Going Slow with Jess

By R Y

Published on Oct 6, 2002


Disclaimer: You must be 18 or older or something like that to read this. If it's illegal where you are, then don't do it, or at least don't get caught. This story contains details of male on male sex, if you disagree with this or don't like it, then don't read it. This story is fiction and if you think it resembles you, it doesn't. So I got some really good comments on the last one so I thought I'd try a second installment. It's nice hearing back from people and what they think of the story. Thanks to everyone who did write. If you have any feedback feel free to e-mail me at funinnj@hotmail.com

That first night with Jess was one of the best times I had in my life. Sounds kind of sad, but it really isn't. All I know is that Jess and I had something really special and I wanted it to last for the longest time. The next morning I woke up with Jess' arms wrapped tightly around me. Over the course of the night, with all our shifting around, we managed to push all the sheets off the bed. We were just wrapped in my one sheet and everything else was on the floor. The sunlight was pouring in through the blinds that we left open last night not thinking. If it wasn't for those damn blinds, I probably still would have been asleep at 10 AM on a Saturday. I slid out of Jess' embrace and went to the window to shut the blinds. It was such a beautiful day outside, the sun was beaming down on the beautiful green grass that lazily swayed in the wind. The trees gently danced side to side. And there was no one around, not a soul. Not very surprising, it is a college campus at 10 AM on a Saturday, it's a ghost town. I was just staring out the window taking in the beauty and then I snapped out of it. I grabbed the rod and started twisting it to shut the blinds.

"Why don't you leave it open babe, it looks so beautiful out." I turned around and there was Jess flashing me his trademark smile from the bed.

"Oh, I thought you were still asleep"

"I'm awake, Just not ready to get out of bed. Except it's real lonely over here" He said with these poor puppy dog eyes. That kid was such a tease, you have no idea.

"Oh it is, is it? And what should I do about that?" I loved being a little smart-ass. And so did he.

"Well I guess you can go next door and ask if one of them wants to lay in bed with me."

"Sure, I'll be right back" I started walking across the room to the door. As I walked by the bed, Jess reached out and grabbed me.

"Get your ass in this bed and keep me company." He pulled me on top of him and started tickling me. We were rolling around in the bed trying to tickle each other until we ran out of breath. I just collapsed on top of him. "Randy, I didn't get to give you a good morning kiss yet"

"Well what the hell are you waiting for silly?" He gave me a soft kiss at first and then a more passionate one. We both had a night's worth of stubble and it felt so funny kissing him like that, normally we're all shaved when we kiss. We still were tired and weren't in the mood to really "get into it" so we just stopped kissing and I laid there on top of him with my head on his chest. We both stared out the window as I listened to his heartbeat. My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. It was getting so hard just to open them. Jess was talking about this camping trip he went on a few years ago that had this beautiful waterfall and then, nothing. I must have just fell fast asleep. The next thing I know I'm waking up in my bed, all alone. I look around and Jess is no where to be found. I manage to drag my ass out of bed and look in the bathroom; he wasn't there either.

I had no idea where he went. Did he think we made a mistake? Was he mad that I fell asleep during his story? I walked out of the bathroom and then I saw a little note on my desk.

-Hey Sweetie

You fell asleep so I decided to go grab us some breakfast. I have to make sure my man keeps us his strength. Don't miss me too much.



I was just floored by that, he was such a sweet guy. Man, even his note turned me on. His handwriting just looked so hot. I really had it bad for this guy. I went and started to make the bed and tidy up the room. I was such a complete neat freak it just bothered the hell out of me.

I finished making the bed and straightening up the room and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and looked into the mirror. My hair was all over the place, it looked like I had a real rough night. I kept looking at myself and just thought how lucky I was to have someone who liked me. Someone who didn't mind the pimples and the extra weight, but who really liked me. I am probably being way too hard on myself, I have low self-esteem and I know it, I'm not that bad looking, just average looking, but still it helped having someone.

I started the water in the shower and was about to get in when I remembered that Jess didn't have a key. Our dorm doors lock automatically so he can't get back in, and I didn't want to be in the shower when he knocked because I wouldn't hear him. So I went back into my room and threw on a T-shirt and shorts, I hated walking around in just my boxers; it just made me feel so uncomfortable. I sat down to watch some TV, except nothing was on. That's the one problem with Saturday mornings, nothing to watch. I finally settled on some syndicated series with bad acting and waited for Jess to get back.

About ten minutes later there was a knock at the door. I looked through my peephole and there's my guy standing in the hall with some bags. I opened the door and there was Jess standing in front of me with the biggest grin on his face. He must have run back to his dorm before he went to get food because he was in different clothes. He had on black Adidas sweat pants, a white wifebeater, and a hat. God he was sexy. The wifebeater really showed off his arms and made them look even more attractive. And he still didn't shave so he had that whole rugged look going on. He walked in and as the door shut gave I gave him a huge kiss. He seemed surprised but then got into it.

"Miss me much?" He asked.

"Nah, not really" I smirked. "I'm just glad you bought some food"

"I bet, what would you do with me Randy"

"I have no idea Jess. You know you didn't have to go out for food, I have some cereal here I think."

"Well you fell asleep and then I was awake and couldn't fall asleep and I figured it be nice to get us a real meal after our first sleep over."

"Aw, such a sweetie" I said as I pinched his cheek like an aunt would to her little nephew. "So you ran back to your room?"

"Yeah, I didn't feel like wearing khakis and a sweater just to get some breakfast so when I picked up my keys I just put this on. You like?"

