not be able to hurt her."Just to let you know Emma that all my weapons are coated in diamonds so that in case you ever decided to come after me i could hurt you in any form." Elektra told Emma look serious."Elektra this school is a part of me and if you so much as hurt and hair on one of these children's heads you won't have to worry about me coming for you physically cause you will be in a perminate coma until the day you die." Emma told her with the face that any assasin would have on their face right before they kill the person. Emma Moved out of the way and Elektra walked in with her boots clacking.

Elektra put herself in one of the guest rooms that are set aside if anyone who is not a student comes for a visit. since i was just before dinner and i had not eaten a thing all day and i knew that Wyatt, Chris and Leo would not leave the side of the Charmed Ones until they awoke so i grab a few burgers and took it down to them."Hey i thought that you guys could use some food so that you do not faint from not eating." They all thank me and ate in silence so i went to the common room to see where everyone else is. On my way their i saw Scott and i quickly went into another room to hide from him i just could not deal with how he reacted after the amazing blow job he gave me and then how hard he took it after he thought i died. i stayed in the room until i saw him pass. We he was out of sight i looked at the room i was in and it just so happened that it was Scott's room. I saw that his drawers where open as well as his closet. I went to his top drawer and saw that he had a lot of thongs and boxer briefs. I then went to his closet and saw that he had all his X-Men uniforms from when he was in high school to when him and Emma ran this school before Xavier came back and they broke up. My favorite costume is one that he wore after X-factor was disbanded and the one he wore when him and Emma were dating. I left his room after that and quickly went to the common room and saw that most people were there so there was not much room for anyone else so i decided to go to the Danger Room. I went to the observation room adn saw that Emma was working off her agression from the interaction with Elektra. When i saw her something click in my head and i knew that she could be the vessel for a God. I told her this over the speakers and she agreed to it so i did the spell right on the spot because i knew that if Hera attacked we would need all the help we can as fast as we can.

I told Xavier telepathically that Emma was now a vessel and that i already did the spell and that i put her in the med-bay to finish the transformation. He said that when she awoke that he would tell the X-Men what he had found out.

I went to stay in the med-bay to make sure that everything with Emma went off without a hitch. I eventually feel asleep without any dreams. | awoke at 6 am and saw that Ororo, Logan, Laura, and Forge were all asleep around me and Emma was sitting up in the bed looking at us all. The professor came in just after we all woke up."Good you are all up all the X-Men members are waiting in the Danger Room for you guys." With that he left the med-bay and we all followed him to the Danger Room. We all walked in and i saw that everyone was except the kids who are actually at the school without being a X-Men which is a lot cause there are only 5 X-Men teams and those teams only about 10-15 people per team. Also all the Halliwells where here since they knew that they were no longer safe at their own houses.

Everyone was facing us as Xavier began to talk."Thank you everyone for coming. I would also like us all to extend a welcome to the members of the Halliwell family since they will be staying here for the forseeable future. Also i would like to tell you that Ms. Frost is know a vessel for a god that Liam will fill you in on after i am done. Liam learned that Hera as possessed the body of the Black Mamba. Also he as found that Hera as a lot more followers then previously anticipated. For the last 15 hours i have been trying to find out who exactly has been following her and i have had a lot of luck with that. First off The Hand has join her and that is why Elektra is her because she is one of the most experienced person when it comes to fighting The Hand. Also Hydra has joined her and that is why i am going to be calling in some of the Avengers and Young Avengers. Magneto and Mystique have also joined her also Doctor Doom, Loki, Hydroman, Sandman, Triton, Shadow King, Bastion, Venom, Mephestio, Gorgon, and Lady Satana. I will be calling in favors to get us more help since we presume that Hera will attack here since that is where Liam is. Now Liam will you please fill in everyone to what you have found out." Xavier said while turning to me and everyone else looked at me."Okay well i went to the Halliwell Manor because Wyatt and Chris had a feeling that their family was in danger so i decided to go with in case it was Hera which it was. As soon as we got there Hera realized that it was me and she called in some help and they were, Spiral who was the vessel for the Hindu Goddess Kali, She is the Goddess of Destruction, Sabertooth who is the vessel for the Celtic God Arawn, he is the God of the hunt and the underworld, Mister Sinister who was the vessel for the Egytpian God Seth, the Egytpian God of Chaos. She also had Bullseye, Carnage, Lillith, and Lady Deathstrike with her but they were not vessels for Gods. Emma is a vessel for the Norse Goddess Freya, she is the Goddess of love, beauty, war, magic, and wisdom." With everything being said the Professor dismissed us all.

I went to get myself some breakfast. I took the food and sat down at a table by myself even though different groups were calling me over. I was eating as i started to think about my life in general like if i had Zeus in me from birth then will i die when this is over and Zeus no longer has need to help this world or will Zeus just leave my body and i will just become a normal human. Also what will happen between my and Scott or is that over, what about Wyatt and Chris do they feel something for me or was just something to do for fun. As i left the dinning room to go to the Danger Room i saw that they had posted a flyer for the Halloween party that was coming up and i started to get excited because it said that you had to where a mask and that at midnight everyone would take off thier masks to reveal who they are and that no one can go to the dance together. This was psoted by the Stepford Cuckoos which also means that Emma had something to do with this. So instead of going to the Danger Room i went to my room to start ideas for my costume since there were a few guys i was hoping to impress and a few that i would not mind just having some fun with.

Thank you everyone who as writen comments to me and i will respond if you send me some. The chapter with the Halloween party will be posted after Halloween and if anyone has some suggestions please feel free to send them my way and i will think about them. the email is avalonpriest@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 13

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