Godly X Men

By James cockburn

Published on Aug 29, 2009


X-men and all marvel characters are property of marvel and I do not own any of it and do not presume top know the sexuality of the characters the creators created.

I saw that when I threw the ball from my hand it would hit where I aimed but if I just used a plane lightning bolt then it would still hit where I aimed but it would also branch out and hit other things along the way. I sat there so long that I never noticed that the sky had darkened and when I made another ball I got struck by a lightning bolt from the sky and I went fly into the lake and was unconscious and just floated there.

Chapter 7

As I floated I dreamt of the past.

I was in Ancient Greece on top of Mount Olympus and there was an apocalyptic battle raging around me that was between the Gods. I was dressed a dark red toga underneath silver armor.

"Hades!" I bellowed. "How could you do this we are brother and Ares you are my son?"

"Same as always brother blind to the people who really matter." Hades responds with venom in his voice. "Yes I am your brother yet you make me the Lord of the Dead so I am forced to solitude in the Underworld where I am only allowed to feel love for three months of the year, thanks again for that brother. So I decided to take control and overthrow."

"As for me father, tough i use the term loosely." Ares said also with venom. "Try to imagine having a father who is extremely unfaithful to my mother, but also sired many offspring whom many are half mortals and cared more for then my the only one that truly deserves your total devotion and one of the few that are full Gods. What do you have to say for your self father that could even come close to explain anything that you have done to us."

I responded with hurt in my heart. "I am sorry to both of you. Hades I made you the God of the Underworld, because you are the only God who has the patience to actually do the job, and maybe if you did not kidnap Persephone then you could have longer. Ares my son I am heart broken that you do not see that I love you and all my children equally, but if there is a reason why I am distant it is because you have always seemed independent and your lust for violence reminds my of Cronus'."

Hades face still had the same rage in it if not more while Ares looked as if he was thinking it over and suddenly his face was calm.

"Sorry father for my part in this battle." Ares said turning to Hades. "Hades this battle has to stop or we will destroy everything that is good in this world."

"You are an idiot nephew. I will never surrender to him!" He said then charged yet for but what he had not realized was that since Ares no longer wanted to fight me all of his forces and stopped so he was alone.I am sorry to do this. "Hephaestus!" I yelled. Hephaestus appeared behind Hades and wrapped him in his chains which can bind a god and make him powerless and they can only be released by Hephaestus, Hera or me.

"You have forced my to do this Hades if only you had realized you error then you would be able to remain but since you have decided to continue to fight i have choice but to proclaim. I ZEUS KING OF THE GODS HERE BY SENTENCE HADES LORD OF THE UNDERWORLD TO-"

"No!" Came a voice. "If you continue that sentence then it will bring on the Twilight and then we will cease to exist as we are and become nothing but energy with barely enough power to have an influence on the humans of this world and in short time they will think of us as idiotic ideas of unintelligent people."

"-BE SENT TO EARTH AND STRIPPED OF HIS ALL HIS POWERS BUT STILL REMAIN IMMORTAL TILL THE DAY HE REPENTS THEN HE CAN REJOIN HIS BRETHREN. So be it Hera are time is over anyways we have been to many gods to too many civilizations." With the proclamation made Hades disappeared and so were the rest of the gods every creature that Hades and Ares brought where sent back to Earth as were ours."I vow Zeus that you will regret this decision!" Hera bellowed as she faded into and incorporeal form.

Everything went white and i heard a voice that sounded feminine say "She is coming, soon you must pick heros to be vessels for the Gods that will help you. When it finished everything went black and I slept without dreaming and I don't think i ever will again.

I awoke in the med-bay with like a tingling sensation all over my body which quickly faded. I looked around and saw that no one was waiting around. So unhooked myself from all the machines and noticed that I was naked so I materialize a soft dark red robe that just went to my knees and showed my in a very sexy way.

As I left med-bay I saw that Emma and Scott were in the observation room for the Danger Room. I walked inside behinf them and saw that Laura, X-23, was practicing when suddenly I feel the presence inside me speak. "How is Morrigan doing?"

Sorry for the long wait but i have been busy with being sick, work and life stuff. As before if you have any ideas please email me at avalonpriest@hotmail.com and if you can please send me ideas for what characters could be what gods and they don't even have to be from X-Men.

Next: Chapter 8

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