"Eh, It's ok. But it still covers up that sexy body of yours" He just gave me a quick kiss and got the breakfast out. He went to McDonalds and got the big breakfast combos. We sat there and ate them while we finished that stupid show that I started to watch on TV. Breakfast is such a messy meal, with syrup and jelly and all that. Plus the fact that I'm a pretty messy eater, so by the time we were done, I was sticky as hell, from food, not other stuff. Get your minds out of the gutter.

"God look at me, I really need a shower." I said.

"Yeah you do. Maybe it'll get rid of that smell too" he joked.

"Like you don't smell" Jess picked up his arm and sniffed his armpit.

"Ew, I do too. Maybe we should get a shower together." That really caught me by surprise. I'd showered with guys before and it never really did anything for me. It just felt very weird and awkward before, standing in the shower with someone all naked and trying to get clean. I mean how many people does it take to get clean. But that was before, I thought it'd kind of be fun to have him in the shower with me.

"Well then come on sexy" I took his hand and led him to the bathroom. I turned on the water and made sure it was warm and Jess was at the sink.

"Mind if I use your toothbrush?" he asked.

"Feel free," He brushed his teeth and then walked over to me. "All ready?" I asked.

"Well I think we better get undressed first" Always the one with the jokes, wasn't he? He reached over and pulled my shirt over my head. It's just the coolest thing in the world to have your boyfriend undress you. I love when the shirt goes over your head, you're in darkness for a minute and then there's this beautiful guy waiting for you when the light returns. He tossed my shirt to the side and then pushed my boxers and shorts down with one quick swoop. I reached for his wifebeater and pulled it over his head. It was snug on him, it felt like I was pealing it off his body. He gave me this huge smile as I threw his wifebeater to the pile where my clothes were. I pushed his boxers and Adidas pants down and he stepped out of them. His dick flopped as he stepped out, it was soft hanging gently over his round balls.

There we were both completely naked under the harsh white florescent lights of the bathroom. We'd never seen each other naked under the bright lights before, last night was dim and romantic. Now it was so harsh. It didn't matter though, I think he'd look great under any type of lighting. He smiled again and gave me a hug. As we were hugging I was facing the mirror. It was so funny, seeing two naked guys hugging, and one of them being me. And I so looked like a ghost compared to him. I just looked so pale next to his skin, but then again, I am pale. It's the price you pay when you have red hair and freckles.

We stepped into the shower and closed the curtain. It was one of those stall showers so it was close quarters but not uncomfortable. We stood there trying to get wet so we'd be warm. I just hate being half-wet in the shower; I have to be totally wet. I wet my hair and pushed it all back then looked over at Jess. He was facing the nozzle so I got to see his ass. I hadn't gotten a good look at it before, but man it was cute. It was just the right size, muscular but not all anorexic looking. He turned around and bumped into me. I just smiled and him and we started to kiss. The water was cascading around us as we sat letting the water run between us. Our hands roamed each other's slick bodies and our tongues played in our mouths. I felt the blood rushing to my cock and inflating it. His cock was getting larger and larger as it rubbed against my leg. He reached down and started to rub my cock against his. He gently kissed his way down my neck, then my chest, and to my belly. He gave my cock a kiss on the head and then he just took it right into his mouth. It was so warm and soft and it felt so good. He started sucking on it and going up and down on it faster and faster. He looked up at me with those beautiful browns eyes as he did it, god he was the best. He played with my balls as he was letting my cock go in and out of his mouth. Then his finger started to press against my hole. Just gently pressure, not trying to penetrate. He was push teasing it with his middle finger. It was the best sensation. I couldn't take much more of it, my body started to spasm and I blew my load down his throat. I was all fuzzy and lightheaded as he licked the rest of the cum off my cock.

Jess stood up and gave me a passionate kiss. I could taste cum on his breath and it just turned me on more. I got down on my knees and looked at his beautiful cock, it was sticking straight out just waiting for me. I licked up and down the shaft then I started licking around the head. Jess was moaning softly and he put his hand on my head. I opened my mouth and took his cock into it. It had such a great taste and felt so big in my mouth. I started sucking and going up and down on it. I could taste his salty precum and Jess was really getting into it. He was fucking my mouth, not too hard though, but he was really going for it. I could tell he was getting close, he was moaning pretty loud and his body was tensing up. With a huge release his cock started to spasm and release his cum into my mouth. I swallowed it and then pulled off. I licked the rest of the cum off and looked up at Jess. He was breathing pretty heavy and was red in the face. We kissed again and then decided we should actually shower. We soaped each other up and took turns rinsing. It was such a warm and beautiful thing. I turned the water off and then grabbed a towel. I wrapped it around Jess and kissed him. Then I dried his hair and got all the dripping water off of him. He did the same to me.

We got out of the bathroom all dried off and went to get dressed.

"You should really wear this." he said to me, picking out khakis and a nice button down shirt.

"I should? Little dressed up isn't it?" I asked.

"Well who knows what your going to be doing later?"

"What are you up to mister?"

"Wouldn't you like to know"

"Come on, tell me Jess"

"You'll find out at seven. I'll come pick you up then. I have to go back to my room and get some work done first."

"Please tell me Jess"

"Randy, you just have to relax. It'll be a fun surprise." With that he kissed me goodbye and went out the door. I watched him as he walked down the hall. I couldn't help but notice Jess had a little more bounce in his step. It was so cute.

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